Build on Mantle - AMA with Arjun Kalsy

Recorded: Jan. 12, 2023 Duration: 0:09:58



Hey everybody, can you hear me okay? See Arjun you've got the speaker role now just make sure you can speak and everybody can hear you all right Yeah, if I'm right
Great, I can hear you okay too. Let me just get a couple more things set up and then we'll get started here shortly.
All right. Thanks everybody for joining today's build on mantle, AMA with Arjun Calci, who is the head of ecosystem over at mantle. We will dig in more into who Arjun is and what he's up to.
here at Mantle in just a moment. But first, just a quick intro for myself, I'm a community manager over at BITDOW at Mantle working with teams like Windranger to build community in the BIT ecosystem. And we collected over 400 or roughly 400 actually questions and this conversation
is really going to be a summary of those questions. It's going to be more of a discussion interview style. So following this interview we will jump into a brief Q&A section at the end. So if you have a question please hit the Request to Speak button and we'll hand out that speaker role to people at the end of the course.
for additional questions. And as always, remember to like, retweet, and follow. All right, so without further ado, Arjun, can you just give us a brief intro? Can you explain yourself here in roughly three sentences?
So first thing like super excited to be here and then you know interact with the community just so three sentences right so super interesting so let me okay so let me put it this way so I'm Argent Kelsey I've you know I've
work for about over a decade across in leadership roles across different types of technology. For me, the journey down the rabbit hole started in 2016 and I've been involved in the ecosystem ever since. And prior to joining Mantle, I was head of BDN Growth at Polygon.
amazing, very concise and impressive resume you got there. Glad to have you on the team for sure. So based on the past experience you had at Polygon, what can we expect in mantle with having you here on the team?
I'm sure things. So I think polygon was a pretty interesting experience for me. So I joined the team like super early. They were just about I think 20 hours of the time and well, the business team, literally three people, right? So we have to build everything from scratch. So I think I've got like a very good understanding of the ecosystem.
I've had a chance to connect with a huge number of partners in the space, so that gives me more context on the space. What are the things we can do? What are the things we probably shouldn't do? I think drawing from that experience, I feel that with Mantle, we have a really interesting
opportunity to build like really, really large ecosystem. So, you know, if you look at mantle as a whole, there's already a very large ecosystem out there and, you know, with the help of the community, you will be able to build something truly, truly special and take the space forward. So I'm super excited by this opportunity and yeah, and like, you know, expect
to see lots of interesting projects in the ecosystem expect to see a lot of interesting types of partnerships. And I want to also try or rather bring like a different kind of a new approach towards ecosystem building, which I'll talk about a little later. So that's kind of the plan at Mandel.
Great, yeah, looking forward to digging in more to the ecosystem questions later on the call. But to start, let's jump into some of these sort of mantle one-on-one questions that we received. So first, what is mantle and how does mantle compare to other L2s?
Alright, so let me cover that. So so mantle is an Ethereum L2 blockchain and of course, you know, we very aligned to Ethereum because the entire bit outrashies on Ethereum. So when we looked at, you know, the kind of ecosystem we wanted to build, it just made sense for us to go with, you know, with
with Ethereum and build a layer to solution. Of course, what we've also done as a part of, and I think what sets us apart from other end to solutions is a couple of things. On the technical side, we've sort of iterated on the design of optimistic rollups for our testnet. We're introducing data availability
Although it's in this alpha phase, but we wanted to jump the gun. We wanted to sort of experiment with this kind of technology and bring something given exciting to the developers. Also, we've had like several other kinds of innovations baked into the product like for example, multi-party communication along with TSS signature scheme, you know, for our bridge.
And then to make that experience a lot better, we're also sort of working with different types of fraud proofs to ensure that we're able to essentially bring a high degree of security to this design. And of course, at the same time, our researchers are hard at work also researching ZK roll-up designs, so that as we move from testnet to mainnet, we're able to bring
the best in class and technology to the market and really bring something which is very exciting for developers and for projects and is also able to to a very large extent be a great solution for the blockchain trial demo bringing scalability, bringing speed and also building very high security

FAQ on Build on Mantle - AMA with Arjun Kalsy | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the speaker in this podcast?
The community manager at bitdow.
Who is the head of ecosystem at mantle?
Arjun Calci.
What is the purpose of the podcast?
To answer questions about Mantle and Arjun's role there.
What is Mantle?
An Ethereum L2 blockchain.
How does Mantle compare to other L2s?
Mantle has iterated on the design of optimistic rollups for its testnet, introduced data availability, and has other innovations baked in, such as multi-party communication and fraud proofs.
What is Arjun's background?
He has worked in leadership roles across different types of technology for over a decade and has been involved in the ecosystem since 2016.
What did Arjun do before joining Mantle?
He was head of BDN growth at Polygon.
What can we expect from Mantle with Arjun on the team?
Lots of interesting projects and partnerships, and a new approach towards ecosystem building.
What is the purpose of the Q&A section at the end of the podcast?
To allow people to ask additional questions.
How many questions did they collect for this podcast?
Roughly 400.