Collab.Community Spotlight on Security: scam season is picking up 😬

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 0:54:58



I'll see you in the next video.
All right, here we are, GM, GM, Jimmy, you are here.
We have spotlight on security kicking off for today, which is exciting because it's always
important to stay safe, and I think it's very good that we are here kind of sharing that message.
It is January 25th. We are not going to be joined by Anjali today. We've got a lot going on with
Telefriends and the Klam Land now, so she is attending to other things. But we do have
the amazing magical Chibi here, who's from our comms team, and she's our Discord mod lead,
and just an all-around asset to our team. We are super lucky to have her join us, and she also
authored the most recent security thread that we put out on Twitter, so we'll be able to cover that
as a little bit of our conversation for today. Chibi, thank you so much for joining.
Thank you, Candy, so much for having me. It is great to be here, as always, and I agree it's
very important to talk about security. If I can tell you, we got a message, like two days ago,
maybe, from someone in our Reports Camp channel saying, like, you know, we've seen a spike in
Klam Land impersonators in the last 30 days. 850 plus websites have spun up in the last month
that are impersonating Klam Land, in the last month, 850 plus websites. That is so crazy to think about,
and I think it's because of the fact that, yeah, that it's signaling that
maybe we're maybe back to the ballroom season. We've seen some things happening,
numbers going up on the market, going back, kind of, but this is crazy. It's a big, big number,
and, you know, we see reports all the time of Klam Land bots, but that's only the people who
report. Like, it's wild to think that there's so many out there, and only in the last month.
That's just mind-blowing to me. That is, like, 150 scam websites, specifically
targeting Klam Land users. Which is one of the things, actually, that had inspired our space
today in the topics is the fact that, as GBHue and I are doing support regularly and going through
the tickets that people are submitting, like, we get a lot of tickets that are, you know,
actual issues with the Klam Land bot and how to, you know, set up and fix TGRs and things like
that, but unfortunately, a lot of the ones we see are also scam interactions, right? Like,
people have gone to a community, a lot of them, you know, they join from a Twitter link,
and then they try to connect to the community, and it is not actually us. It is a bot that
has the same name, Klam Land, but not the same validation or, you know, verify your codes at
the end. Gosh, why can I think of the right word for that? But designators. And so, we get a lot
of bots that try to look like and very closely impersonate Klam Land and then behave very
differently than we do. Unfortunately, those, you know, you connect your wallet and instead of simply
verifying with a read-only transaction like we do, they are having people sign transactions that
provide allowances. So, you know, have a wallet trainer hooked up to your account,
and it ends up, you know, people lose a lot of assets this way, whether they're tokens or NFTs or
combination thereof. And then the message asks, going, hey, you know, you took my things, which
most definitely we did not, but also, you know, that's something that we as a company need to
find a way, and maybe more than just as a company, as a community, need to find a way to get people
to slow down a little bit, right? Like, if you are ever going to sign a transaction, you need to
first stop, like, do a little bit of research, double-check to make sure that what you're
interacting with is what you expect to be interacting with. Confirm that it's Klam Land,
confirm that this is a project you want to connect with and not simply something you're
fumbling into, because that's a lot of times how we get caught up in things that are not good for us.
And always just do research before you sign transactions, because once you sign it,
it's out there, and those are things that very quickly can lose control.
For sure. And that's why it's so important to understand how Klam Land works, and I believe we
put a, well, we have a lot of info out there about that, but I remember a recent thread on how it
works, how our message works, how it's human readable, how you really need to pay attention to
those kind of things and what you're signing, and not just with Klam Land, but everywhere.
But yeah, it is very sad, really, to keep receiving those support tickets, for example,
or those reports in the Discord. Some of them are with people that just want to verify it
before they sign, which is ideal, but a lot of them are, yeah, just what you said, hey,
I connected here, I lost my ad sets. Even one of them recently said, like, oh, and the owner
of the server said that they're not responsible for this. It's totally Klam Land who stole my
assets. I'm like, well, I mean, that's something that a scammer would probably say.
You shouldn't trust that too much. It is very sad. And yeah, just as you said,
just take a moment, take a moment to see if anything feels weird, or if anything looks a
bit sketchy or out of the ordinary, why are they charging me for this? What is this website URL?
Is it any suspicious? Like, if there's any red flags at all, that's just,
yeah, you should stop right there and take a little moment to go and verify
before, yeah, things like this happen, and they keep happening.
Yeah, that's, you know, and that's one of those things that, unfortunately,
one of the benefits of Web3, right, is that you can engage with people no matter where you are,
kind of pseudo-anonymously or anonymously, and trustlessly too, right? Like, blockchain
is something that, like, I don't have to know you to have a transaction with you.
But at the same time, that's risky because we don't know who we're dealing with. And so,
you have to be more vigilant in making sure that the things you're interacting with,
the people you're interacting with are, in fact, you know, doing what they're telling you they're
doing, because it's very easy, unfortunately, to be deceptive in this space. And that's,
it is very heartbreaking to see. And speaking of, not only just the people we're engaging with,
right, but, like, because we have engaged in Web3, you know, like, you might have signed into OpenSea
and, you know, registered with your email address, or Wallet Connect was one Chibi that you had,
and I'm going to share the tweet to this base, so that way we can discuss that.
So, if you, you know, sign up with Wallet Connect, Connect is your email,
occasionally those things like email lists get compromised, and then phishing targets are sent,
and it makes sense, right, because people, the scammers know, if you are engaging with Wallet
Connect or OpenSea or some Web3 platform, like, that makes you a prime target, because you,
you know, inevitably have some type of crypto engagement, and thus, you know, would be
somebody that, if they were to compromise, would have assets they could take, and so
that's one of the things that is really important, I think, to be careful and double-check, verify
that when you're getting emails, even if they look like they're coming from OpenSea or Wallet
Connect, you know, never click the links in the emails, double-check and see who it's coming from,
and then the tweet that I shared here, you can see, like, the email came from Wallet Connect,
but then they have this join in claim, and so it's possible to spoof emails when they show up,
you know, in your inbox, the from is a spoofable thing, and it definitely is, you know, a risk,
but I would say, like, never, you know, if, for example, OpenSea, you get a lot of thinking,
hey, somebody's made an offer, same with Rarible, made an offer on your NFT, don't click the link
right from your email, go directly to the website, like, yes, it's one extra step, but that guarantees
that you are going where you expect to be going, and don't end up, you know, clicking a transaction
without knowing where it came from.
Mm-hmm, for sure, and that's the thing, right? Like, when you look at the, at the pinned tweet
and at the screenshot, it looks legit, like, it comes from contact at,
but not even then we can trust those, like, that's just crazy. So, yeah, taking those little extra
steps can save you from stuff like this. And also, I guess you're saying maybe things like
Pocket Universe or these extensions in your browser are a good idea, too, so that if you do happen to
click one of these links and they ask you to connect your wallet, that may save you as well.
It did save me once. I'm a bit ashamed to say, but, yeah, I was rescued by Pocket Universe.
I think this was the, maybe the Blar air drop back in the day, I think. And from then on, I'm like,
oh my god, no, I really need to stop paying more attention, because also you feel like you've been,
at least in my case, I've been in the space for a little bit, so I feel like I'm aware of these
things, and I kind of know how things work, so you start, like, just doing the process and you're
doing it. Yeah, I, and so I have actually installed Pocket Universe recently, right?
Which I will say I use it in maybe a slightly different way, as risky as the sounds, right?
Like, I'll log in with an alternate wallet. I have it on a browser specifically for a wallet
that I use for testing things, because never test things with your actual wallet that you
hold things in, right? But I will frequently use it to click on some of those links,
like, in Discord, where we're like, hey, like, this could be legit, it could be scammy, who knows?
So I use Pocket Universe as a, like, is this actually sketchy test? And it's, I will say
it's not 100%, right? Like, there is a risk there that they may not catch something. And so never,
you know, put 100% faith in things, you still need to verify, but this is a way to verify
something. So, and one method of, like, you know, double check, but that's maybe a good
idea. Like, I use, for example, on my computer, I use Google Chrome as my primary browser. So
I have a separate instance of that, you know, that's, you know, logged in with a separate email,
it has a different meta mask, not just, you know, a separate wallet in the same,
in our separate address in the same wallet, but like a whole different wallet, different
seed phrase. So that way, it's disconnected from and granted, it still is on the same
computer. So if my computer were to be compromised, everything would be compromised,
like that is a fair assessment, but it's a way to, you know, kind of verify before you
engage with things, just as a personal anecdote. No, and I think that's a great idea.
If you're like, lazy, like me, you might think it's a lot of work, but it's not even like,
it's just a couple of steps. But I'm just so lazy, and I should really focus a little bit
more about that. Yeah, I think it's great, because I'm also, I don't know if it happens
to you, but it's also the curiosity of, is this actually scam? Like someone's sending me a random
message, and it is likely always a scam. But you kind of want to know, like, where is this going
to take me? Or sometimes when people hide links in Discord, you can hyperlink it to a different
website. Sometimes it takes you, I don't know, to random places. I'm like, Hmm, interesting. Where
is this going to take me? And it's not the best practice, but I'm doing something like what
you're doing of, yeah, having like a test wallet to do this kind of thing. I think it's a great
idea. I should totally do that. Yeah, that's, you know, there are a lot of different ways to,
you know, do the trust, but verify to stay safe to have, you know, say an email address that you
only use for crypto things that way, it's not giving other personal information. Yeah,
there's a lot that you can do. And it's not a one size fits all approach. But definitely,
you know, in my case, because I know I like to click things, and I like to see what
happens. I'm very much a curiosity killed cat type of person. So to save myself from myself,
I have created some safeguards where I can go, All right, what is this instead of just assuming
it's bad? Is it really bad? And then I can, with confidence, share and go, Hey, like,
watch out for this thing, it's sketchy or report it, which, speaking of reporting TV, you put a
tweet out today about reporting OpenSea fake collections, which is a good one, right? Because
those, and I'm gonna share that in the space here, fake OpenSea collections are risky, right? Because
those are the ones where like, you can airdrop, it's super easy to airdrop NFTs to any wallet you
want, really. And a lot of times, like what they do, and it's so sketchy is people will airdrop these
NFTs to wallets, then they'll put in a bunch of like, you know, fake bids or whatever on them.
So that way, when you go to accept it, like, you know, now, it triggers some other sort of
transaction, or, you know, could be linked to things could give an approval for that account,
which is tied to, you know, something else. Like, there's some really weird, you know,
coding magic that has happened with some of these accounts. But more than that, you know, because
those are some of the more complex attacks, more than that, Chibi, it's just the links in this,
the collections, right? Like you click on the NFT, it says, Hey, here's the website, you click
that, and then what? Like, what happens then? Yeah, it is super sketchy. And this was inspired by
I was just checking, he's not in the space right now. But it's one of our
B-squared server, frequent members, called CJ. And he posted in the chat like, hey,
I see this NFT in my wallet, it's called Collabor Drop. Is this a thing? Because I've been kind of
out of the loop. I mean, there's been a drop, a claim in the past. So I just let you check and
I'm like, yeah, that's not it. And as you say in the audience, he also said like, no, that's
super sketchy. That is not us. And this happens all the time. If you have an open C account,
if you connect your wallet to it, and you check on the hidden, there's a hidden option. If you check
that, you'll likely see a lot of sketchy NFTs use AirDrop to you. I added one that I've received too,
if you check on it. But yeah, they even try to link socials of the real projects to their
descriptions and stuff so that they see images. And yeah, they're so not. In that description
somewhere, they will add a sketch link. Or even this Collabor Drop one, it's in the same image.
It has a link in the NFT image. So you can hopefully see it in a lot of places. I don't know
who to grab it from there. But yeah, I guess they expect people to go and type it out and
go and claim their AirDrop. And you see it and you're like, no, that's a pretty sketch.
But I mean, it only takes one person for it to be worth it. And it does happen,
which is super unfortunate, but it does happen. And if you're not familiar with it, you're like,
oh, and maybe when did I claim this NFT? When did I get it? Or did I do something and now I'm
getting this AirDrop or, you know, whatever, or just curious. And yeah, people do fall for it to add.
And so we did a quick guide, because I feel like we also don't talk about that too often,
maybe, but it does keep happening. It's one of the most known ones. But yeah,
I feel like there's always new people joining the space and may not be as aware of these kind of
things. So yes, we put this little thread together on how to report these fake collections.
And it is very simple. It's all done on OpenSea. You click the three dots, go to report item or
user, you can do any of those. And you follow the steps, you can see it in the thread. But yeah,
we did think it was important to bring that up and to mention again that there's no collab AirDrop
right now. And if you receive an NFT like that, that ain't us. That's a scam, please don't.
And as always, please don't click anything sketchy. Please don't.
Don't follow any sketchy instructions. Please don't. And please verify first.
Yes. Not only that, but I had to. So sometimes when I share these threads, I share them
on Twitter in a way such that people cannot, if they're not, if we don't follow them,
they can't comment on the thread, which has its pros and cons. Like on the plus side,
if collab lands following people, they're probably but not guaranteed to be legit. And I say that
because everyone again, you know, accounts squeak through and I don't want to tell you
that everybody we're following is legit because while I've done my best to verify, I simply
cannot make that guarantee. So please be careful. But more than that, one of the things that a
lot of really shady accounts do is they make tweets to like, hey, an airdrop or whatever,
and make it so people cannot reply because then they can't reply that it's scammy, right?
So that's why I have not been making our posts about these things close to replies because I
don't want it to seem exactly like the bad things that are out there. But at the same time,
I know that that tends to a lot of the phrases we use when we're talking about security tend to
draw those, you know, kind of scammy auto bot post replies. So in the thread, that was one of
the things that I added chibi. In addition to the recognition at the end, it was like, hey,
you know, not only if you get one of these airdrop NFTs, but if you see a reply, you're
talking about an airdrop, like, also bad news. And that's important to know, right? Because
as much as I hate to say it, but like, people aren't just generally going to be giving out
free money. And that's a hard thing to remember sometimes because here we are in the web3 space
where airdrops are a thing, but they also very largely are a scammy thing. So it's
something you need to really be careful with because yes, there are good ones,
but there are way more bad ones. Yeah, I feel like that's for sure what draws people's attention
the most. Because yeah, who doesn't love a free something? But nothing's free, my friends. Yes.
So we have I posted actually, I shared in the space here some of your other threads to chibi,
not just the exposing fake NFT collections, but also discord bots, telegram groups,
making sure that people in our community of communities are staying safe and helping
others stay safe, because that is really important to us without people feeling like they're safe,
they won't stay in these communities, they won't stay in web3. And that is a really big loss of
progress, right? Without people wanting to engage and feeling like they're safe to engage,
we will continue to be able to move the space forward as a whole. So that's why we put out a
lot of these messages, because it, you know, very much is our responsibility, you know,
as collab land and as individuals to try and help everybody stay safe.
For sure. And speaking of our community members, I wanted to give the Antwerp because I see him
in the audience. And thanks for helping me with the pronunciation of your name.
Oh, I just wanted to give them a kudos because they are doing a fantastic job at helping us report
impersonators, fake bots, fake mainphishing domains in our Discord server.
Oh, amazing.
And yeah, just to give them a kudos and thank you for all your hard work and for
helping us with the reporting of, you know, all of these bad actors.
It's amazing. So definitely a huge thank you. If only we had kudos on Twitter,
we'll have to drop one in the Discord. Since we do have that as a mini app, not that we're trying
to show other things, but also we're trying to show other things. Let's be real. collab land has
a lot of really neat functionality in addition to keeping community members safe. We want to make
sure they're recognized and kudos is a way to do that. We do love kudos.
And other things that we love. We love pull up, which is going to go live here in just a minute.
So I forgot to do the reminder at the beginning of the space, but here it is now. If you have
the pull up app on your mobile device, you can open that up and get ready to mint. If you don't
have it, you can download it from the app store. For our Twitter spaces, we always use the secret
phrase, which you have to do on the mobile app. If you're in the Discord events, though,
we have it directly in Discord with the collab land integration. So that's cool. But unfortunately,
doesn't work for the Twitter space events. So you'll have to use the app itself.
And if you open it up and select mint in the bottom right and then secret word,
you will type in for the next 15 minutes, no scams. So it's two words, but they're all lowercase,
no spaces. It is N-O-S-C-A-M-S, no scams. And that will get you the pull up for today.
Because we are talking about safety and security and trying to help people stay away. And to be
honest, when I made the secret word, I then had the no scrub song stuck in my head for a little
bit. So the code is no scams. But if you want to listen to no scrubs after Shibi, I think that
would be a good one to start one of our next events in Discord with. I'm just saying, I'm
putting in my request now. Perfect. So yeah, again, if you want to mint the POAP, it's available
until 2.15 PM Eastern time. Using the phrase, it's all lowercase, no spaces, no scams, N-O-S-C-A-M-S,
no scams. That will get you a little super ace. Which I think is fun Shibi, right? Because we have
ace doing security stuff. And before we had telefriends, we had ace kind of wearing a cape
doing security things. And now we have telefriends where we have everybody wearing capes because
they're superheroes. So with the POAP for today, we have one kind of similar to this from a previous
event for security. But it's got like the bat signal. It's got the security spotlight
summoning ace with his little cape. So it's kind of a fun thing. It's one of my favorite parts of
the day, being able to work on POAPs and share them. And now we have them. So thank you to
everybody who's joined and been able to collect it. And if you have questions or need help,
definitely you can reach out to us at Discord, Shibi. Is there managing all the things and
being amazing? I'm managing the Twitters, so you can hit me up on Roodmoose or Collabland or
telefriends. Any of those will get you me. That's how that works. So if you have questions
or trouble mentioning the POAP and need help with that, we can do that as well.
But Shibi, are there additional security topics for today that you wanted to cover? I know we've
gone through a lot of the threads and kind of the big hitters that Collabland has been
seeing struggles with affecting our community, kind of having, unfortunately,
those impersonating bots that are really a detriment to the space.
Well, first of all, this is an adorable POAP. I love your POAPs. They're so cute. And I love the
look that he's holding. And it's so cute. But yeah, of course. No, thank you. These are beautiful.
But yeah, going back to security. And I'm curious, too, because I see a lot of our Discord members
in the audience, too. I'm curious if you guys have seen any new scam attempts around,
or if you've received any sketchy new DMs or anything like that. Like, always please feel
free to share those, because I'm really very curious on what's new out there.
When it comes to me, I feel like lately what I've been getting the most is just people asking,
hey, can I have a minute of yours? And I never reply, but it's like they use the exact same message.
I just know straight out that that's sketchy. They'll try something. And I ain't got time for
that. So I straight up ignore them. But it's also a bit difficult to decide whether or not
you report them, because they haven't done anything bad yet. But then do I want to
make the effort of having that conversation with them? Not really. So I just ignore those.
Yeah, I guess it's up to you. But the general recommendation is if you get anything sketchy,
ignore if it has a link report. That's not it.
I do that. So my process of that, because I get a lot of those DMs in Discord. If you
send me a DM immediately with some kind of a shill and a link, I will report, because
nobody should be sending me sketchy links. And I check those. But if it's somebody who's like,
hey, I have a problem, like, I'll go, you know, like, usually send a gif, because I like to
communicate and give some Discord, like, what's up. And then depending on how they respond,
like, you can tell pretty quickly within a couple engagements, if they are trying to pull
some kind of scam. But my favorite one, I know we've talked about it before, Chibi. But my favorite
one is the Steam one, where like, oh, I accidentally reported you. And like, as I've said, it's really
easy to find me because I have the same username literally everywhere. But I'm also logged into
Steam and can see that my account is not banned. So I don't know why accidentally
reporting me when you would DM me and tell me about it. So that's, you know, always an
interesting one, because I'm like, who falls for this, but also, I know a lot of people do,
because otherwise, they wouldn't keep doing it. So that's, you know, those things that I have
before I continue. Leonardo is responded to our space here to ask if we can repeat the
secret word. So let's do that. It is all lowercase. And there are no spaces. So you're just
going to type the letters n o s c a m s. No scams. Hopefully, that works, because we are
trying to avoid it. We say no scrubs, no scams.
And also, because I see someone asking the Discord too, this is done in the POAP app.
So either the mobile app, or if you are on your desktop, you may be able to download it. I use
Mac and I can use the app too. So yeah, you need to go to the POAP app. You'll see where it says
mint. At the bottom, you click that and you select secret word. Is that correct? Yes.
Amazing. So no scams and o s c a m s. No scams. We'll get you the POAP for today.
Get a super ace. Yeah, good luck with the game. I did terrible. But anyways,
yeah, I'm trying to think of anything else that I've seen recently in the Discord.
And yeah, I recently was going through my DMs list, like closing the ones that are old or
whatever. And I actually found that conversation about the steam guy trying to scam me too.
And yeah, it's, I guess it's mostly like, if you have a lot of things in your steam account,
maybe you may panic a little bit if you have a lot of games or, or whatever. Because they,
of course, they make it seem like a big deal. Like, hey, your, your account is going to be banned.
Like you need to do something right now. I tried and they didn't let me so it needs to be you.
And I mean, yeah, maybe some people panic about it and fall for it.
It is very unfortunate. Yeah, it does have got a lot of stuff in there.
Because that was where I was collecting things before NFTs. So yes, go skin. I got a lot of I
like to boot people with pretty things is what it comes down to.
I don't know if I told you, Chibi, but in CSGO, I have it set up. So all of my guns
on the terrace side are pink and purple. Oh, my god. Yeah. The one I use the most,
like I put a new tag on it. So if people die with it, it says boob to your nose.
I need a picture of your collection.
Let me I will I'll pull it up real quick so I can show you.
Yes, please. But yeah, that's it. So that's an interesting thing, right? Because here we have,
you know, in the case of like web three people who come from all sorts of different backgrounds,
and in my case, like I came from a lot of PC games like CSGO, but like World of Warcraft,
which has even more things to collect, you know, and there were a lot of similar types of scams
in there, too, with like the gold sellers and like people, you know, buying or, you know,
stealing accounts and stuff. And that was something that, you know, it really, I guess,
for me, spending so much time doing these things, it, you know, isn't new, because I've seen it before,
just in a different format, if that makes sense. Yeah, I guess. Totally. I remember the first
time I got scammed in a video game, it was so silly. So silly. Like I was I was so young, and I wanted to
see the good in people. And there's this person who was saying like, Hey, can you can you send me
because you could have like pets and ride your pets. And there were unicorns and griffins and
all kinds of cool things. And I had a griffin as a gift from a friend. And these guys like,
Hey, I'm going to get married with the love of my life that I met in the game,
because you could get married in game. And it would be so, so amazing if I could ride your griffin. And
I'm like, Okay, I kind of knew this person, he was kind of like a friend. I'm like, Okay,
but will you give it back? And they're like, Yeah, it's just for the wedding photos. I'm like,
Okay, have it disconnected. And I'm like, Oh, never again. But yeah, it's everywhere.
It has happened in a lot of places. Yeah. It is with the whole app three being in crypto being,
I guess, the most recent. We're just, yeah, starting to get more familiarized with the new
ways of cameras. And it's really like something that evolved. Because even before, you know,
we had web three before we hit the internet, it was, you know, via postal mail, like, you know,
sending people saying, Hey, you want something like you should have to wire money to confirm it.
That was a thing or like phone scams, which have existed pretty much since phones existed. So,
you know, no matter, I think where we are, and that's important to understand, right,
no matter where we are, there's always risk. It's just making sure we know how to mitigate that and stay
safe. I'm just seeing your your screenshots of those pink and purple weapons, and they are adorable.
So here is interesting, right? Because like, those are, you know, as we noted,
like they're not NFTs, but they are very similar, like I have a thing, it looks pretty, I can change
how it looks, and then I can add customization to it. And then, you know, in the case of, I'm
gonna sidetrack a little bit, crypto kitties, totally not security related. But crypto kitties,
I know I've sent out a bunch of these to people over the years and to chibi. But there was a
thing, and I'm gonna see if I can find it here. There was a thing for crypto kitties way back in the
day when I like, first started playing, that somebody had made a secondary sort of NFT,
it was called kitty hats. And what you could do is you could buy these kitty hats, and then
attach it as like a ERC 20 token, that you could attach to your crypto kitty, so your kitty could
own it. And then it would display using a browser extension, it would display on your kitty. And so
like we had cats that, as you would imagine, wore hats because kitty hats, but they also like some
could own paintings or have other, you know, random things like some had bubbles, that's
actually one of the gifts that I made was like a cat with a little bubble wand that is blowing
bubbles. And so kitty hats, the people who maintain the extension, do, they've moved on to other
things, actually, I feel like Jiho was involved in that who, you know, as you know, was one of the
founders of Axie Infinity. So before he was doing that, he was involved with some kitty hats, if
memory serves, which was amazing. Here we go. I'm going to share it to the space. So kitty
international is one of the community members for the of crypto kitties, longtime community member
that has been hired by Dapper, and he's like maintaining the website and rebuilding and kind
of bringing it up to current speed. So this one, if you see it in the space, this kitty has a hat
and a monocle and a bow tie. Those are not part of the NFT itself. Those are additional NFTs
that that kitty NFT owns, and they've been applied sort of like a sticker.
That's adorable. I've got like kitties wearing onesies and stuff like a doge onesie
that one of the community members had made. So like these are in this, so this kitty hats
is how I logically paint the jump from like web two with CSGO, and these skins with these
stickers on them, to web three, you know, and like these virtual assets that could have stickers on
them, or they could do things, but I own them. So like in the event that, you know, for whatever
reason, like my SEMA account got banned, because really, that's the only thing that would happen.
You know, if I were to get banned, which I'm not going to, because I don't cheat, but
if I did, you know, my skins are gone, and that sucks, right? But like with web three,
like, crypto kitties gets mad at me, they can't take my cats.
Which, you know, that's where I was like, this is good, you know, if I don't pay my World of Warcraft
subscription, my account is, you know, it's not really gone, but I can't access it. If I don't
continue to pay crypto kitties, like my cats are still here, it's nice. So those are, you know,
kind of the cool thing about web three, but there's, you know, similar but different risks
that are associated with those still. The social engineering is the worst.
That's something to bring us back to our topic at hand, and not just candy telling stories.
Which happens a lot, but like, you know, we are here largely, and I made, let me find it,
I made a tweet from collab land the other day, which was unduly in a quote from her,
where she was talking about essentially the value of web three, right, this was in her space with
Marco and the linear team, when they announced the integration with linear.
And here we go. So I'm going to share it to the space as well. But essentially, like web three,
one of the magic of crypto and collab land and what we do is that we facilitate relationships
and communities. So people join collab land because they've got this token in common with somebody
else, could be an ERC 20, could be an NFT, whatever, it creates some commonality amongst
people. And then while they're there, you have this immediate thing in common as a starting
point to form a relationship, which then, you know, people have, as unduly says, you know,
kind of met IRL, they've built companies together, they've, you know, developers have
built things together, like, it opens the door for a lot of things, just being able to have these,
you know, shared assets or shared interests in a way that, you know, previously, like Chibi,
I don't know that I would have ever been able to meet you without this. And so even though
there are some of these darkness and the downsides and their risks, there are so many
benefits as well. Yeah, absolutely. I think most of my best friends I've met in the space,
which is, yeah, it's crazy. You got to know so many cultures, many cool things. It's,
yeah, it's been great, in my opinion, and it is great. And it opens so many doors.
Oh, give it a try. It does. But we have to look out for each other.
Some of the moral of the story there, unless you have any other security tips, Chibi. But I think
that covers our spotlight on security for today, personally, like we've covered a lot of different
things that are risky, but also the reason why the risks are worth it. Just be careful friends.
And let's take care of each other. Most definitely. So you'll find before we close
the space, a whole bunch of tweets that are pinned here, not just my nonsense,
but the collab land tweets, directions for reporting fake discord bots, reporting telegram
groups that are sketchy, exposing the fake NFT collections, making sure that not only do you
know how to do the things, but give those threads a share, help other people learn how
to do those things. Like there's such a steep learning curve in this space that things like
these threads, you know, give people an easy step by step on how to do something.
And one of the things that, gosh, we talked about this in a meeting earlier, Chibi, like we really
have a almost a blind spot, right? Because in my case, I've been in this space six years now.
I joined in 2018. So just over six years ago. And a lot of the things that I now, you know,
kind of take for granted or assume as common knowledge are very much things that when I
first started, I, you know, had to learn or did not know that I needed to learn, which is even worse
than having to learn. If you don't know, it's a thing you have to learn, which is why, you know,
we make these threads and we share these, you know, informative facts on collab land's account,
you know, as much as we'd like to just hype things up all the time, you know, it's,
it's our responsibility to help keep the people safe, no matter what level they are
experiencing web3 at. So definitely would love everybody's support if you're able, you know,
and if you learn something too along the way, awesome. Like we are so happy to help. And
if there are things that you want to learn and go, Hey, like here's a topic we'd like you to talk
about, we're more than happy to do that or explore those threads and, you know, try to
break things down so that way we can all grow together. So and cool chick has a question.
So cool chick, let's see. Can I pull you on stage? Do you want to join us on stage? There you are.
Let me add you to the stage. Here we are. Thank you so much for joining. You have a question we
would love to try to answer. I'm so sorry. I came in late, but I, and I did, I knew,
you know, I know from running spaces, like it's hard to tell who's like a real person or who's
going to come up and like spam something on the, the jumbotron. We're here. We're ready.
Okay. Um, so I have a member that is having trouble getting verified and I apologize
if I'm off topic. Um, but I just seen you were in the space and I was like, I gotta,
here's my chance to find out. So they have, um, phantom wallet. I think it is. Um,
is that the one that is usually mostly Solana and they just started doing polygon?
Yes. Okay. Okay. So they're using phantom wallet and they're having trouble getting verified
in my discord. Um, so for collab land currently, and should be, uh, keep me honest here,
but I think with phantom, we specifically only support the Solana NFTs and not polygon.
Um, okay. So that could be the issue if they're, if it's a polygon NFT they're trying to verify.
Yes. It's a polygon NFT. That answers my question. Thank you so much. Yeah. We,
we do our best to add, we've got in over 30 blockchains and a whole bunch of wallets on
our wallet connect page, but with adding, you know, new things all the time, it's hard to keep
up on our dev resources cause we've got, you know, what 13, 14 people total chibi on our team.
And so keeping all the things going is, um, you know, first priority and then adding new things
is a secondary. So I would recommend that in the short term, you know, if they are trying to verify,
you know, polygon NFT, maybe having a secondary wallet would be helpful for them.
Um, to get around that, I know that, um, more wallets is always a little bit tricky for people
because, you know, more things to keep track of more security, but, um, because I don't have
a topic for adding that, that's what I would recommend.
Should they, I'm not real familiar with phantom wallet. I have one, but I haven't really used it.
Could they import it to their MetaMask wallet and verify that way? Or does it have to be in that
wallet? I'm sorry. I have somebody that, that like does the collab link configuration for me.
So I'm a little, uh, knowledgeable.
I'm not sure. And I have to say that because I don't want to give bad advice. Um,
but I'm not sure if the way phantom works, if they could say import this seed phrase to MetaMask.
Um, so if that is a thing, yes, that's possible. The risk to importing a seed phrase anywhere
is that then it's in multiple places. So essentially there's multiple attack vectors to the same
set of contents, which is why I would recommend just transferring the single asset as opposed to,
you know, a full swap. But awesome. I feel like an idiot now for asking that question,
but that makes perfect sense. And that's one of those things. Like I said, I've been here for
six years, but these are the questions like I didn't know when I started. And so I very much
will explain things as much times, as many times, or in as many different ways as I need in order
for people to, you know, understand, because if you don't understand, how do you help others?
That's where we're at. So I appreciate you asking because I'm sure other people also have these
questions. Awesome. Perfect. Thank you so much. Welcome and definitely reach out to us.
Chibi, myself, the collab on account, pop in our discord if you have any other questions or need us
for anything. We're happy to help. Amazing. I'm in the discord already. I just, I tried to find the
answer and I found something about it, but I didn't like, I just didn't have the time to
finish researching. So I'm glad you guys were on today and I gave you both a follow. Thank you.
Well, thank you so much. And definitely to everyone else in the audience, if you have questions,
feel free to ask us. That's what we are here for. And we kind of ramble on a lot, but we also are
very happy to answer questions and talk about whatever is important to the community as well,
instead of just throwing, you know, sort of dartboard making guesses at what's important
or what we think is important. So.
Absolutely. And I'm also getting some DMs about the PO apps, which is the last reminder,
if you happen to miss it, feel free to send us a DM or mention it in the discord
and we'll get you a code to claim the PO app. Thank you, Chibi.
Perfect. Seeing no other hands raised, perhaps we have no other questions. So we can
close out our space today. I really want to say thank you to our community members for showing up,
for, you know, hanging out with us, learning along with us and asking questions, because
that is, you know, why we are here. And that's what makes this space, I think, so special. So
thank you. Thank you, Chibi, for being an amazing co-host. As always, you are fabulous.
Thank you so much. So happy to be here with you. And thanks, everyone, for joining us. Well,
hope to see you guys next time. Stay safe, everyone. And as I said,
reach out if you need anything. Have a great rest of your weekend weekend.