The Evolution of Digital Ownership

Recorded: March 14, 2024 Duration: 1:07:39



Good afternoon. Good evening and welcome to episode number three of silks weekly every thursday at 4 p.m
Eastern we host some x spaces on the new topic around web 3 gaming
I'm super excited to get in the topic of today's show which is the evolution of digital ownership
But before we dive in let's we're gonna take some time to give the mic to each of our speakers to give us an intro
And while we're doing that we have the spaces pinned up top
So go ahead and give us some retweets so we can share and get some more people in here
I'll kick it off behind the game of silks account
I'm your host matthew pizzuto and i'm the marketing manager here at game of silks and
With me today for the very first time as co-host of the spaces. I got ben. How are you doing ben?
How's it going guys super excited to be here super excited for the spaces
Silks is super excited to have launched season two and i'm super excited to hear the conversations that you guys get into today
Sound super excited there ben. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what you do here silks
I'm the community manager at silk. So I oversee the experience of our players and assist with customer service
And uh, yeah, i've been in crypto slash web 3 for about two and a half years now
It's been a wild couple of years. We're super excited to now hopefully be be on the swing up
We take every day in the stride
And I think all of us at this point that have been around for a while are kind of used to seeing everything and are
not exactly surprised anymore, so
Um, you know, we'll just continue riding these waves and excited to hear about the future of the industry and and hear about
What you guys are building so
Awesome, all right, and and we'll go for the rest of the intros i'll go through screen order
Just uh, tell us who you are and a little bit about what you're working on
Um, I guess i'll go to layer 1x. Welcome back for another week. How are you doing today?
Doing well doing well. Thanks. Thanks for having us back. Uh
This is definitely going to be a great topic, I think so
The guy behind the the the icon here is cody i'm the chief experience officer at layer 1x
If you're not familiar with what layer 1x is we're next gen
uh layer 1 blockchain that is fully decentralized and uh
We have a pretty
Cool proprietary technology that focuses on bridge-less interoperability and that's known as x talk because it allows you to not only move
Assets, but it also allows you to move data and logic freely across ebm and non-ebm chains
So our goal is is that we really want to build a united web 3 experience for all blockchains and projects
Come together to create a seamless user experience for
Uh all people using it. So thanks for having us
Thanks for joining, uh, definitely excited to keep watching what you guys are building there, um
Moving on gensa. Welcome back
How are you today?
Hey guys, gm gm. Thank you for having us again. Um, this is nobara behind the mic
For those of you who don't hear from me every single day
Um, i'm looking after the global communications over at gensokishi
Which is a japanese 3d mmorpg game
If you haven't checked it out, definitely make sure you do we always have some fun events going on if you want to join us
Um, and really looking forward to the discussion today
Thanks for joining us today nobara bloopers welcome to the show
Who do we have today?
Hey guys, thank you for having us. Yeah, this is bloom one, um behind the account i'm the the founder of bloomers and
Really happy to be here. I was actually in the wrong space
Uh a few minutes ago and it was it was like a music space. I kept thinking hmm
I wonder why they invited me here, but okay, but it turns out I was just in the wrong one
So happy to find my way here
Yeah, the uh, but no happy to find my way here and um
Happy to start start the conversation
Yeah, we're putting uh spaces on overtime today with back-to-back spaces, um, welcome here and we're happy to have you
Jen mary welcome. How are you doing today?
Um, well, i'm well, how's everybody? I'm see a lot of familiar faces. Hello. Hello
Um, I am a digital artist and recording artist. Um
Web two web three space and i'm currently um, i'm curating a lot of art for um on the hug studios profile
Or on the hug studio platform
Which if you are not an if you're an artist and you're not on that platform come holla at me
Um, but then I also create music in web two and web three making like experiences to basically on board my my fans
um into the um web three space and looking forward to
Breaking into um, how to utilize music and gaming how to utilize
Um web three and blockchain and how to make music publishing more easier. So yeah, i'm kind of all over the place
but my um overall goal is to make
Mass adoption for creatives happen
Like sooner rather than later, but yeah, i'm happy to be here
Awesome. Welcome to the show. I'm definitely gonna check out some of your work afterwards
Ff4 I am missing the last part of your name, but welcome to the show. How are you doing?
Hey, how are you doing? Good? No, it's uh flight force for but if f4 is it's much easier to say
This is shawn here. I'm the co-founder of t3 play which is down in the listener there
Uh, that's the studio behind ff4 and a couple other games. I think this is our first time chatting with everyone
So excited to to sort of get some discussion going and and get to know you all a bit better
Awesome welcome to the show
It looks like we have one more person trying to join and that we'll
Have a issue with spaces today getting some people up on stage
Well, once they get up we'll give them the intro and then we could dive into this topic
Mikael, are you there? I am. Yeah, I can hear now. Sorry. I took I took a quick break between the last space in this one last track
But yes, I am here. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to talk about digital ownership. Are we just doing like intros?
Yeah intros cool. Well, mikael, sadona, uh co-founder of a web3 game launcher. That's currently an acquisition
Um, I have a new team that I will be joining, uh for some contract work starting next week
So i'll have an announcement on that soon. Um, and I also advise for the crypto recruiters that i'm just kind of web3 native
I've been here for about four years now. Um, I love
The culture of web3. Um, I love the promise of ownership and digital ownership. So i'm excited to talk about it today
Thanks for having me guys
Awesome and yeah, we're gonna get right into the culture of web3 and digital ownership
So i'll hop into the first question and that is how is blockchain really changed our understanding of digital ownership?
Compared to the web2 era
I'm a right click saver for life, right?
I mean that was a funny time like when when blockchain first came out and
Everybody was trying to understand like the technology behind it and people would literally just right click save board apes and be like well
You know like people it took a while for us to really grasp what it actually meant
Then like maybe it calls into question like even any type of ownership, right?
Like I mean i've had those moments where I thought about like, you know
Do we have a right to own anything? Do we have a right to own the land that we sit on?
You know, obviously I think digital
Creations I I almost feel like we have more right to right like if i'm the artist and creator
And i've made this beautiful full piece of art and I I sell it to someone and they purchase it
That's 100 there's like I like more than taking over lands. I think yeah, like digital creations
Have like a firmer case for ownership. So, um, yeah, it's exciting to like see how far we've come
I remember that was probably what 21 when the apes were minted
So in about the span of three years, I think people understand the concept now of ownership
Like we don't we don't have the right click savers coming out and force at the start of this bear market like the last one
But there's still a lot to go to overcome like the the stigmas of
Scams and and everything else that we're kind of known for in the space and it's tough like it
You know, it's meme season right now, right? And we're like
Everybody's just create magically manifesting money out of thin air in these little
cultural hubs
One three and that's where we're at and it's it's fun and it's addictive and we all like to do it
And that actually brings new people into the space, but it's like the older people, right? Like I know like my dad is
70 like he's never gonna buy a meme
Like he's not gonna trust that and if he got he would never be able to keep up with how fast this stuff moves
But like other digital investments, um, you know crypto
The main l1's bitcoin everything else like there's a million keys for that. So yeah, anyways, just we've come a long way
It's we we still probably are a little bit
Away from like being taken seriously in the space, but but i'm proud of how far we've come
I agree with you michael. Um, you know to kind of add on top of that I think it's important that you know people
When you mentioned that we've got to go a little bit further when it comes to the ownership understanding of it
I think that that is basically
You know in web 3 we need to understand that we're not just a user
We're a shareholder in the web 3 space and when we can understand that
To its full extent that literally changes everything for us moving forward and I think that
majority of us that are in this uh group right now listening to this understands that and uh
We just need to get more and more people to have that aha moment in my opinion
No, I think you're totally right. But like
What's gonna happen when that like like we're really just an unregulated market
Like we are we are companies and these are shared like I hate to say that even on a recording
But it feels like that it feels like we have built a new
way to invest in other people's business ventures and and labor and everything else like
At what point are we just all securities like is everything we do here. It's financialized. I feel like that's coming
Yeah, to a certain extent. Yes, I agree with that but on the same sense too is it's it's kind of like
you're almost
Like people that have come in, you know, I got into crypto back in 2017 and being a ui ux designer by
You know for me, it was amazing how since like 2017 to just a year or year or so ago
Year or so ago
ui ux was not
thing that projects even thought about right and so
As you kind of look at it from there from that angle
Like we accept crypto the way that crypto is right now
And I think that that's where we don't fully understand the capabilities of what web3 can offer us
And we're settling for tokens as a use case because it's the most tangible thing
But there's like the music there's real world assets, you know, there's there's all these different things that are starting to pop up and
That's when people are going to start understanding that it's like hey
You know what? We don't need to settle for the way that crypto experiences right now
Why does it have to be so complex? It doesn't that's the simple answer
But until we understand that we are shareholders in this experience
nothing will change and
Unfortunately, that's the reality of it. But as more and more people start adopting and we start getting more and more
Support and people innovating in the space you'll see, you know tokens and things like that
Starting to take a back seat to some of the bigger technology that blockchain can offer
That's my humble opinion
Yeah, no, I I think you're really spot on there with
The applications that we that we have right now
People are able to take ownership and have ownership of whether their items are in a game
Or it's their pfp and they're they're building their business behind it
Or whether it's their bitcoin or their ethereum right that they they hold that they have the ownership over their their own funds
Following up off what you said kind of going into the next topic here
Which is what are some applications?
In the real world that we could see benefit from digital ownership. I mean we've we've heard examples you brought up
Music in web 3 we've heard people talking about whether it's changing titles of vehicles or a real estate
I'm interested to hear what are some applications you guys are
Have seen or are have heard of that, you know
So yeah, uh pool versus I use your hand up i'll go to you first
Yeah, thanks, I think that what um what you just said
Ties into like what I was thinking when you guys were talking about the first question ties into this
When it comes to ownership and what it means and in gaming right because our perspective has always been
Um from it comes from a standpoint that 80 percent
Over 70 of gamers now are adults, right? So most of us here play some sort of game
You know, it almost still feels like we're we could be doing something else instead of playing
But we still do it because we like it. So the problem we're trying to solve is exactly that how can how can gaming?
benefit your life every time you level up every time that you
Complete a quest every time that you have more friends and get to get into a guild
So when digital ownership or assets within the game have a counterpart in in your real life, I think that's gonna
It's gonna
Oh, sorry my somebody called me so when it comes to you know, the physical counterparts of of your in-game achievements
The way we're looking at it is that if you can get if you have items
In the game that get you a green fee waiver or door dash discounts american express points delta sky miles
Marriott reward points or a pair of sneakers, you know
All these things can be tied to the game as long as you can incorporate the brands and start collaborating with
With products and things outside of the game to bring this new type of digital ownership into the game
So that's what how we're applying it
We basically build video games for brands and put them into the core
Ethos of the game a side quest in mini games so that whenever people have items that are related to their brand
They can they can access real life perks
Yeah, I really like that spin on it too
You see a lot of games right now where they they have a similar concept and at the end of it you you know
It's played a farm or whatever it is and you get the coin and that's great
A lot of people end up benefiting from it
But in the end, um, somebody's always left holding the bag
But when you're able to earn real tangible items that somebody could use in real life
Door dash or pair shoes or whatever it is. I think that's that's really awesome. Uh, gentso
Thank you, I think my answer was more towards the second question which was
What is an actual use case in real life?
in what industry I think for
digital ownership and I think obviously the the first thing that comes to mind is gaming because it is kind of
Really intrinsic to gaming already because you're seeing so much ownership in games where you have to build
Where you have to buy certain items you have to own
Skins and so on so you'll you're already spending that money. So
Really, you're already prepared that you
the very act of gaming
Um is going to come with some expenses whether that's going to be paying for monthly membership whether that's going to be for in-game purchases
But it is intrinsic to gaming
so I feel like
At least if you're already there then it does make sense for you to be able to actually own these things
Beyond the ip of the game
You know, and if if you're putting in so much money on a regular basis, then at least you should have
Um some level of governance for the items that you own and for the items that you're paying for
So I feel like digital ownership is so important when it comes to gaming because you're spending so much time
So much money, um on this so it just makes sense that a you have governance b
You actually own the assets you can you can be liquid with them that you can do something with them and that they have a value
Beyond the value of the actual company and the game and it is it just gives you
A little bit more, um, you know options when it comes to owning this thing because right now if you buy a game
And then you play the game and maybe it has a one or two expansions, but in beyond this
Your investment is really really passive. Um, and you don't get any benefit from it. Whereas if you're playing a web 3 game
You're still spending a certain amount of money, but at least there's something down the line for you
And there's always some kind of a development. So um in your participating in the ecosystem. So yeah, that's that's my take on it
No, and I I think you're spot on there and I think
For the masses where they realize digital ownership will be coming from gaming in the space a lot right now
Everybody's talking about how gaming is going to be that next kind of spot for mass adoption
Even with myself when I first got in to gaming, uh into sorry web 3
I was it was because I stumbled across play to earn games and I was trying to learn about them a little bit and then I
Got into nfts and pfps and all that and um brought myself to to where we are a couple of years later here
Um, but before that I didn't understand digital ownership my like when I purchased skins in games
I I was like, yeah, I owned these skins. I could sign on I could use them
But once I got into this space, I was like, oh, I really don't own those skins
I just you know, I I pay for them. I spend my time there and then once I move on that's it
But yeah, great point. Yeah
No, that's just to type in on that like that's such a good point
Like it's web 2 gives us the illusion of ownership when I spend
20 or 30 dollars on a skin. I feel like i'm buying it
I feel like i'm purchasing something and I own it
I only realize that I don't own it if I try to do anything with it outside of what the game has
Allowed me to do with it like use it while i'm physically playing I can't rent it
I can't do anything else
um, or maybe they make up some kind of like arbitrary rules that try to keep you in their ecosystem and and
Keeps the game as profitable as possible. I have a nephew that just got banned
I cannot remember the name of the game, but he got banned for 30 days for
purchasing some gold in a non approved
Store off off the the game's website. So like it's crazy. It's just it's the illusion of ownership
They want you to feel like you own it because that's how they get you to buy it
I'm not gonna buy it if I realize all these things but
Uh, one of the vcs that I really like in web through gaming has a really great analogy for this
He says, uh, there's two goldfish sitting in a tank and one turns to the other and says wouldn't it be nice if the water
Was a little bit cooler right here and the other one says what's water?
right, like they don't even
Gamers are not even aware that they don't own these things and like it's going to take that
Evangelical kind of push to get people to realize like oh, hey like
I don't own this stuff and there's a world where I can right now. Everything is an equal
I think we're getting closer to the point where like I have choices between a web 2 game and a web 3 game
They're both amazing games and I have the choice between ownership and non ownership. I'm taking ownership
I'm taking where I can get some value back when i'm finished with these assets or
You know send them to my friends freely because I or put them up for wagers within battles
Like I can do what I want with it. I want real ownership in gaming. I don't I don't think
Anybody would argue against that. It's just what they don't really comprehend
They're looking at ownership in the context of all of these scams, right?
So they think we're just trying to take all their money and and rug them and that's just not the reality
We're trying to give people lasting value and also reward them for the effort that they put into these ecosystems
If I spend, you know, 10 hours a day playing a game
And there's thousands of people like me and we make these gaming assets more valuable. We should reap the rewards from that
It's fugasi, right?
A hundred percent agree with you, you know
Their community there that your founding members and a lot of the times they get in at those those low prices and
They're the ones that help you get to the next level
So when you um when you grow and the floor price goes up, it should benefit those early adopters
Flight force four I see you with your hand up
Yeah, just to tack on to what uh mikel was saying and the others too
I mean the same problems exist in both industries no matter what and they always will they'll never be
You know, especially in a digital format a true ownership. Um, all that has to happen is that games
basically switched off or uh
They rug or whatever the case is but I think the at least with web 3
It's it's an upgraded version. You know, you've got the the transparent transfer of wealth or uh, or value
I guess is a better word. Uh
Where yeah, you can do this in web 2, but it's you know
Like we were talking about this in a space yesterday where it's like a gray market area
Whereas at least in web 3 you've got a a far more transparent playground where you can be
Sending someone an nft and they can then go use it in a game and then depending on that nft in particular
Maybe it's actually interoperable with other games
Maybe there's you know
A pass rather than you know a specific game has this nft
It's actually a collective of games have created a pass that gives you access to multiple titles
Like um, yeah, you could do and web 2 games have done this to an extent, you know
You think of blizzard or you know on a smaller scale
Um, but then you know, there's levels to this, you know
Is this a brand new web 3 game that's doing this and are they a high chance of failing?
And then that asset is worth nothing the same risk is in in web 2 you might go and buy a game off steam
And you spent 30 and and it's a it's a new game in a year a year later
It's dead and now you've lost that 30 the same thing is is is uh, you know true in web 3 in fact
Because it's such a niche you see it happen a lot more often where those nfts are worth nothing
But and and you're left with some coding basically
But yeah, I think that's going to improve as people create better systems and and we do start onboarding these trusted
Not onboarding, but these trusted web 2 companies actually start moving over which they already are
And proving that this technology is is useful. Um, and it just needs to be built upon
Yeah, I I liked what you said there, um to kind of add to that I I think that
A lot of it has to do with collaboration. Um, or at least from like what we're trying to do from a layer one standpoint is
trying to create a foundational standard, uh for
Nfts and games so that they can be used and utilized in in various games
Um, and I think that that's what will drive a lot of adoption is with games collaborating with one another
On setting that standard to begin with um, rather than relying on a on a layer one to to do that kind of thing
Um, because for us, you know, we're we're all about focusing on. Um
Users to be able to control and access their data
Um be able to monetize off of their data
um, and as that kind of resonates with games and things like that is that that provides the
kind of the
gateway for
Users bringing their nfts no matter which chain they're on
Uh, they'll basically be able to bring them into any game and play with it and I think as that happens
That's kind of the underlining foundation that needs to be established to
uh pick up the growth for
Specifically game nfts in my opinion
Yeah, I definitely agree agree with you there the kind of the technology of of blockchain is a little bit out of the grasp of everybody but
Once we we create easier ways and and there's chains out there that allow for people
To to easy make it more accessible
Then you know digital ownership can can expand
And gaming and and in other realms, um, and we have talked mainly about gaming as the applications for digital ownership
But I just was wondering if there's any other applications of digital ownership
Um anybody on space
Wants to you know, talk about or lean into
Yeah, i'll go again, um, we have two unique use cases that we're working with
One right now is is that we've partnered with omchain?
Uh to bring about 15 to 20 million
uh turkey citizens
digital identities so all their government documentation will now be
basically tokenized and and and digitized into uh
Kind of that turkey's an interesting country in the sense that it
It recognizes the power of crypto and where it can go and power up blockchain. So
Um, we're working with them and a couple of other people as well
Government wise to bring this kind of digital identity there
Another use case that we're currently working with is uh, we've got a we're working with the second largest
health care provider
Um in singapore, uh to basically
Allow users to not only own access to their to their medical records
uh, but also their scripts and their doctor notes and
Be able to uh control that whole thing and again, it goes back to what I was saying
It's the underlining thing and you know
Even here if you're in the united states a lot of people don't realize that a lot of health care providers
Um are actually already leveraging. Um blockchain technology
Um for its security purposes, but they're not
Having that full aha moment yet of of what they could basically do if they were able to do
Leverage the full potential. Um, and I think we could all think of the applications of what it could do
in in terms of fraud and payments and you know billing and getting things right
All that kind of jazz, but those are just two of the digital ownership routes that we're we're working on currently
That's really cool and like those are those are some really practical reasons because anybody who's tried to go through
The process of getting their medical records moved from one doctor to or another doctor knows the hassle that you normally are left
paying out of pocket and um
It just it just takes time and it's if you had that your personal ownership and those your medical records are something you should have
Um, you know having such an easier process and and same with what you're saying about the ids
I mean anytime you have to go through the government for anything whether it's uh changing your address or anything
It's a hassle. So how I think that technology could definitely be beneficial and streamline the process
Flight force four you see with your hand up
Yeah, I'm just gonna tack on again, but uh same same kind of thing, but I guess i'll give a different spin
Um where you got your digital identity
I don't know if that's going to be ownership, but it's definitely going to open up a portal to
Maybe being able to sell your data
In terms of a few let's like go sign up for something and you've got uh your data
That you've built up over years that all these web 2 businesses seem to be able to tap into for free
You're then going to be able to give the option
And you may not have to give the full details, you know
We've got zk tech now that allows you to be able to prove that what you're saying is true without them actually seeing all the data
That would be one version of this and I think like you might go and sign up for youtube and maybe
If you give them your data you get a discount things like that. Um, I think it kind of become
Pretty standard, um across the industry soon enough once once they prove that tech, you know
Once everyone's not scared of it and they're like well, this actually makes sense. I understand it now
I get to I used to get you know
Ads thrown at me left right and center and on on facebook or whatever web, you know web 2
um website your your browsing the next day you had all the ads well now you kind of get the ability to
Like sell that data to the the people that you are
That you trust or that you want to have a discount for or whatever benefit that you get out of it
Amen amen
Yeah, no another great point
Marketers like you're saying a web tube and getting that data for free and it's really valuable to them
So, um it is to the user as well
And you guys should should be getting something for it when you're providing all that data or choosing not to
so go moving on then into another topic still here on digital ownership, but
That is what what are the keys to ensuring the long-term viability of digital ownership?
We spoke on it briefly in the space how there's games that you would come in and web 2 and web 3 where you
you buy in and in a year, they're they're no longer around but um
In general in terms how for long-term viability of digital ownership, um, what are the keys to insurance?
I think that the
The best that we can do and what we need to do is have a sustainable business model, right? Because uh, if you want to
guarantee or ensure the long-term availability of um of whatever asset people have ownership over you need to
Still be around pretty much right the company needs to be expanding and you need to have the infrastructure to facilitate
The the practical measures of of ownership because at the end of the day
You know if we if we look at things as they are, you know ownership is still
Like an illusion right ownership as long as as long as you're not um
claiming ownership over something through physical force
Then the ownership is not exactly tangible even if like your house you own your house because
Title companies are respected because the the county, you know, there's a there's a county structure a state structure and a federal structure and laws
Um, you know enforce this social
Contract on top of a financial contracts that give you the ownership of your house
uh, and but if we were to fall into like some
Apocalyptic scenario then all of that it's it's down to drain. So if you have
A 200 acre property it's going to be hard
You know to sustain the ownership of it because the infrastructure that was letting you protect it and would support you is no longer there
so I don't think that we can do something to guarantee the
300 year ownership over an asset that you know needs to be hosted on on a database
unless your company still exists in 200 years or
You surrendered and sold the rights to another company later through an acquisition
So, you know we can we can I think that we can go into many
creative ideas as to
how to sustain that that uh
Biability of the ownership but at the end of the day your company needs to have a business model
That lets let's it expanding grow and needs to be separate from the liquidity
That's coming in from the players because the way we look at it
The revenue stream needs to come from different sources that are not just the nft and asset buyers
Because if you're doing that then the moment that you have another bear market or or or people migrating to a new game
Then your whole model and your economy can collapse. So what are the revenue streams that sustain?
This economy in this business and you use that to guarantee the functionality of the of the digital ownership
Very well said, um, you know ben what's up? See you popping in here
How's it going, I just I just want to say I completely agree I think you know as we
Um, you know continue to see companies building and you know continuing to blur the lines
It's just super important to to remember what all brought us here and like what piqued our interest
You know as as we entered the space and you know to piggyback on earlier what I think you guys said you guys were in
the wrong space
In the music space, you know, I was listening to that one as well and it's just really cool to kind of
Things that people are building in web 3 that kind of branch out and can kind of incorporate other industries because at the end of the day
Um, you know
We all believe in this technology for different reasons and the more that we can
You know provide proof of concept in whatever it is and appeal to whoever it is
I think it's it's super important. So I just want to say kudos to all of you
Thanks, man, jen I see you with your hand up
Yeah, no, I've I really enjoyed this conversation about digital ownership and the way in which
Different entities are using it. Um, as far as like
For me as an artist whether it be digital or
Recording music one of the things and we've seen it a lot
In the web to culture where influencer culture really is driving. You know what we do
What we buy what we consume whereas artists I feel like especially in this space are like
trying things like art I didn't
Start making art just because you know, I enjoy it
It was something it was a skill that I learned while I was navigating the web 3 space and found a skill that I could do
Um that could also, you know create more um
liquidity if you will
Whether that be making art joining different hackathons, like I think that you know
For me as an artist digital ownership looks a little different because as an artist i'm looking at
Not just me my art form
But also what I like to do because in order to build a community you have to be relatable when you're relatable
What people like people enjoy what makeup I like to wear what food I like to eat
So that those are all ideas that come into the the space when i'm working with my team when i'm talking about that next best thing
um, and I think that
if we have that kind of mindset of like
influencer if you will
Um, I think that that's how we can you know gauge?
What's next for?
This particular space, but then also in our respective, you know communities like let's build something together
I'm like a proponent of like collaboration
In collaboration, the one thing I love about decentralization
Is like you own your data you own like, you know
What you can like see as far as like your fans your um collectors what have you which allows you to curate?
Experiences and ultimately try new things
But yeah, I really the health care conversation. I really enjoy that I come from like
Journalism and media. So we're seeing like a little bit of tokenized
Media entities coming into the space. So i'm just looking forward to who's next i'm hoping that dining the dining experience and you know
Comes into play next but yeah, I really enjoyed this conversation
That's a good one. Jen the dining industry actually had a call with um a web2 restaurant exec a couple weeks ago
And they are making a play into web3
Um initially via, you know some kind of boring stuff like data ordering tracking and things like that
But they want to get into gaming
Um and do like little side quests where once people complete them
They get like a discount on ordering through the games like hey taco bell delivery or whatever by us. Yes
Like that would be so fun. Yes
Like i'll probably gain a lot of weight, but I can get into that. Yes them. I think of um,
The toast, um, they it's a pos system, but they there are there are different companies that are using the
toast pos system
For people to gain rewards and using their programs. I love open table
Like i've got maybe like five or six hundred dollars worth of amazon gift cards just for you know
Using their platform to book restaurant reservations or whatever and sometimes they even during certain peak hours
You can actually double your points and i'm like can we move that over into web3 because like i'm a brunch baddie
And I love brunch. So we need to figure out how to get y'all
Over here because I think that the eat to earn
Um, I think that we had the play to earn and now I feel like eat to earn is next and i'm i'm looking forward to it
I think everybody could take a look at what starbucks odyssey did
And just kind of tweak it to make it fit what they're doing
And then also within web3 you can also store your data too. So
You know it there's restaurant and and dining needs to come on. They need to hurry up
Because we're we want it
Where do you have moved to earn? Why can't we have e-turn? I love it
Forces like one trying to make us that and one trying to get us to get in shape if we use them both equally
It should be good. We need both the light and the dark. So this actually makes sense
So I had a an interesting one come up about this time last year our local movie theater chain
Basically did a popcorn bucket that you could buy with an nft
And it was a cool design and basically you bought it
But I gotta be honest. It was an epic fail
Uh, the way it worked is you know, they were just hey instead of paying cash for your bucket
You know, they they gave away this bucket where you bought the nft anyways, and it was just so
I don't know. It was it was an epic fail, but it's good to see that these people
They're probably hiring these younger kids to come in and they're coming up with all these bright ideas of how to get incorporated
Into web3, but I love it
I mean, this is the kind of innovation that we need to see so I totally agree with you guys
Yeah, me too right now that um michael and jen we're speaking it that's that's
Really what we're all about and it gets me really excited to think of all the activations that can happen with restaurants and companies
because it once you so
We mentioned starbucks right now one of you mentioned starbucks and valenciaga also did some sort of like game like miniverse little activation game
And there's there's many brands restaurants
Like michael was saying that want to do some sort of uh, gamified gamified activation to gain points, etc
And the problem with those is that once you it takes time
Resources, sometimes you need to get a different type of team a little developer somebody that understands different type of marketing
So it's costly to launch this campaign, right?
And then you market it and you have certain kpis and people are using it for a certain amount of time
But then it dies off right and and and everybody moves on to the new thing
So if you put them all together like all those people contacts and companies that you talk to we have two companies that want to do that
Um, you know put them in touch with us because that's exactly what we're doing
But if we put them all together then this month it could be this restaurant and this gym and vitamin shop
Those are the activations in the games happening this month and then next month
It's another four companies next month another fourth companies and the next one we can go back to the first companies
But the traffic is still there
Because the games, you know video games are like a mall, right?
You know how when you go to the mall and you're going to the movie theater and they make you walk through all of these stores
Before you get to a movie theater
So before getting to the arena like the core part of the game
You need to walk through all these activations and cool stuff that restaurants and different companies are are doing
That that I think is a core thesis of what we're trying to push that I think is going to be the future
I mean, we might be one of the first ones to be doing this, but I think that very soon
Everyone's going to be doing it and and it's going to be all about what can you pick up while you're online, right?
Instead of having to go everywhere
You can go to hubs where you can pick up all sorts of stuff for your regional area or even international stuff
But yeah, I think all that's really amazing and as a foodie and everything are really related to it
Yeah, no, I love the direction this space has gone and really we're talking about the evolution of digital ownership here
Eat to uh eat to earn is the new trend. Uh, i'm sure somebody here listening is already working on it. Um, so
I'm watching a token in five minutes. I'll I'll drop a ticker here soon
No bar. I see you waiting with your hand up
Yeah, thank you
I was actually listening to the conversation about cinema and it's funny because before I started working full-time crypto
I actually worked for amc cinemas for almost 10 years as an events manager
Towards the like the final years of my time with them
I joined the marketing team and one of the last campaigns I did was for nft launches
So for those of you who are based in the us you guys can pay with ethereum and usdt
I think in amc cinemas
And what they did was they had nft drops for marvel and dc films and just big releases in general
So whether it's going to be an anniversary special or something like this. So
In that sense, I feel like the the entertainment industry
Um has definitely already seen the potential even if it's for the nostalgic element, even if it's for like just owning
I think for the sake of
Um owning it as a pull-up or anything else it there's definitely so much value in it
So I think that's definitely going to remain the case. I think coca-cola did some nfts as well
Um mcdonald's as well. So it's definitely going to become
I think kind of a norm in the industry really really soon. So we're definitely
Ahead of the curve so to say
That's really cool, I never actually uh knew that amc was accepting uh ethereum or any crypto for payment
They i'm in canada. They recently I think they closed all their locations here in canada a couple years ago
but um i'm going to see doing two tonight and if uh
If the movie theater near me who's accepting crypto i'd definitely be going to that one to to watch it. Um
I want to get into to our last question here before we close out and um
I'm really I just want to hear everybody kind of give uh
Their personal experience of kind of what was the pivotal moment for them where they realized like the true
Meaning of digital ownership in one three
Anybody could uh pop up and
Say the question again, please. Yeah, I think it was a little fast
I mean, I think for me like just
I think it comes across
Bended you get did you get the question or let me repeat it for everybody and then I got the question
Did I cut someone off on accident?
I I think some people missed it. So let me repeat it and uh, then when you give your answer you could think there's
It's share a personal experience of the moment when you realized what true digital ownership was in web 3
first before when you came
into web 3
Yeah, so i'll never forget the first time that I when I bought my first nft, um on openc in
2022 crazy, it's been such a long time. Um 2021 jeez, it's time flies in this industry i'm telling you
Um, but I remember just waiting. I this was back when you know gas fees were at like 250 or you know, 175
Um, go away
And so I remember when I bought my first nft on secondary market
I remember how long I waited and stared at the the transaction processing screen and then clicked, you know
And looked at etherscan and saw it pending and then after I think like six or seven minutes like of you know
It being nervous and I think we all experienced that to this day. I think when we're transferring stuff
But once it like said transaction confirmed and I saw it in my wallet
Obviously, I had an understanding of what nfts were
Um, it felt really real to me
So I think that's kind of the first time that you know, when I got my hands on my first, you know
Digital asset is when I really noticed it for sure
We could go to michael next
Thanks. Yeah, I like I think I was buying digital assets before I like realized like
I'll use what they were i'm a
Leet before you look kind of person. So i'd already bought nfts. I already have bitcoin in my robin hood account
Because that was a degenerate game stop prior to that
Um, and i'm buying all the stuff and i'm losing a lot of my profits into crypto and i'm like
I don't really get it
But I feel like there's so many people here and there's so much buzz like they must be right
Like I that's why I got into game stuff, right?
Like there's so many people hopping onto this that it can't be wrong
So, um, it's paid off a few times guys and a lot of times I get wrecked
So I don't recommend it
But I I remember ordering the bitcoin standard and reading like some of the early chapters and what I realized there it was
About the shells right like the first currency in america before all the settlers quote unquote came
Was shells and it worked for a currency because there were only so many shells that they could access in the water
But when europeans came over with their schooners and started scooping it, you know wrecked the economy. I think that's when I realized like
What like how we use financial policy and monetary policy and i'm like, okay, this actually sucks
And it can be manipulated
by anyone at any time like, you know, these these soft currencies can be manipulated and and
Understanding like what bitcoin was and what a non-fungible token was like we cannot swap this one for it
It is a one-of-one. There's nothing else like this can exist and it's not replicable and you know with bitcoin only ever
21 million will be available. That's what I really realized like, okay, this makes sense
Um, you know, we need a hard financial system
We need something that can't be manipulated and and digital ownership is kind of like what's going to take us into that future
So yeah, I was I was like late understanding it but early getting into it
Yeah, that's awesome. I was a reverse
I I was the exact same way I came in like I said play to earn games. I started playing some games
And then I was like, oh, I don't really like these games too much
And I went to sell out and I was able to get out for the same price and that that's when I really understood ownership
I was like I could come in I could play a game
They can get what they get out of me. And if I decide I don't like it and it's my time to move on
I can get out
At the right price
uh, bloom verse
Yeah, so for me, you know, I think it ties a little bit back into what we were saying earlier of what is
objectively, right because
there's different ways of
Like for example, if you're the king if you're the king of a country
Well, obviously you own the country and that's very easy to say right?
So you have ownership over the country or you can live somewhere where you're not a king you're basically you have no title
But you happen to be you know, the father of the mayor and your your your
Chief of police and then your cousin, you know owns all these properties so you could say like oh I own this town
Right. So I think that virtual property and digital ownership has existed for a long time
Back in the day because i've i've been a gamer for you know, pretty much all my life
I've been a businessman for over over 20 years, but i've always been a gamer
So back around it was probably like still
1999 or 2000 that was I was hanging out with both
Pendragon and ice frog and all those people and blizzard that were making all these custom games
Pendragon was the first one that was telling me about this business that she was sitting up and he explained it
He said it's built virtual property and I was like, well, what is that? He and he was basically
Selling all these items on ebay right from different games and then a few years later
Many people started getting into that they started selling on gold on ebay
And then they started with the bots, right people started coding bots to um, to just repeat a certain
Activity in a game to mine the gold and then sell it on ebay. Then people started on
Doing like these chinese farms that they would call them
So it was basically a room full of people and all of them controlling some of these bots to really scale the business, right?
But then the problem is you could get shut down because it was so hard to do
And so many barriers and the company didn't want you to do it, right?
So I think virtual property and digital ownership in a way already existed because people would still do it
And they would still profit from it. It just evolved to a point of us saying hey to all the big companies, right?
Like ubisoft blizzard, etc
Like we're gonna do this whether you like it or not
Where are you gonna take control of our gaming assets and we're gonna trade with them?
Whether you like it or not, and if you're not gonna facilitate facilitate it through your games
We're gonna build our own right because if I could send
$400,000 to australia
With the click of a button without anybody asking me questions
Through chase bank with low fees and no no waiting times
Then maybe there wouldn't have been a use case for bitcoin, right?
But it's because the banks and the financial infrastructure makes it so hard for us to trade and move money internationally
That eventually we said we're gonna do it ourselves and screw you, you know, you didn't you had your chance you didn't give it to us
So that's when I first got exposed to it when I
You know learned about virtual property and what you could do with your in-game assets
So when all of this web 3 blockchain nft technology started emerging i'm not a developer
So I could have never done it, but I instantly recognized it as a future
Yeah, that was incredibly silent I think a lot a lot of people are getting to that point where they're starting to recognize it as the future
Flight force four. Um, I see with your hand up give you the stage
Yeah, I mean going back to what someone was saying earlier about paying astronomical gas fees on when you're minting an ft
where if you can't tell from the accent based on new zealand and
In 2021 when nft's were booming we were I was having to get up at 3 a.m
To just essentially lose money on gas wars and and I managed to get some nfts and some of them were doing wow
And I just thought well this I get the I get the technology. I understand that we're in the beginning stages
This is all experimental but I understand that this has potential and but it didn't feel real like even the ownership side
I was like cool. Yeah, I get I own this it's in my wallet
I can sell it to someone else but all I was worried about at the time was right
When when is the price going up? When's the next mint that I can get on? When can I lose some more money and gas?
at the end of 2021
My partner and I were in miami. We're at decentral con
and one of the nfts that we owned was a
Galactic punk which was on terra, which was kind of the they were the main or the biggest collection on terra
And this is before terra collapsed obviously. Um, and so I remember being at decentral con and people were like, oh, there's a
There's a um an after party and it's holders only and I was like, oh, okay
Well, we hold some of these let's go check it out. Had a look and and and like when we're inside
I was like, whoa, everything had been based on anonymity like
Everyone was anonymous up to this point
We were in this like place where every you could see and talk to people in person and be like, okay
This is like step one of ownership like this is obviously very beginning stages
But that's kind of where it hit home like okay, this is this is here to stay
This is only a matter of you know time and progression before we start seeing a lot more of this and people actually understanding
Rather than people hiding I guess behind their computers and thinking it's a scam everywhere. They look but
Yeah, that was probably the moment that I was like, right. This is here to stay and and there's a lot of potential here
Yeah, I couldn't dream work at it being able to get um exclusive access or or
Meet up and network with with other like-minded people
Because you are part of a community and holds an asset
It gives you know create experience and feeling of ownership
Layer 1x I see with your hand up
Yeah, I was just going to share my experience. Uh, you know when I realized about the digital ownership, um
I've had the privilege to work with some pretty big big companies out in the bay area
And um, a lot of people don't realize that for some
They don't realize that blockchain has been around a lot longer than we think
Um, I think it's actually came about like clear back in the late 80s early 90s
um, and that's why I mentioned that a lot of businesses are already using it and
My exposure of working with a lot of these big companies. I
Being a ui ux designer. I I have a
Discipline where everything is based off of data and not necessarily like what I think looks good feels good
It's all data driven. And uh, a lot of those are based on
uh, cognitive behaviors of users and their how they interact with a game or
You know interact with any type of software where we they capture that data and that was a real eye opener for me
And working with different companies that worked with blockchains that was kind of my intro into it and so
My aha moment was kind of outside of it. And so as
You know bitcoin and everything started taking off. That's where I totally saw the vision. I was an early adopter type of thing
Um in in terms of tech investor, I was a late bloomer
But in regards to the technology i'm it's at a core of my heart. That's for sure
No, I love that and and you know, I that's why I asked the question really is I wanted to hear everybody's kind of
Stories on how they they got
To to this place. It's it's it's really fascinating how everybody can come from different
Places different walks of life and we've all come to this owner to recognizing this ownership. Um, so
With that being said I just want to say it was a great space. I appreciate everybody for
Joing and I can pass the mic around one more time to everybody and tell us a little bit about what you're working on and
Where uh people could follow you to keep keep up with what you're doing
First off i'll uh, i'll go to nobara with uh, Jen so meta
Thank you so much. I think this has been another great discussion. I I've really enjoyed joining this every week
Um, it's it's a really good topic
Especially given how big what three is getting these days and how many actually went to ventures are jumping into the tech
Um, but please make sure it's check out again. So it's it's a really cool game. I actually joined the team
After I started playing the game on my nintendo. So there's a lot of lore. There's a lot of
um, you know
adventures and
content that you can explore because it's been around for such a long time, so I I really feel like
We have something special happening
We just launched the referral system for friends within the game. So make sure to check this out as well
Um, and otherwise, yep, you can follow our socials join our discord. We're happy to help you help you level up or anything else
Um, and I I hope to talk to you again soon and thank you for having us tonight
Thank you
Thanks for joining it's always a pleasure, uh cody from layer 1x
Yeah, uh, thanks for having us, uh, I agree with nabarro that this is definitely a a great topic so
Yeah, so for anybody that's interested our tge is happening on april 2nd
And to kind of kick it off, uh, we are doing a massive massive airdrop
So, uh, I think we're giving away
I think we're giving away almost a million dollars worth of l1 x coins
So if you guys want to get a grab of it, uh, it's great
Um, i'm telling you you want to have l1 x coins one of the one of the cool functions and features of the l1 x coin
Is that it can act as a universal gas fee?
Token so no longer do you have to have the native tokens, uh to complete your transactions
Um because of uh, you know, we've all been there
uh asking pleading
Pulling up the credit card trying to get more tokens to complete your transaction
But uh, yeah with the uh l1 x token
It will definitely allow you to use it on any
Ebm non-ebm chain that we're connected to as the universal gas fee token
So like I said, if you guys want to uh get with us, uh,
Be sure to follow our our uh
Our twitter handle it is I believe going live later today. So
Thanks again for having us
Also, my universal gas token is super cool and definitely going to help
Um getting a cross chain and bringing more people so a lot of people could benefit from that
Um will be following along for the drop later today
Um flight force four i'll let you close us out here
Yeah, well, thanks for having us. That was a first time on the space is really good
Hearing from everyone here
Uh, hopefully we jump on another one
But yeah flight force four, uh, I didn't really mention as a first person shooter game, but when unreal engine five
We've got a a free download demo that you can play at the moment
We're working on a multiplayer
But I mentioned earlier that we we kind of got t3 play down in the audience, which is uh, our studio
Also a platform a marketplace
We're building two other games one of those is polygoners, which is a another first person shooter, but this is a very web three
Focused shooter which is going to have we've got 15 partners on board, um, which all have their own character in the game
So kind of like nifty island, uh, but different and uh, then space carts as well
so similar similar focus but um kind of like a space version of mario kart, I guess
Um, so that's yeah what we're working on we got lots happening this year launching all three of those games
And a token in the marketplace. So yeah, just give us a follow on our socials either
Ff4 here or um t3 play down in the audience
Awesome sounds like you got a ton going on there. I dropped a follow i'm definitely following what you guys are doing
Thank you everybody for tuning in today and tune in every week 4 p.m
Thursdays until next time