Top 5 Best Blockchain Use Cases | KEY DIFFERENCE

Recorded: Feb. 20, 2024 Duration: 0:57:09



hey guys welcome you all for the key different space i'm super excited to speak about that topic which is the very essence of the problem that we have been facing in the blockchain space it's about finding its use case and its place in the real world so this is going to be a pretty interesting
discussion because right now i'm i've been in the blockchain space for 10 years i've seen all these different cycles but this cycle is the first time ever where we have so many different subdivisions so many different verticals within the blockchain space which ideally means a lot of vibrant use cases across board and it has never been as colorful as it is it is right at this point in time so now with some amazing speakers and in fact a lot of speakers
i'm quite interested to hear the various perspectives that we are going to hear from them different angles that we might not have thought about it ourselves but coming from different experiences backgrounds and expertise i think our speakers are going to be sharing quite a lot of interesting things with us today
so yeah super excited guys let's let's get going and welcome all speakers welcome everyone here feel free as we progress to unmute and speak without having to be called it's going to be a friendly discussion here
and there's also a pinned post if you guys can share that we can get more audience coming do share your presence in the space so we can bring in more interested parties along
thank you all and to get started what i'd like to do is to go around for every speaker to share what they believe is probably the one or two best use cases in their perspectives on why if you can share that to get going i think it's going to be quite interesting and let's keep this round shorter so we can actually hear more ideas
more blood points that can bring in more conversation moving forward why don't we start with you Lika
Lika yeah hi everyone thank you team for hosting me i am Harshit and i'm one of the developers in Lika AI and i've been leading the technical architect for a product and
yep so thank you so much for inviting me i'll just give you a very small introduction about what we are building here so basically what we are creating is like we are creating an on-chain data layer for AI and we are creating tools for smart contract analysis and
token contract analysis wallet analysis so that's where our core expertise come in so getting getting back on the point about like what are the top five blockchain use cases and key differences so i'm not gonna like take all the
deep article here i'll just over give a small overview of what i believe is like how blockchain
is going to disrupt a big market in the world so obviously the first category where i feel is like
it's going to disrupt the market is around the financial services definitely that is going to
change with the blockchain in the upcoming area and i believe that the blockchain is really the
current really will become very very important for the AI sector also and in the later on it
will become like bitcoin another blockchain will become the currency for AI and then i'll give you
a deep overview in the later on once we had everyone introduction and then like we can move
again on the discussion side amazing thank you for that your highlights on both the
financial services and AI makes a lot of sense nitro why don't we go in with you
yeah how's it going everyone my name is travis from nitro league we are a racing game where i
really see blockchain making the biggest impacts um at least short term like in the more immediate
features one gaming i think gaming is going to be a huge driver um and a huge push in the blockchain
space and and it worked really well um another one that that uh i i think that could be a big
factor is data ownership or controlling your data um having new kind of railways and stuff for uh
those kind of services for folks um and then the third last thing to touch on uh i believe i'm
saying it right lyca's uh point is i think uh blockchain will be pretty heavy with that
with the ai industry and in different ways with uh ai and blockchain amazing nordec
yep thanks for having us here um so this is shreya i had marketing for nordec um i've been in the
space for more than six years three years we've been dedicated just to web3 and about nordec so
we're kind of building the blockchain ecosystem for the next billion um we are a layer 2 evm
compatible blockchain that uses the pos consensus algorithm which enables fast processing of
transactions and we have the potential to handle 1000 plus transactions per second uh we have zero
gas fee which kind of enables us to bring mainstream adoption of web3 payments in gaming
to masses uh so that's what we are and uh to the second question that you asked was uh what
according to us could be the best use case for blockchain i think it's payments for us
and that's what we're doing um blockchain has the power to um make transactions come faster and
cheaper whether it is cross border whether it is you know just micro payments even remittance for
that um same uh so that's that's the two cents that we have amazing layer one
layer one x yeah it's perfect yeah can you hear me yes perfect thanks for having us uh appreciate
it uh yeah i'm cody i'm the chief experience officer at layer one x layer one x is the next
generation layer one blockchain built to transform the web3 experience
our flagship or proprietary technology is known as x talk it's an interoperability
technology that is bridge-less um so it eliminates the need for using risky or costly bridges
and it also allows you to move assets and data freely across evm and non evm blockchains
our vision in ethos is basically focused on trying to unite um all of the blockchains
together to provide a positive user experience for um those coming in and those that are currently
here so um that's a little bit about us um for our vision of what we see is some of the top movers
and blockchain usage is definitely i agree with the gaming the data management and ownership
likewise is true interoperability along with healthcare and digital identities
amazing um haven's compass
hey guys thanks for having us here my name is a wood i'm the coo of haven's compass
uh as a brief uh intro evens compass is a first person juda game obviously a web3 game
if you don't know it yet check it out um as for the main topic of of these spaces today
um to us obviously we're a game so we're all about gaming and that that will be the only
thing that i'm gonna put on this list but definitely there is unlimited possibilities
of what we can utilize blockchain technology for
perfect um michele hey it's michele but that's really pretty close and good um glad you hear
glad my microphone's working i was on the space earlier and i could not hear a single person so
super frustrating um yeah so i am co-founder at sedona of web3 gaming infrastructure
and also uh director of ecosystem at the crypto recruiter so we're the world's leading uh crypto
recruiting firm we have a 98 retention rate um and over 300 placements in the last couple years so
super excited to be here i think this is a great topic i love like this year it does seem like
more and more use cases are coming to light i guess maybe i'll talk about some things that maybe
aren't as obvious just because like if people have said some really really good ones and obviously i
want to say gaming and things like that but um looking at the restaurant industry i had a call
with someone who is building their ordering systems on the blockchain and he's like that's
not really like the exciting part in the thing that i'm looking forward to but they want to put
like experiences within games and metaverses where you complete little side quests and
then get discounts on ordering say taco bell or whatever your favorite restaurant and you order
directly from in the game or in the metaver metaverse using your crypto wallet so i think
that's pretty exciting i just like these fun things i think the more fun and interactive we
can make these onboarding experiences um into crypto that you know the quicker web 2 is going
to get here and catch up with the rest of us i kind of like that because i believe a lot of
use cases which are important for the blockchain are not the most sexiest but things that are
long toward boring and real world businesses that might that might actually have the most users
coming and using because it's in the the ground grassroots level where all the people out in the
world could be using with and without knowing that it's on blockchain so super super good example
there uh we have next game of skills sorry game of silks silks silks yeah hey guys uh in here from
game of silks we are the we are basically tokenized thoroughbred horse raising uh company
based in the united states and what we've done is tokenized living breathing thoroughbred race
horses so you get the thrill of the sport of billionaires and you actually get that ownership
aspect so each nft of actual horse is tied to a living breathing horse that raises in the us
canada etc so yeah basically we wanted to bring more ownership to fantasy sports
and uh worked really hard to make that technology and regulatory happen and so now our holders
earn royalties and we've had some really cool expansions they got a great community and um
you know we've we've expanded our our um prize pool as well and a lot of big races internationally
as well so excited to learn more about a lot of really cool actual use cases of people building
real technology here in the space and not not another meme coin so it's refreshing to see some
some solid people building some other really good foundations here that's beautiful i've been
looking at quite a lot of different asset tokenization but horses is uh it's good it's
quite good quite uh different and it's also not something that everybody can copy it comes with a
lot of in-depth industry skills which is which is nice um we have bernet dao hey what's going on
uh happy to be here so bernet dao is the world's most exclusive dao and the only way to join bernet
dao is to win our bernament which is a perpetual game show like squid game where players compete
to eliminate each other for a three million dollar prize we also have a smaller contract
where you can compete to eliminate each other for around two hundred thousand dollars right now
we introduced a very novel in-game trading mechanic where you can trade your contestants
while the game is going so you can kind of dial up or dial down your risk if you want
and take profits early before deciding to exit the game or buy back in i think what makes this
really special though is that we're the world's first truly web3 game meaning that we are 100
on chain we have no external dependencies whatsoever we inherit directly from layer
one security on ethereum in fact the blockchain is the game engine so we're completely
permissionless trustless decentralized and it's a fully autonomous and anonymous game show
so yeah we're very excited to be here thanks
perfect next we have with us chiba neko hey guys it's tony from chiba neko here
thanks for having me here in the spaces so we are building an AI translation bot for telegram
discord and some other social platforms so basically every project almost have
multilingual communities a chinese one english one a french one or whatever and they have
separate telegram groups for them or discord channels so we build a bot you can simply put
into your french group chinese group english group or 109 different languages and our bot
is sending every message translated into every channel so from english into chinese from chinese
into french so basically we are connecting all these small groups to making one big community
out of it so that's basically what we're focusing on because everybody's building some cool stuff
and i love what you guys building and but we facing the issue of basically the
lowest point of communication so we need to start at the bottom and we start with the bottom and
trying to break these language borders man that's really good you should definitely
dme the link to it it can actually save a lot of time for a lot of people
yeah we are already talking to some gaming projects to implement that into their chat
system in game so people can write in english and people in russia can read it in russian
so you don't need basically different servers you can play put every player on one server
they can play together and speak in their own language and read in their own language
perfect perfect so do you do you have any specific thoughts on what the best blockchain
use cases are yeah i think it's about safety it's just about to make the whole tech space safer
because this is what blockchain is all about to have like thousands of nodes to confirm one
transaction so basically this is what i think will make the space better it's just all about
safety in my opinion okay perfect so guys right now one of the things that i end up seeing a lot
is that since i run forward protocol we see a lot of real world use cases people are coming in with
a lot of crazy basic or interesting use cases that are creative people trying to use blockchain in
their own ways which gets interesting so what i want to do is dive in on few specific use case
examples like a story let's narrate an example which is not repetitive because right now what
we went through some of the topics of payments remittances gaming and all of that they're like
high level trends but i want to dive on more unique examples like i like the restaurant one
things like that i'll give a start from my end we have we know of a business that is tokenizing
water it was the most interesting use case in many things that i've seen because it's very
innate so what they are basically using blockchain for is to acquire water wells which has
perpetual water supply and they are allowing token holders who have their water tokens
to have access to that water every year for 150 years and it was beautiful because this brought
in both the impact element and the business element and created a secondary market for
water from around the world to make water an invisible commodity this could never have
happened without the power of blockchain this could not work if the the various tools that
is available to them the technology is not available so what i like to see are examples
like this which could be vivid which can enlighten us with more ideas not things which you have seen
in so many decks and so many projects not things which we hear quite often in other spaces but
let's think about some interesting new unique ways of how blockchain can bring about solutions
which does not exist in the world right now so if any of you have ideas on that feel free to jump in
unmute and dive in on that but let's let's try to spice it up let's try to make it
more unique and interesting here guys
and in the meantime i as you guys think of some interesting key use cases there let me dive in
with one more which is again in the world of real world businesses it is i don't i'm not
naming any projects naming any businesses because i want to keep it more specific to the use case
itself so we don't end up shilling any businesses here but this one is about dao which is regulated
in europe has a proper european regulated dao but this has a specific like a telephone booth
with discourse on there called telediscourse and that is the ownership of all the telediscourse
which is a revenue making business is tokenized made available to people this kind of things
kind of resonate with the story of the horses the real world horses that you're bringing on
gamifying etc probably you can dive in a little more on the on the ways people could use that as
well if you have some more thoughts more than just a tokenization game of silks
yeah so you broke up broke up a little bit as far as the you know some of the most
uh compelling use cases for for the dows that i've seen
no just just purely from your own business with the have your tokenizing horses i just want to
hear more inside from it yes so our our executive team is we're horse people right so one of our
owners has a stable in kentucky and has you know has raced and you know the major league sports
in a while so they live it they breathe it etc and they're they've had very successful businesses
for people that aren't aware owning uh race horses is extremely pretty expensive and it's
cut some people call it the sport of billionaires it's a pretty high barrier to entry and there's
a lot of upside that comes with that right if you can't afford the horses because it's a very high
affinity sport um prestige and status and all that comes like pretty much every billionaire
once they become a billionaire buys a thoroughbred racehorse that's out of reach for 99 of people so
what our leadership team wanted to do is hey there's these beautiful you know strong like
amazing animals that you know bring people a lot of joy and excitement but it's not really
attainable and so what we what we've done is basically been able to bring that feeling of
ownership to um two people with with the thousands of the cost 500 of the cost because
it's 60k just a year just to maintain you know if you have like a tier one thoroughbred racehorse
with training and everything um so basically what they did is worked you know long and hard
on the regulatory side working on the the gaming side to basically find a way um and you know on
the legal side and our new president is he's very experienced in the space and basically
um to do it compliantly because a lot of people with these in these space aren't doing things
to be compliant and basically where holders can earn royalties and we use chain link as a data
feed um so each horse nft that is tied to that actual horse so even when that horse uh wins
every time in the top five race in u.s and canada um the owner will share in a royalty and um
one percent from the price purse of that horse so um and on top of that for each horse that you own
you will actually be able to share in the royalties from that horse breeds and and has its own baby
it's a thoroughbred racehorse so um the assets the nfts have a lot of value on that on the long term
and even on the shorter term for the race season so we just wanted that utility at the end of the
day and bring value and focus on that and use um and we we've we've worked really hard to build
relationships with the new york racing association and and quite a few other um other spots and so
even even tokens here they're using real world data feeds and they're gaming and etc for real
time data feeds and i i see a lot of that with a few folks i've seen here on the spaces um it's
exciting to see and yeah i think i think the the anything to do with the oracles that actually
connects and brings up the data it's it's quite interesting when you see that happen uh burn it
burn it down i can see your hands are up go ahead yeah uh i actually wanted to talk more maybe more
specifically to the question of you know use case right and i think a great way to approach this at
least from from our perspective and some things we're thinking about is to kind of talk about
uh a little bit about what's going on today and uh in contrast how blockchain can actually solve
some very specific pain points uh that that cannot be solved without blockchain and i think that
that's that's super key so i'll just mention two examples really briefly uh one of them uh has to
do with squid game right which is if you haven't seen it this netflix show where people compete
in an elimination game for a prize now there was a fictional version of the show but they also made
a reality version of the show right now this is interesting to us of course because we're like
essentially an on-chain squid game but you know why make an on-chain squid game well it turns out
that they made this reality show where people competed for i think was around four million
dollars um and they released the show on netflix uh this past november and they released it over a
couple weeks now the interesting thing about this is if you know anything about television
production you know that they wrapped the show they finished production on the show uh almost a
year before that right now the show itself was 16 weeks so that's roughly three months right and
then there was a bunch of you know recruiting of the uh the contestants and so forth so essentially
by the from the you know kind of the inception right through production of the show through post
all the way to the airing of the show you're talking about about a year and a half right for
for any given contestant now what's amazing about this is that the contestant that won the show has
not been paid right like they haven't received anything so they were away from their family
their kids their dogs whatever for you know three months they've waited over a year the show airs
and they haven't received a dime and this is not unusual a friend of mine is a professional
e-sports player he reports essentially the same thing that they'll win these prizes that are you
know two hundred thousand dollars three hundred thousand dollars and then they have to wait uh
10 months 12 months oftentimes they don't see the full prize because the organizer is paying out
their vendors they're paying out all sorts of things uh and you know this is something where
where blocking can really help right like so in our our game and many other games you know the
idea of an instant payout that that nobody can get between you and what you've won as a winner
i think is is an amazingly important benefit uh of blockchain right and uh just to kind of touch on
very quickly another case so there's a there's another game we launched our game in october
as a stealth launch we're not bc backed uh it took a while for us to get a an audit uh complete and
so forth so we haven't really done like a lot of you know marketing there was another game that
launched uh a couple weeks ago i don't want to like name names because i'm not trying to like
attack them i'm just saying that as an example these guys tried to do an off-chain version of
survivor with a voting mechanic and uh just to illustrate like the difference between trying to
do something on chain and the usefulness of blockchain and you know kind of trying to do
something i don't know very uh half-assed frankly uh this is what these guys did so they created
this off-chain game they said it was survivor you know you bought in with crypto uh and immediately
uh they they didn't really think about like a sibyl attack so for example they didn't they
didn't consider that on blockchain one person is not the same as one wallet right so somebody uh
on kind of day two they created 200 wallets they entered the game with 20 eth right and the
organizers of the game didn't like this so they kicked them out but here's the key they kept their
20 eth right so we can just start there for example as as a problem like where organizers
of things can you know literally steal money from people uh by not not refunding them and so forth
now i will say the kind of short version of the story is zac xpt gets involved it's a whole thing
and eventually the founder relents but here's the even more critical problem
how do they solve this uh this kind of pr situation they have well they reach into the prize pool
they take out the 20 eth and they hand it to this guy as a refund and i think if you're if
you're a gamer if you're someone that's playing game and you're looking for a fair game you know
what does this tell you this tells you that anyone on that team can access that prize at any point in
time and redirect those funds unilaterally it tells you that the funds are not secure
it tells you that the game can be rigged it tells you that it can be manipulated and i think the
idea of building games that cannot be rigged that cannot be manipulated because you have
full public transparency because they're on chain and so forth i think this is really really
significant uh not not just in terms of finance but gaming in general i think that's uh just go
ahead go ahead uh like uh yeah so i think that's that's a very amazing answer and a new possibility
it definitely comes up in the world of uh in the world by adding blockchain into the gaming i
definitely and and i totally believe that we opens up a new realm of possibilities in the gaming
industry uh while coming in the blockchain that is important but few important stuff that i believe
is like changing and and being the biggest use case of blockchain is like rwa and i think like
tokenization is one of the important stuff that is going on everywhere and i believe that rwa is
another big possibilities that are going on and like it opens a new investment opportunities by
creating real world asset on blockchain i think that can be our next important technology and
the next important use case for blockchain that is going to be widely used in the upcoming five
or ten years and the another important sector that like majority like of the people were going
to use it through deepens i'm sure everyone understands and knows about what deepen means
but i believe that deepen is also going to evolve around like it's it's going to evolve in like next
ten years to treat real and industry and i believe that that with then these two use cases will become
a new realm of possibilities by adding blockchain and tokenization to the current model of
decentralized infrastructures and gaming and wireless things
i would add something regarding burn regarding this prize pool and taking some funds out
i think you need some measures even if you it's the whole game from blockchain you need some
measures to maybe with a multi signature or so to get access to the prize pool in case somebody's
trying to hack it or anything else you know so i think uh yeah the tech is nice but i think
we still need some kind of human beings to take control of it until it's like perfectly coded
i think one of the areas where i see uh see more interesting use cases emerges in the
corporate sphere we don't really talk much about corporates in our
normal function because blockchain is primarily considered to be public and what we are doing out
here i think when the corporate side of walls most of them might just be using their private
blockchain because right now if whether it's polka dot subtract or uh optimism subnets you
have a lot more flexibility and ability to create your own blockchains or own private networks
where you could function and that's quite uh powerful for them because now they don't have
to worry about the information being public like in standard public blockchain of course all those
private blockchain abilities have always existed for many many years it's nothing new
but it is not easy before you it was much more challenging complex and it came with a lot of
headaches but right now it can happen and click off a button or at least within a couple of days
and now these guys can actually use it for many of their business purposes in a in a way that
this customized to their use case this kind of reminds me of the time when erp was a very big
thing like 10 15 years ago before the whole sas space took off and during the time it was the
major it revenue generator corporates trying to take a system modify it customize it to their
own processes and then using it we don't talk much about the similarities of erp in the blockchain
at this point in time but i definitely see a lot of interest around it especially more if i have
to convert the blockchain space into a gdp i would definitely say good part of the gdp would
be contributed from that erp space or similar of the likes of customizing using it for internal
business processes as a secondary to what we see with definitely the defi and rwa revenues out
there burn it i can see your hands are up oh yeah i just wanted to respond to something
that chiba said because i think i think he he mentioned something that is super important
you know he suggested that well you know you need to give people access to these things because
otherwise something might go wrong i would humbly suggest that that is completely wrong
right that is completely the wrong way to look at this the whole point of blockchain technology
what makes it incredible is that we have the opportunity to have code be law it means that
we can build things that are truly permissionless that are truly trustless and that are truly
decentralized the moment you start saying things like well you know we need to give somebody access
to a prize or whatever or because they're cheating i think and again i'm saying this respectfully
i think you're looking at this the wrong way right if you design the game correctly if you
design the contracts correctly there is no cheating that's like the whole point right
cheating is something that gets introduced by imperfect systems that rely on things like
centralization and trust and things being permissioned right that's kind of my point
about that other game they use the voting mechanic which itself is open to manipulation right but if
you look at for example the mechanics that we use or some other games that i can think of
right the whole point is that the game from the ground up does not allow you to cheat right you
can't rig it you can't manipulate it so there is no reason to give people access to a prize which
then introduces points of compromise no i'm fully with you i'm believing that this decentralized
world and everything but as you mentioned the game before maybe there were 20 wallets coming
and basically 20 players was the same person so he's basically trying to rig the game on his way
but if you can't change this he would have rigged it so i get i get your point i get your
point i i'm with you but these days you know we see so big projects and we think they're perfect
and they're still getting hacked you know so and if you have no control about it a lot of people
would lose their money so i mean in future this is the right way but for now i i'm not sure yet
yeah so i i think again i think it can be done and i'm just suggesting to kind of be maybe like
think a little bit bigger right and so what i mean by that is that the reason why that game
had those problems the reason why they had to kick the guy out was because when they were designing
it right the person who designed it the the team they did not understand something very
basic about blockchain and that is the idea that one person does not equal one wallet right they
tried to make survivor like the television show but in the show survivor you can't convince
someone that you should get more than one vote right like you just you're one person you have
one vote but in crypto that's not the case so what happened was you had people who did not understand
like fundamental i mean very basic concepts about crypto and then they built an off-chain game
not an on-chain game right but they just had people buy in with crypto and that's kind of my
point my point is that what they built was like a web 2 or maybe web 2.25 at best web 2.5 game
right and my point was not that you can't make systems that work my point is that this is what
happens when you try to use uh existing technology the reality is like what like for example i'll be
i'll put it a different way very quickly in casinos right in online casino games they talk
a lot about being provably fair they say this is provably fair we're provably fair right well why
do you have to prove fairness you have to prove fairness only when you can be manipulated right
if you can't be manipulated because all of the game the game engine the data itself it's all public
it's all transparent it like it literally is code is law then you don't have to prove anything
it's just fair and that's kind of my point
again i can still remember the 2013 time when i entered blockchain space that uh
back then you had all those probably probably fair games you're gonna
still reminds me of those days right now um so what would you say as um let's say
so no i wouldn't call something as the uh the lowest hanging fruit but something that is not
the lowest hanging fruit a use case that you see probably uh two years from now so it's not
futuristic it's not sci-fi like 10 years in the future uh thing but it's also not like real world
asset it's already here or gaming that's already here do you guys have any thoughts or ideas of
something that you see will happen in the near future a year or two years from now and that's
not there yet do you guys have any insights on such use cases yeah i mean oh sorry i didn't raise
my hand yeah my bed yeah so if you thought about i'm from the dean space you know i'm on uniswap
every day and hunting new launches so if i remember like two three four years ago it was
everything on a browser but these days you have bots for telegram and you just can basically buy
with the telegram you skip the part of copy pasting the address going to the browser pasting it in
and at that time already like 50 people bought before you so i mean with mostly trying to build
very crazy stuff but things like which is helping us making or getting better access
to the space this is i think what yeah will come next basically i think in fact we have been seeing
quite a lot of telegram bot tokens launching lately and snipers and etc they've been having
some fun out there as well one of the things that in this example one of the things that i can think
about is how blockchain can be used for traffic control it kind of excited me when i could think
how the cars on the road could pay each other to move to be able to go faster in traffic so someone
can be paying the cars around them to prioritize them in the traffic for them to more head whereas
others could be earning money to basically slow down or give away for others so it's kind of an
autonomous traffic control model for people to prioritize their transport and i think things like
that with tesla and how they are progressing and more and more vehicles which are starting to come
out as autonomous i believe something like this could happen in two year period
deepin is also one of the things that's paving the way for that yes go ahead
yeah this was a topic big topic like in 2017 2018 when i joined crypto it was all about internet
of things that we have cars paying traffic lights or paying light bulbs on the street or
human beings basically the phone is paying for the power you use for the street lights and
everything but i think that would take so much time in fact i'm from germany and to get that
here deployed regulation wise i hope it go fast but i think this takes so much time
i guess the regulations are challenged they're not the technology itself right
yeah yeah it's the regulation yeah but we're facing almost just regulation but the tech
i would love to have it you know i'm
well i really hope mica regulation makes something easier with their ability to passport your license
across region unified rules and everything i think that that'll definitely pave us easier
i even had a conference in katar a few days back and the whole conversation was
all those banks and government members were on stage with me and we discussed about all
the potential of blockchain and they were excited they all liked it in fact they said they
submitted papers about it and it just asked them okay why do we then end up using blockchain only
for payments why can't we use it for all the other interesting things that you guys are talking
about and they just said this i mean they submitted other things for approval to the
government and it's waiting so approval and the regulations are really keeping technology behind
and that's the place where the trustless permissionless decentralized degenerate side
of the crypto community are able to move faster as long as it doesn't involve something physical
in the physical world because the moment physical world is involved regulations are inevitable
unless until you end up into a gray zone so i'm quite interested to see how deep in itself
goes to life with the challenges that it's facing but we have been seeing the deep in trend
on the positive momentum for an external period of time it's been more than a few months and that's
like many years in the crypto space and it's still alive which is good but i'm more keen to see
actually start seeing use cases living out there breathing and living out there and that's the same
thing for real world assets as well there's a lot of talk around all of this a lot of buzz and
narratives around this but more of infrastructure platforms on real world assets and deep in are
coming but the use case of an actual business with a real world asset out there or even a
deep in base products it is just starting to come but the technology of this has suddenly been
sitting there for a few years right now so yeah yes Shiba go ahead i can see your mic is
uh just mute me mute my mic i just wanted to add something maybe uh where i see the
blockchains within the next years it's similar something you said but maybe not in the traffic
but in the machine to machine economy so basically one machine is uh paying another machine to build
a drill or something like this no that's uh that's definitely interesting and i think ai
trend that's coming is only going to aid that right uh machines can be autonomous and now they
can also transact pay and function so they are having their own economy uh the ai and blockchain
building its own uh communication system or protocol uh for them to run things in a more
organized form or more transparent form i guess uh that's definitely a good insight there
yeah i think it can start even with the fridge the fridge is basically just paying your food
so we need to start at the very bottom i think oh how how do you see that work for the fridge is
paying for your food how does that even work you know what you basically the fridge is learning
the fridge is learning what is that guy eating the more sausages cheese or whatever or eggs
and as soon as they empty he's going to order them again and he is going to pay make the payment
basically okay so i think with these the way i see them work is more of a third party integrations
um because for example the that that's the place like what iota was trying to do as well
uh the fridge by itself is a sensor it only sensors collects the data you as a consumer
should probably be using a third party application like alexa or siri or one of those ais or a new
protocol which can interface with all your internet of things things around you connect to them collect
the data and do your bidding like what iefttt does or zapier does it connects all the dots
connects all the applications and runs your bidding for you runs your job for you so i i kind
of have a difficulty seeing the the refrigerator doing it itself um it's it may it could happen
sure but i think there's going to be more an integrated layer uh like what you see with
open ai or one of those tools uh that sits completely separate um could be like a different
version of an oracle and ai hybrid uh which can help you connect the dots and get your job done
irrespective of what device it is it's almost like connecting everything to this interface and
ordering or setting up rules for automations uh but yeah i think that that'll be a very
interesting world that we would be living in at that point right uh transactions happening and
all on chain you could just collect all the data or anybody can collect the data for you or all
about you i think we'll be entering into a new world of uh public data and how that's going to
be working yeah uh guys as we are coming much closer we have 15 minutes before we close the
session so i just like to hear any of your closing thoughts closing commentaries uh anything
that you guys like to share uh that you came across or any ideas that got stirred feel free to
start from you like uh let's go in uh in around just to hear any final thoughts here
yeah definitely i mean like i just wanna quickly go over the discussions that we had in our group
today and we discussed about how gaming uh is going to change with the blockchain and how rwa
can be the next big narrative around and here deep in is also growing very fastly and how
decentralized cloud computing decentralized wireless networking is becoming more big and big and
how like bitcoin or bitcoin can be the cryptocurrency for AI and how like blockchain
can prevent a lot of bad stuff that AI can do will will be done by will be handled by blockchain
very easily and then we had rwa's and tokenization of asset status going on and that is going to
disrupt another tokenization market i think that's our final thoughts and in like uh in the upcoming
five years we will see the next phase of blockchain use cases where big uh private banks are using
uh private uh blockchains for their private ledger across like if they want to share private ledger
one bank one so they can use private blockchains that we had a small discussion about it today
and etfs are like already approved for bitcoin so i think like new wave of investment also coming
for the blockchain to make it more bigger i think it's very exciting to see how like these
industry evolve in the next five years and how it already did in the next 10 years so i think
that's very amazing to see perfect night true
yeah i just want to say thank you so much for having us this is a super super interesting
conversation conversation i uh i learned a lot and i got a lot of uh kind of new insights and
and uh helped shape some opinions for me on some stuff so really love the space and uh thanks so
much for having us amazing leo 1x
amazing leo 1x
yeah i just want to echo that as well thanks for having us um you know for for us i you know as i
look at all the different uh use cases that i get approached with daily uh from people within
businesses communities and crypto it's it's interesting and for me i feel like the biggest
uh use case coming up for blockchain in the next few years is is uniting everything together
um stop the silos stop working you know um in those kind of things there's not going to be
one solution that's going to solve the problem there's no magic bullet um we need to come
together and you know i i feel like if you get enough crypto enthusiasts together and that are
all collaborating together um it's amazing what you can do we've seen similar impacts with how
social has basically turned a lot of different trends and and um made change because a whole
bunch of passionate people got together and i feel like that is going to be the biggest use case
and blockchain is coming together and not working siloed in our projects
that makes sense uh haven's haven's compass yes thanks for having us again as i said in intro i
haven't said much throughout uh the whole spaces but i definitely enjoyed hearing the opinions and
ideas that are coming up i'd like to uh you know just just close it down for us on haven's compass
behalf when it comes to you know blockchain use cases there as i said in the beginning many use
cases very unlimited things you can do with it uh make sure you keep it clear you know we've been
having this problem in the blockchain world that a lot of us are creating problems and then creating
a solution for it so make sure you actually find the problem and create the solution for it instead
of creating the problem and the solution because that's not gonna get blockchain technology anywhere
um and that's it from uh from my end thanks guys for having us you know make sure you check out
our game and uh we'll be happy to get on the spaces like this again okay amazing yeah yeah
the problem the solution thing that kind of that reminds me of how the global gtp is created in
most part right now and uh michael mikir i'm definitely having a hard time a hard time with
your name i'm just gonna call you miss yeah yeah just m is good people call me mik to you if that's
easier to remember yeah again great space like super thoughtful speakers i'm you know like i
think what layer one said was important like we do need to get away from the fragmentation
right now we are so focused on building out the infrastructure and like this is the new
infrastructure of the internet and there's so much like mental energy that is put into that that we
don't have as much time to play and be whimsical and look at like what are all of the benefits
of this going to be so you know hopefully this year brings us a lot closer towards that
connectivity that we need to make a lot of these future things possible i think there were some
great kind of you know thoughts about that future today and i just think like people are going to
get more and more creative over time i'm just i'm here for it i'm super excited for our future
super excited to be building with y'all and thanks again for having me perfect um game of silks
i really want to try try the horses thing someday i like to
ride them and it's usually fun i'm not i'm not a pro or anything i just like to do it for hobby
so that kind of excites me go ahead game of silks yeah yeah you're a writer you love it for sure
but yeah i'd make um mirror what mikil and heaven said and layer one was talking about it's
it's opera interoperability i think is going to be more and more important because yeah because
the infrastructure is there and this of course a lot of people build like new infrastructure but
it's it's bringing it all together so the first person shooter can have like benefits to give you
perks with some ai use case that you know it can give you rewards for new layer one and just getting
creative and outside the box and just so there's more end user value add i think is the best thing
and of course rwas are definitely coming down the the the pipeline and game file like a lot
of wonderful games down here that are or that are on stage as well uh will be cool and so we
kind of bring that together and looking forward to building with with great people and uh taking
care of those that uh that are down to collab and get involved with game of silks in our community
so happy to collab with anyone where it makes sense and yeah appreciate you all i think what
you said there is pretty important the end user value i think those three words we need to put it
on inscription on bitcoin network or something uh if we ask that question every single time we are
trying to solve a problem that we probably created we should keep focusing on that very same thing
what is the end user value not for the other crypto grows not for the other uh deej and friends
among us but for someone outside the space who don't care about blockchain who don't care about
uh technology how does it actually help them uh if you can answer that question every single time i
think we'll make a lot more progress and we'll remove 90 percent of the crap in the space and
clean it up so yeah those are those are golden words uh out there uh bone it down
yeah i just want to say thanks for having and uh for hosting such a great discussion uh i love
these kinds of topics i think it's great i think it's great for more people to share their different
perspectives and what they're working on and what they're excited about um i'll just we'll say one
thing um so a lot of times when we speak on spaces people will hit up the website and mint a few
tokens that's amazing i'm excited for that but just if you're gonna do that please batch mint
uh it is really a very gas optimized contract and you will thank me later right like if you mint
one you're gonna pay like five dollars in gas but if you mint five you're gonna pay like six
dollars in gas if you mint like 30 you're gonna pay like seven dollars in gas so really like i'm
just fyi if you're listening to me and you're like hey i want to make one of these things
i 100 support you but please please take advantage of all the gas optimization work we did
i appreciate you great uh shiva nico hey i'm totally up with layer one was he said that we
need to unite people and the tech and everything because of that we developed our bot and i would
love to guys check it out maybe if you need it because there are so many nice projects in and i
think uh with some we could collaborate together thank you for having me here amazing um guys we
have these sessions we have this twitter spaces every single week at the same time right here
so don't hesitate to join in on the future sessions uh would love to have all these amazing
listeners that we have here uh join in every single time and speakers that we have on stage
feel free to chime in next time as well it was a great discussion and our hope with the key
different space is to make sure that this gets heard to the point where people are developing
applications that make sense to the business world out there things that we see people around us end
up using more than just a speculative aspect here we want blockchain to shine for what it was created
it was created to serve people and it has to serve them not just be a tool of entertainment out there
so i'm super excited for all your contributions thank you so much uh every one of you and i look
forward connecting with you guys in the days to come thank you guys thanks everyone so have a great
week y'all thank you everyone have a great day guys