CoinEx &BEPRO Network AMA

Recorded: April 21, 2023 Duration: 0:41:57



Hello, I'm Rank.
Hi, Mario, can you hear me? Hey, yes, I can hear you perfectly. How are you doing? Well, also we can read just a couple minutes for the people to join our talk. Or they just started now.
As you wish, ready when you are. Okay, thanks.
Okay, so let's start it now. Okay, hello, I welcome to the BEPRO 8 Network EMA with Co-S and I'm the host today, Daisy from Co-S PR team. And before we begin, I have some great news to share with us.
and each and our user participating in our AMA will have the opportunity to receive a report from us and we hope that everyone can actively participate and engage with us. So let's jump to today's AMA
event now and I'm honored to introduce our guest today, Mario, he is the CEO of the B-PRO community so let's welcome hello Mario, thanks for joining us today and we are
We are excited to hear your insights on today's AMA. Yeah, thank you very much for the invitation and for having me here. It's a pleasure to be here at the Connects AMA and I'm glad to answer all of your
questions. Okay, thanks. So let's get started with our interview now and dive into the questions that I want is able to know more about that is what is B Pro Network and how does it aim to contribute to the web story ecosystem.
All right, so BPronetwork is within the workfie ecosystem. You probably never heard about the workfie term because it's something that we are internally also defining to the world. So this idea
of how people can use decentralized protocols to start working and getting paid in the centralized manner. So think what B-Pro Network intends to do. So basically we are protocol that focuses
on helping organizations to launch their development bounties. So a development bounty can be any task related with development. You can be developing a feature, developing a tool, or developing anything else inside the development ecosystem. And one

FAQ on CoinEx &BEPRO Network AMA | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host of the AMA event?
Daisy from Co-S PR team.
Who is the guest of the AMA event?
Mario, the CEO of B-Pro Community.
What is B-Pro Network?
B-Pro Network is a protocol that helps organizations to launch their development bounties.
What is a development bounty?
A development bounty is any task related to development, such as developing a feature or a tool.
What is the goal of B-Pro Network?
The goal of B-Pro Network is to contribute to the workfie ecosystem by allowing people to work and get paid through decentralized protocols.
What is the Workfie term?
The Workfie term is something that is being internally defined by B-Pro Network to the world.
What is the opportunity for participating in the AMA event?
Each user participating in the AMA event will have the opportunity to receive a report from Co-S PR team.
Who can participate in the AMA event?
Anyone can participate in the AMA event.
What is the name of the company that Daisy is from?
Daisy is from Co-S PR team.
What is the focus of B-Pro Network?
The focus of B-Pro Network is to help organizations launch their development bounties.