Community Call

Recorded: June 20, 2023 Duration: 0:35:27



Hello, hello everyone. It's been a little bit since our last call. We're going to give people a couple of minutes to filter in and get settled.
All right, welcome again everyone to another of most community call. We have moved these calls to a monthly instead of every two week thing considering you know how busy we are in the season and all the stuff that we've been up to recently.
So before we turn it over to our Spalig Speakers and special guests, we will go over a handful of topics on whatever must have been up to, whatever one here has been doing. And again, these community calls are so that we
We can provide some clarity, some insight to what's going on and what people ask some questions, spotlight some amazing stuff in our ecosystem and give general updates on what we're doing. So let me go over the agenda real fast coming in.
We're going to talk a little bit about Forge. The Forge team has recently released round two of their inferno incentives, which is really cool to see. I saw a lot of buzz around that. It was
It was definitely something that struck my eye when the Forge run two came out. There's a lot of buzz on Twitter, a lot of buzz around the community. So these kind of, you know, continuing incentive programs and stuff like that are really awesome to see. Moving on from Forge though, the Dora Hacks hackathon, I believe that was extended
We did for one reason or another and was recently coming to the close. We saw a lot of really cool projects, a lot of really cool ideas and really cool initiatives coming out of the Dorehack's Hackathon, which was great to see. These kind of programs really do foster some growth and innovation within the ecosystem.
or hacks, putting on a hackathon like that really does show the potential of all the teams out there and what everyone is building and doing, which is awesome. Lastly, I wanted to talk about the DAP store just a little bit. The DAP store was really cool to see. It was
It was definitely something that caught my eye when I saw a community post, a community member posted about something and then NAMIC ended up making a post, I'll go ahead and pin it here about the DAP store and what that means for everyone and the kind of direction that we're trying
to go with that and simplifying the UI in UX and tightly integrating everything into the ecosystem in one place where people can see everything that's going on and more easily access the ecosystem. You know, UX and UI is a big deal, usability,
But more importantly than that is just connecting people and letting people know getting more out there at the education and the exposure to these kind of things so that people can leverage tooling, leverage awesome projects on ebemos and within the ecosystem. And we really do hope that the DAP store will help bridge that gap.
you know, about people average awesome things. Speaking of awesome things, the admos has been up to. EVM extensions, I don't have an awesome tweet to pin for that one unfortunately, but we've been working on EVM extensions. We released some EVM extensions to testnet when we were in Prague for Gateway, which was really
cool. We'll talk about that a little bit coming up. So we had a couple of talks about that. If you haven't seen them, I do highly recommend looking for them. They're definitely worth a, definitely worth a watch. When we were in a Prague
for Gateway. We had three or four different speaking slots and demos and other cool stuff like that. I think I have one right here. I can go ahead and pen up here. And watching Dan, one of the advanced core development team members go over ABM extension
and give some of the highlights and how those could be leveraged. It was really awesome to see. It was great to see the community feedback that we got from that and the developer feedback that we got from that and the awesome ideas of people running around going, "Wow, I can do this. We can do X. It was really, really great, very collaborative experience.
really loved being in Prague in general. At KWC, we were doing a whole lot behind the scenes, very busy talking to various people, talking avium extensions. Along those lines, I do believe the next main that upgrade will have a whole slew of avium extensions
to come out. So that's something to look out for. Unfortunately, I don't have a timeline for you on that. However, on the subject of timelines, one thing that I can give you is the end of July, we are hoping to have our new UI/UX rebrand kind of stuff done and it works.
the end of July, you can definitely expect a big improvement in UI and UX going forward on EVOS with the new stuff that we're trying to get implemented. So that is one thing that I can definitely share with you and I am very happy to share with you getting that wrap up and finally done. Definitely been giving some sneak peeks and
the community as we've gone along the way, you know, these are just kind of focuses on making things easier and more accessible. Now that I've kind of monologued a little bit and talked about EVMOS and what we've been up to and some of the cool stuff we've been working on, I definitely wanted to acknowledge our
Spotlight Speaker for this month, which is the Tashi team. They are building an awesome protocol on EVMOS and they can explain it much better than I can. So if you wouldn't mind Tashi team members, I have here with me a brief introduction if you would.
Sure, I will jump first, I guess I'm not officially a team member of Tashi, but I'm one of the founders of Rumble blockchain labs who is also listening to the space. So it's great to see everybody in here. Yeah, just we also launched Banky on Avalanche.
Moonwell on Moonbeam. We have Rome Terminal, which is a data and visualization suite, which we're also bringing to EVMOS, which is pretty exciting. We've done liquid staking in a few ecosystems, and now we're supporting the tech side of the Tashi launch. So, Chrissy, and you can introduce yourself quick if you want.
Hey, glad to be back. I've done quite a few of these nice little community calls and had some involvement in Ebb Mose this month. I am Christine, one of the co-founders of Tashi. I am super excited to be here.
Awesome, awesome. Yeah, with that, let's get it, let's get straight into it. I know there was a lot of buzz coming out and a lot of people talking about Ta-shin, talking about this kind of
deployment of this protocol within the Ebb and Echa system. So, you know, on a low level for those that aren't aware, what is it all about? What does Tashi leverage? What does Tashi aim to accomplish?
I'll take this one kind of at a very high level. We are here to help facilitate the bridge, I guess. I mean, we're obviously not the bridge, but as Ebmos is an EVM, we are here to help get new things into
Sorry, give me one second. I can take over here while she's dealing with that. The other big idea is to, you know, to attract and create a home for TVL to move into the EVMO ecosystem. So one of the challenges that EVMO has had, of course, that we're all well aware of is, I mean, we had the Nomad issue for a while.
a while ago now, but that has caused some reverberations, I think, and we have to create reasons, attractive reasons for liquidity to want to come into the ecosystem. And so Tashi, building on our experience in launching Borrelend protocols in new ecosystems, every ecosystem we've launched in or
supported launches and have been at a similar spot to where Edmos is now. So the goal really is to create a very transparent, reputable home focused on conservatism. We are not going to be the most sexy protocol. We are not going to take a lot of long tail risks and support
assets that are questionable. We have some of the best risk partners in the space, both from security and economic risk perspectives. And so we bring all of that to the table to create what should be a verifiable and comfortable place for users to bring TVL to EVMOS, and of course, to enable other applications to build on top of us.
Awesome. Absolutely great to hear. These applications and as a lever to bring in other users and other applications, other general explorers, developers, other stuff into the ecosystem is awesome to see. So, playing into that, what is the strength
of Tashi. So let's see the kind of the detail on how Tashi's aiming to achieve that, so to speak. Yeah, great question. Christine's having technical issues right now. So I'm just going to answer some of these questions until she gets that figured out if she can get it figured out here. But yeah, so what makes Tashi
I think first of all, it's not a brand new protocol. It's not a brand new team. Effectively, the reason room blockchain labs is involved is because we have a fairly battle-tested playbook on not only how to launch these protocols, but what the steps are then to build good integrations, good ecosystem partnerships,
attract institutional liquidity providers. Many of those things were already working on behind the scenes. I think what makes Tashi different in a lot of ways is, well, first of all, just the experience, the development expertise that Rome blockchain runs brings. But the team has been really focused on kind of
the grassroots evangelism of the Edmos ecosystem. This is why we do it this way where Rome blockchain labs doesn't run the protocol. We do it with these co-founding teams that actually are responsible and have full control over the protocol. The reason for that is they can focus entirely on the Edmos ecosystem on any
on building community and so on. Lastly, one of the major differentiators I think is the economic structure of how the Tashi Protocol will work. It's novel for Boroughland. We've worked with some amazing quant firms and incredible data sets to come up with what we believe
to be the best practice of how Borrelend protocols can be sustainable into the future. It's a little confusing, so I apologize to everybody when you're looking at the three token system, wondering what the heck, why there's three tokens, maybe we'll talk about that in a minute, but it's all for good reason. We wanted to make sure that we didn't have a VC heavy
protocols, so we're not doing any venture investors or anything in the platform. Christine and her team are the ones doing the fundraise and have full discretion over how to spend those resources, but it's entirely focused on the community and making sure that we can build long-term relationships with users.
Awesome. Yeah, that's absolutely great. It's a great focus to have, you know, working for and with the community is one of the best things about the Cosmos ecosystem in general, but also one of the best things of us is all of the general explorers in right here, all of the
validators are here all the developers everyone is really enthusiastic and not afraid to give feedback which is absolutely fantastic so working alongside them with the community goals in mind really does help set everyone up
for success. That's absolutely fantastic to hear. Are we still having some technical difficulties on the back? Yeah, I'm not sure if it's her phone or the internet or something. She was messaging me on telegram. So I can just answer questions in the meantime. If she gets it figured out, she'll start to chime in.
Awesome. Okay, just let the picture know when it's being loved.
Okay, so can we talk timelines all the stuff that's coming up? I know we have an awesome mega thread that I linked with a whole bunch of different stuff But you know what's coming up around the corner for those that don't know or haven't checked out the mega thread Yeah, awesome and to be honest I haven't read the mega thread so I'm just gonna go from the top of my head here, but the genesis pools are like
right now for Adam and Evmos tokens, deposits are allowed for three weeks from launch, which was last Wednesday, I believe. So we've still got some time. I know there's a good amount of people that had to unbomb some Evmos to be able to participate in those ecosystem or in the genesis pools. The yield is currently quite a
active, we've allocated up to 2.5% of total supply just for this three week initiative. So if you're deposited in the first three weeks and those assets remain deposited, you earn additional boosted yield on those assets for up to 90 days. So it's quite lucrative. That's the intention of how to do that.
Why are we seeding Genesis pools? My question has come up quite a bit in a new ecosystem where there's not a heck of a lot of TVL. The limitations on what you can do for Borrelend essentially prevent us from lending anything. So we have to find ways to seed liquidity both on the lending protocol and to encourage liquidity
on forge or whatever other exchanges are available, in this case likely forge. And we have to make sure that they get up to suitable scale before Borland actually works. So that's the point of these Genesis pools. Of course, we want to attract and incentivize new assets
coming into EVMOS, because again, we're not just vying for the TVL that's currently in EVMOS, that would be incredibly short-sighted. Our goal really is to start bringing assets in from other Cosmos ecosystems as well as when we get wormhole support, we will support wormhole
whole wrapped assets from many other ecosystems. So definitely very excited about that. So that's the first major milestone at the end of the month. Worm change should be available, which means the wormhole bridge will be active. And so there's about a week after that.
when we can do full protocol launch. So full protocol launch will be in August and is entirely dependent on wormhole deployment. So we're working closely with wormhole so as the EVMOS team to make sure that we're on the right page for that. But everything's looking good. I think we're on track to achieve that. July 4th,
the community sale for Tashi. It's open to non-US and non-Canada and non-OFAC sanctioned regions. I think that's probably pretty clear why that is. If not, you can send me at the MNB and I'm happy to explain it. All of that being said, there's a white list process right now
So if you want to go to the Tashi Twitter, I believe it's there, you can fill out the white list and you'll get a guaranteed slot in the public sale. It's being facilitated through token soft, an amazing platform we've used them many times before. It's very smooth, very simple, very cost effective. We're doing a 3.5
$5 million fund raise at a $35 million Val FDV there, which is exciting, especially because there's no venture taking large chunks of that allocation. So it's all for the community. We have a really attractive unlock schedule relative to many other sales like this. So definitely worth checking it out.
Yeah, awesome. Yeah, it's great to hear. I know a lot of people are excited to see the timeline and at least to me has I've been in the tech space and the cryptocurrency space and the cosmos space more specifically for a while now to me this seems
like a really ramped up accelerated timeline. You know, this is awful tie timings between everything. So it's nice to see things coming out quick in rapid succession. How has that been on the coordination side of things? Is this, fell exactly how you wanted it to? Has, has,
the community kind of had you pivot and change times or anything like that or is this going according to plan? Yeah, good question. I'd say it's going generally according to plan. I mean, there's obviously unforeseen anytime you launch into a new ecosystem that the one surprise that we had
was just there was a slight delay in wormhole for the right reasons. We all understand why that is. But yeah, other than that, it's kind of it's going generally according to plan. It's tight timelines, but part of the reason that real blockchain labs supports the development here is we have a very large development
team relative to most labs in the space. So we have a ton of resources that we apply to these to get things out, to get things tested. We have multiple security vendors that do audits and both private and public audits. So yeah, we've got a bit of a stream
We will be doing a relatively fast follow with a liquid-staking protocol connected to or with the Tashi platform. And we're also launching support for Rome terminal at some point in the relatively near future for the Evo-Mos ecosystem.
forage, likely pangolin, and Tashi, of course, will be included as well as wormhole as a bridge in the Rome Terminal deployment. It provides data and dex visualization. If you haven't checked it out,, we will be adding evos support for that here soon.
That's absolutely fantastic to hear. It's just so much coming with this integration into EVMOS. There's so much going on and so much for people to take advantage of. Like I said, from the typical Explorer all the way up to a seasoned veteran developer, there's a lot to unpack here.
And speaking of the a lot to unpack here, I know that you kind of alluded on like the three token set up and stuff. I was wondering if you wanted to get to that and kind of explain the basic setup on and how that works for anyone that might have some questions. Yeah, we probably don't have enough time to go through all of it in detail, but
It is a little bit confusing. We've tried to simplify it in some documentation that some is currently public. Some will be made public, I believe relatively soon, around the tokenomics. But essentially there's three different tokens. There's the standard Tashi token, which is
ultimately the one that's transferable, the one that will have a liquidity pool on a DEX that will also be tradable on some centralized exchanges, either concurrent with launch or potentially later on. But all of that being said, that's the one token that will be
the one that will have a tradable value. The ES Tashi is an escrowed version of Tashi, and that's what you get for emissions. Now, the reason that we use a different type of token for emissions, A, it's non-transferable other than to certain contract addresses, so you can't sell
it, there will be no secondary market for it. And what it means is that after 15 days of those assets being available, you can claim them, but they're slashing. So what this does is it creates a bit of game theory around when and how to claim your emissions. This, the half of it, if you
with drought at 15 days, 50% is burned up to six months. So the amount that's burned is reduced in a linear fashion over six months. So if you wait for six months from when your emissions were granted to when you claim them, then they convert back to Tashi one to one without any burning or slashing.
That's the ES version Xtashi is exactly the same as EStashi There's one major while there's a couple major differences and I'm giving you just the major points There's some nuance about these tokens that we can talk about later, but Xtashi is a KYC you have to KYC
And we'll explain how that process works with a partner called Quadrata, which is an amazing DID platform that we're working with on a lot of ecosystems. And we were able to persuade them to support Edmos, which is quite exciting. And what that allows is you will have, if you hold
Xtashi, that's going to be the token that's required to make, you have to have a certain amount of Xtashi to make governance proposals. You will be able to vote in governance at some point down the road with your Xtashi. There's something called block rewards. It's not very creative.
doing that for what probably is obvious reasons, at least the vernacular that we're using to name some of these things, we have to be really careful. But effectively, if the protocol is successful, people that hold Xtashy will be able to to a certain extent and over time participate in that success for lack of a better way to explain that.
for obvious reasons that is not accessible to US persons or Canadians or people from OFAC sectioned countries. But once we have regulatory clarity in different jurisdictions, then of course we can look at how and if that can be opened up. Hopefully that explains it. X Tashi is also
non-transferable, there will be no secondary market. It has the same two-week lock with then the ability to unlock it with a 50 percent slash after 15 days or two weeks per day. Otherwise, that amount of slashing decreases linearly over six months.
Great, that's absolutely perfect. Way more than I thought that you're going to get into there in that amount of time, you're absolutely great at incline and answering all these questions. So I have to admit, you know, I'm working on the community side of things. I'm usually just enough
about things to get myself in trouble. So if there's one key point that you want to talk about that you think that I might have ever looked and haven't really brought up yet, what's the one cool touchy thing that I haven't quite thought about just yet? And what should I be looking to find out more about it?
Yeah, I think there's a lot of cool touchy things. I think the impact of what the economic structure and the economic design will do for token stability and just to counteract the impact of emissions over time, I think is pretty compelling.
and worth looking at. Anybody that has a keen interest in tokenomics feel free to reach out to me and we can discuss some why we made certain decisions or why we recommended that Tashi team make certain decisions. I think there's a few other things that we're
We're doing right out of the gate. We have a partner in Chaos Labs, which is without a shadow of a doubt, industry-leading economic risk, economic risk consultants and vendors. We've worked with them on many other protocols. They've secured over four billion in assets for us, which is in
incredibly exciting that they're coming to EVMOS to support Tashi. This is a huge step in terms of institutional deployments and getting other assets from other ecosystems to know that we're modeling and simulating all the potential second and third-order impacts of market swings of
platform hacks of all of these different things for third-party protocols. One that aren't ours, but still have an impact on the ecosystem. That's pretty interesting. I think when we launch the full protocol, we will have, and probably before then, we'll have a partnership live with a company called Notify. So you'll be able
to get text, telegram, discord, and email notifications if you want when certain things happen. So if you get to where your collateral is a little thin or you are about to get liquidated or you've requested a withdrawal and you need to know when your vesting time is up.
All of those things will be automated through a notification system. We've also used notify on other protocols. It works amazing. They have an amazing team. Their tech support is unbelievable. So we're super excited about that. I think the UX UI is quite clean, sophisticated. I think that's
a little bit different with Tashi also. And lastly, we're going to have some on an off ramp directly into Tashi partnerships very early. C14 is one of them that is already live. You could on ramp into EVMO and into Adam from a bank account.
without having to go through all the bridging fun that currently exists. So that's exciting. We actually got C14 to add Adam support just for Tashi. So that's pretty cool. And I think lastly, something that we're very, very focused on is aggregating liquidity on Evmos, but creating presences on
I won't get too deep into that, but we're piloting some stuff with wormhole for cross chain deposits and different things and abstracting a lot of the bridging and swapping that's required. We're also working with another group called swing, which is effectively an aggregator of the
multi-chain bridge aggregator, but they can do direct deposits into the Tashi pools from other chains without, again, having to go through the whole process of bridging and swapping and RPC changes, etc. So all of those things combined over the next little while, I think will really set Tashi apart.
Yeah, I think so too. That's absolutely fantastic. There's so much I agree we could you know be at it all day talking about all the awesome applications and you know unique use cases of something like this brings but there's just so much that we're gonna have to kind of wait and see how it unfolds and see the
creative way that people are able to leverage things like this and the kind of awesome things that it can really do for the FNOS ecosystem. So, you know, kudos to the entire team Tashi is an absolutely amazing kind of, it's the kind of project that you're going to see.
100 projects a day that you know say that they want to do a thing and then you know very few actually make it to execution and fewer yet make it to executing in a great manner that looks great for the entire ecosystem the entire you know explorer base and
entire builder and validator set. So this is one of those things. This is one of those gems that with the proper, you know, flawless execution that this can be really big for everybody. And I'm sure everyone here is excited to hear about it. So I don't know why the meeting time
was set up as long as it was but we are actually getting close to running up on time so I would invite anyone from the audience if you want to ask a question now get a time to raise your hand and maybe we can get a question or two up. Sorry I said while they do that I just wanted to introduce
myself. I'm Lindy, also co-founder of Tashi. Christine's having technical difficulties, so I thought I'd hop on here and just want to let the community know that we're here, we're listening, and JD is absolutely 100% affluent and amazing and answering all our questions. So thank you, JD.
for taking care of that and yeah just absolutely looking forward to being 100% committed to the growth of the community and anything that we can actively do to help in its development. So yeah any questions I'm here for you guys.
Awesome. Yeah, great. Great to hear. Again, go ahead, feel free to raise your hand if you have a question request to speak and I will, I will, I will, I will, let you come up on stage and ask your question. While we're waiting on some questions to roll in, Lindsay, I know
that you were talking about, you know, being community-focused and community-driven and open to answering questions, I have seen a massive outpouring of support for Ritashi and a lot of stuff, you know, going on from the community side of things. How about you? What is the community reception thought like to you?
Yeah, no, the community on ebmos is amazing. I mean, I'm absolutely new to ebmos and so they've been super helpful, especially just like trying to figure out how to get ebmos and you know, that's kind of complicated and then
just learning and trying to put out things to help other users get onboarded into the EVMOS ecosystem and stuff like that. So as far as the community go, they've been super receptive and super helpful. They're always answering our questions. The EVMOS team has been amazing.
amazing, they're pushing out all our updates and answering questions and jumping into answer questions that people have. So yeah, no, overall, it's been a wonderful experience so far. Just add to that quickly. Commonwealth and
And many of the major validators, major ecosystem participants have been super open. We've done a lot of calls with different ecosystem stakeholders. I think everybody's excited. Having Borrelend, you know,
especially once we get to scale is a huge building block for D5. And I mean, EVMOS has a lot of promise in terms of all the different things that we can accomplish in the ecosystem. And this is just a critical first step. And so we're this very excited to have all the support that we've had so far.
Awesome. Yeah, absolutely great to hear. Doesn't look like there's any questions flowing in. So we do have the awesome mega thread pinned up at the top of the community call here so people can read through that and find
And more about Tashi, more about this kind of deployment, more of what it means for them. But outside of this mega thread, where can anyone else in the audience go to find out more information? Is there anywhere in particular they should be looking?
Yeah, so well, we have the link tree on our Twitter and I believe it's pinned in a lot of the chats as well, but it has links to our application, our lander page, our medium articles.
documentation, light paper, and all the information there. But if there's any specific questions, I believe we're both very active on the Discord as well as the Telegram channels. So, hit us up there.
Awesome, absolutely great to hear. Again, thanks so much to the team that's up here with me. I'm going to go ahead and give you four if there's any closing statements that you'd like to make before we go ahead and wrap this up. The floor is yours guys.
Oh boy, don't give me an open mic opportunity this might last forever. No, I'm kidding. Again, just thank you all very much for attending. Again, the white list, just a reminder, go on the Tashi Twitter. There's a place where you can wait list for the sale if you are so inclined. Obviously, we're pretty excited.
And I think the evaluation is comfortably low relative to many sales that are available to ecosystem users. So you might want to get on there and guarantee that you've got a spot in the sale at least with one wallet for the white list. Other than that, you know, whether you want to speak to the Tashi team or
myself were open. The M's are open. Send us a note anytime, come in the telegram, come in discord, talk on Twitter. No question is a stupid question. And if you have concerns or challenges or questions or just want to tell us that we're messing something up, we're open to that too.
It's definitely a team effort. It's something that's going to require all of us to work together. Both builders and community members alike. And so again, don't be shy. We're happy to help. And thanks again, guys, for hosting us today. Absolutely. It's absolutely great call.
In my experience, when there's not many questions rolling in, it means that you've absolutely nailed your job at answering all those questions and topics came up through the conversations, which that seems to have been, you know, what happened here today. So again, I'm very grateful, very much looking forward to Tashi and very much looking forward
to the future and the awesome things that this brings to the AdMOS ecosystem. Again, thank you everyone for showing up to another community call. I will see everyone here next month on another regular community call with some more updates at that point in time. Thank you all for coming. Bye now.