#WAX Wednesday NFTopia w/ @thewaffleskitty @ConsumerBreak & Carly

Recorded: April 26, 2023 Duration: 1:20:00



Mike, you're always first. You're always the first person in here on Monday. You'd be for the speakers, man.
All right. Oh, maybe I'm just gonna get here is break man detot and what's up? Matt Tp three piece left tongue tie excuse me welcome Let's get break man up here good morning
or evening. Can you hear me? Yes I can, you sound good. Actually I'm using my earphones for the first time on a Twitter space because I got the adapter for it. Whoo! Instead of speakerphone, how's it going? I still rocking speakerphone on an old phone that still has my
Twitter log in because my new one was not working. Right. Do what you got to do. Yeah, do totally. All right, there's I think that's Waffles. Let's get her up here. It's up broken. Drawing company. Hello, welcome. Carly. There's Carly.
Carly recently just hit 1000 Twitter followers this week props heads off to you Hey, good. How are you? I am actually you know
If you've hosted one with before me and I think Derek has and Carly has some insight too, but I get severe jitters and anxiety right for it starts today. I'm actually not Feeling so anxious and I'm really excited to kind of dig into this and educate everyone about an of Tokyo.
Awesome. Let me go ahead and send the invite coach invite. Yes, there we go. We go Carly way Carly up here and then we will kick this off.
Come on, Twitter. Come on, Elon. There you go. Carly up.
Awesome. Awesome. All right. Well, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us. I think we've got everyone here. We might go a little bit later today. You know, it's that of Toby's a big deal. If nobody, if you're not sure and if you're not sure right now, you will be at
the end of this space. So let's go ahead and kick it off. Everyone, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, Wax fam. I have been looking forward to this space for a full month now and the day is finally here. So, you know, me, I'm Tommy from Wax.
And today I am joined by Carly, the beauty to go perils beast. We'll be chatting up Waffles, Kitty and Breakman and they're the minds and the hands behind the popular NFTopia convention which is going to kick off this Friday. Carly, how are you today?
Don't forget to unmute. That's exactly what I was. I'm doing wonderful. Thanks for having me on the co-host. And N.F.Telvia is something I'm always looking forward to. It's so much fun. So I'm happy to be here.
I know that you were someone who had talked about NFTOP before and that's why I was really excited to get you as my co-host because you have can bring that knowledge to it as well. So for any of those who don't know Carly, she creates handmade
I have a lot of fun.
her a true Jane of all trades. Thanks for joining us today, Carly. And so we've introduced Carly, so now I'm going to have Carly's going to have an introduce our guest. Take it away. All right.
So we have Sarah or as lava snow her as Waffles Kitty. She is the founder of Nautopia and also co-director for the US Esports Association. Chances are you've already seen her around. She is very active in the wax community. Waffles also just recently released her first NFT called The Waffles.
She got so much love and support that she sold out on Nepty Blocks. We also have Breakeman. He is the most popular host and streamer of Consumer Break, his Twitch channel. He hosts weekly interviews as well as creating the fun downloadable app highlighting recent collections via FastPayStriks.com puzzle gameplay.
He is also the creator of Consumer Break, Wax Collection featuring hybrid creature trading cards and is gearing up to launch two more puzzle game apps for kids called Student Break and Bible Break. Yay! Welcome, everyone. Happy to be here, Greg.
have you. Um, very cool. So it's been almost a month to the day, and where we had waffles join us on the Twitter spaces during March, and I'm excited to have you back. Um, for you, break man, it's been a little bit longer since we've had general wax Wednesday, but I always say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
So let's get into this. I'm excited to learn about all the stuff from the N of Topia, share the details. So let's kick this off. To give some background, would you tell us a little bit about how N of Topia started?
Sure, I mean I think the biggest push that I got for starting at October was thanks to the wax community and everyone that was kind of with me when we were at DigiCon last year and after
That had to be put on Paytis. We had to figure out what was the next step or what was going to happen. And so I had a lot of people in the community asked me like, "Hey, if you do another event that's
like DigiCon, we will be all backing you up. And right next to me was Consumer Break, Cyber Vandals, so many other people in the community that helped me get on my feet to start in Ethiopia.
Yeah, I'll add a little to that. We were at the last Digicon over in November, Digicon 12. And that was the first one that I had arranged back-to-back events the entire weekend. That's just something that I...