Acala ecosystem

Projects count on Acala

Count of Acala projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on Acala?

See the Acala Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Acala is looking For

DeFi projects on Acala

10 total projects. $101,435,488 total chain TVL.

Acala TVL

Dexs volume in Acala

TVL of projects on Acala

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Acala Liquid Staking Liquid Staking $39,376,919 n/a
Acala LCDOT Liquid Staking $20,263,399 n/a
Acala Euphrates Yield $19,271,519 n/a
Acala Dollar CDP $10,796,691 n/a
Taiga Acala Synthetics $4,846,488 n/a
Taiga Protocol $4,846,488 n/a
Acala Swap DEX $2,033,717 n/a
Portal Bridge $267 July 15, 2022
Starlay Finance Lending $0 n/a
Acala Chain n/a n/a
Where can I lend and borrow aca?
aca can be lended and borrowed on:
Which bridges support aca?
aca can be bridged using the following bridging platforms: