Boba Network ecosystem

Projects count on Boba Network

Count of Boba Network projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on Boba Network?

See the Boba Network Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Boba Network is looking For

DeFi projects on Boba Network

31 total projects. $12,383,015 total chain TVL.

Boba Network TVL

Dexs volume in Boba Network

TVL of projects on Boba Network

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Uniswap V3 DEX $1,896,715 n/a
Uniswap DeFi $1,896,715 n/a
SushiSwap DEX $1,587,364 n/a
Sushi $1,587,364 n/a
Teahouse Permissionless Liquidity manager $1,040,568 n/a
Teahouse Finance Asset management, DeFi $1,040,568 n/a
Sushi Aptos DEX $883,314 n/a
OolongSwap DEX $812,008 n/a
Charm Finance V2 Liquidity manager $392,135 n/a
Charm Finance AMM, DeFi, Liquidity $392,135 n/a
Where can I stake boba?
boba can be staked at:
Where can I buy boba?
boba can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Where can I lend and borrow boba?
boba can be lended and borrowed on:
Which NFT marketplaces support boba?
boba can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces: