Ripple ecosystem

Projects count on Ripple

Count of Ripple projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Ripple

Category Projects Count
DeFi Binance CEX, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, Gate-io and 13 more 18
CEX Binance CEX, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, Gate-io and 10 more 15
Bridge Orbit Bridge, Wan Bridge, 3
CeFi Bitget, 2
Infrastructure Orbit Bridge 1
Derivatives Bitget 1
Cross Chain 1

Should I Build on Ripple?

See the Ripple Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Ripple is looking For

DeFi projects on Ripple

18 total projects. $2,372,040,127 total chain TVL.

Ripple TVL

TVL of projects on Ripple

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Binance CEX CEX $1,404,197,004 n/a
Bitstamp CEX $289,087,618 n/a
Bybit CEX $236,905,851 n/a
OKX CEX $154,865,304 n/a
Bitget CEX $85,379,689 n/a
Korbit CEX $66,313,510 n/a
Gate-io CEX $48,061,576 n/a
SwissBorg CEX $26,527,438 n/a
Huobi CEX $25,451,047 n/a
Orbit Bridge Bridge $16,179,844 June 3, 2019
Where can I buy Ripple?
Ripple can be bought and traded on the following exchanges and websites:
Which bridges support Ripple?
Ripple can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Binance CEX, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, Gate-io and 13 more 18
CEX Binance CEX, OKX, Bybit, Huobi, Gate-io and 10 more 15
Infrastructure Orbit Bridge 1
Derivatives Bitget 1
Cross Chain 1