NEAR ecosystem

Projects count on NEAR

Count of NEAR projects on Alphagrowth platform

Daily transactions in NEAR

Count of daily transactions on NEAR chain for the last 90 days

Projects by category on NEAR

Category Projects Count
Infrastructure Chainlink Staking, The Graph, Idavoll DAO, SubQuery Network, Automata and 218 more 224
DeFi Roketo, OpenOcean, WOOFi Swap, Oin Finance, Composable Finance and 154 more 159
Gaming Web3Mon, Duel Network, Exxaverse, Virtually Human Studio (ZED RUN), OP Games and 115 more 121
Wallets SafePal, XDEFI, Trust Wallet Token, Ledger, Liquality and 52 more 58
DEX EmiSwap, Spin Spot, Tonic DEX, Orderly Network, Pangolin and 26 more 31
Payments Yomoola, Roketo, MoonPay, NearPay, Alchemy Pay and 25 more 31
CeFi Fireblocks, Mintbase, USD Coin, Banxa, Copper and 12 more 17
Bridge Allbridge Classic, Multichain, Portal, Butter Swap, Rainbow Bridge and 8 more 13
Oracle Chainlink Staking, HAPI, API3, Band Protocol, Switchboard and 6 more 11
Privacy Automata, Zecrey Protocol, Notebook Labs, Mystiko, ZeroPool Network and 6 more 11
Liquid Staking Pangolin, Yomoola, LiNEAR Protocol, sICX, Eversol and 5 more 10
Cross Chain Zap3, Radrugs, AILAND, Rubic, MAP Protocol and 5 more 10
Lending Acumen, Burrow, Nereus Finance, OMOMO, Pawn NFT and 4 more 9
Derivatives Spin Spot, Satori, Veax, Flux Exchange, Spin Perps and 3 more 8
Staking Stader, Staking Rewards, HashQuark, Kiln, Spectrum Staking and 2 more 7
Services Makx, Suterusu, Aurora Plus, MetaMask, Rainbow and 2 more 7
NFT Marketplace Dojo Finance, aerx, Gryph, Hypermove, AILAND and 2 more 7
Yield Staking Rewards, PembRock Finance, BtnGroup, Robo-Advisor for Yield, OMNIA Protocol 5
CEX Defi Swap, Binance CEX, Bitfinex, SwissBorg, Bitstamp 5
Yield Aggregator Phoenix Bonds, PembRock Finance, Fluxus Finance 3
Chain Xircus Web3 Protocol, NEAR, Rainbow Bridge 3
DEX Aggregator OpenOcean, Bitget Swap, Rubic 3
Algo-Stables TiTi Protocol, Oin Finance 2
Indexes DeHive, Staking Rewards 2
Farm Pangolin, NEKO 2
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
Prediction Market Xircus Web3 Protocol 1
Options Vault Spin DOV 1
Restaking Octopus Network 1
NftFi Envelop (Niftsy) 1

Should I Build on NEAR?

See the NEAR Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects NEAR is looking For

DeFi projects on NEAR

33 total projects. $1,034,204,009 total chain TVL.


Dexs volume in NEAR

TVL of projects on NEAR

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Burrow Lending $242,086,660 Jan. 7, 2022
LiNEAR Protocol Liquid Staking $192,101,313 Jan. 18, 2023
Meta Pool Near Liquid Staking $164,944,653 n/a
Meta Pool $164,944,653 n/a
Binance CEX CEX $97,504,094 n/a
Ref Finance DEX $72,296,212 Jan. 7, 2022
Meta Pool ETH Liquid Staking $42,034,804 May 11, 2022
HERE Wallet staking Liquid Staking $10,311,484 June 17, 2022
Portal Bridge $9,413,174 July 15, 2022
Bitfinex CEX $8,189,075 n/a
Which NFT marketplaces support NEAR?