ZetaChain ecosystem

Projects count on ZetaChain

Count of ZetaChain projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on ZetaChain?

See the ZetaChain Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects ZetaChain is looking For

DeFi projects on ZetaChain

21 total projects. $6,760,705 total chain TVL.

ZetaChain TVL

Dexs volume in ZetaChain

TVL of projects on ZetaChain

Name Categories TVL Launch date
EddyFinance DEX $2,336,627 n/a
ZetaEarn Liquid Staking $1,368,939 n/a
iZiSwap DEX $783,948 n/a
iZUMi Finance $783,948 n/a
Accumulated Finance Liquid Staking $503,794 n/a
Range Protocol Liquidity manager $502,276 n/a
Zebra Protocol CDP $318,181 n/a
Sushi $34,966 n/a
SushiSwap V3 DEX $33,450 n/a
DyorSwap DEX $28,852 n/a
Which bridges support zeta?
zeta can be bridged using the following bridging platforms: