zkLink ecosystem

Projects count on zkLink

Count of zkLink projects on Alphagrowth platform

Should I Build on zkLink?

See the zkLink Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects zkLink is looking For

DeFi projects on zkLink

14 total projects. $329,322,364 total chain TVL.

zkLink TVL

Dexs volume in zkLink

TVL of projects on zkLink

Name Categories TVL Launch date
LayerBank Lending $256,567,308 n/a
AINN Layer2 Farm $67,701,753 n/a
Native Lend Lending $1,838,751 n/a
iZiSwap DEX $1,707,174 n/a
Meson Cross Chain $736,793 n/a
iZUMi Finance $367,507 n/a
Symbiosis Cross Chain $189,736 Nov. 24, 2021
NovaSwap DEX $67,514 n/a
LogX Derivatives $54,836 n/a
zkDX Farm $52,429 n/a
Where can I lend and borrow zkLink?
zkLink can be lended and borrowed on:
Which bridges support zkLink?
zkLink can be bridged using the following bridging platforms: