Banana Gun Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Banana Gun.

Buy & Sell Banana Gun Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Banana Gun.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX CoinDCX BG/NONE $40.5000 %2.74 $433.74 $193.04 $3,113.15 31 minutes
CEX WhiteBIT BG/USDT $38.1400 %0.13 $135.43 $319.10 $2,497,416.00 32 minutes
CEX BG/USDT $38.0900 %0.16 $91,195.88 $91,195.88 $1,467,507.00 32 minutes
CEX KuCoin BG/USDT $38.2900 %0.21 $36,033.79 $63,543.84 $815,190.00 32 minutes
CEX LBank BG/USDT $38.1100 %0.88 $258,117.59 $199,737.13 $223,393.00 32 minutes
CEX XT.COM BG/USDT $38.1300 %0.03 $24,103.36 $25,537.79 $921,506.00 32 minutes
CEX Nominex BG/USDT $38.1000 %0.03 $276,401.52 $332,409.52 $258,074.00 35 minutes
CEX Nominex BG/NONE $38.1100 %0.15 $55,480.43 $95,172.92 $41,655.00 35 minutes
CEX Nominex BG/BTC $38.1800 %0.13 $28,437.25 $52,533.48 $1,436.05 35 minutes
CEX Nominex BG/BNB $38.2600 %0.32 $26,117.70 $50,109.04 $1,366.34 35 minutes

Market volume

DEX $10,820,786 - 11.4%

CEX $84,461,567 - 88.6%

DEX $10,820,786
CEX $84,461,567

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Uniswap 1