Bittensor Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Bittensor.

Buy & Sell Bittensor Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Bittensor.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Binance TAO/NONE $366.0600 %0.21 $10,445.74 $18,851.07 $1,096,639.00 36 minutes
CEX WEEX TAO/USDT $365.9800 %0.03 $47,406.09 $49,607.12 $266,986.00 37 minutes
CEX TokoCrypto TAO/USDT $365.9200 %0.03 $268,378.52 $416,624.62 $69,754.00 39 minutes
CEX TokoCrypto TAO/BTC $365.5400 %0.10 $9,484.82 $35,708.04 $884.32 41 minutes
CEX TAO/NONE $370.9400 %0.30 $4,003.62 $3,637.85 $106.75 2 hours, 1 minute
CEX TradeOgre TAO/USDT $365.0800 %20.14 $2,094.82 3 hours, 34 minutes

Market volume

CEX $197,287,014 - 0.0%

CEX $197,287,014

Total volume in the last 24 hours
