Blast ecosystem

Projects count on Blast

Count of Blast projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Blast

Category Projects Count
DeFi Butter Swap, Munchables, IntentX, Blastbrrr, Ring Earn and 124 more 129
DEX Ring Earn, DackieSwap V2, Roguex, GasSwap, Thruster and 39 more 44
Derivatives IntentX, Blast Futures, HMX, Blitz, SynFutures V2 and 11 more 16
Lending Wand Protocol, AvoLend, ZeroLend, Orbit Protocol, Pac Finance and 10 more 15
Liquidity manager Baseline Protocol, Range Protocol, Kaisen, Gasline Protocol, Steer Protocol and 5 more 10
Farm Munchables, Blastbrrr, BlastNYAN, LemonBlast, BlastOff and 4 more 9
Cross Chain Butter Swap, Synapse, Symbiosis, XY Finance, Archly V1 and 3 more 8
Yield Ring Earn, Hyperlock Finance, Steer Protocol, Ring Few, Particle DUO and 1 more 6
Services Spacebar, Frontrun Market, BlastName,, Whales Market and 1 more 6
Bridge Butter Swap, Synapse, Symbiosis, XY Finance, NerveBridge 5
CDP Wand Protocol, Particle DUO, Overnight USD+, Abracadabra, ICHI 5
Gaming FlokiFi Locker, Crypto Valleys, YOLO Games 3
NftFi Wasabi, Envelop (Niftsy), nftperp 3
Infrastructure Butter Swap, Renzo 2
Synthetics SynFutures, prePO 2
Chain zk.Link, NerveBridge 2
Liquid Staking Renzo, Flast Protocol 2
RWA Fortunafi Tokenized Short-term U.S. Treasury Bills for Non US Residents, Fortunafi ifBill 2
Prediction Market eesee, Rollspace 2
Liquid Restaking Renzo, Mitosis 2
Yield Aggregator Kalax 1
Options Wasabi 1
Leveraged Farming Juice Finance 1
Payments Sablier V2 1
NFT Lending MetaStreet V2 1
NFT Marketplace Blur Bids 1
SoFi Plur 1
DEX Aggregator EISEN Finance 1

Should I Build on Blast?

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DeFi projects on Blast

141 total projects. $4,575,395,387 total chain TVL.

Blast TVL

Dexs volume in Blast

TVL of projects on Blast

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Kaisen Liquidity manager $306 n/a
DackieSwap V2 DEX $152 n/a
HMX Derivatives $128 n/a
Steer Protocol Liquidity manager $87 n/a
SolidBlast DEX $52 n/a
Novation Lending $18 n/a
AvoLend Lending $10 n/a
Gasline Protocol Liquidity manager $4 n/a
Sablier V2 Payments $4 n/a
DumpEX Farm $1 n/a