BounceBit Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use BounceBit.

Buy & Sell BounceBit Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell BounceBit.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX HTX BB/USDT $0.3622 %0.28 $24,567.36 $29,626.71 $10,504,672.00 25 minutes
CEX Nominex BB/USDC $0.3628 %0.17 $8,089.26 $15,178.33 $1,941.67 25 minutes
CEX Bitget BB/USDT $0.3626 %0.14 $159,159.90 $223,271.66 $1,217,313.00 25 minutes
CEX XT.COM BB/USDT $0.3628 %0.11 $60,249.12 $63,347.04 $98,794.00 25 minutes
CEX CoinEx BB/USDT $0.3626 %0.14 $1,614.41 $1,752.09 $36,324.00 26 minutes
CEX Binance BB/USDC $0.3627 %0.14 $6,105.97 $18,253.77 $184,679.00 26 minutes
CEX Binance BB/NONE $0.3616 %0.06 $14,011.75 $30,308.80 $390,655.00 26 minutes
CEX Binance BB/USDT $0.3630 %0.03 $120,905.24 $248,542.77 $11,211,878.00 26 minutes
CEX AscendEX (BitMax) BB/USDT $0.3640 %1.02 $9,119.65 $12,656.94 $143,197.00 26 minutes
CEX KuCoin BB/USDT $0.3618 %0.03 $33,566.20 $55,027.09 $293,794.00 26 minutes

Market volume

CEX $48,006,646 - 0.0%

CEX $48,006,646

Total volume in the last 24 hours
