Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use

Buy & Sell Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bybit AVA/USDT $0.5432 %0.46 $2,283.04 $3,009.04 $95,866.00 39 minutes
CEX Pionex AVA/USDT $0.5430 %0.18 $118,509.28 $20,045.44 $3,132.85 39 minutes
CEX Nominex AVA/BTC $0.5423 %0.82 $6,116.05 $9,592.13 $418.32 40 minutes
CEX Nami.Exchange AVA/VNST $0.5401 %0.62 $194,945.00 40 minutes
CEX Nami.Exchange AVA/USDT $0.5430 %0.06 $212,239.00 40 minutes
CEX MEXC AVA/ETH $0.5419 %0.51 $1,809.86 $1,038.34 $749.81 40 minutes
CEX CoinEx AVA/USDT $0.5412 %0.35 $63.93 $194.83 $4,739.71 41 minutes
CEX Nominex AVA/USDT $0.5425 %0.07 $129,430.77 $17,959.35 $4,334.13 41 minutes
CEX TokoCrypto AVA/USDT $0.5406 %0.07 $121,420.35 $19,669.35 $1,003.06 59 minutes
CEX Binance AVA/BTC $0.5396 %0.35 $6,441.72 $9,740.76 $33,507.00 1 hour, 9 minutes

Market volume

DEX $57 - 0.0%

CEX $2,019,796 - 100.0%

DEX $57
CEX $2,019,796

Total volume in the last 24 hours
