Constellation Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Constellation.

Buy & Sell Constellation Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Constellation.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX KuCoin DAG/USDT $0.0204 %0.17 $2,250.77 $10,207.24 $364,138.00 49 minutes
CEX KuCoin DAG/BTC $0.0208 %2.01 $1,613.47 $10,408.22 $2,257.13 49 minutes
CEX KuCoin DAG/ETH $0.0205 %0.50 $1,438.19 $983.79 $4,491.62 49 minutes
CEX DAG/USDT $0.0204 %0.24 $936.83 $2,251.94 $452,709.00 50 minutes
CEX DAG/USDT $0.0204 %1.31 $10.16 $10.39 $210,231.00 50 minutes
CEX CoinEx DAG/USDT $0.0207 %1.33 $844.91 $28.86 $2,045.40 51 minutes
CEX MEXC DAG/USDT $0.0206 %1.11 $1,683.27 $380.69 $289,826.00 53 minutes
CEX WEEX DAG/USDT $0.0204 %0.34 $3,416.98 $3,195.85 $6,659.01 54 minutes
CEX DAG/ETH $0.0205 %1.61 $82.97 $345.34 $104.75 54 minutes
CEX CoinEx DAG/BTC $0.0207 %2.00 $154.94 $78.88 $1,797.50 54 minutes

Market volume

CEX $1,335,013 - 0.0%

CEX $1,335,013

Total volume in the last 24 hours
