587 Blockchain, Crypto and Web3 Grants

Projects and Chains launch Ecosystem grant programs because they need builders building with them. That’s why large market cap project launch open-source grant programs. We are tracking over 10 Billion in grants avaialble below is the largest list you can find around grants programs.
Name Description Categories
FirepotSwap The Ambrosus Network is a Layer-1, proof-of-authority blockchain. Apply for grant
FirepotSwap The Ambrosus Network is a Layer-1, proof-of-authority blockchain. Apply for grant
Flare An EVM based Layer 1 blockchain for building chains that use decentralized data from other chains and the internet. Apply for grant
Flare An EVM based Layer 1 blockchain for building chains that use decentralized data from other chains and the internet. Apply for grant
Flashloans.Com Welcome to Flashloans.com - A new DeFi tool that allows users to create and
perform a Flash loan backed trade from an easy to use UI.
DeFi is a new form of finance - completely decentralised and based on the
Blockchain, one of the most exciting features of DeFi is the ability to perform a
Flash loan-backed trade.


Flash loan technology is a new DeFi feature that provides amazing tools for
traders. However, it can currently only be accessed by users with experience
with Solidity programming and the ability to code their own flash loan-backed


Flashloans.com plans to open these opportunities to everybody with an easy-to-
use tooI called Flashloans.com.
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Flashloans.Com Welcome to Flashloans.com - A new DeFi tool that allows users to create and
perform a Flash loan backed trade from an easy to use UI.
DeFi is a new form of finance - completely decentralised and based on the
Blockchain, one of the most exciting features of DeFi is the ability to perform a
Flash loan-backed trade.


Flash loan technology is a new DeFi feature that provides amazing tools for
traders. However, it can currently only be accessed by users with experience
with Solidity programming and the ability to code their own flash loan-backed


Flashloans.com plans to open these opportunities to everybody with an easy-to-
use tooI called Flashloans.com.
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Flow Flow is a decentralized layer one blockchain designed for onboarding mainstream consumers. Apply for grant
Flow Flow is a decentralized layer one blockchain designed for onboarding mainstream consumers. Apply for grant
Footprint XR Welcome to Footprint XR - the future of virtual expression and connection. Our platform is dedicated to empowering creators and communities to express themselves and connect in meaningful ways through customizable virtual spaces, avatars, and digital assets.

We believe in the limitless potential of the metaverse, and our goal is to build a platform that is inclusive, diverse, and welcoming to all. With advanced technology such as high-fidelity avatars, immersive settings, and seamless UX, Footprint XR enables optimal connection and presence in the virtual world.

But we don't just want to build a platform - we want to shape the future of digital culture and commerce. That's why we've partnered with leading players in the industry such as Enjin and Efinity Blockchain, as well as pure web streaming solutions, to bring the most innovative and interoperable experiences to our users.

We are driven by a mission to create a virtual world that is as rich, diverse, and dynamic as the real world, and we believe that with the right support and resources, we can make this a reality. That's why we are seeking grants to help us bring our vision to life and make a lasting impact on the future of digital art and culture.
Join us on the forefront of the metaverse revolution and be a part of shaping the future.

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Footprint XR Welcome to Footprint XR - the future of virtual expression and connection. Our platform is dedicated to empowering creators and communities to express themselves and connect in meaningful ways through customizable virtual spaces, avatars, and digital assets.

We believe in the limitless potential of the metaverse, and our goal is to build a platform that is inclusive, diverse, and welcoming to all. With advanced technology such as high-fidelity avatars, immersive settings, and seamless UX, Footprint XR enables optimal connection and presence in the virtual world.

But we don't just want to build a platform - we want to shape the future of digital culture and commerce. That's why we've partnered with leading players in the industry such as Enjin and Efinity Blockchain, as well as pure web streaming solutions, to bring the most innovative and interoperable experiences to our users.

We are driven by a mission to create a virtual world that is as rich, diverse, and dynamic as the real world, and we believe that with the right support and resources, we can make this a reality. That's why we are seeking grants to help us bring our vision to life and make a lasting impact on the future of digital art and culture.
Join us on the forefront of the metaverse revolution and be a part of shaping the future.

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Found Africa FOUND is your ultimate digital wallet; a gateway to a reward-driven ecosystem where skill development and community contributions unlock new possibilities. Imagine a seamless blend of learning, earning, and shaping the future of work, all securely anchored to your digitally verified identity.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that aims to that aims to create a collaborative ecosystem where learning and contribution are seamlessly intertwined. Members are incentivized to hone their skills, contribute to business operations, and ultimately shape the organization's growth.
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Found Africa FOUND is your ultimate digital wallet; a gateway to a reward-driven ecosystem where skill development and community contributions unlock new possibilities. Imagine a seamless blend of learning, earning, and shaping the future of work, all securely anchored to your digitally verified identity.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that aims to that aims to create a collaborative ecosystem where learning and contribution are seamlessly intertwined. Members are incentivized to hone their skills, contribute to business operations, and ultimately shape the organization's growth.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
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FunctionX Mirroring traditional financial products on the Function X network and creating decentralized financial products and a decentralized trading system.
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FunctionX Mirroring traditional financial products on the Function X network and creating decentralized financial products and a decentralized trading system.
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Fuse EVM-compatible blockchain providing a scalable, fast, and cost-effective infrastructure for Web3 applications. Catering to businesses and consumers, it ensures high transaction volumes, security, and decentralization.
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Fuse EVM-compatible blockchain providing a scalable, fast, and cost-effective infrastructure for Web3 applications. Catering to businesses and consumers, it ensures high transaction volumes, security, and decentralization.
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FUSION Fusion is an interoperable ecosystem built for Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Fusion looks forward to utilizing blockchain technology to create an infrastructure platform to operate crypto-financial applications. Apply for grant
FUSION Fusion is an interoperable ecosystem built for Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Fusion looks forward to utilizing blockchain technology to create an infrastructure platform to operate crypto-financial applications. Apply for grant
Gaál Andrea I wanna make online money
Apply for grant
Gaál Andrea I wanna make online money
Apply for grant
Gaia Blockchain Token for helping animal cause Apply for grant
Gaia Blockchain Token for helping animal cause Apply for grant
Gaia Ecotrack Basically, Gaia Ecotrack seeks to spread the adoption of electric self-generation systems through firstly intelligent energy management where traceability is infallible with blockchain, on the other hand it makes it profitable to have, for example, a solar panel system because you can recover the investment . and then having a contribution to the family economy, another factor that is extremely important is that it is not necessary for a family to be connected to an energy community and be part of that network to sell energy and have profitability, but through the gaia token can generate the token with each kwh they produce and it is universal and feasible for commercialization. The token can acquire value because it is backed by real energy that is being produced in real life by each of these self-generators, whether or not they are within an energy network.

Commercial strategy
Our strategy is energy communities together with institutions in charge of managing energy projects.

Important details,
* Gaia Ecotrack economically encourages self-generators, since they obtain a return for the simple fact of producing their own clean energy.
* Allows massive adoption of residential renewable generation systems.

Total investment required is $262,312
Initial investment of $20,386
Then monthly on average $10,300
Total monthly earnings once implemented is $29,375
Total earnings in the first 17 months $705,000
Gaia Ecotrack has 3 business models:

* Model of commission for commercialization of energy.
* Licensing model where its use is charged annually.
* A token is produced for each KVH produced, regardless of whether the self-generator is connected to an energy community.
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Gaia Ecotrack Basically, Gaia Ecotrack seeks to spread the adoption of electric self-generation systems through firstly intelligent energy management where traceability is infallible with blockchain, on the other hand it makes it profitable to have, for example, a solar panel system because you can recover the investment . and then having a contribution to the family economy, another factor that is extremely important is that it is not necessary for a family to be connected to an energy community and be part of that network to sell energy and have profitability, but through the gaia token can generate the token with each kwh they produce and it is universal and feasible for commercialization. The token can acquire value because it is backed by real energy that is being produced in real life by each of these self-generators, whether or not they are within an energy network.

Commercial strategy
Our strategy is energy communities together with institutions in charge of managing energy projects.

Important details,
* Gaia Ecotrack economically encourages self-generators, since they obtain a return for the simple fact of producing their own clean energy.
* Allows massive adoption of residential renewable generation systems.

Total investment required is $262,312
Initial investment of $20,386
Then monthly on average $10,300
Total monthly earnings once implemented is $29,375
Total earnings in the first 17 months $705,000
Gaia Ecotrack has 3 business models:

* Model of commission for commercialization of energy.
* Licensing model where its use is charged annually.
* A token is produced for each KVH produced, regardless of whether the self-generator is connected to an energy community.
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Galactico Manager "Galactico Manager is a football management game designed to bridge the gap between players and fans, offering a detailed, real-life football fan experience. Within the game, players become part of an exclusive community, interacting with real-life football figures such as managers and players.

The gameplay encompasses deep squad management, tactical strategy, and bonuses, enhanced with blockchain technology to create a dynamic environment influenced by real-world events. Players can lead one of Europe's top teams, manage their favourite club, or even design a unique football universe, aiming to navigate challenges akin to real-life football situations."
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Galactico Manager "Galactico Manager is a football management game designed to bridge the gap between players and fans, offering a detailed, real-life football fan experience. Within the game, players become part of an exclusive community, interacting with real-life football figures such as managers and players.

The gameplay encompasses deep squad management, tactical strategy, and bonuses, enhanced with blockchain technology to create a dynamic environment influenced by real-world events. Players can lead one of Europe's top teams, manage their favourite club, or even design a unique football universe, aiming to navigate challenges akin to real-life football situations."
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Gasclick Merging the new cryptoeconomy and the traditional economy. By leveraging the value already existing on LPG consumption, we tokenize, capture it and offer to worldwide investors. A match made in heaven. Apply for grant
Gasclick Merging the new cryptoeconomy and the traditional economy. By leveraging the value already existing on LPG consumption, we tokenize, capture it and offer to worldwide investors. A match made in heaven. Apply for grant
GasClick First ever representative digital money applied for 1bn user base use case

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GasClick First ever representative digital money applied for 1bn user base use case

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Triolith Games AB is a provider of The Genesis Engine, a platform, a set of tools and frameworks for game developers to implement and manage and publish their games, in-game assets and game economies using Blockchain, NFT’s and cryptocurrencies.

The Genesis Engine supports any type of game, from simple games like trading card games, to complex games such as League of Legends and massively multiplayer games such as Eve Online or Entropia Universe.

The platform allows:
• gamers to truly own, manage and trade their unique assets as on a crypto exchange,
• be rewarded for time spent playing games,
• game developers to have new revenue streams,
• better secured games, games assets and the game economies,
• in-game assets to fully be on-chain

Our framework for managing in-game assets and economies provide features that Play-to-Earn games need, such as:
• Decentralised game finance (GameFi/Defi)
• Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
• Cryptocurrencies
• Data oracles
• Market places
• Game asset management
• Smart contract development

The platform holds properties to serve different core financial functions with novel forms of community governance such as decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs).

The service enables the complex interplay between the interface layer, the financial tooling for managing game economies and digital assets with the underlying platform, in which game developers may create unique digital tokens representing in-game items such as weapons, armour, clothes, avatars or characters, and players may earn real value simply from playing the games.

Game developers connect to the platform using APIs and a set of tools. This means that a game developer does not need to fully understand blockchain to implement the technology into their games. In addition to creating game-specific marketplaces where players may trade their items, game developers will be able to list in-game assets on an openly accessible marketplace.

The platform adds several features to its marketplace that provide significant improvements for the gaming economy and digital asset management, from allowing gamer-to-gamer transactions to opportunities for game developers to participate in the growth of their game economies, beyond simply taking a cut of every transaction, and to providing identities and curated token registries for determining the rules for trading, scarcity, fees and taxation.
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Triolith Games AB is a provider of The Genesis Engine, a platform, a set of tools and frameworks for game developers to implement and manage and publish their games, in-game assets and game economies using Blockchain, NFT’s and cryptocurrencies.

The Genesis Engine supports any type of game, from simple games like trading card games, to complex games such as League of Legends and massively multiplayer games such as Eve Online or Entropia Universe.

The platform allows:
• gamers to truly own, manage and trade their unique assets as on a crypto exchange,
• be rewarded for time spent playing games,
• game developers to have new revenue streams,
• better secured games, games assets and the game economies,
• in-game assets to fully be on-chain

Our framework for managing in-game assets and economies provide features that Play-to-Earn games need, such as:
• Decentralised game finance (GameFi/Defi)
• Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
• Cryptocurrencies
• Data oracles
• Market places
• Game asset management
• Smart contract development

The platform holds properties to serve different core financial functions with novel forms of community governance such as decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs).

The service enables the complex interplay between the interface layer, the financial tooling for managing game economies and digital assets with the underlying platform, in which game developers may create unique digital tokens representing in-game items such as weapons, armour, clothes, avatars or characters, and players may earn real value simply from playing the games.

Game developers connect to the platform using APIs and a set of tools. This means that a game developer does not need to fully understand blockchain to implement the technology into their games. In addition to creating game-specific marketplaces where players may trade their items, game developers will be able to list in-game assets on an openly accessible marketplace.

The platform adds several features to its marketplace that provide significant improvements for the gaming economy and digital asset management, from allowing gamer-to-gamer transactions to opportunities for game developers to participate in the growth of their game economies, beyond simply taking a cut of every transaction, and to providing identities and curated token registries for determining the rules for trading, scarcity, fees and taxation.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Genius AI Fundamentally, GNUS AI is a decentralized GPU compute farm. Our novel
blockchain design transforms mobile and desktop devices into nodes in
a private blockchain network that runs AI/ML processing and settles on
other public data availability layers (Ethereum, Solana, Celestia,
etc.) Software developers obtain a patented SDK package from GNUS and
include it in their applications - whether gaming, fitness, or sleep
assistance, etc. - leveraging unused compute cycles of the end-user's
device. The end-user is then paid for their processing power in GNUS
cryptocurrency that can either be reused for In-App purchases or
converted back to other currencies or commodities on public
blockchains. In addition, the entire system easily integrates into
smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, or various IoT devices.
Through this combination of features, GNUS is able to convert mobile
devices into large AI/ML networks.
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Genius AI Fundamentally, GNUS AI is a decentralized GPU compute farm. Our novel
blockchain design transforms mobile and desktop devices into nodes in
a private blockchain network that runs AI/ML processing and settles on
other public data availability layers (Ethereum, Solana, Celestia,
etc.) Software developers obtain a patented SDK package from GNUS and
include it in their applications - whether gaming, fitness, or sleep
assistance, etc. - leveraging unused compute cycles of the end-user's
device. The end-user is then paid for their processing power in GNUS
cryptocurrency that can either be reused for In-App purchases or
converted back to other currencies or commodities on public
blockchains. In addition, the entire system easily integrates into
smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, or various IoT devices.
Through this combination of features, GNUS is able to convert mobile
devices into large AI/ML networks.
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Genshiro Genshiro is a cross-chain protocol that helps users seamlessly earn yield, borrow, and trade on margin. Using asset portfolios instead of single collateral vaults Apply for grant
Genshiro Genshiro is a cross-chain protocol that helps users seamlessly earn yield, borrow, and trade on margin. Using asset portfolios instead of single collateral vaults Apply for grant
Gitcoin A community for developers to collaborate and monetize their skills while working on Open Source projects with bounties Apply for grant
Gitcoin A community for developers to collaborate and monetize their skills while working on Open Source projects with bounties Apply for grant
Globuschain GlobusChain, a forthcoming layer 2 blockchain protocol and ecosystem and Super Apps, aims to bridge the gap between traditional internet technologies (Web2) and the emerging blockchain ecosystem (Web3). The platform plans to offer a comprehensive suite of services, including social media, content sharing, a decentralized marketplace, gaming, and communication features. Users will also benefit from an integrated wallet, DeFi services, decentralized governance, and identity management.
Additionally, the platform intends to facilitate seamless third-party integrations, focusing on scalability and interoperability with other blockchain networks. By providing developer tools and resources, GlobusChain will encourage third-party developers to contribute innovative applications, fostering a diverse and thriving ecosystem.
The project will prioritize security and compliance, adhering to local and international regulations while implementing robust measures to protect users' assets and data. GlobusChain's ultimate goal is to drive mass adoption of blockchain technology and redefine how people interact with the digital world by offering a seamless, secure, and feature-rich experience that combines the best of Web2 and Web3 technologies.
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Globuschain GlobusChain, a forthcoming layer 2 blockchain protocol and ecosystem and Super Apps, aims to bridge the gap between traditional internet technologies (Web2) and the emerging blockchain ecosystem (Web3). The platform plans to offer a comprehensive suite of services, including social media, content sharing, a decentralized marketplace, gaming, and communication features. Users will also benefit from an integrated wallet, DeFi services, decentralized governance, and identity management.
Additionally, the platform intends to facilitate seamless third-party integrations, focusing on scalability and interoperability with other blockchain networks. By providing developer tools and resources, GlobusChain will encourage third-party developers to contribute innovative applications, fostering a diverse and thriving ecosystem.
The project will prioritize security and compliance, adhering to local and international regulations while implementing robust measures to protect users' assets and data. GlobusChain's ultimate goal is to drive mass adoption of blockchain technology and redefine how people interact with the digital world by offering a seamless, secure, and feature-rich experience that combines the best of Web2 and Web3 technologies.
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Gnosis DAO Gnosis builds new market mechanisms for decentralized finance. Apply for grant
Gnosis DAO Gnosis builds new market mechanisms for decentralized finance. Apply for grant
Gnus.ai GNUS.AI is a revolutionary blockchain that harnesses the untapped computing power of devices worldwide to process Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Machine Learning (M.L.) data. Apply for grant
Gnus.ai GNUS.AI is a revolutionary blockchain that harnesses the untapped computing power of devices worldwide to process Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Machine Learning (M.L.) data. Apply for grant
GoChain GoChain - 100% Ethereum Compatible, 100x faster. ... 100x Faster. The GoChain network is the fastest, most sustainable, web3 compatible blockchain. Apply for grant
GoChain GoChain - 100% Ethereum Compatible, 100x faster. ... 100x Faster. The GoChain network is the fastest, most sustainable, web3 compatible blockchain. Apply for grant
Godwoken Godwoken Blockchain is a 100% EVM compatible L2 optimistic rollup on the secure L1 Nervos Blockchain. Permissionless deployment on top of an open-source design.
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Godwoken Godwoken Blockchain is a 100% EVM compatible L2 optimistic rollup on the secure L1 Nervos Blockchain. Permissionless deployment on top of an open-source design.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Goldenhills We are a small team of enthusiasts who want to bring to life a project called GoldenHills. In fact, this is an analogue of the very popular in the early 2000s browser game “Fight Club” aka “combats.ru”, which was played by millions of players and this is only in the CIS countries. Our idea is to take the same game as a basis and introduce new technologies into it: graphics, blockchain, NFT, crypto coins, as well as new game mechanics. Apply for grant
Goldenhills We are a small team of enthusiasts who want to bring to life a project called GoldenHills. In fact, this is an analogue of the very popular in the early 2000s browser game “Fight Club” aka “combats.ru”, which was played by millions of players and this is only in the CIS countries. Our idea is to take the same game as a basis and introduce new technologies into it: graphics, blockchain, NFT, crypto coins, as well as new game mechanics. Apply for grant
Graviton Web3 Accelerator Volume 2 (Second Cohort) Graviton is a multi-VC syndicate; a web3-focused fund powered by Hashkey, NGC, Moonrock, and more. We're on the lookout for early stage founders with lean teams building high fidelity MVPs to join cohort 2. Growth stage teams and early stage teams are encouraged to apply.

Google "Graviton-backed startups" to know more about our portfolio. 1st cohort portfolio received $50K seed checks on average within the program, and saw 3 oversubscribed venture rounds, 1 acquisition. Graviton's Demo Day makes you visible to the world's top 1% web3 VCs.

Currently accepting applications to our second cohort, due to launch early in 2024, with $100K in KPI-linked seed grants.
Free to apply, completely remote. Geo no bar.

Apply now: bit.ly/gravitonvol2
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Graviton Web3 Accelerator Volume 2 (Second Cohort) Graviton is a multi-VC syndicate; a web3-focused fund powered by Hashkey, NGC, Moonrock, and more. We're on the lookout for early stage founders with lean teams building high fidelity MVPs to join cohort 2. Growth stage teams and early stage teams are encouraged to apply.

Google "Graviton-backed startups" to know more about our portfolio. 1st cohort portfolio received $50K seed checks on average within the program, and saw 3 oversubscribed venture rounds, 1 acquisition. Graviton's Demo Day makes you visible to the world's top 1% web3 VCs.

Currently accepting applications to our second cohort, due to launch early in 2024, with $100K in KPI-linked seed grants.
Free to apply, completely remote. Geo no bar.

Apply now: bit.ly/gravitonvol2
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Gravity Bridge Cosmos® Gravity Bridge™ is a purpose-built, fully decentralized, trustless blockchain which bridges assets between the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems. Ethereum and EVM compatible tokens can be transferred across the Gravity Bridge to a Cosmos wallet and then onto other Cosmos wallets or DEXs (such as Osmosis or Gravity DEX). Cosmos SDK based blockchains can similarly send tokens across Gravity Bridge to the Ethereum ecosystem, making them available for transfer or potentially trading on Uniswap or other ETH DEXs. Apply for grant
Gravity Bridge Cosmos® Gravity Bridge™ is a purpose-built, fully decentralized, trustless blockchain which bridges assets between the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems. Ethereum and EVM compatible tokens can be transferred across the Gravity Bridge to a Cosmos wallet and then onto other Cosmos wallets or DEXs (such as Osmosis or Gravity DEX). Cosmos SDK based blockchains can similarly send tokens across Gravity Bridge to the Ethereum ecosystem, making them available for transfer or potentially trading on Uniswap or other ETH DEXs. Apply for grant
Green Horizon: Reforest Trees Symphony Of Change Through Reforestation In a world grappling with climate change, the symphony of change plays through the rustling leaves of reforested lands. Reforest Trees, a compassionate NGO, orchestrates a transformative mission that not only plants trees but also cultivates hope and reduces carbon footprints in the breathtaking landscapes of La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya.

In the heart of the Peruvian Sierra, where the echoes of environmental degradation are profound, Reforest Trees embraces the mission to rejuvenate our planet. The organization's focus on reforestation emerges as a testament to the vital role that trees play in combating climate change.

Beyond the verdant hills, the act of planting trees becomes a powerful tool against pollution and carbon reduction. Reforest Trees nurtures these seeds of change, illustrating how each planted tree becomes a guardian, absorbing carbon dioxide and breathing life into the atmosphere.

The impact extends beyond environmental benefits. Reforest Trees generates employment opportunities for Ashaninka, Shipibo communities, and adult individuals in the Peruvian Sierra. Through reforestation efforts, the organization not only heals the environment but also sows the seeds of economic empowerment.

In La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya, the barren lands transform into hopeful havens. Reforest Trees work not only restores ecosystems but also cultivates hope within communities, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet's well-being.

By involving local communities, Reforest Trees taps into the rich tapestry of skills, providing sustainable employment opportunities. The synergy between environmental restoration and economic empowerment becomes a driving force, turning reforestation into a community-led movement.

The sites of La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya witness a profound transformation. Reforest Trees commitment to planting tomorrow extends an invitation for collective action. Join the movement, be a steward of change, and contribute to the symphony of renewal for our planet.

Amidst the lush canopies and the winds of change, Reforest Trees reforestation mission is a symphony that resonates across landscapes, weaving a tale of sustainability, economic growth, and hope.

Join the Symphony: Plant a Tree, Cultivate Change!
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Green Horizon: Reforest Trees Symphony Of Change Through Reforestation In a world grappling with climate change, the symphony of change plays through the rustling leaves of reforested lands. Reforest Trees, a compassionate NGO, orchestrates a transformative mission that not only plants trees but also cultivates hope and reduces carbon footprints in the breathtaking landscapes of La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya.

In the heart of the Peruvian Sierra, where the echoes of environmental degradation are profound, Reforest Trees embraces the mission to rejuvenate our planet. The organization's focus on reforestation emerges as a testament to the vital role that trees play in combating climate change.

Beyond the verdant hills, the act of planting trees becomes a powerful tool against pollution and carbon reduction. Reforest Trees nurtures these seeds of change, illustrating how each planted tree becomes a guardian, absorbing carbon dioxide and breathing life into the atmosphere.

The impact extends beyond environmental benefits. Reforest Trees generates employment opportunities for Ashaninka, Shipibo communities, and adult individuals in the Peruvian Sierra. Through reforestation efforts, the organization not only heals the environment but also sows the seeds of economic empowerment.

In La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya, the barren lands transform into hopeful havens. Reforest Trees work not only restores ecosystems but also cultivates hope within communities, fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet's well-being.

By involving local communities, Reforest Trees taps into the rich tapestry of skills, providing sustainable employment opportunities. The synergy between environmental restoration and economic empowerment becomes a driving force, turning reforestation into a community-led movement.

The sites of La Merced Chanchamayo, Tarma, and the Amazonia-Ucayali-Santa Rosa de Runuya witness a profound transformation. Reforest Trees commitment to planting tomorrow extends an invitation for collective action. Join the movement, be a steward of change, and contribute to the symphony of renewal for our planet.

Amidst the lush canopies and the winds of change, Reforest Trees reforestation mission is a symphony that resonates across landscapes, weaving a tale of sustainability, economic growth, and hope.

Join the Symphony: Plant a Tree, Cultivate Change!
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Gudmarket GudMarket (pronounced "Good Market") is an all-encompassing platform designed to address challenges in the web3 community, specifically those associated with purchasing products & services from NFT projects and discovering other web3 communities and their offerings.

Challenges Addressed:

Difficulty for community members to purchase desired NFT project products, services, merchandise, etc...
Lack of awareness for web3 enthusiasts about existing communities and products.


Most merchandise, services, and products are only accessible within gated communities or hard-to-find community websites.

GudMarket acts as a one-stop-shop for all web3 enthusiasts, aggregating all of these from hundreds of communities and thousands of listings. Imagine ebay, twitter, and upwork for the web3 community space.
An attractive platform with an informative and user-friendly UI/UX.

Key Features:

Highlights featured & trending products/services from various communities.
Serves as "The Commons" of web3, operating as a 24/7 virtual expo center for these communities.
Allows communities to update the masses about their visions and updates.
A comprehensive browse/explore area where each community profile can publicly showcase their offerings.
Vision, mission, product categories, announcements, and more are neatly displayed.
Users can review community listings, endorse across communities, and follow specific communities.
Supports community tokens, and offers discounts, loyalty programs, and exclusive items for NFT holders.
Provides discovery, promotional pages, private feedback, and integrates analytics/APIs for communities.

Value Proposition:

Facilitates new user support for projects by offering physical merchandise (e.g., clothing), products (like newsletters), and services (e.g., mentoring).
Aims to make web3 projects sustainable, branded, and foundational in the web3 ecosystem.
Provides networking opportunities based on merchandise access or events.


GudMarket follows a community-driven approach with a unique take on social media.
It plans to collaborate with community leaders to make the platform accessible and user-friendly.
Envisions being a holistic market and social media platform, allowing individuals and brands to maximize their web3 identities and connect with top communities.
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Gudmarket GudMarket (pronounced "Good Market") is an all-encompassing platform designed to address challenges in the web3 community, specifically those associated with purchasing products & services from NFT projects and discovering other web3 communities and their offerings.

Challenges Addressed:

Difficulty for community members to purchase desired NFT project products, services, merchandise, etc...
Lack of awareness for web3 enthusiasts about existing communities and products.


Most merchandise, services, and products are only accessible within gated communities or hard-to-find community websites.

GudMarket acts as a one-stop-shop for all web3 enthusiasts, aggregating all of these from hundreds of communities and thousands of listings. Imagine ebay, twitter, and upwork for the web3 community space.
An attractive platform with an informative and user-friendly UI/UX.

Key Features:

Highlights featured & trending products/services from various communities.
Serves as "The Commons" of web3, operating as a 24/7 virtual expo center for these communities.
Allows communities to update the masses about their visions and updates.
A comprehensive browse/explore area where each community profile can publicly showcase their offerings.
Vision, mission, product categories, announcements, and more are neatly displayed.
Users can review community listings, endorse across communities, and follow specific communities.
Supports community tokens, and offers discounts, loyalty programs, and exclusive items for NFT holders.
Provides discovery, promotional pages, private feedback, and integrates analytics/APIs for communities.

Value Proposition:

Facilitates new user support for projects by offering physical merchandise (e.g., clothing), products (like newsletters), and services (e.g., mentoring).
Aims to make web3 projects sustainable, branded, and foundational in the web3 ecosystem.
Provides networking opportunities based on merchandise access or events.


GudMarket follows a community-driven approach with a unique take on social media.
It plans to collaborate with community leaders to make the platform accessible and user-friendly.
Envisions being a holistic market and social media platform, allowing individuals and brands to maximize their web3 identities and connect with top communities.
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
HAQQ Network #HAQQnetwork is a scalable and interoperable Ethereum-compatible blockchain built on Proof-of-Stake with fast finality. $ISLM is the native currency of HAQQ.
Apply for grant
HAQQ Network #HAQQnetwork is a scalable and interoperable Ethereum-compatible blockchain built on Proof-of-Stake with fast finality. $ISLM is the native currency of HAQQ.
Apply for grant
Harmony An open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees. Apply for grant
Harmony An open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees. Apply for grant
Healcoin Empowering Healthcare and Humanity via Sound Therapy, We Support World Frequency Research, Alongside Medical AI consultancy using Heal-App Technology Apply for grant
Healcoin Empowering Healthcare and Humanity via Sound Therapy, We Support World Frequency Research, Alongside Medical AI consultancy using Heal-App Technology Apply for grant
Heco A decentralized, high-efficiency and energy-saving public chain, also the first product launched by the Huobi Open Platform.
Apply for grant
Heco A decentralized, high-efficiency and energy-saving public chain, also the first product launched by the Huobi Open Platform.
Apply for grant
Hedera A public distributed ledger for building decentralized applications Apply for grant
Hedera A public distributed ledger for building decentralized applications Apply for grant
Heiko Heiko Finance on Kusama network. Heiko Finance is the sister network to Parallel Finance.
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Heiko Heiko Finance on Kusama network. Heiko Finance is the sister network to Parallel Finance.
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Hghhh Gfhhh
Apply for grant
Hghhh Gfhhh
Apply for grant
High Performance Blockchain High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is a revolutionary permissionless blockchain architecture that combines HPB's customized hardware Blockchain Offload
Apply for grant
High Performance Blockchain High Performance Blockchain (HPB) is a revolutionary permissionless blockchain architecture that combines HPB's customized hardware Blockchain Offload
Apply for grant
Hinkal Protocol Hinkal is an institutional-grade protocol enabling confidential on-chain transactions. It is a category-defining solution, that allows liquid funds and retail users to create shielded addresses and transact on major dApps in complete confidentiality (the origin and destination of transaction, value). Apply for grant
Hinkal Protocol Hinkal is an institutional-grade protocol enabling confidential on-chain transactions. It is a category-defining solution, that allows liquid funds and retail users to create shielded addresses and transact on major dApps in complete confidentiality (the origin and destination of transaction, value). Apply for grant
Hive A DPoS powered blockchain & cryptocurrency. Fast. Scalable. Powerful. Hive has a thriving ecosystem of dapps, communities & individuals.
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Hive A DPoS powered blockchain & cryptocurrency. Fast. Scalable. Powerful. Hive has a thriving ecosystem of dapps, communities & individuals.
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Hoo Token A decentralized blockchain digital pass based on Hoo Smart Chain (HSC) and Ethereum, and is also the platform pass of Hoo, abbreviated as HOO, with a total supply of 100 million pieces.
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Hoo Token A decentralized blockchain digital pass based on Hoo Smart Chain (HSC) and Ethereum, and is also the platform pass of Hoo, abbreviated as HOO, with a total supply of 100 million pieces.
Apply for grant
Hot Metal Ladle Transfer Weighing The heavy cranes carrying ladles filled with pig iron or liquid steel represent the most important transport device in every steel plant. As these cranes transfer the ladles to different locations of the steel making process, the installation of an weighing system inside leads to essential benefit for the entire mass totalling and production data acquisition and control. For more detail visit: https://www.adityaweighing.com/product-Ladle-sms-%20crane-weighing-system.html Apply for grant
Hot Metal Ladle Transfer Weighing The heavy cranes carrying ladles filled with pig iron or liquid steel represent the most important transport device in every steel plant. As these cranes transfer the ladles to different locations of the steel making process, the installation of an weighing system inside leads to essential benefit for the entire mass totalling and production data acquisition and control. For more detail visit: https://www.adityaweighing.com/product-Ladle-sms-%20crane-weighing-system.html Apply for grant
Https://T.Me/Qpalzmqp5 Apply for grant
Https://T.Me/Qpalzmqp5 Apply for grant
Huobi ECO Chain Huobi's ECO Chain is a public blockchain that provides developers with a low-cost onchain environment for running decentralized apps (dApps) of smart contracts and storing digital assets.
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Huobi ECO Chain Huobi's ECO Chain is a public blockchain that provides developers with a low-cost onchain environment for running decentralized apps (dApps) of smart contracts and storing digital assets.
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Hydra A POS (Proof of Stake) blockchain. Everyone can become a full node in a few clicks and stake HYDRA to help maintain the network.
Apply for grant
Hydra A POS (Proof of Stake) blockchain. Everyone can become a full node in a few clicks and stake HYDRA to help maintain the network.
Apply for grant
HydraDX Apply for grant
HydraDX Apply for grant
Hyve Apply for grant
Hyve Apply for grant
ICHI ICHI deploys a branded dollar for any cryptocurrency community. This enables retail on-boarding, protocol growth, and ecosystem acceleration. Apply for grant
ICHI ICHI deploys a branded dollar for any cryptocurrency community. This enables retail on-boarding, protocol growth, and ecosystem acceleration. Apply for grant
ICON ICON is a public blockchain protocol, connecting all blockchains and communities with the latest interoperability tech.
Apply for grant
ICON ICON is a public blockchain protocol, connecting all blockchains and communities with the latest interoperability tech.
Apply for grant
Idemand Swap Crypto Bear Nft Collection Introducing the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection, a delightful and unique series of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that capture the essence of the crypto market's ups and downs through adorable bear characters. Each NFT in the collection is a digital masterpiece, meticulously crafted to reflect the different facets of the crypto bear market.

Here's what you can expect from the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection:

Artistic Excellence: Our talented artists have created a range of captivating bear-themed artworks, showcasing creativity, humor, and attention to detail in every piece. From whimsical illustrations to intricate designs, each NFT is a testament to artistic excellence.

Symbolism of the Bear Market: The Crypto Bear NFT Collection symbolizes the volatility and challenges often associated with bearish market conditions in the cryptocurrency world. Through clever visual storytelling, these NFTs capture the emotions and experiences of navigating a bear market.

Limited Edition: Each NFT in the collection is a limited edition, making them highly coveted and valuable among collectors and enthusiasts. Owning a piece from this exclusive collection adds a touch of prestige to your NFT portfolio.

Diverse Themes: The iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection features a diverse range of themes and styles, ensuring there's something for every collector. Whether you're drawn to playful bears, philosophical interpretations, or futuristic designs, you'll find NFTs that resonate with your tastes.

Digital Ownership: Acquiring NFTs from this collection grants you digital ownership and authenticity of the artwork. You can showcase your NFTs in virtual galleries, trade them on NFT marketplaces, or simply enjoy them as a digital collector's item.

Community Engagement: The Crypto Bear NFT Collection fosters community engagement and interaction among NFT enthusiasts. Join discussions, participate in events, and connect with fellow collectors who share your passion for crypto-themed art.

Future Opportunities: As the iDemand Swap ecosystem evolves, owning NFTs from this collection may unlock future opportunities and benefits, such as exclusive airdrops, access to special events, and collaborations with renowned artists.

Don't miss your chance to own a piece of crypto art history with the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection. Explore the collection today and discover the magic of crypto-inspired creativity!
Apply for grant
Idemand Swap Crypto Bear Nft Collection Introducing the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection, a delightful and unique series of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that capture the essence of the crypto market's ups and downs through adorable bear characters. Each NFT in the collection is a digital masterpiece, meticulously crafted to reflect the different facets of the crypto bear market.

Here's what you can expect from the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection:

Artistic Excellence: Our talented artists have created a range of captivating bear-themed artworks, showcasing creativity, humor, and attention to detail in every piece. From whimsical illustrations to intricate designs, each NFT is a testament to artistic excellence.

Symbolism of the Bear Market: The Crypto Bear NFT Collection symbolizes the volatility and challenges often associated with bearish market conditions in the cryptocurrency world. Through clever visual storytelling, these NFTs capture the emotions and experiences of navigating a bear market.

Limited Edition: Each NFT in the collection is a limited edition, making them highly coveted and valuable among collectors and enthusiasts. Owning a piece from this exclusive collection adds a touch of prestige to your NFT portfolio.

Diverse Themes: The iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection features a diverse range of themes and styles, ensuring there's something for every collector. Whether you're drawn to playful bears, philosophical interpretations, or futuristic designs, you'll find NFTs that resonate with your tastes.

Digital Ownership: Acquiring NFTs from this collection grants you digital ownership and authenticity of the artwork. You can showcase your NFTs in virtual galleries, trade them on NFT marketplaces, or simply enjoy them as a digital collector's item.

Community Engagement: The Crypto Bear NFT Collection fosters community engagement and interaction among NFT enthusiasts. Join discussions, participate in events, and connect with fellow collectors who share your passion for crypto-themed art.

Future Opportunities: As the iDemand Swap ecosystem evolves, owning NFTs from this collection may unlock future opportunities and benefits, such as exclusive airdrops, access to special events, and collaborations with renowned artists.

Don't miss your chance to own a piece of crypto art history with the iDemand Swap Crypto Bear NFT Collection. Explore the collection today and discover the magic of crypto-inspired creativity!
Apply for grant
Idemand Swap Exchange iDemand Swap Exchange is a peer-to-peer trading platform that connects individuals and businesses looking to exchange assets or services. Unlike traditional bartering systems, iDemand Swap Exchange leverages cutting-edge technology to facilitate these exchanges seamlessly. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just stepping into the world of crypto, iDemand Swap offers an unparalleled experience. It's more than an exchange; it's a gateway to endless possibilities.

iDemand Swap Token ICO

iDemand Token is a cutting-edge digital asset at the forefront of the blockchain revolution. Designed for versatility and utility, iDemand Token empowers users with seamless transactions, decentralized governance, and access to a vibrant ecosystem of services. Whether you're a trader, investor, or blockchain enthusiast, iDemand Token is your gateway to a decentralized future where innovation meets opportunity. Join the iDemand Token community and experience the power of digital assets like never before.

NFT Collection:

💡 Get Started:
Start your NFT collection journey with iDemand Swap tokens today! Explore unique artworks, digital collectibles, and limited editions on our platform. Join the revolution in digital ownership and expression with iDemand Swap NFTs. Build with us!

🌐 Learn More:
Visit our website for FAQs, support, and updates on iDemand Swap NFTs:
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Idemand Swap Exchange iDemand Swap Exchange is a peer-to-peer trading platform that connects individuals and businesses looking to exchange assets or services. Unlike traditional bartering systems, iDemand Swap Exchange leverages cutting-edge technology to facilitate these exchanges seamlessly. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just stepping into the world of crypto, iDemand Swap offers an unparalleled experience. It's more than an exchange; it's a gateway to endless possibilities.

iDemand Swap Token ICO

iDemand Token is a cutting-edge digital asset at the forefront of the blockchain revolution. Designed for versatility and utility, iDemand Token empowers users with seamless transactions, decentralized governance, and access to a vibrant ecosystem of services. Whether you're a trader, investor, or blockchain enthusiast, iDemand Token is your gateway to a decentralized future where innovation meets opportunity. Join the iDemand Token community and experience the power of digital assets like never before.

NFT Collection:

💡 Get Started:
Start your NFT collection journey with iDemand Swap tokens today! Explore unique artworks, digital collectibles, and limited editions on our platform. Join the revolution in digital ownership and expression with iDemand Swap NFTs. Build with us!

🌐 Learn More:
Visit our website for FAQs, support, and updates on iDemand Swap NFTs:
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Idemand Swap Pixel Punks Nft Collection Introducing the iDemand Swap Pixel Punks NFT Collection, a captivating series of pixelated artworks that pay homage to the iconic CryptoPunks while adding a unique flair of their own. Each NFT in this collection is a digital masterpiece, meticulously crafted to represent the vibrant and diverse culture of the blockchain community.
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Idemand Swap Pixel Punks Nft Collection Introducing the iDemand Swap Pixel Punks NFT Collection, a captivating series of pixelated artworks that pay homage to the iconic CryptoPunks while adding a unique flair of their own. Each NFT in this collection is a digital masterpiece, meticulously crafted to represent the vibrant and diverse culture of the blockchain community.
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Idemand Swap Token ICO iDemand Swap Token ICO: Empowering DeFi Enthusiasts

As part of its commitment to innovation and community involvement, iDemand Swap announces its Token ICO. This ICO presents an opportunity for investors and DeFi enthusiasts to acquire IDMT tokens and become integral members of the iDemand Swap ecosystem. With IDMT tokens offering governance rights, fee discounts, staking rewards, and more, participants can actively contribute to the growth and development of the platform.

In conclusion, iDemand Swap is at the forefront of driving forward-thinking solutions and fostering creativity within the blockchain space. From efficient crypto trading and captivating NFT collections to a playful meme coin and an iDemand Swap Token ICO, iDemand Swap invites individuals to explore, engage, and empower themselves in the exciting world of digital assets and decentralized finance.

Join us on this journey of innovation, creativity, and community-driven progress with iDemand Swap! Stay tuned for updates and opportunities as we continue to shape the future of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.
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Idemand Swap Token ICO iDemand Swap Token ICO: Empowering DeFi Enthusiasts

As part of its commitment to innovation and community involvement, iDemand Swap announces its Token ICO. This ICO presents an opportunity for investors and DeFi enthusiasts to acquire IDMT tokens and become integral members of the iDemand Swap ecosystem. With IDMT tokens offering governance rights, fee discounts, staking rewards, and more, participants can actively contribute to the growth and development of the platform.

In conclusion, iDemand Swap is at the forefront of driving forward-thinking solutions and fostering creativity within the blockchain space. From efficient crypto trading and captivating NFT collections to a playful meme coin and an iDemand Swap Token ICO, iDemand Swap invites individuals to explore, engage, and empower themselves in the exciting world of digital assets and decentralized finance.

Join us on this journey of innovation, creativity, and community-driven progress with iDemand Swap! Stay tuned for updates and opportunities as we continue to shape the future of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.
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iExec RLC Apply for grant
iExec RLC Apply for grant
Immutable X The leading Layer 2 for NFTs that's fully secured by Ethereum. Scale your game in hours. Apply for grant
Immutable X The leading Layer 2 for NFTs that's fully secured by Ethereum. Scale your game in hours. Apply for grant
Immutable zkEVM
Apply for grant
Immutable zkEVM
Apply for grant
Inca Drc20 ¿What's INCA DRC20?

Imagine a reality where Inca wisdom and humor merge with the limitless potential of the Dogecoin community.

Picture a volunteering effort so powerful it could bring a smile to an English face.

You might be thinking, "Inca" sounds fantastic and even impossible.

¿Are you sure INCA it's not a memetic hallucination?

My answer: absolutely! That's the charm.

With INCA DRC20, you can enjoy the fantastic, the imaginative, the absurd.

You've found a memecoin that appreciates laughter and the power of memes!

Buy and hold your INCA DRC20 to be part of the most decentralized, interplanetary, and simply amazing volunteer program in internet history.

You're part of a community that values creativity, humor, and inclusion.

Jump on the wild crypto rollercoaster. Join INCA DRC20 and navigate the science of Dogecoin's memes.
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Inca Drc20 ¿What's INCA DRC20?

Imagine a reality where Inca wisdom and humor merge with the limitless potential of the Dogecoin community.

Picture a volunteering effort so powerful it could bring a smile to an English face.

You might be thinking, "Inca" sounds fantastic and even impossible.

¿Are you sure INCA it's not a memetic hallucination?

My answer: absolutely! That's the charm.

With INCA DRC20, you can enjoy the fantastic, the imaginative, the absurd.

You've found a memecoin that appreciates laughter and the power of memes!

Buy and hold your INCA DRC20 to be part of the most decentralized, interplanetary, and simply amazing volunteer program in internet history.

You're part of a community that values creativity, humor, and inclusion.

Jump on the wild crypto rollercoaster. Join INCA DRC20 and navigate the science of Dogecoin's memes.
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Inery INERY (INR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2022and operates on the BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) platform. INERY has a current supply of 800,000,000 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of INERY is 0.02827302 USD and is down -11.43 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 9 active market(s) with $180,895.22 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://inery.io/. Apply for grant
Inery INERY (INR) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2022and operates on the BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) platform. INERY has a current supply of 800,000,000 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of INERY is 0.02827302 USD and is down -11.43 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 9 active market(s) with $180,895.22 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://inery.io/. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Infinity Ventures Crypto Innovating, venturing, and catapulting forward the next generation of companies
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Infinity Ventures Crypto Innovating, venturing, and catapulting forward the next generation of companies
Apply for grant
Injective Injective is the first blockchain to offer auto-executing smart contracts, which empower faster, more innovative, and groundbreaking applications.
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Injective Injective is the first blockchain to offer auto-executing smart contracts, which empower faster, more innovative, and groundbreaking applications.
Apply for grant
Interlay Your one-stop-shop for Bitcoin DeFi Apply for grant
Interlay Your one-stop-shop for Bitcoin DeFi Apply for grant
Internet Computer Reinventing the public internet as a global computer that hosts open internet services, secure software, and DeFi. Apply for grant
Internet Computer Reinventing the public internet as a global computer that hosts open internet services, secure software, and DeFi. Apply for grant
IOST Simplified for Developers. Built for Everyone.
Apply for grant
IOST Simplified for Developers. Built for Everyone.
Apply for grant
IOTA Apply for grant
IOTA Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
IoTeX Combines secure blockchain tech with the Internet of Things (IoT). Track and use data from connected devices. Trade on our decentralized exchange. Apply for grant
IoTeX Combines secure blockchain tech with the Internet of Things (IoT). Track and use data from connected devices. Trade on our decentralized exchange. Apply for grant
Jackal Protocol Apply for grant
Jackal Protocol Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Juno Junø is a proof-of-stake blockchain which allows users to stake their funds, as staking rewards are distributed to stakers every block.
Apply for grant
Juno Junø is a proof-of-stake blockchain which allows users to stake their funds, as staking rewards are distributed to stakers every block.
Apply for grant
Jupiter As one of the industry's most advanced swap aggregation engines, Jupiter excels in delivering essential liquidity infrastructure for the Solana ecosystem. Moreover, Jupiter is actively expanding its DeFi product offerings, featuring a comprehensive suite that includes Limit Order, DCA/TWAP, Bridge Comparator, and Perpetuals Trading. Apply for grant
Jupiter As one of the industry's most advanced swap aggregation engines, Jupiter excels in delivering essential liquidity infrastructure for the Solana ecosystem. Moreover, Jupiter is actively expanding its DeFi product offerings, featuring a comprehensive suite that includes Limit Order, DCA/TWAP, Bridge Comparator, and Perpetuals Trading. Apply for grant
Kadena Providing a hybrid blockchain platform, including the only sharded and scalable layer-1 PoW public network Apply for grant
Kadena Providing a hybrid blockchain platform, including the only sharded and scalable layer-1 PoW public network Apply for grant
Kalman's Forge Apply for grant
Kalman's Forge Apply for grant
Karak Network
Apply for grant
Karak Network
Apply for grant
KardiaChain KardiaChain is The First Decentralized Interoperable and Self-Optimised Blockchain Infrastructure. Apply for grant
KardiaChain KardiaChain is The First Decentralized Interoperable and Self-Optimised Blockchain Infrastructure. Apply for grant
Karura Karura is a smart contract platform for decentralized applications (a blockchain). Karura was founded by Bett Chen, Bryan Chen, Ruitao Su & Fuyao Jiang and launched in 2021.
Apply for grant
Karura Karura is a smart contract platform for decentralized applications (a blockchain). Karura was founded by Bett Chen, Bryan Chen, Ruitao Su & Fuyao Jiang and launched in 2021.
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Kaspa Apply for grant
Kaspa Apply for grant
Kava Kava.io is the first cross-chain DeFi hub providing applications and services to the worlds largest cryptocurrencies. Apply for grant
Kava Kava.io is the first cross-chain DeFi hub providing applications and services to the worlds largest cryptocurrencies. Apply for grant
Kekchain KEKChain. A Fast & secure Blockchain for DeFi Frens
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Kekchain KEKChain. A Fast & secure Blockchain for DeFi Frens
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Kill Crypto BD
Apply for grant
Kill Crypto BD
Apply for grant
Kinstak Apply for grant
Kinstak Apply for grant
Kinto The L2 for Finance
Safe, compliant, and decentralized. Kinto is the first KYC'ed Layer 2 capable of supporting both modern financial institutions and decentralized protocols.
Apply for grant
Kinto The L2 for Finance
Safe, compliant, and decentralized. Kinto is the first KYC'ed Layer 2 capable of supporting both modern financial institutions and decentralized protocols.
Apply for grant
Kintsugi A blockchain network that allows bitcoin holders to utilize their assets within the Kusama network. Apply for grant
Kintsugi A blockchain network that allows bitcoin holders to utilize their assets within the Kusama network. Apply for grant
Klaytn An open-source public blockchain for all who wish to build, work, or play in the metaverse.
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Klaytn An open-source public blockchain for all who wish to build, work, or play in the metaverse.
Apply for grant
which includes an innovative online gaming platform and an upcoming Exchange (CEX & DEX). Our gaming platform offers a variety of games, while the KoinWave exchange aims to provide a secure and efficient trading environment for various digital assets.
Apply for grant
which includes an innovative online gaming platform and an upcoming Exchange (CEX & DEX). Our gaming platform offers a variety of games, while the KoinWave exchange aims to provide a secure and efficient trading environment for various digital assets.
Apply for grant
Kol Raise a KOL round launchpad, to help projects raise from KOLs and manage the marketing campaigns seemlessly, launchpad meet influencer marketplace
Apply for grant
Kol Raise a KOL round launchpad, to help projects raise from KOLs and manage the marketing campaigns seemlessly, launchpad meet influencer marketplace
Apply for grant
Komodo A decentralized, open source end-to-end blockchain and cryptocurrency platform designed for developers of any industry to complete transactions while maintaining anonymity.
Apply for grant
Komodo A decentralized, open source end-to-end blockchain and cryptocurrency platform designed for developers of any industry to complete transactions while maintaining anonymity.
Apply for grant
KRAV Decentralized Quanto Exchange on Base Apply for grant
KRAV Decentralized Quanto Exchange on Base Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
KuCoin Token A global leading crypto exchange Apply for grant
KuCoin Token A global leading crypto exchange Apply for grant
Kujira Orca The Blockchain for Real Yield. A decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech. Apply for grant
Kujira Orca The Blockchain for Real Yield. A decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech. Apply for grant
Kusama Kusama is a security & interoperability platform for blockchains and applications. Kusama was founded by Gavin Wood and launched in 2019. Apply for grant
Kusama Kusama is a security & interoperability platform for blockchains and applications. Kusama was founded by Gavin Wood and launched in 2019. Apply for grant
Kyril onboarding test Apply for grant
Kyril onboarding test Apply for grant
Kyril'S Ecosystem
Apply for grant
Kyril'S Ecosystem
Apply for grant
Kyril Vlasenko sdf Apply for grant
Kyril Vlasenko sdf Apply for grant
Lachain Easy to launch or manage assets and protocols across chains with L0 and bridges secured by L1 on-chain validation for DeFi, NFTs, Metas and Games.
Apply for grant
Lachain Easy to launch or manage assets and protocols across chains with L0 and bridges secured by L1 on-chain validation for DeFi, NFTs, Metas and Games.
Apply for grant
LaChain Network
Apply for grant
LaChain Network
Apply for grant
Lamden Lamden is the performant Python-based blockchain platform that makes using and creating the next generation of dApps easy for everyone.
Apply for grant
Lamden Lamden is the performant Python-based blockchain platform that makes using and creating the next generation of dApps easy for everyone.
Apply for grant
Layer One X Layer One X, a pioneering blockchain platform, is at the forefront of transforming the decentralized ecosystem. Our groundbreaking X-Talk technology is the cornerstone of L1X, enabling unparalleled interoperability, scalability, and security in the blockchain space. By facilitating seamless native and multi-chain transactions, Layer One X is revolutionizing how users interact and transact across diverse blockchain systems. Apply for grant
Layer One X Layer One X, a pioneering blockchain platform, is at the forefront of transforming the decentralized ecosystem. Our groundbreaking X-Talk technology is the cornerstone of L1X, enabling unparalleled interoperability, scalability, and security in the blockchain space. By facilitating seamless native and multi-chain transactions, Layer One X is revolutionizing how users interact and transact across diverse blockchain systems. Apply for grant
LBRY Credits A content sharing and publishing platform that is decentralized and owned by its users.
Apply for grant
LBRY Credits A content sharing and publishing platform that is decentralized and owned by its users.
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Linea Linea is a type 2 zero knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine that replicates an Ethereum environment by leveraging rollups.
Apply for grant
Linea Linea is a type 2 zero knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine that replicates an Ethereum environment by leveraging rollups.
Apply for grant
Liquidchain A Layer-1 blockchain similar to Ethereum but with a different consensus mechanism.
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Liquidchain A Layer-1 blockchain similar to Ethereum but with a different consensus mechanism.
Apply for grant
Lisk Apply for grant
Lisk Apply for grant
Litecoin Litecoin is a distributed ledger for transfer and store of value (a blockchain). Litecoin was founded by Charlie Lee and launched in 2010. Apply for grant
Litecoin Litecoin is a distributed ledger for transfer and store of value (a blockchain). Litecoin was founded by Charlie Lee and launched in 2010. Apply for grant
Loreum Loreum is building a leaderboard framework for DAOs. The ecosystem is plagued by governance failures and it's time to retire the VC-controlled multisig. Leadership for protocols should evolve and grow over time and existing governance frameworks fail to provide the efficiency required to get DAOs off the ground. The Loreum protocol is built for liquid democracy creating a spot market of meritocratic governance that rises organically from a token community.
Apply for grant
Loreum Loreum is building a leaderboard framework for DAOs. The ecosystem is plagued by governance failures and it's time to retire the VC-controlled multisig. Leadership for protocols should evolve and grow over time and existing governance frameworks fail to provide the efficiency required to get DAOs off the ground. The Loreum protocol is built for liquid democracy creating a spot market of meritocratic governance that rises organically from a token community.
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Manta Atlantic
Apply for grant
Manta Atlantic
Apply for grant
Mantle Staked ETH Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering high security at low fees. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security. Apply for grant
Mantle Staked ETH Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering high security at low fees. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Mars Cat Coin Cat-tastic Community: Designed for cat lovers and meme aficionados alike, fostering a purrfectly inclusive community. Apply for grant
Mars Cat Coin Cat-tastic Community: Designed for cat lovers and meme aficionados alike, fostering a purrfectly inclusive community. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
MELD MELD unlocks life on-chain. Rethinking blockchain design with native lending and borrowing resulting in instant transactions and near-zero fees. This powers a suite of web3 financial tools and fiat services for builders and users on and off chain.

The MELD ecosystem includes a multi-chain wallet, banking services like fiat to crypto on/off ramps, debit cards, deposit accounts, and native yield and developers never have to worry about core financial services. You can simply focus on investing and building better products.

MELD always opts for the most yield-rich result for its users, offering liquid staking $MELD and native yield on all L1 coins bridged to the MELD blockchains. Capture this yield by supplying to the lending and borrowing protocol unlocks liquidity and the yield boost.
Apply for grant
MELD MELD unlocks life on-chain. Rethinking blockchain design with native lending and borrowing resulting in instant transactions and near-zero fees. This powers a suite of web3 financial tools and fiat services for builders and users on and off chain.

The MELD ecosystem includes a multi-chain wallet, banking services like fiat to crypto on/off ramps, debit cards, deposit accounts, and native yield and developers never have to worry about core financial services. You can simply focus on investing and building better products.

MELD always opts for the most yield-rich result for its users, offering liquid staking $MELD and native yield on all L1 coins bridged to the MELD blockchains. Capture this yield by supplying to the lending and borrowing protocol unlocks liquidity and the yield boost.
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Mental Maze Mental Maze is a blockchain-built protocol designed with a combination of a mind challenging puzzle and a corresponding reward system, built on blockchain NFT technology. Players will therefore be expected to scale different levels of the puzzle to earn rewards based on their speed and accuracy. The rewards surpass the stress by far, not to mention the awesome adventurous experience. Apply for grant
Mental Maze Mental Maze is a blockchain-built protocol designed with a combination of a mind challenging puzzle and a corresponding reward system, built on blockchain NFT technology. Players will therefore be expected to scale different levels of the puzzle to earn rewards based on their speed and accuracy. The rewards surpass the stress by far, not to mention the awesome adventurous experience. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Meter Liquid Staking An open source platform with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle. Apply for grant
Meter Liquid Staking An open source platform with Freedom and Fairness as the first principle. Apply for grant
Metis Layer 2 framework to run Decentralized Companies (DACs) Apply for grant
Metis Layer 2 framework to run Decentralized Companies (DACs) Apply for grant
Milkomeda A smart contract enabled sidechain protocol bridging between virtual machine based, layer 1 chains and Cardano.
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Milkomeda A smart contract enabled sidechain protocol bridging between virtual machine based, layer 1 chains and Cardano.
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Milkomeda A1
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Milkomeda A1
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Mina Protocol The world's lightest blockchain, powered by participants Apply for grant
Mina Protocol The world's lightest blockchain, powered by participants Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Mixin An open source cryptocurrency wallet with Signal messaging. Fully non-custodial and recoverable with phone number and TIP. Apply for grant
Mixin An open source cryptocurrency wallet with Signal messaging. Fully non-custodial and recoverable with phone number and TIP. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Mom Mothercoin Our team at Inspiration Coin is thrilled to announce the development of our latest project, MOM - MOTHERCOIN. This groundbreaking cryptocurrency will revolutionize the way people interact with blockchain technology, offering not only financial rewards but also the chance to embark on a mystical quest unlike any other.

By holding MOM - MOTHERCOIN, users will have access to exclusive benefits, including a free NFT for the first 500 holders. This limited edition digital collectible is a token of our appreciation for early supporters and a symbol of the unique journey that awaits those who join our community.

Based on a secure and reliable blockchain infrastructure, MOM - MOTHERCOIN offers a safe and transparent way to invest in the future of cryptocurrency. With each transaction, users will earn rewards and contribute to the growth of our ecosystem, creating a sustainable and profitable investment opportunity for all.

Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or a newcomer to the world of blockchain technology, MOM - MOTHERCOIN is the perfect opportunity to explore new horizons and unlock your full potential. Join us on this exciting journey and become a part of something truly extraordinary.

Stay tuned for more updates and information on how you can get involved with MOM - MOTHERCOIN. Together, we can make history and redefine the future of digital currency. Get ready to earn, explore, and inspire with Inspiration Coin's latest creation!
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Mom Mothercoin Our team at Inspiration Coin is thrilled to announce the development of our latest project, MOM - MOTHERCOIN. This groundbreaking cryptocurrency will revolutionize the way people interact with blockchain technology, offering not only financial rewards but also the chance to embark on a mystical quest unlike any other.

By holding MOM - MOTHERCOIN, users will have access to exclusive benefits, including a free NFT for the first 500 holders. This limited edition digital collectible is a token of our appreciation for early supporters and a symbol of the unique journey that awaits those who join our community.

Based on a secure and reliable blockchain infrastructure, MOM - MOTHERCOIN offers a safe and transparent way to invest in the future of cryptocurrency. With each transaction, users will earn rewards and contribute to the growth of our ecosystem, creating a sustainable and profitable investment opportunity for all.

Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or a newcomer to the world of blockchain technology, MOM - MOTHERCOIN is the perfect opportunity to explore new horizons and unlock your full potential. Join us on this exciting journey and become a part of something truly extraordinary.

Stay tuned for more updates and information on how you can get involved with MOM - MOTHERCOIN. Together, we can make history and redefine the future of digital currency. Get ready to earn, explore, and inspire with Inspiration Coin's latest creation!
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Monad An EVM Layer-1 smart contract with a Proof of Stake consensus protocol. Apply for grant
Monad An EVM Layer-1 smart contract with a Proof of Stake consensus protocol. Apply for grant
Moonbeam Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications Apply for grant
Moonbeam Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications Apply for grant
Moonriver Moonriver is a community-led cousin parachain on Kusama and will provide a permanently incentivized canary network for Moonbeam.
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Moonriver Moonriver is a community-led cousin parachain on Kusama and will provide a permanently incentivized canary network for Moonbeam.
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Moonward Capital
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Moonward Capital
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Mox Studio Mox Studio an active player in the crypto gaming industry, specializing in the development of digital Play-to-Earn (P2E) games for both mobile and web platforms. Mox Studio aim to introduce Radix and the Radix ecosystem to a broader audience by utilizing the Mox token as an in-game currency in our mobile and web-based games. Apply for grant
Mox Studio Mox Studio an active player in the crypto gaming industry, specializing in the development of digital Play-to-Earn (P2E) games for both mobile and web platforms. Mox Studio aim to introduce Radix and the Radix ecosystem to a broader audience by utilizing the Mox token as an in-game currency in our mobile and web-based games. Apply for grant
MultiVAC A High-Throughput Flexible Blockchain Platform Based on Trusted Sharding Computation. Apply for grant
MultiVAC A High-Throughput Flexible Blockchain Platform Based on Trusted Sharding Computation. Apply for grant
MultiversX Elrond is a smart contract platform for decentralized applications (a blockchain). Elrond was founded by Beniamin Mincu and launched in 2018.
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MultiversX Elrond is a smart contract platform for decentralized applications (a blockchain). Elrond was founded by Beniamin Mincu and launched in 2018.
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MUUCHAIN Muu Chain as a Block Chain: about consensus, software stack, network layout and roles.
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MUUCHAIN Muu Chain as a Block Chain: about consensus, software stack, network layout and roles.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
My Cannabiz Clubs My Cannabiz Franchise & My Cannabiz Clubs is a revolutionary Franchise MLM model designed to capitalize on the burgeoning cannabis industry. We offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to join our established brand and capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality cannabis products and services. With a focus on innovation, community engagement, and customer education, we are poised to become a market leader in the Cannabiz Franchise MLM sector
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My Cannabiz Clubs My Cannabiz Franchise & My Cannabiz Clubs is a revolutionary Franchise MLM model designed to capitalize on the burgeoning cannabis industry. We offer a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to join our established brand and capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality cannabis products and services. With a focus on innovation, community engagement, and customer education, we are poised to become a market leader in the Cannabiz Franchise MLM sector
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Mysten Labs a web3 infrastructure company and developer of the Sui Layer 1 blockchain Apply for grant
Mysten Labs a web3 infrastructure company and developer of the Sui Layer 1 blockchain Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Nahmii Helping Ethereum scale and companies build real-life Blockchain based solutions Apply for grant
Nahmii Helping Ethereum scale and companies build real-life Blockchain based solutions Apply for grant
Naijapay Naijapay Payment Made Easy Apply for grant
Naijapay Naijapay Payment Made Easy Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
NEAR A blockchain designed to provide the performance and UX to get to mainstream adoption of decentralized applications Apply for grant
NEAR A blockchain designed to provide the performance and UX to get to mainstream adoption of decentralized applications Apply for grant
Negu The ultimate cryptocurrency Apply for grant
Negu The ultimate cryptocurrency Apply for grant
NEM A Blockchain-based peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and a development platform.
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NEM A Blockchain-based peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and a development platform.
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NEO NEO is a cryptocurrency that, uses easily programmable smart contracts in order to facilitate trust-less trades of real-world assets through the Blockchain. Apply for grant
NEO NEO is a cryptocurrency that, uses easily programmable smart contracts in order to facilitate trust-less trades of real-world assets through the Blockchain. Apply for grant
Neon EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine on Solana that enables developers to scale and get access to liquidity on Solana Apply for grant
Neon EVM Ethereum Virtual Machine on Solana that enables developers to scale and get access to liquidity on Solana Apply for grant
NestEgg Coin
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NestEgg Coin
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
New Project dfafaf
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New Project dfafaf
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Neww Pprroject Zjozjdbx
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Neww Pprroject Zjozjdbx
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Nibiru Nibiru is a new crypto derivatives protocol. Apply for grant
Nibiru Nibiru is a new crypto derivatives protocol. Apply for grant
NitroDome “Imagine a world where the digital and physical realms seamlessly converge,
and virtual accomplishments translate into tangible value.”
Welcome to NitroDome.
NitroDome is the intersection of the exhilarating world of gaming and the transformative landscape of NFTs
and blockchain. We’re pioneering more than just a platform; we’re setting forth a new gaming epoch,
empowering players to genuinely own, trade, and capitalize on their in-game assets.
Our groundbreaking innovation is in integrating conventional, non-web3 games with the blockchain,
granting gamers the advantages of NFTs without departing from their cherished titles.
But our ambition doesn’t halt at gaming. We’ve created a thriving ecosystem for artists specializing in game
NFTs, offering them a dedicated marketplace to unveil their creations and earn their rightful due. Our
unique NFT dex allows for swift buying and selling against liquidity, addressing the common pain points of
traditional NFT marketplaces.
Join us as we craft a future where gaming, blockchain, and game NFT artistry unite to forge an all encompassing,
sustainable digital ecosystem. With NitroDome, we’re not only reimagining the world of
gaming; we’re sculpting the future of digital ownership and exchange.
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NitroDome “Imagine a world where the digital and physical realms seamlessly converge,
and virtual accomplishments translate into tangible value.”
Welcome to NitroDome.
NitroDome is the intersection of the exhilarating world of gaming and the transformative landscape of NFTs
and blockchain. We’re pioneering more than just a platform; we’re setting forth a new gaming epoch,
empowering players to genuinely own, trade, and capitalize on their in-game assets.
Our groundbreaking innovation is in integrating conventional, non-web3 games with the blockchain,
granting gamers the advantages of NFTs without departing from their cherished titles.
But our ambition doesn’t halt at gaming. We’ve created a thriving ecosystem for artists specializing in game
NFTs, offering them a dedicated marketplace to unveil their creations and earn their rightful due. Our
unique NFT dex allows for swift buying and selling against liquidity, addressing the common pain points of
traditional NFT marketplaces.
Join us as we craft a future where gaming, blockchain, and game NFT artistry unite to forge an all encompassing,
sustainable digital ecosystem. With NitroDome, we’re not only reimagining the world of
gaming; we’re sculpting the future of digital ownership and exchange.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Nova Network An open-source DAG programable smart contracts platform built for decentralised and enterprise-level applications, in one highly scalable ecosystem.
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Nova Network An open-source DAG programable smart contracts platform built for decentralised and enterprise-level applications, in one highly scalable ecosystem.
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Nuls NULS is a blockchain infrastructure for customizable services, driven by our global open-source community. Apply for grant
Nuls NULS is a blockchain infrastructure for customizable services, driven by our global open-source community. Apply for grant
Oasis Network The missing piece for Web3 privacy. Apply for grant
Oasis Network The missing piece for Web3 privacy. Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Obscuro Obscuro is a decentralized Layer 2 privacy solution built on top of Ethereum. Apply for grant
Obscuro Obscuro is a decentralized Layer 2 privacy solution built on top of Ethereum. Apply for grant
Offchain Labs Building Arbitrum, an optimistic rollup protocol to scale Ethereum Apply for grant
Offchain Labs Building Arbitrum, an optimistic rollup protocol to scale Ethereum Apply for grant
Offline Offline is a tool that allows to use crypto without internet, a green solution 🌳

The idea was to store private key in an NFC chip and make an interface to interact.
Similar to what we do with credit & debit card.

Just tap your Offline card to make payment and sign transactions

Pay like Apple Pay: Addable to Apple Wallet

Scale with Offline SDK: With simple integration, make dApp support offline web3 transactions.📈

Disposable & Eco-friendly wallets ♻️
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Offline Offline is a tool that allows to use crypto without internet, a green solution 🌳

The idea was to store private key in an NFC chip and make an interface to interact.
Similar to what we do with credit & debit card.

Just tap your Offline card to make payment and sign transactions

Pay like Apple Pay: Addable to Apple Wallet

Scale with Offline SDK: With simple integration, make dApp support offline web3 transactions.📈

Disposable & Eco-friendly wallets ♻️
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OKT Chain An independent blockchain built by crypto exchange OKEx.
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OKT Chain An independent blockchain built by crypto exchange OKEx.
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Omax Disrupting the Crypto Payment Space
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Omax Disrupting the Crypto Payment Space
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OmniFlix Network Apply for grant
OmniFlix Network Apply for grant
Omni Network Apply for grant
Omni Network Apply for grant
Onboarding Test Apply for grant
Onboarding Test Apply for grant
Ontology A high speed, low cost public blockchain bringing decentralized identity and data solutions to Web3.
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Ontology A high speed, low cost public blockchain bringing decentralized identity and data solutions to Web3.
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Ontology Gas Ontology is the next-generation network of public blockchains.
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Ontology Gas Ontology is the next-generation network of public blockchains.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Opside Opside is a modern, three-layer infrastructure platform that offers ZK-RaaS (ZK-rollup-as-a-service). Apply for grant
Opside Opside is a modern, three-layer infrastructure platform that offers ZK-RaaS (ZK-rollup-as-a-service). Apply for grant
Optimism A low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum L2 blockchain. Apply for grant
Optimism A low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum L2 blockchain. Apply for grant
Optimism L2 Scalability stack for instant transactions and scalable smart contracts Apply for grant
Optimism L2 Scalability stack for instant transactions and scalable smart contracts Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Osmosis DEX Osmosis is an advanced automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows developers to build customized AMMs with sovereign liquidity pools. Apply for grant
Osmosis DEX Osmosis is an advanced automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows developers to build customized AMMs with sovereign liquidity pools. Apply for grant
Oswap AMM A distributed ledger based on directed acyclic graph (DAG).

Unlike centralized ledgers and blockchains, access to Obyte ledger is decentralized, disintermediated, free (as in freedom), equal, and open. There are no middlemen, no miners, no blocks. Unlike blockchains, censorship is impossible. MEV is impossible either.
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Oswap AMM A distributed ledger based on directed acyclic graph (DAG).

Unlike centralized ledgers and blockchains, access to Obyte ledger is decentralized, disintermediated, free (as in freedom), equal, and open. There are no middlemen, no miners, no blocks. Unlike blockchains, censorship is impossible. MEV is impossible either.
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Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Oxydjinn We are building a regenerative crowdfunding platform for refi to live. We have designed a PST token Project Steward Token, that is linked to real assets that have production value and member rewards/returns.
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Oxydjinn We are building a regenerative crowdfunding platform for refi to live. We have designed a PST token Project Steward Token, that is linked to real assets that have production value and member rewards/returns.
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PairedWorld PairedWorld marks the next evolution of real-world social interaction in the digital age. Pioneering the world's first Proof of In-Real-Life (IRL) Human Connection Protocol, PairedWorld offers a groundbreaking platform where genuine, face-to-face human connections are not just encouraged but also rewarded.

In a world where digital addiction and loneliness are escalating to crisis levels, we bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms. PairedWorld Protocol, featuring its first application - w3meet, uniquely combines the excitement of Web3 with the irreplaceable value of personal interaction, creating a bridge between the virtual and the physical worlds. Through our innovative tokenomics, users are motivated to meet, engage, and build or become part of communities in the real world, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of socially rewarding experiences.
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PairedWorld PairedWorld marks the next evolution of real-world social interaction in the digital age. Pioneering the world's first Proof of In-Real-Life (IRL) Human Connection Protocol, PairedWorld offers a groundbreaking platform where genuine, face-to-face human connections are not just encouraged but also rewarded.

In a world where digital addiction and loneliness are escalating to crisis levels, we bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms. PairedWorld Protocol, featuring its first application - w3meet, uniquely combines the excitement of Web3 with the irreplaceable value of personal interaction, creating a bridge between the virtual and the physical worlds. Through our innovative tokenomics, users are motivated to meet, engage, and build or become part of communities in the real world, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of socially rewarding experiences.
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Palm An Ethereum-compatible sidechain, built to serve as the foundation of a new scalable and sustainable ecosystem for NFTs.
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Palm An Ethereum-compatible sidechain, built to serve as the foundation of a new scalable and sustainable ecosystem for NFTs.
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Paloma Chain Paloma is a fast, permissionless, Cosmos-SDK blockchain that moves messages securely, between any other blockchains. Apply for grant
Paloma Chain Paloma is a fast, permissionless, Cosmos-SDK blockchain that moves messages securely, between any other blockchains. Apply for grant
Parallel Parallel is a Sci-Fi Card Game with NFTs. Apply for grant
Parallel Parallel is a Sci-Fi Card Game with NFTs. Apply for grant
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Apply for grant