2034 Blockchain, Crypto and Web3 Grants

Projects and Chains launch Ecosystem grant programs because they need builders building with them. That’s why large market cap project launch open-source grant programs. We are tracking over 10 Billion in grants avaialble below is the largest list you can find around grants programs.
Name Description Categories
Ethereum Testnet Sepolia Apply for grant
Ethereum Verkle Testnet Condrieu Apply for grant
EtherGem Apply for grant
EtherInc Apply for grant
Etherlink Apply for grant
Etherlink Testnet Apply for grant
EtherLite Chain Apply for grant
Ethernity Apply for grant
Ethernity Testnet Apply for grant
Ethersocial Network Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Etho Protocol Apply for grant
Ethos Apply for grant
Apply for grant
EthStorage Mainnet Apply for grant
EthStorage Testnet Apply for grant
ETHW-mainnet Apply for grant
EthXY Apply for grant
EthXY Testnet Apply for grant
Etica Mainnet Apply for grant
ETND Chain Mainnets Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Eurus Mainnet Apply for grant
Eurus Testnet Apply for grant
Evanesco Mainnet Apply for grant
Evanesco Testnet Apply for grant
Everscale Everscale is a new and unique blockchain design that is capable of processing millions of transactions per second, with Turing-complete smart contracts and decentralized user interfaces. Apply for grant
EVM on Flow Testnet Apply for grant
Evmos Evmos is bringing the world of Ethereum-based applications and assets to the interoperable networks of the Cosmos ecosystem, all while aligning developer and user incentives. Let’s adventure together into the world of innovation where EVM meets interchain composability. Apply for grant
Evmos Testnet Apply for grant
Evoke Mainnet Apply for grant
Evoke Testnet Apply for grant
EVOLVE Mainnet Apply for grant
EVOLVE Testnet Apply for grant
Evrice Network Apply for grant
Excelon Mainnet Apply for grant
Exosama Network Apply for grant
Expanse Network Apply for grant
exSat Mainnet Apply for grant
exSat Testnet Apply for grant
Exzo Network Mainnet Apply for grant
EZChain C-Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
EZChain C-Chain Testnet Apply for grant
Factory 127 Mainnet Apply for grant
Fair Testnet Apply for grant
Fantasia Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
Fantom Fast and scalable next-gen Layer-1 platform Apply for grant
Fantom Testnet Apply for grant
Fastex Chain testnet Apply for grant
Ferrum Testnet Apply for grant
Fhenix Helium Apply for grant
Fibonacci Mainnet Apply for grant
Filecoin Filecoin is a smart contract platform & a data storage network (a blockchain). Filecoin was founded by Juan Benet and launched in 2014. Apply for grant
Filecoin - Butterfly testnet Apply for grant
Filecoin - Calibration testnet Apply for grant
Filecoin - Local testnet Apply for grant
FileFileGo Apply for grant
Filenova Mainnet Apply for grant
Filenova Testnet Apply for grant
Findora Findora is a decentralized, privacy-preserving smart contract platform. Build the next privacy dApp with world-leading zero-knowledge technology on Findora. Apply for grant
Findora Forge Apply for grant
Findora Testnet Apply for grant
Firechain Mainnet Apply for grant
Firechain zkEVM Apply for grant
Firechain zkEVM Testnet Apply for grant
Firenze test network Apply for grant
FirepotSwap The Ambrosus Network is a Layer-1, proof-of-authority blockchain. Apply for grant
Flachain Mainnet Apply for grant
Flag Mainnet Apply for grant
Flag Testnet Apply for grant
Flame Apply for grant
Flame Testnet Apply for grant
Flamma Mainnet Apply for grant
Flamma Testnet Apply for grant
Flana Apply for grant
Flana Mixnet Apply for grant
Flana Privnet Apply for grant
Flana Testnet Apply for grant
Flare An EVM based Layer 1 blockchain for building chains that use decentralized data from other chains and the internet. Apply for grant
Flare Testnet Coston2 Apply for grant
Flow Flow is a decentralized layer one blockchain designed for onboarding mainstream consumers. Apply for grant
Fluence Apply for grant
Fluence Stage Apply for grant
Fluence Testnet Apply for grant
FNCY Apply for grant
FNCY Testnet Apply for grant
Forma Apply for grant
Forma Sketchpad Apply for grant
Form Testnet Apply for grant
Foundry Chain Testnet Apply for grant
Fox Testnet Network Apply for grant
Frame Testnet Apply for grant
Fraxtal Apply for grant
Fraxtal Testnet Apply for grant
Freight Trust Network Apply for grant
Frenchain Apply for grant
Frontier of Dreams Testnet Apply for grant
Apply for grant
Apply for grant
FunctionX Mirroring traditional financial products on the Function X network and creating decentralized financial products and a decentralized trading system. Apply for grant
Funki Apply for grant
Funki Sepolia Sandbox Apply for grant
Furtheon Apply for grant
Fuse EVM-compatible blockchain providing a scalable, fast, and cost-effective infrastructure for Web3 applications. Catering to businesses and consumers, it ensures high transaction volumes, security, and decentralization. Apply for grant
Fuse Sparknet Apply for grant
FUSION Fusion is an interoperable ecosystem built for Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Fusion looks forward to utilizing blockchain technology to create an infrastructure platform to operate crypto-financial applications. Apply for grant
Fusion Testnet Apply for grant
F(x)Core Testnet Network Apply for grant
G8Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
G8Chain Testnet Apply for grant
Galactica-Reticulum Apply for grant
Galadriel Devnet Apply for grant
Game7 Apply for grant
Game7 Testnet Apply for grant
Ganache GUI Ethereum Testnet Apply for grant
GAN Testnet Apply for grant
Garizon Stage0 Apply for grant
Garizon Stage1 Apply for grant
Garizon Stage2 Apply for grant
Garizon Stage3 Apply for grant
Garizon Testnet Stage0 Apply for grant
Garizon Testnet Stage1 Apply for grant
Garizon Testnet Stage2 Apply for grant
Garizon Testnet Stage3 Apply for grant
Garnet Holesky Apply for grant
GateChain Mainnet Apply for grant
GateChain Testnet Apply for grant
Gather Devnet Network Apply for grant
Gather Mainnet Network Apply for grant
Gather Testnet Network Apply for grant
Gauss Mainnet Apply for grant
GDCC MAINNET Apply for grant
GDCC TESTNET Apply for grant
GDPR Mainnet Apply for grant
GDPR Testnet Apply for grant
Gear Zero Network Mainnet Apply for grant
Gear Zero Network Testnet Apply for grant
GEEK Verse Mainnet Apply for grant
GEEK Verse Testnet Apply for grant
Geist Mainnet Apply for grant
Gemchain Apply for grant
Gemuchain Testnet Apply for grant
GeneChain Apply for grant
Genesis Coin Apply for grant
Genesis L1 Apply for grant
Genesis L1 testnet Apply for grant
Genesys Apply for grant
Genesys Code Mainnet Apply for grant
Genshiro Genshiro is a cross-chain protocol that helps users seamlessly earn yield, borrow, and trade on margin. Using asset portfolios instead of single collateral vaults Apply for grant
Gesoten Verse Testnet Apply for grant
Geso Verse Apply for grant
Giant Mammoth Chain Apply for grant
GIL Testnet Apply for grant
GitAGI Atlas Testnet Apply for grant
Gitshock Cartenz Testnet Apply for grant
GitSwarm Test Network Apply for grant
Glide L1 Protocol XP Apply for grant
Glide L2 Protocol XP Apply for grant
Global Trust Network Apply for grant
Globel Chain Apply for grant
GLScan Apply for grant
GM Network Mainnet Apply for grant
GM Network Testnet Apply for grant
Gnosis Chiado Testnet Apply for grant
Gnosis DAO Gnosis builds new market mechanisms for decentralized finance. Apply for grant
Gobbl Testnet Apply for grant
GoChain GoChain - 100% Ethereum Compatible, 100x faster. ... 100x Faster. The GoChain network is the fastest, most sustainable, web3 compatible blockchain. Apply for grant
GoChain Testnet Apply for grant
Godwoken Testnet v1 Apply for grant
GodwokenV1 Apply for grant
Go Ethereum (Geth) Private Testnet Apply for grant
Gold Chain Apply for grant
Gold Smart Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
Gold Smart Chain Testnet Apply for grant
GoldXChain Mainnet Apply for grant
GoldXChain Testnet Apply for grant
GoodData Mainnet Apply for grant
GoodData Testnet Apply for grant
GPT Mainnet Apply for grant
Graphlinq Blockchain Mainnet Apply for grant
Gravity Apply for grant
Gravity Alpha Testnet Sepolia Apply for grant
Gravity Bridge Cosmos® Gravity Bridge™ is a purpose-built, fully decentralized, trustless blockchain which bridges assets between the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems. Ethereum and EVM compatible tokens can be transferred across the Gravity Bridge to a Cosmos wallet and then onto other Cosmos wallets or DEXs (such as Osmosis or Gravity DEX). Cosmos SDK based blockchains can similarly send tokens across Gravity Bridge to the Ethereum ecosystem, making them available for transfer or potentially trading on Uniswap or other ETH DEXs. Apply for grant
Green Chain Testnet Apply for grant
Grok Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
GRVT Mainnet Apply for grant
GRVT Sepolia Testnet Apply for grant
GTCSCAN Apply for grant
GTON Mainnet Apply for grant
GTON Testnet Apply for grant
GuapcoinX Apply for grant
GUNZ Testnet Apply for grant
Guru Network Testnet Apply for grant
Haic Apply for grant
HALO Mainnet Apply for grant
Ham Apply for grant
Hammer Chain Mainnet Apply for grant
HAPchain Apply for grant
HAPchain Testnet Apply for grant
HAQQ Apply for grant