Harmony ecosystem

Projects count on Harmony

Count of Harmony projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Harmony

Category Projects Count
DeFi Defi Kingdoms, QiDao, Tranquil Finance, ViperSwap, Euphoria and 120 more 125
DEX Defi Kingdoms, ViperSwap, Elk, LootSwap, Defily and 32 more 37
Infrastructure RenVM, Chainlink Staking, Defi Swap, Fantom, Livepeer and 15 more 20
Bridge RenVM, WBTC, Poly Network, Printer Financial, Synapse and 13 more 19
Yield FoxSwap, Defily, Artemis Protocol, CougarSwap, AAVE V2 and 11 more 16
Gaming Defi Kingdoms, Axie Infinity, Chain Games, The Sandbox, Crypto Royale and 8 more 13
Services Basic Attention, Uniswap Labs, Chainlink Staking, Furucombo, Astrowar Finance and 3 more 8
Cross Chain KEEP Network, Synapse, Rubic, BoringDAO, Connext and 3 more 8
Yield Aggregator Beefy, Badger DAO, Yearn Finance, Autofarm, Pickle and 2 more 7
Lending Tranquil Finance, AAVE V2, Hundred Finance, Celsius Network, Wise Lending and 2 more 7
Reserve Currency Euphoria, WagmiDAO, CheeseDAO, OneDAO Finance, Reverse and 2 more 7
Wallets Defi Swap, 3Thix, Xircus Web3 Protocol, Pizza wallet, Infinity Wallet and 1 more 6
Algo-Stables Dopple Finance, Unite Finance, Frax, Comfy Money, Oin Finance 5
CeFi Celsius Network, USD Coin, Footprint Analytics 3
Synthetics Ampleforth, Synthetix, Yam Finance 3
Chain Fantom, NerveBridge, Xircus Web3 Protocol 3
Derivatives Linear Finance, Traders Island 2
Staking FEG Token BSC, Fegex 2
CEX Defi Swap, Huobi Token 2
Payments USD Coin, Sushi Furo 2
Staking Pool UniFi, UniFi Protocol 2
DEX Aggregator 1inch Network, Rubic 2
Oracle Chainlink Staking 1
Privacy OMNIA Protocol 1
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
CDP QiDao 1
RWA Maker RWA 1
NFT Marketplace Hypermove 1
Prediction Market Xircus Web3 Protocol 1
Farm Parrot Defi 1

Should I Build on Harmony?

See the Harmony Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Harmony is looking For

DeFi projects on Harmony

72 total projects. $5,471,455 total chain TVL.

Harmony TVL

Dexs volume in Harmony

TVL of projects on Harmony

Name Categories TVL Launch date
UniFi Protocol Staking Pool n/a n/a
Comfy Money Algo-Stables n/a n/a
Magik Fantom Ecosystem n/a n/a
Quartz.defi n/a n/a
AAVE V3 Lending n/a n/a
Poly Network Bridge n/a n/a
Printer Financial Bridge n/a n/a
Magik Farm Yield Aggregator n/a n/a
Sushi BentoBox Yield n/a n/a
Sushi Furo Payments n/a n/a