Monero Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Monero.

Buy & Sell Monero Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Monero.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX XMR/BTC $118.2700 %0.05 $13,596.98 $18,155.40 $135,534.00 16 minutes
CEX XMR/USDT $118.3800 %0.04 $155,693.99 $82,860.30 $14,028,737.00 16 minutes
CEX HTX XMR/USDT $118.1600 %0.12 $29,591.93 $12,729.69 $1,886,230.00 17 minutes
CEX Kraken XMR/USDT $118.0700 %0.06 $347,768.68 $355,923.42 $427,342.00 17 minutes
CEX Kraken XMR/JST $118.4700 %0.17 $198,580.07 $159,138.31 $224,895.00 17 minutes
CEX KuCoin XMR/USDT $118.0600 %0.11 $37,754.82 $66,902.07 $2,787,022.00 17 minutes
CEX KuCoin XMR/BTC $118.0800 %0.27 $72,366.25 $111,830.04 $270,191.00 17 minutes
CEX HitBTC XMR/BTC $118.0800 %0.75 $52,534.65 $59,694.43 $18,618.40 17 minutes
CEX XMR/USDT $118.0600 %0.29 $252,069.35 $251,360.91 $40,362.00 18 minutes
CEX XMR/BTC $118.0800 %0.70 $52,534.65 $59,690.28 $18,377.98 18 minutes

Market volume

DEX $16,568 - 0.0%

CEX $41,410,754 - 100.0%

DEX $16,568
CEX $41,410,754

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
Infrastructure OneKey 1
Wallets OneKey 1