PAX Gold Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use PAX Gold.

Buy & Sell PAX Gold Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell PAX Gold.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Tokpie PAXG/USDT $2,491.3900 %18.57 $134,834.00 23 minutes
CEX Pionex PAXG/USDT $2,589.9000 %0.04 $381,053.45 $893,359.72 $36,380.00 23 minutes
CEX Bitrue PAXG/USDT $2,589.9600 %2.03 $294,770.97 $151,262.50 $2,121,540.00 23 minutes
CEX Nominex PAXG/BTC $2,587.5300 %0.10 $20,525.62 $36,441.13 $2,848.48 26 minutes
CEX Bitazza PAXG/NONE $2,575.6300 %1.05 $128,241.54 $106,116.38 $4,053.33 29 minutes
CEX Gemini PAXG/NONE $2,590.4600 %0.24 $101,475.32 $98,735.18 $4,549.58 29 minutes
CEX Binance PAXG/NONE $2,585.9900 %0.06 $52,039.31 $46,650.56 $177,467.00 30 minutes
CEX Kraken PAXG/NONE $2,585.4100 %0.10 $183,311.39 $105,498.51 $105,628.00 31 minutes
CEX Bit2Me PAXG/NONE $2,585.4100 %0.10 $183,244.27 $117,168.33 $103,292.00 31 minutes
CEX Nominex PAXG/NONE $2,586.0000 %0.10 $50,859.05 $43,560.13 $1,509.11 32 minutes

Market volume

DEX $389,461 - 2.8%

CEX $13,502,222 - 97.2%

DEX $389,461
CEX $13,502,222

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Where can I stake paxg?
paxg token can be staked at:

Other categories

Category Projects Count
Staking Pool London Gold 1