Scroll ecosystem

Projects count on Scroll

Count of Scroll projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Scroll

Category Projects Count
DeFi Abacus, iZiSwap, Loop, Contango V2, Metavault AMM V2 and 135 more 140
DEX iZiSwap, Metavault AMM V2, Quillswap, Scrollswap Finance, Skydrome and 53 more 58
Dexs iZiSwap, Metavault AMM V2, Quillswap, Scrollswap Finance, Skydrome and 48 more 53
Lending Lore Finance, Loanshark Core, LayerBank, Cog, Lendora Protocol and 12 more 17
Derivatives Contango V2, Satori, Metavault Derivatives V2, 10KDex, Symmetry Trade and 8 more 13
Yield Aggregator DeSyn Liquid Strategy, Canary, Stellaris Finance, LazyOtter Finance, Teahouse Permissionless and 3 more 8
Yield Abacus, Steer Protocol, Wombat Exchange, OMNIA Protocol, Tranchess Yield and 3 more 8
Liquidity manager Steer Protocol, Range Protocol, Gamma, Unipilot, Teahouse Permissionless and 3 more 8
Cross Chain Symbiosis, XY Finance, NerveBridge, Meson, Stargate V2 and 2 more 7
Bridge Symbiosis, XY Finance, NerveBridge, cBridge, Butter Swap and 1 more 6
Cross Chain Bridge Symbiosis, XY Finance, Meson, Stargate V2, Butter Swap and 1 more 6
Infrastructure OMNIA Protocol, Butter Swap, Kelp RSeth, Axelar 4
CEX Bybit, Gate-io, Bitrue, HashKey Exchange 4
Farm DeSyn Liquid Strategy, DeSyn Protocol, Penpad Token, Pell Network 4
Services LazyOtter Finance, CIAN, PoolTogether V5 3
Payments Sablier V2, Superfluid, LlamaPay 3
Liquid Restaking DeSyn Protocol, Mitosis, Kelp RSeth 3
Options Deri V4, Tivel Finance 2
Synthetics ZKSynth, DeSyn Protocol 2
CDP ICHI, Quill Finance 2
Chain NerveBridge, CIAN Yield Layer 2
Leveraged Farming Loop, Perseid Finance 2
DEX Aggregator KyberSwap Aggregator, Aggre 2
Restaking Mind Network, Pell Network 2
Wallets OMNIA Protocol 1
Privacy OMNIA Protocol 1
Staking Wombat Exchange 1
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
Liquid Staking Tranchess Yield 1
Reserve Currency Stargate Finance 1
RWA DeSyn Protocol 1
Basis Trading DeSyn Basis Trading 1
Governance Incentives Abacus 1
Yield Lottery PoolTogether V5 1

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DeFi projects on Scroll

161 total projects. $160,314,928 total chain TVL.

Scroll TVL

Dexs volume in Scroll

TVL of projects on Scroll

Name Categories TVL Launch date
SyncSwap Dexs $2,585,652 n/a
Kelp RSeth Liquid Restaking $2,166,053 n/a
LayerBank Lending $1,508,036 n/a
Nuri Exchange $1,333,961 n/a
Nuri V2 Dexs $1,259,615 n/a
Rollie Finance Derivatives $1,034,949 n/a
Rho Markets Lending $964,132 n/a
LazyOtter Finance Yield Aggregator $854,349 n/a
iZUMi Finance $773,788 n/a
iZiSwap Dexs $761,451 n/a

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Abacus, iZiSwap, Loop, Contango V2, Metavault AMM V2 and 135 more 140
DEX iZiSwap, Metavault AMM V2, Quillswap, Scrollswap Finance, Skydrome and 53 more 58
Dexs iZiSwap, Metavault AMM V2, Quillswap, Scrollswap Finance, Skydrome and 48 more 53
Derivatives Contango V2, Satori, Metavault Derivatives V2, 10KDex, Symmetry Trade and 8 more 13
Yield Aggregator DeSyn Liquid Strategy, Canary, Stellaris Finance, LazyOtter Finance, Teahouse Permissionless and 3 more 8
Yield Abacus, Steer Protocol, Wombat Exchange, OMNIA Protocol, Tranchess Yield and 3 more 8
Liquidity manager Steer Protocol, Range Protocol, Gamma, Unipilot, Teahouse Permissionless and 3 more 8
Cross Chain Symbiosis, XY Finance, NerveBridge, Meson, Stargate V2 and 2 more 7
Cross Chain Bridge Symbiosis, XY Finance, Meson, Stargate V2, Butter Swap and 1 more 6
Infrastructure OMNIA Protocol, Butter Swap, Kelp RSeth, Axelar 4
CEX Bybit, Gate-io, Bitrue, HashKey Exchange 4
Farm DeSyn Liquid Strategy, DeSyn Protocol, Penpad Token, Pell Network 4
Services LazyOtter Finance, CIAN, PoolTogether V5 3
Payments Sablier V2, Superfluid, LlamaPay 3
Liquid Restaking DeSyn Protocol, Mitosis, Kelp RSeth 3
Options Deri V4, Tivel Finance 2
Synthetics ZKSynth, DeSyn Protocol 2
CDP ICHI, Quill Finance 2
Chain NerveBridge, CIAN Yield Layer 2
Leveraged Farming Loop, Perseid Finance 2
DEX Aggregator KyberSwap Aggregator, Aggre 2
Restaking Mind Network, Pell Network 2
Wallets OMNIA Protocol 1
Privacy OMNIA Protocol 1
MEV OMNIA Protocol 1
Reserve Currency Stargate Finance 1
RWA DeSyn Protocol 1
Basis Trading DeSyn Basis Trading 1
Governance Incentives Abacus 1
Yield Lottery PoolTogether V5 1