Simon's Cat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Simon's Cat.

Buy & Sell Simon's Cat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Simon's Cat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX WOO X CAT/USDT $0.0000 %1.34 $8,635.49 $7,396.78 $9,749.88 49 minutes
CEX Hotcoin CAT/USDT $0.0000 %0.36 $419.86 $387.87 $47,078.00 50 minutes
CEX CAT/USDT $0.0000 %0.12 $76,132.92 $56,390.45 $32,197,428.00 50 minutes
CEX LBank CAT/USDT $0.0000 %0.14 $10,452.29 $7,148.81 $977,407.00 50 minutes
DEX PancakeSwap V3 (BSC) CAT/WBNB $0.0000 %0.60 $36,715.14 $36,604.83 $13,516,153.00 51 minutes
CEX BitMart CAT/USDT $0.0000 %2.04 $11,765.88 $14,061.61 $13,309,480.00 51 minutes
CEX NovaDAX CAT/NONE $0.0000 %0.39 $156.14 $241.08 $12,757.33 51 minutes
CEX CoinW CAT/USDT $0.0000 %2.13 $445.52 $265.75 $322,257.00 51 minutes
CEX Bitrue CAT/USDT $0.0000 %0.75 $6,176.87 $4,866.90 $1,763,270.00 52 minutes
CEX XT.COM CAT/USDT $0.0000 %0.06 $65,292.48 $59,012.30 $9,377,558.00 52 minutes

Market volume

DEX $22,676,937 - 19.1%

CEX $95,946,105 - 80.9%

DEX $22,676,937
CEX $95,946,105

Total volume in the last 24 hours
