$10 giveaway - JahzoneN

Recorded: Jan. 22, 2024 Duration: 0:43:00



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Hello Hello Hello
can i see your emojis
alright thank you
thank you
before we start our emi proper
are EME proper. They're still waiting for our guests and I believe that they will join us soon.
I would like you to retweet the space, invite your friends and make sure you stay to the end
of the EME. Thank you for being patient.
Thank you for that.
Jeff, how are you? Can you hear me?
Hello, Jeff.
You can unmute your mic and speak to the mic.
Hello, Jeff. Can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you, please.
Yeah, how are you?
I'm fine. Thank you very much.
It's really nice to hear from you today. I'm happy to be in today's EME.
I'm actually happy to be here. I'm happy to be here.
Thanks again for tuning in.
I can hear you. You're not audible, you know.
I say I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be here.
I'm happy to be here.
I hear you.
I'm not audible.