$100 giveaway - Seigniorage & AMM w. Polaris

Recorded: April 11, 2023 Duration: 1:07:00



Hello, good morning everybody. Hello Polaris, can you guys hear me? Hey buddy, nice and clearly. Great, nice to meet you, welcome to our space. Is it gonna be
just you from the main account or some other team members as well. Well I did tell to Episquan Adrian, the other co-founders as well. Episquan will join and I'm not sure if Adrian is going to make it because he has some stuff to do. However Episquan should come
and is he here already so I can add him or he's gonna be here later. Let me check. Not yet. I'll let you know. I'll let you know. Okay. No problem.
Oh, I didn't see my mic was off. So, I was saying, if we have some coming later, that's great. Let's start with the space. If you would like to give us a little background on yourself, sort of have you got into space, have you end up working on Polaris? That would be a great introduction, I think.
Now for sure, about myself and about the Polaris, I'd say that we all are equipped to the US and we've been in a quicker space for a while, you know, when we want it to be on the other side.
Not just the user, but as well as the developer. I personally, I've been programing since I was 16, I'm almost 49 years old with Willy, so not 23 years old, 23 years old for women. However, I'm
And just, you know, I'm not the main programmer here, it's Adrian, the other confounder who is actually a smart contract developer and JavaScript developer as well. And Epicsco is the king of socials.
The three of us, we all do know each other, so we've been friends for a while, and back in those days, in 2021, they just kept digging into myself, you know, that we need to do something, and back in those days,
was actually still a topic and we thought we are going to make it a little bit different and I believe we were running pretty well until the panic so came and the crash of Luna and FTX and all the
the bloody stuff that happened last year. However, always here trying to build something special, something more than something ordinary. So that was the beginning and now we are building a solution today, AMM.
with Cinerage as well and heading to build a, I don't know how to say the everything under one roof on Aurora and however we are going, we are planning to go cross-chain as well but the main reason was to
have a product that actually helps to decentralization and that we will have everything on the one that means you know from classic AMM to audible aperture filters, the landing platform as well and of course the CineOS.
God, that sounds very interesting. We'll definitely have to dive deep into what Polaris deck actually does and how it's different from everything else because I guess from the descriptions, a lot of people are like, "Wow, it sounds very interesting, but I have no idea what that actually means in reality what exactly does it
But before that, I wanted to ask you maybe a more general question. So you guys obviously build in like D5, right? And I had this conversation with somebody not so long about you know how
There was a sort of idealistic idea that DeFi will replace like traditional banking and things like that. And then in the end of the day looking back we see that most DeFi protocol were either like players, players, Ponzi's or just didn't really serve any purpose, not all of course, but you know,
the majority of them. What's your general on the space, DeFi, where it's moving and does it still has that original premise? I don't think it's going to replace. I do think that it can co-work to
together and it very likely will because the cryptocurrencies are the blockchain itself, it's technology that actually makes sense to the whole world. And as we can see, all this happening in the banking sector is pretty modernist.
It's not a safe space as well as good occurrences are not the defy in general. However, you know with the regulation that's coming in and they could well even actually I believe. The thing is gonna change a lot of policy so a lot of
that you know, the D5 pump and dump pump and dump is just as usual as you know, as every morning, morning coffee. And this gonna change and this has to change because it can't work together. You know, if you need to trust for the D5 itself,
It has to change a lot. So the regulation, I believe, will change the D5 section of cryptocurrencies. However, I believe we do need to have the D5, not just the Dexit or Lambda, so on-rumping.
These all these things can actually replace a small part from the banking system. And for people who actually will use the cryptocurrencies in future, because the other option of cryptocurrencies are not as good as they could be already.
long trick. Now I believe that this gonna work and this needs to be changed a lot for the future to make it easier to make it you know what transparent and get rid of the ponzes and get rid of the scams of course but I
believe that this is going to happen, we just need more time, more time, you know, the all the world need more time for this. The adoption is coming. This is not here already. Got it. And where do you see the place of Polaris in this host's
like sort of what problem does it solve, who does it help? Well, the thing is that I believe that Aurora still is the best EVM and I believe that Alex the CEO of Aurora a couple of months ago is
set to the free has to change in the meaning of to make it easier for the two users. So I believe that I rise making these steps pretty in a particular way.
I believe that we can be the main station on the Aurora blockchain. That means that people actually want to change, want to buy crypto or want to earn some yields or they want to lend the crypto to
So, they just need one place to be. And I believe that we can do that the Polaris is going to be the very spot that we can provide everything that is actually needed on the crypto market.
are we really too hope so that where we are we head into. So we should be, I would say, the main spot on the router app ecosystem where people will park, it's quick to try to see all by us, all trades, the cryptos.
got it and actually before I have some next question guys we do have a lot of money to give away on this space $100 so everybody please retweet the pinned tweet so we can have more people come and join us another question I want to
task you know for a DEX it's obviously very important to have liquidity and that being said why did you decide to build your product on Aurora out of all blockchains? Well it wasn't the vacuum door stage when we were starting the senior rush.
We were looking, we were just, well, to be honest, we have been farming, we have been investing in these five protocols for a couple of years already.
It has a lot of experience about how smooth are the transactions, about transaction of shading or nodes. And these details that actually every defi user has to know. And our setup was
the best one. And the second thing was running on near. And as you know, near very well. So we did know how near is fast. What's the big, big, big thing to have a charging?
to actually a blockchain that actually can be used by billions of people. That's something tremendous in our heads. So that's why we chose our brothers, why we decided to bring it there.
Later then with the decks, you know, on Arra we had back in those days, only Unispo B2 for the trial supplies, all the best to the guys, they did have bus from the very beginning.
However, we thought we could bring something better and we thought as well that we could combine the text with the senior as well to help you know the maintain the patch.
this why we started to develop in a decks on the Lary Aurora. But the most important thing for us was the near itself, because actually in my opinion there is no better L1 blockchain at this very moment in the quick remark.
Okay, I say let's get to actually you know the Polaris itself. So you have what does St. E. Rajmin for like somebody who doesn't know the meaning of the word. Yeah, yeah.
So this is the senior actually is the algorithmic coin algorithmic of this fact facts to the coin that you are actually the do not choosing. So we came with the solution that we will bring many coins to our order because you know
If you want to have decks or a lot of senior arched tokens and you need any demand, you need many points. If you want to have everything in one place, you need the possibility of bringing as much as coins as possible.
So the thing was that Cinerage is not collateralized as it is just strictly algorithmical. So when the coin has high demand, that means the price of its, of course, is going up. And when it's about back the
it's being printed. So, more demand means more coins. However, if the pack is above, sorry, it's under the pack, it's the price is under the pack, that means that there's no more printing. And all these things have been made
by our first network and the S-Polar that is Polar shares that actually is maintaining the pegs of every asset. However, because this is uncollegiate rights, so that means that it is a high risk investment.
We survived the Lunar crash and however we didn't survive the bear market then so that means that even though we were buying back as much as possible we didn't succeed with maintaining the pack. So after that
As was predicted as we planned, then we decided to work on the decks that actually with the fees and with the demand of the decks that should help the maintain the pack. That means that at the end we are heading to
to recover all the tokens that actually are in the Polaris at this very moment.
Well, that was a lot of stuff. So is it like similar to Luna and USD? There's a kind of a different course. You Luna and USD had a
that means when the UST was minted, Luna was burned and by the sun. So the thing is why the desperate came, you know, because when you minted
in the UST, Luna Price went up, everyone was smiling. We were as well because we had Luna included in our protocol. However, when death spurt came and people were shouting, it was as well, there was a situation where
death came and that was the problem. But we have no maintain and burn in social. The solution of ours is to have several big assets and are minted only when the demand is high. When it's
below the peg, that means that we can't face to any spiral. So that's a little bit different. However, it is scenario-broken as well because it's not called a terisama.
So in your situation this difference is in design. Would you say they sort of safeguard against the USD scenario? Well, we can go that this love, you know, because the packs are
So when the peg asset, you know, easier or near when they are moving up or down, you know, basically, what's it that means that the peg asset is moving as well. So the only possibility that the peg asset is going under the peg is
when someone just decides that he's going to sell his position. But when he sells and the price of the peg asset is below the peg, that means that nothing is happening, you know, like in the Lula Iversi scenario.
That is just an opportunity for anyone else that is buying in this camp. Or where Jou is stepped up and Jou is maintaining the pack with its assets that are in the DAO.
And so basically you have your own table coin, right? Well, these are, I wouldn't say there is no table. There are the senior us supposed to be, we can say this algorithmical table coin.
However, it's not failed because it's not collateral is that. If we are trying to say to someone that this one is going to be stable, so that means that you have to collateralize assets that you are basically, you can say to anyone that,
this price is going to maintain the peg because we have this big militarization of this asset. But the senior stable coin that actually is not a stable coin is only on demand-based asset. This is a very big difference.
And could you explain sort of this relationship between AMM and you know the senior age and you know why they make sense together? Yeah, well the thing was back in the
times, we thought, let's say after a couple of months, after the launch, we thought that it's going to be easy to make the package just with the day of front. You know, because whether the amount is high and the price is going ridiculously about the pack,
The DAO is mentioned in the pack that is setting the pack assets to put the price down. So this is how the DAO is getting the pack or USD/C or USD/C or any other stablecoin. And where the situation is from the other directions that is loud demand and high-score pressure,
then the DAO is stepping up and buying the assets to maintain the back. This is the basic solution. And we thought that with proper amount of money and proper pool of liquidity that is held by DAO, we thought we can make
and it's been out of any problem. So the problem was that while the issue was like the one I was questioning and we had like 300K in the US T and Lula or even more 400K so we lost a lot of money on Lula and now the East money was missing. Now we
realized that okay we are facing this problem we have to solve it in a different kind of way so the thing was that we started to build the decks it always been planned to build the decks however to maintain a pack we need bigger position in the pool of liquidity that is held by DAO
And the second thing is that with the demand on text, you can have basic pools like near USDC or Ethereum and USDC. And you are getting fees from that. And with fees, we can write in the page that we can do buybacks.
build our all pool of liquidity and when this is managed and the demand on Dex is okay. So that means if you are having a Dex that actually makes sense that actually works lovely that there is going to be a demand. And if there's a demand we can have
money from fees and while having the fees we can buy in the back. So that was the combination of the CNR and the AMM and in particular it was like let's say that if we need to if we if we want to have
sustainable yield and if we want to be better than others we have to bring more than building a deck just on the senior justice deck when the AMM came out and that's the thing what are we trying to do to make it better than it ever was.
And the whole boat like right now we are right in the bear market that we've been in for a year already. Do you face any challenges with this mechanics because there is not enough liquidity in bear market especially on Aurora or still all
Well, it's been challenging since the very beginning. Well, as said before, you know, we brought five assets to Aurora and we created a five senior assets.
And we thought that everything will run smoothly, but the bare market, the lunar crash, and then the FTX as well, pretty make things complicated. And of course, the demand on Aurora is not as high as it should be. Well, it's not.
Only not on row rides on near as well because you know there are plenty of much was built chain that had much bigger demand, but this I believe that this is going to change when the sentiment on the market is going to change as well. So yeah, this has been very challenging
after deploying a DEX, the AMM part, it ran large for small, we had like I don't know, three or four millions of dollars like in two days on Aurora, but actually on Aurora, it's not that much demand, so we thought
look at this, this was lovely. The thing was that in bear market all the farmers just didn't care about anything, they do care just about own pockets and to
farm is many liquidities possible down the rewards and left hand it would happen as well. So now we are not having that much liquidity as we should have I believe however you can't stop building just because of some circumstances you know you just
need to move on, build more and try to find anything that would convince people that the old protocol, your DEX is a good place to work, work, work their assets.
And when do you see your project going future especially you know sooner or later we're gonna have a bull market if it's not already here and Then there's gonna be another bear market sooner or later right and like how do you see yourself surviving all this waves as well as just maybe
You know, your expansion plan for the next couple of years? Well, I believe that this is actually possible. If you know, if you, it's like a ticket over baby, you know, you have many times good times of any other business, you know.
Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. So when having a bull market, then you of course need to take advantage of it and where there's a bear market, you need to develop more. So all the things that we are planning that we have done already, there are many things that we
last lot of time. Now we are actually deploying the whole disco model that means voting for fees, for liquidity boosting, for extra rewards. And we had so many problems, we won so many issues while deploying this on testnet because
because this is working, but not important now. So these things are happening like in a month after all. And if we are still in buy market, or it doesn't matter if we are in boom market, that means only that it's going to get better for
a year. So we need to build even more to find out another solution to bring some more advantage to be better than the
others. I already don't think that there is a big difference between Boul and Bear for developer and it's a very big difference for investment, you know, because investors that are already with us for a year, let's say, they
Actually, I do believe that we are doing something better that we are moving in the proper direction. However, if there's a better market, they are, of course, not looking that it's not looking that nicely to the price of the native tokens or the price of the senior justice.
However, if you bring something better and you bring something more than all the others, then the demand, if you are better, the demand will come with the proper marketing stuff. But I do believe that that really makes no much difference between bad and bad.
for us for the developers. You know. Got it. The reason I was asking is because you know Dex is and senior staff usually realize the liquidity heavily. So often when it leaves there is like complications.
Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,#
We have decided to road swaps. We are the pick-up. So there actually was more use case than it's normal. However, if there's a bad luck, it of course, and people are starting jumping to their columns.
And do literally anything if you have enough money in the AOL to do the buy-bits. So yeah, it is complicated. However, I do think that it's we are able to solve it. We just haven't found all the details yet. To be honest.
You know since we started talking about bull markets, a bit going just across 30,000 dollars. What do you think is going on? I work at the early morning, I sleep at a coffee and I smoke at a cigarette and I check the BTC by the morning.
what? Well, I've seen it. I really do not understand and I do understand as well. It's like a skyscraphrin here in my head. Because you know, regarding all the stuff and regarding the stocks of the banks and the banks issues and you know,
I don't believe that people that actually have a little bit more money than normal. Let's say you invested in stocks or you invested in just normal.
a few percent in a bank and now you are facing an issue and you have what to hell are going to do if this bank is over. This I believe that this kind of health should have helped to make the cryptocurrencies, the price of Bitcoin
a bit better. However, if you check the economic situation, if you check the bloody war that is happening, I don't think that this is the proper time of any answer that should be going there, should be morning. I do know that everyone of us would like to see bull market, but
To be honest, I'm not thinking we are facing this situation right about now. I think that a lot of have to change that this is not the very it that was here three years ago, you know. So you think it's a trap?
Well, maybe it's just for me in the new bottom. Maybe it's not a trap. Maybe it's something a bit different. You know that we are going to stay in range. Or maybe in several markets and I'm completely wrong. I don't think that
I don't think that we are seeing a problem. I'm not that more skeptical than an optimistic in this kind of situation. I do not know what's your opinion.
Honestly man, like I gave up on all this stuff. I have no idea it can be anything. I'm not a trader also. But one thing that I see is that it's a very market for like over a year now. So I wouldn't be surprised if you know
we're due for a bull market but I'm personally hoping that it's not because I really want to accumulate more before it all goes to some crazy numbers but you know me hoping for it not to go up makes me feel like it probably is a bull
more good. That's what I do the opposite thing from what I wanted to do. Yes sir. But Yemen is going up and it's hard to deny it but you write it very well might just be a new bottom and nothing crazy either direction but I guess you know it's all just drawing
the water which is going to have to see and find out. So in my personal opinion I believe that this is going to be this is going to change but the regulation is coming to be honest I really think that a lot of people will check some discussions on the internet this is like madness and there's there's too
that Bitcoin is just like a bloody hell or something. The regulations that means more money, more bigger investors believe that this is going to change. However, if this is a start of a new market, I will at least even though I didn't buy enough as well.
Yeah, but I think either way like the far future is very bright and I think like at some point we'll reach this escape velocity as you say when like regulation is coming and stuff. I was just actually scrolling on Twitter as we were talking on the space and some
Something came up like the new US presidential candidate, something like Junior Kennedy, whatever, says that Bitcoin is like the shit basically, he likes it. He says the only escape for the people when the bubble bursts.
You know that that's coming from Presidential candidate and not just like the main one of the main guys I mean from United States it means a lot I think yeah, yeah, but the market is evolving the technology is evolving and the blockchain is already
showed us that is a masterpiece, the bookshan is indeed a masterpiece, so I'm really excited what is coming in the next few or decades, so I'm really excited in this. Yeah, but I do think that's something that will probably take a decade at least because if it is
going towards a direction like a instructional whole financial system. But you know we already have a few words. I mean go ahead. I just want to say you know but it is involved in pretty fast you know back in two years ago when I was explaining to
friend how to bridge something to one shade to another. It was like what the hell are you trying to teach me I've never never got a piece that not a bloody chance and you can see it now you can see now without any problem on two clicks you are
move in your assets from one block into another. So the things are potentially moving in the proper direction. However, we do need, we do need the adoption of the Web2 users because Web3 users are only few of us in our window. If you check how many people do you use Internet and how many people use Web2
three applications. That's a whole different story. Definitely, but I think part of it is like there's nothing really to do on Web 3 right now unless you're like into Web 3. So you know for internet most people who use internet and Web 2 they're not like internet and through the ads or people who
like internet technology, there's just like everyday people who there is just like so many use cases for internet for anyone to use it. And for web, you guys feel like specifically interested in it at this stage. Like what do you even do? Like just gamble basically or build right for them? Yeah, yeah, I agree.
Wait, 100% sure. But you know it's very interesting like the conversation we had on like you know this Web 3 in general a bit cool and because I think like I want to go too much of topic of Polaris but we already started talking about it. So I think let's give it another 5 minutes.
We know just seeing like in the United States it's still not like manifested itself but if you look at like some Latin American countries they already have it on like everyday basis where people just like by groceries with it and stuff and you know in other countries where inflation is like completely
different from what United States inflation is or I assume you are from like UK probably right or somewhere around there. Also like stable currency but like other countries where inflation can just you know the regime changes and the currency dumps like 50 70 80% within like you
know a couple months and the funny part is like we are aware that like dollar goes down like pound goes down by itself but like third-world countries they measure their currency against dollar as something stable so they think for example you know oh it was like 30 for one
$1.00 now it's $44.00 so it went down but people don't even realize that at the same time the dollar went down itself so what they're measuring against is not stable at all and they think it makes a lot of sense for a new financial system that would have a reserve currency that's especially how the world is
United right now with the internet it became kind of like one big country to have one currency that's universal not attached to any country.
It makes a lot of sense but we definitely have a long long long way to go. But I say you know as probably we can open up some questions for Polaris. Okay. Bring some people on stage.
if we still haven't bored them with all the other stuff. Never bored him. Okay, so I see some people are already connecting. Kur Mello, can you hear me? Yes, great. Go ahead, man.
Hello everyone. I have different hilarious decks. I understand that you are building an Aurora to and since Aurora and me are kind of intertwined. So I want to know how your platform will be interacting with the near protocol if it's going to be interacting with the near
protocol or if it's not going to be interactive with near protocol and if it's going to interact with near protocol I want you to kind of explain a little about how that will happen and how it will impact your platform. Yeah, we have Gacha, Metsha. Well, we have deployed
on Aurora. However, I'm not sure if you were aware of like those construct calls that was introduced by Alex Bergzino for Aurora on near Kon last year. But think is that Aurora is the new VM of near protocol.
can actually access the liquidity anything on there. So the thing is that we are planning to at this very moment to grab some liquidity on there and we are actually
build in a partnership with a key map, this is going to be massive, I believe, where they are bringing the solution of bridge and without using smart contracts. So this is in this world where I know where hacking is like on a daily basis to be honest. So this is going to be
huge for us. So the thing is that we are not planning to deploy on near. However, we are planning to use liquidity on near. So we the users can access new liquidity from Aurora as well. So this
makes things a little bit more easier for developing because you know the decks needs liquidity of course and because of the bridging solution that I bring it to with Kima I believe that we will be able to access more even more liquidity because it's going to be that easy to
bridge to bridge assets to to near. So this is going to be this is our one of the priorities to bring cross contract calls live however it's in a development place so we are I can't tell anything more specific at this very moment.
Hello, Hi guys, Amma, Odipal. Yeah, you are a boar, what's up? Hi, I'm very happy Polaris has come to you know near and you've got
I just want to make it very quick but I still have like two questions. So I'll just share my question one by one. First is you know all know that AMMs are referred to as lazy markets and instead of that what would you say would be the role of you know arbitrage on that would it be good or
bad for the ecosystem, that's my first question. And the second is, if something goes wrong at balancer because we are leveraging balancer here, if there's some sort of drainage at balancer, how would it impact, you know, polaris? This is my second question. Yeah. The first question.
I will ask you a little bit later to set it one more time because I didn't get it at all. However, the second thing is that we are actually all the time we are taking a deploy in a string contract as balanced as that means that we are when
Balancer is making any updates or building new smart contracts. So we, because now, you know, making those days where we were at the point in the decks, it was like 5 months ago already. And since that
moment, you know, a lot of things changed. So now we are deploying the board disco model. We are deploying the new constructs. So if anything wrong happened on Balancer, we will know we will redeploy as well. So I don't think that there's going to be any any problems for us. And I will call
ask you to say the first question again because my head founds both kind of a crap. Yeah thanks for answering the second question I'll tell you the first question it was like I said like since we know that AMMs are usually like lazy markets compared to you know centralized exchanges where we can do the swap
So my point is like what like people look for opportunities of arbitrage on the Dex is you know when there is some hype on some coin from say like coin X they try to buy the coin X and take out the money in the coin Y. So my point is what is the role of you know arbitrage is it good or bad for a Dex? That's what my question is.
The arbitrage also do balances not actually that possible because you know when you when you are swapping on balancer you have a multiple route that means that if you I don't know let's say that you are swapping Ethereum for USAC and you have five pulls from for Ethereum so that means that the
going to take the proper part of each and every pool. So the arbitrage is not there on the topic. You know? So it's useful there's a tool that there was a lot of problems with this because you know the arbitrage was well just simply to let it kill in it. But I don't think we have
And issues with the arbitrage involved. So I do believe that we are staying here. I think it's a little bit more better than it was two years ago with all the other Dexes. So I truly believe that balance is the best solution for running the Dex at this very moment, to be honest.
Yeah, thanks a lot for answering that and I feel really glad that you guys came to you know you chose Aurora ice ready of bio and it says you guys chose Aurora and you know the fastest L1 chain which is near some really happy you guys came to near yeah thanks a lot. Cheers. Cheers. All right. Thank you. Let's go to the
next question from GeneralX. Oh guys, am I already bool? Yeah. Oh yeah, oh I good day wax, hey Polaris. So really interesting project you have, I think it's basically, basically by
for structural that helps to make define much more enjoyable and EMM. So I just wanted to know concerning the fact that you decided to be nitty-pun near. I think there's a lot of aggregators and automated markets make a machine that's decided to go multi-chain. So they have
the server. You can actually switch to different VM blockchains. And that means to move more convenience for users. So I noticed I could look at the people and I decided to be native to Aurora. So why did you choose to be native to Aurora? And in your opinion, do you think that in terms of my
markets in that you have a disadvantage over those or in comparison with those other projects which are much more like which have much more which are most scalable in terms of being present in order if you change. Gotcha. I hope so.
anything everything let me let me be one person could one person clear the thing is that if any other takes is running on a multi chain there is something better and
something is not that better. The first thing is that you can grab more liquidity and spread it on more chains. That is better and was in the same time because you truly, while having a text, you do not want to spread the liquidity
to more chains. That's from the very beginning, sorry, that's why we were telling to the investor for the community of ours that we do believe that if you run on proper on the fast this blockchain and you don't need to spend liquidity for other chains. So
why not to bring all the tokens because of bridging is so easy at this very moment, why not to bring everything for one chain and make this advantage, not the disemphanthage, you know, because why would you, you know, why would you be having these assets on there?
chain, there's also some chain, some kind of an A, some kind of BSC or Polygon or Arbitron, it's not a matter. Why not to think in the opposite way? That means bring the coins from one, like centralized exchange, everything there, you don't need to go any at all.
many other place. So there was the first thing that I do think that makes sense because if you have perfect EVM, you have perfect L1 blockchain, why to spread it? Second thing is that people actually do not trust bridging. Still it's not
It's not that easy, it should be because all the HECTS are told people. The thing is that people that do not well to, you know, they, I'm not willing, I say I'm a regular user and I'm willing to be a general star so I have something on, I have something on BSC and I do want to invest it there.
If you think that from the other side, the liquidity is spreading and when the liquidity is spreading, the slippage is bigger. The price is in fact this bigger than it should be. So it's a bit too kind of a, you know. So that means that our main chain is and will be
Aurora because of me and however because of the demand on Aurora is not as good as it should be that means that we also will deploy on other blockchains. However, it's for helping the protocol itself. You know that means that with more
demand or more change, we will learn more fees, with more fees we can manage the protocol better. There's a little bit different. However, I still do believe that having on everything of one chain bringing all the assets of one chain is the best solution because you know
actually we want it as easy as possible for the user. Now the vector user is if it's some kind of a badger, let's say. It doesn't have a problem to move assets around, but you know, for what to use it? You need multiplication, what is happening?
I think, you know, so that's, there's a whole big difference. So we need to kind of manage all the stuff and bring the everything to our aura. Included, you know, the all the other, the average futures and all the stuff, bring it there. However, we will also be running on a multi chain.
Yeah, that was really on smart in our opinion because you really did explain why you choose to trade off this scalability for maintaining a concentration of liquidity and also for the security. Yeah, like you said, region points be a bit
technical and security. So I think it's not business model. It's a smart business model. You are going for quality over quantity. And I think I'm really comfortable to see you guys going on a road road and near. So at really great like you can play this kind of platform specifically. So you just get to know why you can
at volunteers to use Polaris, UGA, MEDE, or other EMMs that are more C2. So, it's work for this opportunity. Yeah, we're asking the question. Let's move to the next question from AimPy.
If you can hear me, aim high. Okay, let's go then to Zewa. Hello, am I doing off?
We can hear you but not too good. So I try to be all concise with your question. Our trust, possible to increase the tune of my voice. Basically I have after everything I have heard, it was the end of the half.
So my first question is, you know, roundly about integration. Yeah, the first thing that you chose to bring this project on our network,
like how soon do you intend to integrate on other logchanges? My specific question like, of course, I want you to put into consideration that are you planning to integrate the
are new at certain intelligence that is you know this peak of town or church edtp and how do you have funds of intelligence on your projects you know for easy activities because this AI network is making is really making you know many
you know, in Taraten and the rest of everything on anything, blow to land and the rest of the life. How soon you have the news, you have the pen to get this on your project. But also, if you are willing to do it all, you don't have it in your plans at all. Thank you.
Are you able to hear? So I think the first question was, "When are you integrating other chains than Aurora?" Should I repeat my second question?
I think was it about AI? Yeah, about chat edgcp, like is there any intention of making it down to the project? Because most project are having that plan at the back of their mind and so it integrates their project with chat edgcp, you know, to at least make it easy.
What are you doing? God, it's the other makes sense. Polaris, are you with us? What's up? I'm here, I just need a little help to understand the question properly.
Okay, so the first question is when are you guys integrating other chains and the second question was about whether you plan to integrate AI or like you know
charge GPD like stuff in any capacity. The schedule is as follows. So before we are
finishing the modusku model and after this the high priority is to choose a first cane that we are going to deploy as well and so that means we are in an
paper so I would like to see Paul Alisson on the second chain like in a month in May, in May it's gonna be the most the best answer I can give
And about the artificial intelligence on blockchain, we actually haven't spoken about this. However, there always is any possibility of having this included in Boris.
But I would like if I tell you that we have something, you know, for the community. So we only had a little chitchat about it. What is and what actually is a AY what actually means for blockchain, but we actually have some
and spoken about how could it help with the Polaris itself. So the second answer will be that, okay, we know about it, but actually we have no solution for AI with us.
Okay, great. Thank you. Let's go to thank you Ziva Let's go to the next question. We already run out of time a little bit Let's go to the question from Hafisur B84
Thanks for doing me an opportunity to update my home. So, most of our debts have some common problems. There is include low volume, low level of liquidity.
and four liter experience. What has done about these components? How does calories talk the problems? I got you. I got you. I have a little bit of a problem. I believe that basic problem
of any other exit, not just ours. However, the thing is the first thing that how to solve it, the first thing is the cross-contract call so we can access the acquisition here. Sorry, that's going to be our first goal to run after we
change so this is a second highest priority to solve it because you know on near days much way better liquidity that on our rollout is very moment. So this is the most important second most important thing to bring the liquidity and volume to our rollout to the decks of hours.
And I believe there was one more question, not just the volume and liquidity.
I'm just not sure whether I forgot or not. No, there was no other question. I think you answered. Oh, sorry. Thank you.
move to the next question we have from Abrah Abrah Abrah
What is the tokenomics of the project? I want to roll. What types of role does it play with the non-crypto users in the long term? Do you have any plans to expand it worldwide?
And to add it to any other exchange finance in the future. Well, I did the truck in a box. I solved. Yeah, yeah, this is my first question.
What is the economics of your project polarization? And does it play to the long term? Yeah, what a role it's for, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure. So the thing is we do have two native counts so that we can express like to kind of mix of two native
codes. The first one, the S-POLA is as a senior regimenter and part of the board is a row model that means that it is completely minted. It means that no more S-POLA is going to be ever minted.
So there's only possibility of getting the SPOLA to buy it from the open market and the X SPOLA, the DEX, the DEX native going. It's also the part of the VODS Chrome model that is being set for
of 4 millions of coins and these are being properly distributed and housed each 2 years. That means that it's going to end like in 2040 or 2040. Sorry, I don't have it.
total in my head. However, it's being distributed for the farmers and you can lock your ex-polis using the s-follow and near the LP position. It's not about the token itself because we need the liquidity of the main token.
thing is that Xpolla and Xpolla and near is free pool. That means we have a pool that you can load for a vote as a co-model. That means you work your position, you vote for extra years, you vote for a god and you vote
for extra e-boss and that's it, actually is it. So, you know, the Vex-Votus X-Votus model, it was presented by Curve and the liquidity model was presented by Valancer. We did combine the S-Polo and X-Polo
with near because near is our biggest reason we are doing this. And this in my opinion can make the protocol running sustainable because there's a proper utility of the native token. So these are the economics of these two coins.
Got it. Thank you, bro, for a great pleasure. So we've been live for over an hour now. I know we have a giveaway today from Polaris, right? A $100 in Native Token, correct?
Yeah, that's true. And the token is on Aurora, right? Yeah, yeah, it is indeed. Got it. So guys, for those who don't know to receive Aurora token, it's basically a VM. So it's the same address.
So it's the same address that you have for your Ethereum and a mask wallet. You just need to change the network, but you can even receive it on that address before you even change the network. It's already going to be there and then you just got to need to change the network to actually see it. In case you don't have a wall wallet.
So I think this is how we're gonna do this. We have, we're gonna have 10 prizes, 10 winners for 10 dollars each and three of them we're gonna pick from the winners who ask the questions and the other seven what you're gonna need to do is go to our telegram group.
It's in my bio, I actually might tweet it and pin it up and just post the proof that you've been here for the AMA and that you know you're retweeted, you liked everything and we're gonna select the other seven winners and distribute the prizes.
other than that guys please follow me follow polaris decks tomorrow we have another AMA with hide your cash which is a privacy solution on near sort of like the tornado cash was but they have some interesting mechanics around being
compliant and giving privacy at the same time. So going to be a fun AMA is well tomorrow. It was a giveaway too. And I just tweeted the telegram link so if you can find it now it's pinned to the space you can come and join and you know get a chance
to win the prize. Considering there are seven winners from outside of those people who has the questions, probably pretty high chance. Other than that, Polaris, do you have any closing things? Something you would like to tell the community before we wrap it up? Maybe something for the...
Yeah, it's a bit of a pleasure to have a chat like this. It's always making me smile to talk with others about the cryptocurrencies, about the crypto market, or about the decks of hours.
you for the possibility of this. Thank you all the guys that came and were listening for it. Truly it was a tremendous time so I do believe that we can make it again. So please join or follow our Twitter for
for all the updates that are coming, we have a lot of things that needs to be done and we would like to show you that we are able to bring some more value for the neural neural ecosystem.
Cheers, cheers guys! Okay, thank you everybody for coming. We had a great space to do lots of us nurse tool, thank you Polaris. And I will DM you with my Aurora address or I mean my assistance Aurora address so we can later distribute it to everybody else. So expect me in your DMs.
Yeah, that being said, thank you. You was an amazing guest. Very interesting conversation. Tomorrow another space guys, so I'll see you all there and thanks everybody for coming and I'm going to rock this place down. Goodbye. Thank you. Cheers.

FAQ on $100 giveaway - Seigniorage & AMM w. Polaris | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the main programmer at Polaris?
Adrian is the main programmer at Polaris.
What is the goal of Polaris?
The goal of Polaris is to be the main spot on the Aurora blockchain where people can park, trade, buy, lend and earn yields from crypto.
What is the idealistic idea that DeFi will replace?
The idealistic idea is that DeFi will replace traditional banking.
What is the current state of DeFi according to the guest?
The current state of DeFi needs to change a lot for regulation to come in and to get rid of the scams.
Why did Polaris decide to build on Aurora?
Polaris decided to build on Aurora because it has a fast transaction speed and near is the best L1 blockchain at the moment according to the guest.
What does Polaris aim to provide according to the guest?
Polaris aims to provide everything that is actually needed on the crypto market for users on the Aurora blockchain.
What are some of the features of Polaris according to the guest?
Polaris offers everything from classic AMM to auto-compounding filters, the lending platform, as well as the CinEOS integration.
Who are the other co-founders of Polaris?
Episquan and Adrian are the other co-founders of Polaris.
What is the main station on the Aurora blockchain that Polaris aims to be?
Polaris aims to be the main station on the Aurora blockchain where people can park, trade, buy, lend and earn yields from crypto.
What challenges does DeFi face according to the guest?
DeFi faces challenges such as trust, regulation, and getting rid of scams and ponzis.