100 Weeks of Wonky Weekly Alpha

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 1:39:10



GM y'all give me just a minute. I'm finishing setting everything up
If you guys would like to join on stage, feel free to hit that request button
I'll bring you guys up here in just a second
GM GM happy hunted baby
For those of you who don't know it's not actually consecutive weeks. It's how many minutes will be late to this space
How's everyone doing
Yeah, GM give me just a second I
Add an issue where I also
just got rubbed on the Kaleo account as far as the app just
Completely closed out on me. So I'm trying to figure out that and how to get back in
I mean, if not, it still shows me as a speaker. I can just use this one. Give me like 30 seconds
My face where you used to talk to yourself from the ledge hard account to the Kaleo account miss those days
That's surprisingly more difficult than you think it is going back and forth and muting one
Unmuting the other while also changing the volume to where you're not getting in your own way
Don't think those days are ever coming back
What's poppin what's poppin Ellis whatever is there she
Was some of my brothers. Oh, it's the whole game
Yeah, take me back
We were three together we were the monkey was fun on that boys
Down the pool there
The pregnant lady who did a cannibal
What all right, yeah, we were officially back my bad
Okay, so welcome to the 100
Consecutive episode of wonky weekly alpha also happens to be the hundredth can throw them hundreds up baby
Throw them hundreds of everybody in the crowd
Will it you know also the hundredth consecutive episode of will Kaleo start the episode on time
Always keep you guessing
And we are here
And we're you know, we're close to it. Maybe it was an hour off for the culture throw the hundreds up
Let's get them up there hundred straight weeks of doing this
So, you know, it's very beginning. I'm really glad that Matt is up here because we wouldn't have these spaces without Matt Palace
80s, baby the legend himself. They never would have started
So I'm gonna give you a a 30-second origin story
Remember Matt you remember
Oh, yeah, baby, of course and then uh, hello family. It's been a while
It's been a few months and I'm glad to be back here. But yeah origin story, man
We started late late night
Spaces, I mean these were before like really the wonky weekly were even official back in the day
And this was like right around the time we minted and we would just hop on stage
11 1 o'clock in the morning doesn't even matter what time of the day
But was we were just vibing and then it turned into this this culture of people just vibing together and then we were vibing harder
Right, and it's hilarious to think of that was two years ago. And now
consecutively doing the wonky official from the ledge are it's just been an
Absolutely blessed experience man, and I'm just glad to share these lives with family man. So I
Think here's the deal. You're actually not giving yourself enough credit here
You're missing part of the story
And here's what he wants to be put on the spot 80s he wants to be put on the spot
Yeah, so the real story part of it is you know, I'm humble bro
We did have part of the you know
We had some of the spaces there at the beginning where we'd be up at the very beginning
Few weeks some of the late nights, whatever
But what it really came down to was, you know in January, right?
They're like whenever I first released the wonky stonks the wonky stonks were released as a free mint and
You know along with that, I wish BTC art was up here, you know, I think he could speak toward it
We had a conversation the other night on this subject of just all the stuff that comes along with being a founder of a project
You don't expect I won't lie at the very beginning when I released the wonky stonks into the world
I was like, you know what want to release some cool art give people that opportunity
To be able to appreciate it and see what happens from it be a purely community driven thing from there
But that's it right like, you know, what else needs to be done going along with it and then
Immediately, right whenever you release something into the world, there are these expectations that come along with it
You're like, well shoot, you know, this is a lot right and like especially when something's pride or tied to price
You know as the market was going up, you know right there
End of 2021 was the peak of BTC the peak of ETH we actually launched the project on the day
That Bitcoin and ETH were making new all-time highs
So, you know didn't last up at that price target for way much longer
So I was just at a spot where I really was unsure. Okay
What is the direction of where we're moving forward really with the stonks with the community with the project because there were all these
really cool people that I met and
You know, I obviously loved the stonks that I love the art behind it
But I'm like, what is the next step? So I had a wedding
where I was up in Tampa and
80s aka Matt
You know, we we went out and we grabbed lunch
He sat down. He asked me he was like, okay. What is your vision here with this? What's the next step?
And man, I won't lie. I was just in a spot where I was really you know
felt a lot of pressure a lot of
Uncertainty of I don't know exactly what it is. He was like, you know what?
It's like I think one thing start one thing at a time. Let's go ahead and kick up these weekly spaces
Right. Like let's get those started back. I was like, that's something that I I would love to do, you know
something I know
Right. Like it just goes to the heart of it because the stonks are about the vibes. It's about the community
it's about connecting with other people as much as it is about the art and
You know just felt like a natural fit for something to do and here we are 100 weeks later
I've just had the opportunity through that process to watch
so much happen and
Just you know this community in the way that it's galvanized around one another and where we are right now
I I could not be more bullish on the future and
You know what what's coming down the road?
So anyway, I had to first and foremost with you being up here
Give the flowers on the stage throw up some hundreds for Matt Palace if you're in the audience
Because again, this wouldn't be happening if it weren't for him
I love you man, and I love this community and and you know, I always every morning
I good morning family because it's it is to me it's beyond, you know
And this can sound cliche or whatever the fucking web three space
But for me, that's everything and the connections built is everything and the vibes we share the pure intentions
we share and I notice it from day one and there's something special here and there's always been something special and so
to be forged with these relationships it has just
Boundless opportunities have come to us and it's just again an absolute blessing man
A little funny thing. I was gone
So I've been gone since November and I was still gone at that. I started getting a lot of people. Hey, where the fuck is Kaleo?
So, I love you man, I'm glad you're here still with us vibe and hard with us and
Couldn't ask for a better, you know friend and and just project leader boss, you know, we love you brother. Thank you
Means a lot man really appreciate that
So, you know, it's it's good to be here good to be back again love the milestone crazy we did it
You know, especially crazy looking back on it, but that's what consistency does man
It's one of those things where you just continue to show up. You just do something
Consistently and you don't get to big milestones overnight, you know, it takes just continuing to show up
time in time out, you know, it's really good times through the bad and
Eventually, you know you work your way to somewhere. That's pretty cool
Absolutely brother absolutely feels good to be back to and I know I was joking in the chat yesterday
But yeah, we need to chart my my hiatus is in my returns because this is getting ridiculous
We've already told you this, you know, there's there's no mystery about it to anybody but you man
Everybody knows that somehow you've got these puppet strings attached to the market and you don't want to tell us
Yeah, we gotta find this all wallets. That's what we've got to do
Well, another note
Booking a cruise with rooster his girl my wife, man, we're gonna we're gonna do it up in June
So let's fucking go anybody else wants to come let's do it
And if not you can we'll probably see what we're doing on the news eventually on that cruise as well so tune in then
Quick reset to for something. I should bring up right, you know, if you're in here
You probably want the ability to win some free stonks. I need to pin up my thread not my thread
I did something earlier in the week
I asked the question
For the ability to win a stock. So we'll go through the winner of that here a bit later
But we also have another opportunity
I pinned up there hundreds and second of episode of wonky weekly alpha kicks off now
You want to chance when a chance to win a song just like and retweet that that's rule number one
May have you do some other engagements on that same post later
But you know if you want the chance to win it give that a like give it a retweet
You know, let's blow this thing up get people in here have some fun
So make sure you do that
Welcome to the fucking stage cube, what's pop you my brother man three is keep baby
Classic cube running his mic. I was gonna say I was gonna say everything's gonna be a classic
With a minor
Without a minor rug. I had to do it, right? That wasn't even intentional. That's just that's just my lot
But fucking wild crazy to be here hundred episodes in what a project
I really can't add anything except for the community's beautiful
You could give shout outs to dozens and dozens of people but that's really what it's about is all the people
I've met online couple in person and you know, I
It's just crazy to think two years. This is where we are in two years. What a ride. It's been
Three is key
Cube give us the the history of the cubes for the people in the audience
If you don't see that cool PFP that my man is rocking
You know his name is his character
Is his legacy tell us more
It is my internet personification. So
Bob wonky stonks barely missed man
Was fully addicted was following you some other traders and the stonks. They just resonated with me. It was cool
Was mess around with the no goddamn the NBA and FT's top shot or whatever. I'm like, oh my god stock charts. They're cool
I couldn't stop with just one and I don't know I bought like five the first couple days and
They were so cool and PFP form that I you know
Yes, you don't want to deflect and I got hammered one night
It was just playing around and decided to make a cue to showcase, you know my three favorites
Then it evolved from there
I don't know a couple hundred cubes later for people in the community
And if you need one, let me know I can make one for you
It was just kind of the iteration of that and then yak commit with all his mashups made some killer mashups for me over the years
And you just showcase what you're passionate about
With your favorite stonks and that there is not a better like hybrid NFT out there in the market
If you want to show off more than one thing they go with so many different projects and they can you know
I have some really fun movements in them. It's just I just love the damn stonks. Damn it and the merch
I walked rock the merch all the time
But I the merchants high quality merch I
Should do it is I got both sets of swim trunks the swim trunks are getting rocked in the hot tub this time of year
And it's phenomenal. I
Did a photo shoot on the beach last week and I actually used wonky stonks as a prop. It was pretty cool
Speaking of the mashups and Yakima we do got a we got to send those flowers out that way dude has created over
100 for me myself. I don't even know what his total what his total numbers that
He actually even did a thread of all the mashups he'd done with projects that are no longer around and half of that was a
Mashups from my wallet pretty amusing stuff. But yeah flowers out to that guy rocking one right now
Alien panda with the guppies probably most killer mashup that exists at the moment
Maybe other than some of the panda mashups. I mean pudgy penguin mashups as well
Killer man, I love you in the community, you know always been grinding them out. We thank you for it
Damn you're sure you sound like a spacious host, bro
Dang it's almost like I've had like I don't know at least a couple weeks in a row of experience
No, I love you
He's been here since day one with us too, man and much love to you, bro
Just thank you for always being here for us. I'm being part of the bottle wonking stones for this man
growing up in this web 3 with us too, and we're all just
Continuing to evolve in these journeys together and it's just again a blessing
That's gonna be my topic of like things today's all the shit is a blessing man really soak that in
Yeah, and let's also not forget dude's been hard-chilling penguins and sub like one
And hard-chilled pudgies as well told everybody to min as many as you can
So, I mean if you just followed the acumen at all
You could be set up for financial freedom at this point in life
So I get more flowers out his way dudes a legend in the community both penguin and wonky stones that will continue to be so
You want to know who you know one person I really do miss right now for this stage
I would love that back would be D huts there. I was literally just on an hour call with the huts
Right before the space. That's wild
Were you actually yeah?
You didn't tell me it on here
He's uh, he's like me man
He kind of just cut the plug on social media a while ago, and he's just not ready to come back to it
So I you know I for anybody that doesn't know Dee huts is a legend another one of those guys that
Honestly, the songs wouldn't be where they were today without him
So, you know still have lots of love for that guy. He bridged the only stonk over to Solana
That's what I was about to say. Yeah, he's a little soul
single soul soul stonk older
So he's doing really good, man, he was helping me out. Um, how did this project go man?
Like is it out in the world? The
No, it's it's still being developed
But he's a grinding really hard on a couple other ventures that just he had to put that to the side right now
He's uh, so some other big things right now
Love that man
Well, I love that you guys still stay in contact too because that's one of the things that I think is really unique
about this community again, you look back at it just a lot of people too that
Connected via the stonks that I mean heck they may not even be on social media anymore
But you still have these tight-knit connections that here they are two and a half years later
um, you know from from a
Just a community of people that came together from jpegs
Yeah, it's absolutely unbelievable. Not like every every single time that
We go through these journeys together and it expands into a connection relationship it I consider
Most of the people that are even on the stage right now
Like I talk to them daily on my personal cell phone. Like these are my brothers
This is my family like I know these people better than people that i've known for 30 years of my life, man
That's wow a little crazy bond getting rugged together, bro
Ellis welcome to the stage man. How are you doing?
Doing great, bro. Doing great. Just enjoying it
um, I just missed freaking matt and uh
Where i'm at in texas so I was disappointed in that but
You guys didn't go to billy bobs together
No, I didn't make it to billy bob. You know, I uh, I couldn't get the horse saddled up in time. So
Let's call me
And then I was hanging out with a bunch of pandas and one of them's truck died so it's like
10 degrees outside
15 20 mile an hour winds and we're out there having to change a car battery, bro. I was pissed
Yeah, we got our time in though, uh, okay and um
In december at panamonia not I went out there with him and rooster and bt
Epic time glad I got to hang out and now sony is fucking pulled up on us the next day, dude
Dude texted us at midnight. He's like y'all still gonna be partying because i'm booking my flight right now
And motherfucker showed up the next day while me and the eighties are like fucking
You know on the brink of death
Had to rally for this guy
He showed up for six hours and got on a plane and went back home
Bullish on that guy. He showed up to keep you from death
Yes, yeah, he is a doctor
So it is whenever we do these meetups always good to have the doctor around just to make sure none of us
You know, it's bad whenever we had like
10 people signing up for ivs after the first night and nobody showed up to the ivs like
Who made it for 10 30 in the morning, that's ridiculous
I actually got one of those in room ivs greatest invention
Greatest invention let me tell you what
So when when uh when wonky meet up official official ledge art, um, whatever dude
Hey, we need florida we need doing florida claya
Florida okay, I mean
Feel like florida is the quintessential place for crypto meetups in general now because if you think about it
Had its potential moment in the sun, right? Like and I think that's one of the things people want a moment in the sun
so new york
New york was maybe the initial place a little bit. I feel like you know vcon just
Yeah, like that's one thing as much as people hype up vcon i've never really had the interest of going
Or anything up north there. I so i feel like you're going to do
A crypto meetup. I mean it's got to be somewhere
In a warm state and what that really narrows down to me
Like there are three states off the top of my head and i'm like that's where I would want to do a meetup
the three states
texas and arizona
I think any of those three spots would be candidates
I'm pretty sure he asked them when not where
BTC, you know what i'm thinking right? Yeah, you're 100 on the docro you you right
We notice him try to slide by that question in a roundabout way. What if i'm acting like a politician up here?
Dude if i were acting like a politician just throw back the question i'd like ask the same question back. You're you're thinking uh
A you're thinking you're thinking pc. I baby and rent the whole fucking place out same pb. It's done
Yeah, yeah, let's do it rent the whole place out march april
March first week second week
I'm down for whenever man. It's going to be beautiful weather springtime weather on the same pbeach. Are you kidding me?
You want to do you want to do march or april first first or second week?
Bro as much as I would love to sit there and tell you which week right now in which one of those months
I don't want to be a liar
Like I I can't just sit here and take a week and be a liar about it
Man, we we should know by two years by now that we can't put them on the spot
I'd like days from now on the calendar. What what day is that?
Wait, what's that rooster a hundred days from now like, you know three months in a week and a half or so
That'd be like last that's around last week in uh
March maybe I don't know
Somewhere around the halving would be another month past that I don't know do something
You heard it there first. Kaleo says we're doing the wonky meetup on the day of the halvening
Wherever that is or whenever that is in st. Pete, Florida
That's good. Go polish, baby
Yeah, you're asking this guy about months out. He takes doesn't he pack for flights like 10 minutes before
Literally 10 minutes before
Man's like damn, I forgot my toothbrush again. I'm tired. I have why do I have 18 different toothbrushes?
one thing that i'll say is I
I pack well, I pack incredibly efficiently
Um, it just is one of those things where I need that and you you would actually all be incredibly proud of me right now
So the moving truck doesn't come to my house
until next tuesday
I went by the home depot yesterday
And I bought a bunch of random boxes and I spent a lot of last night actually packing up some of those boxes
That doing it days and events as far as something like anything packing is concerned. That was a revelation
That's evolution
You must have got it clean
I did house did end up getting clean
Um, the funny thing about that space where I pulled the all nighter which the all nighter
The origin of why that happened a couple nights ago was to clean the house for stuff
I had going on the next day and you know ended up waiting until 6 a.m
Um, but you know from 6 to 8 a.m
really really really
Got that, you know it worked
You know, sometimes sometimes you need that pressure to really
Have great things happen
And for those who don't know he was cleaning his house for the cabal party the next day
Uh, there's a cabal masquerade
Um, it was a pretty fun event
I thought you said pickleball at first. I was like, man that'd be
Would be kind of fun. Like
I would love that actually that is one thing I kid you not, you know
Yeah here as a
You know, I don't want to say here's the citizen of the world that
May also be I I'm not a burger
But maybe I am a burger
Um, anyway, like pickleball is a sport that's blowing up. I'm going to have a pickleball court in my backyard one day
It's just that simple
The only thing blowing up from pickleball is the achilles injuries that are happening
Yeah, I believe that actually
Now pickleball pickleball is a fun sport like the one thing i'll say toward that though is
There have been a lot of uh, you know euros and that have shared petal
And I didn't know that petal existed before that but petal just basically likes it looks like a cage match of pickleball
Which also looks incredible. So have to try that sometime soon as well
Um pixel rich welcome to the stage man, I saw you snipe another what was it a thousand percent?
Um y axis that you were looking at earlier this week
Yes, thousand percent or more is the stones i'm buying
Hi guys, it's been a while since i've been up to the stage and I really just wanted to say kudos
Showing up every week. I remember the times when you were on vacation like yeah, i'm sneaking away
I'm on a boat or something
I can only speak an hour
You did it every time congrats and um, shout out to hondo too who did all this art with you
It's really fun to be in this space
With with the art makes it much more relaxing
And and fun i'm loving the wonky stones more by the day
Yeah, i'm still mostly collecting the one trade almost. Nobody knows the y axis
with the percentages
And some stones have thousand percent or more and i'm collecting possibilities not real returns
Which reflects on my trading?
That's it from me
Yeah, one of the things I love about you collecting those thousand percent y-axis is it just shows the depth of the traits of the stock
Right one of the beautiful things about the y-axis collection in general if you want to go and you want to filter
Different traits you can't even filter down
For the y-axis for what the minimum what the maximum etc. It is. So it's one of those hidden traits
Right, like it is a hidden trait in the stonks that the algorithm
Generated whenever all these were being made
That you have to basically go through each and every individual stonk in the collection through hand to be able to sit
and find and build
What you're accumulating and right like there are a lot of other hidden traits like that in the stonks
That I think completely differentiate it from any other
Collection that's out there, right?
I mean heck even look at the depth of the traits that you have and any of the other charts that are out there
Like, you know, I I like what tradfi lines does where it's like, okay every time you generate
A new transaction a new candle is put on there, you know, that's kind of interesting, right?
But if you look at just the overall
The arc combined with the traits, you know
Not many people have the depth
Those combinations that the stonks do like so it is a beautiful thing in pixel rich
I think you were the perfect person that really exemplifies that with your collection
Thank you, thank you, but let's not forget there are as you said so many different hidden traits
And we talked about a lot of them in the last two years
I mean like the like the one wonky stone rooster has with this double gas
that goes back down the next handle and
I I really one day would love to learn more about the algorithm hondo programmed with you
Because it's just fascinating to follow these lines and
some stonks have a really nice interaction with the moving arid to really look at them and feel like a trader seeing the
support and resistance lines and
Yeah, and all the different color combinations
I don't know. I mean you showed us some
some of the iterations you did recently and it's really great to see how much work you put in it's it's really visible it's it's
It's art. That's still um
That we still love
Yeah for anybody who's a stonkholder claire drop some uh og rough drafts in the sit it out chat
Um, which we're all pretty happy stayed that way
Yo, hey, that was the the very very very first iteration that hondo sent me
Can you speak on like?
What your initial like reaction was in that moment that you saw it for the first time no
I mean that was the initial reaction i'm not saying no toward you, but it was just no
So and like but that's the thing that whenever you have a vision
It's got to be something where you have to be brutally honest about where you know, if you have a vision with art
And a project you want out there
It's got to be something that you're proud of and that really fits the bill
So that's the point being like I love the fact that the initial reaction was just a dead ass
Because it just shows that you know, it wasn't something that was just rushed out there
Um, it wasn't something that
You know, it was just oh, okay. Yeah, you can generate a collection from this
And we can release it as is no we spent another couple months
Fine tuning it getting a lot of feedback from other people
On you know, here's some things that would work
Well, here's some things that wouldn't you know, we took some of that advice and you know some of it we didn't
But yeah, that was the initial reaction it it just
A big part of that for anybody that's in here some of the initial ideas first and foremost
were about
I wanted there were some really specific things that I think would take away from the actual art
Which when I think about a chart
I'm thinking about the price action. I'm thinking about what's happening with the lines themselves
And we wanted things that would last that would persist
Something that people couldn't really sit back on and say oh, you know, that's
Like I don't I'm not a big fan of whatever xyz is
So if you had some type of shadow figure in the background
Right as cool as I thought that might be or you know, you've got these rare things
Maybe you've got like a mega bowl and you've got a mega bear that all of a sudden appears in the background of one of the you
One of the charts as cool as that type of stuff was in my mind
I was like man, you know now you've got two things that people are judging, right?
You've got the art of the chart and now you've got the art of the background figure and if the art of the background figure
So if it's not just this incredible definitively incredible art
Then people are going to say oh well that sucks. So I don't like it and then if they don't like the chart
Then but they like the background
So it just added another element that I really didn't like and I thought it took away from the element
Of just the generative nature of the art itself
And that was the same thing with like a bunch of the different
Um, you know you saw the bitcoin ticker on there. I told you, you know, we thought about putting different tickers
For different cryptocurrencies. We had that worked into the y-axis of the algorithm or you know
The title port of the algorithm at a certain point
But it just didn't make sense because again
You know outside of a couple names like bitcoin eath, etc
A lot of these names just still I don't feel like are transcendent
You know, you could have incredible art
And then you get something like xrp tagged on there and you're like, oh
Man like do I want to be a ripple back holder? Yeah, imagine if ftt was on it
I mean that might actually be goaded but
The most mean reversal on the chart
You know what's fascinating about that kalu is
You actually just helped me with a little thing. I'm working on privately with with adventure
I'm working on and I can apply that same mentality to kind of this and it
I appreciate, you know the awareness of that because that's what it takes. It takes a level of
State of awareness. So appreciate that and giving us some fire art, man
Yeah, of course man, and you know again a lot of other iterations that just came along with that process
You know big part for me
Was I wanted a lot more color like bright color?
Aka the wonky theme
I thought a lot of the other original color was just too muted
And I wanted the collection to be more exciting. So, you know really pushed hard
with hondo to make that happen, um, but you know, the funny thing is believe it or not like as popular as the
wonky themes are
With everybody within the community collecting it
That was one of the things I got the most pushback on from people that I just sent some of the rough drafts to
For the art I would send it to people and i'd say hey, what do you think of this? And they're like, oh, that's way too bright
But you know a lot of the feedback that I was getting from it was from traders, right?
So I would send the art to a trader
Who would check it out and they'd be like, oh
Yeah, like
Little bit too bright on that. I don't know how that would do with people
But they're sitting there in their mind and they're thinking of it from the perspective of do I want to look at a chart?
That i'm trading
And have it be these bright colors, right?
so the answer
Was enough and that's why when you look at the themes you've got the classic which classic, you know
Classic or more themes that you might see like traditionally with somebody that's trading doing whatever else
You know a little bit more muted, but like to the point
And then you look at the wonky theme
And like that I think really just speaks
To pure art enthusiasts where you've got these bright
loud colors
In the collection that complement the classic side of it
Yeah, a little bit more history for everybody that is in the audience on just some of the thought process that went into it
So matt i've got to ask though, you know you
Have you with what you're working on right now? Have you taken it to that feedback stage? Is anybody giving you any just critical?
One way or the other pros cons towards oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah
So for context i've been grinding on this now with actually somebody from this community and has turned into a really good friend
I'll even call them out lab finance
I spent a week with them here
In florida last week to finalize some things as well
And we actually had a couple of those meetings and that was another reason why we were speaking with dehut today
You know building that bond in relationship with dehuts has really proven valuable for stuff like this. So
Um, yes to answer your question
So, what is the thing that was the most
difficult thing
as far as
Criticism from somebody that you've heard that you're like, okay, probably do need to work on that
And then what is something that you heard and you're like, you know what?
I I respect where they're coming from and I glad I got that opinion
But i'm confident with the way i'm you know approaching it right now
Well, one of the first conversations was actually a complete shift in direction
And and that proved to be very valuable because the new direction that we're going in is uh, right for opportunities
So that that's the first part of that
But the other part was you know
I've set up several different strategy meetings with a lot of people that I know in various industries
And we are open, you know minded to have these discussions and sometimes the information that gets back to us
We review it and we just you know
We'll take into consideration
But we now know that reinforces kind of a question that we had before of how to move forward like if they are
touching on something like that then
It we now know we're confident that but let's not go in that direction basically
No, I think that's healthy man, it's something it's tough to hear but it's something that's a necessary part of it
Um, i'm excited for you know, what you guys are doing. Love the fact, you know, you got together to do that
You know, i'm just excited like it's just really cool for me to see all the stuff
That's being built from the community recently again
You know seeing what you're working on there seeing btc art with his project seeing
Pythonomics starting to grind and start up a new project himself over on the gayback side
I mean we've just got a lot of cool things kind of in the kitchen right now that are cooking
I mean heck even bringing new people into the community
And just seeing what they're building like I love the fact that owen now is a stonk holder
And seeing some of this stuff that he's also working on right like
That is one of my biggest missions is bringing people that are
Just going not only to
Be a good holder that are just going to hold on do whatever but I want to bring people that
You know you get this richness and depth with or you're like man by connecting with this person
I'm able to grow myself an xyz way
Absolutely, man, and and the fact that you can provide a platform for us to use as that medium
To channel all of this energy that we have and to ultimately come together to to evolve and grow
And and brainstorm and like you said cook in the background and just go with it
It it it goes back to what I said in the beginning. It's a fucking blessing man
And um again shout out to vlad finance because I spent a week with this man last week
He is one of the most humble intelligent beautiful human beings i've ever met man. Happy to work with you, brother
Her is vlad in the audience right now. He is I don't see him there got to bring him up
Oh, and I see you trying to talk oh and what is up my man. Welcome. Welcome back up
Oh, man, I see the tech is down bad today. What's going on?
The what is down bad?
Well avalanche tech is down bad today
Uh tech got worse overnight. I see I just
Post that the tech will continue to be down bad until cultural valuations improve. I strongly believe this
Uh, if you can, you know, you can hear I I literally just woke up
This is like the latest i've slept in I don't know how long I don't know what happened. I feel like I got hit by a truck
Uh, but here I am. Thanks for having me up. What's going on?
Bro, you just wanted to make me feel better
Thank you so much for coming up on that stage and saying this because i've been getting roasted for the past hour from these guys
So, thank you
Oh, no, i'm the biggest you know, it's funny last night
You were talking about like, you know cleaning up your diet and stuff and here I was with like a throat like I just
Made one of those frozen pizza joints and like faced it
Like literally as I was coming up on stage and I I wasn't sure if I should be like, yo
I'm like literally housing a pizza right now
Uh, or if that would have been in bad taste, but you know
Usually when I don't have something to say i'll just do something like this
Wait, do you see my croc?
Wait, do you see my croc? Hey, bitch. Wait, do you see my croc i'ma put it on your foot. Hey, bitch
Yeah, I just realized that you have a bed owen yet
No, I haven't been sorry. Oh, and i've been going for three months on journey. So
What's up, man?
You shouldn't owe me
Hi, man. What's going on?
Okay, bro
Dude, so I know owen from the avac side met him in the arena
Which hey, i'm just gonna say this now i'm gonna say it on spaces rooster is gonna laugh at me
Whoever else may laugh at me. I think jason
Is the luca of social thigh and the the arena is gonna make a comeback
I'm just gonna say it right now. You can record that do whatever you want with it. It'll make it come back
Um, but shout out to owen, you know crossed over from there that space over to the stonks with us now
Um, you know love having him up here on spaces with us
Um, so, you know, he does some music stuff and you know, love having it up there and we just brought up also
Um a pingu legend mr. Agents. Hey, you know, I have to come through for the big triple digit
Congratulations an inspiring case study in consistency, my friend
Also, I am housing a frozen pizza myself, so
Yeah, absolutely
I had to as soon as I heard that I have a pizza in the oven. It's got three minutes left
It is a uh paul. No, i'm sorry
It's a red baron classic crust supreme pizza sausage green and red peppers pepperoni and onion sausage made with pork and chicken pepperoni
Made with pork chicken and beef. How's that for a lunch and i'm gonna face
Fucking go bro. You lost me a red baron. Yeah, red baron sound like a
You didn't grow up on red barons like I don't even know what to say
Hey, oh and real quick
I mentored my first avax nft yesterday and shout out to python anomics and shout out to willy wonka for uh,
Getting me involved with that. So
Hell yeah, was it the it was the comfy crux joint
Hey, did they reveal?
Did they reveal? Yeah, they did you got a refreshing metadata?
I don't honestly when it comes to avax nfts. I don't even know how to get to the damn metadata
Go to joepag, um, I tied it yesterday connect to the wall to go to joepag and uh, uh, there's a little
Swirly thing reduce your just fyi. That was the most boomer ass response i've ever heard
Like no, there is no metadata. I love you
I just got to say uh campfire doesn't see any volume because it's like really art focused
But it's by far my favorite front end to use like their shit is dope. I don't know if you've used this
Uh campfire. Wait, let me just make sure I don't fuck up this link. Yeah
It's just like uh best sort of best in class as far as like uh ux
From a user perspective like they don't really see any volume right now
But I want them to win because they're like really dope
They're really good at what they do and they're really like principled about their mission
Uh, so I I just got to give them a shout out because like when I got onto avax and there were literally there were like
No mark. Not only was there no market for music. There was no fucking infrastructure for music whatsoever
Like there there wasn't there weren't like any marketplaces which had additions
There weren't like none of this shit existed and they were the first people who like reached out were like hey
Like what can we do?
So I just gotta like give them their flowers on that
Wait, I missed two the flowers were given to over the sound of uh, my apes being drained
Oh, you could repeat the link
That's campfire dot exchange
Make sure you turn on dark mode because it looks a lot better in dark mode
Is that is that where I can view my my croc reveal?
Uh, well you have to ask python if he's reached out to them. I don't know if they
Let me see, let me take a look
I'm just trying to see my croc
But yeah, no, you can they're up. Yeah
Yeah, if you search comfy crooks, uh, yeah pops up
And I find it just like
As a dude who likes stuff that looks good. It's like it's just like a nice app to use
First your uh python omics posted in the citadel a little thing for you
Fucked out my entrance calio because that you were shouting out the arena and like that. Oh, I fucked it up again
I was gonna play something but then
I have like I don't know if you can relate I have like
78 um cabs open
Not only do I have 78 tabs open, but I also have like six windows with 78 tabs in them
It's like uh, it's a constant struggle. I probably lose like hours a week. Just trying to filter through tabs
Press press control shift a and it'll bring up a list of all your tabs you can search
Going into your tax manager and like
Chrome is taking up 99 percent of your computer computers computing strike
Let's give throwing up warning messages errors 17 windows open 137 tabs
Yeah, I think we can do it if you don't have fucking 17 to 30 windows open
Are you even in crypto or trading nft? You suck for real?
I actually I actually started just closing them all down at the end of the night and uh
And I haven't I'm 23 right now
I just counted
Well, that's just 23 on the desktop
Um, you don't even know what the background of your computer looks like anymore. You haven't seen it in a year and a half
Boy kayla, can you do the uh, jason is the luka of social phi again? I i'm ready now
Hey, jason is the luka of social phi
I love it, man. I love it
Oh, dude, I I just love that, you know
Your your go-to thing is just so badass for spaces because it's like
You know as the artist
You can just create a song for anything that you're passionate about and just have it ready to go as a reply
Whenever somebody brings it up
Dude, I got so many in the can you bring up friend tech. I have a song called dump my key
It's like a breakup song about your homies dumping on you
Um, yeah anything for pudgy penguins
Not yet, but
You talk let's talk tomorrow. I guess what about the inspiration
There's there's a song on spotify by dan the lost boy called pudgy penguins theme song and it is
Absolutely killer
All right. Well
Pudgy penguins who's about dan
Dan the lost boy
I just revealed my croc like uh dj mustard type joint
I like yeah, it's got it. It's got a really good. It's got a really good. Uh,
I don't know the music terminology drop hook maybe
Well, it's like you hear that beat for two seconds. I'm expecting to hear mother on a beat
Y'all know what i'm talking about, right
Hey python, I just revealed my croc I got four traits that have none in them. So
Where's the sixth trait council for crocs that does not exist? I would like to join, please
And by the way you still can mint some crooks
Um, you know, I i'm telling you gonna be the dino dicks of avacs
Slow and steady mint themselves out
Let's go crooks
We might be uh introducing some dynamic traits and they're kind of like the pp decks. Um, i'm cooking
Wait, do you see my croc?
Wait, do you see my croc? Hey, bitch. Wait, do you see my croc i'ma put it on your foot. Hey, bitch
I'm telling you this is like web 3's avax's version of mark rebellion
I like that dude, but he can suck my croc, bro
Yeah, you need another gm song you need to make just something that I can like
Shift over to about, you know something that's loud
That's out there that I can just post a video of every day and then everybody's gonna start thinking i'm owen
And that's fine. You know, you're gonna get your face out there. You'll get your song out there. I swear with that song
I probably given mark half of his views on that video
Um through all the times that i've played it
Who is that ape that did all the what's his name like maki or something that did all those?
awful ugly mash-ups of
Or in real life impersonations of people's pfps
What was his name?
Don't know because I blocked him
I I kid you not I blocked it
I didn't even mute it. I blocked it
I like it was the most cringe thing that i've ever seen in my life
And I still hate whenever people show any pictures of that guy's screenshots of that guy
I think he is a cancer for this space as a whole
Never have talked to him never have met him
But like I don't need to that is something that I do not need to see on my feed. It is disgusting
Tell us how you really feel man
Somebody swept 10 stonks change the subject
Wait, did they really?
Whoa, love to see it dude. You know, I wasn't gonna bring this up
While we were taught but now i'll bring it up. You know the funny thing too
So there was the exact same number of stonks listed as there were
Last night whenever the floor was like point one three something
And you just had these two people that kept undercutting each other
Like with what their bag was slowly shifting lower and lower and it's beautiful to see because it's like
It's not like there are new people entering it, right?
It's the exact same number of stonks and they're just like here's a discount for whoever wants it
It's kind of a game of chicken
Where it's like, okay, who's gonna list just lower and like it's almost a game of chicken as a buyer, too
Because you're sitting there and you're like, well, they're both bitches and they're gonna undercut each other
So like how low can I go before somebody else takes that bag for me?
So we just got the answer for at least some of it
Dude, I one time extracted point one ethereum
A bot a bid bot on open seas before like blur was you know
Took majority of market share because I noticed they would outbid me
every like 30 seconds
For an nft that I wanted on a on a trade bid
So which I already had one of those trades, too
So I kept bidding I bid him up like another point one
And then sold one of my nfts that had the trade into him and then put my bid back up
Got a little obvi eisenberg up in here, let's cut it
Yeah, we're just wait until there's a day that you know stonks can be used as collateral
I mean shout out I did like a pingu right now
You can get 30k for a pingu on a loan right now. That's insane
Does that does that even feel real agents
That if you wanted right now, you can just get a loan for 30k on one of your penguins not even officially sell it
Yeah, it feels kind of nutty. Um, I don't know if I I would ever do it though because I don't trust myself
You know, i'm not saying
Like you're saying do it. Should I?
Should I? All right
All right, only justifiable reason max left no, I actually screwed myself I had uh, I had a couple on blends, um
before the dime
Got announced and immediately immediately I went and paid them all off
I said if that's going to be the meta for this cycle is airdropping penguins. I'm not i'm not giving blend by allocation
But it is it is nutty to me that
That's even a thing thinking about where we were two years ago. And if you wanted to sell your penguin, uh, if you got a rare
You while you still have to kind of dm trade to and and flip for rares
But if you had a floor you had to just list that sucker and wait, you know
There was none of this blur blades or take a loan out and still have exposure. So
uh, it's really
Incredible to see how far the space has come and kind of comparing that to
What we thought would happen and it was kind of an eventuality that
That everyone was talking about back in 2021 wait for the financialization of nfts, you know, wait the liquidity is going to come
So it's just kind of cool cool to see and get that
Looking parabolic this next run is going to be just off of being able to yeah, take a 30k
You know usd loan off your penguin and then go buy more penguins at like, you know
5000 a piece or whatever on interest and
We didn't have any of these tools last cycle
I mean that that kind of that aspect of it does get me
really nervous because
um, you know, obviously you could have a cascade effect if
If a ton of people are doing that
Let me stop you right there will be a cascade effect eventually
Right because yeah, it's inevitable. Here's the theory behind it. It's the whole luna terror theory
And here's here's where i'm getting that with that
bullish market conditions
Luna was the most bullish asset out there
And like this is what I would tell people right because it's basically a leverage play where you know, you have this ponzi
Where with the whole usd dynamic how you know
It balanced for usd
It had to buy more luna or burn more luna, whatever it was and it would drive the price up
But vice versa it had to print more luna
on the way down
To be able to backfill so it just became one of these things where you know, it was the most obvious
Bull play that was out there. It was going to just keep feeding into itself. It's the same thing with this the whole loan dynamic
We're on the way up
It creates a hell of like a way more bullish situation because the people that are applying for these loan
Loans on blur blend whatever they're not showing their credit score
They're not like doing whatever else as long as you have the asset you can get the capital
So, you know
You have complete dgens that are just going to put it back in the market and you're going to have some of them really winning
Until they aren't
Oh, yeah. I mean obviously it's going to come cascading down
I don't know about y'all but I promised to sell the top this year and I don't break promises
I mean i'm really like a like a debt adverse
Individual which I guess is funny considering my my real estate background
But like I don't have a mortgage on a primary residence, you know, I think
I think using leverage should really
really only come into play if you have a
If you have a surefire thing or I mean for the longest time with penguins
It was really like positive ev to just max
Max out your loan amount that you could get to keep it at zero percent interest and then just toss
toss the eath into a
liquidity pool and
collect the yield but the moment dime announced that airdrop
And you start considering, you know what perps are trading at and all this it it became like a
very negative ev thing
Well, but you you can't really like so much of the appeal of this at least to us burgers
You know has to do with you know, not only capital efficiency, but like tax efficiency
Like if you can extract value from an asset without having to sell it then you don't have to pay taxes and capital gains on
You know, whatever profits you made on that asset and that's like
You know, that's that's how the big dogs do it because you know
You know, you don't want to have to be paying
You know 40 percent
Taxes on these massive gains if you can find a way to legally avoid it
Yeah, not not only that too. I mean you can even use the loans as you know, almost a hedge
When when your nft pumps up, right and and it just defaults on the nft if it drops too low and then
Well, then you have to pay taxes on that
Yeah, I mean that's separate from the taxes, obviously, but you know, there are many strategies to where the blur blend
You know you can
Do a lot of things with it
This is what kind of confuses me though, or maybe you can offer some clarity or anyone can chime in here
When you take your loan out against your nft
Aren't you kind of realizing?
a game no
You're borrowing
You can actually write off any interest you pay
Against your gains like any interest you pay
Uh to you know maintain that loan is a tax write-off
I mean i'm not a cpa and on top of that you're you're getting capital like this is the beautiful thing about
Hold on hold on kaleo. Sorry to cut you off
I understand how how traditional like leveraging your debt works
but with nfts and and how the the tax authorities in the u.s are
are valuing um
Eth and what's considered a trade and again you're like if I buy a pudgy penguin for one eth
right with eth at a thousand dollars and then
I take a loan out against that pudgy penguin with
I don't know five eth and eth is at two thousand dollars
That's technically realizing a gain on the eth value
There's a fucky thing with it. I mean, I I just don't think the regulator
How did I feel like that'd be more like an inflated valuation more than realizing a profit?
Maybe I mean it's it's still very very blurry upon regulation. I mean if you were to
Abide by the newest rules, right? You got to be dm and people for their social security number. Um, any
Anything you sell more than 10k like I think they they actually they kibosh that didn't they?
And it was only a
Thing it was like, uh, yeah, we kind of think you should do this. Yeah, I knew it wasn't really enforceable
But I don't know if they if they completely cut it. Um, I I just knew it wasn't like legally
There's some things that made it not enforceable. I'm not a lawyer
Uh, so I have no idea I wasn't going to be DMing people for their social security numbers either
I was fucking if they want to come get me come get me
Well, I I think that was one of those things that circulated on twitter because it's really good engagement bait like ah
The regulators are coming for your shit. It's like
No, they don't give a fuck about you
Here's my question though. Like if if the penguin gets liquidated right where you can't pay back your loan
You know it is what it is, right? Like
Does that count as a sale now? Yes liquidation is a tax bullet out
So that's just saying you got to be careful of
But you don't I mean if you're looking like a write-off law more than uh
Right, I mean if you're getting liquidated this shit makes me want to move to dubai so bad like
Seriously i'm looking at plane tickets right now
Yo, all I gotta say is
You know, we're we're diving a little deep into the weeds on the taxes. So I want to bring up a better subject
talking about
Just financial questions and I want to test the savvy of the room
Um, does anybody think they got the answer to the pin question correct?
Up top. Oh dude, I I have it. I mean, I just thought of it just now i'm gonna wing it
But I definitely have the answer for you. Let's hear it. I believe this is why
Right. It's a lot harder to turn
One million dollars into two million dollars, right?
But it's super easy to turn one dollar into two dollars
So you take that dollar every single day
and you double it
And eventually doing that enough times you'll end up
Way with way way more money than the million i'm assuming trillions
And not only that the work ethic you would build from doubling that one dollar and just the gratification
Um of doing that every single day for the rest of your life
That's the answer. I'll do you one better if you accept the one dollar a day
For the rest of your life. That's technically a structured settlement. So you called jg. Wentworth 877 cash now
You get them to pay you out a lump sum payment on the one dollar structured settlement
Okay, and you take that and you put it into zero data expiration spy options calls, of course
But that's beautiful and you know what you you need to justify at that extent too
You need some type of clause in there where you're talking about
Why the average life expectancy is going to go parabolic here in the next 20 years?
Um, and why you deserve to be paid out you're like, well, you know, maybe
Consciousness is transferable, right? You make that argument and you get an infinite pay out. I'm living forever
You you build it you build
A trust to be able to invest that one dollar per day to leverage a short position against all life insurance policies
You get a way higher return off the collapse of the extent of the life expectancy on yeah
But who's gonna what counterparty will exist to pay you that if all of those things collapse? Those are the things you got to think about
I don't know about you guys
I don't know about you guys
Give me some nuggets. Hey, I got a serious question
Okay, that's also on pizza
Heat or or no, did you say call somebody or a big no hot sauce on pizza?
A buffalo a buffalo chicken pizza gas, you know what I did the other day on my pizza. I did alfredo sauce
and uh, like
Philly steak. Oh my god, that's that's got to be in my top pizzas now
Bro what are you doing to your colon?
I don't even want to know to be honest. It's just an answer you throw
Whatever the fuck papa john's has listed under their
So probably not real cow if i'm being honest
Okay, this red baron is heat bro
With some cholula hot sauce. I can't hear more about pizza guys
I really cannot right now in the struggle of what i'm going through so i'm gonna bring it back to the winner
What are you on achins keto?
I'm i'm on i came in late. I'm on kaleo needs to get skinnier
So he's just making up a dang diet and it doesn't include much pizza right now. We're at least 75
75 hard you'll feel like a champ afterwards
No, I I can't do something like that like a structured diet for
You know and more so a trend like i'd be just as bad as buying a stanley
The best diet is the taco diet
You just have tacos every day for breakfast lunch and dinner i've done that
I can't do that either
So the winner officially
That first stunk in the giveaway
Is father candles? He is the seal i'm gonna have to dm him
His answer was I take the one dollar a day
I save for two weeks drinking puddles and eating street meat aka roadkill
I convert the 14 to 11 pounds
I buy 10 grams of tomato seeds and plant them in a stranger's field
I harvest 3000 plants per 10 grams of seed and an average of 100 tomatoes per plant by hand
I have 300 000 tomatoes
I sell them in bulk to tomato and joyers at a price
Point of one pound per 10 tomatoes decimating the competition. I am the tomato king
I make 30k every two weeks
wake up at 4 a.m
Vitamin shot cardio workout out to farm the vast fields of tomatoes repeat passive income
beautiful performance
That's the winner. Tell me that doesn't deserve to win. That's pretty wild flat. Doesn't that sound like a
It was I was gonna say man i'm like
My plan was going to be just put it in the bank, right?
And uh take the 150 a day from interest and uh, just do a daily compounding thing with half of it
Sweet the stonks for for the other half
But hey, it's up to uh, you know broke mindset glad that's a broke mindset
Yeah, actually have I just formulated a better plan
Um, you take each dollar and you scrape the residual cocaine off of it
I'll be each one every single day by the end of the year. It's about 365 residual cocaine per one
One ounce of cocaine you do that for a couple years. You eventually have a kilo
You gotta do that
You can't be doing that in one ones have all their
All sorts of other shit on them. You don't want yeah, then you break it down then you then you got more
Resources than just cocaine then you could start separating those into different piles themselves
You get the one dollars and you know, you probably can scrape a little bit of meth off that too
One dollars over at chica's bonitas
You make skin grafts off of that probably so
So if the happening is on the 22nd of april
Do we do the week before or the week after for the wonky meetup?
I think we do it right on 420
There you go
It's a competitive date though. That's the only problem. You might have some competition for attendance
You know what? I guess i'm gonna be on the cruise
What wonky cruise yeah, is that what I just heard kalyns whales for a wonky cruise I could set it up
I got it in with royal caribbean. So
Maybe it's like wonky cruise
Which one was the uh the joint which like had to which like got infected with covet and had to stay off the coast
For like weeks because of it. We got to get that cruise
We got to get that cruise probably a carnival
I'm just saying that because like you know, everybody on that cruise was fucking
Fucking vomiting probably bro just came way out of left field over here
All weeks of wonky stocks. I was waiting for the beat to drop after that
Sorry, bro, I didn't have a Q. Is there you know, I woke up pretty recently
I'm kind of fucking up this morning. Just like give me time. Uh, I'll figure it out
We have a
Also, we do got to give some flowers out to him for stonky art yeah, dude
Sickest community project to come out of wonky songs so far. Yeah, not community, but yeah
A member of the community built it is what I mean
Yeah, hey guys, it's uh been a long time just been uh
Chilling chilling with my doggies trying to
Make things better invent new things. But uh
Yeah, I love the space. I love uh, sometimes I drop in
I don't really have much to say ever so I just like listening to you guys
Are there uh, are there any new um updates with the stonky dot r website you building anything cool?
Um, I had some ideas but it mostly comes down to motivation
uh in my brain like
Gets distracted with too many things
And so I don't know. I was like making art
for a bit, uh
with like
JavaScript and stuff
And that's pretty fun. But then i'm just like I got bored of it. I think so then I started making
like this streaming app
So I could watch like a bunch of football games at once and
I haven't gotten bored with that. I just uh, football ended so
I kind of lost my motivation for it, but that's still
available and
I don't know if when I when I finish them, it'll be
Hopefully something I can share with people that you know other people can use
No, I I definitely appreciate that site too it's fun right like seeing people build out the real time
Um charts with the art behind it. So, you know, definitely definitely a cool innovation
I guess it's just like the I felt like the coolest part of the site and
When I built the the listing part, it was just because I I kind of had the information and I was
I was like, oh, maybe I can we can just list them all and aggregate the prices
I think that part's kind of broken on the site, but
The being able to just generate your charts was like my dream as soon as I got my first
Chart, I was like how the how can I make this reality? How can I put doge on here?
How can I put ETH on here? It's still fun to do and
uh, if you don't own any stocks, you can go do one stock a day, but
maybe in the future we should like open it up so you can just pick any stock and
Chart it just because you think it's beautiful
Uh, I mean not not everyone wants to connect to this site either. Uh
I wouldn't want to with my wallet necessarily
And so maybe it's just something we should open up in the future
Uh is just being able to uh chart any stock instead of just the ones you own
I'm, not sure maybe people have some thoughts on that
I think it'd be cool to be able to upload our stonks in there with um the same design
To where it would be like the price action
Live on like some of the newer coins, too
Is there a way that we can update it with some of the newer ones that are moving too?
I see what you're saying dude like put your stonk as a fractal on a real live stonk. Yeah
Yeah, that would be sick as fuck and then you could really like you identify
In patterns or whatever that'd be sick as fuck dude
Sorry, I i'm my brain's not working well today. I didn't understand that at all
I feel like I I think what he's saying is um
You could essentially
screenshot just the graph part of your wonky stonk and have it as like a transparent overlay
To a current bitcoin or ethereum chart and have them like side like
Overlapping almost like you pull a fractal of it. Yeah
Compare your well
I guess like I don't know
Uh, like i'm not I have no idea how these stonks were made like I don't know the algorithm
But I just kind of looked at the charts and i'm like, well, this is a moving average
And so I just went and I just found javascript charting software
and if they didn't have the
The ribbons were something I had to create on my own
To make and so I don't think I could actually like strip out
Everything's possible that if if that's something that people would think would be cool to make a fractal or or to be able to dissect
your wonky stonk
I could think about that
Yeah, I mean obviously, you know not a requirement just like if you find yourself with inspiration and have the time to kill
That would be uh, I think something that would be well received by the community
I I i'm so sorry for taking a pause
I had a call in the middle of that and I was also
Rewarding the winner and I was just cracking up at btc arts dino dick cuppy background
The cuppy background will forever make me laugh um obitama though, um, you know again
I I I just love seeing the passion behind it and you know what you built
Still still amazing to this day
It's also in a conversation where some guy was talking about like the most beautiful thing about the question I asked above is
99% of people
Trying to justify the reason for why they would take one million dollars over one dollar
I thought mine was pretty good. It was like the appropriate dick rider answer
Like take out a million and yolo it all into wonky stonks
I mean, that's just like if it's that obvious, it's not correct
um, I mean it's beautiful, but you're not gonna make it doing that because
The power of passive income you have to do the one dollar a day
You have to earn your way up there and then you'll it all on wonky stonks. That's the correct answer
Bested again by the market
There's so many people that don't know that beam right now man, it's kind of
If you didn't know the passive income for life
It's forever bros
What are you taking 500k or uh an hour on stage with kaleo
Where are you 500k
There's no passive knowledge learned in an hour on stage of kaleo
But the keks are priceless bros
Damn, I should have been taking the 500k this whole time offer into this week
You had an offer of 500k on the table for like not doing these spaces good god, how dumb are you?
Dude that's what fucking jay-z told me when I took the dinner with him over the 10 million dollars. I take that back
I take it back. It's either stupidity or love and i'm gonna lean toward the second. So thank you very much
Just shows your character
Man this has been fun man, I fucking missed you guys. Holy shit. We'll come back next week
I'll be on the cruise, but i'll try
Yeah, we got the we got I mean we have 100 100 this week and then in four weeks
We have the two year
Spaces anniversary, so that's just right around the corner
And I you know I just again I gotta give a shout out to my boys here
They they definitely i've been going through some shit too on the side past few months and
They just constantly are always calling me and checking in on me and just I love all you guys man. Appreciate you
Hey, I do have a winner for the other stomp though
Um, we have mr. Non-fungible in the audience
Um for the like and retweet winner
So i'm gonna dm you and uh, is that is that the mauve guy is that the mauve background
I don't think it is. No, it's not
Mauve is not a word that you hear every day
That's like a very specific shade is it not what is what is mauve? It's like purple meets pink meets ish
Yeah, yeah, it's just a you know, it's it's a hipster purple a little bit trendier
I'm colorblind. So all this shit is fucking red or green to me. It's not purple. It's mom
It's purple with an attitude
Um, but it is the rarest stonk it's a color way of a stanley
Is what it is. I mean actually if you want to know what mauve is I I I think I would say the background of
Metaverse kids penguin is mauve
Um, that looks kind of mauve to me
Oh, no, you know what I think it's like from that song where it's like move bitch get out the way
That's it. They're like they were not saying
any action
Whatsoever they were just saying the provenance of the color move or mauve was so powerful
That like bitches got to get out of the way
Yeah, have you seen the music video he's pointing to a wall a freshly painted mauve wall?
Has nothing to do with actually people getting out of the way
It's mauve you guys are all saying it wrong
So it actually officially is mauve
It's not mauve that's one of the things we said the other day it's not
I'm gonna mauve my ass out of here, man. Nah, we call it mob
All right, tell you what like we we just need one more
Actually, you know what i'm not even gonna say that
For the culture. I will say there are a couple free stones still listed
Um, so, you know people can do it do with that what they will or you know
What play the game of roulette again. I don't really care one way or the other stocks are inevitable, right? Like
I do think it's funny. I don't know who put it inside the chat where they said their irl friends texted them the other day and they were like
I think it was yesterday in there. Like is the stock move over like is it done?
Like asking if a little buck bro. Here's the deal any time you get like
180 move in 24 hours
You're gonna have a tiny bit of a cool off before you end up moving higher again. Like that's just the way the world works
So it's uh, it's sort of surge. He's coming up here. I think it was that but I thought it was hilarious
Need a little bullish bullish selling bros. I was thinking that meme, uh, wasn't shit like that happened first time or whatever
Okay, this is surge that was that was my buddy he bought his first
Stonk a few days ago and he's been watching it every day since and and as soon as it started to dip a little bit
He's already panicked. You're telling me though. He bought the dip
I cuz I told him to and I picked out the stone for him and everything. He just had to push the buttons
So when he saw it basically triple he was he was hyped
Yeah, I think he got it like a 0.07 or 0.08. So he was at least double 2x in a couple days
You should be like uh video taping this so you can like send it to him and be like, yo
We're literally talking about you in this fucking space right now. I know and i'm gonna have to text him
Screenshot in the recording. It's gonna be hilarious
I'll say it again
If you need to record it and you don't feel like going back after this space and finding it in screen recording
I will say the exact same thing again. You just let me know when to pull the trigger
All right
Is that an eye as in go or is that an eye as in I'm like, okay, you know, I think he'll let you know but
Is this song move over good? I bought 17 more this past week. Is it over?
I'll accept them. Yes, it's over. Send them to me
Yeah, it's over man, it's definitely over
Yeah, it's just I I mean that's why we're actually hosting week number 100
Um is it's over
It's been fun
Been a good ride
Time to get out. I knew that rug in the merch shop was was foreshadowing. I just knew it
Dude, this has been the slowest rug of all time. What the fuck?
And without further ado btc art is now the official founder of walkie stonks
Shit stonks
Stonks will never rug ever. They are the most unruggable project of all time
Of kalaya
Bro, but you just got the job. Nope. Nope. I am I am a proud
Long time
Big holder of stonks
Kaleo would never do that to his people. He's just slowly
Waiting as things
I give you guys an upgrade
Since he declined I guess I will remain in my position and we will do a week 101
But just know a great leader recognizes greatness
You know, he he knows when it's time to pass the torch and btc art, you know, I saw the opportunity
But I will continue to push off
Well, there's like another sort of saying that I think applies here is that you don't want the man who wants to be king
You want the man who doesn't want that job?
So maybe he is in fact the perfect, uh in the line of succession because you know
He doesn't want this shit, man
Uh, and so he would be the best possible steward at that level of responsibility and expectation. What do you think?
I am I am humbled. I am honored and I can't believe here we are at 100 and I can't wait for the
200th episode
It'll start late cube will come on and get rubbed eighties will encourage us all
Rooster will be funnier than all get out probably set up a poker tournament or ten
When most of them and we'll continue to get together in real life that first one
I guess it's a cruise. I guess we figured out it's gonna we're gonna join rooster
80s and and love dove, uh, we're gonna crash their crews for the for the stocks
I love you too, man. I love each and every one of you. I can't tell you how much this
Community has meant to me. I really can't like
especially during
Dark times for crypto twitter and even personal times man good and bad like so many of you
Cube called me from the hot tub the other night talking about the member guest coming up
What year like randomly at at midnight and it's like i'm in the hot tub with like, I don't know. Was it five six?
Chicks, I don't know. I'm like brother. What's up? He's like, I gotta know about the dicks. I got what's going on
I'm like dude. I haven't heard from he's he disappeared forever
And he just shows back up when the bull kicks off. I think cubes got I think cube might be the possible air apparent
If if there is one
After this word those weren't happening the funny thing is like it was very sober
Chicks for a cube in a hot tub i'm picturing five or six little chiclets
In our in kansas that he had like, you know, the roost
They escaped out of there hopped in with him. He's just letting them swim around. That's my picture with you
It's like yo bros i'm in a hot tub with five or six artists
Yeah, it it might have been it might have just been three because that's key
I I I could have I could have elaborated a bit, but it was at least three
I I think I but I do think if if we're having to throw up who who could be the air parent
I would put I would put cube up there
Yeah, just just because of of his ability to make sure that he always does
Spaces on time and and never rugs for the first 30 seconds
Like that's key. That's key
I love you guys. I'm gonna I gotta jump down and take the kids from school. Thank you so much for the wonky stonks
Thank you everyone that's here. I'm telling you
It you guys are my people and it I can't tell you how much I love you and how much it means to me
And uh, i'm so stoked. We're here. I can't wait till the 200th episode
Vtc art may not be taking over the stonks, but i'll tell you what I don't think i'm going to be
Able to one up him
On a better closeout than that so I echo everything. He just said it's been a fun week. It's been a fun ride
Um, and you know, we'll be back here celebrating again week 200
soon enough
So and you know what will be fun week 200?
that should be right in the heart of
Everything crazy happening in this market. I i'm a believer so
You know, I got some outro music for you bro wonky stonks pennies by week 200
Let's go baby
Have a baby
Take out the ledger, but she wants to see pull out games
So will you, I'll never just say baby
Call me my name, you won't escape me
Got these bitches screamin' why are you crazy?
Love her, love, love her, Jay Z
So will you, I'll never just say baby
Call me my name, you won't escape me
Got these bitches screamin' why are you crazy?