2024 - How we will demonstrate Parallel Economy in action #CTTPodcast

Recorded: Feb. 3, 2024 Duration: 2:15:54
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Yo testing let me know if you guys can't hear me
As I just talked a little bit while you're setting up the threads
Matt you know back in Baja
little bit slow start to the year when it comes to CTT, but we're back on it and
Even though this is more of a freestyle show, I think it's a very important topic. I
Think it's time that we start eating our own dog food and start demonstrating these things and how they work
When we go to talk about it, we'll have something to point to and say well look, you know, we're over here doing this
We're over here doing that
And then we can flip the question right back on them. I
Don't know if anyone was paying attention to the there's a meme coin called like Harry Potter
Obama in you some kind of audacious ridiculous name and they built a water well, right? Sounds familiar
Don't know what it is with water wells, but everyone seems to be doing it nowadays
Which is great obviously anytime anyone can do something like that
It's an amazing thing, but they happen to go viral for it and get a lot of notoriety
And I know people on hive could maybe sit back
And it get a little bit frustrated in terms of well, you know, they built one. Well, we're over here building it
No, VCS been doing it for a long time. Be nice to get some notoriety as well
but I think there's a better approach and using that energy and more of a judo style and
embracing anybody doing any kind of help
Centralized or not and offering them a solution a parallel economy a parallel
place to be able to speak freely and build tokenized communities and
It's just shaping up very well in terms of what hive can offer the technology that's available
For these other platforms, so
Be sure Matt's gonna post the Leo threads keep in mind you can get
Crypto you can actually earn from listening
Great thing about hive is the distribution method zero fees and we can have incentivized distribution
From each person so we are incentivized for you to earn for you to show value
And in return you get value the value for value model
De-buzz lots of micro blogging those things can become very powerful when you think about it
The ability to demonstrate value in real time and earn value in real time without any barriers to entry without any middlemen
There's a lot that you could do with that kind of use case
But we're using it today for CTT
Guess well Matt finishes
If you look at how things are shaping
There's never been a bigger demand for
Censorship resistance of storage in terms of text and everything else. I
see more and more of
What you know hive mind just the world's hive mind what people are thinking the conscious thoughts and
We're sort of at the ropes end right you used to have a dozen different platforms, you know, you had the Odyssey's you had all
These little places you could go and now if you look
You know, there's very few you have like a rumble of kick and the kick is a little bit worse than rumble censorship
And of course, we all know YouTube and Twitter and all these
But the selection is going down
And not only has the selection going down if we're excluding hive
The selection is getting more centralized loose with Odyssey had I
Mean, you know, we don't believe in storage of large data on the base layer
But at least they were like throwing something against the wall. I'm hoping it sticks, you know, like
These attempts now are just they know they're centralized and they're fine with it
and then you have to trust the shareholders, you know, the the owners of the site not to
Not to censor you or you have to trust that they don't get enforced right because they're only one person
You can only take so many arrows
If you're one person you're a centralized point of failure. That's destined to become centralizers, you know, really
If you play it on theory, that's what happens every time in practice
Once something grows and becomes powerful
There's always the forces that they don't want to put a cap on it. I want to control it and
They will control it
If you see what you know the hostile takeover that was just one small example of the extremes people with power and money will go through
To try to control something and that was nothing compared to you know
The forces out there and what they really can do. So
If you have a full point of failure, you know, you might as well treat it as a stepping stone
we all use Twitter to
Kind of get into the awareness pool like the centralized awareness pool get our names hurt
So being trees falling in the forest with no one around
We go to a place where they are regardless of the platform. It might be devil's platform itself
But if we can utilize that in judo that energy
But if we can utilize that judo that energy into hive
And not just hive any censorship resistant network, you know, I say hive maybe there's a few others but
You know my focus right now is on hive
And the layers being built around it
Then we might as well take that but there's too many people who look at the stepping stone as an island
Like they're just gonna live there forever. Oh, i'm always gonna have my little rumble channel
And my kids freedom of speech is going to be saved by rumble, of course
Like it's just foolish. It's like short-term thinking. What can I do for myself right now with the total disregard of the future future generations?
I mean, it's obvious. We're not going to be relying on twitter and rumble for the next decade for our freedom of speech
I you know god help us. I hope that's not the case
I hope they remain optional stepping stones where people have a parallel parallel universe they can live in
That don't have these draconian rules and censorship problems
So 2024 is shaping up to be a very big year there's lots going on
I think everyone as a collective species is
Sort of tired of the games and the bullshit and the censorship and the
Being treated like lessors and I think there's a very big demand for
What we've been building what if you're listening for the first time, you know hive the community what we've been striving for
Is all the ideals that you know, a lot of people are shouting for right now
2024 is going to be the year we prove it
Yeah, my nice little intro there done appreciate that, uh, is my vocal coming through okay clear
Okay, that's good to hear
Yeah, welcome to episode 99 of ctt podcast
I've put the official leo thread in this week. It's in the
Discord room and it's also underneath this
space in the comments
So feel free feel free to interact there
Dan and I are waiting there with our vote fingers
So any interesting comments that you make any interesting questions you ask
Any contributions to the show that you make will be up voting
So you'll be able to monetize your interactions with a live show don't know where else you can do that
apart from on hive based platforms
So yeah, go find that thread
Please share this room if you if you feel inclined to do so
We feel the messages that were spreading here are very very very important for humanity
Yeah, just just give it a share and let other people know that you're listening to us here
And I guess from with that we can oh well one last thing is the thumbnail competition, of course every week
We run a thumbnail competition for this podcast
Note that this is a podcast so we need square and um
thumbnails for this stuff, but I think uh, we normally get some pretty good entries every week from people so
This week we're going to be talking about how to implement and the fact we are going to be implementing parallel economies
Into the real world with real world use cases
We have all the tools that we need now to do this. There's a couple more things waiting in the very near
Near future that will be released such as breakaway community platforms
And the sign-up mechanisms that are required inside of that to make it easy for other people to sign up to hive
But yeah apart from that we we're going to be rocking and rolling and I've just had a quick
Meeting before this before this ctt podcast and had a chat and we were like, yeah
We've got to do a ctt today because the stuff we're talking about in my opinion is so interesting and the stuff we're going
to be doing this year and and I think in this show it's going to be really cool to just
Put in people's minds
What it is that they can achieve with hive this year?
And you know what we're certainly hoping to achieve
And and as a result what anyone else listening to this show can also achieve
I think it's going to be such an interesting year 2024
And um, I think it's going to be the year that the hive really makes its mark
I really do i've never said that, you know, I know a lot of people have hyped for a number of years and
And I certainly have but
I've never actually said that this is going to be hives year
Because of really because of the onboarding issues and some of the operability issues
But those are really good on the verge of being ironed out now
And once they're ironed out we we are rocking and rolling and I feel like we've got the right community the right formula
We've got the right basis for decentralization
No one can argue with our points
Well, they can't argue with them, but they can't win the points
We are very close now to having all the tools ready that we need to go and actually demonstrate this and I think the key thing
Here is going to be the fact that we can demonstrate these parallel economies
And effectively no other chain really can
Even if they can it's often times that they've done it from a basis where they've got a pre-minor an ico or ceo that can be
Therefore regulated and so the competition is scarce. I feel like this is going to be our moment to shine
Yeah, I feel like what we're doing is sort of like developing
So let's say you're trying to develop a wheel and you try to square you try to all the different
Shapes that you can find and you realize okay, this is this is the shape that works best
I think we're at that point now putting rims and tires and fancy things on the on the wheel to make it better
So it doesn't crack when it goes. That's what we're that's what we're at now
You if you look at hive
And the way it's set up you can basically just drop it like an air like, you know
Parachute just drop it in the middle of just anywhere
And if there's any kind of e-commerce there is a game theoretical way
to get hive distributed and into a parallel economy
I don't know if anything else you can do this with so that's what I mean the wheel it works
onboarding making the merchant adoption easier all these things are what we're working on making the wheel work better, but in terms of
You can go to a business and you can say hey start accepting hbd people who use this hashtag will earn
crypto the hide community can
Give a little bit of hbd to kick start it like kindling
Oh, well now you're getting customers that have this currency that want to pay
So if you implement this payment mechanism, that's free instant. No kyc all the good things that come with hive stable
We'll also send you customers that want to spend that currency
Oh, yeah, and they're also incentivized to now go to other socials and talk and take pictures and
advertise basically for you for free
None of this comes out of the merchant's pocket. Yeah, it all helps hive stakeholders
You see how that is? That's a very that's it's a positive wheel forward
Because now you can go and people say oh, what's this hive have like a little business card a scan it get their hive account
Learn about it have people with boots on the ground teaching people, you know, I mean this is this is a it's a community
It's a people chain
It requires people to to drive it to literal like you have to put this in the motion
It's not just going to do it by itself
If you look at venezuela the if those are people boots on the ground who are actually doing it making it happen
All the possibilities are there you can't say I can do this with bitcoin or ethereum or any of these other chains
like these are things that you can only do with hive and it is possible if you put it into that into production and
Matt and I were talking and was saying well, you know
Let's pick a town
And let's just do it. Let's roll up our sleeves. We talk a lot about it
We spread a lot of awareness
But now it's time to take the dog food and actually eat it like say we're going to convert an entire town
That isn't some small town
Not you know, ben asuela has a lot of large they have more of like a territory over there
Um, but it's also a competition a friendly competition, right because we all want the same thing
But you know right now hive, you know, everyone's getting their butts kicked by by venezuela
We can step up there can be other places other, you know, this should be sort of a you know, the spend hd hbd tag
something we're trying to incentivize
Get people spending hbd getting people to spread this parallel economy
Incentivize them to do so with reputation and rewards and all the fun things that come with it not to mention
Hey, you're liberating a town
Right, you're introducing the talent to a parallel economy. So when shit hits the fan, they actually have a lifeboat
Not to mention you're doing that right? That's could be life-saving work for a lot of people in the near future
So matt and I, you know, we're picking a town and we're just going to dedicate this year to turning the town into a hive hub
Where hive is accepted at most places people understand it hbd is circulating lots of use cases
You know, that's the goal and um
2024 shaping up to be that year where we have to put in the work if we put in the work
We'll get the fruits of our labor
It's up for the taking
Right people don't notice lifeboats until the boat's going down
We are the lifeboats we might not be noticed now
But we will as long as we stay consistent put in the work
And if you're not growing your your declining there is no, you know, there is no staying the same
So we do have to continually put in the work the work we've put in we can't rest on that. We have to keep doing it
But I just want I just want to say, you know where dan dan mentions putting the work in
There's certain members of the community that have been putting the work in and a lot of members of the community as well to be fair
Have been putting in the working for years, you know, and it's got us to this point now where we actually have the foundation in place
In the very near future and hopefully in the next few days you'll see on the breakaway communities
We we've revamped the sign of process
It's not very glamorous, you know, it's not going to wow you
But it's going to make you go. Oh, that's the logical steps that we needed to have been doing this whole time
To onboard people really easily
Um, so we we are very confident in the next few days
We will have updated the onboarding system in the breakaway community platform front ends
So that people can onboard people by referrals all across highs in a very simple way and that will just solve the onboarding issues
Once that's done we have the breakaway communities out and operating now we're about to put a few more updates into them
But it really means that you can use those breakaway communities as ways to inject capital into local economies
The economies that build around these breakaway communities
so what we're hoping is that 2024 looks like a a year where
You're going to have people just spinning up these breakaway communities and being able to vote for content on top of those communities
The community platforms themselves have a way of measuring points so that if you're more social on that platform
If you interact more on that platform, if you log in more if you post more you'll earn more points
And then eventually when we get to tokenizing those platforms with their own tokens, which is it's going to happen this year for sure
hopefully early in the year
Some of the inflation of those tokens will be directed to the people who are the most social who have the most social points
So people are going to be incentivized to use these platforms
And then once we can do that you can start setting up these platforms for all sorts of different things you can set them up for
communities who are offline
communities who are online or on the blockchain, let's say
Um, you can set them up for physical geo geographical locations
And that's one of the things that we want to try this year. We've got people
Locally where we are who are interested in doing this
Talking to businesses
Showing them how hbd works with the v4v app because it's so easy to show an operator
Or a business how to use the v4v app and collect
payments in hive
And then it's a case of showing people that they have a front-end platform that they can use
such as one of these breakaway community platforms where they can earn hive and earn hbd
And then they can go spend that in the local shops and get money off and
What we've proven with the spend hbd tag
Is that people can use that tag and get money?
If not all the money back that they spent on their purchases for demonstrating that they're spending using hbd
So we we have everything we need to make this work
We really do we have the way to spend we have the qr code scanning we have a way to earn hbd
We have platforms that people can post to to dedicate their content to physical geographical locations
We have the ability to distribute rewards
And then it's a case of well, then we can distribute rewards to people who are using these platforms and demonstrating that they're spending the currency
And then of course you can do so much more on top of that as well in terms of actually physically paying people for using
Things or for taking part in things, but that just depends on how much money you can get together
Yeah, so we want to we want to show this we want to demonstrate this example this year
We want to do it in in the local town here
Just see how it goes but you know
It's going to be a dedicated task to really force this in force it through and get it to a place where
Local businesses are using it local people know that if they post about the fact they've been using these local businesses
They can earn their money back because they're going to get upvoted for doing that
Um, so any like small purchases like cafe
Um, you know small shop purchases people are going to be able to get those things essentially for free
Well, I think that makes a big difference in times like this
And it's a great opportunity for hives to demonstrate what it is
And and that is the definition right there that we've just discussed in the last couple of minutes
It's a parallel economy. That is what that is and we're going to be able to demonstrate that and once we can demonstrate that
Hive as a collective can go anywhere and
We don't have to talk about these ideas anymore. We can show it. We can say look what happened over here
Look what's happening in kumuna in venezuela in hivesucker. Look what's happening over here in mexico
Anywhere else that wants to get involved in this type of initiative. We want to support it
You know, you see people like lord butterfly. They have the rally community the rally breakaway community. They have the
Vibes music community that's set up
So these frontends are up and running already. They're free to run. You don't need to pay anyone
They're very easy to set up. You need almost zero dev skills to be able to set them up
This is coming fast and i'm just super excited about it
And I see the task master is once again dominating the threads here. Let's get some competition for task master guys
Yeah, I mean the way you described it when people try to show me a protocol and um
When I read about it or the description of it, it's just like, you know
Decentralize this and we have decentralized decentralized decentralized, but they don't actually
Explain to where it makes practical sense
Nothing that we're talking about you have to like be a scientist to understand you're like, oh, yeah, that makes sense
Oh that I can see in theory how that could actually work in practice
We're not just blowing a bunch of mystery in a balloon and saying it's decentralized
These are very practical game plans that we're trying to implement. They need a community to rally around
But these ideals they sound there's their sound right like no technology is perfect
But when it comes down to the bare bones
How are we going to get this shit done? You need a practical way to do it
You need to be able to theorize where everyone understands. It's not some mystery
Like everything we're saying makes sense in terms of how to implement in practice
It literally can create a parallel economy that lives outside of the government's control
These are the things in the topics we need to start talking about because they question, you know
Quotes they the the powers that be whatever you want to call them. They're very good at muddying the water
So there's so much vc money so much trash out there that is taking up
So normal people just think all the cryptos are scammed. That's why it's very important when we discuss these things. We're not just
Saying decentralized it's not just saying censorship resistant. We're breaking down every basic point from the infrastructure
Always ask yourself who's storing it. How are they storing it? How are they incentivize?
How are the how is the incentivize the incentivization done?
If any of that is centralized you have to start over go back go back home start from square a
You can't just say oh, but we're already at why we could just you know, forget about that little piece
It doesn't matter. You have a broken machine and it's going to be controlled. You can't be lazy about this
There are no do-overs. You have to do it, right? You have to take the long route. It may be boring and maybe oh
Why can't we cut some corners? No
Has to make sense in theory all of the way without compromise if we can't do it the right way
We're not going to get it done. Anyway, it's a delusion. It's illusion say oh, well, we can get by on ethereum
Whatever the fuck some pre-mine chain and just think well, you know, it's good enough
It is not good enough because in those last hours when you do fail you're going to be like, oh man
How close were we if we would have just not cut the corners?
And you don't ever want to get in that sort of situation
So I just appreciate the way matt explains it very elegantly from point a to z how this thing is done
And it makes sense to the common man. Oh, yeah, we can do that. So I think that's important
Yeah, absolutely
You know one of the cool things here is going to be
I've thought about this over the holidays as well. You know you imagine
If you have an off-chain community, they don't have anything on chain
They're not really even online that they're a physical real world traditional community like a dancing community or a I don't know
A singing community or a horse riding community, whatever it is, right?
Basket weaving even if you want to say want to bring taskmaster's favorite community in but i'm pretty sure he's got them on 50 blockchains already
Um, but basically most of these communities have a way to rank their insiders
So or their members so, you know dancing community for example might have an international grading where the people enter competitions
And the community has a way to internally grade who the best dancers are
well, that is more or less a way, you know without telling them that
You can drop tokens to those people right whoever's graded above position 50 in the world gets a certain amount of tokens
Whoever's graded below 50 gets a certain amount of tokens and then anyone below 200 gets another amount of tokens
All you need is an email list
So all we need to be on the lookout for as a community
Is how do we drop tokens to communities of people where we can get our hands on an email list?
And then drop tokens to those members ranked in their official international order or in their even official
domestic order
And that that means that we can all you have to do is log in with your gmail account
This is where we're going to be with vsc
You're going to be able to log in with your gmail account and then you'll be able to get a high proxy account that operates via
The resources are delegated from the vsc node operators
And those people will be elected, of course
And so now you can drop tokens to to
Real world communities that have no presence on the blockchain
Just based on their kind of their order that they they put they they rank themselves within
these hive
Breakaway community frontends is where they can go and earn and distribute more of their own tokens via creating content
This is the tool. This is the tool that's coming out this year
And it's coming out right, you know, it's it's out already to be fair, but we don't have it
Tokenized with its own tokens yet, but disregard fear is working on that
We're about to go and test net with the speak network
Give us another week. Maybe even hopefully tuesday will be making an announcement where you can earn when you forget involved in the speak network test net
But once he's done that then it's on to tokenizing these communities
And that's it, you know, I really think hive is going to be
It's going to be the year of hive. That's that's what's going to do it. At least it's going to give
Any community member the ability to use these tools to go spread the gospel
Without having to talk about it will be by actually showing it. So like dan was saying
There was uh, there was a token what was it called dan that just went viral harry harry potter obama
So harry potter obama something something right
And it went viral off of one water. Well one freaking water. Well one tweet from someone that got noticed
And they've I believe the market cap is a billion
No, it's it's bigger than hives and we put 12 water well 13 water wells into Ghana already
So this shows the power of what we're doing
Um, well, the next question is well, maybe we can give those guys a front end
Right what's stopping us from giving those guys instead of like bitching about them and saying oh this community
They've done half the work we've done. It's not less and now they're viral and they're doing you know, they're doing okay
What if we just turned up and we're like well, here's a front end for you guys
Signing over here and claim your token based on your balance on
the harry potter token
Then they get all the access to all the power of distribution of what the hive tokens can do
That's that's the solution here. And I mean i'm not saying i'm going to do that personally
But anyone in the hive community can do that now, you know, we are we are at that place
We're not quite a token distribution yet, but we will be very soon. But certainly spinning the platforms up is there
Um, we'll stay tuned very closely for in the very near future for an announcement of a website
Where we where anyone can go and spin up their own breakaway communities and you can see which communities have breakaway communities which communities don't
You can see how to spin up a breakaway community and customize it for yourself
The cool thing about that is in the future
You're not just going to have to be forced to use an extensive front end, but you'll be able to use a debuzz front end
Who else is talking to us at the moment?
I can't remember the platform that was interested
Was it debuzz?
Debuzz community front end an extensive front end or a another one
I can't remember who it was now. But anyway that we're hoping to have multiple different choices as time goes on
Um, so, you know, we've obviously done a lot of work on the extensive front end to make that work for communities
But the idea is you can choose any type of skin
You can even have multiple skins operated on the same community. So you could have a community
That you've built with a leo front end
Sorry a debuzz front end at the moment and an extensive front end on two separate platforms
And hopefully it becomes a big d front end
It can become a leo front end over time
And all of those can be integrated with the same point system
So any of those platforms that you log into to use you get you start on these community points
That gives you access to the inflation of the tokens
you can um
you can also um share those points between all the platforms so you can log in via the
Platform that looks like a debuzz front end
Or you can log in through the platform that looks like an extensive front end
But you can get points from being social on both both of them
And then they'll have the same token and underline them
So yeah, it's going to be super exciting and it's going to be tools that the community can practically use to go and demonstrate
So instead of you just turning up and saying well theoretically this is the way it should work because this is the way it works
I'm high and everyone's like shitcoiner. Well now you can turn up and be like dude. I just spun you up this platform
It's got its own token
Uh, if you want to use it, you can use it if you don't don't worry about it
But we've given everyone an airdrop and here's a dex to go trade it on as well
Um, that is that is coming this year and that's going to make all of these discussions we've had demonstratable
Um, and I just yeah, I think 2024 is going to be super big
If you if you look at the point system, we've already seen the beginnings of it with friend tech
Other people quickly followed suit
The mean coins all they are is a way of a community rallying around each other
It's just a point system
If you look at how powerful the community is they're just rallied around a name and a coin. That's it
That's the primitive technology. That's as far as they've come
Whereas with hive
And these tokenized
Front ends you're going to be able to take that and do so much more with it
Be able to have your own front end be able to earn the point be able to
Have immutable reputation systems
Be able to have the work you put on right a lot of people rely on twitter
Your twitter accounts gets banned all of that history all that reputation. You can no longer prove you did
Whereas hive no matter what happens no matter if you go away you come back the seasons change whoever
You have that immutable reference
So these things just ingrain and if you look at these communities, that's just
They're large groups of people that need that want the technology that hive can offer
And it's our job to give it to them in a way where
The market wants it
They've proven that they want tokenized communities. That's all harry potter obama coin
All these other coins they sound funny, but it's very powerful. Do you look at doge?
It's very powerful where people can rally around a symbol an ideal
And become a part of that and become a stakeholder and really they show off on twitter by talking about it
And that's sort of how they gain their camaraderie
But you take that to the next level when they can earn points and side by side build a front end build a platform
Go on to twitter now. They're they're advertising their home
They're not just a stakeholder of a random coin to have a few coins. They hope it goes up
Now they're more of a part of a community. That's a movement that can't be taken down and if it gets power it can actually grow
So the demand is out there. These are you know, people smock at mean coins. They don't understand
It's just a community trying to express itself
And there's a lot of money. There's a lot of potential. There's a lot of value
In that because that's all the world really is a group of people perceiving value onto what they want
And hive offers these tools that you know, the demand is high
So when I see these mean coins and what they're doing, you know this mean coin it had a water well built in africa
Right, like that's that's powerful stuff. And if we can just be the wind to their sails give them extra tools
Imagine what else they could do with it
Yeah, that's it that's going to be it's going to be the year of that we're just going to be able to
Look at something that's trending and jump and jump on it and give it value and be like hey
There's a platform over here you can post on
And some of them will pick up some of them won't of course
But we're all going to have the ability to be able to do that for every coin that we see moving and going viral
So I think that's going to be super cool to see what happens there
On the flip side of it as well, you know
It does give us the ability to put this currency into local communities
So we're going to we were just saying earlier. We're going to do this for a town. So we'll use the same model
We'll set up a breakaway community platform for the town
And then anyone posting that they're using local businesses to spend hbd onto that platform
We'll be able to monitor that platform and give votes to it and return people value for their purchases
In the physical world. So this this is also a great way to apply this in the physical world
and distribute value to people
And actually prove the hbd economy in the physical world
And this is what we're going to do this year
You know, we're really going to dedicate a lot of our time to to making that happen
And and hopefully what I love about hive is once you do something once and other people see oh, I can do that too
They copy you and it actually spreads
And so I think that's going to happen on hive this year
I think you never see multiple of these breakaway communities spin up. I think you're going to see them being used as mechanisms to distribute value
For showing interactions with local communities for showing interactions with businesses
Yeah, that's where this is going
interested in people's thoughts and if anyone wants to leave your thoughts on
On the leo thread we put it in the comment below. We'll certainly get to your questions
I want to read a couple out here
It's a lot of taskmaster. Oh, we've got ibb tamino comments in here
She says 2024 is indeed going to be great and I can't wait to see everything play out
That's for sure. Taskmaster says i'm going to read a few taskmasters comments here
He says this thing is going to spread faster than herpes
You have to be careful reading task out off the hip. You can't even read
Oh gosh great live shows
Um, let's hope so taskmaster. Let's hope so and the emerging of digital and physical
Oh the merging of digital and physical the start of the spatial web. Oh the spatial web. That's very interesting
I like the way you're calling that
Um, he says the task token first 10 trillion token. Well, I reckon your basket weaving token is going to be better than that task
It's only 10 trillion
Um, he also says
Town hall is running a vsc node and proud of it. Yeah good for town hall. I caught a bit of that
This week when you put it on as well
Always good to see that show happening
Yeah, the nc is really growing you'll see it's good that the town hall has a note up
Shout out to them
You said parallel circular economy
You know dan and I have moved away from calling we were calling it a circular economy a lot but
I don't think I think parallel economy is the right the right terminology that we're going to use going forwards
Because they're not really circular economies until the money's circulating at the moment. It's just a distribution
Um, and I guess on the other side some of that gets sold back to market makers
as people cash out
But yeah parallel economy is definitely what it is initially eventually it turns into a circular economy, I hope
We right now have the tools for a purely parallel economy and ultimately that is I guess it is a circular economy by definition as well
He says tie them all into high financial network, yeah, I mean, this is the other thing here, you know
Let's not forget what we're talking about here is the foundations
We need multiple different platforms spun up that we can drive seo content to
That people can use locally to spend hbd into the local communities and then via either delegations or whale support to those front ends
They can get money back off their purchases and this can all be transparent and demonstrated
That's the one kind of foundation. But then the knock-on effects of that is
I'd imagine this year. I think is going to be the year where we're going to have
Time locks for hbd and so we're going to have bond systems
And those bonds can then be used
as collateral to get loans
Liquid loans and then those liquid loans can be used to stake into ecosystems to get things like airdrops and other speculative
Opportunities in in the crypto and other spheres and that can be used to make money and then you pay back the person that loans you
the collateral
So that means that the collateral the bond holders can make more passive income than just a 20
Apr and then speculators can also make money on money that they didn't have because they were learned that
Based on the collateral that was given to them
So everyone can make more money, you know
And that's the high financial network on top of this and that is literally a direct carbon copy of the euro dollar or the shadow
Banking system that operates worldwide
Except because it's not transparent. It's hidden all of its mistakes and it's not very
You know, ultimately you can't get enough collateral there because there isn't enough trusted collateral anymore after 2008
So the international banking system is broken
And this provides a direct transparent open permissionless response to that a solution to that
has a unit of account and stable coins in hbd and everyone can understand so
That is another knock on to this, you know that this is really
This is why I know when we're talking about hive it's so complete
It's such a complete circle because it's like it serves the bankers and the speculators and people who want to make passive income off
the hive holdings
Or the stablecoin holdings. It serves the people who want to use it for purchases locally
It serves the people who want to set up breakaway community platforms to demonstrate their work and their effort. They're putting towards community
And that's all of it, man. That's you know, that's what you need the whole thing's backed by that you need to state resources
In order to operate in that ecosystem
So the more users you get the more demand for resources you get the more demand for the token that you get
And one of the other things I want to mention as well on these community
You're going to have to stake
The token in order to post on the platform and hopefully we'll have a way that well, we will have a way that you can delegate
The tokens resources to new users so they don't have to go and buy the token first
But it will be the same model except you'll you'll be restricted to posting to
Well, you won't be restricted
But you'll be able to post to that platform if you don't have resources in that command token
You won't be able to post on that platform. You won't be able to earn community points
And you won't be able to receive some of the inflation the recognition you deserve to be in that community
So that gives these community tokens some kind of economic value as well
I'm not going to read all the rest of task my comments here because
He's dominating the thread today, but he's definitely that's because some kind of ai
Yeah, task was ai before ai was invented. Yeah, he's the original ai
Yeah, it's crazy how powerful because none of this really works without hbd because if you have a centralized stable coin
Let's say aetherium. Let's throw out aetherium centralization issues
Let's say aetherium was completely decentralized, but it didn't have a native algo stable coin. It relied on usdc
Well, what happens when usdc dominates defi by proxy the once decentralized aetherium becomes centralized because its liquidity is centralized
so the fact that
An alhive has an algo stable coin in the way it's designed. It's um
It's amazing how that happened because it could easily have not happened
It wasn't necessary for hives development. If you see how what they when they implemented it back in the day
They really did it thinking of people wanting, you know
Rewards and half usd basically as like a way to entice people to post more but really it unlocked a way to do parallel economies
And of course the censorship resistance of hive backs it
It's funny if you talk about use cases on hive because people are talking about what's a hive narrative
I could think of 10 different hive narratives right off the back and you could just build a marketing campaign and only use the blockchain
For that because that's what most of these blockchains do. They'll say oh, we're this type of watching or this type of watching
Like you can say well hives use cases
It's a way to have a stable coin and then you can post reviews
And you need resource credits to post reviews and when you do post a review
You can earn some some of the stable coin back to go use it
Right, like that's one use case and you can market that and that could be a billion dollar idea
Not including all you have, you know tokenized communities you have the censorship resistant database
You have all these things that hive has to offer
So you can look at it from a different lens and it becomes another billion dollar idea and then another billion dollar idea
So yeah right now
What we've it's we've been where what they say where the puck is going. I always say where the ball is going
We've been building seeing this
You know, we didn't believe that censorship resistance was just going to solve itself
We knew that the world was going to need a transparent system a parallel economy to be onboarded to when shit hits the fan
And you know, I don't want to be right, you know, we don't want to be right, but it's you have insurance for a reason
What people would call plan b hive is my plan a because I no longer have faith in the the original plan a
I don't have plan b's. I think that you know, you have to chock up the odds of what's happening
And really put your support behind behind something because worst case scenario if we don't need hive then great. We're in a world where
Um, you know awesome, but there's a real chance that we're going to need something like hive
So it's very important right now to understand all the use cases
And non so right says here this is the first type space where we're not shitting on other blockchains projects meme corners, etc
It's a step in the right direction. We all know hive has the technology. But as dan says
We need to market it in a way that the market wants
And he also says it seems the ctt podcast team read my post
Read my post this evening because I spoke on this topic
We need to embrace crypto trends and I assure everyone that it will not
That it will in no way diminish hives value proposition. There is no perfect way to do crypto
Yeah, I mean this this is a great point, you know
Like with these tools, we're going to be able to go to other communities and say hey
Look, we've got this for you
And it's going to be very little risk on our side very little effort from us because we've built the tools in such a way
That you can spin these things up really really easily
As time goes on they're going to have tokens in built into them and this is coming soon. It's not like it's
A couple of years away. This is like a few months away
And the login systems are only going to get better with with the off-chain login system that's been built on speak network on the
excella call back end
So you're going to have off-chain logins, you know off-chain ability to claim tokens
That's not going to be perfected straight away, but it will be a thing in the future
Um, you know one of the things i'm really looking forward to is tapping into salana and seeing if we can provide some value
To salana with these communities and give them tokens
I know jago is a big big influential guy in salana in the room
So he's obviously chomping at the bit hopefully still to um to make use of this. It's a few weeks away
Yeah, but we are slowly but surely moving towards having those tools available
Yeah, it's just going to be so cool so so exciting
All right, I think we should we should move off this topic for now and uh change to another one
Um, any thoughts from you don do you want to give an update on ragnarok while we what we talk about this?
Everything that's needed to be done with ragnarok has done from the game to the art to the stats
Now it's just about implementing the nft side
So quietly chipping away, but I think 2024 will also be the year of ragnarok
Low-key, I know a lot of people have been waiting for it, but you know under
What's it called under promise over delivered?
Definitely been working. The game is complete though. The game works. Um all the little
Bugs for the most part are gone, but the big bugs are definitely gone. So you have a complete game and
The best part about it's fun. I enjoy it
It's actually really you know invented a new game from three different old games basically took heartstone poker
Chess and combined them into one game
Um pretty crazy. I didn't actually know when starting it if it was going to be
I knew I would like it
But I didn't know if it was going to be something that other people would find playable
Maybe the games took too long
But we chipped away at it made it more efficient made the games on average 30 minutes, which I think is acceptable
Some can go an hour
But yeah, I think for the most part
Finding a game that's fun. That's new that's different
And we still have a lot of work, right? Because now we have the nft side
We have to implement the hbd interest payouts the yearly test net
So as far as getting there, we're probably handing the baton off for the second half of the race
Which i'm excited for because this is going to be much more community oriented
Because this test net's going to involve a lot of community members like you have townhole running a bsc node
Well, they'll also get involved in rag and rock
Because rag and rock is going to have its own notes
It's going to be a game where it's hosted by the community. So if I you know, whatever something happens in my database
Something happens in the future. You're not relying on me the community can actually handle and be incentivized to run the game
Have consensus on any updates and have its own funding and have its own because I believe these I think every community should have a niched out
A way for people on a lower level to be able to fund maintenance and development and earn status and all these sort of things
It's been working on it just to test you know, anyone can test it if anybody has any feedback on the gameplay itself
but for the most part
Recently good feedback few bugs. So that's the way I like it
Are testers going to get some kind of benefit in the future down from this do you think?
For so when we have the real test net it's going to be incentivized
Now it's going to be set incentivized in a centralized way
But then when the real game launches, it'll be reliant on its own economy
I'll you know, obviously kick started with some incentives there as well
But yeah for the testnet
Definitely going to be incentivized
So that's another thing 24 for us is going to be a year of testnets because of this
We're gonna have the speak network testnet going on as well
Um, that is literally days away. That's literally days away
we've got um
we've got a site that disregards been kindly building where
It allows people to log in
Effectively mass store videos so that they don't have to click, you know
You can still click individual videos or you can upload individual videos
but we've built a site that's separate to deluxe where you can
You can go and see all the contracts that are available on which contracts have got less than three backups
And then you can go and click and you can master like the last 24 hours of those videos that are being posted
Which means you're effectively taking part in the latest
Uploads being uploaded to the speak network and helping back them up in an almost an automated fashion
So I think that's going to be really really cool
Once we've got that in place, which is built-in now, it's just writing a blog explaining how to use it
Once that blog site will release the testnet
incentives program
which explains
You know for each phase of the testnet that you complete you're going to get some rewards from me and god
And hopefully from other people in the community
Um, but yeah, it's really going to get people starting to use the testnet starting to understand how speak network works
How you can make the most of it how you can earn the most from it
How you can get the most made from your own backup
So if you're a platform and you have other content that's stored on one centralized service and that
Well, maybe it's going to be cheaper for you to back it up on the speak network
Or it's going to be it's going to make sense for you to put just a few more funds into the speak network to help
To incentivize your own community to store your and back up your content for you
Using the speed network. So that's all kind of coming on the testnet people are going to be able to get used to how that works
And then we'll figure out all the bugs over the next couple of months
Um, and then hopefully we'll be going live sometime in the first half of this year
Yeah, it's if you look at hive alone, it's a complete product, however it needed this
Censorship resistant you can call it a layer two. It's just an incentive layer a way to make its transaction layer more useful
By pointing it to people who are providing value
So you can prove you're providing value by storing videos, but really you can store anything you can store anything
That's the basics of being able to create all kinds of you know, large data. That's the point
So we've been building
A way for people to store everything that can't go on hive now you're incentivized and you can store it
To be able to take the transaction layer and point it outward now makes hide a complete system
because no matter what if
This part we weren't done yet. We weren't done yet with hive this part had to be decentralized as well
and it took somebody to
Do it in such a way because speak network is high
There was no pre-mine everyone got equal to their hive state
All right, so there is no outside force
This is used to decentralize the large data outside of hive
So we've gotten to a point where there's enough participation that it is decentralized
We have a complete product now because now we don't have to worry about centralized infrastructure. We at least have a way on paper
to solve it
Which is huge because most people don't worry about the infrastructure if the infrastructure is centralized. So is the protocol
And it's important to be able to have an incentive that we can point and now we can get creative with it
You can do anything. You know, you can imagine
It turns hive into something else. It's like
Another level evolved now we can incentivize more we can distribute currencies more
There's more ways to get in value for value. Maybe you can't log maybe you can't do this, but maybe you can store some things
We're getting down to what can you do?
We'll incentivize it because everything you do has value in some shape or form if it's positive
Yeah, that's a really interesting point, you know, it's important point to make that
For example on hive i'm not very good at any knife because i'm not much of a content creator myself, you know
I don't really get involved in figuring out how to write a blog and everything. It's just not my thing
So i'm kind of limited on how much hive I can earn in that sense
But I can definitely store a video, you know, I can definitely run a few nodes to store a video on my local computer
That's easy
And and that's much easier for most of the people to get involved in
So this is just another way to incentivize people's positive
Interactions and positives contributions to the community online in a provable way
That's incredibly difficult to gain
Without actually storing the videos or or the other files that you say that you're storing to help people back up there
The files that they want backing up
So to me that that's a great way to get involved in crypto and a great way to get involved in
The same mentality the same trojan horse mentality that hive frontends or hive blogging is this is just do something way easier
and store content
So that that to me is way more it makes it way the potential is way more available to way more people
Than what it would be on hive where you've got to be a content creator to mine crypto
So I think that's going to be super cool. I'm really looking forward to the testnet and we're looking forward to that coming out
Looking forward to other apps as well. You know, hopefully we get multiple other apps that want to back up some of their content
Um and want to be able to incentivize their community members for doing value-added activities
um, well, this would be a way this would be a way to do that and it should be very very cheap because
The majority of the people storing we think will be people that are just using their spare hard drive space on the computer
So they they weren't making any money off it before anyway, and this would allow them to monetize it
So they'll be able to do it very very cheaply
Um, which means that the the apps and anyone else that wants to back up files on hive
Would be able to do that at very low cost compared to what it would cost them to back up their files and say
using an s an s s2 server or
An amazon web service system or something like that or the savvy system to back up their
Their content. So yeah, why not incentivize your community members to do that?
So this is going to be a super cool additional value-added way to distribute rewards to people for doing positive interactions on the ecosystem
So yeah, looking forward to that a lot
And stay tuned because you're going to get paid some decent amounts of money for taking part in the test now as well
If you can incentivize it you can decentralize it
That's what we believe
And hive is now an incentive layer
Big deal if you look at 2024 you have so many things coming in, you know, it's perfecting to speak network
You have vsc
You have a lot of other games i'm hearing
You have the bond system potentially
Um, you know you have tokenized communities actually becoming plug and play
A lot of things that have been in development for a long time and when you're actually building this thing to work in practice
You'll find out you'll build it and then you'll run it in practice and you'll be like fuck
I gotta go back because this is that and this and this and this
And yeah, you can rush it out and say here you go
But you know, we keep jamming it into practice and getting back reiterating
But we're definitely at a point where we're confident enough to say this is it we got it
Like this isn't fairy tale. This isn't if it's built. It's being polished
It's much different than you know building something from scratch and polishing something. We're at the polish stage
We're definitely past much of the major
Um hurdles that we had and now it's just about getting the tiny practicalities to make it actually work
So people want to use it, you know
You don't think of all the little it should be on linux or it should be on this or it needs this sort of thing
Or oh, it doesn't work in this sort of program. That's what we're dealing with now
But if you go and look at the speed network, it's built man
This thing is real
And if you're going to incentivize it you can decentralize it
2024 is the time we can really do some damage here. We can
Distribute a lot further
We can have real tokenized communities that are censorship resistant that don't have to worry about being popped or controlled or taken down
Build the point system in such a methodical way where you you are protected from your own self
You don't have to worry about the sec knocking on your door. You earned the coin from your community
You weren't giving it you didn't buy some pre-mines some pre-sale
You don't have to worry about any of that shit. You earned it. You are scotch free, right?
And that's the whole thing people have been craving a way to earn if you look at friend tech and all these things
People just want to be a part of community build some status build some reputation provide some value
And who blames them?
Yeah, that's going to be key here, you know
A lot of people still don't understand that once you move your own token into an ico stake
Or a pre-mine stake
That is the definition of a security
And if you do well from that token, then it's likely the sec is going to start talking to you about having an emergency security
Well the way that we're doing these drops on hive
It won't be that way
There's so many different mechanisms you can use to distribute tokens to people from an initial drop
Um, like I was saying before you can take existing communities that are off chain and you can work out how they grade each other internally
So if it's a dancing community if they've got like
A way that they enter competitions and grade each other internationally for their dancing skill
Then you could drop tokens based on that, you know, as long as you can get an email address
You can do that. So if you know someone in that community, then you can start distributing tokens to
To those people
And it's the same for any community really most communities have a way to grade each other, you know
Most most communities end up saying hey, how do we form a hierarchy here?
And do it in a fair, you know as far away as possible
So they'll and the beauty of that is because they don't know that they're being
Dropped tokens to you in the past because this is this is retrospective
You can take any point in history before this technology became available and say okay
That's who we're going to drop to because they had no idea that they were they were competing for a token
And so you can really keep it away from the
ideologies of why the scc would regulate
Um, yeah, this gives you this is going to give you the ability to drop to off chain communities and on chain communities
And non-digital communities as well
Yeah, super super super powerful and really really looking forward to it
Yeah, once this thing comes plug and play just pointed at a community and give it away with you know, very little effort on your end
That's when these things become powerful because a lot of these meme coins don't have um in terms of
Like they're just basically a point system, right which is powerful
but if you could actually influence the trending of a front end that is
Located to just your community and no one else
Um, you could do this with any block chain just cut out if it did have like a pre-mine or a centralized
Um distribution you can cut that part out right and go for just the raw community that earned it or bought it afterwards
That's powerful, you know, maybe there's a harry potter front end and the community there can they'll use their meme coins to upvote
You know, maybe they deposit their mean coin into the dress and now they get these points and they can upvote
And they can influence the trending and you have to be a harry potter in you person to vote, you know to
Be able to post on this front end and you do that with every chain and then the front it happens to be censorship resistant
Right, like it's decentralized. You don't have to worry about some person taking it down
I think there's a lot a lot. I think that that vibes with a lot of people
I've never heard somebody say now that sucks. I want to be controlled, you know
Yeah, and I think that the cool thing here as well is that you can demonstrate this now
We're going to be in in 2024
We're going to be in a position to be able to demonstrate this to people
You're not talking about this as an ideas point of view
Oh if you do it like this then it can't be regulated like that if you do
No, you're going to be able to actually distribute these tokens on a on a fair distributed basis to a pre-existing either
token balance in these existing communities on the blockchain or off chain to a pre-existing
Internal community ranking and distribute tokens that way and then from that initial drop people be able to vote for each other and distribute tokens
Distribute the inflation
Well, none of that has got anything to do with a pre-mine
None of that has got anything to do with an individual community member earning all the tokens
And so it's going to prove you're going to be able to turn around to the rest of the world and say look
We've done it. We've done it this way and it works
You know, and here's the proof. Here's the platform. Here's how you can get involve yourself and earn tokens
And here's the decks where you can go sell them on
That's going to be 2024 and and it's it's gonna I think once we do it once
Anyone that talks about an ico from that point forward, especially any influencer, we're just going to be able to say
This is the way you're supposed to do. You're not supposed to do it that way and look we've got a model of it
Set up here and it works
And at that point it's going to be very difficult to win the argument
What you do is you just cut out his ico pre-mine and drop it to the real fans
and then he'll see if he
When he goes crawling back see if he can actually earn it instead of
Um, yeah, because you're right. We're gonna make it cool to earn because that's how it should be, right?
Like they're your fans. They're I hate the word fans. They're like your supporters
You're your community
Why are you going to try to have an ico and dump on their heads and raise them?
You know 50 million or whatever they're raising
You know, why not, you know use the technology at hand and start off on the same foot
You're all the community and if your community rallies around you you're going to earn what you're supposed to earn
But if you don't have the confidence they're going to give it to you
Then you might have to go the ico route
I'd I'd say it was an even more of a power move to start off with zero
And say you know what my community is going to get the tokens
I'm going to get zero but I'm confident that my community supports me so much that with the content I create
I'm going to earn myself a stake in that over time
You know and the community yeah, it's a baller move for sure the baller is man
So so then you've got that situation happening once we demonstrate that once or twice
It's going to be very hard to win any argument about having a nice year in the future
When you could just distribute tokens this way
And yeah, just super powerful and this I thought was a really interesting point
You may bring in the influencers in here because you look at a lot of people in the industry in lots of industries and they've
They've all done the shit corner here even if they registered in a an scc security, right?
And then distributed their shit coin that way
And made millions of it
It's still kind of shitty behavior
Just distributing a token and then giving yourself like 20 percent of it or 30 percent of it or whatever
This is the opposite way this allows people who have lost credibility. This is what I like about it
You could be you know, a lot of politicians have lost credit credibility, right? No one trusts them anymore. It's kind of over
Well, this is a chance for these people to earn their credibility back in a genuine way that's voted by the community
right any disgraced person that
Maybe they they should have been given another chance or maybe they could earn themselves another chance
This would be a way for them to come back into the community and say hey
you know what i'm going to start off at work bottom i'm going to produce value and give back to this community to the point where
They start voting for me again, and then I earn my credibility back in the community
And and ultimately what it means as well is the top earners are often the most credible people in those communities
And so I just think this is it's going to be a new freaking paradigm, man
And we're going to be not only talking about it this year. We're going to be demonstrating it. That's that's the key thing
It's like you go produce community value in your community
And you're going to get rewards and you're going to be giving yourself credibility and the community is going to give it to you
You know, it's it's almost like a credibility build like a reputation builder
Yes, the further we get down this
the clearer it becomes
If you were to try to build this in another way or think of another way to get out of the situation
We're all currently in I can't think of another route. It's like tokenized communities have to be parallel economy
That's the only answer right? I can't think of another
Solution that'll actually work in practice
So these things they start off smaller stuff as meme coins, but then before you know it they become very powerful
The worrisome thing right now is there's a lot of what you would call influencers and we don't know
Who's giving them money to say certain things?
Once you've become hyper self-aware you study human nature
You can listen to people and you're like, yeah, he's saying some real shit
And then at the end you could be like, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What are you?
You know, like you can see the twists you can see the manipulation. It's like what the fuck you talk like
Why are you doing this? Why are you leading people, you know, you were leading them right to the right direction
But then at the last minute you don't
There's a lot of that going on and nothing's transparent these people aren't community back to run their corporate back
We don't know, you know, these centralized sites might be promoting other ideologies over
Certain others and so we just it's all we're all left in the dark and that's very dangerous right now because there's a sheep herd mentality
Oh 10 million people like this. It must be good. So i'm gonna like it, you know
Whether you agree with that or not, we have gotten to that place as a species and it's very important
We have transparency more than ever because if they don't see the other side of the argument
They're like well 10 million people agree and no one disagrees
How could you know who am I to disagree right? We can't be in that situation
You need to be able to have both sides of the argument
What the technologies we're building
Tokenized communities are what bring that to the light earn your credibility back earn your reputation
So when you speak we know it's coming from a place of credibility
Not some shadow vc puppet just pulling strings and you're saying certain things because you have certain incentives
Yeah, I kind of I kind of hate the
I hate the centralized cult followings that people have built
I'd much rather a cult following be built based on the fact that you slogged at a community for years
And you built something up
You know these days a lot of it's like centralized vc batch. You have to know the right people
And then when you can raise that money
Now now you get this massive cult following of people who think you're amazing
You know, it's a very weird phenomenon that exists in a centralized world. I don't think it exists in a decentralized world
I think a lot of the people that produce value in a genuinely centralized world
They will be judged by the community and they will build a cult following because they earned it
Not because it's the only option for people to go for because they have to have cognitive dissonance in the centralized system
In order to believe in someone, you know
I mean that's going to go away with this stuff
Let me read a couple of comments here. Taskmaster says no worry
The network state will take over in future. We are building that on hive a lot of tentacles form as yet
I mean ultimately these these front ends are the network states, you know, especially if they're tied to local local geographies
Which I think is going to happen. I mean, hopefully me and dan are going to prove this with one of the ones we're going to set up
You'll see a local
Um community frontend that's built up where people earn points for posts on that they'll be able to earn little votes from us
And it will allow us to start injecting money into an economy and create a parallel economy
in that local geography
I want to touch on the geographical part how powerful that is
So right now there's a lot of you know places in the world where if you speak out you can be harmed
And um, maybe you try to speak out in a pseudonymous way, but it doesn't get heard
So if you had a front end, let's just say there was a front end for a for a place any any
It went viral right a lot everyone used it
so if you're going to this location if you're going to this destination you look at this front end because that's what all the
The truth and information and the real news go and you have whistleblowers who have courage, right?
So any corruption is now put up on a mutable database
On that location. So people are being treated badly. It can be put up
Right. So I think having that as a system in place
everyone having that
I guess you can call it bullhorn
where you know
Politicians corrupt governments they have to watch themselves because now they can't just call up twitter and say take this down
And they'll look bad to say oh i'm gonna take down this community front end
It's like what does community front end has built some wells here or it's built?
You know infrastructure here or the people really like this why you know, they'll become unpopular
It's a game. They're gonna it's a game of hoops
They're gonna have to jump through and I think it's it's just an important weapon. It's a tool. It's defense
We can use as a people
And a lot of people could definitely benefit from having geographic tokenized communities
Yeah, non, so right says here I love that hive is greater building but how
How we market these things is very important as well
We need to revive existing communities improve word of mouth marketing, which has proven effective for many other projects blockchains
With the right incentive what this is what I like about these community front ends that are going to come out
You know at that point if you spin up your own community front end, it's your responsibility to market it as well
if you so wish
Um, I think it's going to be a very interesting thing to see happen because it will be a working tool that you'll have
So you won't have to pitch any ideas to people to be able to market based on actual physical results that you can see operating
Which gives you a head like a step a foot up over anything else you would have done in the past in the digital world
It gives you an a ready community ready-made ability to distribute tokens and value and a ready-made way to own your own platform
without having to do any dev work or
invest any money
So I think that's going to be that's going to be a super cool recipe and then it's a case of well
How do you market your own platform at that point?
And we're going to have all these other platforms split up and ready to to operate
And if people want to succeed they're going to have to go market their own platform and figure out ways to do that
I like skin in the game marketing people
If you say hey come here and they don't have any skin in the game, it's hard
But if you brute force network effects via hey, we dropped everyone on salana for example
Except maybe the centralized pre-mine that we can weed out, but just the community the community at large. We dropped you something for free
Well now they're incentivized to market it right because they have something for free that can go up in value
It's like oh, this is cool because it comes with its own front end. We cannot vote down vote something
So it's not useless. It's not like it actually has a use case that we might find useful
And let's say one community out of a hundred uses it
And they really adopt it and they really start marketing it because they want their community points to go up in value
Why not they have skin in the game?
So I think skin in the game marketing is it's humble marketing. It's like going up and beyond what you think you should
But just saying well i'm going to do it. Anyway, i'm going to do what others refuse to do
So I think skin in the game marketing brute forcing network effects is going to be huge with tokenized communities
and the easier that becomes
You know, like matt said once you have a tokenized community whether you made it or it was pressed upon you you're going to start marketing it
I think I think the other thing here as well is it's going to be such a cool tool
You know we talked before about how to how to
Cut out the centralizing pre-mine and vc stakes from a lot of these blockchains
We kind of took that on our own shoulders initially and we've been building the tools to do it ourselves
But in reality what we're really building is a mechanism through which anyone can take that tool
Effectively free an existing community that has a pre-mine or an ico
The equivalent of what hive did to steam to all these communities very easily
You know and that that's going to be in many ways
I'm almost more excited about other people taking on for their own personal
Initiatives and things that they're passionate about rather than just me and dan setting up a system whereby we dropped all these different blockchains
from ourselves, you know
It would be way cooler if like an individual member of the community said, you know what i'm going to run a platform
I'm going to drop to this blockchain and i'm going to exclude the pre-mine and i'm going to
Start marketing that to that community and see what they do with it
When you say liberating blockchains or liberating communities freeing communities
It's actually so if I had someone said you had to you had no choice you had to
Decentralize a centralized blockchain, right?
I know no one person can decentralize anything but you can attempt to and the attempt would be
Right because if you look at lido lido on ethereum, what is that?
It is a layer 2 token that lives on ethereum, right but it evolves with staking
So it has now gotten control
Right and in the future it's only going to continue to get control and now lido is going to be the governance of ethereum
Let's just say in that let's just for argument sake let's just say that happens
Well, what does that mean? That means it has a layer 2 governance
So why couldn't we do the same thing with this community token?
Why couldn't we go to a blockchain that's centralized cut out the pre-mine now they not only have a
solid network effect with no centralizing
Token they have a marker system a point system or to represent that
But they also have a front end in which they can speak their mind and actually come to consensus on things
Without having to rely on twitter like ethereum has for so many years
They can actually have their own front end and rally around it
That's huge because now you can make governance decisions on the layer 2 that affect the layer 1 because all a community is at the end
Of the day is people and if they can come together on a forum
Where stakeholders only can talk that's huge
So I think there is actually a hat trick there where some of these chains
They're just basically smart contract chains with pre-mines. They made a couple of mistakes
But they can you know, there's a way at least to govern them or give them a tool to where they can govern themselves
In a better way without the centralizing force
So it's huge
Yep, exactly that I think people are going to come to realize this as well through
Not just through theoretical discussions like this but through actual practical implementation of this over the next few months
And I think it's going to be really my favorite outcome of this is other people come to us and say hey
How can I do this for this community?
Right. How can I take that on and do it for myself?
And then we give you guys the tools to go do it yourself rather than
Me and Dan saying hey
We've just built this another front end that we've dropped open to the community go talk to that community, right?
I think it's going to be really cool when other people come and say hey
Is it really this easy to use these tools and be like yeah, it really is this easy
You can set up your own community and I like the I like the phrase liberating blockchains
That's what it is. You're going to be liberating other blockchains
And people I wonder why these things take so long because you just think tokenized community and I just picture in most people's mind
There's just like a big gallon with a hole in some fucking fat guy
Just slap some duct tape on and walks away and everything's fine. They're just tokenized community. It's easy, right?
It's like man, you have no idea you can either go the route of each token has its own decks
If the multiple tokens on one decks, you don't understand how overloading that becomes and that's crazy because
These layer one smart contracts have way more than that shit
So it just shows you how bloated they are and how
Unscalable they are because when you really try to do this from a community without millions of centralized funding to burn through
You know mattock has like a 300 million dollar bill every every year
You guys realize that shit. They got a fucking bill. They got to pay 300 mill bc back
They burning through the funds they raised on the icl and now they're talking about they running out of funds and shit
Like this thing like these things are for real. So when we're building them, we're like, whoa
like this obviously isn't going to work in practice
and then you're looking okay, well, how do we get like a
Because all ethereum is at the end of the day what people use it for is like a nasdaq
I want my ticker on there so I can go flip it on some decks, right?
That's where the liquidity is not using it for its infrastructure in another sense
So if we can create a nasdaq
We're just a ticker's trade
Right and then have the decks is separate from that like so you see the problem here
Like we were doing this from a practical point of view. It's not just so easy, you know
Throw up a tokenized community. It's like, okay. Well, how is it going to be scaled?
How is this thing going to be actually community run?
And when you really jam into practice over and over and over again, you get to see why we're you know, the solutions are being built
And we're definitely you know, like I said, everything we say sounds gained
Like in theory, it sounds right like it sounds. Okay, that makes sense
Which is important because if you talk about ethereum in theory, it don't make sense at all
It makes zero sense. I don't understand how people go along with it. So it's important to actually make the theory make sense to yourself
So we're very close, you know if you with the combination of honeycomb and bsc
I think that marriage
Is going to be able to make some highly decentralized dexes with the ability to trade tokens frictionlessly
So that's you know where we're getting
Not to mention the front ends and how to do the point systems
And all these little things that people just take for granted in terms of how to get this thing working in practice
years and years have gone into it though, and you know, here we are 2024 fast forward and
All these solutions are coming into play
You know, I just want to say importantly
We're going to be demonstrating this stuff. This is the key thing, you know
We you know this shows about demonstrating practical parallel economies
Well, that's what we're going to be doing and then you know, the inevitable questions are going to come
Oh, you guys just dropped some value, but you're a centralized shitcoin. Like, uh, no, we're not. Yeah, but you got ceo
No, we don't you got an ico. No, there's no ico. In fact, we cut out the ico supply from your drop
Because we want to free you we want to liberate you right and then they'll come out with some answer like why that's a bad idea
All right, drop your own token
We're gonna we're gonna we're gonna be able to get to a point where we demonstrate this stuff practically in order to spark the conversation
Spark the debate and then we're going to win the debate
You know, and then maybe people still don't like it. Okay, but
Go show me another system that does this it just doesn't work
Taskmaster says who can use ethereum for infrastructure? You will go broke
JP morgan will use ethereum for infrastructure and they won't go broke
But who wants to use a chain that JP morgan's running?
There's no alternatives. Yeah
If there's no alternative trading seashells and gold fuck what we're doing though, we're building the alternative
Um, I want to give a shout to ibb tammy. We've got our first thumbnail competition entry
So we've given her a nice little vote
She's got if you can incentivize it you can decentralize it which was a quote of taskmasters earlier in the show
Which is nice, but give us give us some more
Parallel economies demonstrating practical parallel economies in there as well. And if you can make it square, it would be very useful for our
Podcast thumbnails and please bear in mind that the the podcasts are difficult to see because they're small square thumbnails
So you need to have nice big text
But appreciate that first entry anyone else that wants to enter the thumbnail competition more than welcome
We'll be giving you some nice little votes
Idk samad says wanted to try lido once but those fees I need to change my mind. Yeah, tell me about it
Yeah comes lido is a stem of um
unparameter coin voting
you're always going to have a staking pool at the end of the day and the worst thing is the
Coin voting system was pre-mined ethereum and then lido
had a pre-mine
on the coin voting
So double pre-mine always the same mentality, man
How do I how do I form my community into becoming my exit liquidity?
That's what it is
Which was I guess was okay back in the day when everyone did it that way, but now you've got no excuse
There's no excuses
Yeah, how you have projects with runway that need to have bc runs just to keep operating and people think they're going to be
centralized or decentralized one day
The root awakening is going to happen sooner and later
Um taskmaster said somewhere. Oh, yeah speak network taking on amazon web services
Yes, I think this is another realization that's going to come in is that we can build
Decentralized infrastructure
incentivization systems that allow us to challenge the likes of aws
Because that's effectively what aws provides is massive
Massively, you to utilizeable
High throughput high scale infrastructure for various different digital products, but again, they're all centralized
They can turn you off and they did turn they turned parlor off
They just turned off the platform because they couldn't because they were using they had basically aws embedded
And now I may or may not agree with what parlor were doing
This technology allows you to have your community members run the infrastructure and be incentivized for it
You know, that's what this technology really does at the core
And so that's what we're going to apply it for on hive
To some extent i'm surprised that other communities haven't done that yet
Um, but again, you can't do it. You can't do it in a fair way if you have a pre-mine
Yeah, so a lot of dead end dead end work there
But that's what we're going to prove. We're going to prove with these tokenized communities that your community can run its infrastructure
Your community can run backups of your content
And be incentivized for it your community can have its own front end with very little technical inputs to set it up with zero cost
Um, it can have its own token
It can do drops of value to existing communities
I mean these are like core key things that are coming out this year on hive
That will demonstrate the practical utility of hive to everyone for everyone to see
if they don't like it i'd be very interested in their reasoning why they don't like it because
As far as I can tell we win every single question in the debate as well in their theoretical debate. We win it all
So it's really difficult to to reject one of these communities when they when they're kind of thrust upon you
But that's going to be very interesting to see actually down whether whether a lot of the existing core followings
Just reject this technology because they're like, no, we don't want to touch it. It's a shit coin
It's like well, okay explain to me where it's a shit coin because once you start explaining to me
I'll be able to beat you hands down on every single point that you make
I guess there's a certain approach that we need to have where we release the tokens in such a way
that people
Like the way that we do it. So we're adding value to people
Yes skin in the game marketing skin in the game marketing. I like that
But I I am kind of ready and pre-prepared and expecting the the shit coin reaccusations, you know
Which is going to be super annoying when they come
Yeah, they did their job. Well, that's for sure. They've
They've muddied the water where everyone thinks anything else out of bitcoin is a shit coin
And I don't blame them because it's just crazy
You think all of this is just organic bcs coming in this is controlled demolition, man
They're pumping this money into random shit coins getting people to chase fires left and right shiny things left and right
And they pump it with so much garbage that at the end of the day, you don't know up from down
And people get tired of it and they're like, well bitcoin is easy. Just rally around bitcoin
That's where you get these bitcoin maximists who have unrealistic
Parameters because they live in a world where it's only bitcoin and if you do live in that world, then yeah, you're gonna have some funky
Ways of you know kind of coming to terms with things, right?
But yeah, if you look at um, there's been waves of censorship, right and they come and they go
It seems like they they they clutch they clutch they clutch and then they let go and they see what's still around
What's living what's what's moving around if you saw, you know, you couldn't say, you know the c-word, you know covid came out
There's a lot of a lot of censorship around that and then every you know
Every softener is an important topic that's off limits and you can't you can't talk about it
And if you notice even three or four years ago, there was much more options for video than there are today
And the video options that are available today outside of three-speak are incredibly centralized
They've so we've gotten fewer options to go to speak our minds on video and the options have become more centralized
So you think when that next thing comes when we can't talk about shit because there was something we've noticed
When at the height of that when they had both hands around the throat of this species
They had our freedom of speech in their hands and they were going full strength
We had people like the doctor that came in and got hundreds of thousands of views
They found us because we were one of the only options literally one of the only options and he had odyssey
But odyssey went down
They didn't they didn't have the uh
the scalability in mind
So next time this happens, you know three speakers just been chugging along it might have its problems here and there
But we're just chugging along chugging along chugging along. We're here if you need us, right?
We're definitely that bullhorn you could put up and speak at any time
And did we become more decentralized or more centralized?
We've only become more decentralized. Not only that we've gained theoretically solved one of the biggest problems
Which is storage of launch data. We did all of that during a bear market while being overlooked while all these other centralized platforms people
Oh decentralization freedom of speech come to rumble
It sounds it's like it's like you're living in on cartoon land or um
I don't know. It's like they're trying to get you to accept a lie
So if they can just say the most audacious things and if you agree with it, well, then what else can they get away with?
So I think 2024 is going to be another word that we're not allowed to say and yeah
You have twitter and I look at twitter as the big ass fucking golden cage. It's there. It's practical
I know exactly what's going to happen people are going to flock to it and once it's gained the most power
It's going to do the same goddamn thing
And it's going to close the gate and everyone's going to be locked in and they're hoping there's no parallel
There's no parallel place
They can go because they put all their eggs in the twitter basket when everything else is centralizing and sensory they put it in
The rumble and twitter basket and they're going to close the fucking gauges and by that time people are going to be too tired
Too exhausted too corrupt too willing to just roll over to start over again
All right, so it's very important right now to
It's going to come there's going to be another word
We're not allowed to say and you're going to see him try to go for the throat again
And that's when we're going to have to just thrust it up and say here we are
I think one of the things that's cool about this is that
Of the few remaining so-called free speech platforms that are left over. Yeah, they might provide free speech right now
but they're still centralized and they're still going to have a lot of pressure upon them to
to capitulate
Isn't it going to be the case that hive and three speak are the only places places left?
Like you're going to have to use them whether you like it or not
In some ways. Well, I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope people come more voluntarily but
In in some ways it's like we've got our
We're putting our time and effort into this horse
Because it's ultimately the only one
We don't see another one out there that
Allows us to have censorship resistance in the way that it's provided on on on speak network and hive and three speak and other platforms
that are built on hive
So eventually people are going to have to come
unless on the flip side
Platforms like rumble integrate speak network so that they can decentralize their infrastructure and let their community operate it
Or unless platforms like rumble integrate hive accounts so that they have truly decentralized
Digital ids that can't be censored by centralized entities
Maybe that's the flip side is that other platforms start integrating this technology?
and I think this is going to be an interesting thing to see an interesting story to see unfold because
As we do as we release these community
Very quick community platforms with their own tokenized governance systems
That don't have icos pre-mines and ceos don't give the content creator any tokens from day one
Those content creators have to own their tokens
It's going to be you know, the debate's going to have to happen
It's going to force the debate because someone's going to say this is a shit coin and someone else is going to be like
Well, how how is it a shit coin?
You know, it ticks all the boxes that bitcoin ever ticks and it's zero free time transactions
um, and some people are going to have their
You know ideological reasons why they don't want to use this tech but it's going to be really hard to say it's not done correctly
At which point it's going to be really hard for the existing platforms that don't use much crypto such as rumble
To be able to say well trust us. We run the infrastructure. You're going to just trust us
Right. So we'll know over here. There's actually a solution that allows your community members to run the infrastructure now
We really can trust you
And I think breakaway communities and tech such as that are going to be able to force the debate and prove
Prove the debate, you know prove that we
We're talking about the right things over here
And we're doing this, right?
And I mean, maybe you know, i've always said this maybe it's not either ends up being the the result
But hives certainly will demonstrate how to do it properly
And yeah, maybe these platforms start integrating technology like this, let's see
Yeah, you always build on top of censorship resistance instead of trying to start it on your own
Um, we were lucky enough to have hive really as a black swan. Their plan was going perfectly. They had control of everything
And hive really just throws a fucking monkey wrench in their chain
You know, we've been building relentlessly on and off on and off on and off for so long
We weathered so many bears in so many seasons and we've seen so many different promises come and go
While our message if you listen to one of our first ctt episodes, you wouldn't know it was the first
We have the same damn message. It's been consistent. We spotted the problem so long ago
And I would say we I say us as a hive community everybody that forked over from the centralizing pre-mine
Everyone that had the same ideologies that could not be bought
We all see and saw the same thing whether it's different perspectives
But we all know that what we're doing is important for various reasons, but it's important to a lot of people
So here we are 2024 what is it seven seven years on this protocol now?
And every step of the way we've just molded it man molded under fire molded under the pressure of no vc funding
Being able to scale our way out of a hole used to have fat nodes
The nodes used to be so much more expensive. You remember fucking seemingly bitching about the bills. They had to pay millions of dollars every year
How far have we come like we've come so far from that moment to be able to be where we are today?
Yeah, it's exciting a lot of solutions are going to be coming this year and
We're going to be at least offering people a way to tokenize their communities and have free speech and let the chips fall where they may
Yeah, i've just seen a few new people join the room that I know i haven't heard what we said
I just want to repeat very briefly
2024 is the year where normal people are going to be able to spin up their own platforms
And tokenize them and distribute value to their community
And let their community run the infrastructure so that we have no influence over whether or not you can run that platform
You know, it's going to be your platform and your community's platform and no one's going to be able to shut you down
No one's going to be able to say anything about it and you're going to be able to have your own economy
It's taken a long time to get here
But the vision has been the same for years now and we're finally in the year now where we're actually going to demonstrate this practically
and so yeah, keep it keep an ear close to this space because
Things are coming fast and it's going to be so it's going to be so crazy in my opinion
And it's going to be a new paradigm because when people realize they can run their own platforms with no technical skills
at zero cost
Well, no, that's not correct. There is a server cost but that server's like five dollars a month
It's paradigm changing. I think you know, it's like having your own hive in your own hands
But your community's hired rather than having to run a hive community
So yeah, let's let's part that part of the discussion. Let's move on to another one here. Um
We talk a little bit about this before but I like the way tasks rephrasing it here
He says facebook instagram will join google enabling bitcoin etf ads and then his comment is the hijacking of bitcoin is underway
I mean if that doesn't mean the bitcoin hasn't been hijacked because as we all remember at the top of the steam market back in 2018
That's what that was the same day that they banned crypto ads on facebook and instagram and everywhere like that
So now they're re-enabling ads for what for the bitcoin etf. Oh, what a shocker
Get your bitcoin into our custodial bitcoin, so you don't have non-custodial bitcoin
So you don't own your own bitcoin and we hold all the bitcoin, right? That's and that's the way we want it
You know high bitcoin fees on the base layer. All your bitcoin is custodial with us. All your bitcoin is safely with us
Oh doesn't it just defeat everything the bitcoin was ever supposed to be
I guess it's inevitable though, you know, we know in many ways we want the same thing on hive. We want big institutions using hbd
Um, maybe some people in this room disagree with that. I know I know specifically one will
but you know, I see
That is the beauty of hive is that we can have big institutions holding a lot of hbd on the base layer using the hive financial network to
Use bonds to collateralize loans
And make speculative investments as they do with the euro dollar system at the moment
But just more transparently with much lower interest rates because it'll be transparent
That's kind of inevitable it's going to happen on high whether people like it or not
Um, but the beauty of hive is that if those accounts switch across and start powering up the community can see it and react to it
Because we've got the one month delay on the base layer the government
You can't really do that with bitcoin, you know, they're going to punt the fees high they're going to kyc layer layer two
And they're going to operate layer two really cheap. It'll be jp morgan infrastructure if you'll be using
to transact on the lightning network
With a nice kyc on there. Well, that isn't going to be possible on hive no matter who you are where you're from
Even if you're a big institution that's holding a lot of hbd, you're just not about to get people's kyc
So I I think it works from all angles, you know, I think it works from all angles
I'm really excited about how it's going
Yeah, most most bitcoin is going to live off chain
Um, and it's going to stay off chain
It's never going to be completely on chain because the fees are going to be prohibitive and then the base layer bitcoin
Just going to be a settlement layer for the elites
So that means you're going to have lightning network bitcoin you'll have bsc bitcoin
You might have some other patches of communities that create their own version
But for the most part you're going to want to get as much bitcoin onto these layers as possible
I wouldn't change the thing about bitcoin. I you know, it's become
I wouldn't say it's centralized. It's an elite coin
It's going to be for the elites to settle the base layer is going to be prohibitive for most people
But at least we can attach onto it and create a parallel economy without you know, you couldn't do it
I couldn't go put a bridge on the side of chase bank and do dollars
But I can't with bitcoin. I don't need to ask for permission and we can then get that bitcoin onto a feeless layer
And bitcoin will then sell right because bitcoin is always liquid as long as you can cash it out
You might have to pay a fee
But like I said, most people are just going to become an iou system
No, one's everyone's just going to agree not to cash out because it doesn't make any sense and it'll take the lightning network bitcoin
or the bsc bitcoin
Based on the bitcoin value, right?
You'll be able to spend your lightning network bitcoin anywhere you want
And as long as you can cash out your bsc bitcoin to a lightning network bitcoin with these you have no problem people accept the bsc bitcoin
And that will be our fiat liquid bitcoin is fiat for hive. We don't need a bank. We don't need a coin base
We don't need a centralized exchange. We just need feeless bitcoin
And a dex that's it. That's all we need
Once you got your bitcoin you go cash out to any fiat you want in the world lightning network is going to dominate
It's going to take over every aspect every business is going to have lightning network incorporated
And you're going to be able to cash that out from your little app a thousand apps
No problem to any currency in the world next five years
That's guaranteed in my opinion
And as long as we have a way to attach to the lightning network v4v shout out to brian of london
He's been working tirelessly on this very important for the future of hive and and voltec bsc
To be able to have this bridge from what I would call decentralized bitcoin on bsc to centralized bitcoin on the lightning network
But if you're going to fiat you don't care about the centralization aspect. Do you you just want to cash out the fiat?
And the other thing there that's worth noting is that that is hives protection
Because it doesn't matter where we get the listed from at that point, you know, once the system figures out they can't shoot hbd down
I predict there's going to be multiple delistings from different exchanges
Um because hive will be a threat, you know
No, you can't it's a kyc. It's a non-kyc stable coin that you can't regulate. What it's like
Yeah, they're like oh get off the exchanges remove the liquidity while our goal then is
And this is the beauty of this system
You need to provide hbd as collateral to your bridge if you're providing a bridge from bitcoin to hives
Right. So that's that that's basically you saying hey if I fuck around if there's a wood pool here
The people using my bridge get to have my hbd and the hbd is worth more than the bitcoin that's on the bridge, right?
The infrastructure operators are staking their own money to say hey, you can trust me that system's built into smart contracts on vsc
And what but what it means is that they then have the right to to operate the bridges and those bridges take fees
so every time you move bitcoin from
Bitcoin to hive bitcoin or from hive bitcoin back to the normal bitcoin
The bridge operator will take a fee
So they'll be able to earn the staked hbd that they stake at 20% apr, which is a current rate
Plus whatever fees they make for the bridges and if there's no bridges operating or one bridge operating
They're going to get all the fees
They're going to be making like 30 40 percent on a year on top of their hbd
Which is 20% and the more people that bring that bring bridge infrastructure the lower the fees are going to be obviously
So there'll be a nice market balance there at some point
But i've got a mind and I don't know if i'm going to do this
Certainly isn't financial advice don't do this because i'm saying it and I like to think that most people don't do things that I say
Um, but i've got a mind to just like leverage everything i've got get as get my hands on as much hbd as possible
And as much bitcoin as possible
And put them onto these bridges so that we have liquid bridges going across to bring as much bitcoin from the bitcoin
Ecosystem to the hive bitcoin ecosystem by the zero fees
Because at some point
I think it's inevitable that the exchanges are going to start delisting the listing high when they realize that they can't shut it down
It's a non-ky stable stable coin
They're going to have to take action and that's the most obvious route of action to remove liquidity
Well, we've got a certain amount of time before that happens to bring as much liquidity by these
Vsc bitcoin bridge as possible. So as a community
We should be doing everything that we can to put to put liquidity onto that bridge
So that when the inevitable delisting of hive happens
We're just like we really don't care. We've got all the liquidity we need here on the bitcoin bridges that we use
The infrastructure operators are paid. They get a 20 apr on the hbd that they put up stake onto the bridge
They make the fees on the bridge crossings
We're fine we're over here we've got incentivized bridges no one can stop that from happening and
I can move
You know as much bitcoin as ever moved on binance in one transaction on the hive bridges
On the vsc bridges as what I used to move on binance. Well, once we get to that point
We really don't care. We really don't care if we get delisted or not
And and that to me is a big security
Issue that hive has and this this system is going to solve it if the liquidity comes onto the bridges
Yeah, I mean when we say we live in the worst case scenario and prepare for that
What would we be doing as a hive community if we got delisted off of all centralized exchanges?
What would be our primary focus as a community?
It would be to build a decentralized way to bitcoin
That's it. Right because we can only control what we can control. We cannot control centralized exchanges listing us
But we can control a decentralized bridge that we build to bitcoin
So it's urgent
Right any proposal that had anything to do with dexes would automatically get funded and be boosted all the way to the top
Because it would be a great need
But people don't react until they smell the fire
That's why the main goal for hive right now and we should focus on goals one at a time you have a main focus
You can say this is our top priority
If you look take a step back at hive from a security point of view, this is our main focus
We rely too heavily on centralized exchanges period you can put your head in the sand
Or you can realize the problem and do something about it and the great thing about it is the technology is there
We're building it and we even have people who are willing to fund and add liquidity at the beginning
So again, we are close to another solution. It is being built, but it should be more urgent as a community
We should be banging the bell and saying hey
Let's support let's do everything we can let's you know, throw everything we can at it and make sure it gets done
Don't wait till the binance delisting don't wait until these centralized exchanges delish you why would you wait?
Make it to where if it happens, you don't even notice it
Yeah, exactly
Freda says we don't need a bank interest in we you know, this is a realization. That's really important
We really have built a parallel economy here with hbd
And I think once these breakaway communities dedicate to local jurisdictions
Start to take hold and people can demonstrate on these breakaway communities that they are purchasing
Local goods in hbd that they've done the work to implement and it's really easy to do through v4v app
Anyway, all you've got to do is get
Teach the retailer teach the coffee man how to just
Type in v4v app on his url browser. He doesn't even need to download an app
And it's all there for him to use
Um, then you can pay for your coffee film it film the qrcode being scanned and people like me and dan you posted to spend
Hashtag spend hbd
And you can see you can go there right now hashtag spend hbd on hive and you can see all these people getting
More money back in upvotes for what they spend on their coffee or the local shopping
Because they're demonstrating that hbd can be spent. That is a parallel economy because that coin can't be ky seed
And because it operates all over the world and because it's a stake
It's a stake-weighted voting token
That is in so many different countries
I mean you try shutting that down. I just don't see it happening
So we have built a parallel economy in which you don't need a bank and once we have that bitcoin bridge
We always have a liquidity pool back to the token that will be you know convertible into fiat if you want to go use
fiat bridges
So we don't need a centralized exchange at that point
Um, so it's going to be super again. Another really interesting part of 2024 that's coming very very fast. I'm really excited about
Um, are dk samus just made a really interesting observation
He says I just realized speak network comes in deep in decentralized physical infrastructure networks narrative
It's a new narrative taking a hike this year
Yeah, I mean
This is this is it's a real narrative that people are starting to pick up on
Wait, what did what did he call that? He calls it deep in decentralized physical infrastructure networks
Decentralism deep in release deep in turns kind of go I guess
Yeah, they're really good at coming up with the narrative name, you know
But when it comes to the actual narrative
Right, right
so so deep in is quite an interesting
narrative name but
And the whole point is you start to see people set up networks where they can deliver physical infrastructure or run
Stuff on a on a really lightweight node that they run off their home computer or off some other really really lightweight system
And then incentivize the operation of that
Well, I think on speak network it goes further because you're actually doing an activity
You're actually providing a content delivery system or you're actually providing an encoder system or you're actually providing storage
But again, it's done on your own physical infrastructure
And we've made that
Cookie cutter so that anyone can easily download and run that software without having
Very much technical expertise you the whole encoder system just runs because you've run the infrastructure
The whole storage system just runs because you're running the storage infrastructure. You don't need to have any more expertise than that
yeah, it's it's interesting to see it take hold and I mean
It's interesting as well because we haven't really gone crazy about speak network. We haven't marketed it certainly
Tokens are being distributed
On a very very small scale such that when the ecosystem ramps up and and the test net's completed. That's when the real
Inflation distribution is going to start
So it means that early adopters don't really get as much advantage as what they would have done in previous tech
But they still get some advantage in that they can have the votes
Wait initially to choose who the critical infrastructure operators are
But yeah the deep this is I see this happening on so much where a narrative comes and goes
You know and hive was already doing it years before
It's like decentralized social came and went and hive was doing it before decentralized social was around and after the central social
Social was gone
This deep this deep in will probably be a similar thing. I imagine
You know all signs were on the right path
All signs were on the right path. That's for sure
A nice comment. Nice observation. I'd okay. Someone will certainly be keeping an eye out for that
For that narrative going forwards
One more comment from id ibb tami says yeah, I did see a lot of people using hbd to buy different things
And it's super cool hbd to the world. I think that's because she's looking at the spend hbd tag
um, if any of you have got
A way to spend lightning in your local area in a coffee shop or in a shop or something
You can use v for v to pay with hbd. So you can pay your lightning invoices with hbd stable coin
Anywhere in the world that there's a lightning
ability to paint lightning
So this is the other thing I think is really cool that hive's going to piggyback on the explosion of lightning and the bitcoin utility
Side of things although having said that as bitcoin becomes an elite coin
It's not going to be in as many people's hands as it
As I think we once thought it would be so maybe spending bitcoin using lightning isn't going to be as easy and spending hbd using
Lightning lightning isn't going to be as easy as we thought because it's not going to be as widely accepted
But we'll see we'll see how that goes
I think you're gonna have a stable coin on a centralized stable coin on lightning network or um
I mean there'll be some centralized layer too on bitcoin, but I think lightning network because look the liquid layer
Run by a lot of the core devs at them back
Didn't really take off
So lightning network really is starting to take off if you talk to people in certain countries like it's big
And it does have a use case. It's just centralized. It's going to end up in the central
In big companies hands
But as you said you can you know go from hive bitcoin to
Lightning network bitcoin without a middleman without a kyc once you're on the lightning network
You know it's up to you and who you're trusting who you're cashing up to right?
That's like the game you're playing but when you're playing hive bitcoin, you know, you're good, you know, it's not going to be
Seized or taken from you or frozen which can happen on the lightning network because you're trusting the node
That note goes offline you lose your money, right?
So unless you run your own lightning network note, but we already know that most people aren't going to do that or aren't even capable of doing that
the other thing that's cool about that is that
Once you've got hive bitcoin or h bitcoin
I know brian of london's already working on a way to allow people to spend h bitcoin directly
Through v4v to pay lightning invoices on the bitcoin network
So, what does that mean? It means that your payments on the lightning network will come through like brian's node
But he's got no way to tie that note back to you. So it means you're spending on the bitcoin network. It's going to be anonymous
And then the other cool thing that's going to happen and we should always keep pressure on brian for this
The problem with open source code is this
You you build your prototype and it's spaghetti code, right?
You wouldn't ever want anyone to see it, but everyone just knows it works
So you're like, okay the thing's working
But no one's going to see this code because it's going to make me look like a terrible dev
Right. So we we're certainly in that position with three speak at the moment, although we have
Almost finished the refactor and we're going to be open sourced and all of that soon
So anyone can run their own three-speed platform. We don't happen to do any dev work
Um, well, it's the same thing with v4v at the moment brian is refactoring the code
But I don't think he's that comfortable to make it
public in terms of being able to run your own node
But that is going to happen especially if a community kind of holds them to account on that
Once that happens what it means is that there's going to be multiple hopefully dozens of different
v4v nodes operating on the lightning network
So that we're not all going through brian
We'll be going through any number of these and there'll be some kind of random allocation somehow where randomly gets you through
nodes, there's no like preference
That is going to be so powerful to this whole thing
Because then it means you really will have anonymous spending on the bitcoin side
And you won't be relying on one node. You'll be relying on the whole network of people running these v4v
infrastructure nodes
So that's going to be super super powerful when it comes I just want to talk about running infrastructure
I've seen task make multiple comments here
Um task is running with his town hall witness
Um, it seems to be running multiple different pieces of infrastructure on hive. So looks like he's running a vsc node
I think he's running a speak node
Um, I say he there's I know there's multiple people behind the town hall witness
But yeah, they're they want to give a shout out to those folks because they're dedicated to running infrastructure on hive
And the I think they'll probably testify to the fact that it's not as complicated of an infrastructure you might think it is
Um and networks like the speak network will certainly make it easy for any of you guys to get involved in running
Just just even if it's storage infrastructure
You know, that's the most simple version of infrastructure
but the more people in an infrastructure we have the more rewards we're going to be able to distribute
And the more stable and decentralized and reliable the whole hive and speak network ecosystem is going to be
So yeah shout out to people in infrastructure
Any more comments been a good two hours this is anything else you want to talk about
Yeah, it's just mentioned. Um, once you have hbtc h ltc is easy. Yeah, I know that's uh, definitely
Some of the teams working on once they've got h bitcoin running
They'll almost certainly have h like coins fairly short and short or after because it's very similar tech and it's very easy to implement
That's it. Once you got one of these things done you can you know
I imagine they'll have h ethereum at some point and then from that follows on all of the layer twos and ethereum fairly easily
There's a big opportunity for liquidity in this ecosystem and then if you imagine, you know
What you're really looking at then what's the next step then it's it's felis d phi, you know
That's going to be the selling point. It's like yeah, we've got felis d phi over here
Um felis smart contracts and felis d phi
Yeah, you just target the layer twos
You go where you think is going to happen
We believe the fees on bitcoin are only going to get higher or if bitcoin fails
So we're going to go ahead and bet on it and say well, we're going to go to lightning network
That's going to be where we bridge to
And then the same with ethereum you can go to an ethereum layer 2 the dominant layer 2 that has no fees
You cash out to that once you're on that chain. It's easy to get back into ethereum or whatever else you need
So that's sort of what we're looking at we're not looking at
Oh, how do we bridge to the main chain?
It's like we don't care if you bridge out because most of the time if you are cashing out you're cashing out into that ecosystem
Anyway, and you're you know, you're cashing out the fiat or whatever
So you don't even care if the layer you get on is centralized as long as the fees are low
that's what the majority of people care about so
um, if you look at
More of ethereum for the altcoins and um people wanting to speculate and get on that chain on the layer 2 there
We'll have a bridge
But then the main focus for cashing out would be lightning network in my opinion going to bitcoin
I think lightning network is just going to be accepted in a lot of places and
We can piggyback right off of the success as people say hey, I can actually earn and then you know
Transfer that over the lightning that makes it real
A lot of people look at a crypto and they think oh, it's not they don't think it's real
They think like it's not like you hear bitcoin. They know they can cash that out
Um, so once that triggers
You know people like oh, wow, and then once you use hive just a few times you're gonna realize how much better it is
So there's definitely a good ploy there to ride the lightning network wave or any layer 2 on ethereum as well
Yeah, I really like the idea of um
Um, you know, it feels as though this is a victory lap of the of the system, you know taking over bitcoin having the bitcoin etf
It's going to become more and more an elite coin
But it will as a result always have that liquidity exit and then they're making it that way
That there's going to be the liquidity exit there back to the fiat universe
And it's just like yeah. Thanks very much for that. Thank you. Yeah, okay
Yeah, you you kind of you're hiking the fees on the base layer
It's not it's not going to be the poor man's coin like we thought it was going to be
But it's going to be the poor man's liquidity exit because the technology we've built on hive makes it that way
And I just I really like that. I really like the it's almost an irony
But yeah, we're going to use your subverted system against you
And we're going to keep our kyc stablecoin operating
Where we don't have to sorry, that's the kyc
Non-kyc stablecoin operating
And if people so choose to use your kyc layer to get out then they can and there's nothing that you can do to stop us
From doing that
You know, but in the meantime people can keep their anonymity by using pseudo anonymous hive accounts to move their stablecoin around it
Zero fees light and fast
And paying for things with it. I just think that's a beautiful symbiosis
And a beautiful irony
Yeah, it's a needed stepping stone because without any kind of way to exit into the fiat world
They have you they have you trapped
You can't you you can't just poof a parallel economy out of existence out of nothing. It's a it's almost a vampire attack
You're sucking out of one economy to the other because one economy has gone bad and the other economy has proven better
So if you look at lightning network and bitcoin, it's just done all the work for us
Infiltrated all the banks has gotten to all the currencies and they can't say no because it's trustless on that layer
Once you have it then yeah, you you cash out to you you don't you're risking centralization
But off of it you're good and we don't have to ask for permission. So it's a necessary stepping stone
Yeah, absolutely, um, I saw someone I can't remember who it was because in leo seems to be having a problem with the ctt
Podcast at the moment, but someone was mentioning. Uh, where do I read more about this? I think they were talking about the speak network
Um, so i've posted the link tree to the speak network
Our twitter so if you go to the twitter space you'll see in the comments there there's a speak network lintry where basically every
Important article that we've written or important instruction on how to use it that we've written in the past
Is pinned to that lintry in a certain order that you can go through it
And you know you read a good chunk of the articles on there
And you'll be very able to speed with what the speak network is and how it works and how to get involved with it
um, i'll also post the
link tree to
and proof of access
Because that's also a very important part of this
Proof of access is the algorithm that we use to reward people for storing content on nearly speak network
Um, so that's also going to be a very interesting read for people who are interested
I'll put that there in one second
Yeah, so that's going to go on the on the twitter space in the comments
It's there
You should be able to get that as well if you want to do any further reading
And also every time we release like an instruction that tells you how to set up infrastructure
Or an instruction that tells you how to get involved with the test net which has come in very very soon
And then we'll we'll update those link trees so that you
You have the latest information on there and you can keep going about that if you need to refer to it
Well, I mean I could I could really keep this going to be fair, but I feel like we should probably call it
Call it quits there
And just say happy new year everyone. Sorry. We're a bit late. We've had a bit of a hiatus
But we're back and
Hold us to account on this
We will be setting up parallel economies. We will be using breakaway communities to do that
We will be incentivizing people to just to spend hbd in local stores
Uh and record evidence of the fact that they're doing that and using the qr code scanning systems on v4v
And we you know at some point later on in the year. We will be distributing tokens
To to those um to those platforms so that these communities have their own tokens
And I think that's going to be a massive thing. Oh, there was one other thing. I can't read it right now
Um, i'll be interesting you'll we spoke about this at length in the past but maybe it's good to reach out to it
Dylan hobart was who is um, metal grow. I think his name is metal grow yet on on twitter
He was just mentioning in the thread the
Is it tlva vagabond or tlv the last american tla vagabond or something?
He was a very interesting content grade. It's been a long term steaming and hygiene
And he's now saying that he's being censored on hive
I mean dan and I we're obviously very we're very frustrated with this situation with the downvotes on how many
Very influential influential influences has pushed off
I mean my comment on is is that
Part of it is because of the way we sell steaming stalled steaming right the way we sell hive come blog post and earn
Um, I think that should be a secondary sales point
I think the main sales point should be the fact that you have digital sovereignty and digital human rights here
And then if you do earn something, it's a bonus
the solution, you know like the
That's you know, it's good and it's bad and if you look at the way the euro soul's done
It very clearly shows on I think the website's called
Hive alive
I think it's called
You can go and see all the downvoting there that happens and you can see that
80 of downvoting is legitimate, you know, there's a legitimate reason for people downvoting people
But there's a good 20 now that's like people at war with each other
And people are using the downvoting system and it's pushed off a good number of very good influences from hive
and it's very sad to see um
but dad and I have never really waded into countering downvotes too much because
We feel that building positive stuff building useful tools
Eventually wins out
And I genuinely believe that the answer for tlva burger bond who thinks is being censored on hive
Well, yeah, you're being censored on the main front ends because their algorithms are very simple
And their algorithms just show content that's voted with high
So you're really being censored by their algorithm not being censored by hive
Their algorithms, maybe they should work on their algorithms a bit more
Maybe that's the pressure that you should put on to the the main front ends
You know, maybe they should be a little bit more complicated than just how much hive is on a blog
Well, the beauty of the beauty of where we're going on hive is because you're going to have these layer two platforms
These breakaway community platforms with their own tokens
Well, maybe the community can choose not to not to distribute tokens to the people who are famous for downvoting
Of using a downvote on hive, right? Maybe that's what you do. Maybe that's how you combat this
And then you can't be downvoted by these people
Maybe you make your layer two token so good
Your economy and your community there so good because that's what this gives you the opportunity to do
That you have so, you know, you have so much value flowing into the community now, you can go and buy hive go buy the layer one
And then tell me you're being censored
Because your community is so good
And you created so much attention online
You have extra surplus that you can now use that token to go buy the layer one with right?
That's how you combat this
And ultimately eventually some changes will be made to make the downvoting system more nuanced
But once you can earn on layer two and you can set up your own layer two communities and economies
You can buy the layer one
And I think that's one of the solutions here
You can also distribute the layer two token in such a way that you make sure you cut out those people that are abusing the layer one
If you so if you feel so strongly about it
Well, then who's going to downvote you on the layer two, you know
You keep building solutions like that and eventually
You make the layer two the layer one downvoting situation meaningless
Right. Another thing that we're going to put in on these communities is the ability to subscribe to content
The ability to subscribe to content creators the ability to tip them
So that over time i'm not saying this is going to happen straight away, but over time
The amount of rewards that you earn on your high of layer one upvote for your content
Is going to be say 20 of the rewards that you earn generally around the ecosystem because of donations because of subscriptions because of
layer two content rewards
content token rewards
We just keep building these tools and over time
You're not really going to care if you get downvoted on the layer one or not. It's going to mean almost nothing to you
And then you can't say that you're being censored on high
You follow especially if you're putting some energy into your layer two token so that it's strong enough that you can buy high
And now who's going to downvote you?
So that's our answer to it. We've gone over it many times before
I feel there's still people being pushed off high and they don't understand this. They don't understand this argument
They their whole soul and heart is poured into earning high rewards and blogging and putting loads of effort into that blogging
So you can earn high rewards and then when they get downvoted they get disillusioned and they leave
But no one explains this situation to them. No one sits them down and says hey
Do you realize the tools being built on high will mean that your layer one downvote is basically meaningless?
And you're going to be able to buy the layer one with your layer two token
If you're that good, right? You're going to be able to get subscriptions
You're going to be able to earn from donations you'll be able to earn from layer two tokens
To the point where your high layer one token is going to mean that much anyway
Why are you leaving then? So why are you leaving?
Why are you going around saying that you're being censored on high when really you're not you're just being censored on algorithms?
That don't have very complex trending algorithms, right?
On three speak, you're not censored because our algorithm doesn't work like that. Our algorithm works on views and comments
Doesn't care how many downvotes you've had you still on trending right? And as time goes on these front ends that are being built out
They're all going to have their own trending feeds
There's going to be more and more customized trending feeds built so that the downvotes mean nothing if that's what you feel is important
So it's a frustrating argument
It's frustrating to watch people get frustrated and leave and say hives a censorship mechanism when it isn't
It's the front ends that have got really basic trending algorithms that should be held to account. They're not
And so people leave
I've my answer that is put more pressure on the on the front ends to get better trending algorithms so that you're not censored
On yeah, you never censored on highs you never ever sent someone high
That's the key thing your account is still there your content still there
And when you can put that content onto your own front end where you can't be censored
Well now you're not being censored are you?
And that's coming
Yeah, you said it well, I agree
There's also
Tweaks you can do in the downvoting
I don't think it's a main priority right now. I think there's other things that we
need to focus on but
I don't believe the what you would call proof of brain. I call it incentivized stakeholder distribution. Whatever you want to call it
I think it's about 50 done. I think we've got about halfway there. We've solved an incredible problem
Which is how do you distribute something without somebody only distributing it to themselves?
um the first couple of years
or i'd say
Two or three years into the existence of the protocol
We had uh, it broke. It was a broken protocol because people would just self-vote and there was no
No way to practically counter it because it was an opportunity cost to do so
People were incentivized to so we we learned a lot about how this voting algorithm works
Just by running it through practice and seeing human nature
Just by offering a free alternative to downvotes
We actually have downvotes now because people used to not downvote people would just sell
Yeah, somebody called hygien and they just upvote
Spam 10 times a day at 100 percent and no one would counter it because it would cost them money to do so basically
Introducing free downvotes only that little tweak eliminated bid bots and self voting overnight for the most part. Let's say 99 of it
And now yeah, you still have the problem with heavy-handed downvotes now, right?
Like it's like there's there's some tweaks we can do there as well
But as Matt was saying with our baby out with the bath water understand the protocol what it does
Layer two communities being able to counter in a lot of different ways
And you can create your own sort of upvote downvote
Algorithm on your layer two as well experiment
But I do believe there needs to be some future changes inevitably to the downvoting on hive
I've talked about it. We've talked about extensively before I don't want to get into it now
But there's definitely some tweaks and parameters we can add just as we added the free downvote
There's a little bit of tweaks in there. We can get in there and
Add some incentive incentivization
And I think that we can solve it
Or at least make it a lot better. It's not gonna be completely solved some crabs will always get out of the bucket
But we'll be able for the most part
And I think we're in a good place now
Right, but I think it can be better
Yeah, I mean I just want to reiterate, you know
You're not being censored on hive
You might be being censored on some of the frontends because they only show content that's got a hive on it
But you're not being censored on threespeak. I know that for a fact
Because threespeak just trends based on views and comments and interactions. It doesn't trend at all based on
How much hive is on your blog, right?
And as time goes on there's going to be more and more frontends
Maybe even your own frontend that you can spin up easily where you can customize your own trending feed
Yeah, you could argue that a couple of the frontends that are popular on hive
They're not really showing you content. I wouldn't say they're censoring you but they're not showing you content
But hive still got all your content on it man. And hive is not not to blame here. Hive is not to blame
Hive is is not a sensitive mechanism in that sense
It's just that people get emotional when they lose rewards when I get it
That doesn't mean the hive is censoring you that just means that there's a couple of really basic trending algorithms that should be improved
That where you won't get censored on
And I just wish people took that view on it a bit more
All right, that's all I got for this week, um, we're going to start keep these going regularly from now on
So we'll see you all next Saturday for episode 100 in episode 100. We're going to be well
I haven't spoken to you about it yet Dan
But i'm hoping that we're going to be doing a few giveaways. I'll certainly put some money in
So we'll have a few hundred dollars worth of giveaways for people. We'll come up with something for next week and
Have a have a good old funny show to celebrate episode 100
Yeah, that's a big one count on me to throw something in as well. So see you all next week episode 100
All right, cheers all speak to you all soon