5 guys 1 phone - Melt up in Miami! 🚀

Recorded: May 18, 2023 Duration: 2:00:52



Hello, hello, hello everybody. Thank you guys for tuning in. We're gonna have a really fun kind of informal casual space here. We do have people coming and going bad timing though. I did just start the space and then we have three guys run across the street to go to a gas station to get some I think energy drinks or something like that.
But I'm sitting here right now with Hagrid. We're just kind of watching the market. So actually let me give me just like 30 seconds here. I'm going to see if these guys are coming right back. But if not, we're going to have some fun. We're going to talk about markets. Really fun day today in the markets. A lot happened. There was definitely some
some face melting to the upside. So a lot to dissect. So just give me like 30 seconds here. So you guys want to come up and hang out. Oh, we got premise here. He's premise is going to be on the on the phone. Hence the title five guys one phone. But yeah, he might be at the gas station. Just give me like 30 seconds and we'll kick it off. Have some fun.
Alright guys, we're gonna kick it off here. We're gonna talk about the market. We're gonna have some fun. We're here in Miami. We've got just about the entire because Bitcoin team here, less a couple people that couldn't make it. It had some conflicts. One of our guys here, one of the pillars of our business.
business here, Valentin, I see him in the audience. He's in Europe, so the jet lag just was going to just knock him out unfortunately. So he wasn't able to make it, but we're having a lot of fun here as a team. It's always weird meeting people in person because you hang out online every single day and you get to know them there and then
suddenly they walk through the door and you're like, wow, this is like a real person, you know, not just a profile picture, but we had a lot of fun last night, everybody flew into town. We got a couple more guys, we got pain coming in tonight, we got Edward coming in tonight, hopefully doing some really fun stuff, making some content videos and stuff like that, but
While we were out and about today, we checked out the conference and stuff like that. I had a bunch of trading view alerts popping off of my phone. Almost every key level that I was watching above were priced currently on equities, got tagged. It's pretty unbelievable to see. I don't know
the exact percentages that everything closed today, but wow, Nvidia just went absolute Chad mode today. I think it finished up almost 5% on the day, truly unbelievable strength. I say my one regret this year was not buying some close to the bottom.
Or anywhere within the, I mean, you could literally have just bought it at like any any week this entire year and you may have been down for like a very very small period of time, but you got to love seeing something like that. And if that's not indicative of some sort of appetite for risk in the markets,
I don't really know how to help you. There's definitely things running. I would say that you could have done really, really well just buying things on the perception of them being, you know, X amount off of their all-time highs this year. You could have looked at Amazon, you could have looked at
Google you could have looked at Microsoft. Really any of the blue chips, Nvidia included and just been like, "Yeah, that's pretty far off. They're all time highs and they're still making money. I guess I'll throw some at it and done really, really well." I will say this though, there's kind of a line in the sand that I like

FAQ on 5 guys 1 phone - Melt up in Miami! 🚀 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast is about the markets.
Who is the host?
The identity of the host is not given.
Who is Hagrid?
It is not specified who Hagrid is.
What happened in the market today?
There was a lot of upward movement in the market.
What company showed strong growth today?
Nvidia showed strong growth today, finishing up almost 5%.
What was the host's regret this year?
The host's regret was not buying some Nvidia close to the bottom.
What blue chips could you have bought this year and done well with?
You could have looked at Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia and done well.
Is there appetite for risk in the market?
Yes, there seems to be appetite for risk in the market.
Who couldn't make it to the meeting in person?
Valentin couldn't make it to the meeting in person because of jet lag.
Will Pain and Edward be making any content videos?
Yes, Pain and Edward may be making some content videos.