Recorded: March 27, 2024 Duration: 1:38:31



I got hoes that I'm keeping in the dark I got my niggas cross the street living large
Thinking back to the fact that they dead Thought my raps well in facts till they sat with the
bars I got two phones one need a charge yeah they twins I can tell they has to part I got
big pegs coming on the way I got big stacks coming out to save I got lil' max with me
heat away it's a big gap between us and the game in the next life I'm trying to stay
paid when I die put my money in the grave I really gotta put a couple niggas in a place
really just left every nigga in a race I really might tap realest nigga on my face Lil' Cece let
it slap with the bass I used to save hoes with a mask and a cape now I'm like nah I love a good
gold ray ain't about to die with no money I done gave it I was on top when that shit
meant a lot still on top like I'm scared of the drop still on top niggas wanna swap niggas wanna
swap like a sauce in a watch I don't wanna change cuz I'm good where I'm at mom top so
I'm always good where I'm at where the Junior Jazzy baby J tell him what I got put my money in a
couple niggas kill a scarlet to act she fuck a nigga then she on to the next really living
large she an all with a mac when you niggas think it's small in the mall with a rat
roll with this if you really wanna get it go get a half a million in the sprinter
phone ringing bitches know a big triple I got the hook up and there really no limit
dead boogers in you nigga DNA Ricky Smellas indicated with the jade lil' nigga just another
state case very man motherfucker chase bank trying to bounce gotta count on my allowance
you niggas bitch so I gotta rewrite it the nigga dripping like I got a zillion dollars
got the trap jumping like a zine when I rebound it in the mouth and I never talk about it
homie squad but we all smoke the loudest rich niggas in them really being modest cuz the way
I do my deals never treated like an artist my house you could DM my accountant my damn six figures
and I'm counting nine figures was to go till I hit the E's niggas ain't living so bury
mine with me when I die put my money in the grave I really gotta put a couple niggas in
a place really just left every nigga in a race I really might tap realest nigga on
my face low CC let it slap with the bass I used to say post with a mask in a cave
now I'm like now I'm loving good gold ray ain't about to die with no money I didn't gave you
wag me kabob I ain't bragging at all we should probably put some boy they clacks on the wall
we gonna ball like the saw dumping ash off cigars it's the hottest show on X we sweeping
use car Malik the bunny and Ashley D locked in so hard almost crashed the Jeep gotta catch
the night show ain't there to weep don't make us clear the stage raise your hand to
speak dog sold too early the boys the Jeep used cardboard ache my collection sweep talking
like we got coin why you acting cheap it's 2024 people need receipts matter fact man where's
Malik I need a lawyer that's King Fuzz sniper had a that's coming for you know the bunny more
than the floor eight that's more hate our collection is heavy we need more space wag
me kabob I ain't bragging at all we should probably put some boy they clacks on the wall
we gonna ball like the saw dumping ash off cigars it's the hottest show on X we sweeping
use car Malik the bunny and Ashley D locked in so hard almost crashed the Jeep gotta catch
the night show ain't there to weep don't make us clear the stage raise your hand to speak
I am really having a rough day I I fired three soul into a meme coin at like
a hundred K market cap right this thing eight X's right we're at 800 K we are cruising to
a million turns out the dev sells pulls all the liquidity right so we went from live on
easy spaces we went from 4.4 million in liquidity immediately to 30 K right so I sold for break
even because I'm like oh this is this is not going well I looked before it was back up 5x
at break even I don't know my hand I don't know I feel like when they actually rug pulled the
liquidity and like it's not a bad time to paper hand something no I mean you're you're
right I mean I feel like that happens like now more than ever like I hear that I feel
like every day that that happens to someone I feel like like this is the wild West the
bet the best part is Malick well real quick one of our friends who's on stage right they
sold they were like flexing on me like I sold the Pico top right so I'm like damn dude I want
you to guess who it is to Malick and Ashley both you have to guess that I well real quick
real quick then I find out that they sold the Pico top they made point six five soul
I was like okay okay maybe maybe let's chill on the victory lap this has to be people because
Jay would not flex the fucking yeah yeah yeah it's definitely not it's not what the fuck
way I'm gonna flex that though what the fuck malick yeah no you're you're all right am
I am I wrong people yeah yeah yeah you're both wrong it was sunny no way I'm so proud
of you sunny sunny the fucking shit coin trailer I am proud of you all of us from where
alpha went went alpha pass how much how little do you how little do you have to invest
it like an eight act and only make $40 right well you know I just throw .05 soul into
the wind like it's nothing at everything I don't care everything and I'll hold it
till Valhalla cuz like who cares about point zero five soul would you say zero
point zero five you're still not eat right like yeah breaking news point four
Solana is now Valhalla apparently it didn't even hit a million market cap
Valhalla coins been out for six hours that was like a hundred times or something good
job sunny clear point zero five soul is currently nine dollars and sixty cents
that's that's what that's what we're fucking she's not bad I mean not for
nothing she is not big everybody relax sorry I didn't see you cook off the
IRS did you know no yeah I couldn't buy that token for obvious reasons yeah so I
mean besides that we just had like a six just a classic run-of-the-mill 65
million dollar hack on blast so I've never seen Zach respond to an exploit did
anybody see he has like a he must have a history with this guy dude like I must
go back I don't even know if I can read the message please I don't know if I
would for posterity absolutely pin that shit read it okay let me find this
okay hold on so he is first of all this is is one of the all-time great
ratios I've ever seen on on crypto Twitter right so the original post is
by munchables from 214 24 February 14th right so about a month ago I guess the
hacker replied to and wrote munching and then that comes in with a haymaker today
the original post 233 likes that comes then buddy I will rape you and your
other North Korean devs so hard on chain your country has another blackout he
is point eight thousand likes I've never seen him that angry it is no it isn't
always North Korea though kind of frustrating did I hear that Zach also got
hacked today or my tripping apparently he got hacked or at least I thought
that's what I saw when exactly I'm not there's no way exact yeah he replied
saying yes somebody was like oh kind of controversial tweet there and and then
he replied I got hacked so it's just a joke no no way here's how I knew that
that was a hundred percent fake news because if Zach XB T got hacked it would
be all over your timeline you wouldn't be able to visit right like I have it
would just be all over I think that would be crypto that's that's the fucking
you know the black swan event right like if he can't keep his shit safe fuck
I'm packing it up I'm selling everything I mean I have notifications on for hell
of people and I got like a ton of notifications at that time saying like
oh my god Zach's act oh my god Zach's act so I just assumed Zach was hacked and
I didn't even look into it but I guess he wasn't no he's not hacked he's
standing on business a lot of hacks today Apple isn't going to phone call
you just so you know don't be answering phone calls from Apple and
giving them your 2FA keys yeah that would be a bad idea yes but this is
actually really a real thing Walagard I saw the tweet from them put it out I
guess you know an uptick in these kinds of scams going around asking about you
know they they go they try to get in through your 2FA it sends obviously the
the code to you via text message and then they call pretending to be apples
Apple spoof the number so it shows up on the caller ID is Apple and then ask for
your code and once you give it to them you're fucked and they've got everything
so yeah Apple they're busy dude they're like a trillion dollar company they
don't have time to call your fucking broke ass all right and if you happen
to Mark Holster I don't know if you saw that now today like he didn't um he
didn't give them the code and then there was another guy who has a
mutiny for PFP he gave them the code and he lost like 57 soul mutiny oh yeah he
lost a lot I saw that he was like I didn't sign anything I didn't do anything
they always say that's always like the initial I mean I don't want to roast
anybody forget but that's always but how did he get hacked through Apple I
don't understand obviously it wasn't Apple but I'm saying what was that what
was the hack they got his 2FA and then they got onto his computer and got his
keys it wasn't like a 2FA it was like some kind of message like you get a get a
phone alert and put in a code and then you basically like take over the phone am
I mistaken about that I mean it's yeah it's 2FA for like at your Apple ID okay
so yeah guys don't be fucking bozos scumbags are not exclusive to web 3
those pieces of shit are everywhere and they will just find a way and like
dude there's exploits every day there's like lists like I if you guys haven't been
on the site was it have I been owned or PWND get on there if you just put your
emails in they automatically email you whenever there's been a breach and your
data has been leaked it is disturbing the amount when you first go on there
the amount of shit that you will see it's like scary but it happens all the
fucking time so yeah it's just good to get ahead of it and then you'll
expect and inevitably whenever there's a huge data leak within like the next few
weeks all of a sudden a whole new round of scams and fishing and all that shit
starts happening so it's I know there was a big one like two weeks ago and
that's probably what this is what site or software was that now have I've been
own let me let me get it I'll send it to you let me just like make sure yeah
it's have I been P W N E D dot-com free site you go on there you type in your
emails it'll tell you any exploits or whenever they post like lists and shit
so these like these fucking dark web sites where they sell passwords and all that
stuff it automatically updates that and it'll tell you and you'll get an email
if anything new happens that's actually alpha man there really is speaking of
alpha I got a shout out tonight sponsor Temple pharmacy we'll dive in with them
a little bit later gonna be talking to them can somebody like explain like I'm
five this rollback what is this rollback thing dude yeah how the hell is he
gonna just we're just gonna give the money back well people don't understand
that they own the bridge I think a lot of people don't own that don't understand
that blast literally owns the bridge and that synthetic eat and it's in a
multisig so they can do it as fuck they want I mean for the people the
against decentralization let it rock but I mean you gotta understand eat
forked like a long time ago with a big ass hack and that's why you have
a theorem classic because they did roll back and that was the fork and a lot
of people don't know that so was that was that controversial when they did it
yeah that was that was extremely it was because we think we live in a
decentralized world but the big boys have the control of the decision that what is
for the people right and I mean in a decentralized world you just let it
rock but at the end of the day these chains can fork and it would just fork
that block to the next block but then that chain actually stays live and
that's why we have a theorem classic that is the OG chain that no one wants to
trade right so it's pretty much the concept so where are you on it like should
should Pac-Man do a rollback like or I'm gonna be real tough I don't I'm not
for that because it's that now takes into consideration that okay cool if we
get hacked so we'll do another rollback right you have to like in my
like my opinion you have to hold stance like dude if you understand what happened
it wasn't an exploit it was literally a contract proxy that the guy coded in and
all he had to do was call the function because he never sent over the true
ownership of the contract right like that is a huge mistake that you're
trusting these guys for security wise and all that stuff it's just like it's
it's dumb it's literally like these are the people we trust right so like to
have a rollback rollback like that you're just acknowledging that then but
this is my own opinion I know a lot of people lost tons of money I know it
sucks but at the end of the day fuck dude now if I sent one fucking dollar to
munchables I would be tweeting left and right asking Pac-Man for a rollback
do I be emailing this guy I'd be hitting him up on LinkedIn I agree
with Jay I think like this was a poorly a poorly constructed contract and this
it wasn't an exploit it was a feature of the code so I don't I don't think the
whole chain I don't think you can do that like and and not have the whole
chain after that just be compromised and same argument for a theorem right if
it was a little different though just because it was like basically so much
money of the Assyrian Foundation's money and it was like the first like contract
or whatever I don't remember the details but it was it's a little different than
some game well no for sure for sure I guess my my worry is just like blast is
so new that much money getting exploited I don't know man it seems either way
either way like this much money getting lost is really bad but on launch like
pretty much on launch for them to roll this back would also be a death sentence
do you see what I mean well I think the other issue is what do you call you know
I mean I haven't used it but I heard a lot of people express how this chain like
it's very hard to get your money off like there's a lot of incentives to keep
it on and stuff so it's like you know if it's hard to get your liquidity out of
there and now yeah I think it was like a 14 day like if you pull it within 14
days you would lose all your points and all that stuff heavily yes and I was
encouraging you to keep all this money there that is poorly under a poorly
constructed contract that you know I don't know it's just not a good recipe if
you can't you know security was it was it was munchables it was much yeah
yeah it was literally munchables contract that it deployed through a proxy a proxy
contract that what was not verified it was a functionality in there that the dev
could call a percentage or a worth value of eat to another wallet right so I
think there was a bridge no I'm saying that that's what so called the exploit
that happened that's why munchables lost all their money is because the dev
that coded it encoded a a function that was malicious to steal those funds at
launch like this was not for a white hat hacker black hat hacker red hat hacker
this was literally the coder himself making a malicious function prior to
going live oh then that's even worse so people want the whole chain rolled
back because of one because of a random project yeah like we can't I mean you're
gonna give rollback call for every fucking thing exactly exactly bad brothers
it sets a terrible precedent ultimately these these systems are supposed to be
permissionless systems and that that's really like at the core of like what
decentralization offers is this concept of censorship resistance and
permissionlessness so what you have to imagine is this slippery slope that
occurs so the moment that you know a rollback happens on something like an L2
it first of all the L2s are centralized so you know you can do all kinds of
things with them but the moment that one of them does this it creates a huge set
of repercussions number one it's a slippery slope so now every motherfucker
that loses even a dollar is gonna be demanding a rollback from here until
the end of time number one number two who determines whether a rollback happens or
not is it just pac-man is it like pac-man's in charge and he just decides is
it some like nonsensical Dow vote or some like token vote you know like what
where does it stop where does it end and and then what about fraud you know
so like how do you know that it was a hack how do you not know that it was
actually like a legitimate transaction and someone is just unhappy and they're
just having like second thoughts you know so so you end up with this like it
what it what ends up happening is the moment this happens the value of the
actually is zero because you can't actually trust it for anything and it
becomes effectively a pointless system furthermore if blast does that way I
don't think they will but if they do do it it makes blast completely
uncompetitive with all the other optimism forks so like why would you
use blast if blast is gonna roll back when OP hasn't rolled back or base
hasn't rolled back now in my opinion also calls into question all of the L2s
because if one does it you know who's to say there's not a hack tomorrow on
Arbitrum for a hundred million dollars like all of these things are flimsy as
fuck at the core so so if one of them does it then like why not all of them do
it right it creates this whole set of existential questions that I think you
know are really serious like foundational questions for the Ethereum community
say okay what what do we want Ethereum to be do we want it to be this kind of
thing that's like really flimsier than it already is in terms of you know random
people being able to call out and make this sort of decision or is it is it
intended to be immutable and is it intended to be this kind of a thing
that is permissionless even if it's a guise of permissionlessness is it
intended to be that way so I think it's sort of like a existential level
question in my opinion you know slippery slope you open yourself up to state
actors forcing you to do rollbacks at that 100% 100% who you who's to say
you know some random government passes a law you know out there in the world and
or a regulator comes after you it's a disaster it's a disaster like the whole
idea like the fact that here's the thing here's what I believe I don't
actually know I mean there's a bunch of really really smart people in
government but who knows like how much knowledge they have about how
centralized this stuff already is you know like if if a regulator out there
for example doesn't like DeFi I mean at the end of the day they could literally
just call any one of these L2's the founders and just say stop all the DeFi
and they could do it because the whole these whole things are centralized
anyway they're all centralized sequencers so it's kind of like becomes a really
interesting thing like what's the value like why are these systems being valued
at the level they are like why is any of these system worth billions of
dollars if literally they could just be turned off and Naveen Naveen
counter-argument counter-argument now my shnibbles are worthless yeah but here I
agree like I agree to this right and to a certain extent right exploits may be
concerning to foundation wise you know community wise but a inside job this
was an inside job it was the dev that coded it went AWOL and took the funds
right now that is not an exploit that is not a hack that is nothing that is
between your team and yourself that deployed this it should not be a concern
or judgment that it needs to be a rollback yeah more of deciding who the
fuck your team is and don't be taking these jobs and trying to I feel like I
feel like a safe rule is like don't hire a dev from North Korea yeah but
they're cracked okay yeah but hold on just pretend for a
moment the fact and the facts and circumstances were different like
imagine it was like actually it wasn't that specific fact it was a bug in the
code you know oh my god it's something that was all audited by reputable firm
but there's still an exploit and you know sixty two million dollars was was
taken right like even in that circumstance I would say that if a
rollback was advocated for it actually happened I think it fundamentally
destroys the value of the whole system no I agree 100% because at the end of the
day like people don't understand blast like you're you're actually trading
synthetic you're trading synthetic eat this is not real eat your eat is this is
how banks are tied your eat is in a multi-sig right now and when you call
for a bridge you get your real eat you are trading synthetic ether right
now so I I agree with that I mean now you're opening up I mean this is a huge
this is a this is a huge talk concerning the decentralization of so-called the
decentralization of L2s because we don't really have control if they don't have
a foundation if they don't have a Dow if they don't have anything you're
listening to the founders of that L2 and what their decision of how bad this
take could be of a rollback or saying you know our TVL is billions they and the
problem is they can't refund because now that's in on they could black maybe
they can blacklist that wallet I don't I have to read the even if they had a
Dow or a foundation there's still a handful of people that control the
multi-sig like it's all like a charade right it doesn't actually matter like
say there was a Dow or say there was you know whatever you know a foundation that
doesn't change the facts like the facts are that it's still entirely
centralized it's still possible for a rollback to happen you know because to
your point it's synthetic whatever is being traded on blast is synthetic the
real eat is literally sitting in a multi-sig control controlled by pac-man
and maybe you know whatever two or three or four or five or whatever you know
whatever the factor is in the multi-sig others and that's the facts of the
matter and by the way the same is true for all of them I like the same position
as you guys but then I thought about it like honest question have they ever
preached that they're a decentralized L2 like or is it fine for them to be more
centralized and be more you know commercial facing for a lack of better
terms I honestly don't know no that that's the this that's pretty much what
we'll see is their decision and then that that's the mission statement so yeah
but have they said that before like no I completely decentralized so then I think
it's fine if not that's that's a big issue like you guys are saying no I the
problem window is think about this way I think it makes it wildly uncompetitive
right you know like now every other L2 you know that you know doesn't do this
you're gonna mean like it number one yes number one it's a slippery slope so like
who's the one who's deciding whether to roll back or not what happens if the
government calls you regulator calls you this and that person calls you do you
now have like state-by-state like people can write to their state attorney
general demanding a rollback of blast like could you imagine how much of a
desert they would have to have an armada of lawyers just to respond to
every goddamn inquiry and and by the way if you'd be open to fraud we all
know in this industry like there's so much fraud you don't actually know what
the facts and circumstances are was it a hack was it intentional who the hell
knows it's almost like insurance fraud you know it'd be a disaster zone so I
think the slippery slope factor would like absolutely kill it number one and
number two I think it would call into question all of the L2s because if one
of them does it because look everyone knows that blast is literally just an
OP fork with like added Ponzi nomics like that's all it is right so so now if
one of them does it then everyone knows like oh wait any one of them can do it
it calls into question the entire L2 ecosystem so I look it's it's obviously
technically possible for them to do it which is a problem in its own right but
if they do it I think it's like in wildly destructive for value on a
I mean didn't Vitalik even call these guys in the question originally by saying
this is barely even an L2 it's just a multi-sig like I don't know didn't he
tweet something like that a while did he say that well I mean he's I got a look I
don't I don't know if he said that I think he's not like he's not technically
wrong here's what I'll say it looks I don't know the veracity of this tweet
but it looks like Pac-Man is at least inquiring on how to do a rollback on like
forums I guess he goes this looks like a post from Pac-Man blur on a forum I am
running an ethereum roll for from optimism and we just had one of our
protocols exploited can anyone help me understand how we can push an inbound
state route with the sequencer to block you know bro that's fake is that fake
it's fake it's fake you don't you don't fade pack pack man has literally been
coding for since 14 he actually coded tea spring as a mock-up it was so good
that tea spring actually hired him he's fucking there's no this it's
literally fake you got troll god damn it dude well here's here's the good have you
bridged from a third-party bridge over the last few days because if they roll
back you'll double your money dude yeah that it's going to be I don't think
rollback comes the amount of things that need to be tasked and data points is
it's a big one I don't think it rolls back I'm gonna be real and a lot of
people I know a lot of people lost their time like I know people I thought of money
dude I was by the way the best tweet I saw about this whole situation is someone
said hey Pac-Man can you roll back the time I lost 78 East I'm a Yolo blast so I
thought that he had the screenshot attached he legitimately risked 78 East
and somebody who had I think somebody had like a 0.01% chance I think they put
like 0.01 or 0.02 East and they and they won so yeah I mean I kind of feel for
that guy too but what's up man what do you think about this this is weird
East L2 that absolutely sucks no way dude the other one that was chilled down
our throats was polygon and it was out of service for like nine days and
nobody even knew until after dude this is just like so typical dude it's the
most dinosaur garbage chain of all time and then you try and make an L2 out of it
this is ridiculous dude the only reason it has attention is because it was a
little different than Bitcoin back when Bitcoin was ripping this is not a
healthy L1 what are you guys doing putting money in L2s and it's not even
real money it's synthetic money I don't think people know what they're
doing they're just throwing money around hoping it goes up this is the
biggest joke of all time that was the most deserved 62 million dollar rug I've
ever seen and not only that yeah where did the North Korea dev come from like did
anybody confirm that or people just say no no it's literally github he has he's
it came from that it came from Zach XPT did you guys fucking cracked I mean he
knows every fucking language possible in coding no wonder why he's literally
malicious well this is also North Korea's like top stream of income right
like annually this is what they make the most feeling yeah allegedly I don't
know I don't trust the FBI's word on that well you're right let's let's
trust Kim Jong-un no that's not the issue the FBI and them are saying you
know this is from North Korea you know that doesn't mean I'm saying North Korea
didn't do it I'm just saying you know maybe maybe the CIA did some of it who
knows listen bro but just loosen up the foil a touch tonight they have to do
that bad brothers like they don't crack to Americans in the 80s so they could
fund a war in what do you call Nicaragua or whatever it was you know
you're acting like this is Tim foil acting this is their thing and all I'm
saying is the government is the one saying all these hacks are from North
Korea and then you know it's not just our government dude this is like the
international fucking like who usually relies on stuff from our government
it's all connected now that's all I'm saying I'm just saying it might not all
be North Korea that's all I'm saying man I love OMB's so bad brothers yeah
that is so on brand for the PFP yeah so on brand good shit bad brothers good
shit I'm gonna I just DMZK and I was like bad brothers is killing it man yep
you need a promotion dude just so you guys know bad brothers mom was one of
the purchasers of the crack in the 80s if you can't tell Jesus I'm not gonna
lie I'm pretty liberal with like what all left fly-up here dude that one was
really below the belt man a fud good good on brand no I missed it can you
repeat it no no was that your joke of the day sunny no I actually missed it but
then I heard people going like crazy about how bad it was so you know well
the good news is we got VK here I think he came up to pin a medal on you that
bro or at least a promotion ZK this man's rapping hard he needs to be
recognized dude
yep just like that yeah I've never heard him talk on his face before I
don't think I don't remember the last time I heard his voice yeah you guys all
you're still saying connecting we hear you bro damn right on fucking brain
holy shit this is a masterclass of our this is more brother yeah he's in a
cave there's no service man I think he's saying he's reading the tweet I
think yeah you guys should be good now right the satellites little wonky all right
cool I was gonna say the quick take on a on the blast is it is it like a very
protocol specific thing on a one dev contract for 65 million dollars like tell
Pac-Man to call those VCs tell everyone it's refunded in the meantime and deal
with the authorities to figure out the hack but like in the grand scheme of
things when they send it to a bridge they could stop it then it is not like a
rollbacks type situation I think people are exaggerating it but you know I
think in the meantime someone should say hey like you could refund the victims
it's a lot of money but you know think about how much money sloshed around on
blur but there's also lessons right like look what happened to wormhole the
first time I got act looked at what happened to Ave these L2 should have
insurance funds set up there should be bad debt like this is already happened
in previous cycles they should have learned the lesson here that other this
is defies learned this already so I think in the in the grand scheme of
things they should just call those VCs tell these people they'll get the money
back somehow or refund them because yeah it's like and go to Bitcoin now
before the cycle forces you guys all there everything's gonna bleed in Bitcoin
terms you guys are gambling on fucking L2 native yield thongs and like look
what it's gonna go on in ruins but having less than 30 days out choose your
time wisely yeah you made a good point there on the
beat what a fucking chill dude and they try to bridge it out never wanted a
JPEG more than right now I swear to God that was that dude that was fucking
art that was legitimately performance art oh my god that was almost as good as
like beanie back in the day did he just drop the mic and dip did he just do that
drop the mic and just dip out that was gangster I like that I think legally we
off the floor apes and by OMB's you're gonna buy one of the peasant colors
like the orange ones or something dude what's the floor on them orange is like I
think it's like point between bad brothers and DK Jay's gonna own an OMB
by the by the time we close tonight just do it like why not dude sell some
of your Trump and buy an OMB listen my Trump is God I'll tell you that right
now okay that shit is my bank account okay it literally I this is this is my
new mantra have so much money in shit coins that it turns into your bank
account that's the new mantra I don't think that is not what the opposite of
alpha is that's that's what that was you guys just got some people mega from
David what are you moving away brother I don't know bro I'm looking at Trump's
house next door man we're waiting for you I literally fucking tattoo a Trump
tattoo and stand out my fucking door each time if I live next there will be
people outside next to you already so you know great thanks for the
contribution Dan people oh what's up man there's gonna walk this back a little
but I think I heard you say shnibbles am I to understand that you buy into
munchables and you receive shnibbles you send money to munchables and then you
earn shnibbles that was how that was working I don't I don't know how this
I haven't checked the charts I don't know how the shnibbles are doing to be
completely honest I don't know if anybody's got shnibbles yeah I mean I
guess it's probably not good right I think it's obviously it's a bad thing
that that guy did what he did but I mean how do you not understand the risk great
going deep going into this limb I mean you know it's good for that guy but like
like all right we all know that what we're doing is risky like there's no
bigger of a fucking I don't want to call a red flag but like a sign that you're
taking an immense risk if you're throwing money at something called
munchables to earn shnibbles and you ended up getting fucked yeah that was a
very likely outcome so I don't know like yes that sucks but rolling it back nah I
don't think you do that bro I got hacked I got hacked in 2021 and I'd like
to file a claim to get my money returned from the D5 protocol that got hacked
too and if they can roll back the chain that'd be awesome you think they'd do
that for me how about anybody that's been in crypto for longer than three
weeks has probably gotten fucked at least once I would like a bailout can I
have a bailout offer I had on my ape I got my ape green last week can I get it
back yeah I got my ape drained two weeks into owning it and then nobody gave it
back to me I went out and I fucking grabbed up and see about the balls and
took it back so go go work for your backs guys are you allowed to say that
dude I don't even know I just did he's a lawyer dude of course you know
surely don't fuck with Malik that's the message
I wasn't there study that that's crazy don't call him surely Ashley maybe if a
lawyer got drained from munchables they'd be in a better position right now
you know I mean they'll be you know put a little bit of pressure on Pac-Man you
know that's the alpha make sure you have lawyers at least one lawyer in
your community so that if shit goes sideways somebody is gonna fucking go
work for your bags probably the most shocking thing is that it took people
this long to lose money on something called bunch of people I thought it was
like a maybe a nostalgia play from lunchable I love lunchables well
lunchables still existed they still thought they always had you know I
mean sometimes you get like an extra pizza one was a little bit of a rug
I'm waiting you know you're supposed to heat up the pizza one I just learned
this not that long ago from no yes yes you're supposed to microwave they expect
children in second grade to have access to a fucking microwave like what are we
talking about nobody nobody really thought that they were gonna microwave
that let's be serious that little cracker would not have survived yo
easy racist clip it and ship it brother clip it and ship it I thought that
meta was over this is the shot why don't white racism witness it here gross
that's gross fuck go ahead man really like this tweet T flow was along those
lines by serious Cyrus sir sirus I think I yeah I think it's serious like the
cloud sirus it's just like what this is it's one of the greater tweets who came
up with shnibbles because that's a top five name for anything that's like
automatic by I want shnibbles like you that's not even like an argument it
sounds like it's gonna taste yummy it sounds like it's gonna look yummy it's
that's the most phenomenal marketing of all time so I think we find who made
that and then they're capable of creating a new thing probably a new L2 hopefully
on eat because those always do really well do you see the thing you have to feed
the shnibbles too yeah it's cute dude in fact dude yeah I wouldn't throw all my
money at this I want the shnibbles but as a founder who was trying to
capitalize on the cute meta do you hate yourself for not thinking of shnibbles
and going with dot instead um I would say no I'm more hate myself for I would
say no yeah no yeah yeah I do hate myself for that okay just wanted to
confirm I assumed as much oh I'm glad we have fun here tonight because I have a
personal dilemma that I've been thinking about all day so my tree announced he's
launching a meme coin but he right now he's debating if it's gonna be on base
if it's gonna be on blast if it's about by the way blast probably not that one
off the list no it's going on blast no shot no shot if I wasn't broke I'd bet
or if it's gonna be on Solana now I'm I'm thinking about shoveling just about all
the money I have liquid and so whatever this thing is and here's my here's my
investment thesis before you go right if you remember defi 8 nobody wanted those
things it's some of the worst art I've ever seen within the NFC space right
nobody was buying them he inorganically kept that floor price of over a half
and eat for a very long time there's no way he doesn't do the same with what's
he calling this thing Boba oppa which is a pretty good name do Boba oppa cute
looking dog I think that is maybe a cat not sure what's your thoughts on that
um I think I think I think I think I think this is tough because you're
asking me like real financial advice no matter what you say I'm plowing money
into this into this coin okay and I don't want anybody to think that this is a
good idea or if this is gonna this is gonna work out but like I honest to God I
am going I'm just not going all in on this one no matter what you say so well
then if that's the case I don't think anybody would lose money unless every
the cell pressure is just insane out the gate um he's too prideful and he
cares too much about his reputation on Twitter to let something like this fail
I agree with funny thesis you agree with funny thesis absolutely handle we prop
this thing up you gotta remember you say nobody wanted those defy apes when I was
given like 40 of those okay hold on hold on relentless yeah of course I wanted
you're giving them out for free and then Machi was buying it from those
people when they immediately listed it on open see yes people did want point
60 for free that you're right that is exactly what they wanted they didn't I
don't think they wanted I mean maybe there were a few people right a few
brain-dead people who PFPed it and fucking bag held it all the way to zero
right I'm sure I mean it happens look at me I still got the eight bond right
Jason got the eight bond Koko still got the eight bond right so yeah I mean
nobody's arguing that but I would say the majority people didn't want this
oh no no no they wanted them they wanted them man and you're right they wanted
them for the point-sixth I remember one time he sent me like 30 31 or 30 it was
a lot and I immediately floored like 10 of them and then it was like 17 grand
yes I did this is a true story I took that 17 grand and I took it to a site
called crash out and I put all 17 grand on one crash out play wait no you did
it no you this is a true story I swear to God where I thought this story was
going just to stop you for a second I thought you were gonna say you like
bought your boy forget something I don't know why I really I swear to God
I know dude all they do is take my money that when I get a free gift that's my
money to put on crash out dude so all 17 grand on one play of crash out and I
to exit straight up got all the way up to 36 grand and I was like well that was
easy now let's do it again so I took all 36 grand put it on crash out I'm
like I'm going for 1.8 X and I clicked cash out on 1.8 X and as I clicked it it
crashed is that the one is that the one with the rocket ship and you have to
take your money back before it explodes yep all right cuz they they I've been
doing a little bit of marks I've been doing a little bit of March madness
gambling not going not going great right but I noticed that draft kings
has that now and I was playing at the bar the other night turns out to the
first first one but this thing goes to like 20 acts I think I cashed out around
seven right I I played three more three more rounds it it exploded almost
immediately all three rats like I didn't know that that was possible there was
not a chance for anybody to click the button and take their money off funny
isn't crash on draft kings the absolute best you just get crushed on sports
bedding you could just hop over this other tab and immediately try to like 10
extra money and get it all back but yet you always end up losing more but
it's it's I mean it's it's such a rush I love that it's on the same site and
it's one tab over it's amazing you guys are a bunch of fucking degenerate
gambling addicts I just I have to say this yeah it's not a fundamentally clear
but like it is fucking just so horrible here like I understand but like dude I
gotta go back to what ZK said it's like like if you want to fucking play the
lottery like go play the lottery you want to fucking sit in the casino go
nuts but like I don't know guys maybe just like take some of your fucking bag
just a little bit put it away to me dude I wouldn't have if the dev wasn't dumping
on my head at him at right before a million market cap every fucking time on
Solana yeah I would take profits however that's not the case they have to
sell their entire fucking hallow right before 800 right before a million right
and then just absolutely destroy the coin every time Matt I think I should
also make it clear that I'm not dumping my entire paycheck into draft
kings these are fun bucks this is money that I intend to lose yeah you you are
what we call like a radical conservative in this space T flow a bunny is more of
the target demographic here I'm crazy as fuck bro I'm doing that kind of shit
every single day so I don't know what you guys
you don't even think about it that's the issue this is all magic internet
money this shit is nothing that's what she I sleep like a fucking baby it's
can order chips it's guy casino chips bro it's just like you have one ether
right and then the goal is to multiply that ether into more ethers right like so
like I feel like I'm real more ethers so the real alpha is you have to you have
to be here long enough and be active enough to either like paper hand like
generational wealth a few times or round trip it a few times right you have to
lose so much in unrealized gains that you just you just become hardened and
numb right to losing it and then you're good to go right then nothing matters
life is pointless you can never fill that empty void that's deep inside of you
right so you just you just keep it's never enough do you move the goal post
every time you go yeah you're gonna tell it a 20x dude right and then and then you
don't sell it goes to a 50x you know you know I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait for
the hundred X at this point no reason to paper hand it here and then next
thing you know yeah you know you're down 60% you're down 80% than 90% on the
same play that you were up 100% dude I'm never gonna make millions in this
space because just hearing that made me uncomfortable by the same token I'm also
never gonna go broke in this space so enjoy I will be fucking chillin in the
middle curve guys right in the fucking middle he's gonna make her back dude it
is really it makes me sick to my stomach it really does
I'll buy it right now dude when you launch the ticker now you have enough
cloud not nearly enough cloud dude honestly I honestly wouldn't buy it
because there's no narrative there first again you guys really think Zach said
that shit or did he get hacked bro like no he was in his bag he was just like he's
tired of seeing the same scams grifs and rug pulls over and over again for years
and years and years and he's the only one right it's like imagine if there was
one employee at like the FBI it'd probably be a soul-sucking job you know
yeah there's a lot of things that Zach does behind the scenes that people like
he's the one he's the interpreter that tries to get the funds back so like a
lot of people just people see like him just saying like oh here's the thread
like he's the one like this dude must be smoking like two packs a day because all
the funds that get returned are pretty much from authority and Zach at the same
time of him trying to negotiate with the white hat hacker or if it's a black
hat hacker then he's fucked but at the end of the day I mean he's the one
that's bringing the funds back so he stressed out his fucking mind bro I
would oh my god if I was him bro I would go fucking ruthless yeah I was waiting
yeah you can finally break him and I'm glad it was this today like I was happy
to see this side of Zach you know I mean like he's actually a human being after
all T flow yeah quick question for Jay I think it was a couple weeks ago we're
talking about shit coins on blast and I think you were saying like may is
when you expect that to pop off I don't know if it had to do with like points
coming to fruition or whatever anything with this munchable shit fucking that up
at all or you know are my shit coins still good yeah this question is brought
to you by Baja no no your shit coins are still fucking chilling because this
liquidity no I don't know if you check the charts no they're not yeah they're
literally showing they're not doing anything
but no the injection is coming out of thin air so you're gonna be chill like
at the end of the day this is a hurt between the ecosystem now that
injection comes from thin air so you'll be fine shit coins will thrive is this
from the points that people are stacking from using protocols yeah it's
points and gold gold right now is like the meta because it's issued as a
multiplier as how much points you have so like stack your gold as much as you
can because they're giving it out to all these protocols all these games and
stuff like that that's that's the way to go like for instance people that are
playing crypto Valley are gonna get like rained on with gold because this
how it works is the most the the bigger the contracts right the more
transactions and all that stuff as a leader gets more like gold that's how it
works like it pretty much if you have the biggest contract that is working on
blast you you get pretty much paid back right so and all these devs are pretty
much getting that contribution and sending all those points back to the
people that are contributing as they're like a member of that protocol so so
the thesis is basically everyone's about to get free money and gamblers
are gonna gamble and they're gonna keep the money in house yeah so this
is where like this where may comes on because like blast did a thing where
risk wasn't turned on it was more turned off because a lot of big boys
didn't want to risk the foundation of playing in the ecosystem they'd rather
leave their teeth in their wallets and let it attract points right like believe
or not like this is crazy but the the guy that won a wall that stole the
17,000 teeth he's actually occurring points as we speak that's the crazy
part but other than that yeah when those points stop that means liquidity
injection comes and that's where people will have risk on because it's either
they've made crazy profit now they want to roll it into greediness or they'll
they'll bounce off the chain but you'll see a lot to flow more in the ecosystem
but yeah I mean right now everybody is just like yeah yeah and also like all
those projects they're doing it they're also running their own airdrops at the
same time so you can get like double rewards on shit like let's say you're
interacting with a protocol or something they'll be running their own airdrop as
well so like you're doing it for the blast gold and you're doing it for the
airdrop of the actual project so it's pretty valuable to be interacting on
that chain right now it's just it just doesn't have the attention that it had
before they went mainnet so like I guarantee you that shit's gonna come
back there's so many fucking Ponzi's cooked on top of Ponzi's I love it this
is amazing I love being here yeah there's that's like I like a chain like
literally the Ponzi chain
but I don't think that's is that is that Paris for both I feel like I got
in pretty early I've been people we've been playing on blast for a while now
yeah somebody you're gonna yeah I don't have as many points as you were
Jay would certainly on Jeff farming you know like I like I told like to be
honest I told everybody like in my group like you have to go back to the
bath I took a bath on mooner doing one day so I haven't been back oh but I'm
saying like if you have over a million points on Yolo games you're going to
cook on gold I'll tell you that right now so like yeah that's what I'm saying
is like all these protocols are going to like the more you play the more
you earn pretty much but that's that's going back to saying like I know a lot
of naysayers will say this is all like fucked it and it's a scam at the end of
the day you're believing in the blast token airdrop right it could go to shit
understand that and you lost everything but that's something I'm willing to
fucking bank on you know yeah buddy I want you to fire up a live stream of
you playing mooner doom and crash on draft kings at the same time for like
it's like 10 minutes just 10 minutes straight of that absolutely electric I
would crash is not a game you can multitask you have to be exactly you have
exactly locked in on that dude
the legitimately locked I wish mochi would tweet honestly man that's the only
thing I'm looking forward I want to know I have my bank on like I told you in
EZ's space the most five-headed chess play is to put it on blast and as his
contract would probably be number one who would be farming gold at the end of
the day so it's a win-win to him and to his community he'll probably he's a
giver so like it's just like a rain of just liquidity on that chain but I mean
at the end of the day I mean blast just has a bad taste in people's mouth
I don't know why but welcome to Ponzi's is this 65 million dollar rug today that's
why yeah doesn't help like let's talk about own back in the day they were I
think they were rugs for over a hundred million they were exploited Ronin Ronin
too right like not even okay this wasn't even a hack this was an inside job
right like it wasn't a DeFi protocol open link exploit right it was pretty
much an inside job within their team members so like it's a total different
thing but yeah I mean all these you got to understand all these protocols pretty
much have a proxy one or they have an open open contract so they can kind of
utilize this utility so it is open to exploits like every single second right
and the smarter they do and they turn like all these white hat hackers that
are looking for a you know commission if they steal it that's like what they do
that's what a living of a white hacker does is they steal the money and they
come to it you know a commission that they send X amount to get it received X
amount all these guys are just watching and waiting for these devs to fuck up one
code and here they come you know so it's like at the end of day you have
to understand that these DeFi protocols are open-ended and could be exploited
at any moment in time
yeah I guess I guess that happens right it's I guess here's the thing it's just
it is such a new protocol right it's a very new altitude that's why it sucks
and it was it was for so much money right that's like but this is exactly I
mean Jay we were just talking about this the other day we were talking about
crypto valleys right and like the risk of we were talking about it in that
context where there's when you have huge inflows to something new right
everyone's looking for the exploit everyone's trying to find a way to hack
the shit out of it and it was just like kind of you know obviously it didn't
happen to crypto valleys maybe you know I'm sure people are trying to fucking
crack that thing too but this is the nature of the beast I'm like this is
one of those risks that I think people need to assume when they go into
something new even though it sounds big and official and oh my god look at
all this money that's here like it's a huge fucking risk when you're trying
any new tech yeah correct I mean that and that's what I preached like
everybody that I onboard on on crypto valleys I tell them like listen the the
doomsday is this gets exploited right at the end of the day these are all open
contracts as they move their development on you know the next season
like you do have to do have to understand the doomsday is yeah they
get exploited and they get their shit drained right like people have to
understand like this is not all like this is the most riskiest riskiest asset
class you could possibly come into is pretty much defy right because it's just
Devs building while like you said every second of the second they're watched by
the chain watchers of like white hat hackers to try to you would want a white
hat hacker to be honest you don't want a black hat hacker because they're
running with the money you'll never see that again so yeah I mean at the end
of the day I mean all these all these games Ponzi's are just all open-end
and just waiting to be exploit not saying like it's it's going to happen
it's just you trust the team that the development of an audit is is looked at
but then again you have to understand like now you're believing the audit of
the development right the audit the audit team so like yeah at the end of the
day you have to come into this knowing like for instance I put a ton of money
in in crypto Valley but do I think like it's bulletproof not at all like I if
it goes to zero it goes to zero but that's the risk I'm willing to take yeah
bro like for instance like I don't I'm building something right now and I've
done two audits with like the biggest auditing firms in the game and I still
don't feel safe I'm gonna do more audits and it's just like bro like
nothing is these guys can miss shit find me one dev that's never like not
written something with a bug in the code you know what I mean like the all the
shit is like nothing is foolproof yeah one one thing that I think is I don't
know maybe gonna get kind of overlooked now because everything happening with
munchables Jay have you checked out sofa mine yet or no I got I got a code
but I haven't been on yet yeah yeah I was like we saw launch a lot of people
got the coats and stuff like I'm just like I'm gonna be real I'm bullish on
side are and like what he does in the industry well that's the thing for me
dude it's side are right yeah I'm not bullish in number one both perspective
dev in the space so I feel like it's gotta be relatively bullish no it is
bullish but then the day like for me I have to understand like where where am I
parking my money and is it profitable in my mindset my opinion in my mind I'm
sorry to say I'm just not like as the short term maybe but my short term right
now is crypto Valley position yourself but like well then what about what about
crypto Valley's update from all bullish as fuck I mean what what is it cuz I
don't understand the right the high council beckons daring adventures with
lavish bounty yeah pretty much this is where the game opens up and everything
that you've been grinding through from season one is now your chance to really
fucking go crazy and that's where characters will be involved there is a
game inside crypto Valley's now that you will go on quests to then you know
it's a role-turn player base game that you will have to attack them and every
time you kill that that wave you get you know like different things and stuff
like that if you die you then get whatever you claim from you know wave
X and then your characters go back to your crypto Valley and then what we
were farming is like food and stuff like that you now have to feed your
characters I mean these guys thought it all over like it's it's acts that's
why people were really fucking bullish because like a team that can execute
this and not like trying to wing it they've actually calculated this because
what we're what we've formed is the seeds and food that will be feeding our
characters is just like everybody's fucking bullish on so yeah do you know
what dead built it because suddenly I care about that a lot yeah so
supposedly it's a lot of people that came from defy kingdoms the problem is a
lot of people are like working on this because they're doing the what they
fucked up the most on defy is bringing too much APY too much locked liquidity in
the turn that when the unlocked happened it was just a downfall is like there's a
lot of people within that space as the dev team and advisories and stuff like
that to like make this perfect I'm not saying it's going to be perfect but
they're trying to do the mess ups that happened in defy kingdoms well what
happened to defy kingdoms to defy kingdoms at the start was the flaw the
flaw was it was given too much tokenomics to the players and as as we
came to do quests and stuff like that it was scaled to a point that you had
too much tokens at the end of the day when the unlock happened and you were
able to get your unlocked liquidity out it was just a downfall it wasn't a
slow drip it was a massive drip because everybody had tokens now in this they're
making it more of a way to have a sinkhole where you will use your lock
liquidity for different things like the character mint was announced as you can
use a locked liquidity or unlocked like for me a lot of people and other whales
are going to use their lock liquidity because you know you just double down
it's degenerative but that's where I'm putting my focus on but yeah I mean a lot
of things wrong happen in defy kingdoms at the end of the day I'm just like I
don't know I'm bullish on this team I like the content of it and did that yeah
is it for sure the same team no no it's not me is not for sure the same
I'm saying the people that were like day one and all that stuff in defy
kingdoms and they came from Harmony and all that stuff where got you yeah where
they it's more of like the whole Harmony community and stuff like that that came
into pretty much the valleys but I'm just I'm just bullish on like I'm
believing that at the end of the day the most you can do is believe in the
team because the team is going to calculate you know the bleed to the
opt-in to the opt-out like you got to understand these are open contracts so
they can maneuver ways to sustain this you know plus instead of negative and I
like I like what I'm seeing for now
but go ahead man I know you've been way in
no it's fine he had to say was better um what I was gonna say was you you had
brought something up earlier bunny you said you're putting a lot of money into
this fake token that machi's creating and I was just curious as to how much
that monetary value was so how much money do you have bunny I would say so
I'm not gonna put a lot of money in it I would probably say five to ten soul if
it was on Solana right you're all right that is not a lot oh what's a lot what's
a lot you're shaming him for that what's a lot a hundred that was it that
was the bit that was the joke I don't want to keep going no ten souls a lot to
put into something dude just said that he blew 34 grand on a round of crash so
what do you think is a lot then that wasn't that wasn't real money people oh
that was literally my cash down put in the fucking bank it would have been real
man not really like I would have felt well I'm not saying you should do that
you did the right thing you would have felt weird that was just plain money but
now so when is this launching I'm trying to I haven't gotten early on a meme
coin since Jay created Trump you know but I have people asking you know I have
people thanking me in my DMS and being like yo thanks so much that you deployed
Trump I'm like brother I did not fucking deploy Trump like you're out of your
mind so thank you Fudd thank you as yeah people are DMing me saying I'm the
fucking Trump I've heard Trump is the real Trump no fuck that piece of shit
now talk to me when those foundations you know the pot what's it called donate
500 ETH to people in need that actually need the fucking money okay we're all
happy for your back I mean Jay is constantly cooking man I got a I got a
copy trade this guy um yeah I posted something up at the top from a crypto
point named Boomer and he said you know thinking about it legally blast has to
intervene if it is in fact North Korea a sanctioned country if they have power
to stop and they don't they're faced a wrath of God which is basically every
three-letter agency jumping through their roof like his Diddy's house or some
shit so is that a fact like no it's not crazy cuz it's decentralized how are they
gonna yeah it's decentralized how they gonna prove that's North Korea and yeah
this is not like they are not like my understanding is that like they're not
under a legal obligation to take action on this just because it involves a
sanctioned country it could be Russia Iran with Korea you know there's a
handful of them so no right like like what you can't do is you can't like
knowingly give money right or invest money or transfer money to them but like
this I think this is a bad take and not a good understanding of the law here
is blast um a US company or it's pac-man based overseas if pac-man is fucking
registered the US dude I fucking I'll eat my shoe there's just no way yeah
there's no way right there's no I don't know like bro you never know what
motherfuckers remember last cycle nobody wanted to launch a coin because
it's like brought us a one-way ticket to jail people are still calling for
before for Ben dot eats oh he's going to jail like a hundred percent bro like
bend out if he's he's tweeting from jail right now news flesh alert the
law hasn't changed it's still a bad idea it's still illegal people just don't
give a fuck so now it just in that little span of time people went from
being scared of the three-letter boys that literally not giving a fuck this
is good dude liquidity is a hell of a drug Ella Malik I have a question what
about you what a community leader you know what about you take over something
yeah that's not you launching it I'm worried about like yo like Matthew
I don't want to say you have enough money to pay my retainer and you have my
cell phone number so fucking fuck those guys last week that literally came out
like that are docked and launched coins and did pre-sales like the fuck were
they thinking like what's going on they thought everyone would forget like they
always do yeah people are so short-term minded here it's like out of this
world like it really is like let me launch a shit coin and you know let me
think of let me not like for let me forget about it a month later it's like
brother that is your brand right now is like that thing goes down it's
forever on your fucking belt like I think there's so many people so short-minded
in this in this ecosystem it's it wilds me sometimes yeah but that shit is I
know there's a lot of gray areas but you know I do my taxes every fucking
year unlike I don't know 99% of this people in this fucking space and I read
the shit every year to make sure to see what I can like skate around and it's
like pretty let's like pretty much out there that you can't launch a coin like
it's like pretty much like it's in black and white up if I'm not mistaken like
you just can't do that it also just depends but that's look there are ways
to do it legally that is a fact right so like and I know because I talked to guys
who went and got actual legal opinions for how to do it correctly right it's
like there are ways to do it legally there are also a fucking million
different laws depending on what country you're in right and like how you're
incorporated so you know yeah like would I in living here the United States do
this right now fuck no but like that doesn't mean that every single person
you see every project you see with a token statute is like going to fucking
jail right like or breaking a law so like that's that's sort of the nuance
that you have to you know you have to take into consideration as well there's
difference between like DJ ends who are just doing this shit to make a bag and
fucking try to run away and people who are doing things correctly and there is
a legal correct way to do it yeah like if you're in the States like
everyone out the country like you're good you know how to deal with what the
hell we deal with but you know that's why a lot of people want to do their
shit in the Cayman Islands but if you're just like like Joe bro from Idaho
like and sees everyone cooking on the presale meta and then you're just like
man fuck it I'm just gonna do this but I'm doxxed like there's a I'm not gonna
put bring that shit on people's name but we know you know people know a couple
people I'm talking about and it's like bro are you serious and it's like they
do a presale because as far as I know you have to basically give that shit
away like a fair launch as fair as possible that's why you see what's his
name on dark farms he literally bought his own token like he didn't take any of
it because that's a fair launch so he you know he did he definitely wouldn't
seen a lawyer about this shit he bought his own shit hundred percent these other
people are like they see what dark farms did but the greed gets to him and
they're like well fuck no I'm gonna keep some for the team and I'm gonna do
this and I'm like bro as soon as you start doing that bro that's the
security you bozo like the fuck are you doing like just give it all away and buy
your own shit figure it out like I see it a couple people they snipe their own
men you know like and they made a killing off it but they still gave it
away like a fair launch and these other people lately are doing some crazy shit
bro so there's the lesson guys there's the alpha don't be a fucking bozo go
either do shit right or don't do it at all and don't think it's not gonna come
back and bite you in the ass one day cuz I could guarantee fucking to you it
will also apparently according to illa the ticker is Joe bro I'm sure that's
already been deployed Joe bro from Idaho is the full name I will be keeping a
close eye on the live pairs but yo we got a transition into our AMA we got
our sponsor tonight shout out temple pharmacy we got the team up here we
got so go we got Dane we got the temple account and these MF'ers are dropping
some fucking serious shit been a fan of them for a minute and yeah they've got
the mint coming up tomorrow they got the token launched the day after
tomorrow we're gonna go through and talk to a little bit about it super
hype mint and they're giving away we're gonna do on the show tonight five
guaranteed mint whitelist spots for the mint tomorrow so I don't know who's
gonna talk from the team toka hey temple account who's gone but take us away guys
hey hey Jim thank you for having me I'm gonna tell you shortly about myself and
temple pharmacy so temple pharmacy is the creative collective and branding branding
agency I'm like whipping around like for 10 and 15 years doing everything together
as a team we have a music label which is like hundreds of millions of streams
and up to like 100k subscribers we've made like multiple super brands like
sold out many collections like we do with it look a lot of fashion weeks and
like we design top-notch hotels Kate parks vending machines and like help
multiple exhibitions like we've been doing IRL events like live performances
and experience design and like we went to NFT Paris last year we had a showroom
there we exhibited all of our products we met some cool people like Gaga from
from yoga Frank G money and like we're really good like friends with them like
you know city like for example in our city you can meet a person who's like
wearing ourself listening to our music rewriting the moped sharing brand that
we designed or and like going to grab a coffee in the hotel that we designed so
that's why I'm calling it a lifestyle brand so the reason we decided to move
migrate to web 3 is that like we want to bring our quality and our values to web
3 and we really want to onboard our community to web 3 cuz like it's the
best place to be right now and like we have like as I mentioned up to like
hundreds of thousands of people who are listening to our music and buying the
stuff that we put out and regarding the temple pharmacy web 3 brand like we've
raised 6.4 million on a pre-sale we're dropping 3,000 NFTs tomorrow and it's a
free mint on Solana and then the next day we're gonna have a token launch and
then we're gonna mint the 7000 NFTs so shortly that is it about it that is it
about us all right so good so that was a lot that was a lot to digest let's let's
go through this shit because what you guys are doing and so I guess let's let's
go back sort of a little bit to the beginning because you guys are a web 2
brand right established big in the in the music and sort of the street wear
the lifestyle brand like you were talking about so how did you go from that
to come into web 3 and why so I've been I've been in web 3 for like three years
I've been a replay guy I've been like hanging around like buying stuff selling
stuff and I think whatever we do in real life and just like a lot of things
the web 3 is a perfect medium to get everything together under one brand and
just like bringing our vision here and like we're like mess that we've been
messing a lot with collectible items in real life like toys and etc and like
when we first discovered NFTs it's a perfect medium it's a perfect medium to
express ourselves dope dope in terms of the so you guys said 3,000 NFTs
tomorrow Freeman's on soul that's through magic Eden but tell us about the
token launch because that's all everybody wants to fucking talk about anymore tell
us about the token launch so Danish here Dane is working with us regarding the
token omics and the launch and everything related to that and Dean yeah
what's up guys thanks for having us up here I was kind of bummed to have to
stop the conversation because I was enjoying listening to you all very wise
words and what's happening with blast unfortunately I think with that chain
since it's so new it gets judged very harshly on the projects that are built
on it which is sort of unfair but it is what it is moving on to temple though I
am actually an owner of a marketing firm called blockchain brothers we're known
for working with veracity Floki cat coin squid grow and a couple others more
recently and here we are with temple and we only look for bangers in the
space and temple was a no-brainer the brand itself is a 15 year old brand this
is something that's been in the making for a long time and web too so it's not
just an afterthought of an idea someone had last month it's actually an
established entity and you can see that when your first impression is going to
the website it's I mean just the website alone I was sending to the day
if you were to look at that website four years ago it would be an insta ape
into whatever token it was just from that alone so the art style the
branding it's it shows itself very apparently and the style that they've
created it's almost like I don't want to say metaverse because that's the buzz
word but they've got their own universe and you can see that there's a lot of
passion behind the project itself and the brand and bringing me to the token
the token itself is basically gonna be reflection of all that and there are a
lot of elements of the token but I think what everybody wants to know you know
is what what's gonna happen at launch you know what's what's gonna be the
protocol for the token so obviously there's a lot of demand for it six point
two million dollars on Solana that was raised last week I think that maybe it
doesn't sound like that much anymore because what we've seen in the last week
with some of these subscription sales I'm down maker but this was done on X
and it was donor done organically so very in demand token and the token
itself is on Solana and it is actually more of a utility token than a meme
which is what makes it quite different because on Solana I mean all we've been
seeing for the most part are memes and so I think that this is actually gonna
be a very healthy token for Solana as a network because I think it's gonna
change the game as far as what people expect and see on Solana I mean all
we've been seeing is shitcoin pump and dumps that are around for maybe a week
or less if that and then there's a couple giga Chad memes but this is
not a meme this token actually does do a lot some which is revealed already to the
public and some which isn't and I think you know beyond just the exchange meta
at launch which we're targeting heavily they're gonna have a lot of surprises
and things that keep people very excited post-launch once this does
drop so Dane what time is the mint tomorrow I'm pretty sure it's a free
mint right so then and that's pretty bullish can you give me like the time and
and kind of dynamics of the man it's 4 p.m. UTC and this is the first phase and
it's gonna be OG for guaranteed mint and the white whitelist mint first come first
serve and probably and hopefully it's not gonna make till the public mint
Dane I I want to know like what makes this token different than other tokens you
know not your average meme token well it's not a meme at first right it's a
real brand that has actual musicians artists of all types behind it so it sort
of represents a fusion of those different communities coming together in the way
that toka and the team have been building have been building for years but
you know as a token utility wise the token is gonna do a lot of things
ranging from governance to memberships to commerce and transactions within the
ecosystems that they have presented even play to earn stuff within the game
that's coming out behind it there's content creation and funding and tokens
will be used for you got staking of course which everybody loves and
different rewards comes from that the token itself will actually be used to
forge partnerships and different collaborations so you know there's
several different utilities that I won't go super deep into that make this
much more than just a meme which is basically just energy pump green chart
and then once that fades it fades this actually has staying power with
different phases post launch that I think will keep people on edge of their
seats what are some of the phases post launch could you give us any alpha go
ahead go ahead toka I don't want to spoil anything I'm not supposed to so
the plans about the post post launch actually we're dropping a super shop the
e-commerce shop tomorrow before the mint and I haven't said it yet so like you're
first to know we're gonna be dropping our softer it could be purchased through
crypto and whenever we drop our coin that whoever buys it with the coin they
might have access to the early drops and some special drops besides that we're
working on the play to earn game which is gonna be dropping later like in like
about a month and a lot of a lot a lot of surprises coming
all right well I'm pretty sure we got a surprise coming right now cuz FUD's had
his hand up for a minute FUD what's up buddy what's up FUD oh boy hey guys do
you have any like firm dates on when that game will be ready for the play to
earn not yet we don't have exact dates because I don't want to promise to have a
date because it's in the making and most of it the core is done and we're
working on a design and character and some other stuff but it will be pretty
soon can I ask a second question Malik yeah man oh sorry Malik yeah it's cool
with me FUD go ahead yeah also yes Ashley yeah okay I'm gonna guess too that's
unanimous dude that's for yes FUD you're good to go okay you said you were
giving away five whitelist on this space I was just curious that's weird
because you DM me hey I'll let you win if you tweet about it so are you gonna
still give away five or am I one of the five I don't know I have that you're not
getting one in fact we will run the Twitter bigger until you are not on
that list so yeah and remember remember FUD IDM do that like two years ago when
we're planning on launching on it so I don't know if that offer is still up but
I might reconsider it if you want to I hang on I was wondering if you were the
same toka I was yeah that's me bro that's me I was pulling up quite a quite
a lot of times hey good for you man this seems like a really cool cool thing
dude so I'm wishing you luck and it's freaking rad how you guys are doing
you know yeah he's been he's I would say he's been my Twitter friend for two and a
half years but I was like I don't know if this is the same toka that's what I
was thinking up and that's awesome sure enough it is so I genuinely wish you all
the best it is not easy bro
earlier besides the founder I'm a regular replay guy so I'm gonna keep doing that
good bullish on founders that are actually from the space that's fucking
great toka or ordained in terms of like so I've gone through your website but
I guess if you haven't go check it out click on the on the temple pharmacy
account and go look at the website is slick as fuck you guys did a really nice
job with that thing but in terms of other things that we haven't covered yet
or sort of like what's the takeaway what what do you want people to go
obviously mint tomorrow Freeman on Solana you gave the time in UTC which
might as well have been fucking Chinese to me but I fortunately I have an iPhone
and has a world clock and I make sure I have UTC on there so I can figure out
what time that is in America time so tomorrow and then the following day is
the the token release you did a pre-sale raised what do you think six
million bucks I can say that three sole of that six million bucks was for me and
and then anything else that we should know in terms of like how the NFTs play
into the larger ecosystem obviously you're bringing in a big sort of web to
following and a web to business that you're bringing in here but like what
how do these things interact in the ecosystem or what is sort of landscape
of the ecosystem for the NFTs so first of all regarding the time zones I'm in
Georgia in Europe and for me it's like GMT plus for the most random time zone
it's 7 a.m. here so I'm like completely lost in time zones and I haven't slept
yet so and regarding the second question NFT and the token are like making this
ecosystem by this play to earn game and after the play to earn game is
dropped it makes like a lot of sense because you're gonna need a NFT to play
you can upgrade it and you're gonna earn the token so I think it makes sense like
that I know that merch is like a big thing for you guys I have seen some
people say that the quality of the merch is fucking insane and I know that
that's something you guys have a lot of experience in how does that work is
it is there gonna be like token gated merch specifically for holders can you buy
the merch using the token like what's the story well thank you for bringing that up
like first of all I don't like to call it merch cuz I call it the streetwear
brand cuz like if there was no F3 if there was no music label we would still
be doing streetwear and jewelry and skateboards and it's like you would like
to be completely independent brand so regarding the connection with token
yes it's gonna be the token gated and whoever's gonna buy it buy it with our
token they're gonna have or whoever's gonna hold our NFT they're gonna have
early access to the collection drops and have the access to the special items
which the PayPal and yet guys won't have so besides that this is that yeah
like well we also have a physical shop in Felician we're opening one in Paris we
already have this pace and we're gonna make it we're gonna make it like look
really cool I love it dude so we're getting we're getting close to time here
right so before I hit clink through sand it do you have any like call to actions
or like what's the best way do you have it what's the discord like a discord is
Twitter what's kind of the best place to find out all the updates well everything
that we about the update like first place we tweeted on our official account
and guys please make sure that it's treated by our official account cuz
like I've seen like hundreds of fake accounts dropping some scam links and
like please always make sure it's a pro tweeted by me or our official account
which is open speakers and not get yourself drained but yeah we're also
updating everything on discord but the Twitter is the best way to go honestly I
was just telling bunny earlier today cuz we were you know he was tagging you
in the in this space and I was like dude there's so many fake versions it's
like what like what could be more bullish than like 50 fucking fake
accounts it sounds insane but it's actually super bullish real quick you
know Twitter picker yeah if you retweet this space and follow temple pharmacy you
will be eligible to receive one of the five whitelist bots we're giving away so
do that within the next like 30 seconds all right while we do that let's go to
clink sir what's up clink yeah this sounds like an interesting project I was
just wondering if the NFT holders get a token allocation right away when the
token is dropped
whoever whoever bought a pre-sale they're eligible for whitelist and whoever's
gonna mint NFT would have a surprise coming for them and probably I'm gonna
drop it tomorrow right off to the mint
so it's kind of the other way around clink so you got the NFT if you did the
token pre-sale yeah also have a platform help platform for the airdrops which
is like super simple you got to go there I'll write a bullish tweet about temple
pharmacy submit it in the website and you'll be eligible for the airdrop I
think that's much simpler
awesome thank you where's that site for that for people to go do that it's an
hour tweet official Twitter account it's the fourth or third tweet I'm gonna
pin it right now perfect perfect and ash whenever you're ready let's see so
these are to be clear these are five og whitelist spots guaranteed mint for
tomorrow's free mint on Solana through magic eating guys you got to have a soul
wallet in order to make this so just make sure you have that sorted out do you
guys better post a screenshot is if I win and you guys leave me I'm gonna be so
mad I'm gonna write
are you but just for you just DM DM me the offer that I gave you two years ago
I think it's still available I just DM your soul address and I'll give it to
you you're my longtime friend so that's so sweet oh my god don't do a toga oh
okay so why are you gonna paper hand it or what no I just like to break fuzz
balls man he's a great guy we love fun definitely hook him up he's one of the
real ones I have a real toga they have a real beef ever since Malick didn't get a
honorary and let me tell you token he was giving these things out willy-nilly
dude like a bunch of people got even Ashley and funny got them dude so just
to give you some context oh really just bottom of the barrel here let's find
out who's getting the whitelist all right guys the winner for the whitelist is bad
brothers is number one he always wins dude I know dude dedication bro lucky
dread pirates Rob I don't know who you are but congratulations
Stevie bet and creation NFT underscore e and Danielle aka TW for NFTs fuck sorry
my mic was off fuck everybody if your name got called this DM Ashley with
your sole wallet address and we will make sure that that gets over to the
team please do it tonight mint is tomorrow these guys have shit to do so
wait wait wait wait we are not squeezing them for two more like what
we're just content with five y'all just sent in the dm's like so hopefully I'll
get the whitelist to all right everybody just bother toka in the dm's as well as
Ashley double attack both of them and then see how it goes maybe guys yep
work for your bad guys give me a whitelist Ashley that's a good point I
saw a good tweet by these before he was like I'm in discord spamming cost copy
pasta for my fucking bags right now what are you doing that that discord was
wild when he was what this court was it was literally crypto valleys it felt
like felt like fucking and if you know when NFTs what was the couple dude
never a height man we're just everybody was in the discord spamming
copy it was the same that I felt in their minds it was well it was every
single second people were spamming it it was insane man I missed that I wish
crypto valleys dude it just looks I don't know it's kind of like boring to be
completely honest no it's actually fun I don't know dude it was overwhelming it
was daunting man I don't want anything to do with it all right well I'm going
to bed dude I hate you Jay thank you Temple farmers people stopping by
Thomas about to make good luck with everything tomorrow we appreciate you
guys sponsoring us yeah fuck check