Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 1:41:22



you gotta fix your music man, something's messed up
it was silent
you hear it?
yeah I was silent
that was silent?
yeah I didn't hear a damn thing
are you kidding me?
time no music I think that's why people were laughing Jesus Christ it sucks
because I have new intro music and it's fire I heard it the entire time I'm
gonna need you when I start the when these spaces start just throw up like
thumbs up if you hear a thumbs down if you don't when the spaces start yeah this
time was definitely a thumbs down fuck Christ all right well welcome to Shadow
Cabal News thank you everyone for joining we are we got a special edition of Shadow
Cabal News today we are live from the southern US border we're live on site we
have a very special exclusive resource to Shadow Cabal News here we have a border
patrol member from the US border patrol live on site where the razor wire is he's
live on site it's an honor to have him on the show please welcome to the stage
Jim Fath Jim Fath you've been a US border patrol member for what's been now
10 years oh excuse me I was eating my Bucky's golden nuggets there yes yes I
was sorry I just had to stop at Bucky's there for a minute while they're putting
the razor wire back up well what did you get from Bucky's the golden nuggets
the golden nuggets that's guys that sounds delicious so you've been with the
US border patrol now for 10 years well what do you what are you seeing on the
ground how does this compare to what you've seen before well I have to say
I'm glad I'm not seeing my orcas on the ground right now because then I'd have
to you know do my job and stuff and quite frankly I'm embarrassed I've I used
to have a wonderful career and now I get to you know do nothing I used to get
paid for doing things and I get paid for sitting back and not doing much so
the official orders I mean I'll throw it to you right after this the official
orders from your boss is to do nothing am I understanding that correctly Jim Fath
well he uses error quotes with his fingers when he says it so yeah I mean
you know I I try to figure out what he means so I try to do some things I
often get written up because like I'll notice someone that seems to be a
Mexican descent coming across the border and I get on my radio and say it's
there and I always get put in timeout so I you know I do some things I just don't
do nothing I was under the impression that you had strict orders from the
president United States to actually remove razor wire Jim why aren't you
doing that right now interestingly that's not what I got at all I was
told to remove my razor from the restroom area because it was dirty and they wanted
me to clean it up at least that's what I got okay so at the moment you're not
removing any razor wire you got the orders to do to remove that but it
appears you're not doing that so you're just kind of standing around is there a
lot of people coming across the border what are you seeing through your eyes
they wear badges and have cowboy hats that's who I see coming to the border
right now and they're putting up razor wire and I I just am told to sit here and
observe except I'm also told not to observe because I just might get in
trouble for noticing something so I'm I mean I'm honestly quite confused I
don't know what to do but here I am we also have on stage here the official
chief legal analyst for shadow cabal news definitely none of us let me just
give you a quick introduction to the shadow cabal news team I'm Alex been a
chief editor of shadow cabal news we have penny 2x senior contributor to
shadow cabal news trash discourse is also up here senior contributor shadow
cabal news as well as TB 513 shadow cabal manager Ani is a social shadow
cabal leader we have on here Miley contributor to shadow cabal news as well
as honey badger no offense but and Johannes who's our our foreign reporter
for shadow cabal news and then of course last but not least definitely not
advice chief top senior chief legal counsel for shadow cabal news one of
the most powerful legal analysts in the game as well as Marsha chief telegram
chat we also have Catherine who's in the crowd who I'm gonna have to bring up
here in a second don't mind the rotations that are about to happen as
well as relax chief street legal street reporter who's never on the street to do
interviews even though he's our street reporter he's gonna lose his job soon
but we have on stage definitely not advice chief legal analyst you have your
hand raised you have questions for Jim Faf who is who is the he is the he's he's
US Border Patrol hi Jim how you doing I'm doing okay thank you you're enjoying
your break since we're not enforcing laws down there anymore it's been
almost three years now and it's I feel very well rested are they not concerned
about your health by no longer being as active at work like I'm a little
concerned that you're not getting your steps in well I'm not getting as much
exercise as I used to but the good news is my health is very good I have not had
to encounter anyone coming over the border for three years so it helped me it
helped me during COVID and thereafter too well that's good so I have a report
that's coming out of your area that they're actually replacing the barbed
wire with a red carpet can you comment on that have you seen the red carpet come
out yet not yet but I hear that there are truckloads on their way down from
Washington DC and we're supposed to make sure that there's like a 1,000 foot
barrier apparently they're very very wide ask again do you think the red carpet
will be a tripping hazard no but the process by which they make carpet is
will cause a release of chemicals and there's a big worry about it so we're
supposed to wear air masks and gloves because it can be very dangerous Jim has
that been known in the state of California to cause cancer it is
actually the state of California bans this carpet so apparently instead of using
carpet over near the California border with Mexico they're they're going to use
large latex structures on the ground to allow people through that mr. Faf sorry I
have a cousin who's actually going to be going through the border and I'm
wondering so you know as you've heard you know living in London these days is
rather traumatizing so these trying to escape into the US and I'm wondering is
is there a safe route for for an English civilian to to come in to to the
US borders there is there some kind of you know an alliance anything he can you
know pay under the table any such things that can be done that would very
much help my my cousin's life because I'm currently in communications with him
and just want to make sure he can safely get through the border thank you
El Paso has two fantastic fish and chips places saw here indeed I'm sure
that is the case but is there you know in fact they have the only Arthur
Treacher's left in the United States well is my cousin able to perhaps find
gainful employment at this fish and chips place across the border or is that
oh are you suggesting that he takes a fish and chips kit and brings us
across the border to be provided for the gods at the border and then make
his way to the fish and chips joint as as a safe cover it will be an upgrade
from what they're presently being offered
Catherine what your your your cousin's coming over from England why doesn't he
fly over oh it's not a fly state you see so my cousin is actually we can't quite
come into the US because there is there there is the small matter of criminal
record and he's has been not allowed to boards in flights now he is able to he's
been sailing you know and I've I've also landed him my private plane so he can
you know take a little tour to some of the places but he can't quite come
through the border directly you see so he has to he has to you know row his
boat gently down the river and then eventually once he's gently wrote the
boat down the river he has to walk and he you know the greatest hope that he
because he's heard from many you know tourists shall we say who come across the
the border that this is really the way to go and also we've heard that there
are phones that are being distributed and I know they're only androids however
he doesn't have a very new phone yet and he'd like to receive a better phone
so for those reasons Catherine don't you have like that flying license from
YouTube can she just like fly all the way up up up up and up and now I go
invisible and bring him down no I can't quite go invisible but you see my plane
is very small and a little rickety so all I can do is bring him closer to the
border and I'd like to not get shot down that would be rather nice and that
plane I invested $5,000 in my own money and $5,000 of somebody else's money in
that plane so I'd like for it not to be shot down you see that the other person
whose money invested is not aware so you know real quick I just wanted a quick
reset here because we've this space has quickly gone viral Elon has retweeted
us this is the biggest space on X right now we are live from the southern
border this is the only space on X that is live from the southern border we have
with us a member of the US Border Patrol Jim Fath on stage really really
important thing we do here if you have questions for Jim Fath right right now
the southern border is a hot zone it is a highly reported and talked about zone
with many crossings going on right now if you have questions about the southern
border you want to talk about you know what's going on there see you know ask Jim
about what he's seeing I'm hearing reports of Ashton Kutcher potentially
being spotted crossing the border feel free to do one of two things feel free
to request to come up I'm going to be cycling people up to ask Jim Fath
questions throughout the space and second I hit the purple pill and leave
the questions there I will if you know Shadow Cabal news space as you know
throughout we look at the comments we pick up the questions and we answer the
questions we make sure you can and we get you answers this is the the most hard
hitting reputable news team on all of X and all of social media and all of
citizen journalism unfortunately I'm broke I don't have any money I can pay
Jim Fath to be on here so he requested we pay him in retweets he said it's
gonna cost 100 retweets for him to be on this space so do us a favor if you
want to keep Jim Fath on this space he's US Border Patrol make sure to hit
the purple pill in the bottom right and then hit the retweet button we need to
pay Jim Fath everyone do that immediately like and subscribe like and
subscribe like and subscribe if you guys really really really mean to
support these like you know these news network people Shadow Cabal and
everybody like the ones that are leading the whole herd like Alex Penny and Jim
you need to subscribe they all have subscriptions on so go ahead and do
that let's get back to the questions and Malcolm trash discourse senior
contributor Shadow Cabal news on stage you have a question for Jim Fath who is
on the scene in the southern border I don't but I actually want to add some
context to the academic study that our chief counsel had pointed out from the
Babylon B Institute about the red carpets and we had some discussions
regarding California well I've been able to use my networks and I reached
out just to get some advice and what I found is this is that the open the
wide-open border that connects to California they've actually gone ahead
and made a rule as long as it says Black Lives Matter and it's rainbow-colored
you're more than welcome to actually roll that out in California so we
actually have they're actually getting equity in this border crossing business
and so I think that we're getting proper representation across the board and
and I want to thank our chief counsel for pulling up that academic study from
the Babylon B Institute thank you very much it's a good question is is
should we be encouraging more gay people to cross over the border are there
enough gay people crossing over the border I think it's an important
question we need to ask is there well also I'd like to point out that there's
just not enough English people crossing through the border and that's why I
very much advocate for my my cousin to be able to come in Sarah you cannot
point down a thumbs down you are a racist anti-british intelligence
individual and I will not have any of that I will not tolerate it I will not
tolerate it on this stage I will not tolerate it in my apartment not even in
my bed you know I just want to point out that Katherine and all of her evil
people once tried to own us nobody has ever in Mexico has ever tried to own us
has ever tried to do taxation without representation yet Katherine and her
people we are allowing her kind to come across the border no shoot the plane
down language her kind how dare you how dare you ghastly American you know we we
said the Canadians over to burn your white house down and we could do it
again you know the only thing worse than your kind are the Canadians yeah those
conduct his studies are horrible on the southern border and start focusing on
the northern border well you know Malcolm you see we need to diversify our
border crossings we need to make sure we have LGBTQ representation English
representation just to increase the overall IQ and agility with the English
tongue I'll tell you you a bridge folk what no hey y'all can come across the
border but y'all ain't getting our dental care we saving that for hard-working
red-blooded Americans okay so let me tell you this all our dental care it's
gonna be reserved for us because it's gonna our teeth is gonna be the only one
that's purple or white like God intended this country to be our dental
cares reserved for us but as long as you're paying for insurance I know how you
people shush I know how you people don't respect our dentistry in the UK but the
thing is we might have rotten teeth but they are pearly white leave rotten for
free okay for free in the United States you have to pay for that for the
privilege to have you know pearly whites and so on like Malcolm does
that's just you know it's a capitalistic post-colonial atrocious
savage system that is racist towards British people it's racist towards
LGBTQ people it's racist towards everybody it's racist towards dogs even
now if you're British and gay and you can pack in one or two extra minorities
in that case I'd be willing to give up my dental care right because it's really
important that we're as diverse as possible in our clean teeth state that
was the most un-american thing I've ever heard anybody say penny two times
and I am very upset with you we should skip Catherine's broken teeth back
across the pond where it belongs yeah I was about to say that sound like teeth
ever since I started eating beaver nuggets from Bucky's and Jim June the
taxi brings up an excellent point what kind of xenophobia are you seeing at
the border because obviously it's one rampant here right now in this space
are you seeing any indications of that down at the border near the red carpet
everyone I know loves zina ever since she first showed up on the Hercules
series of Kevin Sorbo hey now Jim now also a true American right right Jim
path zina zina absolutely hey brother Jim I just wanted to ask you real quick
is buying that administration paying for y'all dental care right now we sound
like sound like this uh this comedy said administration ain't really taking care
of our trusted border patrollers I get free dental care I get free Bucky's
beaver nuggets I get free pin a very nice pension coming my way in fact it'll be
on the order of about two three hundred thousand a year I think is what they
said it was all I had to do was show up for work but I was it's insisted that I
not work at all that I sit here and watch them remove the razor wire or put
it back on whichever hang hang hang hang hang on for one cotton pick a minute
now you said you get free beaver nuggets well well cut me in some
mustard corn leave me some dang border patrol job myself work I apply well
first I gotta learn how to read but you know again it was Americans you know
hey hey we ain't got none of my legal special them Brits I'm an armist you
can apply at WWW Jack around and find out calm I think it's important to let
Malcolm flex know that to get into this country all you need to sign is an X so
I know that your Malcolm flex but you could be for purposes Malcolm X that's
his gender isn't it well let's let's get back on track here we have that was
grew up who is the US Border Patrol on site at the southern border I'm hearing a
lot of reports of people going over the border gym is there anyone recognizable
you're seeing go over the border you see any celebrities I hear it's very
fashionable for celebrities go kind of back and cross across the border I'm
hearing reports of Ashton Kutcher going across Will Smith is there any what
are you seeing there what do you have in front of you what's any recognizable
figures or anything so far we've heard we've seen nothing but we do have we
were given a memo recently where we're gonna have to be really observant
beginning somewhere around November 3rd because we expect a full push of
Hollywood celebrities coming across the border sometime then and they said
something about a presidential election or something like that interesting so
we're controlling the flow of people going across the border based on the
election this is uh this is really interesting stuff we have on stage
relax who is our man on the street reporter who literally never reports from
the street relax you have a question for Jim Fath I do I do actually one of my
sources actually just texted me about I'd say 15 20 minutes ago and said there
has been sightings of Alec Baldwin being crossed into Mexico now I wanted to
know whether or not Jim can confirm or or deny that report because there is that
rumor floating around that Alec is trying to avoid persecution and is being
smuggled into Mexico as we speak so I'd like to know Jim can you confirm these
reports thank you I cannot confirm or I cannot deny that he went across the
border but I also cannot confirm or deny whether the firearm he was taking with
him actually had a bullet yeah I'd about say you gotta watch out that man
rooting to cowboy you heard he killed that a Hutchins Hutchins woman and man
just and killed so many liberals I swear I need to make a mayor my city
mr. Fath where is that you were located where are you stationed at that's
classified it's somewhere in Texas somewhere in Texas I so Jim I'm I'm
conveniently sitting at a Mexican restaurant having all-you-can-eat taco
Tuesday and I have someone that came up for me in the back room that says he
recognizes your voice I show him a picture of your profile on my phone and
he says you are the one he paid to enter the United States Alice should we get him
on the phone this guy he's what what is he painting in the United States who's
this guy he is he has stated that this this immigrant has paid Jim Fath a lot of
money to be to be entered into the United States well people are doing it
pretty easily for free so I don't know why he'd be paying Jim Fath anything what
wait wait can my cousin pay Jim Fath with his would you like fish and chips
so would you prefer hardcore cash and but he only has pounds so is that so
right I heard Applebee's gift cards actually is probably what he's looking
for just wanted to put that out there this is breaking news by the way guys
you also have to deal with his bad breath because as a reminder he is a
British and without enough along and you can wear a mask so it's all right then
oh that's good was very thoughtful then we have on stage Jane Jane Garamone you
requested to come up here you're on stage with Jim Fath Jim Fath is on the
US Southern Patrol he's on the he's on the US Southern Patrol team he's at the
southern border as we speak he's witnessed Alec Baldwin cross his
witness Lady Gaga cross you're on with Jim Fath Jane any questions for Jim Fath
Jane did you come up here just to get on stage to get free followers of the
engagement is that what you did here Jane I'm blocking you I'm removing from
speakers and I'm blocking you can I Alex I need to really point out that you
are pronounced mispronouncing Jim's last name incorrectly it's Jim puff ass the
pee is not silent like sound like that Jim fella might be French and I know we
ain't got no French's in our border patrol now do we my ancestors actually do
come from Strasburg France right respected and microaggress right now do
you microaggress I'd like to tackle that question if that is the case I don't
think anyone who's an employee of the United States of America should feel
microaggress like that and I don't know Sarah is is is is putting a home so to
speak which is not kind at all it's very racist Sarah listen I'm sick and
tired of the people who constantly claim that folks who have French descent would
not protect the border I think that that is a horrible horrible thing that is
constantly brought against me in my proud French border you know look at what
the French have given us they've given us french fries French doors what have
the British give us headaches French toast thank you headaches bad teeth
why bangers and mash bangers and mash which by the way that sounds like it's
pedophilia so giving us pedophilia well that's absurd so I mean black pudding is
absolutely terrific and we've got new Indian food to black pudding you say I
don't even want to know what that means Catherine Catherine you actually have a
we have a question for you from the audience I'm looking in the purple pill
here there's a question directly for you again if you have questions for Jim Fath
who's on stage is part of the US border patrol is live at the southern border or
anyone else on the stage if you want to get question for Sarah although I have
no idea what you know what should contribute to your questions or
Catherine she's British trash discourse who is a raccoon or Marsha Marsha's in
every telegram chat there is but we have a question from Sherry Quillen
Sherry Quillen says what the fuck is this lady who is this crazy British
woman I'm out of here you know this is the problem is discourse today people
just I'm completely uncivilized you know because I'm British because they
have an English accent I'm suddenly a crazy lady this is absolutely racist I
think it's due to a lack of representation of English people in
Hollywood that's what this has become this is where it's all coming from I'm
not crazy I'm simply British just because I speak the proper English language as it
was intended does not make me crazy and this is we need a better more civil
discourse this is just not right we should be playing the victim role here
and well sounding all sad you did throw out the term you people several times
my cousin Jimbo he actually expert and you people mind you so that's actually
here's where you appropriate American culture I'm gonna have to ask you to stop
I actually don't want you lying to the audience Catherine because you did have
great British representation in Hollywood by the name of shot sir Sean
Connery ring any bells Catherine and then because he stole the stone of
coronation and they took her back to Scotland that ghastly man and then he
pretended to be James Bond but he's Scottish he cannot be James Bond James
Bond is the quintessential English man just because he drinks does not make
him automatically by default a British citizen we also have a question from TK
Goldens at tea at Golden's TLK their bio says golden lovers this person loves
golden retrievers stop with accusing people of being racist it's getting old
because it's untrue Catherine they're racist that person's racist it's
absolutely racist and all the races always denied being racist I'm not
nervous because I have one black friend and one Indian friend and one English
friend actually nobody says here's the thing here's the thing here nobody says
oh I have an English friend it's like we don't even exist we don't even matter
we don't eat you don't even have to pretend not to hate British people and
not to be racist well that is very much racist and I will not stand for it I
will not even sit on that note Catherine could you accommodate me because I'm
literally on my way through the border I'm at Mexico right now I heard this
space going down and I'm gonna make my way through and yeah Catherine by that
definition you would be you know you would be discriminatory if you wouldn't
accept another British person no absolutely listen the only concern I have
those my cousin is trying to make his way through the border as well so I
don't know how many British people they will let us in oh he's queuing orderly
he I could definitely tell where he is right now no you're right he's queuing
it's definitely him because you know that's what we do we do it very well
by the way some people could learn from us the Asians queued very well to
them if he gonna come in his country don't do that weird thing with the pinky
though because that's just that's not proper I have another question from the
purple pill Alex if you don't mind question question for Jim Pafath the
question is how much did it cost you to sell out your country for profit that
question is from Jesse Van Meter I did before you answer that Jim Jesse Van is
requesting to come up let's get Jesse Van up here so you can ask it to your
face Jesse Van Meter we you know we're we're a news team that that strives on
face-to-face conversation having the hard conversation hitting the hard questions
and the civil discourse so Jesse Van you had a very flagratory question do
you want to ask it to Jim Pafs face yeah for sure man thank you very much for
Alex for hosting this penny and Jim Pafath however you fucking pronounce it
so yeah my question is for sure how much what was your number Jim I'd like
to know what was your number for you to to help all these pedophile Hollywood
actors get across the border and get new names and new Social Security cards the
service I don't perform for my country is priceless it's priceless so what
number is that like infinite like trillions or billions or millions I
think what he's getting out actually in his American way is that he wants to
know how much it would cost him to get some of this friends over well I have
an answer I have an answer for that it will cost you about seven years of your
life for instance my wife is Filipino she's the first generation American her
father my father-in-law Rudolfo came from the Philippines when my wife Lindland
was one year old it took him seven years in America to become a US citizen
working his ass off and going back home to the Philippines every Christmas once a
year to see his family and sending all of his money back while living in like a
boarding house with other immigrants doing it the right way but eventually again
after seven years he was able to become a US citizen and petition to have my wife
and her sister and her brother and her mother my mother-in-law come over to the
states legally the right way so it would cost you about seven years so don't
you list Jesse Jesse Jim up here is working to make sure that people can
come across sign their name with an X not a Malcolm flex but a Malcolm X and come
into our country without having to go through any processes it sounds like you
support Jim no I don't I support the opposite because whenever just like
growing up if you're giving something for free you don't appreciate it I'm
sure your parents have taught you that when you're giving I appreciate you
not cutting me off when I'm talking for a second
I'm very calm I promise I promise I'm calm I'm always calm people thanks so
much legal lady but you were super mean to me and you made my attorney have to
step I didn't know I was mean to you you know that's the problem with today
people get their panties in a bunch a lot especially Sarah because she buys don't
kill it Walmart for like one dollar I'm very how dare you assume that I wear
panties in order to get them in a bus I'm a feminist thing if you haven't ever
yeah so this is trash discourse senior correspondent for shadow call news the
the best news on the internet and frankly the entire world and galaxy once
we go to space will be in other planets and let me ask you this so we had a
story that came out a few years ago and it looked like a very respectable austere
religious scholar was actually killed in the Middle East had he been up to be
afforded asylum he probably wouldn't have been blown up and we could have
gotten through our southern border fortunately Jesse from all the reports
that I've seen we actually did get a austere religious scholar from the
Middle East crossing our border just recently so how would you feel if you
couldn't come across and then you get blown up in the Middle East instead of
coming across the border Jesse well that the answer to that is twofold sir so
first obviously I welcome I welcome people that you know love this country
and one what's best for this country however the the second part of that
answer is for every one good person there's five unknowns that are coming in
as well so there may be there may be one in in five that are good and
decent people that are coming in with true intentions there may be scholars
they may want to live the American dream but I promise you sir there it may not
be 80% it may not be one in five it may be it may be one in five is bad and
four and five is good but the one in five so but that's a lot of that well I
want to get some clarity I do want to get some clarity on what you're saying
Jesse I'm not trying to interrupt you I want to engage with you here you're
saying that there's unknowns like we all don't have a large social media
following some of us are very relatively low and unknown on social media are you
suggesting that people only with large followings that are known should be
allowed is that what you're saying no I just think before you let people into
the same neighborhoods that your kids play in you should kind of vet them you
know just like how America has been since its foundations did you vet all
your neighbors before you moved into your neighborhood I'm curious well I'm
glad you asked that question I live in Jacksonville Florida my family are the
tittles the hickens and the Bennett's the tittles for instance my great
grandfather was in the Super Bowl just a few years ago mr. tittle he was a
quarterback he flipped the coin in the halftime show so we were the one of
three families that settled Marietta inside of Jacksonville so we owned most
of the property in this town inside of Jacksonville Florida which is the
biggest land mass city in the United States of America so with that said yes
I do that my neighbors absolutely sure the tittles have no crime history I'm
doing I'm running force on my side right now I'm running my reports on the
tittles as we I'm getting some red flags back about the tittles a complete
report on the tittles Alex is dish are they in marshes telegram group Marsha
can you do me a favor run through your telegram chat group your private one let
me know what you got on the tittles I want to see here if Jesse has been doing
as much research on his neighbors as he this is research on my ancestry this is
research on my family so I have been told all of my family's business yes
I'm sure there I don't think that they should be called the tittles it sounds
anti-feminist now I ain't gonna talk about no feminist talking stuff and and
you know what Jesse see you sound like good hot blood American patriot but when
I heard you came from tittles well I'm a van meter now so my daddy van meter ran
with ran with you know the outlaws van meter you know like like in that one
movie lawless you know the one that would Johnny Depp and Homer
conversation I'm gonna need you to put on out with the rest of them redcoats yes
sir please so the band meters also came to the Midwest with General George
Washington whenever we were in war and the band meters fought and took over the
mid to Midwest and settled in Kentucky and Missouri and Illinois which is why
are you making fun of mr. flex's accent I do you think this space is a job my
accent spirit he just got spirit see the hot blood of Alabama man and me
speaking to the Florida man in him you know we got we got that little bammer
connection going on now yeah we bibin me and Malcolm's cool I'm not making fun
of nothing this is my country accent baby all right I just want to point out I
just want to point out that the news I'm getting about the tittles as they are
very much into money laundering and that's how they establish everything down
there in Florida and that's highly concerning and there are a lot of
violent crimes so I really do implore you to go back through your family
history because there's a lot of skeletons there you are clearly not
British woman speaking shuttle okay so here's what I want to say is Jesse here's
the thing you were talking about criminals coming from the border right
and this is a concern of yours and fine I understand that's a concern but your
whole family is prime enterprise how do you how do you justify that what do you
have a problem against one crime family versus another crime family just because
you've been there longer I just don't understand no well the the point to that
is you know sons aren't supposed to be responsible for their father's sins
correct and daughters aren't supposed to be responsible for their mother's sins
so I'm a new man I'm a new generation of the van meters my uncle Gary van
meters the mayor in Arkansas he is a mayor of a city in Arkansas and he's a
famous steel guitar player and plays in gospel bands all around the country so
there's generations that are good I just told you his name so Gary Gary G-a-r-y
van meter he was see I never heard of him he said you said that he was very
famous but I've never heard of him so I feel like you're not a reliable well if
you're from British then you wouldn't know American people very as much as you
do British people I would assume
ma'am are you from British Catherine oh see I am from British but you know you
know these Americans they condescend as to as British people all the time these
Americans that's a racial slur these Americans cuz the tea is bullshit but you
are American so you know you need more respect I don't think your mother raised
you right all right all right listen listen we're getting off track here we
have on stage Jim fast who is actually a US border patrol agent he's on the scene
at the southern border he's live we have on stage Jesse van meter from a
descendant of the tiddles let's go to Barry Schafer Barry Schafer commented on
the on the post again if you have any questions for Jim Fath who is a border
patrol agent feel free to hit the purple pill and submit your questions Jim
Schafer said hey I have a question for Jim Fath Barry go right at you Jim I
was wondering with all the potential violence and everything with the people
crossing the border are you protecting yourself with razor wire no what I'm
doing is I've got the five trucks that brought down my year-long supply of
beaver nuggets from Bucky's are my protection I see and what's
protecting those trucks razor wire okay I just want to clarify that thank you
thank you Barry Schafer for your your high intellect hi I do question I
appreciate it penny 2x your hand is raised do you have a question for Jim
Fath yeah it's not actually for Jim Fath I did have another question from
the purple pill this question is for the British lady actually it says
English lady in this post from rusty cannon by the way if you want your
question read post it in the purple pill now have have the English lady explain
what spotted dick is and how do you get rid of it that's a question for you
English lady I don't know it sounds like it's more of a question for your doctor
I understand he's making a you know making fun of us English for what we eat
but you know what here's the thing we had we had to do this very little we were
experiencing famine we had to use all the body parts and we unlike Americans
we didn't eat other people so we ate other part body parts and just because
the dick is spotted doesn't mean that it's something is wrong with it you see
but his dick on the other hand it might be spotted and he might need a
modical attention is what I would suggest and you know if you're gonna eat
a body part that might be the one I see back in the back in the mountains in
the hills when we cooked it if it still has spots on it like that we just turn
there a couple more times around spit you know ain't nothing but uh you know
just a few a few more rounds and it'll fry up quite nicely put some mayonnaise
on it well there we go honey badger you send me a DM you have some questions for
Jim Faff again if you're in the audience we have an exclusive interview no other
space on all of X has this type of access we're live at the US southern
border we have Jim Faff who is a US southern border patrol agent he's at the
border he's moving around some razor wire as we speak if you hear some
crinkling that's that the razor wire if you hear some yelling that's some people
crossing over we've had reports of Alec Baldwin crossing over Lady Gaga some
other reports there's a stick around for some other names who might be crossing
over a honey badger Nance aka Nance do you have questions for Jim Faff
actually Alex I do and I also have some breaking news so apparently since the
border patrol and Jim Faff all of them have been declared impotent at the
border Governor Abbott has decided to go in an entirely different direction so
certainly because arms are not allowed on the border he has decided to go all
over the country to attract other civilians to come and help out so he
decided to go apparently hook up the hit up the rodeo circuit and in order to
get them down here he has launched a an effort with a decoy and so I'm
standing here while buses busloads and busloads of beautiful women from all the
way from Laramie to Omaha back down to the Rio Grande are getting off right now
and I'm telling you Alex there is big hair and bedazzled jeans as far as the
eyes can see down here I am being told that this is called Operation Buckle
Bunny thank you operation Buckle Bunny are you are you seeing the
busloads of big-haired women coming through Jim Faff it's almost like the
1950s down here Jesse you were thumbs-uping and hearting what was it
about busloads of hairy women going across the border made you want to send
hearts and thumbs ups sounds like America Jesse I have a quick question for you
do you think burglary also sounds like America or do you think Americans should
not rob other people I'm just curious I was waiting on someone to ask that
because obviously I knew that was gonna come up so back a few years ago just to
let everyone know on a quick two-minute story my dad died when I was 20 I went
through some drug and alcohol addictions and when I was like I
think like 25 I think I got arrested I sold a UPS package off of someone's
porch and I sold it at a pawn shop so I got arrested for stealing a package off
of someone's porch and selling it at a pawn shop because I was addicted to drugs
I did have to go through a 13-month diversion program I paid my restitution
of $300 for the item that I stole I did 13 months of a drug court program
where I had to go before the judge in the court and pee in a cup twice a week
for 13 months and go to NAA meetings four times a week and have everything
charted down and go to counseling with therapists and you know specialists that
deal with drug and alcohol addiction I think that your path of
redemption should be a heroic story for anyone to listen to especially that
you know people people involved in these things but let me ask you just
because they were a terrorist in the Middle East and they crossed our southern
border shouldn't they be afforded a path to redemption as well of course and
they are everyone is afforded a path it's just the people that are coming
across now are not taking the path that was given they're they're being
impatient and they're taking things into their own hands but now you see your
honor if I may can I approach our legal lady on behalf of my client mr. van
meter can I just point out that I'm Marcia are one of our senior
correspondents her family telegram is never wrong Marcia pulled this out she
is never wrong thank you Marcia was wrong I don't know what what she might
have been wrong about I don't know I didn't say anyone was wrong her family
telegram knows all well good you have Marcia on stage Marcia is there any any
other information you want to give us in the current situation what did Sarah
say what you said there you cut out she said you're you're the know-all and you
can tell all because you run a telegram and it's not a family it's a private we
need to make that clear I'm so sorry Marcia my dad is a private telegram not
her family her family is not involved thank you on that on the name you gave
me to look up it's not on there no tittles there's no tittles on that list
nope all right that sounds like a good thing well it sounds like he's just
never been to Epstein Island but my digging yeah we will keep digging there
why do you so much do you keep looking for tittles hold on a second penny Sarah
I told you my ancestors right like I never met any of them I just wanted you
to know who my ancestry was can I finish I'm sure she really appreciative I was
asking Sarah and the gentleman jumped in it interrupted I'm sorry no that's
if it you've already been a porch pirate do not pirate miss Marcia's words go
ahead Marcia thank you Sarah now do you believe that he was on the island
yourself or Jessie I you know Marcia I'm going to leave that up to your private
exclusive telegram chat to find that out I have my suspicions yes all right well
do some more digging my my friend we'll do some digging come on do some math I'm
only 30 come on well I'm 31 you're a baby you are a baby exactly I mean
Epstein's been like like the 90s right like you're like boomers well I mean
Jesse he liked him young I think we know that so just to be fair well oh I see I
see y'all maybe oh yuck the other way around not uh that's no I've never been
on an island guys come on so we got more questions from the audience here our man
who's at arm 23 on says the English lady said she's not racist yet claim they
created Indian food and brought it over here to the United States of America
how on earth is that not racist Catherine third to you how on earth you
not racist I'm not racist because we've incorporated it's about diversity and
inclusion you see and Indian food is part of a diversity and inclusion we've
included the Indian people very kindly you know we took their lens a little bit
at a time then we gave it back to them but we we kept the food because you
know it seems like a reasonable thing to do and we appreciate the food so it's
really cultural appropriation appreciation I mean not appropriation and it is the
least racist thing one can do if you're willing to eat the food of another
nation that means you it's as if you've given birth to that nation essentially
there you go if you're Indian England gave birth to you there we go we have
another question for Jim Faff from og kron Kenobi og kron Kenobi at alma
synphy asked how good is the coke coming through well the good news is we get
the coke with the cane sugar from Mexico so it's fantastic it's much better than
the stuff they make here in the United States okay cuz he replied that and said
still laced with spent so I don't know how Jim Faff knows how good it is let's
that's for up to your imagination to figure out here I'm just samples
everything that comes across you sample everything is that why you haven't had
a thing to do for three years and who left that cocaine in the White House well
I mean every I'm not supposed to say this but every case of Coca-Cola that
comes across from Mexico we are supposed to sample and it's I'm telling you the
stuff's great and I'm the porch pirate bro what the fuck there you go from
one porch pirate to another I don't know well listen I'm gonna tell you
my my my that coke you want to drink down one of those coats with some
Skittles it's fantastic unless they end up in the hospitals and not chittles
right just to be correct okay I just want to clarify that the United States
does not have porches down at the border and so you can't I guess I can't
pirate it then so you can't be about the water but we do want to I just want to
let you know wrote down your whole life story and we'll be looking into that
further all right Google dog go go for it man it's on Google you just look me
up front page news there's nothing to hide baby well what was in the package
Jesse it was an Apple watch damn you only got $300 for it yeah I mean I mean I
sold it at a pawn shop so I got like dealing in stolen property false I false
verification saying it was mine and burglary I didn't have burglary I thought
burglary was like going in someone's house I thought like but burglary
apparently is taking anything off of anyone's property the Apple watch can
tell you your blood oxygen levels why didn't you just keep it so you can
track your blood oxygen levels I don't know man I wanted money for drugs at the
time cuz I was hooked on drugs I was about to say see you need to do a
moonshine like good old hot-blooded American patriots do oh I grew up on
white lightning brother right on well there we go a question from Josh Robert
nay was he on stage he was on stage at one point Jim fast what are all what
are you all using those barbecuers for at the southern border well ritual
sacrifices for people who will not comply with diversity and inclusion
principles it's important it's important we have DI for the people coming we have
a no-tolerance policy at the border for people who will not be inclusive there
we go we got to make sure it's a diverse set of people coming over the
border we have on stage here at who is a retired attorney that's why she's not
definitely not advice is definitely not advice is an active powerhouse attorney
tear your hands raised you know we're live at the southern border Jim faff
just messaged me he says he has to take a dump so he might be away for a
second in his place I'll be answering any questions I can or Marcia can
answer the questions as well Tira what do you got well I wanted to ask the
panel someone suggested that Texas instead of comes instead of wires now
putting out carpet could it be a red carpet and that's why the Hollywood
actors are coming through yes Tira so if I may I can answer that question
between definitely not advice our chief counsel and myself we've our teams have
done a lot of digging on this and she was the one that actually brought this
to the forefront to begin with and one of the questions here was is that
why all the celebrities are going through and yes but the reason they're
able to go through now over in California was because it is in fact a
rainbow carpet with Black Lives Matter on it so that is actually allowed by
the state of California people to go over that port and so Alex had pointed
out our our chief editor here had pointed out that Ashton Kutcher Lady
Gaga and Alec Baldwin have been spotted are there any additional
celebrities that have been spotted coming across well is it is it true
that what I've heard is that they actually have a place in concrete where
they can put their hands in and get stars is that true that would actually
make a lot of sense of why I saw so many people on all fours after they
crossed over the border I couldn't figure it out that actually makes way
more but then again then again though if they can do that that means they are
technically verified and that ain't right these is unverified immigrants I
got some breaking news to ask him let's let's Marcia we got some breaking news
to ask Jim I guess it's a breaking question this is new to the Shadow
Cabal News team we have breaking questions Marcia go right ahead
hey Jim did you hear about the commentary that's trending right now the
illegal immigrant brazenly threatens border journalist soon you're gonna know
who I am I didn't hear that they don't didn't get it to me right away
yeah I got it from sources but not from I don't know well typically we're
putting those journalists on our barbecues when they come down yes there
we go and and yeah and Marcia I just wanted to add on to that yes that man
was with fleeing persecution in the Middle East be getting threats on his
life because of his religious beliefs he was an austere religious scholar that
actually crossed down there Marcia so glad you pick it up from your sources so
who was that that just talked because I'm not showing any of the names right
now this is trash discourse senior correspondent yeah I just got that through
Western Journal so it's it's news Western Journal hey guys again real
quick this is Jesse I just wanted to again say thank you guys for hosting
this and hopefully no one took offense to anything I said I just like to speak
what I feel is the truth objectively again I did tell you the truth about
my story if you dig deeper you'll find out about my father my father was was an
outlaw as well and you know big as far as they'd like but I do have to go I
really appreciate you Alex and your whole space here and yeah I hope to talk
to you guys soon have a great day Jesse I appreciate you to stay away from those
porches all right I'll try brother sounds good my man love you and say hello
to the tittles for me we got on stage Clark Kent Clark Kent submitted a
question to the the reply section Clark Kent go right ahead if you want to ask
the question yeah Jim I'm just curious I did not catch I saw that Texas folded
and decided to open up a gate and they stopped whatever stopped fighting against
the government over letting in the immigrants is that true and if it is
why did they cave why did they not continue to fight for our rights is as
the government is clearly insane by doing all this you're you're absolutely
incorrect because they did have a massive requirement on these people they
must come across clean shaven that includes both the men on their face and
the women on their legs and their underarm hair so to answer your
question Clark Kent no but it's okay all right well you know we'll hope to clear
it up as is going on we got a question for bring back Trump this is from
bring back Trump at Deanna H 0 4 1 1 7 9 8 7 we those are very different acts and
username right there at some username bring back Trump says too much fighting
and this garbage from the Catherine and let people finish Catherine says bring
back Trump so Catherine a little feedback for you from bring back Trump on the
way you communicate with others on stage I'm sorry what what did she say I was
a little bit of sleep he says shut the fuck up he said in his reply it's just
such as Trump supported to say that isn't it you know this is the problem
today he can't express himself using more words so he condenses us into like
f you and that's just not right it's because he does not master the English
language that's the problem these days just no knowledge of the English language
and so that's all he has he's just got two words to two rotten words because he
doesn't know any more words it's very limited in my opinion anyways bring back
Trump you're limited so we got on stage CB 513 CB 513 any questions for Jim
Faf or anything you want to add here absolutely Jim you mentioned earlier about
the free dental care dental insurance that you receive is that is is that a
part of the orders that come from Biden himself to tear down the barbed wire with
your hands your feet your teeth whatever it takes and also there's a
rumor flying around that all of the barbed wire takedown tools like wire
snips and things like that are coming from Sears and Roebuck can you verify
that for me please we actually have big shipments of this wire removing stuff
coming up from Mexico because it's a lot less expensive
are we being green and removing all of this barbed wire we recycling this to
recreate something more effective than barbed wire no but the plastic they
put on the handles of the wire cutters is green oh all right so see I think this
is a very important point that is bring being brought up right now because nobody
everybody's talking about the immigration crisis at the border but put
about the environmental concerns at the border you know the wall what kind of
materials are being used is there proper sun protection is everybody wearing safe
seats sunscreen you know things like that those are the real questions that
we should be asking ourselves and all governments and nobody's really talking
about it because of the fake news media you see I don't know about all that but
we are using recyclable cardboard on the wall these days that's the only
change we make I'm very glad okay I'm sorry are we just gonna let CB 513 get
away with plagiarism are we gonna let Claudine Gay come in here in a voice
changer listen you weren't the one that said tear down that wall it was
Ronald Reagan okay and so I have a feeling that like CB 513 is actually
Claudine gay with a voice changer I'm waiting for confirmation because I can't
allow this disinformation on the space and plagiarism we are we are a trusted
news network now trash come on you know me personally I you know this is me
doesn't know yeah I was about say them lizard people you know they got some
weird stuff man I saw this you know I saw this on from that feller Q and you
know see I trust that guy so he said y'all lizard people be changing what
y'all look like I don't even like cakes I don't like lizards I don't like spiders
yeah that's exactly what Claudine gay would say if the SEC can get hacked
CB 513 can get hacked too I'm not convinced hey are they related to Mark
Zuckerberg we got a question from the audience this question is from f you at
EU f you why do foreign opinions matter America first Americans first European
opinions don't matter Catherine any direct response to that yeah absolutely
look at the best of the United States you make a mess around the world and then
we have to clean it up but now you don't want our opinions well tough because we
have to inflict our opinions on you because you Americans don't know how to do
that get the job right done right if you if you were better at handling the
world you wouldn't need for an opinion snow would you so this whole America
first nonsense it's because you know you've been America first thing before
too long which is what's caused all the problems in the world and including in
America so no we're not gonna let you ruin our world I would actually like to
stand up for our listeners Catherine and I'd like to point out another time in
history where you the British tried to tell us what to do and we threw all the
tea in the Boston Harbor like I would like to remind you that was massive
pollution so see this is exactly the kind of example that I bring forward is
you just cause chaos and every time you rebel oh dear we really don't like
the British let us throw perfectly fine tea out this is what you do and then you
know what happens to the sea life well anyone think of the sea life
Kathy I don't care about them damn sea turtles I got a question here anyone
heard from the Patriot front since we had the legal is coming up I mean are we
seeing them I mean they're 200 strong are they are they making any efforts to
go down there and protect the border I heard they were standing back and
standing by so just wait she getting ready for 24 all right that that's good
enough for me I mean it's only 200 guys so I don't know exactly what they're
gonna do if they do everything ever but we'll see all right thank you that was
my question thank you Matthias that was a that was a powerhouse question Clark
Ken you're happy and raised again for those new to the audience we have on
stage Jim Fath US Border Patrol agent we're live reporting live from the
southern border this is shadow cabal news follow everyone on stage follow all
your contributors to shadow cabal news we got penny to X senior contributor Jim
Fath US Border Patrol contributor Malcolm flex senior Diablo contributor
Sarah senior arguing with Catherine contributor Catherine senior European
contributor trash discourse senior ask great questions contributor to shadow
cabal news definitely not advice legal chief legal analyst top senior chief
legal analyst for shadow cabal news here at comes on stage and says
interesting things from here from time to time again CB 513 lead at shadow
cabal news and Marcia who manager of telegram chats for shadow cabal news hit
follow on everyone up there Catherine she might be European but she also
knows how to read she has a book she wrote go to her bio and click her her
the link in her bio she's released a book I bought it it's the best book I've
ever read in my entire fucking life go and hit her profile and buy her book
buy her book buy her book Clark Ken your hands raised what do you got for
Jim Fath actually I just wanted to say something to you Alex yes I'm part of
a show myself in the mornings and I just want to say I do like your show I do
like it I want to say good job with it cuz I enjoy this thank you
Catherine did you say why yes I did these Europeans have zero sense of
humor I don't know what you're talking about do you like he listen Catherine he
means that's hard-hitting news he respects hard-hitting news investigations
he respects powerhouse guests and powerhouse reporting and he respects
sexiness I'm sexy and I'm hot and he likes sexy and hot so Catherine if you
can tell you Alex we invented news before the Americans while the Americans were
still monkeys crawling on trees whoa that's some racism right there yeah
we don't know a couple of monkeys here in America and we know that ain't us hot
blood American patriots we're better looking than that aren't we Malcolm
am I Marcia what's wrong with monkey how dare you that's animal racism how do
you this is why y'all lost a revolutionary war and you keep on
you're gonna lose another one so I suggest you get before you get double
helping again it's crazy how many comments are about Catherine for those in
the audience please stop cyberbullying Catherine please stop going to the
purple pill and saying mean things about our British correspondent here please
right now do not go to the purple pill and tag Catherine and say something
mean about Europeans do not do that but here's a few ones that people did do
Sam Wiley at Sock you Lou says Catherine is wrong about u.s. people there you go
no I mean there you go big belly America first at dig a belly does says
Catherine feminists don't wear panties interesting that's a center they mix me
up with Sarah I'm not a feminist I'm just feminine Sarah is a feminist she
looks like a man don't you see I'll say Sarah Sarah look like my old lady
honestly and she do the same things too oh wait Sarah might be my old lady hold
on now I bet actually she is Malcolm to be fair
oh no never mind never mind I see her I see her at the family reunion she
ain't she ain't mine well okay I got you Malcolm and Alex if you don't mind
actually we have a question about one of these other comments that were laid
out here and frankly I'm a little concerned about this yeah yeah this
question actually came from Terry who is that Creekside 3939 Catherine Brodsky
you want to start a riot is that did we miss something here what's going on I
mean unless she's saying that I am a riot which I am I you know I don't need
to start a riot I only finish them breaking folks we have we have foreign
interference in this country and it got through the southern border and she has
admitted when this space started that she was also sending additional
operatives through the bottom through the border that's my cousin Johnny it's
not an operative my girl all your cousins Catherine somehow you have a lot
of cousins huh oh well we have big families and like you Americans who
can't seem to to breed properly like which is good really good for the rest
of the world so okay so here's the plan and I think it's a good I want a
peaceful resolution to this country this thing called America and how do we do
it I don't want to attack I don't want to come by sea I don't want to come by land
was slightly I just want to come but also what I would like to do is is we
send people over we teach you culture we culture eyes we fertilize with the
enemy and eventually we'll be English eyes in here so America we don't have
to fight we don't have to have guns pointing at each other's temples it'll
because some of us can't really point straight anyway but what we want to do is
we want to re-educate you so but instead of putting you in a re-education camp we
will come to you we'll provide the education for free you only have it to
notice we are sending you our best Catherine did you say you just want to
come is that what I heard you say are you a sex worker oh my gosh
already said do not come so just I'm just warning you Kamala Harris said it
don't come don't say that came a little lady unsaid and if you couldn't do that
then Lord help your pretty little soul you break hey Catherine I have a question
for you this is Marcia hey you say you want to come over and teach us better
English guess what we don't need your teaching you need to be taught you come
over but maybe we can teach you some manners well your hospitality is very much
appreciated but I do think it's an English would be an order they see it's
called the Queen's English for a reason because it belongs to the Queen it does
not belong to the peasants of the American populace and I am the Queen of
humanity so I haven't heard this on the news I am Queen of humanity so and your
point is now I don't know what you're speaking about rubbish woman all right
rubbish woman here we go we have on stage official sources his bio is Baga his bio
is hashtag Trump 2020 as a few years ago my man hashtag conservative hashtag
independent I can you be conservative and independent I don't know maybe I'm at a
maybe I'm out of the loop here official sources you have questions for Jim Faff
who's on stage he's that he's live at the southern border at the he's a US
Border Patrol agent yes a girlfriend of mine it's been through all the Asian
guys in the area I was not expecting a female voice to be to go through my
microphone when you unmute it I'm just gonna be straight up honest at you sorry
just start I was a little surprised start over again but yes if she's been
through tender and she's looked and she's looked if Jim could send her a
couple of Asian guys so you're looking so is there is the request for Jim Faff
to gather a couple Asian guys crossing the border and sent it to who your
sister she's a close friend of mine she's single yes and she likes him slanted
eyes oh okay she likes him yellow I'm losing you official sources I'm losing
you where'd you go oh gone all right we have on stage Chantal okay by the way
Alex I'm gonna interrupt there and I'm just gonna say I I'm out in the middle
of barren Texas there is not a Chinese restaurant anywhere to be found there you
go I'm not you getting Chinese tomorrow night Wednesday night is the Chinese
night getting some low cholesterol Chinese food I have high cholesterol at
the moment I'm hearing a lot of noise on your side you're hot Mikey right now
what's going on are you I'm okay but I'm not okay so um you're okay but you're
not okay okay so can I read my letter so what letter is this that you want to
read I can read the letter I sent to the Pope but I talked with the preacher and
he told me I sent a letter but he told me to don't read the letter to the Pope
so I can read the letter for Elon Musk but it's too long it's five page so they
have the project inside and they have the the last story too so what do you
want I read so you have you have a letter you let me get this straight here
you have a letter for the Pope and for Eli I did too because I can read this
the letter to to the Pope at the radio okay can you give us the crux of
the letter can you give us the crux of this letter that you've written for the
Pope and for Elon Musk so for those just tuning in Chantal has a letter for the
Pope and for Elon Musk we're here live at the southern border with Jim Faf US
Border Patrol agent but Chantal has a letter so none of this other stuff
matters nothing we've been talking about the entire space matter that's all
wiped away we're gonna talk about this letter that Chantal Kucin custom
had Chantal go right ahead okay but the letter is the same letter for
Elon Musk then for the Pope I just do some variation it's talk about my
situation it's talk about how to advise to the Pope to address and advise to know
how to say my feeling the right way and also it's also about the project I want
to I talk with Rabbi Simon Jacobson and I want to talk to the same project to the
Pope and the prayers and Rome to give me the name of you what are you looking
for out of Elon Musk Elon Musk and fact and the first time I was looking for job
and for for money for my project so I was I was I was son my project and
and different foundation around the world I contact artists and and after
that when I fall on Elon Musk I study the character and and I just fall in
love with him so you felt so you you wanted a job out of Elon Musk and in the
search for a job and in kind of classical Hollywood fashion you fell in
love with the man you were trying to get a job from yes but not so it's not
the first time it's the second time I do the same yes this is the second time
you've fallen in love with no no I didn't know him before to go to I didn't
know him before no so what about Elon Musk did you fall in love with I write a
letter because I'm really shy so over the idea I create on you it's important to
me to confirm my intuition I want to tell you that I love you my intention is
to join you to take that as your wife and I stay with you forever and I'm
organism relationships I would like to share my feeling and my love vision and
my poetry and my sketch portrait I will share in the chat I would love also to
know if you can help my situation face a civil case in America cause me problem
and my what's the civil case in America what are you being sued for it's a it's
it's a teenager's mistake but I was your mistake but I love you now I was not
teenager so I was a teenager mistake but you weren't a teenager am I getting that
right am I in that right yes but it's exactly right okay so it's a I go in
the house of an actor shining tattoo for in the house was empty because he
was divorced and I was waiting for him to give him let's back this up for a
second list we use through a lot of us all at once you threw a lot of us all at
once yes yes you know you know this is this is fault you quick Chantel you
sound like a nice lady yes slow it down yeah let's let's take a step back here
you just threw a whole lot out of us so you made a teenager mistake you weren't
quite a teenager but you made a teenager mistake yes entered Channing Tatum's
house how did you enter Channing Tatum's house that was really simple I
just jump and I just the border and I just you jump the border you jump the
border that's it I just wait for the pulley I can't believe we didn't have you
on stage this entire space you could tell us all about jump that was really
really easy there was no camera there was no a wall just like wall that's it
okay you jump the wall and I you climb the wall so so wait let's just pause
there for a second all the people saying build that wall build that wall
that's bullshit it doesn't work Chantel proves it that would be a tremendous
waste of money if we built a southern wall Chanel easily climb it and I mean I
guess Chantel is athletic look at my act that was completely stupid it was a
fine okay it was just a fun girl curious and want to give a painting wait wait wait
wait wait Chantel wait Chantel wait Chantel wait Chantel wait you climb the
wall yes I'm the wall shot Channing Tames wall and then there was no cameras
and how do you how'd you get into the house the house was open the house was
oh he just left this door of wide open yes okay see enter you entered Channing
Tatum's house for those who don't know this is Channing Tatum from 21 jump
Street and magic Mike as well as magic Mike to magic Mike 3 and magic Mike 4 so
you enter Channing Tatum's house what do you do when you get in there you smell
his underwear what do you do there was nothing inside the house and I don't want
to talk about pre-rich life of someone so the only thing I did it's I I do my
aerial straps like a circus artist I do my training I I didn't I was my peanut
bottle and my protein shake I take some spirulin you had a protein shake in his
house no and my own so own your own house there was I try spirulin in his
house and and you tried you tried what in his house spirulin it's agua agua green
what is that I don't know what that means it's a super it's a super supplement it's
like here it's spirulin so you try different things house that's only yeah
and I do I do my training I do my draw I do my poisee and I do cleaning I want
you clean this house yes because I was pretty good what did he call the cops on
you you broke it into his house for free because it's not him it didn't
the girl find me was the clean clean girl the cleaning lady found you yes so
the cleaning lady was pissed because you came in there and took her job let me
get this you cross the border you jump the wall then you start taking people's
jobs am I getting that correct I was looking for job and I was I was just
you I will I will I will cross the border you jump the wall and they arrested
you you want to be a cleaning lady you cross the border you jump the wall you
just want to be a cleaning lady you for taking their job this is fucking
bullshit are you fucking kidding me reflection on life huh it's absolutely
true the camera was closed the door was up and the door was wide open a red
carpet I just try to go and the second door was a fan and I say hello to the
guy that you know that the guy do put a water on the flower I say him hello and
he said hello border patrol agent at the house hey come on come on right in
it's absolutely true he told me hello because I was supposed to see at this
time I was like I was look like a chick so so so I didn't my training and my
area act on the on the punching bag place so so yeah so and and because I was
I was pretty guilty I was there and I know I was not supposed to be there so I
was I did like like I did a I did clean and after I I do my exercise my draw
and my poisee like I do all the time so you're breaking the Channing Tatum's
house you start you take the cleaning lady's job you start doing gymnastics all
over the place the gardeners they're doing gymnastics with the gardener well
what else is going on there so nothing else I asked a one one guy come to to
guy come for for take away a sofa and I say hello and they say hello and they
go some guys come to take away the sofa you say hello to each other Catherine
your hands raised any questions
what the cleaning house come inside the house and she saw me under under kitchen
and she told me what what do you what do you do here and I told her I clean
the house and she told me who pay you I say nobody she say me where do you sleep
I say here and she said me who pay you I said nobody and she said you're not
supposed to be there and she go and I and I and I and I when she come back she was
up with the police but the role play Chantal yeah shows up what's the first
thing you say she said who are you exactly but what I what what let's let's
do that you you listen you're in that we're doing a role play so you're you
Channing Tatum shows up to the house let's pretend for no Channing Tatum I
never see all pretend it's called yeah so we're pretending right so you're in
the house you've been there for a few days cleaning and doing gymnastics
Channing Tatum shows up what's the first thing hold on I've got this I've
got this hold on hold on hmm why we probably I saw him Channing Tatum
my TT is Reynolds man and that's the first time the first thing I say him it's
the I said hi him in person so I say him I want to I want well let's do this let's
do role play Malcolm flex is gonna be Channing Tatum okay Chantal you're
yourself you're Chantal yeah let me set the scene let me set the scene we're in
training you've been in Channing Tatum's house for ten days right you've been
doing gymnastics for ten straight days and cleaning maybe you're thinking a little
bit your deodorant ran out so you're thinking a little bit you haven't showered
in a few days that's fine no one's there doesn't matter
Malcolm flex aka Channing Tatum walks into the house goes oh who are you now go
Chantal okay but now it will be not like before before five years ago I will say
him I love you but now it will be not the same okay who is this woman doing
these alluring gymnastics poses in my home but anyway it's nothing anymore the
same thing and I'm not like in my picture right now because all of this
shit is me cause me so much problem after my arrestation okay they put me
my dear my dear my dear arrest what what are you talking about what are you
talking about I thought my I thought my life this event in my life was maybe
probably the only mistake I did okay because I was a little clown in Canada
my my file was like a white page now hey baby baby listen to me I don't care
about your I don't I don't care about your past life in Canada it's okay you
are with me Channing Tatum we are living our life together I saw those poses and
something came over me I'm just not sure what but that agility what are you
doing tonight I want to see you in my private private quarters it's not
trying yes this is this is Channing Tatum what are you talking about I'm of
course I'm Channing Tatum Alex Alex hello some of the movies I've been in
that's Channing Tatum he's been in magic Mike one two three and exactly and I see those
moves and they remind me of the set and I want to reenact the scene if you will
Chantelle how many respond no words are needed her silence says yes we're gonna end the roleplay there we're gonna end the roleplay there
you cannot end this this is love Alex what are you doing this is love I
I've lost Chantelle once I won't lose her again okay I just want to be sure you
want to you play Channing Tatum right now I am what what is it who is who is
hypnotized who hurt you I'm going to go give them a person Chantelle Chantelle
yes so you get you get she comes back with the cops you get busted you get
arrested yes so then what are you what happens what happens do you have to get
arrested I was in a cell like maybe for four hours after that a lot of people
come to to to question me who questioned you yes so and I was I did something so
the problem is because the the when I wasn't yes the question me and I say I
was impression someone follow me and they and they they do it they did and
protect them and I was not sure it's it's was maybe the him or maybe something
some someone else so I don't know but they didn't they didn't have
reputation of that and they don't they they they they they they they they they
they put me in a psychiatric ideal so are you allowed in America yes but in my
Montreal I was absolutely nothing so so you're allowed back in America still I
really love America are you allowed in America no I can't but you can't come
back to America I can't because not because not right now not because of this
case because it's supposed to be a civil case but because I stay well I stay in
America too long time because the layer told me stay in America for fix the
problem because they they they they put me in a shelter and they bring me a file
and on the file it was right you have a convocation to the court but it was
in English and the file was really really big and I was really really
stressful and I didn't understand I was an earring and the problem is because
during this earring they they they they they they say you are you have a
restraining order for five years but I was not deaf to tell my story and what
they tell in the story was not representative of who I am and what they
put on the media with my picture and text on there it's not representative where
did you get misrepresented but I was I was not concerned of my act like if I
was I don't know us zombie or whatever like if I come in the house and I didn't
know I'm there and I don't understand why I'm here like if I'm was crazy I was
absolutely not crazy I know I was I did a mistake I know I was wrong so what's
your what's your I was curious I want to get one thing cleared up are you loud in
America so yes but they told me I need a visa but the problem is because the
beautiful girl you see on the picture doesn't exist right now okay I have an
injury and after I try I try to time during the COVID-19 okay I was poor I
was difficult to find money because I was an artist and what about you on made you
fall in love because in fact what is happen okay I I thought I fell my two
juridical up here and I first fell the second I was exhausted and I did I did
a burnout and I stopped to do my aerial act because because I was too much to
affect I tried to come back America and at the border they told me you can't come
inside I said why they told me because you stay too long time okay you say I
say I said I said too long time but it's the layer to me stay because the
your your your your your the sentence it's too big for what you did so you're
not allowed back in America so so so they told me if you want to come back you
need to have a visa but I say okay but I can't have a visa I have an injury and
the better doctor I know for my injury because it's a throat and I need shoot of
cortisone it's acupuncture and the best acupuncture I know is an LA an
essentialist so so so I say okay acupuncture in Rome but right now I
don't have enough money to pack why don't you just ignore that question ask you a
very direct question you just pretend like yes yeah why why what's a few times
why what you said best acupuncturist is now a who's the acupuncturist let's get
them it's a just one it's a it's a it's a that's all let's get to the let's get
to the crux of the man I will I will I will show you the name it's a the purple
pill it's like five years ago so it's that's fine don't don't spend too much
more time thinking about or talking about it so what let's get to the crux of
this okay so I go I go to TD TD TD Marshall what I have a question for
shants Chantel or am I pronouncing that yeah that's correct point blank question
are you a twin flame do you know what that is I'm sure you do a twin flames
what do you want yes a twin flame for me flame it's fire twin it's when you find
your your second fire so you are a twin flame correct you know the kind of bird
it's like they are together all the time so I think I will be a little bit like
that yeah okay that's all I need to know thank you so so so okay so I start I
started charling tattoo my TT isn't of man I say him my feeling in turn and he
turned me back and he don't he don't he don't he don't fix any problem so so so
because I was he I was not enough pass for the time he was able to give me so
if that's that lets me froze so because I was shaking when I see him so after
that I say okay I go to to Ibiza to because I because I tried to because it
turned me back and I did my project
but I was but I give me an address email but the address email doesn't work and
I and when I asked him for a job I asked one of his employee and the employee
told me it's not the right time in the party and he bizarrely sit down to ask for
John tell what the fuck are you talking about what are you talking about I talk
about the project I write I create a project I feel fucking person this
space has any idea what the fuck you're talking about okay I have a project do
you why we do the project so I don't tell me why you fell no I like oh okay okay
yeah I can't I can't say you specifically I want to get a deep specifics yes word to
get close to Elon Musk would you try and break into his home no no because I
it's a it's a change it's a mistake so I'm able to learn about my mother okay we
got here we got here about why she loves Elon Musk yeah okay listen everyone for
one second I'm gonna throw it back to Chantal Chantal this is the most important
question you'll ever be asked in your entire life I need a direct answer I
don't want it to be danced around I need a direct answer I don't want to hear
words outside of the answer to this question the only words I want to hear
out of your mouth are the answer to this question I'm about to ask you if
anything else comes out of your mouth instant mute the words that when you
open your mouth make sure the words that come out of it are the answer to
the question I'm about to ask my question about the ask is what do you
find sexy about you on
you may have you it's