Acta Non Verba feat. Krypto Playboy

Recorded: March 16, 2023 Duration: 0:36:40



All right, I think we've given enough time for some of our community to join. Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of Acton on Verba. I'm your host Muses and I have a very, very special guest here with us today. At some point we might be joined by my marketing colleague Dan.
So get prepared for him to join at some point. Now as most of you know, our Twitter space show is dedicated to highlighting industry leaders. So you know, these people, these individuals who put actions behind the word, their word, as we say, act an on Verba. Today's guest has a
a very interesting story and in my opinion is a really really great example of this philosophy. So without further ado, I'm very pleased to introduce Seymour, otherwise known as Sam or Cryptoplayboy. Welcome. Hello everyone, thanks for having me on here today. It's a pleasure to have you here. Thanks for making the time. I know
I know our community has been pretty excited about today's session and the IM as well. You know, perhaps we can start, you can introduce yourself to our audience and give them the chance to get to know who you are and what you do in the blockchain space. Sorry if there's a bit of background noise as well, I'm just pulled over on the start of the road for this one.
That's okay. It makes it more exciting. I'll put it about me. I've got back in crypto in 2017. There's everyone I found a craze for. I thought I'd love for it. From that, just grew the passion. My focus in crypto now has been growing the channel which is crypto playboy. I started out as an Australian channel just to help
mates out and then we found out there was a bit of an audience so I wanted to listen to it. They grew from that and then Masada doing the VC investments because I first started investing in RCOs and that caught my interest and as I got more involved in it, more in depth and you know fell that fashion for it, I followed it into creating my own fund. I started out as a family fund but it
that grew into being a community investment fund invented so that became crypto playboy capital. Oh wow, very cool. That's that's kind of an interesting journey. What do you say is is kind of your favorite part of this whole this whole company that you've built in. You have YouTube channel, you now have to
the VC, like which part of that do you think is more entertaining for you personally? Personally, like I really don't like being on camera and make it do you? Not a very photogenic person. I like to have it I give back at old people because when I started in the space there wasn't many guys that were willing to
to give you advice but the food that I did meet and they're helpful like you felt good about it so once you started to learn and grow yourself in the space you want to help others out as well and say hey this is an easy way of doing this look again into these investments I've seen a lot of other guys like other youtubers out there not naming names of them but like they're investing projects but they don't provide to the communities so I sort of
I'm investing in these. I want to share with people so they have that chance to make a life-changing deal for themselves or anything. Just get involved in the space much easier without the walls they face. So really what started out as a family fund turned into just a bigger family fund, a global family fund. That's the best way of putting it.
That's awesome. You know, one of the things I'm always, always very curious about is kind of what brings our guests into the blockchain world in the first place. So perhaps we could talk a little bit about your life, you know, pre-2017 and your entrepreneurship before that big jump and then, you know,
So you're big aha moment and what launched you into this fear? Well, I wouldn't say, I wouldn't say, "I hope there's no children with this thing to do." So I'll turn to words around. I started doing construction when I was younger, so I was in carpets during concreting. My family also done property development, so we're doing subdivisions and things like that.
and I was in when I was around 20 good into civil game which is excavation. So that was my main focus was excavation, doing projects like that, digouts, roads, whatever I could. I was very hands on top of work. There's always that drive for wanting to do more for yourself. And then one day my friends were mucking around doing some undesirable things.
My dad was like what are you guys up to or on a trip together? What's his Bitcoin I hear about in 2016? 17 and I was like oh dad we've been buying these things which we shouldn't be buying with them. Why don't you stop buying those things and keep the Bitcoin? Oh wow!
I got back home and was just full focus in learning with crypto. I bought some bitcoin. I watched it go up a couple hundred dollars and I had a heart attack. I work on a building site all day and my machine, you pay a million dollars for a machine, they output it you, you're not making that return on your doubling your money. I put into crypto, I doubled my money and
weeks. So it opened my eyes to it and then I found my first three sales with Tron and that really opened my mind to it from like a thousand dollar investment. I think it done over like a 600X so that really just caught my attention. I want to put my focus and time and energy into this because I want to be able to support my family future generations and grow from that
Yeah, it worked wise. I love it. Yeah, and that's a good point. That's something that I think a lot of people are in the industry for is like this new chance to kind of make a generational money. You know, if you play your cards right, if you actually study, if you spend time investing in the knowledge
behind it then there's a lot of opportunity here. I think people got a really focused on learning not just do five minutes research and say I'm an investor now I'm a professional. Every day you set aside now or two hours a day just really get involved and become one with the space and you'll grow so much in it. Yeah, agreed and the thing is
though that I've noticed just like just like your story a lot of people who come to the space they do actually you know fall headfirst into it and really fall in love with it because there is so much opportunity here very very true I'll give you that yeah um so you touched on it really quickly
the inspiration behind starting your own VC network, crypto playboy. What is your investment philosophy? For those of you who are as well in the audience who might not be as familiar with you, maybe you could talk about some of the other value ads that crypto playboy brings to the
projects it invests in. So I look to investing in a project, anything my company does the VC, that person I'm investing into that I saw, I believe there's opportunity in that project with the building and I like to say they're growth because no other industry can you see a project come from nothing and no idea within a few months now a developed working product. So that's what I loved about
than seeing those projects just grow because it's coming from construction. When I saw Saul being turned over and building going up, they got me excited, like I loved it. I could be able to do that. But in a time frame that's one tenth of time, it's just amazing, it's a good feeling to watch. Yeah, absolutely. And so you guys do everything from
advisory to market and materials, things like that, or any other things that you bring to projects. I like to bring on my past experiences that I've seen. We also have a large community so we can bring back people saying, hey, what is any of these projects, what's the inputs, testing side of it. A lot of it would be support in the project, whatever sanctuary can. So we'd like to promote it to
people to interview, get the word out there for them, and also just support them as you were supporting, mate starting out for business because I believe when you're investing into these projects, you're investing into the team behind them. So if you're not going to support them with your heart, like you generally care about them, you shouldn't be involved in it at all. Yeah, agreed 100% with that, and that actually is something that I was going to ask#
Well, you know, what are some of the key qualities you look for in a company, whether it be the philosophy, the tech, the actual capacity to deliver the team? What are those things that you look for when you're deciding whether to invest? Yeah, a lot of the projects we did have been to something. We do have a big list we followed. I'd say personally when I look at a project,
you look at it has this been done before? It has been done. What can these guys do better? One big thing I like to look at is a team behind it because you get some teams out there that want to remain anonymous or they've never had any experience in the past or they don't have their drives. Then teams like when I first met P2P Finance was the original name. I saw that which is very passionately
Yeah, that's a recurring theme or I guess a recurring comment we hear from our guests week after week and the comment that I hear in my personal meetings with different partners as well is just the passion behind our CEO, you know, even when I first met him I was like,
Wow, this man is fully committed and he's not just committed, you know, he knows what he's talking about and that's really inspiring. 100% remember I first talked on a call with him and he blew my mind with some trading facts. I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, you learn from him every day they say and he's one of those guys you will learn something. Yeah, every single day.
And just has a full, I guess what I'm trying to say, it's really impressive to meet someone who has the capacity to zoom in into such intricate detail, but can also hold this full scope of an entire
higher vast project and all of its variables in their mind simultaneously. Usually someone is one or the other. They kind of can see big picture or they're good at details and he is really sharp on both sides.
I checked up a few weeks back to see if everything was okay. It feels like you've met a friendship with these projects and when you see that happen, that's when I feel like it's more prosperous for him because they're going to grow as a person, grow as a project and even invest in the person. You can't grow on with a stop of things. I look at his net finance, everyone talks about him and his project, but people are investing in#
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I want to circle back to your father. You said you said your father was really what was really the person who pushed you to kind of approach this in a different way than you were approaching it previous. I'd love to hear more about, you know,
maybe it's too personal but maybe not you know your relationship with your father and maybe you can give us a little bit of the background on him like yeah sure like my dad's my best mate since I was a kid he's always for me up to be his best friend he's been very supportive but he's also a very hard man so like obviously I grew up on a farm so it was one of those if you fell over you
to cut, he'd slap it until he'd not to cry otherwise you have some undesirable names. The strong men would be what's up to be Wes Resilien and always trying new things and never give up as always his thing. So my dad's fatted out doing a lot of things like canoeing himself so he went for doing sandwich shops, so any pharmacies.
and then he got into property development from that. I started a real set agency and I also done home loans as well as we done the whole package for everything. And then he always told me there's always new industries and new ways of doing things. And the one thing he was telling me was the pin is mightier than the sword because usually brain might be a big strong boy but usually brain is more powerful than anything you have.
Yeah, that's a really great advice and I mean you're lucky because you were able to, you were able to have both a strong mind and strong body with the work that you've done. Yeah, I get that some days I'm like, okay, if even one of these, if even one of these pieces of me will work, I'll be very, very happy.
That's the way. Yeah, absolutely. What was that transition? I knew you told me personally about the transition, but I'd love you to give our audience some insight on that, shutting down your other businesses and then making the huge
Well I think everyone knows the story of a Australian COVID. It wasn't a nice time down under. Things had been shut down left, right, in centre, lockdowns and my business was excavation again so what about building sites for shutdown completely? We had a whole story. I think it was just under four months lockdown for us. I couldn't get a no-go probe.
I couldn't do anything and then even once COVID was over like the lockdown laws are a bit more relaxed. We lost a lot of contracts over like 20 contracts because the schools weren't opening so that's one of my head I said like I've got to focus fully on this crypto. I thought my machinery and just poured it all over the crypto I said this is my thing like you know my passion I love it and just stick to it if you believe in it and do#
down the same thing and you guys go forward, if things go wrong, you guys will always see you to help you out, you guys but you've got to give it a go. Wow, so just full commitment there, sold off all of your equipment and then meet the lead. There's another saying behind that it's you've got a risk for the biscuits. Yeah that's true, that's a good saying, risk for the biscuit.
Would you say that was one of the toughest choices you've had to make? Or maybe you could tell us about some of your other, some of the biggest challenges you faced, whether it was pre-2017 in your previous business or even post-2017,
in your career as an investor in this personality.
I looked at other guys in the space, they've been in this dress as long as being the expert, you've got to have more faith in yourself and there's people that are relying on you now and it kind of just came out kicking the ass to say you've got to go do it, push in, grow your bum and throw your heart at anything you do. What was it that actually gave you the strength to take that perspective?
conversations with your father and you have another trusted friend that you have those deep conversations with because I know insecurities, they're tough to be, you know, they're tough to be public about and then tougher to act on afterwards and overcome. I really put it into my family and my dad's a group.
Push my mum and dad very supportive and I remember dads like you know in his PG terms he has don't be a bitch. There's always what he's told me. Yeah, you gotta try you gotta get out there and he's give it to go because he's young enough if you're a foul you can start again. So, I went no grits. And so you mentioned you know crypto players
was started off as a family as a family business. Was your father involved in that as well or does he have his own thing going on? Obviously my family is their own businesses that they run. The name kicked off was a bit of a joke. Someone's like, "Hey, playboy." And then someone's a crypto and then next you know the name's fun. We had a fun name with it.
invested in projects and my family was like, "Would like to invest as well?" So everyone started investing together. I went and I grew with a couple of friends putting money in and then yeah, mixing it all out at community VC going on. That's really, really cool. I'd love to touch down a little bit on tech and you know, having come from a different
background. So, you know, you come from this different background, construction, excavation, family business, all in that field. As you mentioned earlier, that field is typically regarded as one that's very rugged, very broad based, but there is a ton of tech involved that people outside of the industry
just often over look or just don't even know about. I've seen some really cool examples of AI being used on job sites, giving workers a better idea of the types of structures that they'll be building. I've also seen it being used
increased safety by analyzing project data such as construction site monitoring and predictive analysis. Do you have, you know, having come from that industry and now in this totally different industry, do you have thoughts or examples on how, you know, new internet tech could have a positive impact or
or improve construction or city development sectors. Yeah so I know as I was like exiting my business I started talking about AI for excavation so you get an excavation comes with technology they'll developing at that stage where are places that work member so there's high there was a lot of thoughts so very dangerous like you're working cliff edges, mines,
It's a lot of rollovers and deaths happen. They're looking to introduce AI into that so basically it's becoming that person. It can think for itself, it can work on the job site safely. If it sees a person, it can use its brain and so hang on a second, I need to slow down for this person and give him space because they did have some automated systems for those issues behind them where they couldn't sense if someone's next to them or#
that capacity to think ahead like a human would. And now we're going to bring that into that sector into the machinery. So I think it's a really good thing to see. And we'll make our jobs a lot easier. And also you can work longer hours 24/7 jobs, jobs can run here. Yeah, that's really, really cool. Do you have any plans of investing in those type of companies or have you seen
have you had the opportunity to because that's pretty cool. I haven't seen any in the crypto-based construction but I know like large companies like Kat and that were developing these products so the chance of getting involved in that were very slim. Yeah you never know. Since you've gotten involved you know back in
2017, have you noticed any particular trends in the industry or do you see any particular tech or trends shaping the industry in the coming years? I noticed the industry changes so quickly. If you turn your computer off for a couple of months, you've missed an area if it's gone, you've missed your winter of opportunity
What are the public investors miss out on because they're there when their times are good and the hype stand they're buying into it because they don't want to miss out on it. But then there's one downturn in the market and the bears are hidden. Everyone from the public sector leaves and gets out of it and they miss all that opportunity and then they come in just at the end. It's something really good on the stand and moves so quickly in their space you#
in every single day. Yeah, absolutely. I agree. And, you know, maybe that's some advice that you could give to young professionals who are interested in, you know, pursuing a career in the space or looking to invest. Being at every day, do you have any other advice that you'd give them?
I think this is a, what you probably heard this a thousand times over but people don't listen to it is only invest what you're willing to lose when you're starting out. Like you've got to be realistic. People have these dreams of grand-dressing and invest a thousand dollars and become a millionaire from I like be realistic or have your risk management in place even you're investing in starter projects be realistic what can happen with them. It's a new space things#
things can go wrong very quickly. So you got to manage your money when you invest into any of these assets. Great advice and yeah as much as as much as it may be something that people say again and again it's something worth repeating. Only invest what you're what you're willing and prepared to lose because as amazing as it can
It can also be very violent. Extremely. That was the sound of experience right there. A few times. I always like to get a little bit into the
you know, personal hobbies and interests of people so our community can kind of, it's nice to hear it from like a business perspective, an industry perspective, but it's also nice to know like someone on that deeper level. So outside of work, what are some of your hobbies and interests? And I mean, if you have any funny stories that you want to
share we're always open to hearing them. I don't know why I saw this very perfect get out there but I'd say like back then my little hobby was I'm an outdoor kid so I grew up on a farm so I love motor cross, love guns, I love my dogs. Okay. Now that I'm basing the boy like I just like hanging out
genuine people people that actually want to get ahead together support each other you there for each other like I grew up in Australia if everyone believes in my cheap way if it's your might you might you'll do anything for them so as long as I'm with my mates I'm a happy person that's all I need is work gym and mates you have your mates there with you in Dubai yeah
The boys are really open city when I first came here, it was a bit nervous about coming by myself, but within a day like you made a whole group of boys, you're all the same top and mindset as you and everyone's just very willing to get to know you and grow together. I love, I recommend anyone that wants to come here, it's a beautiful place to be and you can grow very quickly in the space because it's a very proud crypto country#
That's wonderful. And do you, I know you mentioned dogs, do you have your dogs there with you? I wish my dog is basically a demon. Dinner is a farm dog, anything that's more than in my family, it does have a long, the wouldn't. What's the best study to bring to the boy? Yeah, there's a purpose behind that too though. You know
I also grew up on a farm, not a lot of people know, but I also grew up on a farm like we had, no neighbors were very far away and we have these huge farm dogs, they're great piernees, I'm not sure if you know those ones, do you? The big ones here? Yeah, the big white ones with the heads that are like the size of two
footballs put together. And so, you know, for us, they're so sweet, so cuddly, you can dance with them. Do whatever. They're like the most docile, sweet things, but the moment someone else comes on the property, it's like, whoa, you have to really calm them down so I get that.
No need for a shotgun. Yeah exactly. No need. I mean there are plenty of shotguns out there but no need for them. If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? 2009.
whatever you have and buy a bunch of Bitcoin. Oh, I think every childhood saving you have put into Bitcoin and don't swap anyone for pizza or until 2021 and some profits out. Yeah, great advice. Absolutely great advice.
Well, right. Well, you know, we're coming to the end of the end of our session here. I always like to give our audience a chance to ask some questions. So maybe I'll hop over if anyone has any questions right now. Feel free to drop them in the comments and we'll get a chance to answer them.
Let me just go check the comments right now. No one can probably understand the accents. That's one thing everyone struggles with. The Australian accents. Yeah. So no question just yet. I'll give it another minute. See if anyone wants to ask anything. Sometimes they're a little shy.
What are the feelings? Yeah, yeah me too. I totally got it. I totally got the feeling when you said you know being on camera, it's not your favorite thing. I love talking to people. I love having one-on-one conversations, but you know I was telling you the
this a little bit in our when we first met is just that my face is so expressive and it just gives away everything. There's no chill when it comes to my facial expression. So if I'm feeling something, it's showing and everyone is knowing which
It can be a little bit problematic at times. I'm a bit the same. Yeah. Talking to people is a bit off-putting for me, but a few drinks and I'll talk to anything that moves. Alive or alive wordhead. Hopefully. Yeah. All right. I don't
I don't think we owe. Wait, there's just some comments coming in. Do we have any questions? Oh, the audio is breaking intermittently. Yeah, we are shy. I do agree. Okay. We understand you. We empathize. All right. In this case, I'm just going to take some time right now.
right now to give our community our secret word for today's session. So to everyone who's listening, get your pens and papers out. The safe word. Yeah, the safe word. Get ready for the safe word. Our secret word for today's session is private, all lower
Okay, so okay, private, P-R-I-V-A-T-E. And that is going to be, that quest on crew three is going to be open for the next 15 minutes. So go plug your answer in and collect that XP.
I'll repeat it one more time just in case anyone missed that. All right, I think we can wrap it up here pretty soon. Oh, someone else wrote something. Let's just see if it's a question. No. All right. Let's talk about what
what's next for crypto playboy? Can you give a sneak peek into anything? What's going on with you guys? Anything like that? Anything exciting that we can expect from you? Well, some exciting things are fully based here in Dubai now. So I've usually made the move and live in life here. We're planning on focusing on
growing the channel itself so we invested in a new camera's new lighting system setup and everything. Wow. We're doing a rebrand of the actual name from crypto-flabbo capital to VWClub so it's been more professional because I'm growing older. I have to be a more professional name behind me. It is frowned upon by some people. I give it that much.
Yeah, I'm just trying to grow the channel with people and spread the word around because we know a lot of people aren't really interested in anything to crypt out the moment but this is a time I should be getting into and getting prepared for the next ball run. So if you're in it now you're doing the right thing and probably another big thing I've been working on is with a group of mates who've been building a project called
Come, Char. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.#
you know, we can have you on and you can tell our audience all about that. That's something I'm sure we're all be very interested in hearing about. When are you thinking of doing the rebrand blanche for VOO Clubs? I think it would just be like a soft watch for us. We're just basically softening the names over new projects into the area.
and we'll stop building up for the next two to three months. So go to the new designs behind it and then we'll just start rebranding it as you move along. Okay awesome so that's something we can expect very soon in the next couple months. Great. All right well we're very excited Sam thank you so much for coming on on the show today we were so happy
to have you here and whenever you have new videos that you want to send out to our community, we're happy to always share. I know they'll love to learn and keep hearing from you. - What kind of videos are we talking about here? - YouTube videos.
I'm sure they'll be interested in any other creative content too, but we'll keep it PG. All right. Well, thank you so much Sam for joining us here today. Thank you so much to our community to everyone who tuned
for today's session of Acta non verba. We appreciate you and of course we'll be back next Thursday. Take care everyone and you'll be able to find the recap posted just shortly after the session ends okay. I'll say everyone thanks everyone. Thank you. Take care. Bye bye.