Algo+ Ep40 @Algorand ecosystem news with @ryanRFox and @nonfungibleab

Recorded: Feb. 16, 2023 Duration: 0:30:30
Space Recording

Full Transcription

(upbeat music)
I'm in Sydney and he's in
In Boston, we work together at Algarand. I am the governance program manager. And I am a developer advocate. Together, we provide you with a global perspective on the Algarand ecosystem. And on today's episode of Algarand
plus, we will cover the latest news and announcements, spotlight upcoming events and explore ecosystem stats. And then it's your turn, Algo Fam. My favorite part of the show, join our conversation by hitting that request button now. We'll get you queued up to ask us a question. Tell us about
what you're building or simply give a shout out to someone in the Algo fam. Yes Algo Peep, let's do this. Hi. Hi, Rye. So good to see you, Adri. How you been this week? Pretty good. How about you? Pretty good. I'm going to take a couple of days.
How are they upcoming here tomorrow and Monday? I know you've been working hard you get enough sleep over there. Yeah as I am Ryan I'm having a d-caf espresso right now because it's 11 p.m. And I'm planning on going to bed right after this call.
You've earned it. I am on the other hand having my second fully caffeinated coffee as I start my morning here 7 a.m. in Boston. Yes. All right. We have a long weekend coming up in the U.S. right? What's the holiday there on Monday? -President's Day. So that's when you celebrate of a bunch of old white guys.
Well, and Obama. All right. Good point. Hello. He was he was he was neither uh, terribly old, uh, door, uh, white. So, uh, I stand corrected. Yes. I stand corrected. Very well. The first one to introduce
diversity in the American presidential co-host. That's right. Absolutely. I love the Obama but let's get into our good news because that's what we hear for. We are. Alright so let's go over the news and announce it. So, NFT creators
So the whole NFT community, this week with Data Aggregator NFT Explorer being acquired by NFT Marketplace Rand Gallery. So plait applause there here. Rand Gallery is the largest NFT Marketplace on the Agrand blockchain. It acquired the Data Aggregator NFT
to explore to add analytics to its product offering. And according to their release, this deal allows Rangallery to own the complete Vertical NFT stack and it aims to become a central hub for all NFTs including music and gaming and a trusted Web3 partner for brands wanting to offer
a data-driven NFT experience to their audience. So, shout out to the original team at NFT Explorer on their successful exit and to Red Gallery for this acquisition. I think this really only improves what's going on here in the Ogrant NFT space.
and shout out to a gosh. He's in our governance advisory committee as a web 3 rep. So he'll be bringing the voice of creators to our discussions. And on this voice of creators note, this morning
or evening depending on where you are. We have an all-hands with the NFT community hosted right here on Twitter spaces by Shamir and Joana. I think it's 5am my time, but it's 6pm.
GMT. Yep, which would be a one PM here in these coast of the US. So get connected there. I know they did this. Well, right when Joanna joined a couple of months back. So the
This is the Algrand Foundation and the Vertical Lead saying, "Hey, we are going to make connections with you on a regular basis and we're going to do these Twitter spaces." So, a haptip in the general direction of Shemir and Joanna for getting together with the NFT community today.
All right, other big news this week. So it seems that the Algorithm Foundation have been world travelers with Stacey in India last week. Now we're taking it on the road back to
to the UAE back to Abu Dhabi this earlier in the week. So John Woods, Dan Yang and Ryan Cahil Lee, they were in Abu Dhabi this week for the launch of the Hub 71, which is a Web 3 and Digital Assets Hub.
The other end foundation will be supporting projects at Hub 71 to aid and integrate on chain. So I am pretty excited about that announcement there going on in the UAE.
Shout out to Rayyan, our M.E. Community Manager. If you haven't followed him yet, please make sure you do and connect with him if you're in the region. Lots of events and things come up. Yes, I think in the tweet that we have linked here on this one, Ram.
Twitter handle is in there. He's definitely doing great things in the Middle East and was instrumental in making sure that our decipher event in Dubai this past November was a huge success.
Indeed. And on another news, we have opened applications for our internship program. Rolls are up on our Algrant Foundation web careers page.
And here to talk a little bit about that is a bun gelina, Rodriguez. Eva, how are you? Hello. MGM. So glad to have you here Eva. I'm glad to be here too as well.
Well, here is like a lunch time, so I am here with my mate and listen to the news of the ecosystem. I'm very happy of the opportunity to have interns all over the world to feel many applications. I'm very happy.
So tell us a little bit more about the program and you know how long does the internship go for how many roles are available and what sort of you know what sort of areas should these interns be studying.
Of course, well, first of all, all the applications are open until March 17. We have 10 positions open for many verticals, including performance marketing, ABC, Delworm Blockchain Clubs, University program, we develop a relationship.
And of course, someone in technical and non-technical. This is a very good opportunity for students from all the areas, legal, marketing, business, and community, and more to study and to be part of the Web 3 ecosystem.
The internships will be open in the next summer, I mean for 10 or 12 weeks, depending on your period or vacations. The process is very simple, you have to apply through our webpage. If you go to
that foundation/internetip program, you will find there all the explanation about how to apply, where the process, if you are willing to do hours per week. I mean mostly of the positions are remote, I mean like all of
there. But it's got some time, some restrictions, for example. Something very useful to understand for your site is that you will be working very closely with us and you will be seeing how the foundation works.
and how we plan strategies, and how is all the relations internally in the foundation, which is very exciting. And yeah, and of course, it will be a very good experience for you and for your work three career. And of course, if you are willing to start growing in the algorithm ecosystem, well, this is a big chance.
Perfect so get a line and get signing up. Yeah, absolutely future. I'll go in turn. I love it and I know that of course the what we've pinned up here for the the tweet is the rebroadcast of the AMA session
that you held earlier on in the week with Dorro. So if again if if you are an eligible intern candidate at University student, then make sure that you check out this pen tweet and watch that AMA
session because I'll go over in detail and what it's all about and answer lots of questions. Eva, thank you for bringing us up to date on that. I want you to keep here on stage if you can and I bet we're going to get some questions for you a little bit later on in the show. How's that?
Of course, of course, for sure. I'm here and my DMs are open to everyone. If you have questions, I mean everybody is welcome to join. And of course, I'm especially looking for someone from Latino America because we have a lot of work over there. So if someone speaks Spanish and
English please you know what what to call and yeah and thank you very much Ray and Anadre for this space you can write to me and of course I will keep here listening to you keep drinking that muddy of course of course
All right, well let's continue on a couple more announcements here that have happened in the in the past week are kind of looking forward as well. So as you know, each week, Stefan goes through and does the looks at the
The various arcs, the algorithm requests for comment section. Yesterday he was taking a look at arc 4 which is talking about the application binary interface or how humans and machines can talk together so how you can create a connection
connection to a smart contract and be able to interface with it. So Arc4 was all about that. They had lots of good discussion about that and they're likely going to make some extensions to that. So invite those who are interested in following along for the technical side of
you know, how do you build with standards on Algorand? Take a look at that broadcast as well pinned here and then I guess I don't know which one he's got cute up for next week but take a look because he's always going off typically Wednesdays at 3pm UTC.
All right, and sometimes when we we also discuss the arcs that relate to governance in those discord events as well and on that note just a quick heads up that I'm we are currently working on the governance measures for this period and
and we will post the drafts online over the next couple of days for community feedback. So if you're interested in that topic, just keep an eye out at the algorithm forum and we'll also post links to that on our social channels and we welcome all feedback.
Good. All right. We'll remind her to our live listing audience that we would love it if you would hit the request button to come on up. Maybe you've got a question for Ava or May and or just wanted to ask a DRI or a question or you got a shout out for somebody. Hit the request button. Come on up. Join us in the Algo Plus conversation after we go through
our next sections here. Alright, so events, so much good things happening here for devs. Alright, yesterday, Joe and I kicked off our bootcamp. So the Grand Greenhouse Developer Bootcamp kicked off yesterday with session number one and we go off in about 90 minutes.
from now with session number two. You can follow along join by signing up at agrand.fundations/events and looking for the developer bootcamp series. Sign up for each one of those. They go to
today and then they go again next week, Wednesday and Thursday as well. So look forward to that. And that is part of the preparation for the developer hack shack and peach competition that will help happen in Hyderabad in India in March, right? Late March. You've got it. Yes.
to 26 and I am assuming we can sign up on the same page? Yes, there's information as well there, I've run out of foundations, slash events and you should be able to see our developer Hexack there happening in Hyderabad. And we also have announced another one the following month in New York
will also be doing another one but much more focused on the NFT and creator community. So if you want to peek ahead at that as well. Nice. Will that be around NFT NYC or earlier than that? A couple of days. Yeah.
a couple of days ahead of the NFT NYC event that's happening there. That's Meet New York. Yeah. Yes, correct. Yep. Awesome. All right. So what's happening in the DeFi LYAMA world? Well, if we head over to, take a look at the stats that we've got
out there. So, Algrant has moved up one position to number 14 against its peers on the chain's stats. So, we now are representing exactly, well, approximately, $200 million US worth of value locked up in our DeFi protocols. I think we're representing 25 protocols now.
So that's a great step there as well. 733 million Algos are locked into the G5 protocols this week. That's down slightly from last week, but the total value has gone up and that is a reflection of the overall increased value of the Algo.
This past week, the broader crypto community, or crypto markets have seen an appreciation in value, so that's reflected here. Good. Hey, almost, almost in all time high. I think this is the only the second time that we have reported that Algrant has
million USD or more locked up. So congrats. Let's go. Nice. Let's go. Alright, it's your turn now, OgaFam. Up to hand up. Come on stage. Have a chat. A quick shout out to OgaNal to lose
Thank you for the present. Quick shout out in Portuguese to you, especially. It's always a pleasure being here and having this conversation every week with you and with Ryan and lately with the support
of our lovely intern May, May internship which was a summer internship down under coming to an end this week and I'm very sad about that because she's been a joy to work with and we really appreciate
help in helping produce this show every week and also the help that she's doing. She's giving, the help and support she's giving Eva and Doro in breaking into the Chinese student community in China. So,
Wonderful job, Mae. Thank you so much for your help. Yes, thank you, Mae. Really, really appreciate everything that you've done for us over the last couple of months and wishing you well in your studies. And keep connected to us here. We really are appreciative of what you've done here and look forward to seeing you succeed.
Alright, Algo fam, anybody else want to come up here and chat with us? We've got plenty of conversation time for you guys to get up here, ask us questions, tell us what it is that you're building, working on questions, wait you know, that's what we're here for. Hey everybody, what do you think?
What will see here? Looking forward then to next week. We forgot we forgot to plan it again. We forgot to put it on our calendar for next week already. I can't remember. We'll look at it. All right, I've got somebody who is requesting
Are they coming up? Yes. Who's coming? Hello. Are you again? Yes. Nice. Welcome. How you going? Good. How are you? So good. So glad you're here. Welcome. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Good. Yeah, I've just been working in the background on press.algo We are now officially in LLC in the state of Virginia Right, so that's good news. I have Locked up
my lead developer, IHUB, who I'm going to be beginning development tomorrow with him. So hopefully, within the next couple of months, we'll have a product
up on and yeah hopefully at that point we'll look to raise some more funds and things like that so yeah I do. So tell us what's the basis of a press
So basically it's a content monetization platform that uses Algrant. Essentially what it is is a it'd be set up like a newspaper, a traditional online newspaper.
But it would have elements of things like Reddit or Twitter where there's a fee that you constantly look at. But essentially all content on the site would cost two cents to view.
Creators would earn 50% commission off of all of that. So they would be earning more money per view than they would be on YouTube and earning more money per subscriber on Substack or Patreon.
because those services offer pay-per-view, those services offer subscription services, but they don't offer a pay-per-view style that would be possible through Algrant due to the low transaction fees and such.
But yeah, that's basically what pressed that algorithm is. Nice. Very good. And let's see, it sounds like you are, obviously you have your design there figured out and we've got the business model figured out. Working on development is kind of sounds like where you're at. Yep, basically.
things are gonna my initial meeting with him is gonna be tomorrow we've met before previously and talked about it but we haven't actually started building anything so that's gonna be starting tomorrow yeah nice more congrats there do you
down sometimes, but yeah, it's basically just a landing page for now with some information about press.algo. But soon it will be an actual working site. Well, Dugan, once things are working and you know, you're plan and when you know, things are going to be online, come back and let us know all
about it. All right, sure, absolutely. Thank you so much. Yeah, you're welcome. Love hearing the alpha here on the Ago Plus show. Don't we, Adri? We suddenly do. All right, who out there in the Ago fans got some more for us? Anybody else would have come up and give us a chance?
tell us what you're working on. Maybe you've got a question for one of the other speakers up here on stage. Earlier we had Ava, she was talking a little bit about the intern program. So if you are a university student and you are interested in becoming an intern for the upcoming summer on the
northern hemisphere that is sorry Adri. You can ask you can ask a by question if you've got that so get the request button come on up. Okay Ryan we're having summer in the southern hemisphere right now and it's nice and hot so I am not jealous of your cold weather right now ever
If you don't mind, tell us a little bit more about what happened at the ACE conference and what can we expect from ACE from now on. Because you also involved in that program, right? Oh, yes, definitely. One, the ACE conference in Barcelona was amazing.
I mean, like, what's great. We received more than 130 professional researchers from the most important universities in the world. And now, while this kicked off this year, you might see thousands of hackathons
in many universities like for example in Yale, in C&MU, Berkeley, Purdue University, Buenos Aires and many others. And then you might see some of the student clubs, of course, kicking off the first activities like
and many more content creation that will be like a great to see and of course to learn. Of course by the end of March I guess we will have the Qtos for Summit in France during the
the first blockchain week. If you are around France and you are coming to the first blockchain week, it will be great to meet you and know you. These people for Summit will be like a full day conference only student and hopefully we will have a guest, a surprising guest.
I am still fighting to have him, you may know him of course. But yeah, I mean this year will be great for this conference, for all days performers, for the ABC, a lot of university activities and student activations around the world and can't wait to see more. Is this surprising again?
someone with experience in the educational field like Ivy League education perhaps? Yes, yes. One of the best professors in the world. I cannot say a name but
Yeah, we'll be surprised. We cannot say anything about this person, not even that you must start with S. Yeah, it's maybe then she'll, you know, it's a confidential. Yeah, definitely. That's why we come to the
I'm gonna go play show each week to get Alpha to pull it out of these algorithm staffers so that they can tell us what's up. Yeah, of course. For sure. Good, good, good. Well, thank you, Ava for the Alpha. We love it. Oh, thank you to you anytime.
Right. Yes, I was going to disclose that unfortunately it will not be me. I will not be at Paris Black Chamber. I've got some other engagements. I think we're heading up to India near there or coming back from. I can't remember how it lines up. But anyway, not me. And I'm not a professor.
far I really educated or anything close. All right, Ago fam, we'll put it up for last call. Anybody else want to jump up here on stage? Ask us a question or give a shout out to somebody in the community. Tell us what you're building. We'd love to hear from you. Adrian May.
I'll look over at you guys and say once again, thank you. Really enjoy doing this. Can you believe, hey, Adri? 40. 40 episodes. Yeah, it's a milestone number here. Nice work. Alright, and episode 41 will be at 1 p.m. Australian Daily
So at saving time next week on the 23rd Thursday and that will be what 9 p.m. for you the day before on the 22nd. Yes, so it will be 9 p.m. here and east coast of the United States.
of course, of course. You're running me them, but of course. Oh yeah, looking forward to that as well, right? Actually, we didn't we didn't mention that, but yes, we will. The other end are going to be part of with the encode club for the
the Algarand Learn Web 3 event taking place on Monday, 27 February, in Denver. And my colleague, Joel Polnay and I are going to be up on stage giving some demos, showing off how to build on Algarand using the Algo Kit.
Yeah, I know that ABBA and PG from the gaming vertical are also going to be there with us in Denver gosh already Just just two short weeks away unbelievable. Yeah, all right All right guys
Alright, well once again thanks to our guest who came up here, Ava, May and Dugan. We appreciate you as well as all of our agafan for joining us each week here on Aga Plus, Adrie, especially shout out to you ready to get some sleep. Yeah, it's ready to get on with your day. Hi, hi, I am
In fact, yes, here we go. Let's do it, friend. Thank you for that, guys. Love you. Thanks, Eva. Thanks, mate. Thank you. Thanks, again. [MUSIC PLAYING]

FAQ on Algo+ Ep40 @Algorand ecosystem news with @ryanRFox and @nonfungibleab | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the hosts of the podcast?
The hosts of the podcast are Ry and Adri who work at Algorand.
What topics are covered in the podcast?
The podcast covers the latest news and announcements, upcoming events, and ecosystem stats related to the Algorand ecosystem.
What is the focus of the acquisition of NFT Explorer by Rand Gallery?
The acquisition of NFT Explorer by Rand Gallery is to add analytics to its product offering and aims to become a central hub for all NFTs including music and gaming.
Who is part of the Governance Advisory Committee as a web 3 rep?
Agosh is part of the Governance Advisory Committee as a web 3 rep.
Who hosted an all-hands with the NFT community on Twitter Spaces?
Shamir and Joanna hosted an all-hands with the NFT community on Twitter Spaces.
Who were in Abu Dhabi for the launch of the Hub 71?
John Woods, Dan Yang, and Ryan Cahil Lee were in Abu Dhabi for the launch of the Hub 71.
What is the Algorand Foundation's internship program about?
The Algorand Foundation's internship program is looking for interns from various areas such as legal, marketing, business, and community to aid and integrate on-chain. The internships will be open for 10-12 weeks depending on vacation periods.
When is the deadline to apply for the Algorand Foundation's internship program?
The deadline to apply for the Algorand Foundation's internship program is March 17th.
What was discussed in Arc 4 reviewed by Stefan?
Arc 4 discussed the application binary interface or how humans and machines can talk together to create a connection to a smart contract and be able to interface with it.
Who can be contacted for more information about the Algorand Foundation's internship program?
Eva, who is involved with the Algorand Foundation's internship program, can be contacted for more information.