ALGO Gaming Ecosystem All Hands

Recorded: Jan. 17, 2023 Duration: 2:02:11



Mr. PG! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, I have no idea where the world you are, my friend, how's it going? GM Fred, I'm in California at the moment, so it's a noona. Pretty good, and welcome to everyone, nice to see people
And I guess we... Let's do it another minute and then we can get started. Hey Yaring, it sounds like a plant, Biji. You are such a globe-shotter, my friend. It's always hard to know where you are. Glad to know you're in California for a little bit.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I'm gonna stick around a little bit here. There's a lot of stuff to do in the US and community to grow. And a lot of the projects are actually in the US. So yeah, good exciting max six months, I gotta say.
Absolutely, but hey, you say that until we see each other in Brazil, right? That's the plan, correct? That is the plan, and hopefully, let's see how that plays out.
So I would invite Dean from Algo Gaming Guild. Maybe we can kick off with him. He's been just such an amazing, you know, touchpoint for the community. Men also of course shout out to Aaron, as well.
well, but yeah, and you know, the whole goal of this space is an open floor for projects and like games building in the algorithm ecosystem to share their updates, and equal to action they have for the community.
And also, you know, for those projects that are maybe a little bit more new, just to give a brief intro to the community about like what they're building, what their roadmap is looking like. So yeah, that's the idea and I guess progressively we'll invite more people
on stage. But yeah, let's kick off with Dean. Dean, if you're there, it's up to you. Be grateful you can give just a very fintrable yourself what you're doing. And also some of the cool things that you're working on for the near future.
Hey, Pigeon Fred, I was going. Thanks for letting us start off. So I have Aaron with me as well. For anyone who doesn't know what we are, what we do. So we've basically been for the last under a year and like two months, like a community central
plays for everything around, over and gaming. We've had various different initiatives such as we release a weekly newsletter with the updates from all the games that we track across the ecosystem. We have AMAs with developers which we haven't had any this year yet but we
we hope to have some soon and then we just generally have a discord and Twitter where we'd like to share all the information about what's going on during the week and get involved in the community and stuff like that. Then what we are doing though is we're currently at the moment developing a platform
call cooldown which will basically be released in parts over 2023 with the first part which will be a gamepedia being released by the end of March of this year and basically what that platform will be is like a central place where we
all the other different categories. Get a page for each of the games on the other. For the information you need, gameplay, video, stuff like that, tokenomics, links, whatever
is requested by the game devs and then there will be a lot of other features that are added over time such as a gaming specific curated marketplace, NFT rentals for gaming as well and an launch pad. But like I said, those will go over the course of 2023.
And if you are a new game, which we have not spoken to before, please feel free to reach out to us so that we can start following you and including you and I newsletters and get you involved in the community. Amazing, that sounds great and like
I just want to reiterate for everybody out there in the audience, if you want to keep track of everything that is going on within the gaming ecosystem on our ground, you definitely want to follow our gaming guild, join their discord, they put out an amazing newsletter.
week and again that's the best way and also feel free to reach out to dinner of course myself if you if you want to eat or if you're a new game and you want to meet other other fellow projects open door here so yeah feel free to reach out I see cosmic champs is
is on stage, what's up guys, who's there, Mary, is there you? Yes, I'm good, how are you doing? Pretty good, can't complain, very, very excited about this 2023, regardless of course of the both
the bad vibes so far and like the market and everything but maybe I'm too much into my little bubble and my rabbit hole which is just you know working along with you guys and hearing like all the amazing things that you're building and I know there's a there's a lot of stuff going on across all the different games so
that gets me very excited and speaking of which I know you have a couple of announcements for the community so why don't you take it away and you know provide an update and and any call to action you have for the peeps out there. Sure. I totally agree with you I think regardless of what's happening in the market
at the moment, there's a lot to be excited about for the future of the algorithm and gaming on the algorithm. There's lots of cool projects that are popping up, you know, when we started building cosmic chaps a year ago, there were very few gaming projects on the algorithm. There was maybe three to five that I was aware of. And now it seems like there's 30 or 40 of
of these games that are building great things on our ground. It's super exciting to see. I think the future is looking really bright. But in terms of what's happening with Cosmic Chaps, we're getting ready for our season 2 NFT shuffle, which is happening on Thursday this week. So we've got private sale or private
selects and people, should we just ask who wants to who wants one and then we just give it out that way. What do you think is the best approach? Great question. Yeah, we can ask I guess the first ones that comment here, maybe that could be a good way. And then of course follow cosmic trends and join
There's too many will randomly select people from those that drop a comment. If there's, you know, say 10 or 20, then we'll just give everyone one. So we'll just see how much demand there is. But I'm happy to give them out to people in the Argonne community. And I know that's what we're building. A great project that we love and we want as many
people that are already in the Arborand community to get on board with us and all of the other gaming projects that are building on Arborand. And that's why I think this event today is so valuable because it brings everybody across the ecosystem together to hear about all the great things that are happening on Arborand and to get to celebrate that together. I agree.
And I'm seeing a lot of cross promotion between projects, which I love. A lot of the NFPs collections are there doing cross quests. I think it's a great way also to grow the ecosystem together and at the same time
time to free marketing at the end of the day. The core community we have here in Algern is pretty strong. And honestly, it's organic. It has grown organically. I see a lot of people are actually like friends and like, mad in real life. And it's just good vibes overall.
hasn't been spoiled so far, I guess. One way you can see that is there's less liquidity, less volume, less traction. But the other side of the same coin is that without all that speculation, we're actually able to, again, grow an organic
community that is very aligned and is, you know, just working all together in the same direction. So again, I think that's pretty unique. Also, I want to give you just a shout out because I know you said a record sale recently. That's so mad.
Oh yeah, we had we had our highest NFT sale in an hour ago just a week or two ago. Right. Which was a super exciting to see. One of our one of our in-then which is the season one character in our first season of NFTs sold to 13,000 hours
which was really, really exciting to see. That's awesome man. Yeah, thanks. Before this Twitter space, I just had a play with 90 sessions where people from the community can come onto Twitch and play against me and I'll be
and the person that bought that candle in from the 13,000 Algos was there and we'd battle against each other which was super cool. There are a new member of our community and it's amazing. Then get so excited and be a part of the project in so many ways. Did you win?
I lost. No, no. I got to come up as well. We have to play the rematch. So happy to do so. Maybe we can scatter something for next week.
And actually speaking of which medic, can you just give just a brief intro to those of you out there that might not be familiar with cosmic champs? Just again, brief intro about like what the game is, how to get involved, what's available out there today.
Maddie. Oh, the mind was muted. My bad. Oh, there you go. No, no worries. I forgot to warn me yet. So Cosmic Champs is a 3D player earn. My ball first game that we're building on Algorand. And at the moment
we have that closed beta that's available. So if you do want to access that, I guess drop a comment and actually send me a DM on Twitter. So send this profile a DM on Twitter if you would like to access the beta and I can send you the beta path. So you do need to have an Android device. We don't currently have a build out for iOS.
So if you have an Android and you are keen drop me a message and I'll send you a beta pass that you can play the game. But as I said, it is real time. So it's not a turn-based game. We are building mobile first so you will be playing it on your, I guess for now Android, but we're hoping to have the iOS version out in a few weeks time so that
people with Apple phones can access it as well. And we are building a browser-based version of the game that we're hoping to release in a maybe a month or two. So we really want to make sure that people can access the game in any way they want to. If you have a computer or a phone and an internet connection, you should be able to access.
I didn't actually describe what the game played like it's a like a tower defense or tower rough style of game so if you played Clash Royale before it's similar to that so it's a fast paced exciting game and each battle is sure that last three three
So it's a hyper casual mobile game that you can pick up and play at any time that sits here. Yeah, I was able to play it in Dubai at the Cypher and it was a great game. It's like one of those games you can just play on the bus or the train on your way to work.
It's a real quick match. It's a lot of fun Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for the positive words and that's the idea right? It's not a game that you're gonna sit down for three to five hours a day and play in one in one sitting It's a game that you're gonna fit into your into your life around things so as you said when you're sitting on
the bar so you're on the toilet or between meetings it's those moments where you have 10 minutes free or 15 minutes free that you'll pick it up log in and play a few games and that's the idea behind it. I gotta confess it has become my my toilet game I know it sounds bad but
Yeah, I did that. I did that. That's the classroom. Yeah, and again, like if any of you out there play Clash Royale, it's in the likes of it. And I mean, I'm
huge fan of Super Cell overall, I played Clash of Clans for so many years and then just switch to Clash Royale because again it's like, is that easy? No, I don't want to say casual but definitely it's less effort today you have to put compared to something like Clash of Clan and it's also a great way to just
like, you know, put yourself out there, maybe you even meet new people, but it's just such a great game. And I, you know, looking forward to the next iterations of the product because, you know, the beta is actually very solid, so could us to you guys, but I can see so much, I mean, there is so
much potential and I can see so many different paths and like again getting very excited about like features that you guys can drop and all of that. So again, for everybody out there, keep yourself in the loop with what this team is doing because they're doing an amazing work. And again, just, just cool to see you guys.
I just want to jump to Jim, since you know you come in on cosmic champ and Jim and I have played those solvators together and I know if the albaters guys are out here but that's another very cool game on on Algrænda but Jim you're building another very cool
game on Algaranda. You want to just give the people out there a brief intro about what you're doing and you know any any next steps any announcement you have? Sure, yeah so so I'm building a game called Ager Tactics and the idea of the game is it's very
similar to Hearthstone where it's a competitive card game that you know it's a strategy comes into play it's very similar to magic if you're more familiar with that magic the gathering and what we wanted to build is something
that's more accessible to players and less paid a win. So our game, it's going to be very competitive and less kind of paid a win type structure that traditional card games typically are. So that's what we're aiming to do.
We had a first game play demo showcase at the site for in Dubai. It was the reactions were overall positive. But this quarter we're going to launch our closed beta to people that have the closed beta access keys.
And we're looking to get some really great feedback from that to make the next iterations a lot better. A cosmic champs has been doing a great job with their close beta and their feedback loops and we're going to be doing something very similar with ours.
feedback and then improve the next iteration, improve the next iteration and have a full launch at some point later this year. So we're excited about that. Amazing and I am very excited as well. I always say in like,
I apologize to all the other games, but I just think that Ager has the best start out there. I hope everybody agrees with me. It's just so good. I grew up with fantasy and being just a little fancy geek, but it's just Kika.
For everybody out there in the audience definitely go check you go check them out There's you know, sorry, Jim is pretty top notch. We they've actually worked on games like Supercell games and Dota 2 similar products
in that game so they're very skilled so hopefully you will be disappointed. I have one more announcement before I started for stealing so much time. No no go for it Jima. And again like I plan to run this for us as long
We have all the time in the world. There's two announcements. One is we're going to be opening up our internal tools, this quarter as well, and that's for our asset management.
So people were we're gonna allow people to mint assets using arc 19 and arc 3 so that it's Easier for them to edit and modify and then also do clawbacks or freeze
is if needed on individual assets as well as like air drops to their holders. So these are all tools that we have internally and we're we're polishing that up to give to the public. The other announcement is that our community is
going to be launching Magic the Gathering tournaments in our discord. So if people want to compete and win some prizes, they should jump over to our discord and compete in Magic the Gathering tournaments with us.
chance to win something fun stuff. So that's about it. Sorry for stealing the time. No, no, no worry, that's awesome, man. Thanks for all the great work you're doing for the brother ecosystem honestly, like putting out tools that other projects can
I think it's crucial and it's just amazing. So thanks for all the work. Just one quick question about like the prices. What are these prices? And also like, you know, I know Ager has like already some questions. People can can complete right now if they hold the NFT. So can you can you just speak a little bit about that? Sure. So we're actually really
We're going to be changing from time to time. The only thing I can reveal at this moment is that Ager is going to be distributed. That's one of our tokens.
going to be distributed with the questing system and Nexus. Nexus is another gaming platform on algorithms and they have a token that they offer it does and we're going to be giving that out as rewards as well for the questing system. And that version
it's going to come out at the end of this month. The other thing is the prizes for the Magic the Gathering tournament what we're doing is based off the buy-in from all the players we're going to pool that together and kind of pick some random prizes for
people. So it's going to change every time we have a different tournament. So nothing is defined yet until we have the buy-in from everyone. Sounds great. Just a quick question. Do you support GIGO as well? Yes.
So during our sales, and oh, are you talking about for the Magic the Gathering at the Tournament? Oh, they're on, they're on. Yes, we do. So, GLGO, I think everyone's aware of it, but it's a pretty unique idea that the folks finance
team has come up with. I think that it really unlocks a lot of potential there when you put your algos into governance. You can get jails in return and then you can spend those. In the last week
We did a sale, I want to say two months ago, and we allowed people to spend GAL goes to buy our assets. And we're continuing, we're planning to continue that as a form of payment for our assets in the future too.
amazing. It's a great way and it gives more utility to the greater ecosystem. I just want to remark the fact that this was done between the two teams. You guys reach out to each other. You probably met at events and decided to collaborate.
exactly the great spirit that I love in the ecosystem and also as a foundation they're just so much we can do and like the bandwidth is definitely limited so like seeing single disconnections being made between teams I think it's it's amazing and wonderful so thanks thanks for doing that for for the great work keep keep it up
I know I love the project you guys are doing an amazing job so thanks for sharing the updates. I just want to move around and I see some new folks here. So Jan was probably first. So how's it going, man? Jan from Zona, you guys are another
another project doing amazing stuff. I know you had some pretty exciting announcement this week and the past one. So why don't you give everybody out there just a brief introduction about Zona and some of the things that you guys have been working on. Xiaomi, how are you, PG? Been a month, right? Been a month or two since we last
Yeah, it's been a while, man. It's good. It's good. All things good. How about you? Yeah, doing really great. So we are still continuing with the play file league. We have with some serious good numbers with that more than 100,000 total participants.
patients, nearly 120,000 NFTs game pass NFTs that were claimed and we recently hit 14.5 million total games played in the last quarter since the last quarter that we launched. Total right now are overall targets
for like we just right I'm back in Dubai and at Adi's place and we are going through our quarterly and yearly planning sessions and we just got done with that to set our yearly KPIs and stuff and we are pretty much focused on mainly user growth and growing revenue because right now looking at the market
conditions with all sorts of monetary policy, I think, and stuff. It's clear that the focus for projects and businesses have shifted from, you know, like spray and spray and just burn and get more and more users and growth trajectory to actually focusing towards generating real revenues.
like actually broadening our strategic scope to more from just gaining users to focusing on revenue as well. And we have made some good progress doing around 3000 to 5000 algo's per day in terms of gross market volume and planning to scale that up to around 10 to 15,000 algo's at
per day by the end of February itself, therefore hitting somewhat around million to two million in cross market volume per month by the end of this quarter and growing from there. And the targets around the user growth are the same.
So this is pretty serendipitous that we are speaking today itself because we just hit 250k users today and daily active users are still doing well around 15 to 20,000. We saw a bit of a dip because of the holiday season because everyone's more busy.
spending time with the loved ones and so rather than playing games but we have seen the uptake again after the season went off. Did some pretty great stuff with the creator program, got around 15, 1500 to 2000 YouTubers, small time micro-youtubers, micro-influencers and big time influences
creating videos for us around 3,500 videos created by these guys, all of our creators from the creator program in the last month itself. Overall, yeah, pretty solid. Like as you know, we've had a very solid last quarter as well, launched a bunch
of different gaming categories with the hyper casual games, fantasy sports, triple A games, all of the things that were there in the roadmap, everything's delivered up until now. The marketplace which was a surprise launch from us for the community and for the whole world is also live. So right now you can use zone
tokens and Alcoran to come to the zone marketplace and buy over 100 like gift cards and real world, you know like real world gift cards and real world products directly from 100 plus brands on zone itself directly using both
own and algo. We are going to be soon adding USDC as well. One another very powerful integration is in our pipeline for development, which is a USDC based across settlement pools. So what is going to happen is that people from different chains are going to be able to
come in and directly pay USDC and come in and compete without like we can be totally changed, agnostic in those particular pools and therefore increase the total exposure to the algorithm ecosystem in terms of gamers directly coming in and interacting with us and
Yeah, overall one more big launch that is coming in that I gave a bit of hint about to Cooper a couple of days back which is that we are launching the play versus play of format as well up until now on a gaming segment on the hyper casual gaming segment we had tournament format only which was
doing pretty well like two different kinds of tournament format one was you know like ranking based other was the team versus team thing and now we are doing direct player versus player formats as well so people can directly come in and there will be an automated matching system which will match people based on their skills which will be
directly taken in from how they have performed in their recent past in terms of their win-to-win-to-loss ratio in terms of their total winning in the recent past in terms of the number of games played and an average weighted score will be used through which will be matching players automatically and
solving a major problem of matching skill levels while competing. So pretty much a very very exciting quarter ahead for us. Our processes are set, KPIs are set and we are ready to go full throttle.
Oh man, this was awesome. Thanks. Thanks a lot, Sam, for all these great recap. It's exciting stuff overall, great numbers. I wonder why people say "Argoran is a ghost change" by looking at you guys. You're doing amazing plus all the other great projects out there. Keep it up and driving adoption is
and one thing I want to show you with the rest of the audience here is just like, and I think all the builders here definitely agree with me, but I want the community to be on the same page here. Games can be the vessel to drive. I don't want to say Macedonia is definitely a big buzzword that has
been from around to match in this industry, but like real adoption, like these are like consistent numbers. And if we look at like the overall active users in blockchains, they're not that great. Dufferator put out a report a few weeks ago.
and I think they tracked like a total of like two and a half million unique active wallets across all different chains. Those are like ridiculous numbers if we compare it to like Web 2. So games can definitely be that vessel and just looking at like how many people play video games in the world. So I think we're all
bullish year on this side of things, but I wanted to relate this message with the community. And just again, shout out to the zone team for what they're doing. I think it's amazing and bring a new user to algorithms, building for the greater ecosystem and also taking the cross and multi-chain approach. I think it's
It's great again, that's the world we're going towards. So that's great. And actually, a little segment since we're talking about like cross chain and multi-chain, I see Nico from Milcomida and Pymus Studio this year. And that's actually a pretty interesting technology that would actually
enabled that. So Nico, I would love to give the floor to you and to the other speakers please hold on a little bit. There is definitely a lot of people here that need to speak but I think it was a great segue. So Nico, floor is yours. Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more?
about why you're building. Sure, thank you. So my name is Nico Arcaro and one of the co-founders of Mil comida. So Mil comida for the ones that don't know we are giving even capabilities for Algrang. We are a layered chiselution. We use a prop proof to make
this secure. So in some manners you can think of Milcomida A1 for Algrant, similar to what optimism or arbitrage are for it here. But we are not so much thinking about scalability because likely Algrant is really good with scalability but we are using this layer 2 to bring another
other virtual machine into the algorithm ecosystem. And to connect with gaming, what is PIMA and what howMicaMida connects to gaming is that usually when you look at ecosystem, you can categorize what is being built on top of this ecosystem.
maybe in multiple ways, but a way that I like to think of is that we can have Dify. And usually when you go to platforms like Dify Lama, you can see, oh, this is the TVL, this is like what's been built in Dify, but also there is other things. A lot of you already have NFTs, as I've had a sooner you can already know that, oh,
there is also NFTs in this ecosystem and there is other two. Daos with a lot of you already know but it has had that much traction. A lot of this is not so much about the tooling or development experience but mostly about like more clarity in everything that's related to
regulation and the one that I'm actually the most pooled in terms of usage, which is gaming and this step for category. So we have seen a lot of projects that are like what we call gaming 2.5, which I think they're good, but they're only one part of the entire gaming
experience that you can have in blockchain like there is also the fight that's like the centralized but not completely centralized they're like semi centralized and in game in 2.5 basically it's like centralized schemes with NFTs that are on chain so what if actually we have like fully decentralized games because that's actually what we want
something that doesn't rely on like third party servers that maintain this, like the status of the game that anyone can play and you can also read yourself like you can have all the developers building a dance so it's like way closer to like an open source ecosystem but for gaming which is really cool.
lot of times what we have seen for other like really famous games like World of Warcraft, Dora and some other, they're like close source. You don't have an API as a developer to know what's going on. This is only available for that company. So what we believe as for blockchain and the spirit of crypto
is that these two open source that anyone could connect, create mods and create other things on top of the games. And that's why I'm supporting this other company called PyMash Studio that's creating a cycle that is totally the centralized game.
What this means is that everything that happens goes to the blockchain. So anyone that's looking at the blockchain, they can reconstruct everything that happened in the game. And this is really cool because like, actually you don't rely on servers and you can have like connection
between different wallets and this acta-l is like I was saying a little bit closer to the spirit and I'm fine now we are working in the game engine and maybe you have clear of like different game engines for gaming and how is this different that for example if you have a care of unity
or Unreal Engine, they are more of the front end. So, and another you could be something that helps you develop the design of the webpage. And what we are building with Pima is the backend. So, you can think of this Node.js or Express or some other
framework that you use in the backend for like the database all of that but we are using we are creating this for blockchain for so we work together with Unity and Unreal so you can use both of them and the idea of this engine is that it's not going to be closed source so it's going to be open forever and to create the centralized games
And even further, we are already working in multiple games. There are going to be a releasing and on A1 which is really cool. And even further we are implementing some specific features. So if you are an algorithm user and you don't want to install Metamass or other wallet,
you don't have to worry because you want to be able to use Parallel it or my Alga 5 to play these games. And this a little bit of what we are working on, we started with a casual game that's going to come soon to Algra, which is called Jungle Wars and where this works together with NFTs.
So if your NFT acts as your account, so for example, if you want to compete with multiple people, you have one ten times because this is centralized, we can assign how much you have one to that one specific NFT. So this also
opens up the possibilities or create like Web3 experiences which is something that we are looking and we are able to do with multiple companies because a lot of companies they want to maybe not to be encrypted but being in Web3 and they want to get more like user experiences for example
I'm going to make something up hopefully it makes sense. A company wants to be able to promote tourism for example in let's say Japan in Kyoto. So how we can make a better experience that we have in Web2. So basically maybe we can have some NFTs
that to be open it doesn't need to be exclusive created by them it could be some of the ones that are created so maybe you can use your NFTs to like sign some messages or like interact with like a specific point so they could be like an app that can understand read your algorithm Ft so you can sign them
a specific location using some of the phone features. So you can start assigning your next piece some values. So for example, if you go to 20 different locations across Japan, you can receive a specific price. So this is the progress of the
this task will be assigned to your own NFT and this is really cool because not all you wear on allowing companies or even like governments to create like webtricks we are also connecting them with NFTs which is kind of cool and we open up other set of possibilities so this is like a little bit of what
we are working on. I don't know if I'm talking to that, so I wanted to let Titi to let me know if this was great. No, this was great, Nikon. Actually, I'm wondering like all the you described this while you what you call a state full NFTs, right? Yes, exactly.
So the idea is that right now we have the normal NFTs that we get that really cool and it's like we start thinking oh what if like I use my NFTs on some things like example the ones that I was mentioning for tourism or even maybe for games can I improve my NFT so there is also this type of NFT that's
called dynamic NFTs where you can like sort of like obtain your NFT but you need to give permission and the smart contracts of the NFT to third parties that usually are protocols but you need to do this on change so you need to pay trans-science fees and if you
do this very often, it could be expensive and also this other class of NFTs that we have been working on that's called a stateful NFTs and the idea of the stateful NFTs that you don't need to be upgrading the NFT on chain but you follow what's happening on chain with an indexer so you understand
the state of the NFT. So for example, going back to that example about using NFT to quest for tourism or some other stuff, you can just see the blockchain, when you send these transactions, I'm sure in your location that your NFT has done all of these things.
Amazing, this is great. Thanks a lot. And just one last quick thing, Nico, if you don't mind like what are the best tangible call to actions for the community to get involved? Whether you're a dev that maybe has written some solidity call
and wants to maybe redeploy it on Algrond, what's the best way to get started and maybe get some advice from you guys and any other call to action you have for the community. Yeah, so right now I don't have a one-in-one
This specific one we are onboarding some partners that want to use this platform to create like complete centralized games and also we want to be deploying the first games that are going to be available in Algrang so we are very excited about that.
Hopefully this should happen in the next few months. And so after that, I'm going to have more calls to actions, but we are getting very close and the development is going well. I have all the updates about Nikmila, but that's for another two years spaces.
Sounds great. Thanks a lot. I actually see there's a you guys are running another concurrent Twitter space right now. So that's that's pretty cool. I see you guys are very active overall. So thanks for doing that. And thanks for for all the updates. This was great. I guess from from an eco to
another Nico from Trentorian calling you out. Why don't you introduce yourself, introduce Trentorian overall, tell us a little bit more about your roadmap and you know the next things you guys are going to be dropping and things you're currently working on.
Sure, thanks, Peachy. Hi, everyone. My name is Nico. I'm the CEO of In-Delver, developing Trontorian, which is a mix of games. It's actually a multiplayer, massive online game, space theme game. You can think of two different play modes. One would be the Fleet Commander.
imagine a 4x game, like Stellaris or endless space, that persistent and real time of course. And the other side is what we call space tycoon, which takes place on the planetary systems, right? Where the metaverse and everything that we're building is going to be.
We started building about, you know, over a year ago, it's a large game. And what we have released a lot of art and a lot of things over the past months, but we are actually turning everything over.
We have a new art director that joined our team, former AAAs, amazing, amazing. We're putting all the level up on our graphics. We're going to be releasing new art soon. We have completely repurposed the races.
races, we are completely repurposing the spaceships as well. And we've been talking a lot, I've personally been writing a lot of articles about blockchain and gaming and what I believe that everything should be. And this week I believe tomorrow or
Thursday we're going to be releasing the first series of technical articles. So, you know, the community gets to see an idea of how we're building the game, you know, the architecture, what it takes to build a game, how to build, or how we are building a large project in Unity. So that's
that's pretty cool and it's going to be technical but that's pretty cool. And in terms of our roadmap, we have, surely I'm talking this queue, we're going to have an internal playable alpha that we're going to be playing around and it's going to be pretty
interesting. It has, we already have all the server multiplayer gaming on. We're working on a lot of details. We're very picky about architecture, so we check our time. But aside from that, in terms of the algorithm, for those who don't know,
We've also explained a little bit on an article, but Algrand does have the best technology out there in blockchain, and we are leveraging a lot of the details and a lot of the features we have for the game using algorithms such as fractional NFTs and a couple other things that Algrand is
providing, not only the speed and everything that we know, but a lot of details about their NFTs that are pretty amazing. So we expect to have a playable close alpha, playable close beta, open beta, then release within these years and
early next year and you know we are doing something different in terms of the token economics of the game as well. We're not issuing any token. We believe and I personally believe that it's better for us to use Algo as our
as our main currency, we do have a game that is based on the NFTs, you know, Spaceships in land, and we're going to have sales for that closer to the game release. We are more traditionally building if you may. So personally, we've been working with the outdoor
on team very closely, they're amazing. So I don't know if you're the audience is more developers or players, but if you're a developer, it's a team that, you know, it makes very nice working with them and that technology is amazing. I don't think there's anything better out there.
No, thank you. Thanks for that. And definitely we all know on the tech side, maybe on the team side, it depends who you ask. Some people out there are a little bit salty, but we try to do our best again. It's bootstrapping a layer one ecosystem.
and it's a hell of a job, just overall. And there's no playbook for it because nobody has done it before. I mean, we can just learn from the Ethereum crowd, I guess. But that's about it. So we try our best and definitely a lot of it. And that's, I guess, also the beauty of this industry.
A lot of it is on the shoulders of the builders. I lot what Sayian was saying before is like on 2023 we're focusing on revenue because guess what, you're building a product at the end of the day, you're just using this, you're building on a decentralized network leveraging all the core properties of blockchains that we
all know and we all love and that's why we're all here to begin with but at the end of the day you are building a product. So in our end we try to help as much as we can and again just want to apologies for to those out there that might have felt we haven't been too close again.
For example, gaming is just me trying to be an open door to everybody. So again, if you want to reach out, feel free. I'm here. But again, it takes time and patience and it takes a common effort. So thanks Nikos for your fun leadership overall. I really enjoy it.
your articles and I highly recommend the community to go check them out, follow Nico, follow Trontori and get involved and yeah check out his articles because they're good pieces overall. Any last remark Nico, any call to action you have for the community?
Just, you know, it's been tough times, we allow, but for, you know, on the gaming side, we don't have to forget that gaming is entertainment. I totally agree with what you said before about gaming being
one of the best on-boarding vessels for blockchain and it's not I'm not the only one who believes that people you know very much smarter than me believes that and Like you said there are you know a couple million
I think we have the pleasure and the privilege of creating games that provide people enjoyment and we just don't have to lose focus.
So on our end, that's the idea that I want to communicate. Right. Let's keep building games, let's keep working together. I am not. We have somebody in the team that handles a lot of the relationship with other projects.
He's named Manu, you can reach him in Discord. Definitely reach out if there's anything we could do, you know, something to promote, gain or anything to help out. Definitely reach out. So we're here for the ecosystem as well.
amazing thanks a lot Nico for sharing all of these I want to pass it on to to love and Harley and Yolo what's up guys love and and Harley and Yolo and I talk talk a lot and they're just amazing members of our community is just
We're very lucky to have them around. I know a lot from your end you guys are running races as always, but there's a little bit more spice to it and actually I think you're just done a race with H&Y. So why don't you guys
I'm going to be more about that. Hey, everybody, thanks for having us up. I'm Loaf or Joe, however you prefer. I'm the community manager and strategy for the horses. We originally started as a regular NFT series, but in our early days, we would think it to ourselves like, you know what? It would be fun if we could race these horses.
And since the series name was stupid horse, it would suggest that it would be fun if they could go forwards and backwards. So since then we sort of built out into a full discord game, we've connected it to the web. And then we have a full web integration now. We're actually going to be releasing update today, which is our first dive into real strategy for the
game as well. We could play us to start using items that will influence the race. So we're really excited about that and just kind of how our path has transgressed. But like as you said, we recently had an event with H&Y. They're not the great project. They love working with them. I love work with Hurley and Yolo. And we built in November
a collaborative racing series, so we can have NFTs from across the ecosystem come into our discord and we enable their assets. So for a limited time period they come and they could race and holders get to meet each other, help build communities, and then recently at the start of the year we actually partnered with the Algrant Foundation for a board distribution program.
Just to help bring engagement and help bring the spotlight to other projects on the blockchain. So if you race in our server, you're able to qualify for rewards that are sponsored by the Algrang Foundation and from the projects that we're collaborating with it ourselves. And as you're having fun, you could also win prizes, so it really helps in terms of
of getting people together and just enjoying the functionality that Algrang has to offer. Amazing. Yeah. I'm very excited person. I think this is a great way to just improve engagement overall. As you're having fun playing
game hanging out with some other people and then you can win Algos. I think that's a great way to just leave the life and who doesn't want to do that. So very excited that you guys are doing that and I don't know who's there.
If you guys want to give us a brief introduction about Bork and also what you're doing, what you're building and your roadmap, that'd be great. Hey, yeah, it's Yomo, buying the account here. I think earlier I had to jump off for a meeting and I'm kind of in between meetings, but thanks for having us up. I just want to echo what Loaf said.
I truly believe what Loaf Pickle and Thurston were able to have built with Tiny Horses is something that really engages the entire Outground Gaming community and has really been put to test in terms of overall uses and really building the community. They've just done an instrumentless job. So any project that's looking
looking to build gaming into anything, pay attention to what, they're stover and low pick, what you're doing. But to go on to a little bit about Borg's, first of all, real quick, I don't think we've had anyone do this yet. So I want to make sure that someone gets a free NFT from this. So I just, it's going to take maybe a second
upload. But I'm pinning a tweet up here so if you go ahead I don't really know the best way to do it so if you know how to retweet or like I'll just go ahead and run like an RNG at the end of this so if you go ahead and retweet or like what's above
the Asian YNFTs boardboards. I'll go ahead and give to free board to y'all. But real quick and short and sweet, this project is run by Eric Hurley and then also me, Eric Moses, two best friends that used to live three houses away from each other back when we were about 12, 13.
always big into gaming, huge rooms, gate players back in the day. And really what we're trying to do here is relatively simple. We've heard a lot of complexities and stuff today. I would say that our project is built mainly surrounding fun, usability, and just frictionless gaming.
So what we're doing now is we've put out our first game, which is a Gallagher Space Defenders game that's a play to earn game that you can enter for weekly raffle prizes and daily raffle prizes and things of that nature. But what we're really looking to do is build out a full arcade where you can take your board board and go into games like Pac-Man,
in the games like Space Invaders, Go into games like Snake, and use a $15 NFT or whatever it may be at that time to go and play a plethora of games. So in terms of our 2023 goals, we reached 520 active wallets within the past few months of the
game and over 100,000, 110,000 explorations are plays of the game. So in 2023, we want to reach 1 million plus explorations. I think we're on pace for that. We want to reach 1K active wallets. And we want to make sure that we add that second mini game. And our overall vision is to try to become a launch pad-esque hub for
projects to add utility. So Bork Borks are intergalactic by nature. Thus when they explore they can land at a place like a mingo planet like a terstover tiny horse planet and play a mini game that's related to that project earning that native token from that project as well. So again
I'm kind of going to what you were mentioned in Pidgey earlier, trying to just intertwine and make sure that we can build out fun within our own project, but also not leave anyone behind that's building out new projects and the ecosystem and all that type of stuff and allow them to maybe build out some utility for themselves as well. Similar to what Loaf Pickle and Thirstover are doing.
amazing I love it and I love a hard game I gotta say I'm getting getting a little better but you guys know that I've been sucking at it trying my best but I'll definitely improve but definitely I want to
encourage everybody to go check them out, just get involved. These are like some real-life goji's right here. So amazing community get involved and just follow them because they're just doing amazing jobs. So thank you guys. Oh gosh.
And a lot of new people speaking of OGs and I see a few ones maybe we can go to Algoligs. What's up guys? How is it going and speaking of engaging community? I love to hear a haircut but I leave the floor to you guys.
Hey PG how you doing? Hey, Algo fam Eddie here creator the Algo leagues Really excited to be in the space with every one you're all killing the game shout out to Cosmic champs and Alvitares for their recent Demo was awesome had fun plenty games But the Algo legs I'll be short and sweet is a
Play the learn superhero and blockchain themed NFT story and folding on Algorand. You can collect our NFTs to stake. Play the daily discord battles game. Block Wars battles game up to two times. Upgrade our NFT rarity on via fusion chamber and algo gems. We have weekly trivia where
We have other what we call hero missions and bounties to engage the community. You can do any of the things in our community to earn our token. We're big on participation rewards similar to Algorand.
So you can check out those projects as well and you'll realize that token there. We're currently working on a completely new block wars experience which I'm really excited about. 2023 is the year of the new for our
We'll be working on a new website that's more aesthetically pleasing. I hate our current website. It was sort of a placeholder. It was a fast-paced year for us. But we also have new characters in storyline for V1. I'm really excited about as well that are in development. We should be releasing
those by the end of Q1, early Q2 this year. More ALC utility is to come. We have new project collaborations that I'm excited about, so you'll be seeing that come out soon. Really big on inter collaborative efforts that are mutually beneficial for everyone in the ecosystem.
that's our sort of like value if you will. And we're also working on really cool merch that we hope will aid in adoption. I think we have some really cool characters and our artist is amazing so he's creating some things that people will want to wear and hopefully that can help spread the Algo fan message.
And my call to action for you all is just to check us out. You know we're a small group of three. We don't have any major backing. We're a community driven. We're grassroots truly to the core. And so we're supported by any of the NFC sales that we have. Feel free to jump in. Everybody is friendly in our community and I'm always available to help.
If you have any questions about Black Wars or Algo League in general and if you're another project and you want to work with us, my DMs are always open to anybody. So any Algo fam, so much love, peace to everyone and shout out to everybody who has shown us love. Thank you PG for calling me up and having me a part of the space. I really appreciate it man. I hope to see you at NFT and RC.
You can count on that and of course you know that and thanks again for all the great work and for updating the community. I want to jump to another OG here Cliff, I'm calling you out here. How's it going? Good, how are you? Can you hear me? Yes sir, loud and
clear, pretty good, having a lot of fun, not gonna lie. So Cliff, why don't you tell us a little bit more about Archimony, I guess, for those of like the people out there that might not be familiar with it, one of the first OG games on Agrand, and also like, why you guys are, you know,
working on what you have on your roadmap and again. I mean, you know this field, but the floor is yours. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah. My name is Cliff from the CEO and co-creator of Alchemon. We are the first player in game on Algrant, and we've got our game as live on
Windows and PC or Windows and Mac right now. You have to download it to your computer which right now we're working hard on getting it to mobile. So anyone with a browser can play. Basically you get some inexpensive NFTs and you can battle
them and level up in game and earn tokens and rewards. And we're currently building out the infrastructure of all the things these tokens can do and do our own little ecosystem. So yeah, very excited for gaming and what's happening on Alvarand and what everyone's building.
All right. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, I was just going to say you can check us out at We have NFTs for sale there. You can get them on the aftermarket. We have large mints. So the creatures you can get your own copies of them and level them up to up to legendary and
epic and legendary creatures in using battle. Nice. One question that is probably just for you are like definitely you'd probably one of the best person to answer this cliff like what what is he has changed so like you know since you started the project that
in this past year or so within the ecosystem overall also on the technical side some things that got you excited about the protocol development and just overall tooling and accessibility overall on the algorithm side and also just maybe a little bit of less
lessons learned and tips that you can share with those projects that might be newer or those founders out there that might be thinking of starting a game on Algrond, what are some of the things that you can share with them? Yeah, probably the biggest thing is the amount of the
amount of security that people need to have. You know, like one thing that we did not anticipated when we started is people will do whatever they can to break and break your game and steal things and stuff like that. So, you know, we definitely, that's one of the biggest things is definitely make sure you have your security down.
And yeah, that was a hard lesson learned. You know, we had to rebuild some things, but it was definitely a good lesson to learn. So that's probably the biggest one that we just didn't anticipate of how, how vigorously people would go after that. So yeah, that's probably the biggest thing also, you know, just keeping the community in
involved, you know, definitely want to bring fun to the blockchain, which is our purpose. And we're also trying to add some more, you know, social aspects to Alchemon, because right now you're just playing by yourself. So we definitely want to add a lot more social aspects, which is something that is exciting. And, you know, we definitely want it to be
more involved in the community, which is not always easy, but as long as you're there for the community, they're usually there for you. So just make sure you're building a strong, good community. And yeah, those are probably the two biggest things I would say to people that are up and coming or want to build their own games.
Thanks a lot and make sure you follow Cliff and I come on over all again just some real OGs here. Thanks for letting me down really to this ecosystem Cliff really awesome and thanks for sharing your insights.
I think there's definitely very, very valuable for all the newcomers out there. Let's see who's here. This here could. Chip, is that you? How's it going, man? Hey, PG, actually this is Devon. Oh, OK.
Sorry man. I had to get used to being a gunner on the general account. I'm Devon and one of the co-founders is the circuit and I'm here with Chip as PG alluded to.
My partner. So we want to tell you a little bit about ZCircuit. We've been in the Algrant ecosystem just over a year now. I think we just crossed the threshold doing a lot of development on our decentralized racing management game.
We say racing management because our gameplay will be focused around the strategic decisions a driver makes more so rather than the reaction times of a player sitting behind a wheel. So big strategy emphasis and also
We really value decentralization. We're focusing on building a game that is not just built on Algrin, but actually runs on Algrin. Similar to what Nico from Milka Media was looting to earlier. I hope he appreciates that emphasis from us.
And so, yeah, we've been a little quiet for a while, especially over the holidays here, but we've been hard at work, and we wanted to take this Twitter space as an opportunity to drop some previously unannounced details about how cart NFT will work within Z-circuit's gameplay.
So a brief overview of the marathon. Oh yeah, that always leaking alpha. The brief overview for any new listeners or people who haven't heard about us. Our gameplay players start as a spectator where you're watching races, you're learning the
rules and you're attempting to predict the race outcomes. Also you can earn in game assets. Players will use these assets to earn car NFTs in a way that's a little unique to other games. Our NFTs are unique in that there's an infinite supply and the way we accommodate that supply is
players will be we take a loot box style approach to unlocking cars. So players will use their game assets to buy loot, open their loot to unlock the cars. When you're opening your loot, a car will be created with four staff
It will have speed, braking, handling, and acceleration. Pretty basic. And now that you have a car, you'll be able to transition to your next role as a player, actually entering races and then being a racer yourself. Part of being a racer, I need to customize my car and make sure it's
the optimal fit for the given race track. The way I do that will be by equipping parts onto my car. These parts will fit into a 3x3 grid, kind of like a Tic Tac Toe board, where if I were to connect three parts of a similar or the same type, I'll unlock
bonuses for my car's performance. So as you can imagine, this 3x3 grid is really important for the potential of the car, but not all cars will have the same potential, which means this 3x3 grid, not all cars will have all the slots on the 3x3 grid available to
them. Some cars will have slots permanently locked. And how many slots you have locked and ultimately the potential of a car will be determined by the car's star rating. This will range from 1 to 5, where if I have a 1 star car, I probably have
a handful of slots blocked off, which limits my potential. A five star would have the full three by three grid available to them. Finally, while we're talking about unlocking potential, cars will have a progression system. So as I'm entering my car into a race, I'm earning experience.
experience for my car. And as I'm leveling up the car, I'll be unlocking more and more of my stats. And it'll unlock temporarily locked slots on that 3x3 grid. So as I'm reaching certain level thresholds, I'll be able to equip more parts and unlock more potential
of the car as I'm leveling it up. And finally, anytime we're talking about NFTs, I feel like we have to talk about cosmetics. And I'm basically going to hand-wave it because neither me or Chip, we're just not artists, we're not designers. So we are looking to defer decisions
We think the cars by themselves have enough utility and value proposition with the current iteration. But our action item, our call to action for the Twitter spaces we want to hear from the community, what are some ideas around car and
FT cosmetics that you would like to see. Do you want to see different body types? Do you want to see more than cars, different types of vehicles? And then, yeah, do you want your cosmetics to be constant or do you want them to be more dynamic? This is the type of feedback we're looking to gather.
And that's all I got. Thank you for letting us speak here. Of course, man. Thanks. Thanks for the update. I guess best way to keep in touch is just following you on Twitter and just join the discord and for all the feedback and the questions. Just reach out to these guys there.
They're doing amazing work and thanks for the update and looking forward to more in the coming months. Let's see who else is here. Oh, a rush. How's it going? I love to hear one of the newcomers. So maybe the community is not super familiar.
with what you're building so why don't you give a brief intro and just update everybody about what you're working on and it's something I'm pretty excited about so yeah the floor is yours thanks hi BG and hi to all I'm vibrant gaming ecosystem I'm so happy to be here we do
guys and thanks for watching this space that's amazing. I'm Rosh from Rainier Games Studio developing Nature Awakens game. Our region is to create inline lasting online games utilizing Web2ream for our structure. Our team has the
experience developing games for a decade and also we won the first place in the Algrant Hackathon in 2021. I want to tell some about our game that we are developing by nature we can game we want to bring for users if you need
gaming experience using the various features that blockchain infrastructure brings to us because we love games at first and we love our audience so much. Unlike locality games that we all see that are distributed in the blockchain ecosystem now
days only for generating profits we are creating a high quality game and line lasting black chain gate and in our game the user will act as a defender of nature and combat all the sorriers of the environment and save nature as well as
playing versus other players is somehow similar to the vision of being a carbon negative of algorithms and in this game it's extremely imperative to make the right decision in the game in order to obtain the dessert outcome of the user and with
the freedom to use a wide variety of characters that they have very different and exceptional abilities and styles within the user kind of accomplish as well in his own unique way and the issues that can make very unique way to
actually we're scrolling the game and also we are currently in the early stages of our game but many details will be announced soon in our social media so stay tuned with us.
Oh, sorry. Last thing, Rosh. Thank you. We also like to be in touch with other projects in the algorithm ecosystem for different ways of partnering. So it's very good to be in touch with each other. Right.
on. Thanks, thanks a lot. Let's see, there's definitely, oh, Gann has been around here for a while, so Achilles, how's it going, man? I just want a little disclaimer here, Achilles is from Argentina and his English is not the best, but it's definitely good, so maybe there's a little bit of
an accent as there is in with me so please bury it but if you you know if you need him to repeat anything just feel free to drop a comment but Achilles floor is yours as a good man why don't you tell us a little bit more about Ganni. Hi guys can you hear me?
Yes sir. Okay. Okay. Okay. I am Achilles, I am the CEO of Cany. I try to explain you what is Cany? Cany is a third person shooter where you can play free online with your friends.
In Ghani you will be able to get your weapons with different accessories that will change their stats. You will also have a cute friends called Inui. This Inui are a magical pet that casts different spells that will help you in the battle.
There will be a competitive mode where NFT holders will be able to play and win prizes, depending on their position on the global ranking. We create a different skin of all elements of the games, we pawn characters in Ui and this we
will also be NFT and you can win them by doing mission on the battle pass or buying them. You can sell them in the marketplace and these NFT are limited. Our mission is to create the first decentralized NFT ESPORT game where you can use NFT from
of the project for example your tactics, I'll come on and you can't put this NFT in the game. User will be will both on the future development decisions and and GANIT is an aspect of game. There will be a
I usually do talking but it will not be tradiable on decks to avoid the financial speculation this speculators destroying the game We will soon release the demo so you can play with your friends in tournaments where you win rewards in algo
To do this, you must go to the website and register to the waiting list. I'm waiting for you.
All right, that was great. Thanks, man. I think this is definitely a great overview. Any, again, as I asked the other people, any immediate call to action or thing you want to share with the community?
just go check out the website and get involved and open the discord any other thing you want to share? Yes, you can follow on our social media and
We need your help to more people know about Ghani. Ghani tried to be different of others NFT game and trying to get more utility for the NFT on the Album and Networks.
Amazing, thanks a lot. By the way, the GANIS team went through the Miami accelerator and successfully graduated. I just want to send a kudos to you guys for being part of the program and successfully completed it. I think that's great. Thanks for that.
And thanks for the update Achilles. I'm really looking forward to more to come. Who else is there? All right. Then I guess Gushila and you guys are up next. Why don't you introduce the project? You're definitely another way.
one of the newest cameras I guess. So maybe the community is not super familiar, although you did some drop in some cool stuff. So why don't you give a little bit of intro and an update about what you're working on? Yeah, hi, PJ.
Marco, we can feel you very well. I think you're a little bit too far from the mic.
Can you hear me now? Oh yeah, wait better. Thanks. Okay. Perfect. So I will repeat hi everyone. I Marco. And what I will do is give a little introduction of the project and like the main aspects of our project.
which is Gushilan and then talk a little bit about the game we are developing right now. So the Gushilan project is a ecosystem of games and will be an ecosystem of games and teachers that will be appealing for both hardcore gamers, casual gamers and colleagues.
What we did when we started creating the project was to challenge the play to earn approach that regular NFTs project ever and introduce an element of innovation by
introducing the play to build approach. We want to create an ecosystem that is appealing to people that are inside the crypto world and also for people that are not familiar with it, making it simple to access and
buy how to have tea and play how to play games. We started by creating the marketplace which is now live so you can buy your gushes if you want at
And we have collected very positive reactions from our users. They are starting buying Argoshi and meeting them. And also a lot of people are telling us that they are starting in the crypto world because of our project.
which is of course, as I said, based on the principle that we want to engage new people in algorithms and in the crypto world itself.
Regarding the game, it will be called the first one, will be called Gushi Force and is a third based strategy game in which two players will fight each other with a party of Gushi. Gushi are creatures that are shaped as an
and they fight each other with elemental powers and the PVP component will be to the PVP component we add a PV element which is the randomness of the ever changing arena. Gushi will fight in
Of course, as I said, Anarina. And this arena will change periodically due to earthquakes that in our language in the world building we are creating are called land waves. And they will force players to re-evaluate the strategy each turn.
We already launched the Alpha, which is a really early stage, and the game itself will release at the end of 2021-2023.
Currently the team is playing and play testing the the the bushes and the interactions between his bushes and the two are in that will be available at launch.
which are the Caldrako and the Kaklus Arena and you can find them on our Twitter. There are some sneak peeks of the images of the game in these listages. The matches can last
maximum of 10 minutes and the game will be playable on both iOS and Android and yeah that is mostly everything I have to say about our project
This was great. Thanks Marco and again encourage everybody to follow Gusieland, he joined our discolourment. Yeah, you know the deal. That's the best way to get involved and then just if you want to become a Macor community member, just reach out to the people. That's the best thing.
You can do so thanks for the update I want to pass it on to Alvatar's what's up guys? I'm not sure who's again, it's hard for me to say who's in the accused they're speaking but welcome and Why why don't you guys give an update as well?
and share some good news with the community. Hey PG, it's always a 50% who you're gonna get so no big either way. How are you all doing? How can you guys can hear me okay? Loud and clear. Beautiful, beautiful. This is Mimo with Alva Tars. We've been
a quick overview. We've been around for the better part of a year and a few months now. We are we back open with our beta after decipher. It was a fun event. It's cool seeing you guys again. And we got a lot of big news coming around the corner. We're just working on a couple of big
big updates that we're going to announce pretty soon. But a quick overview of what the game is. It's a 4x4 card building deck strategy game. We actually have an open beta right now that you guys can all jump over to alvatar', sign up to a beta, get a link, and play
test. We had some really fun Twitch streaming events that happened a couple days ago. But yeah, it's a fun strategy game. It's got staking. It's got a lot of strategy involved with this like rock paper scissors element. It's very dynamics. Things happening every time. And it's all
player game. So we are actually able to play live with four different people. So it's a great opportunity to grab some friends who are unfamiliar with the crypto space and bring them on. That's kind of our vision with what we're trying to do with Alvatar. We're trying to introduce the crypto gaming scene to gamers.
not just crypto people and we're very excited about our season two that's going to be launching Q1 is what we're expecting to launch for Q1 for season two and a lot of big things it's just we're going to have to make an announcement very soon about this. I wish we could have done this here.
I had a lot of fun playing. I got to tell you it's tough, it's a tough one, but the animations and the logic and all the good work that you guys put into it, it was just amazing.
So, kudos to you guys again. Any again, as I asked everybody, any specific call to action, this is an open floor for all the projects, so that'd be great if you have anything to share on that side.
Nimo no, she got ragged. Array.
Lima, can I hear you? Yeah, I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?
Can you repeat the question? Could you repeat the question? Oh, there you are. Sorry. I was muted this time. Apologies. I know just like any specific call to action or anything like a giveaway or you know any specific thing that you want to ask the community. This is the time.
Oh, absolutely. Well, definitely would love everybody who's in the space. If you guys are interested in getting your hands on a crypto game that's got an open beta, jump over to, click on the play now or sign up button.
sign up and you'll get a link to test our beta. All right that's exactly what it meant. Thanks a lot for for showing the updates. Let's see
- Hey, Matt, you've been there for a little bit. Why don't you tell us a little bit more about what you're working on? And I know you're an accelerator as well. So how's that experience going? And yeah, tell us a little bit more about your project.
Hey guys, okay guys, hear me.
Yes, sir. Okay. Yeah. So hi, everyone. I'm from Zababa Labs, so we are building so move. And we are visiting Singapore right now. So it's like 5 a.m. But happy to be here, of course, to talk to all the games and thanks again for the foundation. Yeah.
And PG for inviting us. So I'll probably give a little background about the game. I think we kind of like were in the and Kurt Hackathon towards like mid or last year and then that's where I kind of we met PG and Daniel Oon and some of the other foundation people.
So so move it's a our fitness dance game, Bill and Algorand and we kind of been around I think for maybe half a year right now and we are also like PG set in the Algorand accelerator and I think we did the game how you
works basically is that you use your webcam or your camera to kind of detect your movements. So you have music and very fast-paced music and typically it lasts around three to four minutes and then you can dance with the music and then you have to move your body to match some of these movements on the screen.
So I think some updates with the game, I think we initially started on Android and mobile Android and Windows, but then we want to make sure that a lot of people can actually pay it. So what we did was that we now moved over to browser-based.
anyone can use it as long as you have a laptop or a desktop with a webcam or camera. And also we had some feedback that maybe the initial loading part wasn't fast enough so we optimised that right now and really well so hopefully now it's really quick for people to play it out. And then I think the call to action
is just that we have a fitness so move kind of challenge right now going on. We had partnerships with a few game projects but this one that we're partnering with for this fitness challenge is the Al-Gawena. So one of the OG NFT projects. So if you guys actually join and
but 100 calories with the game itself, you guys then a chance to win a Algo and an NFT and the rest will get some Algo prizes. So, you know, check us out. Feel free to DM me if you want to work on other partnerships. And yeah, I think thanks again for having me.
Of course, and that's great to hear what you're doing with IGO and I definitely got to get on to that. I grained my creep to belly. That's how I call it. So I definitely need to burst some calories. And that's another angle of like, you know, just creep to games overall. It's not just
like pure games as like what we see it is also like incentivizing people for good behavior and in a fun and engaging way. So, could also you meant for what you're building, keep up the good work and definitely as you go through and graduate the
the accelerator than looking for to work more together. I know I want to call up sage, fractal monsters, battle bears, welcome. I think you guys are pretty new to the algorithmic system, but I definitely want to
Again, welcome you, but just first thing first, I'd love to get fractal monsters up on stage if possible. I know Parker, if you're out there, if you can request to rate. So yeah, thanks.
I guess I don't see it. So, what about her bear? Why don't you guys introduce yourself and welcome to the agro fan? Thank you. Thank you. We are not so new. We actually were runner up to the hackathon a while ago.
And we've been developing, continuing, developing our Battle Bears game ever since. We've been making mobile games since 2009 and have over 40 million downloads over the lifetime of Battle Bears on mobile. So we'd like to introduce our new game to the Web 3 space.
And we had a great time competing in the hackathon and integrating with Wallet Connect and getting playable NFTs going. And we've been talking with various NFT marketplaces on the Algrant ecosystem to find a way to distribute
And if he's so that they can be playable in our game our game is very simple You're breaking up a little bit. I don't know if it's just me I'll keep going I'll keep it going. Yeah, I can hear now. I don't know if it was just me but
But I couldn't hear you for a little bit, but now feel free to continue sorry Thank you. Thank you. So our game is simple. It's a 3v3 brawler top down arcade game that runs on iOS and Android and it's very simple.
similar to Brawl Stars meets League of Legends but in a more simple snackable way so we call it a mini MOBA and it's proving out to be really fun. We took some time to dedicate just a gameplay and we got the core loop down so we like to invite everyone here to test our game.
on iOS or Android. So just go to and fill out the form and you will get an email with the download links to play. And we play every Friday as a community, but you can play with our bot system any time. And any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
- Amazing, thanks for that. And just one quick question. So you said like you're doing the hackathon right now. What are your plans for like, just overall with Algorand on the NFC side? Or maybe you mentioned it as you broke up a little bit. So I missed it maybe. So apologies for that. But if you could speak a little bit to that end, that'd be great.
Sure, we're currently not in the hackathon because we already completed the hackathon back in 2020, early 2022. So we were runner up to our ashes company, I believe. So good to see him here as well. And we're currently just focusing on
developing the game and we're looking at wanting to get to know more Algorand partners to bring our game to the market. So whether it's through NFT marketplaces or other modes of support. All right, you're definitely in the good in the in the right place for that. So thanks for sharing.
and looking forward to seeing the game and I'll definitely sign up and then feel free to reach out overall happy to connect outside of this space. But I see Fractal finally on stage, you guys have a very exciting announcement, so welcome and yeah, the floor is yours.
Yes, thank you so much. It was struggle to get up here. I don't know what was going on Twitter was fighting me today. Hey Elon man, that's what it is. It is. But I hope a lot of you guys know who we are, but for those who don't, we are a factor monsters. I'm Parker or Devpeed Addy on Discord.
Twitter. I'm a co-founder and software developer and DevFractkis or James Ward is another co-founder and he's our actual game dev. I do more of the web development. But what we are is a monster taming game with big emphasis on monster taming. So you'll take care of your pets.
You'll feed them and eventually they'll evolve and you can battle them We now have a battle system going with controller support and everything Eventually we'd like to do PVP so that'll be a lot of fun in the future hopefully really soon but The big announcement that we have we announced it in our discord, but for those who haven't
seen it. We plan to release main net on January 30th and we've been test net for the last few months I think since almost since last August so we've been testing a lot we really want to get this right we want to do good by community we want to make sure everything is secure we want to keep you guys safe we want to keep ourselves safe
So we're really trying to get that right on main that we're releasing plant packs. So these packs consist of five unique NFTs sometimes in different quantities depending on what they are. One of them is a guaranteed monster and then the other four is in a sort of random items in different quantities and that's done through our in house shuffle system.
using smart contracts, which I think is really cool. I'm not sure anybody else has really done shuffle smart contracts, but I could be wrong, but I've been head down, so I'm not sure what's going on out there. 50% of this supply goes to tamer holders. So the tamers are our profile picture collection that was dropped
a while ago. I can't quite remember what date it was, but basically this is almost like a collector's edition of the game. By holding a tamer, you'll get a free plant pack, so that'll be really good when the game comes out. And let's see, we're doing a white hat hacker of it really soon on January 20th through the
20 second. Now what that is is an event where people can try and hack our system for good basically. So we want people to try and break it. We want to find all the bugs. We want to find all those security flaws. And there is a lot of rewards on the line for that. So we have about 60K algo of reward for those of you who can
Basically break our stuff so that's really good really exciting I really love this event because it keeps us Keeps us safe keeps you guys safe. So that's good One big thing that we've really done recently that we want to highlight is we've really tried to reduce onboarding friction so to do that we actually
came up with a new wallet called Frack Wallet and basically how it works is really similar to my Algo I believe. Our site will generate you a wallet and it will generate the keys. It will force you to write them down or save them however you prefer.
And then you'll enter them to verify that they're correct. And once that's done, it saves those keys encrypted in your local environment. So super safe. We never see the keys. It's all locally done. They're encrypted with your user password. Very similar how my my algo wallet is where you input a password. And what that does
us for us as it allows us to sign transactions with your password. So it's really easy for new users who don't really know what a wallet is or how to make a wallet or where to make a wallet. So that should really help onboard users who are used to Web 2. So basically we are allowing Web 3 to be
more like webtoos so that way those who aren't used to it can still play the game. For example, our artist, his name is Ross, he's great, but he doesn't really do much in web3, he's very head down building so we use him as our tester for this tool and he was
able to make a wallet, sign some transactions with his password, get a monster from our testnet shuffle and play the testnet version of the game. So that's great. Another feature that this will have is we have, we're trying to partner with a fiat on ramp. So that way you never have to actually leave our
site to fund your wallet. So that will be really good. I think we're in talks with a few to figure out which is the best for our users. But we've got that pretty much built out already. So that'll be really good because then you never have to leave the fractal website at all. So it'll be super seamless for new users.
Aside from that, I'd love to have you guys check out the Twitter and the Discord. We always have big announcements in the Discord and the Twitter. Again, we're going mainnet. We're launching on January 30th. That's when the shuffle is. There is total supply as 4,096 monsters. Half of that goes to
tamer holders. So if you're not holding a tamer, you might want to look at getting one because that could be a guaranteed monster if you're not too into public shuffles. But the other half of the public shuffle or the other half of the supply will be in the public shuffle. I think that's about it. If you guys have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them.
So, Guy, you're out, goes ready guys. I don't know if there's any questions. I'm going back to Ilon. I wish there was a way to get AMA that would not comment. So, I guess I can ask
I'm going to ask you this man because you guys have been around as well for a little bit. So I'm going to ask you the same question as to Cliff. Any lessons learned in sites, just tips you want to give away to, you know, both on like as an Algo community member and as a builder, I think that would be
So if you feel like sharing that big rate. Yeah, for sure. One thing I did forget to mention is that there is an exploration part of the game so you can explore to find items. And so that's how you'll keep your monsters happy and healthy. But tips
I do think it's important for especially gaming projects to really focus on the game first. I think that's pretty important. We want to have a fun game for you guys to play aside from crypto. We want people to want to play the game even though we
even if it wasn't Web 3. So that's really important to us and that's why we've stayed in TestNet for so long to make sure everything is thick and span, fun, secure. So that is a big thing I would recommend is use TestNet if there for a reason and it's really, really helpful.
Well, 100%. Thanks for that. And we're wrapping up 50 minutes left, I guess, also because I got a hop off, unfortunately, guys. But I see the other team is here. What's up, guys? Want to give an update as well?
Yeah, speaking of focusing on the games first, Aloe is truly a gaming platform that supports Algorand as a chain and decentralization as a sort of
and concept, and we do what we can to leverage and get benefits from decentralization and the game theory around that. But our portfolio of titles is composed largely of
of non- just regular fun games and they were our early partnerships were chosen specifically for games that people are playing and that we think are fun games that we want to play ourselves. We basically it's a little bit selfish we just wanted to play some of the games that are
and gaming. But we are well in the way to launch, but we have our Discord server. I can point you all towards if you go to
We are excited to get this thing out to the public. We will have much more on that soon. We are really appreciating part of the community.
Right on, thanks for sharing and yeah, absolutely looking forward to it and I personally know you guys have some of the hardest working devs on the team so keep up the good work and thanks for sharing. Shosh, I'm not familiar with you guys but welcome and
I see you're located in Planet Algorand, so you're definitely part of the family, I guess, but why don't you give us a little bit of intro about what you're doing? Sure, sure. Thank you for having me. Well, Shoshia is a project that we started. Shoshia is the name of
our token and our first game that we are creating is slaughter. Now it's an immersive first-person shooter that allows players to compete head to head and earn tokens by defeating other players. So you can think of it like this. So it's a
It's a first person or a third person shooter, you can switch between them. So if one player shoots the other player, for example, you and I are playing, you shoot me, I die, you get my tokens. This is the basic ID of what we have.
We will do this with the shooter, we will have racing and we are building it now for a little bit less than a year we are busy with it and we have a great time with it. It's a lot of work. Everybody is talking about we are doing this, but people
for getting that it's really a lot of work, it's difficult but we're getting it done, we're getting further and further. We have now also the NFT marketplace which is coming up this quarter and then people can buy the weapons and the custom made characters will also be there.
And yeah, that's basically it for now what we're doing. We're now working with Unity, wallet, connect, integration, fixing all the bugs that will be version 2. Because version 1 was the demo, everybody could already play it, still people can play it.
And we will switch to the Unreal Engine. I think in the third quarter of this year, because Unreal came out with Unreal Engine 5, great graphics, great graphics and lots of options. Yeah, so that's basically
What we're doing at the moment. Thanks for sharing and very very nice to connect and yeah I mean a real five is just looks unbelievable honestly so very excited to see what counts. Guess we're we're at the end of it guys. I
I hope I was able to give some space and some time to everyone. If you feel like an eclectic duo, first of all, I apologize. Second of all, this is the time for you to request speaking. So if you want to do that, in the meantime,
a little bit of housekeeping and announcements. I think it's pinned up there, but make sure to join AlgoFest on January 20, 30th, I'm not mistaken, didn't help me out here. I don't see it pinned, but you
told me was so guys just check it out. Oh 26 sorry yeah I'm not able to see it although your telling me it's it's pinned up there so I guess it is so but definitely make sure to to join that and then it's
It's about the broader algorithm ecosystem, it's not just about gaming, but it's a great way to just hear out from the community and also from the foundation. Any last remarks, Dean, any last announcement, otherwise I guess we can wrap it up.
And I think I think I said thank you for posting the space. It's great to hear about all the projects, obviously. And I think there's obviously a few new faces. If anyone has been spoken to us before, from the guild, like reach out. So you can follow you. But otherwise, I think like holding these spaces regularly regularly.
be great for it. Absolutely. That's the goal. So yeah, I guess a little bit of housekeeping for everybody. The goal is to run this every month. And if we see, we need to update you guys more often and just order a dose of any specific thing we want to communicate
Okay, then we might run it every other week. But I guess that's it for now. Thank you so, so much everyone for joining. Thanks to all the speakers. It's been great hearing from you. Yeah, I hope you had a great time and now you know your homework, which is go play some games and have some fun.
Thanks for having us. Really appreciate the platform.
Absolutely. And enjoy the rest of your day everybody or like, Mar if you just woke up at 5 a.m. Maybe just go back and take a quick nap.
Thanks again for joining and yeah, looking forward to the next phase. Cheers. Cheers. Have a nice one. Bye bye. Thank you. Thank you. Have a good day.