AlgoKit Launch!

Recorded: March 29, 2023 Duration: 1:05:40



Hello everyone.
How you doing today? Good. Can you hear me, okay? Yeah, yeah. You're good. Can you hear me? Yeah, perfectly.
Awesome. What a joyous day. Yeah, yeah, what a joyous day. I'm very excited. What a joyous day. You should be. We're all joyous today. Hi everyone.
John and I are gonna start doing more stuff together, hopefully. - Greatest team, Voltan. - Such a fan, John. - The greatest team. - The greatest team, Voltan. I mean, is there anything that tech and marketing kind of achieved together if there is? I am not aware of what it is.
Yeah, I don't know, maybe like making like a shepherd's pie or something. Beyond that, yeah. It's just us. Yeah, exactly. Dream team.
That's right.
Awesome. I think we're getting tons of folks jumping in. Let's get Alexandra up here. Oh, we did. Okay, cool. Alexandra, of course, is the global head of product and algorithmic basis.
So it's very important we have a period. He's been putting the most work on the foundation side in terms of delivering this product. Hello everyone. How's it going? What a nice day to launch.
Yeah, nice day to last. Congratulations guys. I think you know the launch of advocate today really wiped the clouds from the sky. It allowed the sun to come down and start the crypto spring. That's the way I feel about it.
Yeah, I'm like it's about time. I mean, I'll go into this is just the beginning in my opinion of things moving in the right direction. Absolutely. We're just waiting on one other person, which is Rob from MakerX, who's basically the CTO and engineering lead.
I just wanted him to be on here so he can give us a real insight into how this was engineered and how the product was developed at a low technical level because I think it's important to understand the philosophies behind why we made some of the architectural decisions that we did. So I think I can see Robbie's here and he's requested the mic as well.
I'm excited to have them. They're amazing. Yeah, absolutely. Cool. Gotcha. Okay, great. I think we're nearly ready to go.
just one second.
Hey Robbie should be good, I think now.
I'll tell you what, this Twitter app isn't as well engineered as AgoKey. I'll tell you that. I also hope people felt the love on the marketing side, the love that we're giving, just beginning again, the beginning of the love for AgoKey from the marketing team.
Absolutely. I think, you know, I've not seen anything like it. I've only been here coming up to a year, but of course before you joined, we didn't have that force, right? We didn't have that force. I think everything from the coin desk article today to the stuff with a bit boy the other day.
All that exposure is driven by Jess and her team and of course the beautiful advertisements that you've put out around the advocate really raise awareness. That's it, that's the dream team. Okay, so let's kick this off. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it.
All right cool. Is it just me you hosting it usually I have my fabulous Fred who is kind of? Oh, no, you and me it's you me today. Oh, okay, okay. I was Yeah, he's at a conference right now. It's you me. Oh, no, okay heavy lives the crown. Okay. Welcome everyone. They've got two. Yeah
Yeah, exactly. You've got to bring all your energy. Totally. Exactly. Fred is usually like just magnetic energy in the room. Okay, welcome everyone. I'd like to kick off the Albuqit launch. I'm so excited to be here with my co-host Jess Rob and Alizandro. So do you want to maybe introduce yourselves guys?
Yeah, I'll kick off. Hi everyone. It's it's so great to be here. It's such a great celebratory moment for all grand and everything beyond that we're going to be doing. I'm just I'm the incoming CMO been here not yet three months really
excited this community is amazing so thanks for having me. Cool. Rob maybe you want to go next year? Go ahead Rob. Hey everyone Rob Moira here I'm the Chief Technology Officer.
officer of MakerX so we've been partnering with our ground foundation over the last few months to all get to this moment in time where we get to launch Algaricit and yeah I'm very exciting thank you
Hi everyone, I am Malisandro, Head of Developer Tooling and what not at the foundation. Super excited to be here, super excited to have you guys finally try out the one of Algo Kit and looking forward to the chat.
Fantastic. Well, and you guys probably know me already because I spend a lot of time talking. It's John Woods, the CTO at the Alguran Foundation. So as you're aware, when I came to Alguran, I realized that the technology was, as I've said before, fit for purpose. And in fact, the engineering that we have in terms of the
the underlying protocol, and that's things not just like the consensus with the VORF that Silvio designed, but also things like the data propagation layer or the cryptography that we use. All of this stuff is best in class. And if you look at the Agron Virtual Machine, which is engineered by our applied research team at the Inc.
the leadership of John Genotti, who is a wonderful computer scientist. Again, you can see that it's been engineered for speed and precision. And so I thought my job was done when I came to the foundation, but little did I realize that the developer experience of developing with Teal wasn't that great. And so one of the most important strategic
decisions I made when I came to the foundation of CTO was to try to improve the developer tooling experience. To make it so, building an algorand was not only fun but also something that didn't take as much effort as it took when I arrived. Algo kit is the answer. Algo kit is what's going to open up and
make accessible algorithms incredibly great features to people who don't have the time or the inclination to wrestle with things like Teal. And so maybe I'll pass to Ali Zandro, maybe to talk a little bit about how Algokki came around and the types of things that we cared about when we were trying to deliver a product of this class.
Well, so let's start from the beginning, which is when I was interviewing for this job at the foundation, I've arrived to the stage of speaking with you, John. And we were talking about the developers tools and what was needed, how it was now.
and everything. And the thing is, I was a software engineer, not a good one, let's put things clear. And I think this is a blessing for this occasion, because while looking at the developer tools that we had, they were great in it all.
but they were difficult to get them to work well with each other. So we started thinking of leveraging what we already have and what the community is building, but showering it with love and creating something a glue-straight that's
ticks everything together. And this is where our cookies started. So it all starts from a CLI because the main problem and friction points for developers, it's first and foremost setting up your environment, getting your laptop from
from brand spanking you to actually being useful for development. That already is an art and thankfully I hope we've nailed it. The second is getting projects to start from a point where you're productive. So the entire idea behind
the algorithm is that we now have developers, if we have developers tools that work with the developer instead of against it, like I've spent many years of my life doing. Yeah, fantastic. And you know, when I came to the foundation as well, okay, some of the overarching principles
that I wanted to inject into Algo kid, whereas follows. I cared deeply about having a blessed path when I was interviewing with Stacy. And by the way, I interviewed with so many people from my job. I interviewed with Paul Regal, I interviewed with John Genotti, I interviewed with Jason Wettisby, who's the head of DevRel, John Genotti's applied research. Paul, of course, this, this CPU.
the chief product officer at the Inc. And of course, the entirety of the foundation team. One of the things when I was preparing for the interview was like, let me see if I can play with this stuff. Right? I want to get on the call. I want to ask interesting questions, show that I've I understand the stock. And when I was when I was out there trying to play with this, I was like, hmm, how do you do this#
builder, is it reach, is it teal, is it piteal, it was confusing, and I felt I was someone who really got this kind of thing. And so if it's confusing to me, it's certainly going to be confusing to someone who's not working in the industry or who's trying to come to this industry for the first time. And so the principles with which Alisandro and I kind of
chart it out, AlgoKid, where things like simplicity, blessed path, clarity, and difference towards the user. You've got to remember that there's human beings behind these products. And so the products that we create are used by humans. And so we need to make it so that we maximize their value.
And so maybe I'll pass to Rob, who by the way, MakerX, he introduced himself as a partner at the foundation. I can tell you, working with MakerX has been a dream. I've worked with many engineering companies in my time, both in-sourced and outsourced, and I've never seen a level of care and love given to a product as much as Rob and his team.
under mat, mat leadership, mat's the CEO of Make a Rexx as well, have given to Alga that they've been so great to to to to work with and that's why I wanted them to be part of this space so that they could share in this moment. So Rob, maybe do you want to talk a little bit about your journey and in terms of engineering and how you put the team together and maybe you know the level of care that you get in#
Yeah, thanks. I appreciate that the nice words that John I'm blushing. So yeah, look, you know, we have we love our grand. It's, you know, obviously an amazing technology and we've been building products on it for a little while, including things like the data history.
them and certainly as we got into it we found all the things that yourself and Alessandro were saying you know it's all of the stuff's there but to sort of find your way when you first getting started it wasn't easy right and certainly we knew for
from the very beginning that there was so much that could be done to take all of the existing parts of the development ecosystem and basically piece them together in a way that creates a really nice experience. And interestingly, we
Kind of do that for ourselves because it's just something that we like doing I guess and You know, we like having productive sort of development Experiences on all of the products that we build for both ourselves and our clients and Yeah, so I guess you know that we we had this struggle
vision for what's turned into Algaric it and you know naturally when we were starting to talk with yourself and and Alessandro and the like we we found a lot of commonality in that vision and certainly a lot of the principles both of you were just saying you know where the principles we shared we we wanted to have some
something that was this cohesive developer suite or experiences I like calling it where it feels like everything's designed to work together rather than distracted and we're encouraging or guiding developers towards being able to deploy end-to-end high-quality outcomes.
comes on mainnet because at the end of the day that's what matters right when we're actually releasing things and they're getting used in the real world. Something that was a seamless on-ramp for new developers, something that meets developers where they are regardless of what operating system
some programming language that they want to use and something that's modular where there's a whole heap of components that you can kind of opt into which ones you actually want to use and they're all kind of like decoupled from each other so you can kind of make your own experience from the tools that we're providing.
I think, you know, we pulled together a really great joint team, you know, we've been working closely with yourself and Alessandro and all the developer relation team and a bunch of other people in together. We've obviously come up with something that I think it's fair to say we're all really proud of. So, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely, right on. So, you know, I think when I think back to the healthy and days of engineering that I started with, was around when iPhone 2.0 came in. And that's when the App Store launched, right? And that's when you went from like seven apps on your iPhone to like thousands of apps.
that's where the expression there's an app for that came out. And so I really like to think of Algorand, another layer, a layer one blockchains that are as capable as Algorand as decentralized operating systems. They're like the Linux, the Windows, the Mac OS, but in a decentralized
context. And so they're only fun to have your money around. They're only fun to have your tokens on if they've got tons of interesting apps and interesting solutions that are available. And so AlgoKit is going to make it so much easier to build these things. I can tell you, even when I was
I'm thinking of doing my own drop because I'm playing a little bit with the generative AI artwork stuff, the stable diffusion, latent diffusion model. I can make a couple of million dollars if I just drop a couple of NFTs.
But I couldn't spend the time to wade through the documentation to do it the right way to deal with all the arcs to figure out which is what is the right way to do this and to advocate handles all that for me. Another thing that was really annoying when I was playing with algorithm initially was this need to both separate
your test environment and your local node and simulation environment from your developer tooling. And so you have to download the node, you have to install the node in the runtimes and then you have to also go and get the SDKs separately. And now I can tell you with four commands you can be open running.
on AlgoRand and developing things. So just by doing a pip install, an Algo init, and an AlgoKit start, and then finally an AlgoKit explorer, you will be able to install AlgoKit, set up a project, start a private blockchain for testing, and deploy it and call smart contracts.
This is like 30 seconds work that used to be an hour's work. And so it's just blow away stuff. Jess, maybe do you want to speak a little bit to how you were thinking about sharing the value proposition of Algaron with the ecosystem and your experience over the last couple of months?
Yeah, I would love to talk about it. I just wanted to say, like, I remember when John, you and I first talked about Algo Kit. I was like, how soon can you launch this? And also just even your overall plans and roadmap for the rest of the year. I was like, I was going away and I was like, pull that up.
talk about that sooner, how can we make that really big and really start making more stronger statements out in the industry of why we are the leaders when it comes to, again, what you're describing is seamless developer experiences and really that comes to your level service. So for me, this
So being our first major new developer tooling release really speaks to that value prop specifically speaking to Web2 devs to really think of algorithm as that entry point to Web3. We should really be showing them, you know, we've prioritized UX principles from Web2 to create that seamless experience.
They'll get sucked down the Al-Gran rabbit hole. And that really is what I feel like is such a huge opportunity as we again continue to go on this journey and really getting them hooked on the benefits. And I think for me the value probably I think first, this first value pop really is all around this idea of like building faster
simpler today. And this idea that you can get your dev environment set up in 10 minutes, like how many things can you do in 10 minutes? For me, I think through that, it really shows that we are beginning to really be set up to be that place for leading applications of tomorrow, right? And so I'm incredibly excited. I think
The why all grand story is one that we are continuing to really think and craft on and again we talk a lot about. Bring these to human terms so people that are not exactly in our exact industries again we really want to win over that next billion of what to. Who how can we start talking about it right so there's.
So, I think that's a great way to talk about the world's best ways of doing this.
about the thing but what is the actual benefit to you and I think that's something that we have not built a muscle around yet. And I think this is all go okay. It's like that first example of us saying like you get to build faster, simpler today. That's it. So I think I'm really excited to continue to like really think about what are those value props that really
will allow us to differentiate, especially in our very real other options out there and really continue to position Algrin as the best place to build. And here's why. So yeah, those are just some high-level thoughts of when we were thinking about Algo Kit and also for the rest of the year.
Well, you know, it really is great. It's like developer tools for human beings. And I think, you know, it's like you can build a network and a platform to be great. But if you don't make it accessible, it's no good.
And so this last step is like maybe 1% of the engineering effort or 2% of the engineering effort compared to building the entire platform, but it's so important. Do you want to maybe speak a little bit about what you're thinking in terms of the marketing from going from chewing glass and touching grass?
I mean, I think I think it's important for us to start positioning ourselves as the place where doves want to be. And so I mean, it was just playful, right? As we know, some of our friendly folks out there, you know, there is some slaying around this idea of chewing glass and how, you know,
devs are, it's a very specific type of dev who, you know, is will, is wants to just like to gloss and create and that, that painfulness for them like, you know, they, they enjoy that. And I think what we were saying here is, I think again, like this idea of like how simple, beautiful, good feeling
ultimately it is to build especially when you see I think someone in the dev the dev relationship just showed me like it was like a three minute video of just like him building something and I was like holy goodness it's like and I know Silvio talks about this a lot right this idea of like just like elegant solutions and so when I think about like us positioning ourselves as like
We are looking for experienced devs who like to look under the hood and and ones who actually appreciate the product and want to stay when they see it and so I think when when we talk about chewing glass, it's like well, you can actually touch grass When when you're in this world and and so kind of again, it's a little bit playful
I think again, a little bit cheeky, but also just kind of making a signal. Hey, we understand the pain points that you guys currently face. And I think a lot of our messaging is around the way we framed it is really pain point first. These are real world pain points that devs face. And I'll go care and be on at OutGran, we have the solution.
Absolutely, it's so cool. And you know, I think for the first time ever at the foundation, certainly in my year here, but for the first time that I've ever seen looking back to the history of what's been achieved, we finally have a team that everyone see, sorry, Mark
And everyone see that coin desk wrote an article today with Algarand in the headline and it was positive This stuff is all Jess and her team maybe Can I bring back in I think either Alexandra or Rob maybe to talk about kind of let's talk about maybe then you know
We're not stopping here. Albo Kit V1 came out today. It's an incredible quantum leap forward in terms of the experience, but we're not just stopping there. So far, the key takeaways are as a CLI, which helps you build tests and deploy. It's also a testing framework. It's beaker. So you can contract. So you can focus
your business logic at a contract level and not the underlying boilerplate. It's VS Code integration, it's DAP flow, it's all those great things. But let's talk a little bit about the next six months. Where are we going to take Algo Kit over the rest of this year towards V2, which will be dropping in Q4. Do you want to talk about that, maybe?
Well, I'll try talking about it without spoiling too much because otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise. But the first thing I'd like to say is we have a stacked roadmap with things that we see that are missing from the development experience, but we also want to hear from
new builders and new devs, what you need most. So please do reach out to me Rob, John, to everyone here speaking and tell us what you need most so that we can prioritize and help you out. This being said, we realize
that there is still some friction. The language still needs perfection. There is still some tooling that could be brought up at the moment. We're focusing on smart contract development, but we do know that smart contract development is only one part of the equipment.
So we are working towards full stack development. Yeah, fantastic. And I think, you know, Alizandro peaked at some spicy alpha there around language support. But you know, the market can only take so much good news in one day. And if we start talking about
the languages we're going to support for our kid. I mean, I don't want to I don't want to cause a massive bull run. It's not fair. So maybe Rob, can I go over to you and ask you in terms of you've engineered this thing with your team and with this support of the foundation, what would you say is the mic drop the mic drop moment for
for Albuquerque. Albuquerque V1, what would you say was like when you look at what you've delivered, what would you say is like your most proud part? I guess the context series I've actually been dog fooding Albuquerque in the last couple of weeks and so potentially my
I'm really excited because I've been able to use it and had a really awesome experience for building a smart contract that I'm building at the moment. And the bit that really excites me is actually something that I
We literally lit up in the last few weeks and it was the culmination of all the building blocks that we laid down over the last few months all coming together. It's essentially the fact that right now I can take a computer that doesn't really have anything much on it.
I can install Python, I can install AlgoKit, then I can type in a command in it commands to instantiate a new project. And if I've never used that before, it's got a full
wizard experience that guides me through a series of questions similar to like if anyone's used like create react app or or like the remix interface or any of the other similar sort of ones. And it basically guides
you through like choosing cool what's your the name of your project what template you want to use we've got three templates in there at the moment and that will grow over time and as a side note anyone in the community can create their own templates and use them with our grid kit without having to get them submitted in so so it's actually kind of
a platform really what we built. And if I choose the one that I was using which is the production sort of beaker template, then what will happen is it puts all the code on my computer, it goes and installs all of the Python
dependencies, it sets up the Python virtual environment, it copies the .env template file to a .theenv file, so all my environment variables for developing against the default local net environment are set up for me. In my case, I like writing TypeScript, so I chose the
script option rather than the Python option for my deployer and it also installed all the mpm dependencies for me and then it detects that I have VS code and one of the questions was do you want VS code you know settings in there which is that a fault it opens VS code for me and so literally I've typed one command
I've hit enter a few times. It's popped up this development environment. I can literally hit f5 on my keyboard and it will spin up a local net node in a few seconds. So running a local isolated algorithm network on my computer, it will build the
the beaker smart contract using the Python environment and dump to disk the outputs of that, so the approval and clear file, the application spec file, etc. And then it starts running this in this case TypeScript because that's what I chose to play
code that I'd importantly deploys or updates or replaces that smart contract as I make changes to it and I've got this immediate feedback loop that's really tight as it is a developer so I can make like a change like hit a five or or even save the file and it will like
if I've already got the debugger running it will just refresh it for me because it's watching for file changes. And so what I was experiencing in the last couple of weeks was I'm like writing this smart contract, I'm like making little tweaks, running it, making tweaks, running it, making tweaks, running it, and the feedback loop that I had met that I could build this contract.
at least twice as fast as it would have taken to build and the code that I have that is running that local deployment experience is the same code that can then deploy that smart contract into testnet or mainnet without any changes.
And the fact that I have that level of capability where I can now do proper continuous delivery of a smart contract into whichever environments that I want without having to change the code whilst at the same time having this really productive local development experience.
I just think that's really cool and I haven't seen that level of slickness of experiencing other blockchains and frankly we're just getting started like this is the most basic experience that we've spent the last few months on
And now that we've kind of put all the groundwork in, that we can light up an experience like that, all of the other things that we can start doing, including what Alessandro was saying around, you know, D-Apps and other things like that. Like, it's just really exciting.
I love that. And I think it actually brings me to a question I've been thinking about and in around just how one like would love to hear from all of you just a
around how you think about this as a long term, like from a long term journey and how we position ourselves against other value props from other protocols, etc. Like you mentioned how like you haven't seen
anything else like this, specifically that what you were just sharing our break. And I would just love to hear from John, how do you think about this from a long term perspective and how we position ourselves to basically emerge as one of the winners?
Absolutely. So the way I see the developer tool suite and so really, you know, that is the gateway to Productivity on Outaround. And so yes, we need users. Yes, we need people who are excited about buying NFTs, assets, royalties, you know, getting involved in
decentralized finance, getting involved in self-sovereign identity. Yes, we need all these things. But very much like I mentioned about the app store, if we don't have this buzzing metropolis and playground of activity where there's lots of things that you can do and see and use, then people are not going to get excited. And so really,
It has to come from developers developers developers developers right to quote my favorite guy Steve Palmer and so I'll go kid is going to be something that grows with the community. It's going to grow with the layer one. You know you guys are not going to believe some of the stuff I'm seeing from the guys from the ink in terms of
of where they're taking the protocol next, we're going to see reduction in block time again, we're going to see higher TPS, we're going to see incredible moves in terms of the applied cryptography post quantum resistance. I mean, you're talking about a chain that is run by grown ups and some of the smartest people in the room. And so that's great, but we need to make sure that that chain is utilized
and to do that we have to make it accessible to developers. And so I really feel this is a major monumental pivot in terms of algorithms history where we finally make it so accessible that anyone, and I mean anyone, I mean like someone who's like, you know, 14 years old who's just coming to computers for the first time can sit down, spend half an hour
figuring this stuff out and launching NFT. And that is incredibly powerful. And so, you know, the future of Algorand and Algo Kit are intertwined. It is going to be the de facto developer experience. It's going to be first to support new features like boxes, box storage and stuff like that, etc.
So whenever there's a new upcode within the AVM, Algo Kit will be first to take advantage of it. It's going to be the entry point for major new language support, for languages that are out there right now, and for languages that emerge over the next decade. And so Algo Kit is really such an important moment for the chain.
That's incredible. And John, you really are the goat. And again, like, it has been such a privilege being able to work with you. So I'm, yeah, I definitely, I feel like that picture, your painting of access and ultimately
I think you and I share that, right? Like ultimately everyone being able to anyone, like a young kid in India who just wants to learn and grow and build something amazing for his community, like we'll be able to do that.
And I just think I think it's an incredible composition. So yeah, thank you for for sharing that. I Would love to hear like what is like what is endgame right like from your world?
before like when you were at you know I know you were at Kudano you've seen a lot of different types of tech like like how does Algo kid what is how is Algo kid like that first step in that journey to like end game
for you. Sure, so yeah, absolutely. So I guess endgame is a trillion dollar TBL with millions of users. That is really the endgame. And so in order to get there, we really
need to make sure that we have, like I mentioned before, a boasting metropolis that people enjoy using, that people feel comfortable using. And by the way, here's an important thing that maybe it wasn't touched on before. AgoKit is not only an enhancement to the developer user experience, but also
So it's going to make sure that we actually make more secure applications going forward. And so part of the log of in V1 right is templating. So it gives newbies a kind of a starting point that is that is a safe starting point so that they know that they're building on a foundation that's good.
But as you're going to see and I don't want to drop too much alpha here on this channel, but like as you're going to see would V2 and beyond, we're going to have things like static analysis tools that are able to analyze your code for non-vonabilities. And so, other kid is actually making the chain a safer place to be.
and a safer place to interact with. And so, you know, this is one step. I think the, you know, the journey to endgame is not just with the developer tooling, but also of course with the underlying cryptography, the underlying research that we do, the work that the anchor doing, the work that you do, Jess, with your team in terms of marketing.
marketing and awareness and communication and also the work that Ali Zandro and his team are doing with DevTools and Albuqid. But it certainly is a major and for me a proud step forward. It's the I guess the first time I've delivered something northwardy since I arrived.
Yes, I agree. I think this is it.
your bell. I wanted to give a little bit of a shout out. We have a friend, and I haven't fully announced him to the broader community, but my head of creative, Robbie, who we stole from Avalanche, is here with us today, and he actually has created some really cool stuff for this community to
to continue to get the word out there. So I don't know if we want to bring Robbie up just for a hot minute, kind of let him give some love. I'm here right now. Thank you very much, Jess. Appreciate it. Hello, everybody. Algo fam. Really excited to announce that we are going to release
the graphic assets that we use for our Elgocit campaign to the community. In our view, you deserve to use these tools that we use as well so we can amplify it together. So this is a great experiment. It's never been done in Web 3 as far as I know. And it'll be a lot of fun. So stay tuned.
on that I'll be making an announcement on my Twitter and there'll be a link that you can download our brand style guide as well as all the assets that you've seen over our social channels, Reddit, Twitter and what have you. So super pumped and thank you. What a great idea. I love that.
I don't think you knew about it. No, I didn't. I was not informed. I didn't get the memo. No, this is the drop. This is a drop. You get you get you also get you use the assets to that. Okay, cool, cool, cool.
cool because they are slick. As everyone's seen the new colors, look at the beautiful colors. And I think they are slick as hell. So yeah, it's great Robbie. Great to have you on the team, Robbie, by the way. I'm so proud to be here. Thank you.
We're really excited and again it's all about freshness and ultimately it's about showcasing the tech that's what that's what needs needs to be done first and so again the cleanness of it is really meant to you know celebrate celebrate what you guys are making so we're super happy to be here and I'll I'll just kind of ask like one like one other question I definitely want to invite
If folks have questions as well, but I would love to kind of ask like as we think about as we think about I'll go okay and even how we and how you guys are really envisioning what like what what what what is like let's say there's a dev here, right? Just like a dev who
maybe a web to dev, right? And doesn't really know yet, like, you know, where should I build? Like, I don't know which, like, all these, like, there's a lot of chains out there. I don't know what I should build on. What would you, what would you say? Like, what would you ultimately say to them? And how would you, yeah, how would you talk about it?
Yeah, sure. So I mean, I want to stay authentic here because as much as I absolutely adore Algaronda, I want to make sure that I give a relancer to this. And so whenever you're building on blockchain, the first thing you got to ask yourself is, do I need to build on blockchain? And so the answers to that tends to be, do I need to execute in a decentralized context? Or
Do I need to ensure veracity or correctness of information and validity of information within my application in a way that is decentralized in a way that that that can't be subverted. And so we've seen lots of examples of this from from you know studies on MRIs of brains right where we want to basically put someone in an MRI machine and and make sure that the
study is not tampered with, that's the veracity of data. All the way to subverting oppressive regimes in certain countries where, for example, women or other malign groups don't have access to proper banking and things like that. So there's loads of great reasons to use blockchains
But you got to ask yourself do I absolutely need it? Secondly, then you got to look at the requirement. What am I trying to deliver and does the chain that I'm building on meet those requirements? And of course folks will know from software engineering there's functional and non-functional requirements. Functional, what does my application or solution need to do and non-functional
What are the characteristics that I need to ensure are there like in terms of uptime and reliability and scalability? And so I think when folks look objectively at the entirety of the generation three programmable blockchain landscape, so that includes polygon near
Cardano, Ethereum, etc. When they look at that and they contrast it with Algorand, what they'll see is that Algorand is fit for purpose and Algorand is best in class and delivers a user experience that is secure, resilient, i.e. has had little to no downtime.
No downtime at the moment, but I always say little to no because of course these systems are complex and is scalable to a place that will deliver a user experience to your end users, both in an enterprise context and in a hobbyist context that is going to delight your
your end user. And so if you combine that with AlgoKit, which allows people to build in seconds what they used to take hours to do, and you also add to that our developer relations team, which is, as you mentioned, just world class and there to help. I think people will see that AlgoRand is a fantastic
a fantastic choice as a place to launch in Web 3. And I think I know we can talk about a lot of the things we're working on, but if you look at some of the companies that are working with us right now to build an algorithm, which are going to be launching over the coming months, I think that that story that I've just described is playing out in real time.
Yeah, I think that's super true. I was having an amazing conversation yesterday with Paul Regal and talking about how, again, like some of the key differentiators and how truly we all are the place when we think about future proofing and future proofing.
with resilience at scale, utility, how that's really going to make a difference in the long run. And how it's just amazing that we get to kick off with with this moment today. I want to make sure that we have a
That folks get to ask any questions or have any thoughts across the board as well. And if Alessandro and Rob, do you guys have anything to build on that you've been inspired by John? Some of the things that he said that you wanted to build on, I definitely want to give room to both of you guys as well.
Nice one, El Sunder, a bit either. Look, I was just going to say one of the other things that really stands out for me about Algorand is it's not even just
the fact that it is high scale and and all the other things that John mentioned it's also the fact that it's being built from the ground up to be a green blockchain and I think that's that's really important.
And then, you know, the other ones, the funnality, the fact that it's instant funnality with such a low, you know, a low time, like you can build real world scenarios where you're exchanging save value in the real world where it needs to be, like, say an impact.
and interaction or something like that. Like you can't do that on a lot of the other chains. So I just think it's, you know, with what we're doing with Algo kit now, we're making it so that that fitness for purpose that John talks about. So eloquently, you sort of at the
the fingertips and the hands of developers so that I can really take advantage of it and build these real world use cases so much more easily and ship them to main net faster, better easier, more securely and more productively.
I am extremely eager to see what you guys will end up building without it. I'll keep it simple.
By the way, can I just jump in and just say one thing? I want to call out our dev raw guys just real quick. They are like incredible. So like
The devl team will help you whether it's, I don't know what line of code to write next or whether it's, hey, I've got this massive enterprise application and I'm wondering whether or not you can see any flaws in it. And so they're available 24/7. And I just want to call out the discord, right?
I guess maybe, Jess, should we go to questions?
Yeah, we should. We should. But yes, huge love to the DevRel team. I mean, Jason's been in the industry longer than anyone. Jason, whether it's me and his team, and they're incredible. And right before we go through questions, if I may.
Can everybody in this room please retweet out this space? We want to spread the word and we want to spread the love Please share the pin tweets up above as well. We got some great press Really appreciate it. Thank you
Thank you for that shout out Robbie. That's an important one. And I think this is, we need to really get the word out there more. And I think my call to action always is like, let's all go make some friends outside. And let's, let's, as you make
friends outside, let's let them know about how, especially when I'll go, like with I'll go kid and other things that are launching, let's get the news out. So thanks for Robbie for that one. Okay, questions. Happy to bring folks up.
I have a role where it's nine seconds of silence to let people, if anyone wants to ask a question or have a chat. - Don't be shy, come on up, everybody's welcome.
Also, I'm super curious. Yeah, yeah, Karla. Yeah, bring her up.
Also, if you're a dev, can you raise your hand? I'm always really curious. If you're a dev, can you do one of the little emoji things? Just one of those.
see who's in our crew. I forgot some dev love here.
Yeah. I see a few names from the Builders Chat in Discord. Hi, fellas. Hi, fellas. Glad to have you guys here. So I've brought up a bunch of people. So I think let's
Yeah, cool. Yeah, one of the time. Yeah, sure. Okay. Oh, it's very first up. Hey, hello, everyone. Yeah, I want to say I use I will kid. It's a great product. I love it. It's really a. It's it's
transform what it in terms of your productivity. So I'm looking forward to everything that's coming. Not really a question, but I just wanted to ask, maybe you guys are, it may be on the roadmap that
Something that I think that would be needed would be what's a smart contract? Smart contracts are really APIs. Another way to boost productivity is we need a way for developers to discover the smart
contracts and the APIs that are out that are deployed. So that builders can compose and reuse instead of reinventing the wheel. Somewhere like a central
where smart contract APIs are registered and can be easily discovered. So, just wanted to, if you're looking for feedback, that's something that I think would help.
This is something in the roadmap. We've been brainstorming it Rob and I a few weeks ago. We've shelved it because of the V1 release, but this is something we're looking at. And it's something that is different from
What other blockchains have so I? Look forward to showing it to you. Okay great looking forward to it And that's it. I think that's all all the questions I had Thanks, oyster
Oh, next. Yeah, you can call you can call for us.
that nifchan?
Yep, if Jen yeah, hey everybody just just testing can you all hear me correctly just making sure Twitter's not pulling tricks on me Yeah, yeah, you're good. You're good Yeah, perfect. No, I mean just like wonderful job of aggregate I just set it up on my computer right now and my dev skill is as close to zero as it can possibly
be right. I'm not a dev. So like congratulations on doing some. It's easy to use because personally, I believe the only way we're ever going to get to mass adoption is for develop it to make it easy for developers to build applications which are easy to use for non crypto natives and just like
like round of applause to all of you guys for like John Woods and everybody that did Alicate, shout out to you Jess for all the marketing you've been doing. And yeah, overall you guys are the reason why I stay in Algorand because you guys just bring so much fun and excitement to the whole ecosystem. So, good job to all of you.
Wow, I think SniffJet. Yeah, thanks for that. It means a lot. I saw a game
I just downloaded it during the space there now. I'll go get it was very fast. I had some prior like the docker and you going to
because I experimented with Reach a while ago, but it was still seamlessly to download. But I was wondering, what would you recommend to build as the first project to sort of study and practice with AlgoKit, with prior software development experience?
Excellent question. Maybe, Alexander, I can pass that one to you. I mean, my answer would be probably just an NFT. I think an NFT is like super easy. It's kind of, it's enjoyable, throw it up on X market or rank gallery and you can kind of feel like you've done something, I think. But yeah, Alexander, what do you think?
Yes, well, NFT first and then play around with atomic transactions play around with all the amazing features that algorithm has that other chains don't and then
you realize what a beautiful thing it is. But it's clear around with something just if you have an idea, jot it down and ask the devils for help and it's simply by doing that you will learn and have better ideas.
- Yeah, perfect, thank you so much.
Thanks, SJ. I'm not sure I'd probably add them in the wrong order, but yeah, you're next to my listed. I feel like I'm cut in line, but that's awesome. I just wanted to give everyone a shout. Like, Algo kids super exciting. But then we had Sarah and RB jump in the Algo Act of last week, along with a ton
engineers from Inc. Joe, Pony has been helping me out with our Al the Lauer. It's just good vibes like building. We're snowballing them good vibes and I really just appreciate it all around. So good job guys. And burpees this would be if you know what a burpee is. We're doing burpees.
I got to do that. I haven't done any of it yet, but I'm actually really good at push-ups. I could do like 50 of them, right? So I'm no good at burpees. That's now recorded, mate. So you drop yourself in and now we're we're going to be waiting for it. Listen, mate.
I'm happy to do the $1,000 challenge on that, baby. You know what I'm saying? We are. John, I think you and I have been having a competition. I'm an athlete. We should go. Yeah. I mean, on this as well, we by far have the strongest team in all of blockchain tech.
Yes, love it. Love it. Alright, so who's next? I think it's my good friend Altenbeck. He's gone.
Hey everyone, can you guys hear me? Hi, Alt. Just wanted to say hi to yourself, John, Jessica, Rob, Alejandro, everyone, the foundation. Amazing job. Congratulations with the lunch. I've been playing with Alga Kids since 0.3.0.
of tracking the evolution of it really really night in day experience if I compare it with building algorithms smart contracts two years ago. Just wanted to also shout out to folks at DevRel, bar and g, no UN, no amount of GPT will ever replace that level
of care and support that they have. And so excited. So announced that Saptop is completely built on Algukit and latest Beaker. And yeah, looking forward to see how Algukit will drive the adoption further. Could you maybe just, I'll put you talk very briefly, just about about Saptopia and what it is.
and how it was like building without, okay. Sure thing. So, Soplope is basically a completely decentralized subscription management for any algorithm, D app developer to monetize their services. Think of it as Stripe, but it lives completely on chain and on
the background infrastructure and you can integrate it into your D app as an iFrame or JavaScript SDK. The way Alguket enabled most of the productivity I would say is the, my primary machine is essentially a use VS code set up so the end built tasks that
allows you to spin up the local sandbox for testing. Setting up a full fledged python set up with beaker is really easy experience. Additionally, I wanted to highlight beaker itself.
You really, really nice features that I recommend people to check out is pre-compiles, which allows your smart contracts to create other smart contracts essentially or reference individual logic six inside of your state of smart contract. And all of that amazing stuff is extremely simple.
If you compare it with experience with raw steel, raw pie steel a year and a year and a half ago. And as for Subtopia, I'm launching a closed access to the Fox who submitted the wait list a month ago. And after that, it will start being available to general audience over public testnet access.
Well, fan's a dastic. And if I may give a shout out to Al, he and the awesome Al go account, which he runs were the first
to discover the Algukit repo when we were, we've just opened it without announcing it. So kudos and if you want spicy alpha dev wise, he's the right follow.
Love that. Okay, so I see. I see a group different change.
Yep, hey everybody for one congrats on the launch obviously can't wait to have you guys back on the next block to talk all about it here in the next couple weeks once you know once we see everything rolled out but my question is more towards kind of the marketing of it but you know obviously there's you know I feel like
like Algrang's still biggest challenges to attract these developers from obviously the Web 2 world, but also still the ones who are building in the Web 3. Does Algo Kit actually, and of course I'm not a developer myself, but does Algo Kit actually help simplify the ability for people who are building on Ethereum and EVM or
other smart contract platforms out there, does it actually help them understand how to build on AVM or is it more or less just the ability for them to, if they already understand it to be able to build it faster and get it to market faster? Sure. I'm going to point this one
Rob can speak to it very well. Of course, Alexandra will count too, but I think Rob is the right guy to speak to this. I would say for me, it's about mental models. And so I think the mental model for a developer, how they think about the code, how they think about the design fits really well with Alguket. Rob, would you want to speak to that maybe?
Yeah, definitely. I mean, I'd say that the goal that we had for our good kit was that it would it would help brand new developers and that might be someone that either is you know quote unquote a web to developer that hasn't done web through before or someone that is a maybe an Ethereum developer that coming across
across to our grand for the first time, either way there's new stuff to learn, right? And so we wanted to create an experience that would work really well for a new developer, but equally one that would work really well for an experienced developer. So like you've got Altenbeck just then that was talking evening doing this for a number of years now.
Because in terms of a new developer, there's a whole heap of, I guess, if you think about when you're learning something new, there's this sort of, I guess, moments that you have where there's friction, right?
The more moments of friction that you have, the harder it is to learn something, and the more likely it is that you're going to essentially abandon learning that thing and saying, "Well, that's too hard. This clearly isn't for me." And so there's a number of things that we've done with Algrich yet to try to reduce those moments of friction.
One of them is obviously setting up your local development environment. For instance, the local net commands that we have enables you to spin up very rapidly on any operating system, including Windows, a local private note. Fantastic.
the fact that we can quickly set up your Python environment and again across different operating systems. The fact that we've then got things like the video series that the DevRel team are creating so that that plus all of the written documentation we're doing means that there's this
really nice wealth of information when you're first coming in in different kind of forms so that depending on how you particularly learn, maybe more textual or visual or practical, there's kind of different options. So what we're trying to do is essentially help someone that's brand new, reduce all of those friction points
points, you get up to speed faster and get to the point where they're productive faster. Because as I think as Alessandro said before, the best way to learn this stuff is by actually doing. But if you can't get to the point where you're productively doing, then obviously you're more likely to abandon it.
Yeah, that's a great, it's a fabulous answer. I will say what you should expect from us is a lot more educational video, educational vids like short form that really allow us to onboard that next wave, both existing a web 2, a web 3 into
So that's something that is top of our minds. We're also going to be partnering with a lot of bigger like training and different areas and education to ensure that you know we're getting the word out there, right? And so yeah, top of mind, really again, just want to plug what Robbie said would love this community to
continue to help us really get the word out. Let's go make some friends and let's get the word out as much as we can for AlgoKit and much more to come. So thank you guys all for jumping in. We really, really appreciate this community and hope you guys enjoy AlgoKit.
And also I just want to ask one more question. I feel like we you know there's been a lot of you know the past year of partnerships it seems like Algrant has been making with a lot of universities and a lot of schools you know really across the country and teaching obviously the next wave of blockchain developers and things like that but obviously the bear markets kind of
on the, I guess, behind the scenes side of new projects and new DAPs that are looking to be built and launched here in 2023. An enormous amount. And so, like, I would say that's surprisingly so. And so, I feel like I spend four days
a week probably speaking to projects that are launching. And despite all of the, well, I think things are starting to look a lot greener now, but despite the, I guess, the kind of the cold kind of market that we've had over the last year, people are more than ever willing to take
and willing to kind of get their ideas out there and actually it's really been something that's been very positive in my life because I think to myself wow you know people are willing to go out and and start something special on during this environment it really gives me kind of a feeling of of I guess
I hope for the future when I can see so many people who are interested in spending their time building. And so yeah, it's been incredibly busy. In fact, I'm hoping that it doesn't get any more busy because it's just been crazy. I think I know we're out of time, and I know I've got to jump on another call, I believe it or not, but
I feel like all the people up here that want to ask questions. Maybe I'll just go finish with Simon, who I see in my list as the next person and then we'll end the space. Sorry for those who didn't get to speak. Maybe Simon, do you want to have your question? Yeah, thank you. Thank you for putting this together and being part of the community here.
I've used Algo Desk and I've kind of got the Algo Kit setup and gone through the process of creating an ASA on TestNet and MainNet. But now I seem to be running into this blockade of, all right, I've created this asset, I got this, I'm interacting with the
chain, how do I provide more value to the ecosystem, to the community without copycatting or without finding ways to connect with other developers to build together? What would you recommend developers, a platform to use to
figure out how to collaborate, how to co-op on a project so we can really start getting some dApps out there for the ecosystem to use. Yeah, good question. Oh no, a hard question. So I don't have a great answer to this, but what I would say is, I guess our discord is a place
that really buzzes man, you know, that there's so many people on the discord like there's thousands of people interacting there. And so that's a great place. I think as well what I'm hoping to do with Ali Sandro is start a podcast where we can kind of, I guess, bring people on to kind of highlight amazing little projects that people are doing.
and try to kind of put a spotlight on the community. And I think that might kind of hopefully foster a little bit of a community vibe going. And just one other thing, Min who's just joined the team at the Algrang Foundation in ways she is responsible for building out growth and the ecosystem and community.
So I know she's got some exciting things coming up where she's going to unite people around Algarine. So yeah, at the moment, I haven't got a great answer, but that's kind of what I'm thinking on that one. Okay, so thank you to everyone, Jess. Thank you for getting the word out. Alexandra, thank you for Witt Robb for making this happen. And yeah, it's been great. Love you all.
Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure. Have a good night.

FAQ on AlgoKit Launch! | Twitter Space Recording

Who are the hosts of the podcast recording?
The hosts of the podcast recording are John, Jess, Rob, and Malisandro.
What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to launch AlgoKit, a developer tool for Algorand.
What is John's role at the Algorand Foundation?
John is the CTO at the Algorand Foundation.
What was John's main focus when he came to the Algorand Foundation?
John's main focus when he came to the Algorand Foundation was to improve the developer tooling experience.
What is Alisandro's role at the Algorand Foundation?
Alisandro is the Head of Developer Tooling at the Algorand Foundation.
What was the main problem with the previous developer tools?
The main problem with the previous developer tools was that they were difficult to get to work well with each other.
What is the goal of AlgoKit?
The goal of AlgoKit is to make it easier for developers to build on Algorand.
What is the recommended way to start a project with AlgoKit?
The recommended way to start a project with AlgoKit is with the CLI.
What is John's philosophy behind AlgoKit?
John's philosophy behind AlgoKit is to provide a blessed path and make the developer experience enjoyable.
What did Jess and her team contribute to the launch of AlgoKit?
Jess and her team contributed to the launch of AlgoKit by raising awareness through marketing and advertisements.