ALL ABOUT ALT-CHAIN ALPHA ☀️☕️ Gm Web3 Morning Show Ep327

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 1:04:39



you know what's up Bert G and G
holy crap that was wild
but yeah man GM
thanks for being here bright and early
gonna go ahead and do the likey like and the repost
eggplants over there in the chat
gonna get this show going here in just a moment
but I think I saw you over there and say what as well
see if we actually get any of those people over here
QQQ is a busy boy
but yeah man
we'll be catching up talking about everything happening in web 3
of course trying to cover multiple chains including
a couple different chains say
say is obviously a big one base but I also want to talk about
maybe one or two up today
oh here we go we got a couple friends popping in here
what's up quantum variant
Jawa hurts and CJ
what is up
what's going on
yeah that beanie room last night was pretty interesting
I like to somebody was up there saying you can't trust anybody
who has a high pitched voice
you can only trust people that have testosterone
that was pretty that was pretty funny
uh so yeah I don't know if you all caught any of that
combo last night between beanie and leap and a couple others
yes Alan henna hopped up there and
was going in on them pretty hard
uh you know which is an interesting source
since Alan kind of has his own questionable
project history too
but I don't know it was it was pretty interesting
pretty interesting and I think you know one of the most
interesting takeaways to us at least is that beanie is very invested
and apparently in on the pallet seed round
and investing in different products over there
but uh GM Jess hello
GM I also agree
do not trust people with a high pitched voice
like automatic disqualifying
yeah I can't trust things
well I noticed just to open the room up with
just a lovely you know TMI piece of advice as usual
is that um
over time I have learned as a woman
to lower my voice because people listen
to me when I do that
and when I'm in this high pitched register
that is actually truly not my real voice
um people will dismiss what you say so
yeah keep it low keep it low
keep it soothing um keep it stern
but yeah as soon as you go high pitched
um we could talk about a lot of hosts in the space that are so fucking high
um they're probably high too but
that voice is so high that it's just shrill
um male or female or other
so fucking high
uh that's very Elizabeth Holmes of your sociopathic
um isn't that what she did?
no Elizabeth Holmes unnaturally lowered her voice
yeah yeah to try and to basically
uh scam scam people out of billions of dollars right those
yeah I'm talking about like we all have different
registers like when we're more relaxed we talk lower
usually like right now I'm laying down so I sound like this
but if I was like really like hyped about
the way I'm like talking up here
and that's me not being very grounded right
and very like considering with what I'm saying
yeah there's nothing grounded about this space
so you know don't don't don't try too hard on that
uh gm nitty q
what's up
yeah that's yeah nobody trusts that
I'm dead right?
that's awful
that's awesome
what's going on guys
so many people sound like that though
somebody get this man some uh
I don't know some something
some tests and gig
how do you even
how do you even
I don't even know man
he's gonna need like some testosterone cream
on his wrist
he needs something yeah
just on my wrist
get him something
y'all share share out the space
let's get it pumping up in here
let's get some more friends in here
this is gm13 we're kicking it off
it's a Tuesday
we have a very special episode planned for tomorrow
because Roger Dickerman is coming back
we have a cool new recurring segment
called top artists this week with Roger Dickerman
and those were very very popular
a lot of fun we were doing those towards the end of last year
so very excited tomorrow morning to be bringing Roger Dickerman back
so don't miss that
for this show we just have some of our favorite coz and contributors
and amazing people in here
what's up Sarah what's up Jeff Jack
all y'all
I see you
oh Biggie Poppins hopping in here too
so yeah let's share it out
let's get some friends in here
let's have an amazing time
covering off on all the latest and greatest
happening around the web through space like we do
holy heck it's episode 327
I don't know what that means
it's a special number I guess
but they're all special
as long as I get to hang out with some awesome people up here
alright we you know
NiftyQ you're coming off of the say what in the morning
which is our new morning show here on the web through network
very much dedicated to everything happening over in the say ecosystem
yeah I mentioned my little anecdote about hearing Beanie get
get into it last night with a bunch of people
and that he's very invested over there
Yaka Finance
yeah we'll just hit it out of the gate in case you didn't already know
Yaka Finance had their mint which basically 10x'd immediately
which is a good actual sort of setup and segue into talking about
one of the bigger topics of the day
which is alt chain alpha
where are the opportunities what's happening on these alt chains
because you almost don't
anywhere see a 10x right out of the gate on NFTs right now
I mean what did crypto and debts do
did crypto and debts do 10x
they definitely did like a 5x or something right
well what's even a 10x
not a 10x
but they didn't do a 10x right
yeah so Yaka Finance minted for around 100 or 120 say and shot up to 1200
basically immediately out of the gate
which again just absolutely unheard of right now in the NFT space
which is just basically proof of what we've been saying
and that's that the momentum and the energy and the interest
is on these nascent emerging new chains right now
and you know Q you're saying this is a really big moment for say
and I think it is in that regard right because
it again it continues to show the interest the momentum
and that potential that's what everybody chases people chase liquidity in the space
and people want to find profit
there's no profit in NFTs almost anywhere right now
that just like does not exist
like most people are not making money
speculating or buying and trading NFTs
so to be having projects mint out
and immediately 10x anywhere is actually like a really big deal for NFTs right now
yeah I'm gonna use a sports metaphor
so for those of you that hate those definitely cover your ears
but it definitely feels like would say right now you're stacking wins
and as in sports as you stack wins and you start to like
oh you know they'll go undefeated
or that oh my god they're on a 10 game winning streak
like each consecutive win gets more eyes on what they're doing
but also kind of ramps up the expectation
all of this stuff continues to ramp up
and that's what feels like is happening on say
like Yaka happening right now is another catalyst like stack that on top of another one
and now with the Cappies man if that goes well like you see where I'm going with it
like it's just consecutive steps
another one
and I mean it hasn't nothing bad has happened yet
you know there's obviously there's a chance that there's a black swan event
one of these DeFi protocols get hacked like Yaka ends up being a rug
like all of that stuff is potential out here in the wild west
but yeah it feels like say right now is undefeated
and every win is like holy shit more eyes are on us
what's gonna happen that's where it feels like
and then yeah almost a million say in volume for Yaka
and it's been out for like two hours
yeah it's wild
and yeah the expectations can get out of hand
and then things can always go wrong
but I will say something that made me happy
and that's that I was I was calling out that I felt like the Astro guys was just vaporware
and not a good project
and it seems like a lot of people didn't buy into that junk
so you know what kind of kind of makes me feel a little bit better about it
like people aren't gonna just buy every single thing over there right now
hopefully so anyway
yeah prices are always an indicator of quality as we know here in the crypto space
yeah sure
Sarah script GM how are you doing?
GM I'm doing well
I hopped up here to talk about I guess alt chain alpha
just because I listened to Ed balloon this morning talking about his drop on rare chain
and Hamina also talking about her drop on Mary
and like how they're building in royalties to their chain
and it was just really hopeful and interesting
and Hamina got like over 11,000 mints on her drop yesterday
which was just on Rari
which was like just amazing to see
and yeah and I hope Ed gets to a million mints
yeah I actually did want to bring that up
because we have not really talked about Rari chain at all
and of course this is affiliated with Rarible
is it is it its own L2
I mean is that what it is?
it's on top of optimism
kind of like bass
Rari chain embeds royalties on the node level to guarantee loyalty payments
a secure low-cost decentralized ethereum l3 blockchain powered by by arbitrum
so you said optimism that says arbitrum
oh sorry one or the other
how dare you be bringing false information up here
we're getting bought it
Sarah so free to pin
I'm AI actually
I'm just hallucinating
feel free to pin any of that up top for our friends as well
but yes I did see Hamina was seeing quite a bit of interest on her mint
so I'm guessing that they're partnering with some you know artists from the community
like Hamina like had a balloon right now to help sort of raise awareness
and get some some use over there
yeah and Alien Queen and Andre O'Shea are on there as well
I'm trying to find Ed's tweet
but I also wanted to say that I woke up in the middle of the night listening to leap space
and heard Alan and
Alan and Beanie verbally sparring
and I just want to say that it felt like a cozy blanket
I felt like we were back in the good old days
how high were the voices
that's actually really funny that you say that
you know there's some things from the past that I don't necessarily want brought into the future
yeah but I guess Beanie is not going away
Beanie has plenty of good takes
and he's clearly an intelligent guy
I don't think he's all bad
I think you know
we've been starting to agree with more and more of his takes
that he's been having and he's sort of trying to like re-establish himself
with some kind of goodwill
it's part of why I think he's out there doing these spaces
doing a circuit right now with like big hosts
like I think he's supposed to do thread guy space or something today too
well he's pumping bags too right
and yeah exactly we just have to remember like what what this guy is
and the fact of the matter is that everybody that came up there
to ask him questions about his sorted past
like the reasons why he was cancelled in the first place
which was a bunch of sort of like scammy behavior
that was basically put out there by NFT ethics
which I don't know if there's still a thing
but there was an account that was basically exposing bad behavior in the space for a while
which was really needed
we honestly need more of that frankly
we need more Zach XPTs and NFT ethics I think
as long as they're doing legitimate work
and investigating what's going on
but he just he hasn't really I guess ever addressed a lot of those issues
and that's what Allen was getting into him about
is like you said you were going to address this shit
you've really never addressed any of it
this is your chance to address it
and Beanie's response was like I'm not going to talk about that
so you know that's kind of the short of it
he did do a long thread
he did do a long thread
okay pin that up top
yeah I'll see if I really want to find it
I think Beanie
I think a lot of people
and I think Beanie himself thinks the market is only exclusively one way
and I think that I'm not saying he's wrong
but it's not exclusively one thing
it's so many different things to us
you know in different groups
so like he's out for making a lot of money as much money as possible
and that's that's his goal
and there are people who that's all they want
and they don't care about you know spreading that money around
they just want to extract as much as possible
that's a thing and you know what is it what does Cain say
it doesn't it matters how you make your money
there's some saying that he says
I mean yeah he says something that like how you make your bag matters
something like that and I agree
I personally agree with that again
you know it's a values statement
and not everybody's gonna agree
and a lot of those people are probably holding Trump cards and MAGA tokens
Jawa go ahead
yeah I'm not a fan
I wish we could stop talking about these guys
I feel like the he's not all bad is a pretty low bar for the space
I don't know anybody who's all bad
so if we're if we're using that as a bar
it's pretty fucking low
yeah I you know I kind of I'm kind of with you man
as smart as he is as many good takes as he as he tends to have
I don't know that he's
yeah I don't know that he's the type of person that we should all be celebrating or rallying around
for the reasons that you both just said
but anyway yeah I don't really want to spend too much more time on it
we're talking about Rari chain briefly here
so it's an L3 EVM L3
so again we are gonna be talking a little bit about alt chains other things happening
but of course feel free to be pinning or sharing any news headlines
breaking things that you think that you want us to be talking about that we should be covering
feel free to pin it up top or put it in the comments
and oh when L6.9
yes by the way this is GM web 3 the greatest morning show ever created
joined by some of our favorite and most amazing co-hosts up here
great stage by the way GM Biggie Poppins we haven't really said hi to you yet
great to have you here awesome to see you
GM is this my friend gift
oh my god come on
this guy has literally been roasting me
roasting me since I fucking woke up today
like I can't have a transition moment
I have to just be as as sprightly and you know
upbeat as Biggie Poppins is as soon as I roll out of bed
yeah right these expectations are out of hand
but anyway we do the show Monday through Thursday here on the x-bases
and then we jump out of here over to YouTube
but now we have say what even before this as well
so that was just a quick reminder and share out the room if you have it
anyway all right we are talking about
no well if you think about it say what is at the former start time of this show
so the the amount like like the amount of effort it took if
to actually get that done and be great out the gate
just think about that
people don't understand nobody appreciates what
nobody appreciates me anyway
all right we're talking a little bit about all chains here today
Rari yeah Rari chain
something we really haven't talked about
I'm trying to look into it a little bit here just to get a better handle on
if it's something that we really should be looking at
you know Rari or Rarible was really the first marketplace
to have its own token and kind of do that
I guess you know they never did it as well as Blur
to really ever get the same kind of traction
but they do deserve some credit for being early
and you know I would argue actually being more community oriented
and artist oriented than some others
and you know we've we've rooted for them
a lot of times you know throughout the couple years
we've had the founders on our show quite a few times
you know we I tend to be on the side of you know
wanting them to succeed and thinking that the space is better
with a with a strong Rarible
I think that they are here to create a long lasting sustainable ecosystem
so anyway they now have an Ethereum L3
EVM equivalence inherited Ethereum security
low transaction cost fast block confirmation time
built with Arbitrum innovation
so yeah this is this is interesting
looks like it's compatible with most wallets
frequently asked questions
yeah I don't know Sarah like do you know anything else about this
or like are there other opportunities here that you're looking at
other than you know is just some of our favorite artists
and creators that are launching collections over there right now
like do you know anything else about Rari Chain?
No I've been heads down doing envelope calligraphy
so I don't have time to research anything
I was just listening to the room
it just sounded like the founder or who's a woman
of the Rarible foundation seemed very adamant about creator royalties
being enforced going into the future
and that was just like as an independent artist
something that you love to hear
and that they're not going to be catering to the degens like blur
there is a quests tab on the Rari, it's is the website
and up at the top there's a quests tab
so I'm looking at this looks like it's a galaxy campaign
and you get points
so they are doing some kind of points campaign for Rari Chain
maybe that's a little bit of the alpha there if you like the gamified
you know experience of trying to collect points and playing that
maybe those points turn into some kind of airdrop
I don't know like yeah if anybody has any more info about Rari Chain
wants to come up and talk about that let us know
because we really haven't covered it at all
so just just kind of scratching the surface on this new L3 over here
because again the bigger idea here is that there's a lot of opportunities
some of the best opportunities are actually on these emerging new chains
L2's, L1's and even L3's maybe, what's up?
Paimon, how you doing, GM?
GM, GM, good to hear everybody
yeah I'm super excited about the Rari Chain
I met the CEO, not the CEO, the co-founder Alex at Basel
and yeah it's a layer 3 and it's like you said it's built on Arbitron
and then the thing that they really want to push is that they embed the royalties
in the node, in the first node
I mean this is a little bit confusing for me that part
but they have good intentions
and I think that this is like the first 10 artists that they're doing
some of our good friends like Andre O'Shea, Jimena had a great day yesterday
and then this is kind of an alpha that it's not out yet
but they asked some, I think Aniko and Justin are the curators that onboarded these 10
I believe I'm not 100% sure but they reached out to me
and they asked me if I want to help them with the second rollout
it's going to come out
and also they're going to have some sort of, what do you call it, grants
that they're partnering up with some different entities
that they're going to roll out some grants to artists
and I'm going to be sort of consulting with them regarding that
so I'm excited about that and I'm also working with Arbitron
I didn't know that Arbitron is like the number one in sales in layer 2
and yeah they're building good stuff there
I love it man, well congrats on that
and I'm guessing the Rari chain must be powered by the Rari token
I mean that would make sense
so yeah maybe, and again they've been very early on incentivizing people
to participate in their ecosystem
I assume that there's going to be lots of opportunities over there
but yeah man it's awesome to see them taking the royalties thing seriously
because that was an interesting part of the say what conversation this morning
was like, well is that ultimately Beanie's move
is given what we know about him, is that what he's doing
he basically said that he's investing in marketplaces over on say
is he basically going to attack it the same way that Blur attacked
the Ethereum NFT ecosystem and try and basically do away with royalties on say
which wouldn't surprise me at all
yeah Quantivare I think that was your take initially
it wouldn't surprise me at all
honestly it kind of depresses me though because again I think what
yes you need traders and I understand
everybody talks about the liquidity
but it does create a race to zero if creators aren't actually incentivized to be there as well
so you have to find a balance
it can't just be all one way
otherwise that's how you get the race to zero in my opinion
so we're seeing a lot of interest from creators in building on say right now
and part of that is because they feel like they might be able to rely on getting some royalties
and if you take away that incentive
what does that do to sort of kneecap this growing community of builders and creators over there?
I don't know
again like you can you can talk about like free markets and all this shit all day
I hear it and I understand it
I'm just also pointing to the fact that the incentive structures
do matter in terms of the quality and the types of people that are going to go there
so if you just want traders getting into that PVP mode of flipping
and not being what it is then that's what you're going to get
it's like chicken or the egg, right?
like why are we on say it's because there was interest in a lot of the NFTs over there
and so I don't know I can't speak to each person that was buying NFTs on that chain
and ask them what their preferences are
so the whole reason we're there to begin with
might be that there were people just and they might not be creator focused
they might just have been like hey I think this is cool
or I want to make a bag yada yada yada
so it's such a delicate balance and the really cool thing is
it's a chance to do this a second time
and look back and say hey this got fucked up
over here on Ethereum
we didn't have that opportunity
that's a great point
on Ethereum because it was really the first time we were going through it
right but that is a great point that now we have a little bit more historical data
that you can point to and say like this doesn't seem to have necessarily helped
the NFT space thrive
yes again it may have introduced some liquidity
and helped certain aspects
but overall was the net effect on NFTs downward pressure
or upward or balanced
at least the way that Blur used those incentives
feels like to me it's pretty clear that it created a tremendous amount of downward pressure
I'm not going to get into this stuff
Pudgy Penguins went to 20th and no one's saying that Blur created the incentive
it's like yeah the interest went away from the retail public
and it was at the same time that Blur launched
and so yes all this stuff but I'm not going to fucking die on this hill
it's just as funny to me that nobody brings up Blur when Pudgy Penguins goes to 20th
I mean if you're talking about blend and and like what that's doing on the other side
no I'm talking about Blur where people are buying these Pudgy Penguins
yeah I guess I don't fully know why Blur specifically gets responsibility
because if you go on to Blur and I'm trading Pudgy Penguins and little pudgies
you see that a majority of them are being caught on Blur
yeah everybody hates open sea
I mean I guess like people are just going to go where they're getting some points
and buy there
that's I guess I don't fully understand
liquidity is on Blur like you can easily list it and it will sell
as opposed to on open sea
nobody's going there because they don't want to pay all their extra tax
which is the value again it's like I'm not saying everything
anyway alright yes it's a nuanced argument
but I think to your point here the fact that you can look and see how this worked
like hopefully that information will trickle into whatever is done on sea
and maybe we can improve things
go ahead Jawa
yeah I think there's enough of us have been here long enough to know
there is a market for a blockchain that can enforce royalties
whether it's through a token specification or just how the chain operates from the ground up
I don't know if it's Rari but whenever somebody cracks that knot
I think we're gonna we're gonna see creators block there
well this is the thing is the the power
the power NFT space is doing fine it's actually doing tremendously well right now
we're seeing 10 X's with royalties
so why like that's that's what's infuriating to me is that when you set a basic standard
of rewarding creators people people go there
it's when you start to just say like I actually fuck all that
that everybody says like oh okay nevermind
well that's unfortunately it's a decentralized space
it's got to work with the guys who just want to flip a token
if you want to flip a token there's got to be something in the token specification
that keeps you from doing it without royalties or something in the chain mechanics
yeah and then and then you let people self-select the environment that they want to participate in
because it's saying this is the ethos
and just really hoping people don't drive royalties to zero
ain't never gonna welcome to the dark side yeah I I mean I I understand
I understand how the technology works we're getting down a rabbit hole
and I want to kind of pull this out of here but quantum variant if you've got something to add go ahead
oh well I was gonna kind of push us more towards the alt chain ideas
yes because I think that I think that like I put up top a alt layer right is a is a new
chain that is being that if anybody is there's a an airdrop for anybody who's staking
and restaking with eigenlayer there's some there's a bunch of different airdrops
and the tokens been doing really well first of all you could claim it at I think it was like 20 cents
when it first launched and now it's up to 40 cents which is good for an airdrop
that didn't get dumped immediately and I also think that the idea
and I know this is a little bit convoluted but like the idea around there being rewards from chains
that help feed their own ecosystem right like that's I think a thing we don't talk about as much either
where ETH is the only chain that actually is profitable right the gas funds the the network right
whereas Solana is pretty much just you know it doesn't really get you don't get funded there's not a lot of validators
I don't know what it is on say right there they they're not self-sustaining they don't have a profit you know
doesn't base have a profit model doesn't base profits
yes but base is part of an L2 that's what I mean like L2s have that built in that if you're staking and restaking
you can you can earn profits on the crypto side so I think the inherent like ethos then builds there
and I think that's you know a big value play why some of these L2s and some of these new layers
you know can build in these ways they have to make some they have to be able to be profitable to support their own chain
there's not many that do right now so that's just another one that's coming up that's going to be based on restaking on L2
which is great it's very similar to blast that hasn't launched yet either
hmm okay yeah blast is another interesting one I don't know if we want to get on that rabbit hole right now
but go ahead Q
yeah I want to say super high level or as quick as possible give with this but I think one of the really cool things with the royalty stuff on say
is that we have an opportunity again not to just look back but also to be that somewhere early and have maybe a larger voice than you know some of us did on ETH at the time
and it's like maybe we do we like here's what I would do is like have palette into the show or you know what what what verbiage or how would we talk to these guys to make sure this maybe doesn't happen
like we there's an argument to be made that we actually have some type of pull to to push it a certain way
whereas I feel like when blur was launched it was just this it was we didn't have the voice to kind of push back
I know a lot of us were trying to but in say how small it is right now what would you even say to something like pallet what started campaign I mean I think you you have to put social pressure on early to like basically create the obvious narrative and say like look this is where we are
and this is what we expect you know just is it in the code I think that was the thing that we were you know like on ETH we just thought it was in the code and we were all misled and then within a year right it was everybody found out and then they just said hey we're just not going to support it
if it's in the code and say that's cool if sorry well if anybody does know anybody I think we have friends that are tapped into power but we're not so if you know anybody in power we can get them on the show that'd be good it'd be great to talk to them but even like just starting an organic campaign that's basically just talks about respecting royalties on say I don't know we need to figure that out
yeah Chia said he'd introduce us yeah well I mean let's push on it then and yeah let's let's start those conversations early because to your point I think you're right it's like if you can kind of get ahead of it maybe it helps maybe it makes a difference
but okay you mentioned blast I don't know that there's much news there like what's the latest like they were like over a billion dollars I think already invested or locked value
let's see if we can find out TVL blast L2 where the heck is it at
1.21 billion oh my god no products well actually that's not true they started to announce builders that were working on certain things but they watched with no products and still were able to get 1.21 billion dollars locked up over in that ecosystem
so you know whatever they're gonna do it's gonna be a big one I don't know that we can really go that much further on the conversation right now unless there's any like specific products or applications that you are interested in or you know of any specific opportunities over there
it's just one I guess to be paying attention to in the in the coming months as you're looking for like where are these new chains and opportunities to be early
it'll be interesting to see if they go for like NFT marketplaces too or you know how people go for that if they try and keep it more you know DeFi oriented go ahead corner
yeah I think I think it's blast eigenlayer and some of these new things that are coming up I think they're inherent things to pay attention to just because first of all it could be big events both either either side
like like blast could be a complete rug that's two billion dollars of rug would be really devastating to the to the
I don't even want to think about that yeah but eigenlayer too eigenlayer has a billion something and it's coming public like they're gonna open it up again in a couple of weeks for more you know inflows these are these are inflows also I think just to clarify that a lot
what is it what is it right there it doesn't what is a rug on blast look like to you though do you like you mean it could be you know the unlock is delayed that's a rug now is that a full rug but it's like the backlash from people having their funds locked up would be severe right
what happens if there's an exploit or what happens is there's a bug in the code like there's it's not live right it's not it's not running you know and once they get tested you know they go through testnet and then they go live then they're gonna be attacked and we'll see you know it's a big ass honeypot
I guess anything's possible that team seems pretty legit though just based on their their tracker that's what I mean like I think it either way if it's good I think it's gonna be good for the space if it's bad you'll feel it but I think it's something to pay attention to because I think the moment it goes live I think you'll see movement you know throughout the whole ecosystem right money moves where liquidity is and if that thing opens up that could be a lot more flooding in
which is smart and their you know their main differentiator is the native yield that they've been talking about it is blast is an EVM compatible optimistic roll up so whereas you know we just talked about rari chain is on arbitrum blast is on optimism currently only supports deposits and no withdrawal
amazing famous last words yeah this is a big cloud 3.0 okay let's talk a little bit about Barra chain because this is really the one that I want to get to because it's the one that I kind of know that the least about that I know Q and some of the people in our VIP chat have already been on for like the last month or so but also we now have a link for NFT live so most importantly if you're hearing my voice go check out the pinned
post up top give it some love go let us know in the comments what's on your mind or just drop some dank memes and weird emojis that's cool too but if there's any other headlines or topics that you'd like to see us talking about over there on YouTube go and put that up in the comments on there on the NFT live post because that's where we're gonna be heading to after this show but yeah Barra chain there there's a a thread from Tyler did it who you know does some pretty good work I think some people were pointing out that the way that it was in
initially written was kind of misleading because I don't know that there's actually as much liquidity or sales happening on some of these collections but let's just dig into it and then you know we can talk about it because I have not really started my Barra chain journey yet I've just been watching people talk about it for a while so here we go
there and if he's trading on blur but I have no idea what they are or where they came from well you should pay attention because the OG bong bears have seen a 2000 X return making them one of the best performing NFTs of all time okay bomb bears NFT project originated from the Olympus discord at current floor prices anyone who minted and held a bomb bear and it's five expansion sets holy shit five expansions that's already
they've seen a 2000 X return bong bears bond bears boo bears baby bears band bears and bit bear Jesus Christ so six different NFT sets coming out of I guess this one original project bomb bears 694 eth floor 107 NFT supplies there's only 107 of them 694 eth floor but who's buying that this is where it gets a little bit misleading the original
bonds feels like I got no it feels like a comparison in the say ecosystem would be like say opal like yeah the fucking project went 1000 X but did anybody get any like no this is like a small cabal and have any sold there was some that we're selling initially right because it has some cabal yeah it has some volume on it so definitely some sold initially but like yeah are they selling at the price that they're
at like I don't think so I don't know go go look at the the recent volume yes say samples is sold yeah yeah not a ton but yeah they're sold here and there so all right what is bear chain before I before I continue with the actually let's let's face it that first so bomb bears he says 694 eth floor which again like nobody's nobody's buying that but the original bomb bears were minted on August 27th 2021
oh wow these NFTs featured bears smoking bongs appealing to the community's interests sure they set the foundation for the ecosystem bond bears first rebase 56 eth floor 120 airdrops to bomb bear holders introducing the concept of rebasing NFTs these bears have a James Bond theme okay this is just as this is ridiculous going through this
okay price action so summarizing bomb bears like it has the fours single even if you discount the bomb bears for to recent sales around 50 or 60 eth four values around 180 eth still 2600 X that makes the og bomb bears one of the single greatest NFT investments of all time why that's the million dollar question recent speculation is that the
competition seems to be tied to the bear chain watch which has rumored a certain percent of tokens will be airdrop to bear NFT holders and bear chain has big backing a topic for a way to thread okay so let's talk about bear chain bear chain is a modular EVM compatible L1 blockchain powered by proof of liquidity
okay modular EVM compatible L1 so it sounds to me like cosmos that's the only other modular L1 that I know of and yeah proof of liquidity let's let's dig in a little bit further here proof of liquidity aligns network security and liquidity by validators rewarding liquidity providers
on bear chain with the non purchase non purchasable staking token of the network non purchasable staking token so it's just like digital digital gold so I think the best person to break this down as well as up on stage because biggie was the one that initially
brought it to us I'm sure he got some alpha from some other giga brains but yeah I mean bear chain on the timeline of its development is like say maybe three months ago right four months ago so it's extremely early polychain capital is an awesome backer of a lot of like really
cool projects in the industry so they're a big mover I think that's why a lot of people are excited about it the branding is pretty dope and then also having that EVM compatibility between aetherium and and cosmos apparently that's what they that's basically they say that they're placing themselves directly in between aetherium and the cosmos ecosystem so there's a bunch of like different narratives to the point to say hey this might have some like isn't cosmos EVM compatible why does it need an
other blockchain in between it and the alright I don't know if I understand that I don't think we do our best to cover a ton of chains gifts so I don't think we need to know every single detail about what's happening like I think we could have somebody on to explain why that's important unless biggie's got an answer
yeah I don't have like a really smart answer for you yet right like I do think like right for the time being I agree what you're saying Q it's very much a narrative play where you have the backers that already like really well renowned you have the NFTs which however we may feel because I know like the trading hasn't been exactly on the up and up there hasn't been a lot of trades but we're invested on those NFTs is obviously either hoping to
probably hoping to make a significant get a significant airdrop right and then but but just the fact that the NXE's exist and that people are out there talking about it and looking at them I think adds to the narrative the backers the NFTs and again the consensus mechanism is really interesting the branding is on point so yes like I think for the time being just look at it as a potential narrative play for an EVM compatible
chain right having said that I think there's a couple of things that you can do at the time being to secure some of the airdrop I believe galaxy has a couple of quests that you could go through I'm not sure if those are still open and then if you want to do something like website is bear chain calm and there's a quest button in the bottom right corner and then if you want to go down deeper into the rabbit hole you can deploy a smart contract from what I understand that's pretty simple
and I believe they just opened or maybe they did they didn't just open it but I have seen a couple of guys on like setting up a node which I feel can also render I think that's probably the better play if you really want to secure a significant airdrop right the other two will be small to medium size I'd imagine the real the real honey pot if you're looking to secure an airdrop from them is setting up a node which I'm sure is the best way to do it.
Which I'm sure should not be too difficult.
Okay, so it says bear chain is a high performance EVM compatible blockchain built on brutal liquidity consensus the network re architects, the traditional smart contract platform to a novel cosmos native configuration.
All right, we're just we're just digging in and learning like trying to get a handle on this one early again this is kind of what we've been doing pretty well so far with like say and you know base and some of these other early opportunities so maybe bear chain is another one of these early opportunities to get in on.
So as you guys got any other thoughts or questions on it. Feel free to jump in here. Before we kind of move on to the things I do kind of want to talk a little bit about base. While we're talking about all chains but go ahead.
How does a proof of liquidity work like that's a weird one I've heard proof of time proof of stake proof of work, you know, proof of liquidity feels.
But yeah, I agree with it. I was like, okay, this is like smart contract risk right and you're locking up your funds and doing this but I think you'd like it very much. I'm not going to pretend here to sit and like lecture like how it works intricately but you know they have a very innovative use of soulbound tokens.
You know quant and so basically you provide the liquidity on from your theorem right you lock up your liquidity and from what I understand from there you get a soulbound token over on Barrett chain right.
That is the one that renders your that gives you your liquidity. So the way they set it up from what I understand. It's actually a you know a really innovative use of soulbound tokens for security purposes right where that liquid.
Liquid. It's the only one that can actually claim that liquidity back right like there's no hacking no nothing it is tied to your wallet.
This is pretty cool.
This is pretty cool because the LP providers like so like obviously using a decks you're relying on LP providers like when you swap ETH for USD, you're literally at the, you know, they're doing a service they're getting paid for that in fees and all that stuff but now what they're saying is that the actual validators
will be the people supplying the liquidity on the network. That's, that's pretty cool. So here's that what you do with sushi swap.
Like I mean the community that's building like you, you could put the pairs together and fun. Yeah, but yeah but imagine, imagine sushi swap has its own chain and they're providing the like literally the validators of that chain are the ones that are providing liquidity on sushi swap.
So here's, here's a little bit more it says, playing a sub, sorry, here it goes proof of liquidity.
PoL is a novel consensus mechanism that builds on proof of stake but eliminates the problem of locked capital, which is detrimental to defy at least it says here, proof of liquidity unlocks staked liquidity by using liquidity pool tokens as staking assets, allowing for deeper
liquidity and thereby increasing capital efficiency. So that's what y'all are saying is that these liquidity pool tokens are essentially like a soulbound or some kind of proof of ownership or whatever of staking assets, but it lets it I guess move them around more freely.
Yeah, yes, and I'm obviously getting over my skis here but Lido finance and rocket pool do a little bit of this like essentially if you're locking up ETH on the network you're securing the network but then that ETH would be locked and not accessible.
And so rocket pool Lido come in and say look we'll give you a liquid token if you stake with us. So now you can use that and it not be locked. And so therefore there's more liquidity on the network.
So it's basically the whole idea of liquid staking, but you're putting that into the consensus mechanism.
Yes, we got there.
Okay, interesting interesting.
We got, we got, we got there.
No, this shit is not. It's, it's complicated. It is. And that's what you know why we show up every day trying to do our best to educate and understand and stay on top of this stuff because the opportunities in the space tend to go where.
The new shiny object is and where the liquidity is flowing.
So try and get there early before the rush.
I think you're totally on point. I don't know. Again, I think we just cracked the code but so we don't know much about it, but also the way that this is set up feels like it's more of a defy chain.
Right, because you're talking about liquidity pools. You're not talking necessarily about an NFT marketplace or anything like that. They're offering, you know, validation, which I'm assuming has its own rewards for people that are LPing.
So it sounds like out of the box, it feels like a good defy ecosystem. Obviously, more can be built off that you just mentioned the bears that are NFTs.
Yeah, I mean the thing with the, yeah, the NFT thing is kind of weird to me and it's like, it's good because it's smart to have a high performing NFT little ecosystem, even if it's sort of siloed off because that becomes a front facing sort of marketing tool that everybody's like, oh, holy shit.
You know, look at these assets on this chain. It becomes the easy thing. They're like, oh, they got these cute bears that are worth fucking a million dollars. Jesus Christ.
You know, it just becomes a signal that's very obvious and easy to understand and it abstracts away a lot of the tech that, you know, like, why am I there? It's like, oh, because these bears are worth a million fucking dollars.
You don't have to worry about the fact that this whole like new consensus mechanism is basically liquidity staking in consensus form. You don't have to fucking try and unpack any of that. You just say, look at the fucking bear smoking a bong.
It's made me, I got generational wealth on bong bear. So it's really smart to have that. But what I'm trying to get to is that really, though, to have a robust ecosystem, like you've got to have a lot more happening.
You've got to have a lot more people coming in to buy sell trade. And it was one of the it was one of the problems, at least initially with ordinals that maybe ordinals still have to an extent.
But, you know, there were these like incredibly high sale prices and sort of like the cost of entry was so fucking high and there just wasn't enough people buying and selling.
And so, you know, there was that time. That was actually another interesting part about the beanie, the beanie conversation as somebody kind of came up and got mad at him for flooding ordinals because he said that they were dead when, you know, they were kind of dead for a little while or everybody saw them sort of tanking.
There's just zero liquidity. And, you know, we're kind of seeing this with a lot of Ethereum projects right now. It's like there's not as much action or interest.
And, yeah, the liquidity just kind of sucked out of the ecosystem chasing other other things right now.
So, yeah, man, it's like you just can't can't get in and out of things. So these prices sound sound great.
But if there's not actually like a robust ecosystem of traders over there, then, you know, it's just kind of nonsense.
It's not real numbers.
I don't know. I think the thing about Bitcoin or it knows it's like liquidity was already there.
Like I think the word knows what it was. But people weren't buying and selling and trading. So it's like technically it's around. It's liquidity adjacent, as we say.
I think every other chain has to worry about, OK, how do we get people to bridge over here? Ordinals didn't have that problem.
They have billions in that in that ocean or whatever the heck you want to call it.
They just had to unlock that little key that said, OK, now you know, now the door's open.
You know, the others, all of these other chains have to force people to move liquidity. Bitcoin, there's there's people who are already ready to spend sats.
There's one less step in terms of like bridging, but you still have to get people on. It's a huge step.
It is a big step, but you still had to get people onboarded into some kind of like wallet and then platform.
And that was where the slowness was. But anyway, this is a reach.
They're the culture, dude. They don't even have to leave the confines of their cozy little Bitcoin.
Look, ladies and degenerates, we are not financial advisors. Always remember that.
I don't think we've said it on this show, but it's important for us to say that for your safety and ours.
Just remember, nothing we ever talk about in the Web3 network has ever financial advices.
We're just talking about cool shit on the Internet. All right, let's hit one or two other things before we wrap this up.
By the way, link for NFT live is pin up top. Go give it some love.
Come hang out over there. It's going to be fucking lit. I think it is going to be joining.
I know Subbers coming on later this week. Biggie Poppins will be there, fucking killing it.
The alpha Chad himself and if you kill myself. So come hang out with us over there and here in just a few minutes.
Link is pinned up top again. Go put some love on that. But all right, let's talk a few more things.
I want to talk about Lazy Lions. I know nobody else cares. Oh, go ahead.
Sorry, I just I have to get going, but I just wanted to say I have a couple of potential guests for you guys for NFT live next week.
I'm I'm curating Lawrence Fuller and Vince Dernafrio, the actor that is behind the Kingpin. Yeah.
They're going to be we're going to do an ordinals for them and also they're going to be we're going to release some triptych artwork on Arbitrum.
So next week I'll reach out to you and he's in L.A.
So they could he's interested in joining you guys live on your YouTube thing. Yeah, man.
So that's kind of exciting. And then the other thing I wanted to say kind of it's still kind of not out there,
but we are amongst friends here. I'm advising super chief and we're opening the first ordinals gallery in San Francisco this month in February.
So stay tuned for that. This, you know, ordinals are not that I love what NFTQ said that, you know, that I think it's a place that people have plenty of liquidity and they just love to call.
Yeah, nobody. Nobody thinks ordinals is dead now. There was there was a time after the initial pump when when they were down like 90 plus percent, which is what Beanie and everybody was talking about.
But I just started getting my first ones. I just started getting my first ordinals by the way. Oh, yeah. Which one? Which one did you get? I got the puppets.
Yeah, those guys were like at point zero zero one six or something. And now they're like at point four, which is crazy. They're sexy getting on some puppets.
So I don't know about sexy, but yeah. Well, yeah, pay. Yeah, hit me up. Hit me up. And let's let's figure something out. Right on. Big love to you.
Yeah. Have a great rest of your day, bro. Appreciate you coming through. All right. Lazy lions. Nobody else wants to talk about it. I'm sure I don't think anybody cares except for me here. I do have one lion.
It's one of my like, oh, gee, one of my probably first PFPs I picked up forever ago, just been sitting on. But it seems like they've got a new team, maybe some kind of acquisition stuff happening.
As you've no doubt seen, the new team is in. This is a post pinned up in the Xbox. And if you'd like to follow along, the transition process has begun and we're ready to lead the pride and to new horizons.
Tonight we host our first lazy lion space at eight p.m. So I think that was yesterday to introduce ourselves and begin going over our plans for the pride.
So, yeah, pretty, pretty interesting. And the name of the space was lazy lions 2.0. So, OK, maybe some interesting things happening here. Maybe not. I mean, I feel like the whole acquisition thing could go either way.
Although, you know, speaking of, you know, OG cat PFPs from around that same like early twenty twenty one era, we really didn't even cover the gutter cat gang situation yet because they came out with a follow up to their announcements and their sort of sale and take over.
So I'll pin that one up top, too. So we're kicking off operation. Clean up the gutter today. I think this is just yesterday. Proud to announce gutter X new dawn.
So so all of the OG cat cat collections, tired boss, all the OG cat collection are getting a fresh coat of paint right now. Anybody got any thoughts on those or any anything optimistic to say about it?
I'm just I'm so tired of the gut. If you're a gutter cat's holder, you're like on par with Utes with the amount of bullshit you put up with. So I feel for you. But I'm tired, boss.
She's all right. So much for that. Anyway, great way to wrap up a show here. This has been GM of three. Thanks for hanging out with us on a Tuesday.
And yeah, we're about to jump over to YouTube for NFT live. That's our temple live YouTube show. That's right. It's kicking off here in just a couple of minutes. It's going to be absolutely awesome.
This shows have been a lot of fun lately, especially with our growing crew of amazing co-hosts and contributors over there. So yeah, links pinned up top. Come hang out with us. Go ahead, Q.
Sir, I have one last thing. Is Marty still here? Yeah, Marty's still here. Daniel Allegra is unfortunately still a suit. And that's okay. If they can cross the chasm and build a game that gets to the web to folks that gets to the web to gamers.
And he becomes a great team. Like that'll, that'll be great because he's perfectly made to run that type of company. They are not there yet.
The nifty portal guys had Daniel Allegra on the show today. The MFers connection was worse than anything. No, Marty, you're not coming up here. We've got to, we've got to end the show.
But the guy, a couple of different times, I'll give you two, like straight up quotes, straight up quotes. I forgot who asked. I think it was Nick. He was saying, Hey, Daniel, do you own any meme coins? And this dude could have not, could have lied. He could have lied to us and said, yeah, I own a little bonk or a little doge.
He doesn't know. He said, no, he said, I don't own any meme coins. And then they asked him about what is his favorite game that he worked with at Activision. And he said, I had a great time making Diablo three. That, that, that Diablo was a great performance, but you know what's going to be better?
And this MFers looked straight in the face and said, Dookie dash two. He said that. And they clapped. They clapped. What else are they going to do? What do you expect from him? What do you expect here?
You expect those guys to have the fucking, the testosterone to push back on, on him coming on the show.
I mean, you're right. And Marty was giving him a hell of a time. And I will push back on that. I was telling him to tell him, like kind of ease off because the nifty portal guys are in a corner. They're like, what are they going to do? They can't do anything. The guy's connection is 20 seconds delayed.
It looks like he's filled on a Nokia and he's over here. He has mastered the art of talking for 10 minutes and saying nothing. I, I, I, it was the craziest thing I've ever heard. Anyways, I'm done. Marty, you get the last word.
I'm so proud of you. I'm still proud of you, dude. You have stopped drinking. You see it for what it is, man. I love it. And it was like the worst interview you've ever seen. Yo, Daniel, what's your favorite monkey trait?
Yo, when I was like 10 years old, I started riding my bicycle and like 10 minutes later, still don't got a fucking trait, bro.
There it is. Marty McFly, ladies and degenerates. NFT Live starts in just a moment. Come hang out with us on YouTube. It's going to be awesome. This is a little song called Supercut, the LP remix.
Hope you like it. Hope you have an amazing day, but I really hope we'll see on YouTube. Let's hecking go.