All about Downtown Moonbeam with Nick Lorenzi

Recorded: Aug. 12, 2022 Duration: 0:43:03



We got lucky guys. The space rug meet again when I started it Twitter crashed but fortunately someone was here already and I was able to rejoin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How I do it is I always
I can't or I force shut down Twitter. I claim the story so all the cash re-open Twitter set up my headphones before I go in.
And then go in and it also clicks off the headphones sometimes depending on the headphones. Yeah, Twitter is very finicky and fickle. It's going to tame the beast. Well, thank you. This is still recognizing the microphone on my phone at least where I
Discord had them kind of update recently and it's it's acts like my phone doesn't have a microphone so I can't keep on there. I can only join. Right we got right. Nick has has has a has my mic speaking of microphones. How does my microphone sound? You sound just
like you man. You sound like Nick. Super sure. Cool. Nice. Let's just wait a couple more minutes for people to filter in before we get started. Yeah.
Yeah, so just for anybody's joining, we're giving it a couple minutes. We're going to be waiting for some more people to join in before we get this started. So just hang tight. We'll get started soon.
All right, everyone, let's kick this thing off. And so welcome to another Darwinia AMA, so weekly show where we explore projects that in the Polkadot ecosystem and the personalities behind them. And today we have a very special guest from downtown Roondin, Nick Lorenzi. Welcome Nick. It's Lisa Avion, the show today.
It is nice to be here. Thank you for having me so much. I wonder if you could just get started by telling us a little bit about yourself and your background and how you got into crypto. Sure. So my story is pretty interesting. I got started and I heard about crypto a long time ago.
time ago like a lot of us and didn't buy into it. But you know I wish I did. But more recently I got into it probably about 2019. When I started I had this e-commerce store and we used to pay our suppliers in Bitcoin and we would get like we would get a discount on on our supply.
And I got really interested in it. I started running Bitcoin nodes and then from from there I moved into the polka dot ecosystem and Yeah, I started running nodes in the in the Kusama ecosystem and started helping and contributing to to the community as much as as much as I could
But at that point, then we did poker house. Poker house is what really kicked off, kicked me off in the poker radio ecosystem. I got to know everybody. I met everybody from D1, the people from D1
adventures. And yeah, so well, D1 Ventures, they're just for anybody who doesn't know, they're like big backers of downtown Moonbeam and as well as like the Moonbeam ecosystem. They help support downtown Moonbeam's project and as well, yeah, like the Moonbeam
ecosystem and near ecosystem, they're pretty big backers. But yeah, that's like a background on how I got into crypto, where I am now. >> For sure. Yeah, it's definitely a journey.
in there looking at it from a distance and then finally somewhere it resonates with the crypto space. That's cool we got into it like that. So yeah, we're here for downtown Moonbeam. So who's downtown Moonbeam? What's inspiration behind it? So downtown Moonbeam is actually
It's based off of another similar project that D1 Ventures runs in the Nierriqo system. It's called Awesome Nier. That's essentially similar application to what we're doing. They're just a little bit further along.
The same idea we were developing an application and logging all the projects in the ecosystem on our website, which is a DTMB.XRIC if anybody's never seen it before. We have, I would say, the largest collection of
of projects, like all in one place at this point, we're slowly starting to build like analytics, Moonby analytics, and the website, and we're slowly starting to add more functionality. But yeah, the inspiration, we really wanted to develop a value, D1 really wants to add value to the ecosystem.
like most venture capital like VC funds, a lot of VCs get a bad rep, they just provide money and that's really it and what value are they adding. So D1, we really want to provide value to the projects that we invest in and figure one way to do that is educate
people on all the new projects in the ecosystem. We also found that it helps new people come into the ecosystem. If you don't know what wallet to use, what's the best lending protocol, what's the best NFT marketplace. We found that all these
reasons together, like it was something that was needed in the movie me ecosystem. There was really no one place that you can go to see all the projects. So combination of all these factors like was definitely the inspiration for us. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense because having that data aggregated
in one place. You don't have that type of centralized in that sense to have that information. We've seen this with other projects with other chains, even like Hiko, but it's kind of convoluted. It's good to have everything in one place. It's easy to
to index and also just the information, the statistics and any additions to that information. So how can other projects benefit, you mentioned some already of your project and kind of the use cases are impactful moving forward.
So, so how can other projects benefit from down to moving? Well, any other projects that are in the ecosystem currently can definitely apply for listing on the site. They can reach out to us for like for market we know we're actually helping a lot of projects.
projects that we find interesting, we think it's something that's valuable to the ecosystem, we could potentially do a high, like ecosystem highlights. So I think the best way that the projects could benefit is just reach out to us, talk to us and let us know what you guys are doing. We'll get you listed on the site itself.
and potentially, you know, the list you has product to the week or, you know, bring us do some AMAs with you with them. So I would say communication is key, like always. Yeah, I agree. That's very important. You know, getting that, again, touch with the community, you have like a
personal connection. It's always good to have that relationship. So is there any projects that are similar to DTME or downtown MIM? What sets you apart from other ecosystem? So there are a couple that I know of all of a
I mentioned it earlier. It's awesome, near. It's also supported by D1. And there's another one called Polka projects, which is a Polka projects, like projects that are in the Polka.dico system. Even like, you know, is similar, but they have, they're a little bit, they have a little bit more data.
But yeah, so it sets us apart from them. We're specifically catered to the moon beam ecosystem. Also, we're not just doing, we're not just going to be like, it's not just going to be this website. We also have community building
We have Twitter, the Twitter AMAs, Twitter spaces, we have groups that we try to facilitate growth. We introduce different builders and projects to each other and we have group chats for that.
It's like a multifaceted approach. It's a community growth. We look at it from a community growth perspective rather than just cataloging a bunch of projects on a website. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, personal touch is always important.
and then also your community driven is needed. You can't really inflate it in a way that's sustainable to have a community without it substantially growing. So it's a good gradual community driven project. There's always a great approach. I always respect that. So that's great.
So, kind of going with a little bit about the whole ecosystem in general. So, what do you think about the future of the whole tie chain and where some of the changes that should be done? So, I mean being a huge believer in the Polkadot ecosystem and
And the future is going to be the future will have more interconnectedness and more user friendly ways for these for these chains to communicate with each other in a safe way. So currently, you know, currently in the movie maker system, they have
There's like plenty of SDKs that like axlers working on where you can have smart contracts talk to each other across across different blockchains. People start to see more of that. The big one, you know, is XCM, you know, XCM within the
the Polkadot ecosystem is a huge aspect that I think that more chains should even outside the Polkadot ecosystem. I think it should start looking into it because it is compatible outside. Polkadot any blockchain can adopt XEM.
We're not even IBC where the future world can talk to each other is safe matter. I think the changes that should be made are in the security aspect of it.
to make sure that you're deploying secure cucko, getting it audited and you know watch multi multi actually watch the I don't remember who I was who I was watching I think it was but anyway the the point of the the point of the talk was that they were you have these applications need to create multiple layers of of
security checks before allowing smart contract transfers. The most recent contract exploit, there's only one layer in that example. You need checks, you need multiple layers of checks. I hope to see more security
like audits that maybe bring this up because it needs to be, it needs to be, people need to be aware and knowledgeable. So, education. Yeah, this is exactly what I say too, is education and security at the
high levels and also bring in those web 2 applications when it comes to auditing. Those type of auditors in our space need to be quite more prevalent than we have. We only have a handful of auditors and we're all back orders essentially because the audits are there's only
so many people could do it so uh... we need more uh... you know secure it is and also we need the professionals in the space and web three to be auditing the security protocols speaking of professionals that means uh... i mean to cut you off but it just just remind me of the person that i wanted to go back to really quickly
We have, so like speaking of like jobs in the space, downtime movie actually recently implemented a new jobs board for projects within the Moonbeam ecosystem. So if you go to our site at the top, there's just a little section and you click it and it has like a catalog of
projects and go system and all the positions that are available. So yeah, I just wanted to focus on that because that's something new that we just implemented. Yeah, that's a good plug. No, I respect. Yeah, anybody that's in the security space.
sure, you know, like that's important. We need that in all directions. So definitely if someone's there, apply. So your skills are very wanted and needed. Yeah, yeah, these, you know, these bridge hacks, these hacks, like we're running into the same situation, like we're repeating the cycle, we need to
level of having the cross-chain interactions. That's how Darwin was born. If you go with the same as Polkadot, it's built from the meta, it's security at the lowest level. You can have that as its base of understanding of how the projects speak to each other.
build other applications on top and become another attack vector. There are smart contracts on top of that can be exploited. You don't necessarily need that. But it can be useful as long as there's security behind it. You have smart contracts deployed cross-chain. So it's there. We just need to be able to tap into that and educate the community.
to play another smart contract because it's convenient. This is a problem we keep having and if the small change in the code causes a huge exploit. So we need auditors, we need people in security field to know that Web 3 is something we need to protect as well. That's how the financial system is going to be moving forward.
So we need more people in that space. But anyways, I digress. Anyways, how far along is downtown made me? Because it's fairly new for what I know. And we're some of the exciting things you guys are focusing on currently. So I want to say, please.
the project is less than six months old. So currently on our roadmap we've just deployed the new the new jobs board. I mentioned that in the so let me step back one second and think about what it is our
for road maps changing rapidly. Moving forward, we're going to be doing more focus on community stuff. We're going to be implementing more AMAs and bringing more projects to Twitter and hosting the
sort of like biweekly or maybe monthly or biweekly AMAs, we're going to be adding newsletters. We're going to be doing like maybe biweekly newsletters which highlight different subjects within the ecosystem. We're going to be building one of the new
things we're actually really excited about is we're building like this community, we want to build this like community service for content creators where that can like kind of come together within the dot-samma, within the dot-samma space. We're opening a Discord group
So these are a lot of ideas that we have that we're just currently working on. So there are no specifics on when they're going to be completed, but this is where we're headed. We're headed in the community direction on top of the cataloging of the
of projects, it's continuously keeping up on that and as well as helping projects kind of work together and like helping them do BD, helping them network with each other as well. Is there anything I'm missing? Let me check the teams messaging me. They want me to talk about a lot of stuff.
They're welcome to join us. Yeah, go ahead and put your hand up if you want to join us. Yeah, they're here. Yeah, I want to shout out to you. Shout out to Jagans in the crowd. They're there if you guys want to talk more than welcome to raise your hands. I'm not sure. I'm not sure, but if they're going to come up, but
Yeah, we'll be launching the newsletter soon discord group. I would look out for that Okay, I got some great stuff down the pipeline guys so definitely stay true Got some really cool stuff you guys are doing connecting with the community. That's amazing So I don't know if there's any like growing growing
Is there any hurdles you guys come across when building downtown Newbie? - Yes, definitely. Our team is distributed, so a lot of the times finding time to collaborate.
is at a time that works for everybody can definitely be a little bit of an issue. Thankfully, Caledly is really good and it helps with that. That's one issue. Also part of our team is
So, some of the developers speak Chinese and we, you know, and some of the half the team is only speaks English, so we have like people who sit in between that and just kind of like facilitate that flow of information back and forth. So that's also, I think that's like, I don't know
I think that's more of like a skill, I guess. I know it's something that sounds difficult, but I guess it's something that it's a skill because we can kind of like talk to multiple communities. That's good. There's that. Also, cataloging every single product.
project, you know, being aware of every single thing that's happening with the ecosystem is definitely a challenge. It's definitely not something that's easy at all. But, you know, we try our best. We hope that we can be the best at it as well. I was I do. Yeah.
So, I would say that's probably some more I could come up with. Yeah, I feel the sense of it because in the making those two, because our teams have in Asia too in China. So it's like we have to coordinate with them, the time zones, and we're all kind of
everywhere. They're mornings or evenings or late nights. It's a hard balance, but yeah, it's definitely worth it. It's really useful. It's definitely a skill set to have, like, being able to connect with everybody all the time and coordinate and be able to actually execute things all.
on the timely matter. It's definitely an instrument orchestration of love and passion in the space. It's definitely amazing to see how teams can really build that synergy and coagulate with each other, be able to build and work different time zones.
build out the ecosystem. So yeah, that's how we're at. So it's cool to see that in other projects such as yours. It's definitely hard to do. So you guys are fairly early. I don't know if you guys have any partners you can mention or you know something down the pipeline. Maybe Smalfa. I don't know. You can say
Okay, so there's like just actually as a couple things I can mention so the first thing I just want to touch back on is that you know there's a little bit of this lack of quality content in the ecosystem and that's something that we need to kind of like elevate elevate the movie mecosystem or you know it's something that we've been
that we've been focusing on. So like, and to help us with that, I guess as a partner we could mention that we've definitely been really close with the Moonbeam ecosystem, the Moonbeam team. We actually received a grant from them recently. So we work very closely with them and we
And we can use that to do content, to develop, to continue developing our site operations. So, Moonbeam, we've also recently got into the Nova app store. So, the Nova Wall
We got into their app store recently, math wallet app store as well. For all your math wallet users out there, I've just recently got into that app store as well. Yeah, that's as far as partners I could, I think I could mention, I could mention, but you know, it's always stuff brewing.
Get it. There's some alpha behind those words, but you know we get it. We get it. Can't say too much. I know we're all working. Everybody's in the back, you know, just working on all these partnerships. It's so cool. I love this space, you know. We have so many great people, so many brilliant minds, you know. Everybody's all working there, they're like, it's like in you this and#
building is how ecosystem together it's just it's a beautiful beautiful love and passion space it's great it's great to see your building out your project as well yeah yeah so I mean you mentioned a little bit of you mentioned a little bit about the about the roadmap so maybe there's something
you can touch on like what's coming out and like what we can look you said the discord and everything there's no obviously time frames you know you know but maybe something fairly soon might be coming out that we can look forward to yes so I'm going to say the next thing that you could probably look forward to will be will be some AMAs will be
We will be hosting more conversations like this with different projects with the ecosystem. I guess the alpha will try to bring on projects that maybe not as many people know about or maybe newer projects that are not as familiar with yet.
alpha to our AMAs, the discord will probably be the next two weeks. So I would say we're aiming within the next two weeks to start doing, ramping up AMAs, newsletters, and get our public community up and running.
Okay, that's beautiful. Yeah, that's good. Man, we get the connections. And also I like I love that you're you're shining on the smaller project because that's really important to you. There's like solid developers in the space. They just don't get the shine or credit. You know, so I love that you're doing that. That focus is important to
So yeah, but the future looking like for downtown Miami, like what is like the ultimate goal? Like you mentioned like aggregation, all the information, is there something that's like, it's not competitive, you know, it's community driven, but like you want to be the go to, you know, so what's that look like in the future?
ultimate goal. That's that's a hard question because I like to see things ultimately always improving. So the ultimate goal's perfection, which can never be achieved. But I really, really, really appreciate this.
But yeah, that's how I feel. That's really how I feel. But I guess making sure we are really on top of having a complete almost encyclopedia of the projects within the ecosystem.
and making it easier to access for the projects to claim these pages for themselves and then be able to continuously add functionality to the site is definitely something that I think
that I want that I want us to do and give more access to the projects and continue to have projects to facilitate the growth of the ecosystem by allowing these projects to know who's going on, what's going on with the other projects, can they collaborate?
like that polka dot ecosystem is big on like everybody knows it's big on collaboration projects you know work together like cross chain applications so you know like I think you know helping helping facilitate that is like like something that I've always like love to love to do and you know continue to continue to do yeah
It sounds like the go-to like you people want to start exploring their space and you guys would be a great hub to start from. Incubator essentially get that tension and the connection and the collaboration with the teams they're already working with. That's amazing to hear that.
have a home to start off. People are taking those baby steps in their ecosystem and don't really know, they want to get their feet wet, they can go to downtown Moonbeam and start learning and exploring and start doing some deep perspective and understanding of the ecosystem. It's a good place to start. I'm glad that your ability
that's like an amazing good footstep steps in the ecosystem. So this is just a closeout with what I'm going to add here but also maybe if you want to jump in at the end. So how can people get started with your project? People or projects in general?
So the first thing I would say is go to our site Check it out, get familiarize yourself with it. If you click on moonbeam and moon river, it'll bring you to projects within each of those chains. If you're a project that
that wants to get listed on the site, I would suggest clicking the submit project button. So that's like directly on the main page. So you can submit project there. If you want to contact us, you can reach out to us on Twitter. I would say it's the best place
So just in the semester, Trump's Twitter were usually pretty responsive there. And yes, that's the absolute best way to get started.
is well if you guys notice that we're missing any projects, if you have any projects that you should be listed, we've got some of those now. You know we've got her in cash everything, we can't. So if you guys know, that's definitely the snow.
Sure, unfortunately cut out a little bit, but yeah, just to reiterate everyone. So yeah, definitely contact downtown Miami Twitter account. And then also you're going to be opening the discord at some point so be able to connect there some information be shared. I'll be pinning some stuff up here in a second.
Megan, would you like to add anything before we open up for the community? I don't have any questions. I see that I just had a look through your website because it's listed of course on your Twitter profile page and yeah it looks good. It looks like you got a really good start going on there and very
useful information on the website. So nice that you came on the shot today to talk about the project. So yeah, we're going to open up for questions from our audience. Go ahead and raise your hand if you have any questions.
Bring up the first guest here, Kryptonik.
Oh, Krypton, I can do that. Yeah, yeah, I'm here. It's better. Yeah, we can. Like, better wise coming. No problem. My question is a downtown Noom Beam. Is a good place for information. I can see the website.
There is information about moon, beam and moon river as well. Only one simple question is there that, of course, this type of information site has a lot of expensive. Do the downtown beam,
to have their own token in the future for maintain all expenses and all. So, okay, so we have no plans of like creating a token or anything. Yeah, no plans of doing that.
All right, that's good. Thank you so much for the question. Thank you. And maybe maybe one day we'll do like an NFT drop or something like that, but you know, that's, you know, that's still
I mean, it's something that we thought about. That's really as far as that has gone. That's good. Thank you so much. Yeah, I don't want to create like in some, you know, I want to create the cool and cool utility for it.
I am a farm lever that probably so. Check needs to token, you know.
Yeah, I think it cut out a little bit, but yeah, that's totally understandable. Can you give me better now? Yeah, yeah, you're good. I'll share. So anything that could I repeat it or I guess we would touch more back on the NFT part.
Yeah, so like we I mean we've thought about like releasing an NFT maybe at some point in the future you can you can you might see an NFT for us from us, but that you know that's we're trying to create some utility I'll like I mean I'll be honest like this is something that we're just like looking
And it's maybe something you guys could check out if you've ever heard of like It's really cool. Like links up your telegram and does like NFTs for your -- so we're thinking like along those lines creating like like a like NFT based community or something like that. Again, this is all -- this is all
like something that is that we've just thought we were just thinking about just like throwing around is like an idea and no way is like this is on the road map or anything but just like coming up with that you know coming up with the you know throwing stuff around we'll see all right yeah it makes sense yeah I was gonna actually ask I really
I'm glad you mentioned that.
token is not necessarily the best interest, you know, which is a safe, you know, bad plus regulatory reasons. I'm at least on my end that would think, but also just like, yeah, yeah, you want organic growth. So yeah, your guys' approach already, I love it. So I think, well,
access information. So it's like, do we really want to token gate and token gate community? So that's why I say, you know, this is all.
Yeah, it was cut now a little bit there. I've got a fully extended message. We're open to thoughts.
Okay, well thanks for the question, Kryptonik. We have Merza. Oh, we just lost him. Merza, if you want to go ahead and sign back in and we'll bring him back in.
back up. Yeah, if there's anything you want to add, Megan or Kryptonick, you want to ask another question. If anybody else wants to raise their hand, go ahead.
I'm good. I think Nick did a really good job of explaining what the project saw the power to him. Pretty exciting. From the look of the website, they're well in their way to have a good product. Maybe you should consider accepting donations. If not, I'm going to release the token.
That would be, maybe we can talk to somebody about that or something. Yeah, we can hit you up on social. Yeah. Is there anything I can ask one more question? Yeah, go ahead, please.
Okay, that's good. Actually, I can see like website and you mentioned you gonna tell the persons that which project is good and better and like ranking or something like that. I saw a lot of websites like
I don't know you have heard about it or not but the coin There is a lot of stuff going on like promote they promote a lot of projects like they are fake as well and you know people loses a lot of money because they promotes a lot of
like fake projects. So you are going to do like promoting or something like that in your website or something like that is going to happen.
You got four robots.
to be like, like, a paint chiller. That's not what we're doing. So we're open to work on that.
them like grow their basic like we think that we think is, you know, cool. He goes to the absolute.
uh... we think i didn't catch all that didn't make it the jr. me neither that was full on real bad we got full robot rug bro this is double r no
you're still in so that's good. But yeah robot then. Anyways, um, damn. Is it better? It was a little bad, yes. It was a little uh, ruggish. Okay.
I don't know how to fix that right now. Oh, that's all good. So we can hear you a bit. So yeah, good question. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Yeah, I feel I was enjoying. Feel free to raise your hand.
And we still got a little bit of time here for you guys, unless you want to wrap it up, Nick or Megan? - I'm all out of questions myself, so yeah.
It sounds like we're having some technical difficulties on the UN there next so maybe it's just time for us to wrap it up for the speech.
For sure. Yeah, I didn't wrap it up. Maybe some final words if you can get them in without trying to get a robot dick.
Thank you for reviewing.
Definitely check out a Nix profile and downtown Moonbeams Twitter account and they'll have all the details about how you can follow them on Telegram and definitely check out their website
There will be lots of new information coming up as the days go on and the project matches. So yeah, thanks everyone for joining us today and thank you Nick as well and Kryptonik for the great question.
you all again next week. Stay tuned for for details about who will be hosting next Friday. Hope everyone has a wonderful day out there. Thank you everybody for having me. Thank you guys.
Take care everyone. Bye bye. Check out the pin comment more information on DowTownMV.
Thank you everybody.

FAQ on All about Downtown Moonbeam with Nick Lorenzi | Twitter Space Recording

How did Nick get into crypto?
Nick got into crypto after running an e-commerce store that paid suppliers in Bitcoin and eventually started running Bitcoin nodes in 2019.
What is Downtown Moonbeam?
Downtown Moonbeam is an application that logs all the projects in the Moonbeam ecosystem on their website, DTMB.xric. They provide a platform for projects in the ecosystem to list themselves and gain more visibility.
What sets Downtown Moonbeam apart from similar projects like Awesome Near and Polka Projects?
Downtown Moonbeam is specifically catered to the Moonbeam ecosystem, and they approach community building from a holistic perspective, introducing builders and projects to each other and building community over time.
How can projects benefit from Downtown Moonbeam?
Projects can apply for a listing on the DTMB.xric website, and potentially be featured as the project of the week or participate in an AMA or Twitter Space. The best way for projects to benefit is to reach out to Downtown Moonbeam and communicate with them directly.
What is the future of the Polkadot ecosystem?
Nick believes that the future of the Polkadot ecosystem will involve more interconnectedness and safe communication between different blockchains. He cites the development of SDKs and XCM as evidence of this trend.
What is D1 Ventures' role in the Moonbeam ecosystem?
D1 Ventures helps support Downtown Moonbeam and other projects in the Moonbeam and NEAR ecosystems.
What was the inspiration behind Downtown Moonbeam?
Downtown Moonbeam was inspired by Awesome Near, another project supported by D1 Ventures. The goal was to provide value to the ecosystem by educating people about new projects and creating a platform for visibility.
What is DTMB.xric?
DTMB.xric is the website where Downtown Moonbeam logs all the projects in the Moonbeam ecosystem. It is a central location for information about these projects.
What is the approach of Downtown Moonbeam to community building?
Downtown Moonbeam approaches community building from a multifaceted perspective, providing not only the website but also Twitter spaces, group chats, and other opportunities for builders and projects to connect and grow together.
What advice does Nick have for other projects in the Moonbeam ecosystem?
Nick advises other projects to communicate with Downtown Moonbeam directly and express their needs and ideas. This will allow Downtown Moonbeam to provide better support and visibility for those projects.