❤️‍🔥AMA |Aurority x Attarius|❤️‍🔥

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2023 Duration: 1:07:31



All right, welcome everyone.
Welcome, Jerry Dixon, LM10, Daryl, Damon Oliver, Hot Pizza.
Uncle I.B. Mario Quentin. Adderis Rex Rebel and Smith. All right. Let's go ahead and add Adderis as a speaker right now.
All right, Adderis, whenever you get the chance, please accept my request that I've sent you.
All right guys, I think that atarius is maybe having a couple technical difficulties. Please have a little bit of patience while we figure it out.
Alright guys, go ahead and hang tight. We are going to wait for a terrorist. I think he has been trying to log in maybe from a computer, but he's going to attempt to go ahead and get on here with his mobile device. So that might be a little bit easier once he does that.
All right guys, it's time to get started. Now, hi guys, I'm Landon, I'm a community builder here with AuroraD and we update the latest information on the near protocol about the ecosystem. We analyze data, analyze projects, provide instructional content and support you.
users on how to use and integrate into the ecosystem. Now, without further ado, welcome to the wonderful AMA with Atarius. Now, can you introduce us a little bit about yourself and your project and maybe some of the members in your project?
Hello, my name is Andy. I am the CEO of the project. So sorry for the delay, but we have technical troubles a little bit. There you cannot join for some reason on the bus, so I will be only available from our team.
From our project, so we're doing a high level of web to IPI ecosystem that can interact with Web3 ecosystems. It was our ecosystem you can create NFT, Consummon NFT, afterize user and do all that stuff around like Web3, most of all Web2.
developers because the tree is still complicated for months. Developers have no idea of what's the smart counter how to interact with the smart counter. What is it we see now? What is the slow balancing? So we like a middleware, grab all this information and provide high level APIs for them.
That's actually what about our current Japan, we mostly target in our current foreign game industry.
All right, that sounds super cool. Now we have a question coming in from some of the audience members. I was wondering if you feel comfortable taking questions from the audience. Yeah, of course.
Alright, let's go ahead and get started. Now, our first question is coming from Oliver. Now, the gap between traditional gamers and blockchain gamers is still so big. Many traditional players can find a difficult to play NFT games. How can Aterius bridge this to attract more traditional players?
to your games. Do you have a plan to educate about the benefits of NFT games?
additional game names. This experience should include tutorials and guilds and how to start with NFT and blockchain games, as well as integration with existing game communities to ensure this more transition. It's a normal to have an indication component
especially when it's complicated in technology. And the same time, it's retail to develop more user-friendly interfaces as we know that the majority of the user find is difficult to unbolt Web3 application.
Actually, I sent the same before. We also see that issue and working on its all-around ecosystem with spatial-universal authorization, like social-login, as well as spatial only in one world that right now call with development.
Very interesting. Now we have another question coming in from a man called Salteema and Salteema asks, "In the initial stage of the platform launch, what kind of benefits will you bring to the early bird users of the platform? And is there like rewards or a giveaway for users?"
Yes, we plan to offer a variety of rewards and give away for early board user to platform. This includes discount of subscription plan, exclusive access to error, don't early
the work features and exclusive collaboration with Sputner and Gain Studios. We will provide all information in our social media when these features will be available.
Alright guys, so you heard a year there's definitely gonna be some rewards. Now let's go ahead and jump over maybe to an audience member. I see that we already have 10 requests so it's always the audience are very kind of lively. Let's go ahead and add Dixon.
Alright, Dixon any second now you should be pulled up as a speaker. Let's see if it works.
All right, Dixon, how are you doing tonight? Yes, we can hear you loud and clear, Dixon. What is your question for Terry tonight? Can I explain, Goshem?
Go for it. Okay, so my cushion is how is indoor shaping it way to new digital era. How do you plan to use NFT properly into the game that could make it valuable?
So if I correctly understand your question, you ask me how we're going to interact with NFT inside the games. Can I repeat my question?
Yes, please. Okay. Okay. So my cushion is how is indoor shaping it where news digital era? How do you plan to use NFT properly into the game that could make it valuable?
I'm not sure that I fully got your question, but let me try to answer. So it's a new digital era. We're mostly talking right now that like NVIP's three and belong for NVIP. The main feature for NFT, FT and all other stuff, it's
that ownership, that right now user can own something. Because in previous generation like on Web2 games, the user has no ownership of something. And NFT and FT gives two games and gamers probability to like to trust this
items that they crafted inside the games. And as well as it's going to be a fully new generated games that most are highly likely like real war when you have all-naster inflation, when you have some that game will be involved as well with the provided NFT.
Okay sir, thank you.
All right, Dixon. Thank you so much for joining us. We really appreciate you being here with these questions. Now we're going to go ahead guys and jump right back over to another audience member. Let's go ahead and give Uncle Umar a chance.
All right, Uncle Umar, you are now at it as a speaker. What is your question for a terrorist today?
Uncle Umar, are you here with us? Yeah, hello. Can you hear me? You can move me loud in clear Uncle Umar. What is your question for Terry? Yes, hi. It's very amazing to be
on this AME. My question is about security. So what are the measures which you have put in place to let users know that they are found as secure when they are using your platform? Thank you.
Yeah, security is a really major feature inside the web series application, but most in most cases and in previous cases, these are like a thick problem with previous problem with Luna problem. The major problem was their user
provide the access key to some different platform. We as a platform do not ask the user to have like user permission at all. We not as a platform store any user keys or other stuff and the user still have like user really own the asset
That user provides to the games. We only help games to interact with blockchain and grab all this information. And if we're talking about our site, like how to game going to create an NFT via our platform, we're not asking the game
provide us a little key. Instead, the user's game developer can bring some kind of key management service that's supported inside the Amazon. It's some kind of Metamask but for the servers. So the game developers can attach this key and detach this key
time and we have not access to key at all. We have only like some API protocols and then you can ask this key management to like assign some special transaction and as well all transactions log all transaction queries is available for our gamers and developers.
Wow, that's amazing. Thank you for your answer and I wish you success in your project. Thank you.
Uncle Umar always a pleasure having to hear with us man always like having here now Let's go ahead and jump over to maybe another question that I have right here. We have a question coming from Korea
Now, Kreme asks, "User experience is a very important issue in most projects. Does your project focus on this? And what have you done to bring the best user experience, especially to new users?"
Did you get that question, Andrew? No, I have some internet troubles. Oh, no worries. All right, so let's go ahead and ask that question again. So Karim asks, user experience is very important. Is a very important issue in most projects. Does your project focus on this?
And what have you done to bring the best user experience, especially to new users? Yeah, it's definitely very important. It's an independent form like from two perspective and UX for developers and UX for end users. So it's important to abstract all this high
part and some sort of height, this really hard part under the hood of our project. As a gamer user experience, we are right now carry of authorization in Cape the games. And we understand that most games
have no idea how to interact with native currency. For example, you have some game token, but you have no Aurora to send this token, and this can be complicated for gamers. And because of this complication flow, right now,
I think 7% of new players are just losing based on the start because first you need to register then you need to remember all this complicated stuff that not needed. And after unbording it's a really huge one. We need to provide like we provide a solution
to easy for gamer onboard with just user name and password without any like hassle. And in the future we're going to provide feature to have transaction to make any transaction to the game. And in game currency it's a huge one. We're
going to provide it later on this year, but it will reduce risk for users and understanding for how it works. So a user just going to register a regular account, game can provide some initial game tokens, and user can use this game tokens to create a blockchain transaction.
All right, that sounds amazing. Now guys, we're going to go ahead and jump back over. We have 15 requests right now. So the audience is definitely wanting to ask questions right now. So let's go ahead and maybe give some more people the chance to speak. How about Mario?
Alright Mario, welcome. Now what is your question for Teri's tonight? Hello, can I hear me?
We can hear you loud and clear, Mr. Mario.
I have a question can I accept? Yes, go for it. Okay. So my question is
Now I can now I see every project coming to Metawax with 3NDW project. Does your project have unique feature that your can sustain on term?
Does our product can be used inside the MetaVos? This is a question.
Yes, and yeah. Yeah, definitely. Like, as we like targeting for game audience, the metaverse is just all like you can treat the metaverse at a special game. Of course, it's not a game. It's much huge, but it's contained the same mechanics. So you have users.
You need to attach this user, this user can have NFT, this NFT can involve from time to time. You can interact with different users, transfers NFT to some users, and this can happen in clear-the-in-mute mode to change. Because when we're talking about huge metaverses,
For example, you have Metagos and still have a problem if you have like going to do some like concerts inside the Metagos and in this concert you have like 10,000 people in the house. It's still complicated.
from technical perspective in most cases in Metagloss this is going to be solved as creating a new chain blockchain special for this event and when you enter to the like special arena you go to another another blockchain with this all interaction can be happening and the entire scan solves
this problem as we provide multi-chain support and create some dynamic change. So we definitely go into supporting meta goals and when we build in our project, we have in mind some like these cases and going to be really useful in future. Including however a lot.
Thank you sir and sir very well. Thank you sir keep growing keep building.
Alright, thank you so much, Mario. We really appreciate you being here, man. It's awesome to see these kind of questions coming out. Now let's go ahead guys and jump over to another question over here. Let's go ahead and take a look. Have another question that is coming from Air Drop
Now, AirDrops asks, "It says on your page that you are the first and only all in one NFT ecosystem for the game industry, but we've seen a lot of game industry focusing on NFT
adding NFTs to their gaming ecosystem. Can you please enlighten us more on this? This is true and we stand by the statement. Our development stack covers all Web3 development needed to be covered
NFT, user logic, create smart contract, create user, not capital wallet, etc. As well as focus on the user game insights. We also offer zero code game integration services, help developers to quick and easy integrate
NFTs to the existing titles. Additional, our platform is designed to be one stop shop for game developers offering its intuitive user interface and easy to use a platform so the developers can quick and easy manage them as they NFTs.
All right, that is awesome. That really sounds like it just sounds like something that super user friendly as well. That's really cool. Now, let's go ahead and jump over to Damon.
Alright Diamond, welcome. What is your question for Atarius tonight?
Yes! How are you doing tonight?
Okay. Yes, we can hear you loud and clear. What is your question for a Terry's tonight? Yeah, my question is, um, are you?
a global project or local project. At present who is my catering focus on or it is focused on building and growing to gain customer user and partners.
We definitely a global project, our offices located in the United Arab Emirates, inside the Abu Dhabi in the special media zones that really good for game developers and as well as well for some book chain staff related. Right now we're focusing mostly on regions that we
We have a very good idea of region. It is a minor region and it is European region. As well we look into the Asia region because Asia is really good from the user perspective and gamer perspective. In Asia a lot of people just play and
It's a lot of people here and it's young generations, it's generation of players play on games, a lot of spend, a lot of time to play in this game. And for like Arabian region, it's a new generation here as well.
playing a lot of games, it's a really good opportunity to be there. And as well, like always, any global project we're looking for partners on different articles on different locations.
Okay, that's good. Thank you so much. All right, Diamond. We really appreciate you being here with us. Always cool to see people members of this community. All right, guys. Let's go ahead and jump right
Back over to another audience member. Let's go ahead and give the first person to raise their hand a chance to ask their question. Let's take a look back at the audience. Who is raising their hand? Ame Hai.
All right, aim high. Welcome. Now, what is your question for Andre's tonight?
Oh, maybe Aim High is having some technical difficulties. Let's go ahead and jump right over to UV.
All right, UV, you should now be a speaker.
All right, what is your question for Adaterias tonight, UV?
Yes, you are. We can do you loud and clear you. Welcome. Yeah. My question is about, do you have ideas on partnering with more girls to
provide a most scholarship to new gamers and therefore increasing the user number and allow allied inverse investors to enter the game and increase the committee size of the size of the community.
Yeah, we plan to partner a smash guild as possible because guilds have a lot of players players it's mostly our clients and communities really important for any like modern webtoon project because communities like something that are
really core of any stuff. You can build something, build like four years, but if no one supports you beside your team or you investors, this project can fail. So we really open to collaborate with different guilds and we are now building our community as well.
All right, UV, thank you so much. We appreciate your question now. Let's go ahead guys. We're gonna jump over to another question over here. We have one more question coming from. Lover place. Now lover place as collaboration and partnership are some of the most important cornerstones.
to help improve adoption. Now can you tell us about current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnerships? We currently have a number of partnership and collaboration in a place
help improve adoption of our technology. We have several categories for partnership based on synergy we achieve together. Our product is mainly chain agnostic and we partners with a various blockchain to introduce our technology and validate the
importance of what we build. This gives the user the ability to assess extended technology which one is one of the key benefits of our adoption. We have multiple strategic and business partnerships like chain link slap, bars,
and Abu Dhabi Gaming. This partnership helps promote our technology and provide a greater opportunity to introduce our technology to a new audience. The Abu Dhabi Gaming is a really good initiative that happens into the Abu Dhabi region that provides
like really good opportunity to most games. It's a huge community that provides support from different like game industries including some unity, some Unreal Engine, some kind of video stuff. And of course we have a game project and studio
videos as well as gaming guilds that we have onboarded. We definitely see many advantages of expanding our partner networks that constantly explore partnership and could help us to accelerate our growth and extent outreach.
That is amazing. Now it sounds like you guys are definitely doing great with that. Now we have another question coming in hot from Leigh Dye and Leigh Dye wants to know how does the API
handle user authorization on an external site and can developers customize the appearance of this authorization process.
Yeah, the authorization flow, it's some really looks really easy from the developer side and from user side, but it's really complicated from internal path. Currently we not provide non-castodial external word, we only can link external
like Metamask, WalletConnect or two new rewards. And internally we check that this reward is belong to user. This happens via special sign message information. So when user, a week-generated special link, user go to this link and
asks our server for spatial change, then this change signed by spatial, like by user private key, and this change sent back to us. We able to restore user wallet and user address and user like network, and provides this information to gay
game, and based on this information, game further understand what the network user logged in, what their address belongs to this user, and what NFT has this user. For customization part, right now, we're going to provide really flexible customization by
right now user only can provide log-up on the authorization flow but in future we're thinking about to provide a lot of customization like can be custom-stile styles can be authorization flow inside the application and as well it can be on
games to do that, man. That is awesome. Now we are getting a bunch of requests that are coming in. Let's go ahead and jump back to our audience, quite a lively audience today. Go ahead and raise your hand if you'd like me to choose you to ask a question for it areas.
Let's see. Let's go ahead and take a look at our audience and jump over here. Let's go ahead and give CS a chance.
Hmm, maybe CS is having some technical difficulties. Instead, let's go ahead and give... Yeah, I'm here, I'm here. Oh, perfect. Alright, CS, what is your question for Andrew today? Alright, my question is, "Do you know how I do?"
Last year, I want to know did you made up the predictions from users or like, because that is when I left for the IndyPullia. So I want to know if you meet up with all your expectations from the users. Thank you.
So from the idea perspective we had planned to do ideal pre-use here but because of market we switched to ideal to like probably on the end of the first quarter of this year but I'm not really happy
idea when it's going to be happens because it's mostly for it's not my part of what I'm doing inside the Atarius. We plan to do ideal but I cannot provide you some timeline when it's going to be and what is condition going to be.
And of course, it depends on the market.
All right, so thank you then. What are your current challenges you're facing in this project? Is there any current challenges you're facing? How are you tackling these challenges? Like any technical project, really hot technical project have a big technical challenges like
for us it's a really technical challenge and issue how to provide really good user flow and really good user experience including for game developers and as well for user because if it's going
to be really hard to implement our API, developers not going to come to us. If it's really hard to-- and user, it's not like user not going to use us. And it's challenging, but I think we almost solve all these challenges and problems.
All right, that's interesting. Thank you very much for your answers. I'm so sex to Satari's
Alright, CS, that's what I'm talking about. I'm loving it when there are people coming in hot with these awesome questions. Appreciate you being here with us. Now guys, we're going to jump over to another question that we have on Ready for You. This one is going to be coming from.
Wanda Carter. Now Wanda Carter asks, "Gaming sector is extremely competitive, and many platforms had to work very hard to reach their current user numbers."
How will a Terrius team complete with the existing gaming platforms? And what extra features will a Terrius offer to attract the gamers from the other platforms?
We have worked hard to have features on our platforms that make easier for Web2 to Web3 transition, both for developers and for new users. For example, our API is built on the ways that it has to understandable interfaces, like plug and large
a launch feature. So it's really, it's really easy for the developer and from the user. From a technical standpoint, it's, we offer a non-castodal solution and we're not stored key on any level and as a
We have a really, like you can have a look of any queries of your external keys that we offer. And as well, we provide like few key management support. It can be Amazon key management system. We're going to provide Google key management system. Maybe Azure key management system.
in the future. Another interesting feature is that those, our IPI, we can potentially achieve course game in their ability. That means like, as we support multiple chains, or one game can be used and if this from different chains.
That's the same example that I told you before with MetaRose1, some dynamic chain can be created for the weaker set or weak event. As we support different chain, including dynamic chain, and we understand that this user exists, we can fully provide information for the user, NFT, FT, or
interaction across different chains. And as well because of the support different chain, there are good features that we work in these different studios that one studio can support item from them another game. It's good for marketing support. It's like our features that are not
right now available on different game platforms. All right, that's what I'm talking about now. We're going to go ahead and jump back over to our request from the audience. We have John Snow joining us right now. Mr. John Snow, you are now a speaker. What is your question for Atarius tonight?
All right, John Snow. We're waiting for your question.
John Snow, yours Peter.
Yes, we can hear you loud and clear your tone, Stone.
He's so good. You could repeat it's also really terrible I think he asked he asked about the marketing strategy of your project Oh Yeah, for marketing strategy. It's really hard for me because I'm city all the project. I'm not
involved of the marketing strategy. I think there may be a later delay that can provide you like text explanation of our marketing strategy in the channel. It's okay for you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, John Snow. We appreciate you being here. Now we have another question coming from www.
Alright, WWW, you are now a speaker. Can you please tell you what is your question for a series today? Hey, what's up guys? What's going on? Good to add in your WWW? Yep.
Okay, I'm jumping my coach so what's inspired you build this project because I seen this project growing too fast as a new project so what is the aspect to make you this project
project and the studies project. Thank you. Yes, sorry, could you please repeat question? I'm asking about what what what what what inspired the
to build a project. Yeah, it's a good story. We actually started like, we have a really good experience with different games to do that, ask us to build some NFT, FT staff, like integration with games and including a lot of different
projects that need to almost the same stuff and we understand that we can provide tools that going to like solve all this project problems that right now each studio or each project solved by yourself and because we have a great experience our CEO walks with a lot of different games
game studios including like game studios on C level position and he understands as well like what happens to games and we understand that like project like that really good fit on the current market because a lot of games studios want to try some some
new features like NFT, but just try because no one going to create a new web3 games without pre-use background knowledge. And game studios have no this background knowledge and with just a project just to fill in this gap. They do not need knowledge to try something on blockchain.
to try to integrate blockchain on this game that can be happens without knowledge. And it's like modern, it's like zero-code solution. It's just a good time to have project like that on the market. - Wow, great history behind this project. Thank you, for answering.
All right guys, thank you so much. WWW really appreciate you being here with us. Now we're going to go ahead and jump over to another audience member. We don't have too much more time here, so I want to go ahead and let the audience ask their questions. Let's give Jacob a chance to ask his question.
All right, Mr. Jacob, you are now a speaker. What is your question for Terry's tonight? Yeah, so my question is what is the hardest thing when you bring AI to your into your platform because AI's improve game
developer developer and so I think when your platform is easy and say time for gamer player
So I think you must use many use AI into your platform. So that's my question. Thank you. Yeah, thank you for your question. It's a really good question because it's a really good time for AI. So I think
everyone excited about chat. GPT, all the stuff that can chat GPT can provide, all the stuff with image narrator, we especially use this stuff for Internet as well because it's really great, really exciting. But right now we're not going to implement AI
in our project, like on the current stage we just focus into providing some tools. But in mind we build our platform as like in the future as a marketplace of different solutions can, that can be simplified some problems that happens on the game level, that can include like some
takes generation for the charactors like maybe some generative NFT or stuff around. So right now we have not any aii related roadmap but in future we seem to add additional special modules because a lot of games as well testing of this feature.
Thank you. I get it. I have you to love it. Thank you.
All right, epic question. Jacob, we really appreciate you coming in hot with that awesome question. Now we have one last question for the night. Go ahead and raise your hand to get a chance to ask your question. Now I see with my little eye, pinky hunter.
Alright, thinking hunter, you are have been officially chosen. I have just sent you a request to be a speaker. Hopefully you see that and add it.
Hmm, maybe Pinky Hunter is having some issues perhaps. Oh, no, there he is. All right, Pinky Hunter, what is your question for Atarius tonight?
Pinky Hunter, are you with us?
Hello. Can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you loud and clear. What is your question for Terry? Can you list your future of your project that
make it ahead of the computer. What are the competitive, competitive, are the competitive that you feel most confident about? We have already
over these questions about four times. Do you have a better question?
Alright guys, let's go ahead and check this out. Hello. Alright, Pinky Hunter, do you have a better question for Andre? Oh, thank you, sir.
Can you tell me? What, yo? Picking under, I'm not sure if you're understanding me. That question has already been asked three times. Oh, okay, I have another question.
right actually guys I think that we are running out of time so we're going to have to hold that question until next time you guys all right let's go ahead and start to wrap this on up you guys so first of all I want to go ahead and thank you to be for being here today and please guys don't forget to join in follow it's Harry's
on Twitter and I'm sure that the community will be looking forward to Ontario's events in the near future. In addition, you guys can participate in many other great community activities organized monthly by Ontario. I believe it will be very interesting and exciting and we have another event for the community so follow me to get a chance to receive their
and explore the ecosystem. Now we had a great Q&A session they would quite a lively community. Now before we leave, Andre, do you have any last words that you would like to get to the community? I have really good thanks to community because it's really good questions. Really like warm community.
and yes thank you for having me there and sorry for delay from our side.

FAQ on ❤️‍🔥AMA |Aurority x Attarius|❤️‍🔥 | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host of the podcast?
The host of the podcast is Landon.
Who is the CEO of Atarius?
The CEO of Atarius is Andy.
What is Atarius?
Atarius is a high-level web2 API ecosystem that can interact with web3 ecosystems. It allows users to create and consume NFTs, authorize users, and provide user-friendly interfaces for developers.
What industry does Atarius mostly target?
Atarius mostly targets the gaming industry.
How does Atarius plan to attract traditional players to their games?
Atarius plans to educate users on the benefits of NFT games through tutorials, guilds, and integration with existing game communities. They will also develop more user-friendly interfaces and social login to make it easier to use for users.
Will there be any rewards or giveaways for early bird users of Atarius?
Yes, Atarius plans to offer discounts on subscription plans, early access to new features, exclusive collaborations with partners, and giveaways for early bird users of their platform.
What is the major feature of NFTs and FTs?
The major feature of NFTs and FTs is ownership. It allows users to own in-game assets and trust the items that they have crafted inside the game.
How does Atarius ensure the security of their platform?
Atarius does not ask for user permission or store user keys on their platform. They allow game developers to attach their key management service and log all transactions for transparency.
Does Atarius focus on user experience?
Yes, Atarius places importance on user experience and works to provide user-friendly interfaces for their users, especially for new users. They also offer tutorials, guilds, and social login to make it easier for users to access their platform.
Who asked the question about security on the podcast?
Uncle Umar asked the question about security on the podcast.