AMA: InteractWith,The plug & play solution for Web3

Recorded: March 13, 2023 Duration: 1:00:09



Hello, hello.
How are you doing? I'm doing very good. Thank you. How are you? Not too bad. Spring has started so that's really nice. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, in Israel too, weather is getting hot very very fast and honestly
It's been like a really easy winter in terms of like you know bad weather and stuff so I don't know if it's related to you know global warming but yeah definitely it's been noticing that the winter has become weaker and less cold and shorter and even begins like
later so you know yeah that's the same in Italy cool cool cool so yeah what are you fathom the like the market right now all the stuff that's going on with you know Silicon bank value Silicon bank
and you know, it's very crazy like the witness what's going on in the markets right now. Oh indeed. I mean, this is yet another thing that somehow it somehow makes crypto very exciting.
But on the other hand, every time it shows that it feels somehow like a house of card every time. So it's difficult to build on top of these houses of cards, I would say. Yeah, definitely. It's definitely been an interesting
Last three years, since COVID and everything, seems like everything is just built on top of a carb tower, just like you mentioned. It brings a lot of uncertainty to the market.
but thankfully there are still projects that are building and creating value for their users and for their community so it's always nice to see that there are more projects in the space that are still building and still believe in the future of Web 3. Indeed and I feel
that this time the general mood for the bear market is that I see much more interested people compared to the previous bear market and there is definitely more energy this time and that's very good to see because it means that people are starting to realize that
value beyond volatility of the cryptocurrencies. That's really interesting. Yeah, I totally agree. Fascinating to see how the industry evolves and the mature as their years go by. I've been in the space since 2000.
2017 and you know the scenes right now are so different than what we saw at 2016-17 you know there was no regulation, no regulatory attention so it's definitely a different game right now you know more corporate and
less wild west, but we also still see a lot of innovation which is great to see new protocols, what the release of the new ERC protocol. It's always evolving and to see that the space is still moving forward.
never stopping for any regulatory problems that they have in the market or any, you know, Mac or global events that could create a catalyst for, you know, for substantial market depreciation. So it's interesting to see, yeah.
Yeah, and so yeah, let's jump into today's space. It's it's going to be a really interesting one and I'm really happy to welcome interact with to this space to talk about the different tools and
services that it's putting out there for businesses and individuals to basically better transition from Web to Web 3. And so, yeah, welcome to the space. Maybe we can start with an introduction of
So your background and your role interact with? Yeah, sure. So with pleasure. So first of all, thank you for hosting this Twitter space and for everybody that has taken their time and to attend. Your time is very valuable to us and we appreciate it.
So my name is Adam. I'm 35 years old. I live in Israel to La Viva and in America and Israeli and I've been in crypto since 2017 With background and computer science and basically in the past six years since I've been in the crate in the space I've been
leading the blockchain department in one of the big four companies, Deloitte Strategy here in Israel. It's been fascinating, you know, two and a half, three years over there, which I've managed to work with a lot of different blockchain Web 3 companies that have been building
over the past years. So it's really great to have that kind of network to support. And later on after the Lloyd, I was part of a founding team of a blockchain company that we took to a public and today it provides fintech solutions for financial
institutions and it is listed on the Tel Aviv stock exchange. Basically over the past eight months I've been working full time on Interact With as a CEO with some coal founders and basically interact with I'm just going to give you a short
production about what we're doing. So we're building a field to NFT on-ramp infrastructure for applications. That means that basically any app, any game can easily integrate and add Web3 capabilities into their existing app without the need
change anything in the app itself. But what we do is basically just add a layer of Web3 capabilities and ready to use and ready to monetize, which is more important than my eyes, Web3 products for any application. So that's basically the one
line or what InteractWist is doing. If I look at what's wrapping us up and supporting us, so we have a nice traction on the business side. We have a lot of partnerships that include brand names like ZK Sync and
OK, X-chain, and Stripe, and obviously, you know, O'Ola, which is an amazing ecosystem with a very strong community. And some more other brand names that basically support different levels of interact with, you know, with some of them we have marketing.
partnerships, integration partnerships, introductions to Web2 brands that are looking for Fiat onboarding channel to create their, you know, whatever it is loyalty, NFT-based loyalty programs or some kind of NFT collections for their brand. So,
There's a lot of opportunities right now in the market in terms of, you know, for interact with because the market is definitely ripe and it's matured a lot over the past months, especially in the NFT sector. So basically that is what we are doing. We're providing plug and play.
Web 3 products for any application. I mean that they don't have to know anything about blockchain. They don't need to have any experience coding in solidity or anything else. And they don't have to worry about any regulatory hassles. You know, there's a lot of concerns and uncertainty in the market.
market in terms of regulation. And so we take on ourselves all of that with our non-prestudial wallet. And you know, in terms of like cost, which is also one of the barriers for the adoption of Web 3. So we're providing like our core
products totally for free, meaning that any app can easily and freely integrate web free capabilities into their game or app without any upfront costs, without any regulatory concerns, and without any blockchain knowledge at all.
Okay, thanks a lot for the introduction. You're ready laid out quite a lot of components that we're going to talk about a bit more in-depth later, but to kind of set the stage, I'd like to ask you, first of all, how the idea of interact with come about.
And also why did you decide to focus on NFTs and gaming in particular? Yeah sure so yeah let's dive right into it so you know we're all avid gamers like i'm talking about the founders of interact with four core founders we're all avid gamers are all been playing games you know
since we were children, we spent a lot of our time, you know, exploring the gaming world and we've been working in parallel with the gaming industry for about 10 years now. And you know, there's a lot of passion within the team members for anything related
to gaming. And since we're all coming from the Web 3 blockchain industry, the combination of the two gaming and Web 3 has always attracted us in a way that we believe that first of all there was a lot of potential in the
of the two. You know when we see previous attempts to combine Web 3 and gaming so you know there's a lot of bars and hype and play to earn and you know more unsustainable models but you know when we bring it down to like the
basic level, which really believe that incorporating NFTs, and let's put aside for a minute the world NFT and just focus on the basic thing that there is adding value
value into in-game items and experiences. Once you add value into the digital experience and your digital attention and you can monetize your time on the web, that opens a lot of different possibilities as we see it.
for better monetization for gaming for increased and you know more engaging more capturing user experience in gaming and this is all you know it's all related to to the thing that there's just value in the game you know so once you
incorporate value and you're able to monetize your digital presence that turns into a completely different experience when it's compared to just you know spinning the wheel or just you know wasting your
your time on games without getting any true value, except for the immediate dopamine release in your brain. So there's a lot of potential, but we decided to focus on gaming because we filled up the use case.
is the most obvious one. When we look at the gaming industry, there's a lot of different types of games and we can divide the gaming industry into subcategories, but the combination of NFTs and gaming is the most obvious one for us and we
We truly believe that the future of gaming is going to be all over NFTs and it's going to be just interconnected and the users won't even notice that they have NFTs and blockchain running in the background. So that's definitely something that we deeply believe in.
Yeah, definitely that makes a lot of sense. I mean, I have the feeling that the Web 3 gaming scene is not too big yet, but I definitely see a lot of potential for it to grow and definitely
and that's definitely really really cool. And before you mentioned some of the challenges that are basically standing in the way for games to be done,
to start their web tree gaming projects and one of them is the costs and one of that is the difficulty of getting used to a different system. And maybe can you expand a bit more on what the child
How languages are for the web-tree gaming? Yeah, sure. So we've been talking with a lot of games studios, with a lot of app developers in the gaming industry. And the answer is pretty much the same all across the board. When we try to map.
The challenges, then, you know, first of all, the migration from Web 2 to Web 3, it's complicated. A lot of the app developers are, you know, whether it's a psychological barrier or a real technological barrier that's, you know, that's individually, I guess.
But I think that there's some kind of technological barrier that involves also recruiting and finding WebSuite developers that know how to code and to operate within the blockchain
in space, which is a quite a challenge. And in addition, there's always the matter of the regulation, which is uncertainty and the unclarity of the regulations, is always something that we've been keeping our eye on.
And it's always been evolving. So it's hard to say where it's going to go in the future, but right now, as the situation is right now, a lot of companies are afraid, are challenged by adopting Web 3 and cryptocurrencies and NFTs because of some kind of
regulatory fear and that's understandable for many countries. And besides that, you know, to find high quality blockchain developers is not an easy task, it's very expensive, it usually takes
At least three or four months to integrate into some kind of blockchain and usually can cost you up to $200,000 to integrate into a blockchain including like finding the R&D employees to hire them. You know, it's a lot of time, a lot of resources.
And at the end of the day, if you're connected to Ethereum and you have some kind of game, it doesn't really give you much value unless you utilize some kind of monetizable product. You can connect your game to Ethereum
But if you don't create a logical business model that you can monetize and create more value for your users, so you're connected to a theme. But now what? It's not the end of the road. What we're trying to create with interact, which is more of a ready to
to go monetizable products, all you have to do is integrate the interior app and you can have new revenue streams from day one, which is a totally different approach and solves much more depth in the challenges of Web2 brands to transition to Web3.
And now that we talked about basically the challenges, I think it would be interesting to also look at the opportunities that you see there for gaming.
Yeah, so you know, it all comes together. Like, as I mentioned at the beginning, like we believe that Web3 has the potential to create better monetization for the app developers. And this is understandable because NFTs is a new type of
of digital asset relatively new that users can find value in different ways for each NFT. You know, it can represent a unique IP, a design, a skin for a gun, maybe a design for your car on a need for speed or whatever.
It can capture some kind of IP that users can trade. The most instant and easy answer is better monetization. As I see it, because of the better user experience and the more engaging
and capturing experience for the users, I also have a thesis that it increased the user brand loyalty, meaning that as the brands embrace new ways to monetize their users and to create more, let's call it a community.
community sense instead of just a user base, those users in that community are going to become much more loyal to the brand because they are now holding some kind of digital asset that in a direct way has some kind of financial exposure to that
brand. So, you know, it basically creates a much more deeper relationship between the user and the brand by also allowing the users to participate in the success of the brand, which is something that, you know, in like five years ago, we didn't even hear something like that.
And I think that's a very, very interesting opportunity that the Web3 can offer to Web3 to Web2 grants. Indeed, that's very fascinating. And so now we talked a little bit about
bit about the challenges and the opportunities there. And I feel that we are now ready to dive into interact with and any solutions. So I'd like to ask you what are the tools that you're developing and that are basically helping to fill this gap between Web2 and Web2.
Yeah, thanks. So, you know, if I try to break it down again to like what are the stuff that are holding back the innovation and the adoption of Warp3. So, you know, the first thing is the regulation, which we handled by allowing and basically giving the up to
developers and the game studios are solution that takes off all the headache of the regulation from them and they can just integrate our wallet and have a free mind and don't know worries about it at all because we take on ourselves all
all things related to regulation and custody. And the second thing is the business barrier, let's call it like the upfront costs that usually companies from Web2 need to pay in order to, let's say,
migrate to web 3. So there's a lot of expenses usually for companies to migrate to web 3, including what I mentioned before finding developers and creating tech stack and everything that is related to integration of blockchain into
existing app. So we take up all the, we give us a solution that is basically free to integrate. So there's no need and there's no worries about upfront costs and most of our competitors in the market take a subscription fee so we also don't shake that. So you know it's a total
free and easy to integrate solution. Basically our goal is to remove all the barriers, the technological, the business, the financial, and just allow Web2 brands to experiment and add Web3 capabilities into their app or game.
Another thing that we put the focus on is to create a very high level of user abstraction. We know that a lot of users and users are afraid to handle digital wallets and to experiment with work three and blockchain.
So we're creating much more easy to understand. Let's call it a similar to Web2 experience for the users. So we're going to use a lot of user abstraction, no long strings that represent wallets,
Instead it's going to be like an ENS domain. It's going to be very easy to understand, very gamified in a sense that they don't have to go into the technical details, but they can just enjoy the game, which is what we're trying to do here.
I hope that answers your question. Yes, it does. Maybe I would like to hear more about the different products that you have. For instance, they interact wallet or the dashboard and I would like to understand that from the product
products that are mainly designed to help gamers build their games and those features that are most enjoyable or enjoyed by the users. Yeah, so for the users we offer the mentor which is
It's a fear to NFT payment system for in-app items. Basically what that means is that the users will be able to easily mint in-game items or in-app items as NFTs to any blockchain that they want. Okay, so let's take an example.
Let's say there is a guy who is playing Counter Strike and he just won some kind of tournament and he has his following and he has a small community that supports him and follows him. And let's say in this tournament
He won the tournament with a specific tie-up of the skin for his gun. Now it's in a similar way that Cristiano Ronaldo takes off his t-shirt and gives it to somebody after he won the World Championship.
in the domain of esports and especially competitive gameplay such as shooter games and you know Fortnite types of games there's gonna be a lot of value in the in-app items in the in-game items as the skin of the gun of the you know first champion of
of the World Championship of Fortnite. So we already saw online that there's a lot of sales in game items, but it's a very inefficient market right now because those digital assets are not NFTs. And NFTs is a much more
It's a much better way to trade and to own these digital assets because you truly own them. And in the current situation right now, the users don't really own the assets. And it's a totally different efficiency of
markets. So once you know all the in-game items in app items will be enabled to become NFTs we believe that there's going to rise like a
huge secondary market for in-app and in-game items which is definitely something that we're interesting in helping to grow. Besides that we have another product which is also for the users
which is currently in development. It's our social wallet, which should be ready in about four or five months. And the social wallet is much more focused on creating social experiences for users. If I look at the current market structure,
of wallets, you know, metamask, then go there's a lot of wallets out there for holding digital assets. But the majority of them are totally focused on the financial aspect of the wallet. Send money here, receive money there, swap this money to that money,
And you know, it's a very financial approach to holding digital assets. And you know, that's understandable because the wallet is financial most of the time. But the approach that we are taking with our social wallet
is a much more social approach, not a financial approach. So our wallet is going to incorporate a lot of features from social networks. It's going to allow users to communicate with one another and to create communities around
apps and games that have integrated us you know so for the first time in history you will you will be able to communicate with another user that plays in the same game like you. And there's gonna be like tournaments and leaderboards and group chats and you know there's
There's a huge focus on anything and everything that can be socialized and gamified for our wallet, which I think is a much different approach than the other wallets in the market right now.
Indeed, it sounds like it's very omniconprehensive, the approach that you're taking to develop this wallet. And indeed, it sounds like the experience from the end users is going to be very much simplified. Yeah, that's
Exactly what we're trying to create. Yeah. And I just wonder when you are developing these tools, like where obviously you mentioned that you and your team, you're all OG gamers. And so you probably have a very good understanding of
what are the things that you would like to have or would facilitate that, but what are the different ways in which you develop and find new ideas and features for these products? That's a very good question.
First of all, I think it's a combination of two things. On the one side, we're always in communication with Game Studios app developers and colleagues from the gaming industry. We have a lot of them. We're always with our ear on the door of the needs.
of games studios and app developers. We always underneath are evolving like you know two months ago it was something else and now the focus on something else that's fine. So that's on the one hand to always be you know in touch with games studios to understand
their motivation and their incentives. On the other hand, there's a constant race and constant innovation inside the Web3 market. As I mentioned before, there are new protocols releasing, there are new blockchains that enable new capabilities
And there's always something new in the crypto space. You know, I don't have to tell you this. I'm sure that everybody here in the Twitter space knows it, but every week there's something new that comes out. And it's, you know, if you don't keep your hand on the pools,
You're going to wake up in a month and you're not even going to understand what's going on in the market. You always have to be in touch with the market, always have to see new technologies that are coming out, new innovations that are entering the market. And you have to adapt yourself.
Now we're focusing on creating the social wallet, which is something that we truly have a lot of belief in. And in two months, the market can be in a completely different place with some kind of new technology, a new protocol that is getting a lot of traction and hype. And we wait.
We may want to consider, you know, to utilize it. You know, I have no idea. Honestly, like it's a constant race of involvement and innovation. But what I can say is that, you know, me, myself and the rest of the interactive team,
are very connected to everything that is related to crypto industry. Like we have a very large network and colleagues from the industry, we're updated on anything and everything related to
business tech, new protocols and you know everything new that comes out in the market so we quickly learn and understand it and think how to utilize it into our platform but you know it doesn't always match just you know as an example the
been a lot of hype and craze about the recent chat GPD and you know GPD 3 large language models so you know there's a lot of questions from the community like how are you going to utilize this AI and are you going to do something with it with your product so we're still looking into
to it, we're still learning how we can utilize it to really create value and not just to say that we're leveraging Chat GPD or GPT3 to create the buzz or hike around the product. No, we're looking for ways to actually
value to our community and even if that means that we won't be utilizing GPT-3 or some kind of other technology that's also fine. We don't have to utilize every new technology that goes out there in the market. So yeah, I hope that answers your question and then just RambeLone.
Now he answered my question. Thanks a lot.
So maybe now we could open some questions from the public. This might be a good moment to do so if someone has any questions.
can raise the hand and allow you to ask the question. Yes, I'm happy to take questions from the community.
Let's see. Well, meanwhile, while we wait for some handrails, I can ask another question. This one is directed at, I mean, it's self-interested in a way because why did you decide to come into the Aurora Ecosystem and also
So how did you learn about that? Yeah, so, you know, Aurora has been around for quite some time. But we've already appreciated the project. So, you know, we've been monitoring a lot of crypto projects a lot.
of different blockchain projects and the other ecosystem to stand without for us, especially because of the very engaged community, which is something that we don't usually see at all blockchain projects.
usually there's just enough people to make it look like there's something but within Aurora ecosystem we at the beginning we already felt that it's a different story you know we got a lot of support for
integrating our product into the all blockchain. So right now users can mint NFTs directly to the Aurora network and you know we've been getting this amazing support from the all community. I like
not of interest because I don't think that there is anything close to what we're building on the Aurora ecosystem correct me if I'm wrong but I think that we're pretty much the only fiat to NFT payment solution for
for this network. So, you know, we, first of all, you know, I like what the world is trying to achieve. And we also in communication with other blockchain networks, but, you know, all
All are standard out for me from the beginning, like the community is so strong and engaged and so supportive. If there's any questions or needs, there's always going to be somebody who can take your question and answer, help you get what you're looking for, which is quite rare in the
crypto industry. And to be honest, I very much believe in what the war is trying to achieve. So I think it's nice to have a partner that is totally aligned with what you're doing as well. So that's nice to have partners like this.
Nice, definitely I don't recall any other project that is offering what interact with is offering and it's going to be very interesting because there are a few
games on Aurora and there is more coming so I think it's going to be a very nice match for her dose. Yeah, definitely.
Definitely. How's it going with questions from the audience? Do we have something? Yes. Anybody wants to ask something? I'll be happy to take it. Doesn't have to be related to interact with can be anything.
In the meantime, I can tell you a little bit more about our plans while you're thinking about a question. This week we're going to do our idea. We're planning to, we're already signed, we're closed, we're going to start on Wednesday and some Friday.
We're going to be doing the idea on the tier 1 launchpad, pools, engine starter, and bullputs, and crystal, which is the launchpad of the Kiber Network.
And probably the listing of our native tokens is going to happen next week. Right now it's set for the 19th, but it may move by a day to the 20th. Happy to take any questions about that, if you guys have any.
anything at all.
Yeah, there is MCQ that raised this end. So yeah, now you can speak.
Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.#
question. My question is, I went to invest in a project and what are you studying your project for and how many people work in your project and what benefits do they get and what benefits do you like?
Yeah, these are my questions. Okay, just to make sure that I understand how many people are in our community and what benefits do they get? Yeah, sure. So right now we have thank you for the question, first of all.
your time and taking the time to think of a question. So right now we have around 80,000 people in our social telegram, Twitter, in our telegram I think we have about 50,000 people. So overall, yeah we have
55,000 people in our telegram and it's where we have around 75. So overall we have around 140,000 people in our community and that doesn't include the community of the armed developers which it's something that we consider to be separate and
And in regards to the benefits, that's a good question. First of all, the users can have the benefit of our platform and products. If they want to mint in-game items to NFTs, sell them, trade them so they can utilize our products which are
are open to the public. And the second thing is, you know, as an app developer or as a game studio, these community members can easily integrate web 3 capabilities into their web 2 brand,
monetizing and having new revenue streams from day one of integration by allowing the users to interact with a blockchain. And besides that, we're very connected with our community and there's
a strong and very personal relationship with each of our community members. I've been getting messages in my telegram account about a lot of questions about Interact, a lot of questions about myself, a lot of questions about
And even about Tel Aviv, where should I go eat dinner tonight in Tel Aviv? So I'm always happy to engage with my community and to answer their questions, whether it's regarding to what we're building at Interak with, whether it's regarding to what I'm doing or anything else that
even not related to Intact with. So I don't know if that counts as a benefit, but you have me as your advisor, friend, whatever, you can approach me anytime and I'll be responsive and happy to take
any questions or support back the community. And in regards to like in the future, so after we're going to do the IDO and we're going to complete the public round. So we're also planning to do some events for our community.
These events can be digital online events and these can also be like physical events here in Tel Aviv for community members of InterakWish. So we're exploring different ways to give value and benefits to our user
and community. And yeah, I think that's basically what we're trying to provide to our users and happy to take any more ideas if you have any interesting and insightful ideas and open for it.
Yeah, good luck. Thank you. Yes, thank you sir. Okay, well actually
I have another question. I was interested to learn more about what basically inspired you to join Web 3. Because before when you gave your introduction, you worked in more traditional companies like Deloitte and
Yeah, what makes it different and more interesting for you to be in WebTream? Yeah, that's an amazing question. I really like that question because it allows me to talk about myself what people most like. So basically, you know, I've been
I went to crypto in 2017, which I think was created like partially because of the positive price action that Bitcoin and other crypto currencies had. And I've been coming from a very technical background. So the first thing that I
did in Web 3 was to study and to learn what's blockchain, you know, and I really went very deep into technology and into the logic behind it. And I was fascinated by, you know, by even by the white page
of Satoshi, which I think presents a very true and frightening reality of what is money and how it's handled and how it's created by the central banks and that we can
at Frost then because they've always been breaching that Frost along history. So, you know, I was automatically and very fast and drawn by my curiosity to the space.
And once I understood it and you know walked in the space under the Lloyd as a blockchain advisor and running their blockchain department for about two and a half years.
I think in the best way to describe my passion for Web 3 is just that I cannot picture myself working in any other industry rather than Web 3 in blockchain. And I think the reason
for that is because everything else just seems boring after you walk in Web3. Like the pace of innovation and the pace of changes in the industry is something that is just unrivaled by any other industry, by a ballpark.
So for me it's always been like the innovation and the fast-paced industry that moves forward and you know it's semi-anonymous semi-decentralized like the values are also something that I very much stand with a
But you know like six years now that I've been in the crypto space and I just can't imagine myself going to any other industry which is quite funny since where I started this but yeah, hopefully that answers your question
Yeah, and I can definitely relate with the sentiment there. It's so interesting and so...
It's so lively. Hello, sir. How do you face? Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah, just, you know, I'm rivals by any other place.
Yes. Okay, so I see that some other people are requesting to ask a question. Let's see.
Sure. Hello.
Hello, hello sir. I have a question. Can you talk about the governance and decision-making process for the project and how can users get involved in shaping the platform future? Yeah, sure. So basically, right now,
Now there is no really governance system in the platform that allows the users to participate in the decision making. And this is just because the token is not yet released, meaning that we are doing the idea
this week, as I mentioned at the end of the week, and once the token is going to be outside, and we can understand how many engaged community members we have, we can understand better how to structure for them.
right incentive system and governance mechanism so that they can firstly participate in the decision making of the company and how the platform is going to be designed and featured. And secondly, we want
to engage our community and have a much deeper relationship with them than just as customers. We want to get an honest opinion about everything that we're doing. Not always we're going to
leave it entirely up to the community to decide. I think it's important to have that kind of balance between centralised decision making and decentralised engagement from
the community. So I think it's a gentle balance that needs to be created as we move forward and as we understand the structure of our community better. But it's definitely something that we're talking about over the past few weeks, like how we want to
incentivize our community and our users to participate in the decision making in the platform and you know and just in generally to participate and engage with interact with more. So yeah, it's definitely something that we're working on right now and I appreciate the question.
very good question. Thank you for your answer and unless someone else has anything to ask I've got a few more questions if you don't mind. Yeah sure shoot me up. How does interact with address scalability and interoperability challenges in the blockchain gaming?
Yeah, so you know our product is something that is highly scalable and was built from day one to answer the broadest needs of any up developer, meaning that on the one hand we have created this kind of you know,
dynamic infrastructure that can be modified and adjusted to basically any game and any application. Games is only the first sector that we are approaching. After that we plan to approach lifestyle applications, entertainment applications, design applications and much more.
because each of them has a different use case for NFTs. But as we see it, gaming has the most obvious and straightforward use case. That's most easy to understand. Does that answer your question?
Yes, thank you. Another question I have is regarding the economics. If you don't want to answer, it's totally fine, but I've looked into the documents and you're looking to raise around $825,000 through public idol. Yes.
But as an OG, I saw in the announcement that we will get white listed via pools to pay this up to $1,000 per person. That would increase the allocation if every OG bought 1,000 by $300,000.
Are these tokens coming out of the pool's allocation or are they coming directly from the treasury specifically for the OGs? Yeah, so that's a very good question and what we plan to do is to take it out of the pool's allocation. So basically we're allowing the OG members of our community which have shown like
A lot of commitment, a lot of loyalty to our brand and to what we're trying to build. And we appreciate it so much, like all of our OG members are like a gold VIP members and interact with. If you come to Israel, we're going to take you out for dinner.
And much more but but but basically, you know, we're We're just because the allocation for pools is is substantially larger than any other allocation for the other large beds as the allocation for pools is $400,000
And for engine starter it's 150 and for bullporks it's 200 and for crystal it's it's 100 and you know since we have this kind of OG members that have shown their commitment to our
we want to reward them back and give them a higher chance to get allocation from pools. So that's why we created this wireless program. So basically they can have the opportunity to you know to have increased chance basically.
That's a really good thing, especially when users interact with the project and rewarded in a good way. Yeah, that's exactly what we're trying to do to build incentives system and rewards for our community.
Thank you for that. Lastly, what is your vision for the future of online collaboration and communication and how do you think overall in the gaming future, like how does interact with, with, with, the whole thing? Wow, so that's a great question. I've got a lot of vision and like, how do we...
like what's the greater vision of interact with so you know to enter that in a sentence I would say that interact vision is to become the leading on building channel to web3 okay and we're gonna do that by bringing a computer
app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app, app,#
large ecosystem if you're familiar with Roblox. So something that is similar to Roblox in the matter that it's an ecosystem of integrated and interconnected apps and games. But it is obviously going to be
be a lot different than Roblox because that's focused on Web2 games and the different type of ecosystem. But you can imagine like the power of having an ecosystem of thousands or tens of thousands of integrated applications and games that can, you know, share user acquisition.
lower the cost of acquiring new users, creating like cross chain, cross app, NFT air drops or marketing campaigns or user acquisition campaigns and it's all done.
to talk with one another, meaning that the users of one app and one game could talk with another user in that same gamer app, and they can have competitions with other users of different apps. It's going to be a huge ecosystem that is around
around web 3 capabilities to web 2 games and apps basically that's the like the greater vision and I hope that makes it clear because you know in my mind I can picture it so well and good but but when I
try to communicate the message it doesn't always comes out as clear as it is in my mind. Yeah, I understand. The whole idea sounds amazing and I'm actually hyped for you guys and in some part of the community I really hope we
I appreciate your commitment. Thank you, Tuman. I don't have any more questions for now, but if nothing comes up, I might pop in again, guys. Okay, sure.
Yeah, those are really good questions.
Okay, then maybe we can bring this space to a close. Maybe with some final reminders of what are the things to come, you just mentioned, the idea you mentioned that you're working on the social wallet that
it's going to be released in a few months from now. Any other thing that you would like to share with the community? Yeah, I think that basically just keep engaging with some social media.
And we're very responsive to any questions or any subjects that the community members want to bring up, discuss. We're also trying to support back our community members that show their commitment and long
terms support for us. So if there's anything that you need or you think that we can support you guys with, we'll be happy to try to do so. And yeah, I think we talked about everything.
just a reminder that our idea is at the end of the week on pools, engines, Sutter and Bull perks. And yeah, and if there was anything else, you know, you couldn't feel free to reach out to me on Telegram. I'm very responsive, but just don't send, you know,
Hello message because I might block you but you know send the message, show me that your community member and if you need anything I'll be happy to try and help. Yeah, that's I think that's basically it and you know I'd like to thank everybody who's
come to the Twitter space and they are amazing hosts who did a very good job. And yeah, if there's anything else, you know how to reach me. Cool. Thanks a lot for joining us and it was a pleasure talking to you.
and wish you all the best of luck. Thank you. The idea and things to come and definitely keep in touch and yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah, I was great. Awesome. Thank you everyone for coming as well. Awesome. Thank you everybody.
See you soon on the radio. Thank you guys. Have a good day. You too. You too. Bye bye. Bye bye.

FAQ on AMA: InteractWith,The plug & play solution for Web3 | Twitter Space Recording

What has been the weather like in Israel recently?
The weather in Israel has been getting hot very fast as spring starts. The speaker notes that it has been an easy winter with less bad weather, and that the same trend is noticeable in Italy.
What did the speaker note about the market for crypto?
The speaker notes that the market for crypto is crazy at the moment, with events like the volatility of Silicon Bank causing a lot of uncertainty. However, they also note that there are still plenty of projects building and creating value for their users.
What is Interact With?
Interact With is building an NFT on-ramp infrastructure that lets applications and games easily add web3 capabilities without changing anything in the app itself. They aim to provide plug and play web3 products for any app or game, providing free and ready-to-use web3 capabilities that app creators can monetize without any blockchain knowledge or regulatory concerns.
What kind of partnerships does Interact With have?
Interact With has partnerships with brand names like zkSync and OKEx Chain, Stripe, and Ola. These partnerships support different levels of Interact With, including marketing partnerships, integration partnerships, and introductions to web2 brands that want to create NFT-based loyalty programs or collections for their brand.
How did the idea for Interact With come about?
The founders of Interact With are all avid gamers with around 10 years of experience in the gaming industry. They also work in blockchain and web3 tech, and saw potential in combining the two to incorporate nfts and add value to in-game items and experiences. They believe this can lead to better monetization and more engaging user experiences in gaming.
What are some of the barriers to web3 adoption according to Interact With?
Interact With notes that some of the barriers to web3 adoption include the regulatory concerns, lack of blockchain knowledge, and upfront costs. They aim to provide plug and play web3 products for any app or game, providing free and ready-to-use web3 capabilities that app creators can monetize without any blockchain knowledge or regulatory concerns.
What does Interact With provide for app creators?
Interact With provides web3 capabilities that can be easily integrated into any app or game without changing anything in the app itself. App creators do not need to know anything about blockchain and can monetize their digital presence without worrying about regulatory issues thanks to Interact With's non-custodial wallet.
What is the goal of incorporating value into gaming?
According to Interact With, incorporating value into gaming through NFTs and other web3 capabilities can lead to better monetization, more engaging user experiences, and increased attention to the game. Gaming can become more than just wasting time on games that provide no real value, but have added value through the ability to monetize digital presence.
What are some of the problems with previous attempts to combine gaming and web3?
Interact With notes that previous attempts to combine gaming and web3 have often included unsustainable models and hype around play-to-earn. The company believes that incorporating NFTs and adding value to in-game items can lead to more sustainable and engaging user experiences.
What experience does the Interact With team have?
The Interact With team has experience in both blockchain and web3 technology, as well as the gaming industry. They have been in the gaming industry for about 10 years and have worked with blockchain and web3 for around 6 years, including leading the blockchain department in a large company and founding a blockchain company that provides fintech solutions for financial institutions.