AMA | Massa x Republic

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:01:18



Hey Adrian, how's it going?
Hey doing great, and you?
Doing well. Thank you everyone for tuning in today for our AMA with Masa.
We're just going to give it a few more minutes. Let everyone join and then we will start shortly.
Great well, thank you everyone for taking the time out of your day to tune into our AMA today
We have a very special company
That is joining our space today. We have Masa. Um, so yeah, Masa team. Could you please introduce yourself?
Yeah, let's get started
Okay, I'll start so I'm a real person if you know, I'm the CEO of Masa lab is a company that is behind the Masa blockchain
Yeah, so I start like this maybe and I don't know if you want me to say a bit more words
Yeah, no worries. We can just get started with intros and then we can deep dive into it
Hello, I'm Sebastian. So I'm the head of the Masa foundation
It's an entity that we just set up in Geneva in Switzerland
and not-for-profit and
Yeah, thank you for having us here
Hello everyone, I am Danier I am the CEO of Masa labs, so I'm responsible for the technology part. Thank you. Nice to meet you
And I'm Brian Felson, I'm the CMO of Masa with doing marketing for them for the past year
And that's it great, thank you everyone
Yeah, I would love to just hear a little bit more about Masa, you know
What exactly are you guys building and essentially like what what challenges?
Are you helping with your solutions?
Um, yeah, I can take this one
Masa is a unique layer one. We're the only project
I feel that really truly aligns with the spirit of web3 in that we have true decentralization
What I mean by that is that we're the only layer one that has solved the trilemma of scaling decentralization and security without making
compromises you go to a lot of
Conferences a lot of people claim to have solved the blockchain trilemma, but we are not lying on the decentralization part
And we do that by being decentralized across all layers of the protocol. We do it by achieving
over 10,000 transactions per second and we maintain decentralization with thousands of nodes and
The tech innovations that enable us to have this scalability and decentralization is a parallel block architecture
Where blocks are created in parallel threads rather than a sequentially
We have transactions sharding that prevents duplicate transactions and eliminate risks like double spending across parallel blocks
very accessible staking requirements that allow thousands of nodes to participate in consensus that you really only need a hundred coins and a
consumer laptop to do it unlike, you know on aetherium
And we have on-chain web hosting that provides the same
Decentralization to adapt front ends as a smart contract back ends
but the thing that I'm most excited about that sort of makes us stand out is
Is how we're our autonomous smart contracts can help revolutionize defy and these autonomous smart contracts
They kind of remove reliance on centralized bots to trigger operations
So there's nothing quite like it and that's what's getting so many people rushing into the project
Love that you guys are it really innovating different areas of this space
Um, do you guys mind expanding a little bit more about autonomous smart contracts?
I think people may be familiar with what smart contracts are. But what exactly is autonomous apart?
Yeah, they're what they are is what makes them special. They're self activating so they can initiate actions
Based on pre defined conditions without external prompts so they can schedule
Future actions or respond to events and trigger execution automatically
The difference is that traditional smart contracts that most people are used to they require external triggers for execution
Whereas our autonomous smart contracts are much less dependent on external entities like centralized bots or servers or keepers
And those can be failure points or security risks
Helps make us
Truly decentralized and resistant to censorship and more consistent operation
I'm really excited. There's a lot that you can do with them
With NFTs and games and other type of things that we could get into
But I'm most excited about their applications for defy
Because it's kind of the first time that you can have fully decentralized exchanges with all of the functionality of centralized exchanges
You can have like automated limit orders liquidations liquidity pool adjustments without centralized spots
One of our projects DUSA
Can offer like limit orders and use algorithms to minimize and permanent loss
All kinds of things you can do like for lending
Managed interest calculation schedule payments, you know
There's plenty of things that you can do with these with use autonomous smart contract
And you don't need like Chainlink or gelato or intermediaries
They remove these single points of failure and are truly decentralized. So
And users can even plan contract executions for times of lower gas fees with them potentially
Which enable cost-effective and advanced operations?
I'm really glad that you guys are kind of tackling this
I think you know, especially with D5
There are a lot of automations and triggers that do need to you know happen by itself
and so with masa in your in your L1 foundation, I think that
Yeah, definitely addresses some of those questions
I mean, there's other cool things too, you know
like NFTs can like sort of self-evolve and you know, you could have like crypto pets that
autonomously breed with from on chain logic or NFT art can change based on activity or time triggers or you could have
Decentralized games where non-player characters can interact without player triggers or even with autonomous
platforms and proposal voting tallies that are conducted autonomously, but I'm most excited about it in defy because
It really will put the D back in defy and really enable it to have massive option by having all this new functionality
Love it. Love it. Yeah, I think you know the decentralization part is like really the biggest part of all this
And so the fact that your tech supports that
Is really amazing to hear earlier. Um, you guys were mentioning that
You know if you do on chain web hosting, so I was kind of curious as to how on chain web hosting
contributes to a more secure and decentralized with three ecosystems and you know
What are the advantages over like a regular web hosting like let's say through it?
AWS of that sort
Sure, so I can take this one
In traditional web three projects usually
There's a lot of things that are not hosted on the blockchain
So for example the websites the domain name etc
and if the team for some reason stops paying for these services or
Let's say these services get hacked and this has happened a lot in
The history of blockchains. Well in that case the project is lost or loses a lot of money
But in our case, we have realized that blockchains offer a better alternative
You can actually host the website the same way you host the smart contract
So in masa, we allow every smart contract to also host its own website
And this website is replicated over thousands of computers around the world fully
So it's very resilient to attacks to censorship. It has the same security levels of the smart contracts themselves essentially
So the way it works is that we have our client which is masa station and soon
we are going to enable this feature and you'll be able to essentially type an address of
DeFi project in your browser. It's going to detect that this
Project is hosted on masa. It's going to do the domain name resolution on masa
It's going to load the website from the blockchain and display it in browser from there
The team of the project can literally disappear is going to run forever. It's very resilient to attacks and to censorship resistance
so that's
Essentially the idea and the powerful thing here is that it combines perfectly with the autonomous smart contract feature that Brian has presented
To give you a full experience where a D app developer can just deploy
their app and it's gonna run forever without having to rely on external infrastructure and
That's very new and very unique in the blockchain space
Love it love it. Um
Yeah, I think I think that you know, that's that's a very seamless experience that that you guys are building with masa station
talking about your architecture, I
was kind of curious as to how
Apologize it if I'm butchering the name but block click is what I found though how the architecture enables both
High transaction and through output
But also keeping the whole decentralization thesis in mind
Yes, sure. So
the block click architecture is the technology that's powering the masa consensus and
This is the fruit of essentially three years of research and four years of development on our side
It's a completely new architecture that allows many computers around the world with a very low
Specifications to produce blocks at the same time and the blocks propagate in the network at the same time and they don't collide
They're all compatible by construction
So thanks to this is a very innovative architecture
We have achieved about I mean many thousands of transactions per second in theory up to 10,000 transactions per second and
All of these works with normal
Consumer computers you don't need GPUs don't need very strong computers
It works for everyone and it also works with thousands of nodes around the world
so you can understand that it's very challenging to achieve all these things together and
We're very proud of this technology. It has taken us a lot of time to develop and
You can check all the technical specifications on our website. Feel free to check it out
Yeah, I think that's probably one of the most interesting aspects that stands out to me the most
You know, typically when you run nodes, you really need a high compute. So this means, you know
Dedicated graphics cards dedicated servers on a really a lot of heavy equipment, right?
You were mentioning that your team has been researching this for a while
I'm kind of wanted to double click on that and then learn a little bit more about you know
What are the what's the experience that really the founders have?
and in your background to really make sure that masa is a is a very competitive L1
So who wants to take that I can start with me
so in terms of experience in background like in my case, I
Have a PhD in computer science
And I have worked for three years in banking. I was essentially doing
Research and development on finding ways to detect fraud using machine learning there. So I'm accustomed to the banking sector
After this I have started to work on the theoretical part of the
Block click at architecture that's powering masa today
for three years and
Here I am today CTO of masa. I'm managing the technology
On my side
I've been do I have a background in computer science. I've been doing a PhD in computer science or so
So yeah that helps a lot
Yeah, we are three PhDs in fact, and I think this is a
Paramount to to create the tech like this
so in my case, I have a strong background in
computation quantum cryptography and then I
worked also in
Artificial intelligence doing machine learning for robots
My PhD you are in my postdoc and that's where I started to work with Sebastian and I'm here on the book
you can take to and
And what I bring to it is is the unique thing of not having a PhD. Hi
I am I I come from the entertainment industry
I ran a company called CD baby, which is the largest independent music distributor and I'm
Really here to make sure that that the products and development
Will have product market fit so that way things like on chain web and autonomous smart contracts
Won't exist as sort of technical marvels, but we'll have actual product use cases that can delight millions
Love it love that background of the team
I think a lot of people in academia right kind of just stick to that space
You don't really see that many entrepreneurs
But the fact that all of you were able to kind of you know, join together and then really develop masa
Makes me really excited about it. So I was curious as to how
Masa is decentralized across all layers of the protocol
Yeah, in fact, so they're not talked about the architecture but the architecture is only one component of the world blockchain
and the architecture it also to have a good decentralization and a good scale, but
There are many other components that are even more important to keep the world blockchain
decentralized and I think the most important is how you distribute the coins because coins are power in
first take blockchain and
We've seen many blockchains that have a good tech, but in the end they distribute the coins
They've destroyed very few coins to the community they keep most of the coins to for them and
in the end when you look at how the blockchain works, it's very centralized the
vcs or the
founders have a ton of
Of power for team power staking power like in the 70 80 90 percent and that's not the spirit of blockchain at all
Okay, our architecture is very efficient, but we also deploy it in a very decentralized and accessible way
So let me give you some examples
One is that the initial distribution is well balanced. We we have no ways we should
take whales in the
Investors we have
Very large pools of tokens dedicated to the community and the ecosystem on the medium term, but on the long term or so
That's one thing. Another thing is that we avoid
pooling of coins
There are ways in order blockchains people give all their coins to
to staking pools or mining pools
so that they
these people stay for them or mine for them and
We think this is bad. So we we don't have delegation. We don't have custodial staking in our blockchain. So
everyone can take part in in staking and
everyone should take part in staking to
to be able to express their
their power in the end and
That's why we also make it very easy
easy to stake so
Brian touched this at the beginning, but we have a very low minimum staking requirement very low hardware requirement
You can run a node with a with your laptop
That's one thing and also it's very easy to build with with masa
smart contrast language in the in the style of typescript
With a wasm virtual machine and many many developers know how to how to use this
So it's that's the the accessibility part
Yeah, I think one thing that really stands out to me about masa is the fact that there is a extremely low barrier to entry
Right, especially with staking you look at other networks, especially other l1s like the theory of right
requiring like 32 Ethereum to stake
So having a low not only token requirement, but also more specifically hardware requirement
Something that I'm really excited about I'm really glad that you guys are bringing that and then you know trying to decentralize all of your tech
Yeah, so in fact anything we couldn't do for decentralization we did it
Love it. Um, I was curious as if you guys can discuss a little bit more about some of the
Successful use cases or maybe applications that have been built on masa so far
Um, so essentially, you know with this whole decentralization in mind, like what has success looked like for you guys thus far?
Yeah, sure. So first
While masa is a generality layer one as Brian said, I
think like the the area where masa shines most is
Because we have a high scalability
We are very decentralized and we have features such as autonomous smart contracts, which are really unique and are
very useful for defy
But that being said, I mean you can build anything on masa you can develop games you can develop NFT project
Like identity protocols and you name it so like to expand a bit on the defy
Like if you look at the defy protocols
Automation is everywhere like for instance for landing protocols on its area
those protocols are running boats constantly to make sure that every position is always
Collateralized and these buzz are running on centralized servers and can be compromised or sometimes they are not
functioning properly because like
Happened. I think it was in the case of make a doubt
that the fees
like the gas fees
increased a lot in a very short amount of time and those bots were not able to keep up and a lot of position where
like basically
People were able to recover the funds for basically nothing
So a lot of fun were lost and this is a kind of thing that can be completely
Automatized using the new smart contracts bringing more transparency more reliability more compatibility to the space
and for instance, we have
Protocol named DUSA that is building a DEX on masa that leverage a ton of smart contracts to be more capital efficient
by automatically
automatically rebalancing
the liquidity and
This is a net gain both for users of the protocol, but also for liquidity providers which have increased yield and
they are also using autonomous smart contract to
Unchained investment like investment strategy is possible really at the chain level so you can program your
Autonomous smart contracts to do to follow some dollar cost averaging strategy investment strategy
Another thing that I'm really excited about that we haven't developed yet is using autonomous math contract to do cross chain automation
so you could have like your autonomous math on track that
Automates things on other chain through crushing communication protocols like layer zero and
then we are actually working with hyper lane to develop some crushing communication protocol with
EVM chains
So this is something that would be really unique to the space I think
We have also like yeah
Many projects that have been developed. So we have like some community where it's like, they're by
There is another community where that is coming
called energy eight we have
Alta lab, of course, that is been a long time builder of of Massa that is developing an NFT marketplace that has been developing a
Nice game that has been developing also an explorer
also like some people that just pop up like the first day of our mainnet launch that
Launch a casino. We had also a some Tamagotchi game using autonomous math on track. So
Really? So I'm really excited to see what's going next
Yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of builders that are moving and then using the text that Massa has built
You know ranging like you were mentioning Adrian
from gaming all the way to defy to NFTs and
Then of course with the recent mainnet launch congratulations, by the way, I think that's a very monumental moment for our project
So seeing that you guys have are now on mainnet
Is really exciting. I was curious as to you know
After being launched on mainnet now and then over the years as you have been building Massa
What has the social traction been so far? What is the community feedback been?
Yeah, you might explain you more on that. Yeah, I think that it's been really really
Building like crazy over the last several months and especially, you know in the last year
And that really has come along with the times that we've rolled out
Various features like on chain web
So we've seen like just in the last year our Twitter has gone up threefold from like, you know
15,000 14,000 to about
55,000 I guess that's almost 4x and then our discords gone up from about
35,000 to north of a hundred thousand and our telegram has gone up from like 6,000 to 26,000
So I guess yeah, it's more than 4x and some of these things
So a lot of that has you can sort of track with the time that these features were rolled out
We also had a dashboard quest campaign that got over, you know, 70,000 unique wallets participating in
in it, so it's really been great and the
ambassadors program and activity has kind of
Expanded worldwide as well. So we have a lot of really good communities all over the world
Love that you guys are focusing on a global community as well. I
Was curious as to you know, what are the plans for community engagement and then
post mainnet development
Now that you guys are of course on mainnet and that you guys have seen so much traction before. Oh
Okay, I can take this one. This is where I'm this is where I'm most excited because now is sort of where the fun really begins
Masa since its inception was very
Product focused which I think was absolutely the right move of the founders
Because in web 3 and in tech in general product is marketing
but to make a product that was
Good to have an L1 that's you know
Even more scalable than many L2's have been in in what was you know
Hype with all the L2 hype that's been going around to have something that was truly decentralized
Instead of lying about it to have something
That had unique functionality such as on chain web and autonomous smart contracts that took
Tremendous amount of work and development and also we had to make sure the thing was secure and we ended up as one of the top
projects on on Sertik in terms of
the testnet security so
That took a while and now I'm super excited because now you know with
with post mainnet and
We're net we're now going to have the the resources to increase the marketing and community engagement
And that's where really the fun begins and that could include
Stuff online, you know your typical Twitter and earn media and interviews and guest posts and all the stuff
I want to do in comparisons with other protocols
collaborations with influencers
More types of quests on galaxy and zealie and things like that
Much more activities with our ambassadors community who've been amazing
just all over the world doing you know content and
Translations and communities and that's really great and not just online but also
offline like conferences and events that we can now
Have the resources and bandwidth to go to
I think from where I sit the the whole point of camping of all of this
Community engagement is to take the correct in my view
Philosophical underpinnings of it how product is marketing and how our product is just the greatest and
And to engender a focus shift from the founders to more developers
Make it more developer centric in other words. So basically developer engagement is gonna be
The biggest deal and the biggest point of all of this
It's not like the go-go days of crypto, although, you know, things are very much coming back in my opinion
But it's not like sort of having a big grant thing like a polygon where it's like everybody gets a car
What I want to do is really encourage
Projects that will develop toward
The unique features that we have things that you can build on masa that you can't do anywhere else
because of our on-chain web because of our autonomous smart contracts and
Those are the ones that I want to incentivize with grants and bounties
Want to collaborate with them?
Like Dora hacks and do hackathons and really foster innovation and engagement
Be fun to do like, you know
Some like like a Masa Academy sort of like, you know, Binance and Tezos have done like an educational
Academy targeting say schools or developers and institutions with tailored content and even community conferences
In a style like stark net, you know
Like doing sort of side events that made major industry gatherings like you CC and things like that
So I'm really really excited to be doing this because this is the most fun and I am
absolutely determined that this is not going to be a damned professor coin, but that we
Built something that not only has gee whiz
stats and numbers
Technology but that this technology can facilitate
amazing things that will get mass adoption and
That's it's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun now that we're able to really go after that
Yeah, I'm really excited about all these developments all these ideas that you have kind of just brewing your brain Brian
Really excited to see that come to life
Really quickly just wanted to reset the room for anyone that just joined in today
We are having an AMA with Masa
L1 network that is truly decentralized
And before we kind of get more into it just wanted to say that any opinions or any statements that are
Said our opinions of the individuals and not of the company itself
But we do have of course have the Masa founders on today
So, you know Brian you were kind of mentioning right?
There were a lot of incentives that you do have with your developers as well as with your community as well
I was curious, you know with with all of this. I understand that, you know tokens are very crucial part of this
We were mentioning how
You know for Masa when you want to stay there is a low minimum requirement. So
do you mind discussing a little bit about how the token ties into the business model of
Masa and really how would you set yourself apart from your other competitors?
Yeah, I'm happy today that so yeah token is one part and
It it's really central to to make the token leave and to have project that
build on Masa and
that use the token
They use the technology more generally that can develop their own token on Masa and
We have a strategy to develop that so of course, there are always builder that come
And you'll change just because of the tech but we understand that
incentivizing builders and
More importantly, you know opinion
More than incentive incentives as Brian said we think what's important is to help builders
To bootstrap the ecosystem of Masa and
What we'd like to develop is some sort of accelerator program inside Masa labs that help bootstrap the ecosystem
We can like the idea would be to help new project that want to build on Masa with some developer time
for example with connection to funds to help them get grants to
even help them with fundings and
We believe it's like even though it's a win-win situation both for the project and the ecosystem because
It helps the project build faster because the project will be connected to
The developers that shape the technology of Masa that
build all the
tooling around Masa that know the system inside out and
It will just make project go faster develop their tech and release it for the ecosystem just
At a much more
fast pace and
that's something we started that already actually we
Started with DUSA. DUSA was actually the first project that we work
With that we help with funds that we help with some developer time. We help them
Do some administrative tasks which are very important, but as a founder you have little time to take care of
We have provided some technical guidance for the decks and for us in return
It's very helpful as well because we have been able to gather quick feedback from the DUSA team on the tooling
We know what's what are the pain points when you are developing a decentralized application on Masa
We know what we need to develop next to help builders move faster
We know what's cool as well, which is also really nice so we can
And try to focus on those good points to to make products that are better than
another chain, so
Yeah, that's the idea
Of course
We'll do be doing grants as well and we welcome anyone if you have like a project will you just want to build you?
I've already fans. They're happy to just help you if and for that
Yeah, join discord channel. We we try to help people out there that have some trouble with the tooling
what to go
Love it. Yeah, I think that all of those you know making sure that you are directly communicating with these developers is very important
Especially now that you guys are on mainnet
Just wanted to touch upon that a little bit more. How's that been so far and you know?
What are some of the other past accomplishments of Masa and essentially you know?
How do these accomplishments set your organization apart from maybe other l1s I?
Can take this one?
So basically Masa has started as an idea in about
2017 18 and it has grown for three years. We have done
Academic work essentially we have done research mathematics trying to figure out the very first consensus algorithm
that's capable of reaching thousands of transactions while staying decentralized and secure and
These was the first accomplishment to figure out such an algorithm after three years of research
We published it online people
Gathered comments on it. It was cited by about 20 other academic research papers
It was it was a tremendous success, but we didn't want to leave it there
We wanted to make something of it something concrete of it
and that's where we started implementing a testnet and
This testnet very quickly became the most decentralized network in the world with about 8,000 nodes running thousands of transactions per second
It was a huge success. So now the testnet was over and it was it did its goal
the next step was to also
implement a lot of features during the testnet and also during the next phases and
The main feature that we have implemented is the autonomous smart contract system
that's been tested for the very first time in real life and
after that
We have launched a mainnet and these mainnet is now running
We have about 6 million blocks validated already since about a bit more than two weeks
We have about about the tens of thousands of transactions confirmed
Almost 2,000 validators running it and the mainnet launch went very smoothly. So the lack of events is an event per se
So yeah, that's about the history of it and we are very excited for the next steps
Yeah, wanted to learn a little bit more about those next steps, right? I think right after
Mainnet, you know teams are typically able to like take a quick breath and put then you know
You look at the roadmap and then like Q2, right?
There's something that that you guys are planning to build on that
So I was curious as to you know, what future developments or features are you most excited about in Moss's roadmap?
Nice side I think so for the tech
we already have so many exciting feature that the the most interesting is to see them being used more in more and more projects and
different various ways
So it's not about the new features coming soon. It's it's about the new ways of using it
On yeah, that's for the tech for the
the community the ecosystem
I'm most excited about the grant program, which I will oversee with the Massa Foundation and
So anyone is is welcome anyone who's willing to to build an interesting project around Massa
They can apply and we'll be very excited to help in in any way we can
They've taken the tech side and the community side of it
Love it. I'm really excited to see what you guys are developing within your grant program
Looks like we have a little bit of time left before we open it up to questions from the community
But before I do that
Just love to ask one more question
Is there any alpha that you can share with the community today or on this on this Twitter space?
The biggest alpha is that there's going to be some huge announcements very soon
so stick to it stick to your tokens because very cool things are gonna happen very soon with very high incentives and
And very good surprises in terms of announcements. So stick to our socials
Love it very excited for for all of that coming
Thank you guys once again for taking the time at this time
I'd love to invite anyone on stage to ask the founders of Massa
any questions
so feel free to just raise your hand and
We can get started
Hey, um, can you hear hey, hello, can you hear me?
Yes, so yeah, so what is our price potential or a future roadmap?
when compared to other lay L ones like cosmos or
Angie are those things. So how are you comparing Massa with those at least let's say the last one with fire. I
Mean, so it has a different
Technology by all means till it's a layer L1. So considering Massa L1. So how can we compare?
and future roadmap with compared to the current L1s
Can I can start with this one? So thank you for the question
There's multiple ways in which Massa and Massa Roadmap will differ from other cryptos, especially L1s
Of course, we have some common things grant program
We have the technology Roadmap. We have all of this
but as the yen touched it first of all, we want to focus on the unique positioning regarding decentralization, so
We are going to push this decentralization part a lot. That's one thing
The second thing is that we are going to capitalize on the unique features of this layer one
There's many things that you can do on Massa layer one that you cannot do elsewhere. So we are going to put this forward
through our grant program like
Sebastian said through our
Projects in the future and also we are going to capitalize on our very unique academic
approach we are going to do
Innovations fundamental innovations. We are going to try to create breakthroughs just like we did for the
Autonomous smart contracts and not just use existing parts to build something
We are going to truly innovate and I want this to stay in the spirit of Massa
so in terms of roadmap concretely we are going to prioritize highly innovative projects that use the
Special features of Massa. We are going to set up a whole liquidity building program very soon stay tuned for this
That and his liquidity program is going to focus on decentralization as well. There's going to be a lot of
research involved innovation that sometimes lack in other ecosystems and
Of course, we're going to try to build the community together to bring everybody together in order to achieve great things together
because we believe that community is at the core of what Massa can do and
Community truly represents the centralization and I think Sebastian can add some things here as well
We want the community to be directly represented inside the Massa foundation. So these are a few
Particularities, but there's many and you're going to discover them very soon when we announced it
Okay, what's what's a market cap we are looking for at least going forward down the line two years or five years
Right now we are in bull run. So at least we should have some kind of idea and now every every
Everyone saying L1 even though that's not a L1 chain, but people claiming as L1 and that's going skyrocket
So considering Massa as L1 decentralized, so what's our potential?
Market cap we are looking into it
I'm not sure we can promise
any market cap here, but
The best way the best thing to do is probably to look at the market cap of the earlier ones and
Yeah, do your own research
Okay, how are we how are we going into the marketing strategy? So with tools are we have mass adoption across all socials?
Yeah, I mean we discussed all this on the call. So maybe maybe we can
Maybe I don't know if you want to listen to recording or we can just you know, go back over
how we are talking about how now we're gonna be, you know increasing our resources are in our marketing and
through us within a special element not just on a
IRL and and online the usual spaces and the involvement of
The ambassador communities, but also really focusing much harder on developer engagement
Okay, do you want to it's you want to be should we be talking about the rig the offering and everything like that
Yeah, Sasha comes as as you were alluding to earlier on with the market cap, you know, so currently
Masa is having a reg D offering on Republic
And so, you know people are able to invest in Masa through there
So all of the information I think that you have as previously would actually be in those documents
in those disclosures, so you can find that out at
Republic comm slash Masa and then I will also
The disclaimer up here at the moment as well
Thank you so much for your questions. I'm sure calm
Let's see. Next up
Moni long
Can you hear us I
Guess I didn't hear it
Anyway, thanks for thanks for hosting the Twitter spaces or X spaces. Well, however you want to call it
Congratulations to Masa labs on via mainnet and I apologize if the questions have already been answered over the call
But you know once the the current public sale on Republicans
Will there be any more public sales or would it go straight to an integrations with a DAX or sex or something like that after that?
The second question
How do you guys plan on onboarding, you know up to a hundred thousand notes as I believe that that was the other target
For me net. Thank you
Of the other public sale question
I think you should just stay tuned
To the announcement in the the next couple weeks
Then for the not run else
this is a great question and
so right now we have I think around 2,000 nodes on the network and
The the long term goal we set it to one hundred thousand
like in five or ten years
That's that's a long shot, but it's it's to to put a big objective and to
To reach something very interesting
To get there we have a lot of work to do
Bringing the community together
going to through as much places as possible and
What's helping us is also that we?
kind of forbid the
dedication and pulling because we we think this is a
centralization point
So so that's that's work to get there, but that's one of our ambition I
Would I would add just a couple more things?
To make people come to stake first of all we need to have them incentivized
They need it needs to make sense of course financially and this is something with our image make sure
Through many ways there's actually allocations for this we've seen it in the hundred k-nodes program
So there's going to be this huge allocation. That's there to expand
the the base of node runners and
Then we're also going to make it more simple technically we are going to try to
Make it just a push-button thing so anybody who has a computer can actually run a node as easily as possible
and of course
All this together with all the help of the community and documentation etc to make it as accessible as possible
We hope we can achieve it
Great really excited about all of those developments guys next up. We have one Terri's if interiors
No worries, we have one more request and then
Hey, I'm serious. Are you with us?
Hey, yeah, can you hear me?
Great talk guys and congrats on sale. My question is
With with your launch work what projects and what needs you specifically are you expecting to really be the catalyst for
The biggest wave of users that you have and if you could pitch your value proposition to them
They're in the audience on board and build and help drive for that adoption. What would the value proposition be for them?
May and I I'm not sure you like the sound quality was bad and I'm not sure I understood the questions
I'm really sorry that
No words at all fun Terri's you might ask him that again, please
What what niches do you expect as far as protocols to come aboard and really the catalyst for driving forward?
the growth and adoption on NASA and
If they were inside of the audience right now, how could you pitch your value proposition to them?
Yeah, I think and I don't I think that it's
You know as a layer one, it's it's good for anything, especially
Because of its scalability, which is more impressive than most layer twos
for many many reasons
I do think that yeah, it would be great
For I think that it really depends on which what what features of our technology
that are most
That the developers can most leverage. I think that for people that really care about
Censorship and hacking and central points, you know fail failure points
Our on-chain web is going to be fantastic for them for people that are you know
Want to do something more with NFT is autonomous smart contracts of great use cases
Which you can't do in any other way you could have decentralized games with our autonomous smart contracts
You could have autonomous platform
That can really take advantage of them
But you know as I've said early in the call and gone through it there
I think that defy is really a great place where
Our autonomous contracts can enable functionality that can has never been able to been to be done before and you can finally have
Decentralized exchanges that have all the functionality of a centralized exchange
without relying on
You know on on these central points of failure the bots are keepers
That can go down or be hacked or be manipulated and lending platforms you can do all sorts of things on there
That that you can't do anywhere else. So I think it could be the point is so that way developers of these
platforms can now do things that they couldn't do before and offer new products and that will help them compete and
Also, my mom can now
finally use web 3 in a way that she could participate and
Have things that are relevant to her and those are exactly the types of products that we want to encourage
And that's the type of ecosystem that we want that we want to have and let's not forget the financial incentive
There's going to be grants
The fees are close to zero or even zero right now
The scalability is very high
you can play it with a lot of things and development costs are very low because the
Programming language is essentially typescript which all web developers know already
So that's the factor in as well
Thank You Vontarius for your question
Looks like we have one more request and then we will probably end it on that note
But last but not least we have Tommy. Hey, Tom
Can you hear me properly? Yep
Thank you. First of all for taking the time to answer community equation
I believe these these days are quite busy for you. So thank you very much
so the first question that I have is about these autonomous smart contract and
When can we expect them to be free operational or implemented on the main net?
Well, you gotta have a good surprise. It's already there
They're running right now and there's even some games already using them
So you can already play with them
Okay, great. Thank you for the answer
And then I have also a question on the next steps about interacting with other blockchains
right because one of the big advantage with these autonomous smart contract would be to
Interact with EVM for example or other ones
Yes, for this we are currently
establishing a lot of bridges
Especially with the EVM ecosystems. So there's going to be announcements very soon and actually just to timely spoil it
There's also going to be a liquidity incentives to use these bridges
we also we also officially collaborating with
hyperlane and
There's going to be also other projects for interchain message passing
So all of these are axes of work that we are on right now and there's going to be announcements very soon on this
Okay, sounds super good. Thank you very much
So last question that I would like to ask because we are talking about bridges, right and talking about failure points
I think bridges are quite interesting to mention
The overhaul on the project. What do you think will be the most dangerous or
A probable failure point in the massa project the one that you are looking to avoid let's say
Let's say that all the ones that we could have been pointed we have tried to make as solid as possible
For the blockchain itself. We got it audited
For and we actually used very strict development procedures for it. Actually I got inspired from the banking sector for this
The apps on the blockchain. Well, there there's no secrets
We need to thoroughly evaluate them. We need to make them as simple as possible follow standard procedures
Test them thoroughly. So we have a special system for test suits on on our smart contracts to ensure that
They're heavily covered
and of course we need
Resilience plans. So in case something fails, we need to be able to respond quickly and these plans and procedures are being set up right now
everything is always
Exposed because anybody can attack it
that being said
Every single point of failure that we have imagined we have heavily fortified
from there on
We can just be proactive and reactive as well in case of problem
Okay. Thank you very much for your answer
Thank you everyone once again
For taking the time just wanted to remind everyone
That you know anything that is said in this conversation is of the opinions of the individuals
and not of the companies
And once again, I just wanted to thank the masa team for taking the time out of their day, especially after they just
Long time made that um working really hard to really sit down with our community both of our communities
Um to learn a little bit more about what you guys are building
And yeah, thank you so much. Everyone. Hope you have a great day
Thank you. Thank you