Hello everybody, welcome to the AMA spaces with Garda Wallet. We're just going to get everything set up and everything sorted out. All the relevant people on stage
ready to talk and then we'll be good to go at about five past the hour. So give us five minutes just to get sorted out, get the house keeping right and then we'll kick off properly in about five minutes.
Yeah, hello GM GM everyone can you hear me properly? Loud and clear plaras no problems at all. Perfect. Welcome everyone and yeah, let's just give it a couple more minutes.
Lots of people are already asking to get up on the stage. We will be opening up for questions later on. So keep those requests to speak up there and I will get you later on. I was with covered a few things in
you can join in and ask some questions of Garda and get involved in the conversation. So thank you for your enthusiasm to ask questions already. Do leave those approval requests up and I will get to them eventually. - Hi Jeff, Hi Polaris, how are you?
Hey, that's good. We can hear you loud and clear, nice and solid connection. So that's what we like. - Okay, okay. There's any background noise. Please ignore it.
Hey God, welcome to the stage and yeah looking forward to hearing from you and to the community please if you like you know if you don't want to come on stage and ask questions you can always
like type in as well and then what we'll do is we'll just retrait whatever you've said and ask God in that context. So yeah I mean we will open up the stage for everyone else as well to speak at some point.
Perfect. Hi, Polaris. Thank you for having me.
So just to bring everybody up to speed, anybody just joining the spaces, we're joining today for an AMA with Garda. David's been good enough to join us on behalf of Garda to talk about all things Garda and what they offer and how people can benefit from that.
Give us just two more minutes to get everybody in, get everybody set up, everybody feeling comfortable and then we can kick off with the AMA, really looking forward to chatting. So just be a little patient with us and we'll get started in the next minute or so.
Just let you know how the AMA is going to go. We had a tweet out a couple of days ago announcing the AMA invited people to ask questions and underneath that tweet. Five questions being selected. We'll be asking those later on of Garda. And then we'll be taking five questions that we'll get
rewards in the terms of ONT to be asked live in this space as well. And so there'll be 10 questions in total. Not sure how we're going to go for time, but I'm not sure what else is out there, but we may add some extra discussion as well depending on time. But certainly those 10 questions. It's 5 passes
The hour I said we'd get started, so it's my pleasure to introduce David from Garda, who's going to be talking to us about what Garda do. David, I'd really like to invite you, first and foremost, introduce yourself to everybody and introduce Garda as a project. What is Garda? What do Garda do?
Thank you, Jeff. Yeah, hi everyone. I'm David the marketing guy at Garda. So to answer your question, Garda is the non-custodial wallet. It's feature packed and you should definitely check out all the features that we offer, including but not limited to
staking and I should mention that the anthology options are pretty great. Again, not financial advice, but that's just something I wanted to mention besides everything else. Yeah, Alty and Pin on that as well David actually one of the things I actually really love about the God of
wallet. So I operate and node myself on the ontology network and one of the things that really impressed me about the Gada wallet is that actually you've run a very fair system of rewards, you distribute your rewards just like any node provider does, actually better than a lot of other node providers do.