AMA: The Evolution of Games on Tezos

Recorded: Aug. 30, 2022 Duration: 1:31:52



and we will get this thing going. Twitter space is crazy, but I'm excited. This will be a good
This will be a good discussion all on Tezos Gaming with the guys from Blue Meta, Blue Meta and GIF games and stuff should be great. Let me tell everybody that we're live now for the Twitter space.
I'm excited. We're gonna hear about the future of Tezotopia as well as some of the broader blockchain gaming stuff. I don't know, like kind of where Tezot's fits into the overall blockchain gaming thing. I mean, you know, how does Tezot's rise to the top? You know, that's basically
That's basically the question of the space. Tezos fit into blockchain gaming and how does it rise at the top? I am pinging our discord and tagging the Twitter. Cryptstar, welcome in.
I'm just afraid to do anything. I might just use Discord honestly. I'm afraid to, here I'll like Crypt come on up.
I'm afraid to do anything because I don't want Twitter to crash on my phone.
What's good man, how's it going?
tough to put up consistent growth during the bear market talking about blockchain, I feel like even if the content's amazing. Yeah, it's been tough, but it's a lot of good time. It's a good time to learn about how to make
videos and stuff and try and make connections. I was thinking about doing some more stuff with you guys and as well as trying to do an artist spotlight.
I was just working down like gear upgraded a bit. I like things more stable. But yeah, really excited. Yeah, I don't have more games that says those. But we're more people to test those through gaming. We should we should hook up for a podcast episode. I've been trying to get this podcast thing started. So, you know, we can talk off off the record.
but that might be something. I just think, you know, your videos, like when I've been doing research on games and tezos, like with nights of tezonia, your video was what I needed. Like I know there's different videos, sometimes there's views, there are little sicious videos, have so many views. But I don't care.
I don't care what the number says, the video in your channel is the one that I actually needed to like watch because that was like you played the game, you showed off what was going on, you talked about it, like I just like how it's an actual look at the actual things. I don't really have to trust your word. I'm more getting your commentary. I just, I like how transparent it is, you know?
Oh yeah, yeah, like does not like some It's not just some hype or whatever it's actually me talking about what's going on Like I yeah, I feel like a hundred you have more than 100 views by feel like even just a hundred views on a video that's like Saying something legit and it's not don't get me wrong. I enjoy hype and it's a good skill to drum up high
I just feel like hype is one piece and then another piece is like actual good info, you know? Yeah, so I've always thought like your channel's kind of a bit of place where I can get that especially for Teso's and like smaller projects and Harmony I shouldn't I know people on Teso's are like boo Harmony, you know, but it's whatever projects are covered and I appreciate that
But yeah, man, we should talk again soon. I'm probably gonna, if it's cool with you, Crypt, I'm probably gonna send you back to listen or land so I can get into the scheduled stuff. I just, since you requested it, I wanted to say hi. - Fun fact, Mac was the first person to buy a tezato via NFT.
Wow. Wow. History. Mac is history. He hung. I still have, I still have a Tesla top number two. There you go. Never sold it. Oh man.
Yeah, though, that's that's what I'm I do I knew it you're that kind of dude. I'm out of no I don't know this guy at all But I just feel like because I'm that kind of guy I got a I got a drop in a game I won't even say the game So it doesn't sound like I'm shilling but I got a drop that was one of the rarest items in this game in a blockchain game I#
thing. I'm like, oh, you thought I was going to sell? I thought we were diamond hands up in here. So like you saying you still have Tesla top number two? I just I totally get like that's like that's that's all you got to say. You know what I mean? Most people if they have number two that are selling it at some point once the numbers start looking good. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I mean I'm still stoked to see what happens with the tez tobs. There's still a lot more in the pipeline coming, but I mean I knew that it's gonna take a long time to get this game going. It's the first of its kind and you know, it's not easy to ask so. How's it going, Wilk? Yep.
Good. I'm gonna send Mac back to listen or land low key. Thank you so much. Dude, it was great to talk to you. Let's talk again soon. Will, what's good man? How you doing? I'm good. We can definitely bring them back towards the end of this just for like the AMA stuff, but it's going good doing balancing
stuff. You know, a lot of balancing. Dealing with software, learning different ways that Tezos can integrate with us and understanding how to fully use all the different tech that's out there. But yeah, it's a grind.
You guys are just working every single day. I see it in the background all the chats all the channels. We are and we're also hiring a couple people. So if anyone knows any full stack developers or people who developed some of our contracts on on Tezos definitely hit us up because

FAQ on AMA: The Evolution of Games on Tezos | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The topic of the podcast recording is Tezos gaming and its future.
Who are the guests on the podcast?
The guests on the podcast are the guys from Blue Meta and GIF games.
What is the main question of the Twitter space discussed in the podcast?
The main question of the Twitter space discussed in the podcast is how Tezos fits into the overall blockchain gaming ecosystem and how it can rise to the top.
What platform is the podcast recording being streamed on?
The podcast recording is being streamed on Twitter Space.
What kind of content has been tough to put up during the bear market?
Blockchain content has been tough to put up during the bear market.
What is the purpose of the Tezos gaming podcast?
The purpose of the Tezos gaming podcast is to discuss the future of Tezos gaming and the broader blockchain gaming industry.
What does the host admire about the guest's channel?
The host admires how transparent the guest's channel is and how it provides actual good info about Tezos gaming.
What is special about the NFT Mac bought in the blockchain game?
Mac bought the first Tezato via NFT in the blockchain game.
What does Wilk do for the Tezos gaming development team?
Wilk does balancing work and deals with software for the Tezos gaming development team.
What is the Tezos gaming team in need of, according to Wilk?
According to Wilk, the Tezos gaming team is in need of full stack developers or people who developed some of their contracts on Tezos.