AMA - Utilities Platform On Aurora - Prize Pool 1000 $AURORA

Recorded: April 22, 2023 Duration: 0:12:09



All right, welcome everyone. All right guys, welcome DM, Somia, Big Bands, India car, AirDrop, Krishna, Exodus, NHD, Missim, Hello, Lucky J, Crypto, Kim and
Asa Iad.b. Can't read that language. Anixia. Seizi-Bost. Hamidia. Oxmish. Hardhard. Artcoin. Blu-Bufobia. The
Welcome to moon. Welcome big. Welcome. How's E. L. Welcome Kim Shia. Welcome Theresa. Welcome Frog. Welcome. Naz. Welcome Gone. Welcome Zeus. Welcome Irwinck. Welcome Sammy. Welcome everyone.
We have a very exciting A-Mayor Day guys. I want to thank everyone for being here. Now we're going to be getting started in just four minutes.

FAQ on AMA - Utilities Platform On Aurora - Prize Pool 1000 $AURORA | Twitter Space Recording

Who are some of the people welcomed in the podcast recording?
Some of the people welcomed are DM, Somia, Big Bands, India Car, Airdrop, Krishna, Exodus, NHD, Missim, Hello, Lucky J, Crypto, Kim, Asa IAD.B, Anixia, Seizi-bost, Hamidia, Oxmish, Hardhard, Artcoin, Blu-bufobia, The Welcome to Moon, Big, E.L, Theresa, Frog, Naz, Zeus, Irwinck, and Sammy.
What was the host's message for the attendees?
The host thanked everyone for being present and welcomed them to a very exciting a-mayor day.
When does the recording start?
The recording starts in four minutes from when the host was speaking.
Is it mentioned what kind of podcast is being recorded?
No, it is not mentioned what kind of podcast is being recorded.
How many people are welcomed in total?
There are 29 people welcomed in total.
What is the name of the person who cannot be read because of their language?
The name of the person who cannot be read because of their language is Asa IAD.B.
Do we know what the podcast will be about?
No, the topic of the podcast is not disclosed.
What is the host's tone towards the attendees?
The host's tone is welcoming and appreciative.
Is any specific person given extra attention or recognition?
No, the host does not give any specific person extra attention or recognition.
What is the attitude towards the upcoming recording in the podcast?
The upcoming recording is anticipated with excitement and enthusiasm.