AMA w/ Phillip from SEI๐ŸŽ™

Recorded: Feb. 12, 2024 Duration: 1:20:28



okay, take it away, Andrรฉ.
Thanks, Glenn. I appreciate it.
Please share this space. We'll be starting about five minutes. I just texted Philip
We'll see when he joins. We can definitely kick this off. There we go. Here he comes
The crowd is rolling in and Glenn you guys can hear me. Okay, cuz you're you are in my air pods
Yeah, yep, good fruit, right?
Fill up GM GM
GM GM, how's it going? I'm doing well you I'm doing pretty good. He's been a busy morning, but you know Monday morning
Awesome Philip. What time zone are you currently?
Located in
I'm in the Eastern time zone right now
Okay. Yeah, I'm also in Eastern as well. So I live in Toronto. So I am as really as it gets here
Awesome stuff Matt. Good morning, sir
Good morning. Good morning. How's everyone doing?
Well another guy who's also in the Eastern time zone. Let me bring up Bruno here
Wait a second guys, please share out the space. We'll be starting, you know momentarily
so before we kind of die into what you dive into what you guys are doing and kind of I'll ask the
You know the obvious elephant in the room question is, you know, obviously after later on how did this happen?
And you know you guys right now from a social standpoint from a social proof standpoint in my opinion are absolutely everywhere
I was talking about this but I can't remember who it was a couple days ago
I said that we knew about you and your team probably about a year ago
But it seems that the macro has figured out what the micro is known for the past 12 months
But so it's really good to start
It's really good to actually see people kind of catching on to teams doing real things with real products
Which is which is great because usually a lot of is just kind of you know garbage and it's at its vaporware
But we'll definitely dive into that as well. Ruto. Good morning
Good morning, everyone
Happy Monday, happy
Lunar New Year for anyone who is celebrating it. I appreciate you having me up here many
I'm excited to dive into everything say with Philip man. It's a pleasure to meet you, too
Thanks, Ruto appreciate you Philip, so let's let's kind of unpack this from the start from the jump, right?
How did you find your way personally into crypto?
And how did you find your way in to say and I will say this on a brand standpoint
I really do like as kind of a a fun little thing where you guys are calling yourself the Saiyans
I the Saiyans Saiyans. I think that's super super clever for branding and I think it's it's it's something that will probably see compound
over the next you know, six months six years
Whatever that time zone is whatever that time bracket is
You know the the compounding of the brand and I think that's going to be powerful
But yeah, how did you kind of start in this space? How'd you find a way into the Saiyans say all that good stuff?
Yeah, definitely
Appreciate that intro. It's great to hear people kind of resonating with the community and all the stuff that we got going on
Yeah, quick background myself. I've been a growth lead for
Different kind of like what 3d5 protocols for pretty much like the past four years now
Started off my career joining a founding team on so long. I was building crushing infrastructure
I kind of was introduced to like defy and
like web 3 builders
Through the Solana ecosystem. I attended like the first
Breakpoint event that happened in Lisbon and I really went like with the intention
I wasn't enjoying like my financial consulting job that I that I was in and I wanted to just go and meet people that are actually
building stuff on across like the find and different ecosystems and
You know going to break point was a very like eye-opening
Kind of realization that there was actually a lot of like businesses being formed and a lot of opportunities not just to be like a spectator
But also it's like, you know jump in and join some of these kind of like early stage
Ecosystem projects and that's like kind of exactly what I did. I ended up like meeting
The founder of a cross chain bridge. I was building a top of wormhole
I was just super interested in what they were building and ended up getting a job. There is like a one-man marketing team
and we built like throughout
kind of like a lot of the excitement that was from Solana summer and
Pretty much up until like the FTX collapse. I was at that team and then after that experience
I went on to join trader Joe the leading decks on avalanche and you know at the time they were on
just supporting avalanche and I was brought on to help kind of execute the
Go to market strategies for the multi chain expansion efforts of the decks
So I really kind of focused on a lot of like the cross chain
go to market strategies that I had built working for a cross chain bridge and brought them to
Trader Joe and to help execute a lot of the strategies that they already had deploying
the decks on arbitrary and BMP chain from a marketing perspective and
then in April of last year, I
was kind of introduced to the co-founder of say labs and
me and him kind of just hit it off talking a lot about
kind of where we see the space of all being and his vision and kind of
Like Genesis story of how say got created in the first place and it really designated with me
So I joined you know, I ended up deciding to lead trader Joe and joining
Say during that time and it was a pivotal time really like it was a few months before mainnet launch
so it was really prepping to
You know execute our mainnet launch and bring kind of a lot of the things that we had been working on to market and you
Know that's kind of where I've been today. Just really focusing on
Supporting ecosystem participants is really what I kind of spent a lot of my time on ensuring that everyone has all of the adequate like
resources and support that they may need to like
At first it was like establishing the framework for all these different ecosystems on say whether it be like defy NFT is gaming
For them to thrive and now we're really honing in on save you to
For a very kind of exciting, you know first major upgrade to the network, which is coming very soon
So that's kind of what I'm thinking about now
Definitely awesome start to the space. I do want to ask you a question up from Philip. I then Rudolph toss it over to him
So Philip
Obviously your day-to-day must be super packed super, you know jam-packed with stuff. You have to do meetings strategy operations on stuff
So I'll say this we do appreciate you stopping by with us here today. But what is your what is your day-to-day?
Conversations look like Philip from up from kind of a I guess outside looking in perspective
Which we you know, which we have from how do you contribute?
You know your your day-to-day
It's the overall growth of say and ensure that the things you guys are putting in place, you know
Actually happens over a set period of time
Yeah, definitely, I think kind of my roles and
Responsibilities have evolved a bit as like we continue to grow now. I'm taking a little bit more of kind of like a managerial
Type of role where I'm ensuring that like all of our work streams within like the say labs team and unlike the marketing and growth
Front are set to kind of both
I capitalize on a lot of the exciting stuff happening within the ecosystem and then just continuing to drive the growth of the ecosystem
Like for the past few months, it's really been focusing on save II which is like again like the first major upgrade
I'm sure we'll get into it
but it's um, you know say will become the first paralyzed EVM and with that kind of a lot of different initiatives and
strategies we're putting in place from a marketing and growth perspective to
Ensure that everyone's aware of what's going on and they kind of understand, you know
What's the reasoning behind launching save II and where positions say moving forward?
But yeah, it also is just like hopping on like I
During the early days where we kind of had an even smaller team than we have now
Even though our team is still quite small
I was just like hopping on the phone with like all of the different founders of both like NFT projects ecosystem projects
I was trying to support the marketing teams there just cuz like
Having been having the experience of working
at an early stage
Like I have that experience of working on an early stage project and I kind of understand
the impact and
Value that can be derived from like a labs and foundation team taking the role as an active publisher
So that's like a lot of what we try to do at say labs is like leverage our past experience is working across all the different
Leading ecosystems and working apart, you know as members of small
early stage ecosystem projects and
Implementing a lot of the learnings to kind of accelerate the growth of our different ecosystem projects ensuring that you know
Maybe they need to be connected to other people within the ecosystem
Kind of like just further empowering a lot of the stuff that they're working on with saying it's really about like growing the pie
Together and I think that's what we've seen
Throughout you know, the whole the whole lifespan of say has been the the ecosystem
You know figuring out what's needed and going out and building it themselves. Like I always love the
The saying that like a say eco ships because like, you know, a lot of people there's there's a lot that can be said
But you know actions always speak louder than words
So it's always great to see different projects taking it upon themselves to build on very useful
tools for the the entire ecosystem
Great response Ruto over to you
Yeah, and I think you you actually touched on a lot of the different things that I was about to ask you
Which is like, you know pre-mainnet launches. It really is about
Trying to give you know devs or builders kind of that white glove, you know customer service, I guess you can call it
In your mind when it comes to you know, either pre-mainnet launches or even moving into a v2
How do you what's your funnel look like when it comes to like prioritizing like which conversations you want to be having?
You know first because obviously there's gonna be low-hanging fruit
There's gonna be you know conversations that might yield a little bit more like ROI
But like what is your what are your metrics and like criteria in?
Identifying like which builders you really really want to emphasize on in like kind of these early stages
Yeah, you bring up a really good point there
I think it's kind of like a slept-on realization that a lot of people um kind of are slow to pick up on but ruthless
Prioritization is like one of the leading indicators towards like any
Crypto company or web through company success. There's so much happening within the space a lot of kind of noise distractions
but also just a lot of different initiatives that
Different types of products can work on so like ruthless prioritization is like super important
Especially for a layer one because like the surface area of different stakeholders and different initiatives is like probably the widest set
But it isn't like across the entire web 3 space. So yeah
I mean, it's something that we do across all the different work streams at say labs and like for the foundation
I'm sure as well is like thinking about okay, you know, we have limited resources and we saw like, you know quite
Times of the essence with a small team. We need to ensure that we're allocating resources to kind of the most sustainable
Initiatives and when I say sustainable
I just think it's important to know like we did learn a lot of lessons from other layer one or layer two ecosystems
that might go out and you know push out a lot of grants or
Other certain initiatives that at times can lead to kind of short-term bumps in different metrics and activity
But it doesn't lead to a sustainably
kind of you know
Ecosystem that can sustain the growth that has and I think if you're thinking in the long term and if you look across like all
The leading layer one ecosystems that really position themselves as like leaders within the space
The one thing that they have in common is kind of a sustainable growth
Growth that's really kind of built from the community up and it's built
Just by recognizing what the ecosystem needs versus like doing so because you're you know
You have a grant payment that you're you're seeking out for
But it's tough and even on the developer side. I know it's like one thing
It's like, you know
there's a lot of different things that we wanted to on push for for the first like major upgrade to the network and having to
prioritize like certain initiatives were
extremely important and I you know, I think we made the right decisions and we'll continue to
Gather feedback is always something that's like super helpful on the developer side and on the growth side
like you know bunch of people are reaching out our DMS are flooded with inbound and it's just really kind of trying to
Quickly assess what's their kind of long-term commitments to the ecosystem anytime I hear a project
that's like not just saying what they want to do to support the ecosystem and the
Participants within that ecosystem but also like showing us like hey
We're actually working on this like verification tooling or like, you know
Any anything like that where they're like already putting kind of their foot feet in front of them and are starting to build stuff
like that's a huge green flag and we used like, you know, we we usually like pick up on that and then
Double down on those projects and individuals within the ecosystem. It really applies to all the different stakeholders
Even like community members and ambassadors. It's it's a similar process as well
Yeah, I appreciate that was a honestly really really great answer
You pretty much nailed everything. I had a question on it. It's funny cuz community building
I think especially for you know, new Elwans or even L2s coming out is so incredibly powerful and and honestly
I haven't seen like a new
chain even pre pre mainnet
Come out with kind of like the strength of community that say has come out with recently
I mean it literally flooded like the timeline like if we look back even like a year ago
Where there was this narrative of like, you know chain maxis or whatever you want to call it where some consumers are
Users were a little bit, you know pessimistic about hopping into another chains ecosystem now these days
It's such an it's like an obvious thing where we don't even talk about like quote-unquote chain maxis
For example, I think people are just dabbling into a lot of different things right now
And I think you guys came out at the perfect time where you were able to like capitalize on that
So people were far more open to this idea of like, oh say it's coming out
Like this seems like a really cool and interesting thing
Like let's check out these communities and I think that growth has been pretty apparent just because of a lot of that new narratives
That we've seen the last year. So just congrats on that man, seriously
Oh, no, really appreciate that goes a long way. And yeah, I mean a hundred percent
I completely agree with you like every
Thing that the success is really due to to the community like everything comes down to the community and we wouldn't be here
Today if it wasn't for the community like a lot of the kind of different initiatives and stuff
We're all spurred by the community even like you mentioned at the beginning
They call like this insane
It's like like the lives team didn't create that like we just kind of realized and it reminds me of a lot of similar stories
Like before when I was on operating and when I was working in that Solana ecosystem
Like I'm still like a huge like mad lads kind of guy and like the wild was like kind of a perfect
analogy like someone said it in the community and then everyone just like hopped on it and like that small spark turned into like a
huge fire where everyone's just started going Wow Wow Wow and that's pretty similar to what happened with the Saiyans honestly when I look back a
Few people have asked me about it
So I'd like took time to reflect I'm like, oh like how did that even start and we just realized there's like a few members of
The community just started saying like like all like say is going super saiyan and then I was just like looking at my feet
I'm like, oh like this is amazing. Like we need to like pour fuel on this fire
We need to like connect with the community members
we need to start thinking about different kind of fun community events and initiatives that we can orient around this and it's really just been like
Huge at compounding growth in terms of like the excitement around the community
And you know, it's the thing that kind of pumps me up every day
It's just to see like the organic kind of grassroots development happening across the different ecosystems we have
Very well stated Matt your hands up over to you
Yeah, I mean, you know some of these guys that know me
I'm a big growth guy
IRL and in web 3 kind of kind of enjoy
You do some of this strategy that goes along with it
I think you guys have obviously seen some some increasing growth like I I personally get
Messages all the time like why aren't you guys going to say like it just makes sense go to say go to say go to say
Which is you know, obviously speaks true to how you guys are doing things from that grassroots perspective
My biggest question and obviously, you know
The elephant in the room is how do you sustain that growth and how do you continue like pushing, you know
The brand forward to because you know, we're in it. We're in an attention economy, right?
So so there's there's ebbs and there's flows of course naturally
but like how do you make sure that you continually pop up on everyone's timeline consistently because
Saiyans was great
But like what's your next few steps forward that you're looking for to to reintroduce that that push and that narrative on the timeline?
So if we can put Matt's great question
But if we can actually take a step back from what Matt said and add the first portion of this of like the first leg
Up and then the sustained growth. I think that'd be awesome
Like just from a perspective of like, you know
Many people are many chains, you know products are now dropping tokens releasing tokens
Because it is a way to kind of I said this this morning like the token era of like airdropper
Releasing a token whatever it is
I see it as somewhat of a you know solving a cold start problem in the in the startup world
Well, many of these, you know startups outside of our industry failed to get users to be interested
It's kind of killing two birds with one stone
Which is the awareness factor a top funnel and it's also kind of solving, you know
Sometimes a quote-unquote liquidity, you know event which which also could be very beneficial depending on how it's done
But if we can kind of take a step back and start from what was the first leg up at you know
It's say from what you saw from being there and then obviously how that how that's scaled using, you know
XYZ different strategies and then to what Matt's great question was which is the sustained growth of that and obviously to where you are now a
lot to impact there obviously
Yeah, definitely, um
Kind of when thinking about it
Like I'd like maybe to refer to like a more like the marketing funnel where you think about like first like just getting people aware
About what you're building and kind of the implications of it
So like I think that was like at the beginning like once our mainnet launched
But the network from a performance standpoint was performing very well
but like, you know just because the network's performing well doesn't mean like people are gonna
Be aware of it at all or be excited. So that was like the first hurdle which is like kind of like the zero to one
It's like, okay, like how do we get?
You know, how do we get people to start realizing some of the stuff we're building even though it's still and like, you know
In the early days, I think like what happens is like once you start to get people to recognize like the network performance
And then you kind of spur this like a virtuous cycle where you know people are realizing it. They're getting excited
They're starting to build stuff that attracts more people to realize what the networks about and then it just takes off from there
So that initial push is definitely something. Um, that's like difficult getting from that zero to one ensuring that
You know, you have all of the right content to really like
Explaining your value prop and like your networks capabilities in a digestible way, you know, like people's attention spans are very small
There's a lot of kind of competing narratives and competing
Projects trying to capture the attention of people on crypto Twitter. So that's like the first step
It's like, okay, we need to get in front of people
yes, like uh, you know a mainnet launch with a token is usually like a main kind of channel that people use to get
You know the first kind of initial traction, but that kind of dies pretty quickly once the airdrop is done
You know, it's like, okay
What's next and and then like it's really about thinking like, okay
Like let's start to empower these very early like, um on the NFT front
We had like palette and this one NFT project colony, which are like pretty much the only things
like tradeable on saying the NFT eco and
You know, we always had the assumption that more
Projects would come but we knew we had to kind of um, give like that give the ecosystem a little push
It's like a snowball you give it a little push and then it starts rolling slowly and slowly and then as it gets bigger
It just like continues to to speed up. So that was the first part was just like getting people aware
Um, and then I think like the next phase of our growth was really um thinking about like, okay
Like we have some initial community members. We have some initial ecosystem projects
Like how can we work with them to grow different sub segments?
um, so like on the community front we really leaned into our
ambassadors and like the most loyal and kind of like
Um, you know people that were really there for the long term
The the airdrop actually allows you to weave out a lot of the people that are kind of like inorganically interested in what you're building
because after the airdrop
Um is distributed like you know
Who's left are the people that are actually caring about the ecosystem and the different projects building within the ecosystem?
So the identification this goes into the prioritization thing that I was talking about before as well
like identifying those strong community members or those strong ecosystem projects and then like
ruthlessly prioritizing supporting them is something that's super helpful and it's challenging at times especially in the early days because like
You know, you're still not very like none of these ecosystem projects have really proven themselves
Like they still are mainly kind of like just recently launched
So really trying to kind of identify those strong members
And then you know as we've started to get more hyping excitement, you know, leveraging that hyping excitement is super important
Um, jeff actually jeff our co-founder had a very interesting kind of thought about this when I first was chatting with him
Before joining say and he's like when you look across all the beating of the leading
Layer one and layer two solutions
They each have had kind of like one killer dap or one killer use case
That has gotten them from zero to one where it's like, oh like, you know
This is an exciting kind of use case on this chain
But what differentiates the ones that are being successful and are like the leading
Ecosystems today are the ones that are able to retain that entry that excitement and interest and further drive it into different things
Um, so that's kind of where we've been focused now
It's like, okay
Like maybe some people aren't interested in training nfts on say like, you know, where can we take this?
How can we continue to build out the ecosystem?
Maybe it looks like you know bringing in new tooling and like kind of some of the table stake stuff that exists across the top three
Nft ecosystems for example and starting to build them across the you know
Whether it be a say native team or an external team that wants to come in and start, you know
Supporting and building for the ecosystem and again now it's like what's next?
It's like the v2 is like a huge kind of like focus for us
Um, so it's like, okay, like, you know mainnet launch when successful v1 really proved its
Proved itself in terms of like network capabilities and like, you know
The community is really starting to kind of latch on to different projects and different stuff happening within the ecosystem
Um v2 really focuses on uh, you know
Taking the proven advantages of both like the network and some of the stuff happening within the ecosystem
And now making them accessible to a wider range of developers and then hopefully as well like different user bases
Yeah, that's very interesting like I mean the combination of movement is really I think it's pivotal, right?
But then like keeping that content mindset is the next biggest thing whenever you look at growth in any in any
industry, right like after it's all said and done
And i'm going to try and run this while we get Andrew back up here for just a second. But like
Philip, I mean
When you've obviously done a little bit of homework from a growth perspective, otherwise you wouldn't be where you are, right?
What would you say like was one of those pivotal moments and change where you've seen that switch where you're like, okay
This is how I can think creatively. This is how I can apply these concepts
This is how I you know adjust from from you know
Whatever previous experiences to now like where where would you where would you say like one of those bigger defining moments was through your career?
Yeah, honestly, you know in the space that we like operate in today, um, like it's so kind of small still
That I think it's like an advantage in the sense that you're actually have like a lot of visibility
Into different strategies that are being deployed by like a lot of leaders within the space
And given kind of like the transparent and like the centralized nature of what we do
um, you know just serving as a community member for some of these leading ecosystems or
Projects can actually be very kind of insightful in how you learn from them
um, you know, i've also had kind of like the honor of working at a
At a team like uh trader joe who's like, you know has some of the strongest marketing and branding
Also was like a part of you know building on salona during kind of the most exciting days
So just like keeping an eye out on you know projects that i'm interested in
um projects that I use um in thinking about, you know, what are some of the kind of like unique and
Exciting pro tactics that they've deployed and then kind of trying to do like a little case study in your head
Of like, oh like, you know, this definitely worked. Um, why did it work?
Um, you know an example that comes to mind is like tensor on salona like, um, it's been one of the most like impressive kind of like
Uh deployments and growth within an ecosystem in terms of like market share and then like really trying to dissect like, okay
Like, you know
What were some of the things they took advantages of like how did they position themselves within the market to grow at such a pivotal time?
And then trying to like take different kind of tactics that were deployed and like reverse engineering them to think about okay
You know, how can I apply this to say or maybe even on the other end of the spectrum, you know
I've been a part of some um ecosystems where like I haven't been too happy with how like the
Foundation or labs team was operating and i'm like, hmm
Like maybe if they just like, you know supported more of their projects in this way
They could actually see um, you know a lot more results on a certain initiative or certain ecosystem
And then, you know learning from other people's mistakes has always been something that i've tried to do
It kind of reminds me like I have an older brother who I always try to like
Um learn what not to do from him and then in a void like in in high school
That was always something that um actually helped me a lot
Um, it made like uh, it's kind of like working smarter and not harder is really kind of trying to like optimize some of the decisions
Based off like the um access to information that you have from people that are in a position where you want to be as well
Like having mentors is super helpful
Yeah, I mean andrew and rudo know that i'm like uber uber passionate about learning from other people's mistakes to expedite your learning process
from an experience standpoint, right like so just hearing you say that uh instills quite a bit of
trust from my perspective because not a lot of people know that right and I think I think that just it's
To be frank like I just feel like that's a that's a speak
To people that have experience and have been able to see and learn the hard way first and then understand
Well, I can go and I can watch these teams and sit by the sidelines and you know
Kind of understand the playbook. So, um, I love the fact that you're doing that it's
It's such an easy way to learn right after it's all said and done andro pass over to you
Thanks, matt. Yeah, I definitely got rugged here, but I but I am back
Apewood welcome on stage. If you have any questions, if not, i'll take the next one
What's up, andrew and uh, I want to shout out rudo on stage too. Good to see rudo here and um, yeah philip my guy
Um, I mean i've been in say since I just came up. Um been a fan of the say team since
Around november when I really dove in
I was you know, i'm a big e-fan big fan of salana too
but um, there's always like the i'm always reminded of the gcr thesis thesis of
How new coins tend to outperform in cycles just because there's no bag holders
And when you're forging a bear you're kind of like built different
Um, I think that philip's hoodie cappy kind of speaks to that like built different forging a bear
Um, but no, I don't really have any questions for philip. I just wanted to echo
The fact that you know i've interacted with their team
Interacted with a lot of members of their community and they checked the box for me as far as genuine organic engagement
I think a lot of times
um, you know things can feel really superficial in this space and um,
You know philip on the team and then j and jeff both
Both the co-founders have been incredible and anecdotally
um one of my
Closest friends from carnegie melon who was probably the smartest guy i've ever no he's not into crypto
But he's just a really smart guy computer science
He knew j jog from high school and I asked him and he said that j jog was the smartest guy he's ever
Connected with the smartest guy he's ever met. And so that was basically like a selling point for me
Um, they have a really strong narrative first paralyzed evm with savy too
um, I think that people look at the chain right now and obviously see low tvl but that's just because
Like they haven't deployed any of the liquidity effects haven't deployed any of
Kind of their reserve capital that i imagine is going to be coming with savy too
And all these dApps haven't launched yet because when you think about savy2 coming
Why would a dApp launch?
If they have the code in rust first versus just relaunch with solidity when savy2 is coming
Presumably shortly. So I think that savy2 is going to be a floodgate type of effect opening for
Say liquidity and I think that philip deserves a lot of flowers for the work that he's done to cultivate a
Organic kind of strong grassroots community upfront people right now kind of just think that it's a just an nft chain
Um, but I think that the strong cultivated base will serve dividends on the line for say
Yeah, I really appreciate that it would um, I mean like it would kind of
Like represents some of the things that I was talking to before between like people going out and kind of realizing some of this stuff
Happening within the networking ecosystem and then you know finding their
Their position and their opportunities within the ecosystem to grow with the ecosystem
That's a lot of what i've like kind of focused on
Um with like working with different community members kol's like community leaders and thinking about like hey
Like I think there's actually a pretty exciting opportunity to get involved here
And like i'm more than happy to kind of support you and the you know
Point of contact when it comes to the say eco and that really applies to anyone that's interested in getting more involved in the ecosystem
Like, you know, feel free to dm me. I'm happy to connect
Any different ecosystem participants with one another or just like support different um kind of initiatives. I know like amplifying
Certain kind of like posts and developments can go a long way
So that's really what I try to do is like just serve as a megaphone for all the amazing people
Within our ecosystem like april and the like a lot of different individuals. I see a lot of familiar names within the space
within this twitter space
Philip quick question for you able to appreciate that that that wealth of knowledge as well
Philip do you guys think where you're currently at now and not to get super complacent you guys and you your team
Are at a point where people are going to be, you know, deploying their thing their product their dap on your chain
So it seems to be a decision that is almost I guess, you know easier to make like matt had mentioned as well that
He you know was thought was asked about it. Ask why he did ask why he didn't ask
You know, maybe if you would I know and people usually deploy things on eth for obvious reasons
It's the you know
The one you think of that comes to mind as quickest and the decision is obviously made as quick as it comes to mind
Do you guys think you're currently at place right now?
would say were that decision for you know builders consumers to use it to optimize for to maximize for is something that this kind of
Comes to mind right now or is it something that you know, you think hasn't really fully happened yet?
Yeah, it's a good question, um, you know, I think at first like
Um from the lives perspective and just like the ecosystem perspective we do
Um all that we can in terms of just getting people to be aware
Like about cv2 that it exists what some of the benefits are and kind of why they should care
Um, but with that being said like, um, you know actions speak louder than words like I mentioned before so I think um
One thing that would be super helpful and that is I kind of proven helpful throughout these past few months
Is having kind of different projects or communities launch on say and not just like talk about their experience or really show
Kind of um the levels of success that they're able to accomplish and also from a performance, um standpoint i'm excited for some evm
Applications to launch on say and kind of serve as that case study for other projects
I think it's really the most kind of effective. Um way of onboarding new projects
It's like hey, like we're not just going to tell you that, you know, your application will be able to run
Um in a more scalable way while being built on on say like we'll just show you with like
Dragon swap for example, which is prepping their launch, um, you know different kind of projects that are going to serve as that case study
Um to really help onboard the others. That's what i'm most excited about and that's like where my role also comes in
You know, we're pretty excited about them and their ability to kind of leverage say to offer a really like superior user experience
And with that being said like now i'm gonna go in and ensure that they get all
Of the support they need from like a marketing perspective to ensure that you know
Their news is being amplified that it's getting in front of people
Like as we mentioned in the beginning of the call things move so fast people attention spans are so short
It's super important to just get some of these things in front of people and really kind of let the
Our actions speak for themselves
Yeah, great response we go over here in a second the reason why I asked is I mean ideally
I think there's obviously, you know
There's there's levels and levers to you know, the growth of this like obviously you mentioned zero to one
And there's probably one to two three to four or five to six, etc, etc
And I think the ideal place that most people should want to be
Is to where the response and the answer don't even kind of come to mind
It's just the person is really just doing the thing like most of us up here
Probably have an iphone and if you don't I feel really bad for you
You definitely should get one to where if I I wouldn't even ask rudo as to why I purchased an iphone
I just kind of know and it's just one of those things that becomes so
I guess blatantly obvious as to why you would do the thing
Purchase the thing have the thing I think is probably the most powerful
Quote unquote network effect that can be or will be had with you guys in your chain noah over to you
Hey, what's going on philip? Uh
You guys have come a long way. We had j on back in january of 2023
so, uh one of the projects that really stood out in that period of bringing on a lot of protocols and
I think that one of the cool things about
Say is apart from the technology
And I I think a year ago. I have to cringe to myself saying this but the community
Um, I think at this point
We know that the tech doesn't matter that much if there is no community. No one's going to use it
So what i've noticed about say and one of the things that i've noticed about salana
Is that and I don't own any salana people have been on the spaces before they know that i'm not a huge fan
But the I think the tech of salana and the community is irrefutable
I mean they have the perfect combination of of great tech and great community and I see the same thing for say so
Um, I was I don't feel often if you ask anyone on on our channel or on our on our podium
I don't feel often but I was
Telling people to buy say back in november december early december. So, um
It's cool to see how well it's done so far and I know that with v2 coming out
The best is yet to come. Well, so with v2 you guys are
You guys are
Obviously trying to approach this kind of evm compatibility narrative
It makes sense evm as a first mover advantage on most of the liquidity is on the evm
Is it is it something that you guys have and well, let me rephrase. Let me rephrase the question
Um, are you guys planning on targeting specific?
ethereum apps like ave
Like I don't know one inch i'm thinking of the the ones with the most evl like curve
The way that other layer one evms have in the past just to attract more liquidity and and to follow up that
Are you guys planning on launching any sort of liquidity incentive program to attract new?
attract new wallets to the say v2 ecosystem
Yeah, great question, um, I think we'll see it kind of unfold
With like two different groups the first being um say native applications that are gonna
Kind of position themselves to be like a first mover within the v2 space and then kind of capitalize on a lot of like the familiar tooling
And just like dev resources that are available to them from the evm to build like a say native dap
On v2 and then we'll also see
Um through like our bd efforts both inbound and outbound a lot of like existing
ethereum applications, um, you know one of the main reasons we kind of um, you know proposed and accelerated the
The launch of v2 was because of a lot of the feedback that we gathered from um different developers both building on save right now
And also just um, you know external developers from other ecosystems
So incorporating that feedback and kind of making it as smooth as a developer experience as possible
Like that's always the focus here
And I think like one thing that we haven't mentioned too much on this call is like it's really all about the developers
So I mean for me like on a marketing and um kind of like growth perspective
I still work a lot with trying to like empower the developers
But on the the technical side of say labs like that's like the core focus everything we do
is to further like empower their experience and with v2 they'll be able to
um copy their audited code from any edm l1 or l2 and just paste it on to
um cv2 in a very seamless way and it's all about kind of like
Restricting the friction that they have um for deploying on say so that's like the second group
There were like existing protocols and we're already chatting with a lot of the leading ones
I won't like mention any names
You will be seeing a lot of big announcements come out from a lot of very familiar names a lot of um
The apps and teams that i'm personally very excited about and have always been excited about
um, and then the last question you had on the token incentives like it is something that um
We'd likely be pursuing. Uh, it's just something that um, you know
We definitely want to make sure that we deploy it in a way that um benefits everyone involved and also benefits like the
Not just the builders but like the ecosystem participants the users something that will really drive the entire ecosystem forward. Um, so so yeah
Beautiful, uh, thank uh, i'm gonna pass it to rudo in a sec, but thank you phillip. I
How do I put this i'm very and this is not financial advice i'm not uh
I'm not an expert by any means but i'm really excited about say it's one of the projects that I and ask forte
I don't come up here often and and kind of speak so freely about projects
But i'm really excited about say i'm excited about what you guys are doing and I think that the say
Ecosystem, uh, and this whole parallelized blockchain narrative is one to watch closely in the next cycle
Can't confirm dude. I'll see. I know it doesn't really show or really blush on anything. So yeah, but he's saying he's not
No, I was just gonna say I was like i've been on i've probably been on like seven or like eight spaces with noah at
This point I have never once
Heard him talk. I don't even think i've ever heard him talk on one of our spaces
I think he he comes up and he kind of like helps moderate a little bit
But the fact that he spoke up and gave you guys some flowers is
It's a it's an unheard of noah move there really quickly
So yeah, I think he got a fan in noah, which makes me a fan, but I did have a quick question. Um
Because i've been part of like, you know growth strategy similar to like matt
And I know that a big a big part of some of the growth strategies involve, you know
Okay, how can we build or how can we create like a fun ecosystem where you organically like on board?
You know what we call, you know kol straight or like uh influencers or whatever it is
You want to call it and I know that I have you have a a pretty good amount of you know
Notable people like my good buddy cool times runs, you know, say community spaces all the time
Like what is what does that process look like for you? Like how do you make it?
Uh, just like a fun
Kind of community or ecosystem to be a part of because it's actually pretty hard
I'd be like, um in the early days to get people to organically come on board when it comes to the quote unquote influencers
Like what's that strategy been like for you guys?
Has it been just kind of open arms? Has it been like, you know directly targeting these people?
Has it been you know sliding in dms? Like what does that look like for you guys?
Yeah, yeah, you bring up a lot of good points there
I think um
Like the main to answer the question like directly a lot of what we do will just be like
Um, like scrolling through the feed trying to find people that are already kind of chatting about say that are interested about the ecosystem
And then kind of reaching out. Um, it's really kind of like the organic approach
I think the biggest mistakes a lot of ecosystems make is trying to force different initiatives
Or like community themes upon their community and it almost like never works
Um, like I I don't want to like be like a broken record and say like it's all about like the community and having them build
Themselves, but you know when it comes to like the labs or foundation perspective you have to think about okay
Like, you know, there might be someone like cool times is actually like a perfect case study of it
Where he kind of just came out and started expressing interest
Um in say and hosting these spaces and like I think I saw like the first or second one and i'm like, oh shit
Like this is amazing. I joined the space and he was just like such like he was very engaging such a good interviewer
That that's when like automatically i'm definitely going to be reaching out and kind of like
Um, I think I mentioned in the beginning of calls like hey, like I think what you're doing is awesome
I love to see you've been engaging with the ecosystem. Like please do let me know
Um how I can support you like if it's an ecosystem project
Also, i'd be like let's hop on a call
Let's chat about what your current plans are and then we can see if there's any synergies in terms of like maybe there's some teams
Building similar stuff or like for cool times i'm like, oh like we got to get j and jeff on here
Like and then I just start like kind of further accelerating kind of their journey on the ecosystem
And it's really like a win-win-win across like the entire kind of space like I like i'm solely
Well, i'm very focused on empowering people like cool times to continue to grow their presence within the ecosystem
And you know anyone that's looking to to really kind of establish themselves as like an early participant with the ecosystem
If like my mantra really is like if you are kind of like supporting and empowering ecosystem participants on say like
I want to support you. I want to accelerate your growth. I want to do all that
I can um to really ensure that what you're doing
Um, you know will succeed and will succeed in like a timely manner to ensure that we can really get growth across the board
Um, so yeah, that's kind of like a long uh winded answer
But um, that's like some of the main stuff that goes into the process
Yeah, my bad if I feel like
And correct me if I wrong boys, but I feel like i'm
Just asking almost the same question at a different angle. It's like community community community community
So I hope that's not getting really tiresome. Uh, because I don't I I try not to delve super heavy
It's like the technical side just for the sake of some people, you know, don't really care about the technical side
They just want to be part of like, you know, cool ecosystems. But yeah, it's just yeah
I want to see you make sure i'm not just beating a dead horse
Ruto he's sitting back listening to our questions. It's like man. These guys suck dude. It's always the same
I think you need to speak up. Um
We got we have a problem here
No, uh, listen i'm gonna i'm gonna jump in I I want to throw something a little bit different
Uh as a as someone who's building like there's probably a few founders in in the uh below in the listener section
Why should I choose say?
Yeah, actually we have the perfect, um kind of simplified tweet pinned to the to the space
Um, and you know, honestly, the reason that I posted is because sometimes I think some of the biggest mistakes
Marketers can make is like assuming that people know all the basics about your project
So I think it's like important to like reflect some of this stuff and i'm still like a firm believer
Like I always tell my team i'm like, please do not assume that everyone knows what say even is like we need to continue to
Um re-amplify and remind people about the stuff that we're building in order to just ensure that they're aware of it in the first place
You can't blame someone for not building on say if they literally don't know what say is or like
What are like the four like tldr?
I got 10 seconds of attention span in me. Tell me why and I kind of just laid them out
I can go over them right now. Like say is the fastest, uh chain
Um in existence right now, uh say is the first paralyzed dvm say gets the best of salon and ethereum and say's community is freaking
Awesome. I kind of explained it in a very kind of simplified way
But if you want the long form
I always just like to ride the stuff from the say blogs like if you're a more technical person
You can go in and understand what it really means to be the best of salon or ethereum
And get some performance metrics in terms of speed, but I think it's just stuff that's really important to continue to flag
Um, that's like my very simplified answer to um, you know
Why you should build on say but I also hope just from a marketing and growth perspective that people are attracted to
kind of the level of support and
The role that say labs takes and being an active publisher
I think that's one thing that kind of differentiates us and one of the things that we've kind of learned from being those like
You know early stage marketers and ecosystem project thinking about what you wish
The labs or foundation team would have done to further empower your efforts. Um, so yeah
So that's a great question
Matt that was actually no that was a great response matt. That was a good question
Um, I have something a little bit different here phillip. Hopefully we're not giving you too many the same, you know, same, uh, same response questions
Uh, this to rudo's point with look at the cloud manager cloud manager in your next time
Um, that's not no just cloud managers. You guys definitely do your thing out there
Um, so phillip obviously we've seen a ton of metas in the industry
Some have gone some are still here some are going all that stuff, right? How can people I guess?
You know, like how can they separate the real metas
With the fake metas and like so they know that like say-ins the say your team what you guys are doing
Are actually here and it's not just a meta that's the last two months, but it's gonna be a meta
It's gonna be a thing it's gonna be, you know a part of this industry at scale that's gonna be here for the next
I don't know 10 20 50 100 years
How can people separate those things and then what do you think are I don't want to call them kpis
But what do you think they are are, you know, they're like I guess very telling signs that like, okay, this is real
This is fake. Um, this is how we know etc. And maybe if you want to use I guess
You know some telling signs from your own, you know ecosystem. I I think that'd be great
Definitely, yeah, that's where kind of my head was going towards um, maybe giving some just like, um direct examples
Um, my my tldr answer is that actions speak louder than words?
Um with that being said in an nft ecosystem, for example, let's say says nft ecosystem
Um, you know, there's a lot of excitement within the ecosystem. There's a lot of projects
I want to capitalize on that excitement. How do you differentiate the
Participants within the nft ecosystem that are there to support and empower the nft community?
Versus just trying to go and kind of capitalize on the hype and you know, make a quick buck off of a mitt
Um, you know, how do you do so you go to these different, um projects and see what have they built?
What is live? What have they built for their community that you know benefits?
What need did they kind of fulfill within the ecosystem? Sains is a good example where?
um, you know, and this is kind of very reminiscent to uh, the the fusi fox on um
On soul where they created like fox swap like we need like say needed earth
The say community the nft community was requesting a way to kind of do otc trades for their nfts
And you know, it didn't exist say was still very early. It didn't exist
Um, and you know, they're like, okay, like we're just going to go out and build this ourselves
Um same with kind of verification tools that come out airdrop tools all those different things that it's like
Hey, like these teams aren't just like posting tweets and you know sending out a good morning. Um graphic
They're actually like building tools that are for
bringing the feedback of their holders and then building the
You know different things that are actually quite like resource intensive
Like it's not easy to build some of the stuff that they're doing and it actually requires like full-fledged dev teams
But they're committed to the long-term success of their project and of the ecosystem
So they're going to go out and build it and one of the things I love the most is that they build it
Um, you know for everyone to use in an open source manner
So that's kind of like my my quick answer there
It's like, you know find the teams that are actually shipping and see that they're kind of aligning what they're shipping with what the people actually need
Um, which also kind of reminds me of what say is doing now where it's like, okay, like, you know
We're going to make a major upgrade to the network. We're going to commit to one upgrade
We're going to think about what's most useful for like the you know, widest array of developers, for example
No, definitely a great take and I do want to ask one more thing to get to ruto
Um philip from your perspective, obviously
There's maybe a right or wrong answer
But but I think both of them are definitely important, but in this scenario, you can't pick both. You got to choose one
Um, it's kind of a you know, either or question
So you have you know the you would you rather have?
A massive user base on you know
The chain itself or would you rather have, you know, a smaller user base, but they're more hyperactive and they're and they
quote unquote more hyperactive
Uh, but hyper consume more they do all the hyper behavior, you know more
Or would you rather go kind of you know larger numbers?
Obviously the right answer is a bit of both
But I think people can plate the larger number
What sometimes being the better thing when it comes to I guess might enter my question earlier like deciding what a real and fake meta
Um versus I guess the hyperactive, you know the hyperactive person like very early here from metaphor
Um, you know apple the iphone it first came out
They thought it was gonna fail. I thought it was gonna suck
Because only about two three million people actually used it and they were worried that the population of the world was like
So large at that time obviously smaller than it is now
But they were worried because the numbers didn't really make any sense
It was such a such a small I guess infinity compared to the you know, larger scale of the earth the world
And then the other thing was the hyperactive growth between those two three million people within that first year
And they said this thing's gonna blow up because those people you the people who use it that are on that on that product
On that chain for the first year. I think like they're I think like their their daily average, you know
Usage was like I think eight hours a day probably now like 12 13, but back then it was still a lot
So that was kind of the you know the indicator of like, you know, this is this is here
Like these people are using it obsessively this year. So for my question, like would you pick the larger user base?
Or the more hyperactive user get to pick one and obviously the right answer is both but for scenario reasons
Yeah, I do think that the Apple analogy is is a helpful one and kind of trying to like contextualize it
But um, I think my answer to that is that you almost need the ladder like you almost need the small tight-knit
Hyperactive community building to get towards like the the mass adoption mass user base
And like I think if you just skip that first
Part and just go straight to like the mass user adoption
It very rarely like retains in terms of like that activity or in just and you you see it kind of
Um, I won't like say any specific ecosystems or names
But you've seen it in the past where there's like a big trend
Um a lot of kind of like a huge influx of capital goes into a certain ecosystem for one use case
And then it kind of dies off as like a fad, um, that kind of like define a lot of the different like ecosystems
Past histories and like the ability to have and like what differentiates that I mentioned this on one of the last
Questions, but like what differentiates them is like their ability to retain that interest
But like, you know doubling down on that like, how do you retain that interest in activity? It's by having, um,
You know a community that has built, you know
Different tooling that has made it easier for new developers to come in like they you really have to lay the groundwork first
um, because like you're it's like
Almost foolish to think that your ecosystem can thrive without having you know that base layer
That makes onboarding new developers that makes introducing new people to the ecosystem a lot easier
um, and that's what really leads to the sustained growth where um, you know, I do um,
like think back to like the salona early days and like anchor protocol like um
Like the community building out a lot of like the basic kind of tooling and fun. Um functionality
um, just like as like a public service good for others and that leads to like
Sustainable growth in terms of like developer activity and you know
If you do get an influx of like a huge user base, um using a certain application or a certain kind of like use case for that
time that's like in
Um, they're actually able to retain a lot of those people because then they get like diffused into other parts of the ecosystem
That already have like pretty helpful tooling or or a strong community in this certain sub segment
That makes it um a much more kind of like enjoyable experience for both like developers and community members alike
Your response rudo
Yeah, I did I i'm assuming and you just never know right there's some people in the audience right now who might
Be building some stuff in the background
Um for those listening in or for those maybe in the future
If they are wanting to build on say how do they get in touch with you?
Like if they wanted to propose something to the team if they wanted to you know, some
You know cross marketing support if they wanted to do some sort of collab with the team
How does one go about reaching out to to you or anyone else on the team to kind of get these conversations going?
Just for the sake of the conversation. You never know someone might reach out and try to do that
What's that process look like for you guys?
I love that question, man. Very important to kind of surface and bring up
So, I mean i'd like to say like the majority of the the labs and um members of the foundation have their dms open
So I feel free to just like that's kind of like the beauty of like
Operating in in the web3 space that we that we do today is that you can kind of um
Get access and help on a one-on-one conversation with someone pretty quickly
But um, you know on top of just bm'ing certain members of the labs or foundation teams
We do have um, you know, like telegram chats for um developers that are interested like a builder's chat
Um a say like technical chat. We also have like a a handful of different
Like events like we have developer office hours and a technical twitter space that happens weekly
Where you can hop on like similar to this space
You can like raise your hand and then be having a one-on-one conversation or not even a one-on-one conversation
You can be asking any question you have to our, you know head of dev rel
Um, you know getting in the discord
You'll you'll be answered pretty quickly by one of our community leaders and then point it in the right direction
That's also like when I do a lot of food developer reaches out to me
I'll definitely like respond to them and if I don't have the answer to their question or if i'm not like the best person
On the lab team to kind of address some of their um kind of support inquiries
I'll just point them in the right direction. Uh, the telegram chats are helpful
I think just like uh, because it also you you don't just get connected to the labs team
But you also get connected to other builders within this space and that's where i've seen a lot of them sharing
Um different tooling and whatnot. We also one last plug we have um, a community made and ran
Onboarding hub called, which is honestly I was super fucking pumped when I saw it come up
Um, it's just like an awesome like repository of different articles even like, uh example code
Videos like really everything you may need for both developers. It was created by
Um this developer that I know but he also has a lot of helpful resources for community members as well
Where you can just go on there and just start doing like the very um initial
Kind of like steps in your research process and and that's like the whole goal there
Like we want to accelerate like you're interested in say like perfect like how can I support you?
Like how can I make the onboarding experience? Um as smooth as possible. How can I accelerate your journey?
So really anyone on the labs team, but also like a lot of our community leaders are creating
different types of resources websites
group chats that are really made for that
exact purpose which is like
Welcoming new people into the ecosystem and ensuring they have all they need to get started if they're both a developer or you know
Community leader or even just a community member that wants to join maybe the ambassador program and connect with other leaders within this space
That was awesome question ruto, uh philip. Do you guys I mean obviously i'll say this
Blockchain like our industry like our network system. I think is heavily reliant on community evangelists brand evangelists as I kind of call them
So there's like limited advertising that I think it has to be done
Like obviously traditional, you know traditional business that there's a ton of advertising, right?
You try to be on the capital do it. Otherwise, you got to go work with your time for it
Our industry is heavily reliant on community, you know, evangelists opposed to, you know advertising
At some point philip. Do you guys think that there's still a need for you guys to?
You know, I guess is there still need to kind of having a growth?
Strategy on place or is it coming to be one of those things where it's like, you know, ethereum I assume
They probably don't really have maybe growth strategies because they're already xyz
So big and obviously I don't know if you guys will get there
Maybe you will maybe won't decide that the market will decide that do you think it's always kind of necessary or do you think at a point where it's just
You know, there's so much going on with so much, you know liquidity on the on the home chain
Obviously, there's so many, you know builders or somebody this somebody that that maybe there might not be
You know a need to be focused on like super super growth
But maybe there's a need to improve the software improve this improve that
Yeah, I think that the needs will definitely continue to evolve
But like to get to the first part of your question and you know a part that i'm most excited about and it's been something that not just i'd say
But at other kind of like protocols that i've worked for and other protocols that i've also also just like witnessed their growth
The beautiful moment is when your community members and like your ecosystem participants
Start to do a lot of those basic kind of support initiatives and stuff on their own
Like sanitization is an example of that like if I had to go in and build that myself
Like, you know would have taken a lot of time and resources
Like I would have only been able to focus on that versus kind of being able to just like
Um, like poor few like I would have had to create that fire myself versus just now going important fuel on those fires and being able to
Empower different stuff happening within the ecosystem besides just focusing on one
So like the goal and dream of really any web3 marketer
And it's like the beauty of the decentralized nature of like the work that we do
Is that you have people within the ecosystem of participants that are you know
Have the skin in the game that actually are taking an active role in um growing the ecosystem themselves
And that's what you see across all the you know, the leading l1s and l2s
Like what um, you know, what differentiates their success. It's not really like the um foundation
So ran um initiatives even though like um, some have like done a pretty good job incubating projects. I will note that
Um others is just like, you know, the community has
Taken it upon themselves
Um to really grow the ecosystem and build out a lot of like the support mechanisms that are needed
And you know
It is a virtuous effect
It is like a virtuous cycle in my eyes where like one community member starts doing it
And then he attracts like three or four and then they're starting to ship a lot of people
And then you find that one like cracked dev that just like puts the team on his back and builds out like the whole basic
You know like the armani of salona like you be bringing someone like that and and it really just takes off from there
Um, so yeah, it's super exciting. It's something that like pumps me up the most and
You know continuing to try to like empower those people that are are here for the long run. It's definitely a focus there
It is the single greatest and i'll take this to my deathbed
It is the single greatest and i'll take this to my deathbed. It is the single greatest leverage tool in business the referral
From a business standpoint your cack is literally at zero
It is potentially at zero. It is it is the best thing to do if you think otherwise, you know
You should probably get hit over the head a couple times
Like that is like the best thing like that is a marketer's dream that is an operator's dream
And obviously the dream can be fulfilled with with obviously with a certain, you know time period and obviously, uh, you know
Input an output of work, but I do I do have one more question and then get around to the rest of the speakers
They have one more question. That's why if not, we can wrap this up
Um, though this question I think is probably something you guys probably executed. I think relatively well, you know, like thus far
Obviously there is you know a chart that exists where it's a token
It's the token instead of like the incentivization of a token, right?
And then there's also the other end of that which is you know, the bottom which is the time, right?
So token incentivize and incentivizations there's a network effect and then there's the time
How do you think those things kind of run parallel? Do they run parallel?
Um, do those things kind of intertwined do they kind of you know overlap and if and when they overlap
What do you think that ideally looks like from incentivizing the token, which is the quote unquote product some would call it
Uh, which is then the network effect and then over a long period of time
So what do you think that looks like? I think you guys did a great job with this
Love to hear thoughts and from that from a growth perspective
Yeah, I think it goes back towards like creating a system or a type of like mechanism that will um both like
reward and
Further incentivize the builders that are here for the long run while also like attracting new players into this into the space
um a lot of different things go into it and
You know, i've seen a lot of different kind of approaches work
so it's something that um, you know the team thinks a lot about in ensuring that like
Um, we're empowering the right people again
Like that ruthless prioritization is probably like the best way of answering this question and ensuring um, you know
Sometimes you get lucky with timing but other times it's like, you know
You put a system in place that is almost battle tested in the sense of ensuring that like the right stakeholders and participants are the ones
benefiting from this and also not just like benefiting from this but that it does like an adequate job of you know,
Long-term and sustainable growth initiatives across all the ecosystems
Great take rudolph also over to you first
We'll get to ape wood as well as matt and the know if you guys have any questions
If not, we can give it to phil, you know wrap this up
Yeah, I think I think you've honestly answered
A lot of questions that I had initially so it's just really been a great opportunity to get to speak with you philip
And i'm truly genuinely excited to see
What else happens with say for the remaining remainder of the year?
I think this is like an incredible year for builders and just consumers as a whole
So I think you guys came out around like the perfect time. I can't think of like a better
Opportunity right now than to grow within 2024. So really looking forward to that, man
I set notice on for you too just to keep up to date with like everything you and the team is doing
So really excited
Love to hear it, man. Thanks
Eight point yeah, I don't have anything else. I don't have any other questions
Just uh, just thanks andrew rudo for having philip on and um, shout out philip and the rest of this 18
Keep doing the things that you guys are doing. Um
Keep building it brick by brick. I think that that's what I appreciate most is that they're not skipping steps
They're just going brick by brick and um, yeah
Well, I think that it's a lot of great fun. Um, i haven't had this much fun in an ecosystem since
I jumped into eath really early. So
Um, I think that you can't put a price on fun, right? I guess a lot of people on twitter do but
Um can't put a price on fun
A four-wheeler and and dirt bike, um will disagree with you ape would
Just kidding bro
I appreciate the time. I mean, I think you know, obviously as new things come out, uh information is pivotal, right?
So understanding your thought process and understanding like how you guys are approaching things and what you guys are doing
Um, you know just like you said just needs to be repeated a hundred times over because like i've heard about it
But I haven't really heard about it. You know what I mean?
Um, so the fact that we had this conversation was super enlightening
Uh, and I and I definitely think that you guys have a bright future ahead of you
Sounds like you absolutely know what you need from a growth perspective
Um, that being said I always do this
But if you have anything that you ever need or want to bounce ideas or anything alph
I'm happy to to help as much as I possibly can I want to see you guys win
Sounds like you guys have something fucking amazing cooking. So anything I can do to help I would I would be happy to
Truly appreciate that man
Matt it's uh, never too late to go and say never to go
Could you imagine never too late everyone thought we were going on eat and then now we're going on solid and they're like
Oh, you know what psych everybody? Ha ha ha say, I mean, let's see what Philip says
Maybe he'll dive in my DMS. I don't know. We'll see
Yeah, we'll see. Uh, no, uh over to you then Philip to wrap this up
Yeah, just echoing what everyone else said i'm really excited about this one. I think
And again, nfa but say is going to be one of the ones to pay attention to this cycle
I think v2 is going to help onboard a lot of new users
And hopefully make the experience even better
and I think the play on sayans is
Probably more powerful than any other meme i've seen on any other ecosystem if you think about the
age demographic of people that are using crypto day to day a lot of us grew up watching dragon ball z and so
The sayans narrative within the say ecosystem, I think is one i'm also a little shawn, but we'll see
Yeah, thanks. Philip for coming on again. It's been really cool to have you
It's we had jayon
January of 2023
so it's been over a year since we had jayon and
I should have pinned the I should have pinned the space to this
to this one, but um
It's it's really cool. No, the account no, the account. It probably wouldn't know it's on the aquarium. I have the space actually
To j and g i sent it to j and dms a couple of months ago
Because I thought it was really cool that
You know, we had this conversation about say before there was a token before there was anything
And to to see all the progress now and to see people tweeting about it and writing threads about it on
Online is really awesome. So best of luck to you guys and I hope you guys do really well this cycle and beyond
Thanks, Noah, philip i'll turn over to you for your final thoughts and then we conclude
Yeah, I just want to say this space has been awesome. Uh, it's definitely been one. That's like, uh, kind of like engaging
I love talking about the um community and growth tactics
Like it's always stuff that i've just been interested in since i've joined the space
So really appreciate a lot of the questions that you guys asked
It seems like we're kind of thinking about a lot of these different like high end strategies in a similar light
So it's always really cool to just like connect with
Um with you guys and also just connect with the community as well
I'll share a little bit of news about you know
What's going on within the state ecosystem and then just welcome other people to get involved
Um, you know, I think I found a lot of our community leaders throughout different twitter spaces that i've joined
So like I definitely encourage everyone to reach out and you know huge
Thank you to everyone for joining and you know for having me it's been a fucking awesome space
Uh, I love the conversations that we've had and you know excited for the future of you guys community as well
Thank you, Philip. We appreciate you and your time all the speakers all the guests all the listeners. Thank you a ton
Gals guys, enjoy the rest of your monday. Be sure to crush it this week
Touch base with you guys soon. Thank you a ton