AMA w/ @witnet_io 🎙️Decentralized World 🚀

Recorded: April 14, 2023 Duration: 0:47:57
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello everyone, testing. Hello and welcome and we will be starting in a few minutes with WITNET I/O. We will be having hopefully great AMA tonight. Just let me give everyone a few more minutes then we will get started.
Okay, it's past two minutes so I think we can get started. Now I see what that is here and selling this here too. Hello guys, welcome again. How are you doing?
Hello everyone! Liteneth, are you here? Who is speaking?
Maybe he's just grabbing a coffee or something. He was just right there.
How are you by the way? I'm okay. I'm alright. It was a tough week actually finally Friday. Got some plans for weekend, but of course we will be seeing
But, till that everything is okay, it was just rough and finally Friday's arrived and we are having this space which is awesome, how are you doing?
Same, same for here. Got some plants for a weekend and
I was excited for this space and I actually would like to learn more about our host. And yes.
So, are you here? Are you with us?
If you're talking we can't hear you look like
I think they are having some internatyshoes. Yeah, big. Can you guys hear me now?
Yes, great great awesome Twitter spaces is always funky, but if I cut out it all let me know Okay, no problem. It's my first time. It's long so like so don't worry about it. How are you doing? I'm great
I'm great. Finally, Friday. Happy to be here with you guys. What's better than a Twitter space is on a Friday evening? Yes, Friday is Friday. I think Friday is like Friday night and everyone feeling looks like the same, which is great.
We're in the same frequency all here. So how was your way of doing? I would say generally first of all. Yeah, I mean it's always a busy week. We're seeing a lot of excitement.
We're just trying to keep up with it. We've got a lot of big projects coming in the next month or two, so we're really just trying to keep our heads down and focus on what's important. How about you?
Great, great, great to hear that actually keeping busy is always good and always actually meaning something for me too It was it was rough little bit. It was too busy done expected but In a good way, I don't yeah, good pros have Yeah, personally I don't have
bad news looks like what being busy is always good you know so and also telling you here tonight she will be here with us for a few minutes and I think she will be leaving but anyways she's still here so yeah unfortunately I need to leave
like a few minutes later but I will be listening to you because I really I'm so excited to like have this space together I'm missing your project so what do you say like shall we start?
Okay, then welcome to Poe University Space firstly and I would like to ask that I know that you guys are more than in the project and like you are like you have some web tree services but
I would like to learn more and if you would like to tell our listeners what is WITnet? Yeah, well of course I'm delighted to so WITnet is a layer 1 multi-chain decentralized Oracle so it's powered by our native coin
the Whitcoin. And the network was single purpose built to solve the Oracle problem, which basically states that blockchains because they're non-deterministic nature, they can't actually get off-chain information
important into our smart contracts to help execute decision making or make decisions. I guess it is a simple way to put it. So the Oracle problem is how do we create a system that allows data that's off-chain to be brought on-chain in a decentralized manner.
The WITnet was a single purpose built for that. It was built from the ground up out of the Rust programming language and it was built to be fully decentralized, permissionless, censorship-resistant, all of the same features that we see and that we love about Bitcoin or maybe even Ethereum.
It was designed to be really easily implemented in any smart contract or on any blockchain because it's a layer one. So, you know, right now we have we're live on 25 EVM compatible chains providing over 230 unique data feeds and securing 350
million in total value locked. Wittenut currently has like over 10,000 nodes running on the network that are fulfilling these data feeds and mining blocks simultaneously and it's what a lot of developers rely on for accurate price feeds fed into their smart contract.
It's really surprising and when you tell them looks like it's a little bit complicated, right? I mean, if you have no idea about WebTree and looks like it's like you're doing a lot of chain on chain data transfer, but if you tell like where basically what Nick that is
So, it's really simple. There's a simple name for it. It's the blockchain oracle problem. And that problem is defined as, like I said, getting off chain information
into a blockchain is not possible because it would break the consensus mechanisms. So I think if you're running an Ethereum node on Ethereum, and you wanted to get the price of Bitcoin, how do you do that if you have 10 different nodes that are
on Ethereum going out to 10 different sources and grabbing the Ethereum price. Obviously, you're not going to have consensus because there's no way for those nodes to come to consensus on this piece of data. What you need is a system that can come to a consensus
on the state of something at a given time. So for the price of Bitcoin, if we had 10 different nodes, go out to 10 different sources and then aggregate that data together so that you have one simple number that you can feed into a smart contract, that's considered consensus. And that's basically what the problem with Net is trying to solve.
It sounds amazing. Of course, it's not that easy, but looks like you guys all designed it very well and running it actually. And when you're speaking first, I remembered you told about Witnetcoin, right? So can you please tell about Witnetcoin?
How it works and can we get what's the benefits and so on. Yeah, of course. So the WITNET coin is the native coin of the WITNET ecosystem. It's the WITNET layer one, I guess, for to put it a little bit better. And that's basically the backbone.
the security of the entire network. So nodes must use the Whitcoin as collateral in order to fill data requests. And if they don't provide information that's within consensus, they actually lose some of their collateral. So note the Whitcoin
offers the security via crypto economic incentive, right? If you're providing false information, you lose your your stake and that provides a really powerful system so that nodes are incentivized to remain honest. And you know, additionally, we also have
Because Wittenette is a layer one, we need to have a system that adds blocks to the blockchain so that it's immutable and that it's like hard to reproduce. So basically nodes that are adding blocks to the blockchain are also receiving the block reward of the blockchain.
wet in wet coin and they're also receiving transaction fees. Similar to Bitcoin, it's a very simple system, very bare bones, very easy to run a node and it was built so that it's in a permissionless way so that anybody can run a node at any given time.
Amazing and also like that idea if you're sending wrong information you're losing your witness points right exactly
So I go ahead. Now it just makes it's like more trustable, not just for you for everyone. Right. And you kind of to that trust point, I'll kind of throw this out there. Like because of that staking mechanism or the co-aduralizing of no
You don't actually need to trust any node operator providing truthful information. You just need to believe that they are doing it because it's in their best interest to do it. If you believe that they're not going to provide dishonest information because they'll lose money, you don't have to trust them.
Exactly, exactly. You have no idea who is this where are they or so on exactly. Yeah, you know, just yeah, amazing idea. Also, I can I buy with that coin like from a market or something like that also? Yes, yes, right now the Bitcoin is listed on gate IL and NXC global with some new
exchanges coming soon. So we're super excited about that. But yeah, so it's obviously there's always over-the-counter methods and anybody can earn with by providing a valuable service to the network by mining or fulfilling data requests. So there's a lot of different ways to go about it. But yeah, you know, we are
those two exchanges with more coming in the future? I'm not a problem. Personally, I was one of all the Ethereum miners, but not doing any more. But you said everyone can become a node, right? For curiosity, what is the minimum requirements to become a node?
Oh man, off the top of my head, I think it's less than 50 gigabytes of storage space that you need on your hard drive and four gigabyte RAM pretty much does the job. You know, because it doesn't have very complicated state transitions and
such like that on some of these EVM compatible chains that can kind of add a lot of extra storage on your computer. So the network was built in a permissionless manner so that it has to be easy to set up a node and kind of
just keep it running at all times, which is why it's very low-barrier in our entries. So like I said, I think it's, if I'm not mistaken, the current chain is around 35 to 40 gigabytes total, could be mistaken. And then of course, if you can get your hands on some of the Whitcoin, it makes it a lot easier to start fulfilling data requests and mining blocks.
Of course, and minimum requires looks like like everyone can make it. It's not so big at our present day, so it's amazing also. Small enough to run on a Raspberry Pi, which is not something that a lot of other blockchain networks cannot say.
Yeah, exactly, you know, sometimes the hardware, it can be so hard to find because of the prices, specifically during the current period, but regarding the ore minimum requirement, it's just easy for everyone. Exactly.
Whenever really when you guys like the commentations, I find something called shaker with net wallet if I'm not spelling wrong
I would like to know the what is it? Shea Cut Wallets. Whitney. Right, yeah. So because Whitney is a layer one and it has its own native coin, you can't actually connect it to Meta Mask or any of these other kind of ether wallet type systems that are EVM.
compatible. So we had to come out with our own tool for holding the WITCoin and that's what she guys. So it's a BIP 39 compliant wallet so it has all the same features that a lot of these like Bitcoin wallets have where you
your private keys actually like a string of 12 words or 24 words. And it's an ultra secure wallet because it's a desktop wallet. It connects to a WITNET node in a secure and private manner and allows you to interact with the network without actually having to run a full node.
But yeah, it's just a secure place to store your Whitcoin. And I don't think I mentioned this, but Wynnet uses the same accounting method as Bitcoin. So it's referred to as unspent transaction outputs, UTXOs. Excuse me, it's actually a best 32, not best 32.
I was just corrected in our telegram community. So thank you guys for whoever's listening to that. But yeah, so it's a wallet that allows you to store your wit coin via the UTXOs. I kind of got off track there. But yes, it's just a place to store your wit in a secure, safe, and reliable manner.
It's great, it's great also looks like it's pretty safe. Does it has a swap option? Personally, I didn't use, I didn't see it so that's why I'm also curious about that. Did you say swap? Swap, yes that's correct.
No, no, it's just for storing good old wet. No, no features like such as that. Yeah. But I also add that.
Within the wallet there's a really cool feature that's one of my favorite features that the the Witten team's come out with is that there's actually an ability to Create and manage data requests directly through the app. So it just kind of goes along with the Witten that the permission list nature of
deploying price fees and data feeds directly on the way network so you can just download that app. You can basically set it, it takes like five minutes to set up your data feed and then within five to ten minutes you can have your data feed up and running via the Sheikah app which is really cool.
Also great great to know that you as I remember you all of the chat on with this is basically Supports multi change right so we're changed we're talking about
Currently, we're on 25, 25 EVM compatible chains. We have some of the biggest ones like Arbitrum, Avalanche, Polygon, Polygon ZK EVM, Optimism, of course, Ethereum.
Scroll is a big one that's coming down, coming, you know, up and coming, I guess I should say. And then we have a few of the smaller ones that are growing quickly like Boba, Kava, Kronos, Reef, Moonbeam.
And of course, anybody can take a look at that and actually integrate the price feeds that are listed there. But if you go to, so you can take a look at all the chains we're live on. But of course, just to kind of, for the sake of time, I would just touch on a few.
I'm less already so big looks like but of course if anyone wants to check it you can go and check which chains we're not supporting but already. Personally I would like to go back to the
being known, maybe there is much more people right now where they are listening to us and they would like to become a node. Can we just highlight again what's the advantages being known, what they get, and of course if it has, what's these advantages?
Yeah, so I would say the advantage is to you know take part in a truly decentralized Oracle network. You obviously can earn some of the weight coin by providing truthful information and by mining blocks.
So that's the advantage, you know, you can actually earn some sweet wit. I would say the only disadvantage is the computer requirements, which, you know, we kind of touched on is that it's not really, you know,
It's a very low barrier to entry, but if you don't have maybe 40 to 70 gigabytes to spare at any given time, it could pose an issue or if you have a computer that's a little bit older, that might cause some problems.
Yes, that's great. And also, personally, I was remembering when I first tried to mine Ethereum. If you like computer and like that stuff, but maybe you don't have an idea about that tree. I think starting being node or mining coin is amazing because you're learning a lot first of all because
you have no idea what is going through what your machine is doing maybe in the beginning. But then you start searching what's the blockchain, how it's blocks works, what exactly your machine doing right now, what's the confirmation, how it's blocks, the working and so on. And you learn a lot. I actually being minor and being
know it's so much to me and it's great experience and fun. It's fun exactly. It is. Yeah. If you're earning less maybe I don't know it's really fun and actually if you're earning a lot it can be sometimes addictive. It's really this is real thing because you will like to I know so many
people like buying GPUs over and over and even if they don't have any money they try to find and because it's kind of addictive actually it's really fun. Yeah and like you said like you know once you really start to delve into running your first node on whatever network that might be it really is kind of open
the door to like how these how this whole kind of this thing comes together and works. It's just distributed computing and it's just a communication protocol that you know that communication is linked to value. So it's a very interesting concept that once people kind of get their feet wet and they can really start to explore more
And it's exactly, and also it's like something very different than you did before. I mean, I think it's also where it's where it starts because entire of my life I never did something like this and it's really fun and actually it's making money when I'm as mining and being not also not so different. I think it's these days and it looks
like everyone will be becoming an old or some chain or some project. It's really really different experience for anyone. I highly recommend by the way. Yeah, agreed. I'm saying both. Okay, so regarding to my
curiosity and next question yes and growing of course how did you plan to grow and shape your ecosystem of web tree also you can like if you have like story behind it you can start this story or if you have planned directly you can tell me your show
Well, I would say the plan to grow our ecosystem and I would say the broader ecosystem is through pushing the power of act truly decentralized oracles and truly decentralized and censorship resistant technologies in
general. A lot of what we like to think that a lot of these decentralized financial protocols are decentralized but in reality they're relying on single points of failure, which is at no fault to them, but by educating the masses on the importance of using
Unstoppable technologies like WITNET is really kind of when we're going to actually like break through and see a lot of really innovative and really interesting projects start to take shape Because if you have those single points of failure, that's when Issues like hacks that we see in
or exploits and protocols that we see, that's when that really starts to cause problems for people and that's when people lose faith in the industry and we don't want that. So, you know, for WITNET, we've helped, or we've joined with a lot of other Oracle protocols like API3, Teller,
One thing DIA Uma so a lot of these other Oracle service providers to create what we call the Alliance of decentralized oracles which is basically creating a standard practice of price feeds so that you can rest assured that you're
your price feeds are using the most secure systems and you're relying on fallback oracles and not just that one single point of failure. So I think that's kind of like the most important thing that we've been pushing for a while is just not relying on single points of failure if that makes sense.
Definitely, it's very important point. How a user can build a platform in the WITNAND?
The simple answer is just you can you can have a price feed up and running in like an hour by going to that website that I mentioned earlier choosing a price feed on the chain that you want and you could pretty much just integrate it directly where you're
you have that in your contract that would be constantly updating. You're just reading it from the storage. Excuse me, I should say the price feed when it's updated from WITNAT would be put into a contract storage that's maintained by the WITNAT Foundation at this moment and your contract can
actually just read from that to get the most updated price of an asset or something. So that's really just the simplest way to a user can build in our platform. But in other ways, you can create your own price feeds via
of the shika app that I the wallet app that I mentioned and you can just have and once it's deployed the nodes on the network will start to query that price feed however often you want it updated. So it's really quite simple.
Yes, it looks like. And I think the second way is more than I like. I would like to personally be in a more control. And of course, it's of course, whatever you want. Of course, what is the WITNET grant program also? I'm going to ask and it was like I'm very curious. I'm curious about that one. The WITNET grant program.
Yeah, the Wynnet Grand Program was something that we actually started back in September of 2020. It was designed to facilitate funding of projects that were we're using the Wynnet Oracle to any extent, right? I don't know if I mentioned our slew of products. We have price feeds that's the one I kind of touched on.
The randomness Oracle which gets secure and immutable and unpredictable Random numbers generated into your smart contract and then we also have the ability to public to query any publicly available API So those are the three main things that people use witness
So if you're using the WITnet Oracle, you can actually apply for a WITnet grant that would be funded by the WITnet Foundation. And obviously there's a few step process that you show us that you're using the WITnet Oracle or you plan to or whatever respect that we kind of work it out to be and then we fund these projects.
And a variety of different ways. So we have like lump sum funding where we just give you know a certain amount of money to your project for For using WITNET or then we have resource grants that would be paying for gas fees updated on the chain you're building on or we have grants
grants that are designed to pay out if you've already been using the win and Oracle in a permissionless way and that we come in contact and we can kind of fund you for that. So it's a really exciting program. We've already funded I think over 40,000 US dollars to a bunch of different products.
projects. We have like our go finance on chronos we have the two can protocol on Pala silo quick swap we funded on polygon and a few different other projects that we've kind of funded throughout since this start of September you know some NFT projects
that are using WITnet for randomness. Some of that are just launching this week, so we're super excited. But yeah, that's basically the general just event. It's all, if we have developers in the audience that are interested in tapping into that, it's on our website, go to, and then scroll down. You'll see the grant program.
All the information that you draw, it's really important and you have a lot of supporters. It's amazing. Whoever in this space right now, if you want to check and they have to, maybe get
more information, just with that IO website and get more information. Are you the developer for yourself? I'm not sure, but I think generating random number and contract level is not that easy job, right?
Well, actually, so if you're the random number is actually generated on the witness side chain, so it's basically there's a random number of nodes that are selected that cryptographic
cryptographically commit to like a series of bytes and then those bytes are aggregated together and that that final number is generated or sent to the smart contract.
because it's it's pretty it's impossible to actually generate randomness on in a smart contract itself. So you have to have to have an oracle for that.
Okay now I'm so better because as I know I'm not that well offered by myself But I thought like even generating random number is not that easy part even if you're off chain and when you say like own chain I was like it should be more harder That's why I was thinking like right yeah just just in that way and which is so important
Actually because generating random number is like okay when you're saying like this it's nothing it's just random number but actually it tells us a lot and you can use it a lot of cases when you're running project or something like that some kind of gambling maybe I'm not sure
You name it. It's really important stuff also good example for you. I don't know if you guys are familiar with the pool together protocol, but we actually have kind of a implementation of that that actually utilizes state E. So that's using the WITnet randomness Oracle to
randomly generate a number that will essentially choose the winner. The winner is where half the yield generated is going to go to charity and then half is split amongst two winners. So if you want to check that out, it's
And yeah, and now you can actually see the witness randomness Oracle in action, which is really cool.
It's great. It's great. Also, for example, if let's say I have mobile application or some kind of web-based game, and I would like to have random number generation from blockchain or from your system, can I integrate it? Can I get your random generation number from your system, let's say?
Yes, absolutely. It's super easy. I mean, we have tons of tutorials on our on our docs page, but yeah, it's basically the same thing as the price feeds where the number will be generated off chain. It'll be put into storage on an EVM chain that can be read from from your contract.
I'm not a developer either. I only know the top level explanation of it. Of course, of course, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no#
Okay, so what about your next plan? What is the roadmap? I would like to ask, so maybe we will have, after then we will be having maybe some kind of questions from the audience, but I would like to ask what's next plan, roadmap, maybe you can give some kind of alpha,
use for us. I don't know you name it. Yeah, of course. So obviously, you know, we're always looking to grow our total value secured metrics because the more value that's secured by WITnet, the safer that smart contracts are. So that's kind of more of a generalized approach in the coming months and years
is just have more protocols using WITNAT via the randomness oracle or price feeds, whatever it is, you name it. We would also obviously we're chasing exchange listings, that's always something that we're looking to do. But I would say we have some big news coming in the coming weeks, we have a light wallet that we're
really seeing that's going to be a lot of allow anybody to store with in a mobile capacity on your phone or however you see fit and of course I'll be totally open source it's it's secure it's best 32 compliant and so that's something we're super excited for
And then another one is the decentralized bridge that would allow the wind that side chain to communicate with EVM change without the wind on foundation operating any sort of bridge. So basically be bridge nodes that receive the communication and then offload it to the wind that side chain.
Of course, it exchange for a fee because they're providing a service. And then they would relay the final fulfilled data request back to the EDM compatible chain. So that's coming, hopefully in quarter three of this year, but that takes a long time to actually build from the ground up.
It's amazing and we don't also knowing I must get this question and you know You're already contacting so many developers regarding the community. How about education? I mean are you guys planning or maybe you're doing a
already. I really don't know. Are you guys planning on doing some kind of educational programs, Elements and so on? Well, obviously, you know, I mentioned the Alliance of Decentralized Oracle and that's always a goal is to keep
pushing that, pushing people to move away from centralized and single points of failure in their smart contracts, but as far as education, we don't have any specific plans for
You know, we should be doing more on the witness side would that would allow us to actually, you know, go to universities, for example, or, you know, speak at conferences or such and talk about the importance of what we're doing.
And of course, and by the way, being or creating education, it's not that easy. It's not enough to be a professor about it or knowing all the details. Also, you have to be knowing how to teach. You have to be clear and you have to start
with baby steps to whatever you would like to teach. It's not that easy of course. It's maybe hard to think because you will be teaching something and I don't know personally even very I'm planning how to do it right now. It's really hard but maybe just personal curiosity I will
like to ask this question because of the developers. That's why. Another question just came up, looks like from our side. How do they decide to add new data feeds? How do they choose according to needs of clients they ask?
Yeah, yeah, so a lot of times protocols will come to us and say we want to integrate with net. We need these price feeds. We need say the price of Bitcoin, the price of ETH and the price of a stablecoin to help with liquidations on a lending protocol or something.
So, you know, with that in mind, we'll go to our team and we'll say, "Okay, they need this. They want it to update every so often and say every 15 minutes or so, or such, and we want 10 nodes to grow in queues, six different
So it's really simple. If a protocol comes to us directly and says we need these feeds, we'll just jump right on it and we'll throw it on the chain that they need. It's super, it's super easy. And of course, there's probably a lot of price feeds that are out there that we don't even know of because of the permissionless nature of what that
that developers just chose to take the integration on themselves. And we might never know unless we went through the actual information and data on chain, which is a possibility. But if a developer came to us and asked for a specific price feed, we could have that deployed in like a week or two.
Of course, of course it makes sense. Okay. Regarding my questions on looks like I don't have any but I would like to ask our audience maybe anyone in this room if they would like to ask some questions I think we can take one by one
And by that time, if you want to add something extra, please feel free. Maybe I skipped some part regarding the project. So by this time, you can let us know if you have something to announce.
Nothing to announce at this moment that I can think of, but you know, definitely just give us a follow-up Twitter join our Discord or check out our DeFi Lama or close
page and you'll see that we're the seventh ranked Oracle and if you see the actual total value secured stacks, it's pretty much up into the right as of the last since the beginning of 2023. So I think people will get pretty excited about that.
It's really important to be in part of the community and follow up from Twitter and join the Discord channels. You will be basically knowing what's going on. What are people thinking about?
about asking about, so how it's going to take, so it's really important being part of the community and following each other. And please guys, anyone who's listening here go and check with NetIow website, Discord channels and
Follow really closely what they are doing and what they will be releasing For now we don't have any extra questions looks like let me check also
with our team. No, we don't have. All right.
means I must say answer everything hopefully. I'll wait at last minute one. Okay, how is the competition on being a record on layer one?
Competition. Competition? I'm sorry, could you repeat this? Yes. The competition on being Oracle on layer one. How is it?
How is the competition of being an Oracle on a layer one? Well, I would say that obviously, you know, the white paper of Wittnet came out in 2017 and then the network officially launched in October of 2020. So we kind of had to build that network from the ground.
which gave a lot of earlier oracles a little bit of a head start, but we're seeing right now as our total value security metrics kind of grow that earlier advantage doesn't mean better and we're really starting to see a lot of
protocols kind of take stock of what they're building and say, you know, we really do want to be a fully decentralized protocol. So we want to use a fully decentralized Oracle. And so the competition is heavy at first. And I think
We're starting to see things flip a little bit because Whitney it's a layer one and because the risk is offloaded and you know when you create something that's designed to solve a specific problem and people see that they kind of it's it's it's kind of a non-issue if that makes sense.
Yes, definitely, of course. And looks like we have one outings luck here that they haven't. I want to ask a question. How I treat can you hear us? Hey guys, can you hear me? Yeah, very clearly. How are we doing? Hey, I'm good, you know, perfect space, by the way.
I had a question to the WITNET team. Why WITNET is superior in comparison with other Oracle projects, for example, China and why, like, DeFi protocols should use WITNET and not any other Oracle.
I would say trust, right? People use WITNET because they don't have to trust that the information provided to their smart contract is trustworthy. They just recognize that it's in the node operator's best interest.
interest to provide this information or otherwise they'll lose a portion of the money that they have state. And with other Oracle configurations, it's not really the same. You have to rely on trust. For example, I don't want to call out any specific Oracle, so I'm going to be
rather anonymous in the naming, but I would say one of the top Oracle's uses a set amount of validators that is KYC.
And that means they have the authority over that protocol. Basically, there's a single point of failure and that can provide, that can cause some serious problems when you're securing a large amount of money.
and an acceptable looks like. Of course.
Did I answer your question? Yeah, thanks for the answer. Thank you very much.
Thank you Peter, thank you for your question. If anyone has another question for with that IOT today, please just
show yourself just request the mic and I will be open you for next one. Okay, so with that, how many people is right now currently working behind up the problem?
project in your team. Maybe let's go a little bit basic information about team. Yeah, I believe right now, up to the top of my head, it's nine or ten. I believe it's nine on the most recent count that I have.
And all of them develop, of course. No, we have, I would say the majority are with the exception of three.
Okay, great. And also with that project is started in 2017 as I remember just correct me if I'm wrong. So how was the starting idea? I mean you already indicated that but I will like to
go like more romance little bit from the beginning. So how was the idea of just starting this project and if you guys have a like um little story about how it's starting and coming to this day which is not so easy maybe they would like to know that too.
Well, I think, you know, I wasn't around back then in Whitney and I started within the last year, but I think from what's a lot of the stuff that I've heard. The team and the founders knew that there will be a time in
This multi chain future that we're kind of living in right now that smart contracts will start to attract real attention, bring in a lot of real money, real people's money, and there needs to be a way to get this off chain information.
on chain in a fully decentralized manner. And pretty much that's the simple thing. But I think the team recognized that if you build it in a way that's kind of akin to Bitcoin, you know, where it's easy to
run a node, it's permissionless, anybody can do it. The network is kind of going to just essentialized on its own. It's going to grow in a way that attracts people because people want us to provide a service and earn a fee for doing so.
And so you know, you make the various to entry really low and you make it easy to kind of get involved and it kind of just attracts people on its own.
Amazing idea actually and looks like they already see it so long time ago what it needs and right now. One of the early projects and doing that and of course where trustable trustworthy and then it will be successful. It's very nice.
and this is a very important and it's still hard to tell the people what's the reason why it's renewed.
chain also for web too which means and spreading to everyone and which is awesome. Okay, if you would like to add more I will be listening to you with everyone and otherwise I don't have any questions and I am not seeing any questions also from the audience so we can rub it up.
Yeah, I mean, I got nothing to add, I would say. Just anybody who's listening or listening in the future just um.
It's insanely easy. You could be up and running in a day or even quicker than that depending on your computer. And you know, once you see how easy it is, I think you'll kind of fall in love and go down the wet net rabbit hole as we like to say.
And also as I remember you can stop it whenever you want right I mean so it's not not being basically afraid about it
You can like stop the node. Yes.
Yeah, yeah, it's it's it's super yeah exactly so you can stop the node and you can when you when you decide to restart it'll just sync from the last block that that's stored on your computer with all the other peers on the network. And you know, you'll be filling data requests and hopefully earning some wit.
Yes, definitely. Just trying to encourage people to start them being known or with NERIO. So there's nothing to lose. And if it's absolutely fun, I can definitely guarantee it. Okay, with that, thank you for you coming today. It was really nice to have you. Thank you so much for having me. And of course, the problem, of course, and we learn a
lot actually what's your idea what kind of project and trustable you are whatever you're doing and helping a lot not just Web 3 also Web 2 and the developers I would like to say personally thank you and of course I would like to say thank you to all items everyone listening in this space and having us
Thank you for everyone for coming. Thank you for hosting. Hopefully we can jump on this again or have another one a few weeks or a month or so. I don't know. I'm definitely I would like to keep close with you and
do more spaces and more event events, whatever you like. I'm already in and I would like to touch in community all the time. So thank you so much everyone. I would like to wish you great night, great morning, wherever you are. Thank you so much.
Happy weekend everyone.