AMA: Web3 Building the Largest Artwork in the World, for the World 🌎🤍

Recorded: July 28, 2022 Duration: 1:00:24



Hello, hello!
I've invited you to speak. Ben.
Hello everybody, Acres.
As it going, we're just gonna wait a little bit as we allow people to trickle in.
(keyboard clicking)
Hello hello. Hello good morning everybody. Good morning good morning. How are we doing? We're doing great over here very excited for this just letting the people trickle in. Yep so while we do that I'm going to play a little
video sound for you guys so just tune in listen in 2021 an artwork connecting two countries captivated
to the world with an invitation for you to be. News about the portals instantly went viral and reached more than 1.5 billion people worldwide with injustice.
After this stunning resonance, we are ready to take this journey even further. Today we decided to invite you for an initiative to build the largest artwork in the world. For the world. But what is this portal? The portal is an
3.4 meter tall technology art sculpture that connects to a network of identical sculptures. Each portal is located in a different country and offers a real-time unfiltered life feed 24, 7, 365. It is an invitation to
meet fellow humans above borders and preferences in order to experience a tiny spaceship called Earth as it was. United. The first link of the network connected with linear and climate. People in both countries approach the portals as a permission
platform to meet total strangers in a spirit of friendship, to organize events, and celebrate intercultural unity. This overwhelming support inspired the beginning of a global initiative. Together, we will bring portals to the sense of countries around us.
Making the portal network the largest artwork in the world. And today, you are lovingly invited to join because... This is it. And this is me. Look at me. Do you see me? I am just the same.
Just click it. Let's try and sign with us a boss since our separation. It'd be the pioneers of the United Kingdom. The portability network will be owned by a global community of people, just like me and you. Very soon.
the network will start issuing a limited number of NFT-based certificates that will turn all holders into a community of co-owners. We will build this first-of-its-kind artwork in a decentralized and transparent way together. Total Unity Network
the largest artwork in the world for the world. Wow I'm so excited to share this with the world. I think it's absolutely
Absolutely something so innovative and exciting. You guys are in for a treat today. All of you who have joined us, retweet the space. Let's get some more people in here. You know, while we wait, give it a couple more minutes for people to come in. You know how everybody's always late to the party. 100%
And then we're just letting some of the people trickle in for now. This is going to be very excited. We're excited for you guys to meet Ben, our Dior founder, from the Share the Vision about Portal and essentially where it all came from, the future of it. And yeah, just, and then have you guys up for questions and just for you guys to share, sharing from
information to share what this means to you and yeah just an opportunity for you to get involved. We just want to let this message be heard by as many people as possible and we would love for you to get involved and just join us on this journey. Absolutely and I always say in our spaces you know like how I wish the unit
and to get a new look at what we have in the Web3 community could be brought into the real world. And you know, this project is doing exactly that. So I'm very excited about this. Looking forward to having Ben speak and tell more about the project. It's going to be a good one.

FAQ on AMA: Web3 Building the Largest Artwork in the World, for the World 🌎🤍 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the initiative being discussed in the podcast?
The initiative being discussed in the podcast is to build the largest artwork in the world called the Portal network.
What is the Portal?
The Portal is a 3.4 meter tall technology art sculpture that connects to a network of identical sculptures in different countries and offers a real-time unfiltered life feed 24/7/365. It is an invitation to meet fellow humans above borders and preferences and celebrate intercultural unity.
How did news about the Portal network first spread?
News about the Portal network first spread through viral means and reached over 1.5 billion people worldwide.
What inspired the beginning of a global initiative?
The overwhelming support of people in different countries approaching the Portal as a permission platform to meet strangers in a spirit of friendship, to organize events, and celebrate intercultural unity inspired the beginning of a global initiative.
Who will be the owners of the Portal network?
The Portal network will be owned by a global community of people who will soon start receiving a limited number of NFT-based certificates that will turn all holders into a community of co-owners.
What is the goal of the Portal network?
The goal of the Portal network is to build the largest artwork in the world for the world and to promote intercultural unity across borders and preferences.
Who is the dior founder featured in the podcast?
The dior founder featured in the podcast is Ben.
What is Ben's role in the Portal network?
Ben is the founder of the Portal network and will be sharing his vision of the project.
What does the speaker hope to achieve by sharing the podcast message?
The speaker hopes to spread the message about the Portal network to as many people as possible and invite them to join in the initiative.
What excites the speaker about the Portal network project?
The speaker is excited about the project because it brings the innovations and possibilities of the web3 community into the real world, promoting intercultural unity across borders and preferences.