Just want to make sure people can hear me.
This is for the partnership between Chemifly and Mantle. Mantle is a big chain. We're going to talk about it. I think for Mantle, we have Grant also in the call. I'm not sure why Grant is a listener. Mantle should also be a speaker.
Yeah, Gizzy. I think Gizzy. Gizzy, can you request? Can you request for mic access? So we also make you a speaker.
Fantastic. So let me, let me guys start off with a bit about Chemifly. Who we are, what we're doing. And then Gizzy is going to talk a bit about Mantle.
So we're going to introduce our partnership, why we're doing it, what we feel is exciting. Any questions? We have some questions already. Any other questions, please feel free to tweet and we will take it from there.
Okay. So just a bit about Chemifly. So at Chemifly, we're on a mission to build the biggest decentralized app in the world, the biggest app in the world.
Our mobile-based, we're mobile-based, we're mobile-based sports games platform, where we sit in the unique intersection between sports and gaming, offering fans exciting sports style, tournament style sports games.
We're right now, Chemifly is a top three DAP globally, with very good impressive stats, such as 3 million plus registered users, almost 700,000 unique active wallets on chain.
Our aspiration is not just to maintain the success, but to grow significantly. And for that growth, we've partnered with Mantle. I'll let Grant talk a bit as well.
Hey, how's it going? Yeah, thanks for that, Wally. So my name is Grant. Well, my name is, I use my name Jeezy, because Grant does get a little confusing sometimes in this industry, but my actual name is Grant.
I come from the kind of Web2 games industry, published a lot of games, reached over 800 million players from around the world, looking to really build a similar kind of ecosystem of really fun and interactive games for the Mantle ecosystem to really get a lot of players to come in and enjoy as well.
And one of my biggest goals right now with the Mantle side is to make Web3 games a little bit more accessible.
It's not just the, you know, $2,000 NFTs that only players, you know, have to shill all out to play. It's also about, you know, the, I think it's also about the actual utility and the ability for all players to be able to enjoy the benefits of blockchain technology.
And so with that goal in mind, you know, we are, we recently announced and are establishing this partnership with Game of Life, one of the best teams in terms of reaching players from all around the world and gaining, I guess, traction, but also gaining the trust and the ability to really serve and provide fun game experiences to players everywhere.
So yeah, really looking forward to this partnership and to see where this goes.
So, you know, for us on the Game of Life side, you know, we've been talking with GZ for a while and the whole idea was for long-term collaboration that since we really in the next nine to 12 months, we really want a 10XR user base.
We want to really grow, have lots of users playing multiple times our games all over the world, which means that they need to have easy access.
They need to have, be on a chain, which is secure, a chain, which can actually handle the huge volume that we're looking to bring.
And Mantle Network is really strategically, it enables us to scale our operations and to match our growth plans, because your infrastructure, we believe, has the capability of supporting our vision, our continuous effort to innovate.
And furthermore, not just that we're bringing our users on board, we also believe that your existing user base can also benefit from playing our games and we can also benefit from getting them on board.
So it's kind of, for me, it's kind of a win-win from that point of view.
I think it's a very big part of what we're trying to do here is not just, you know, get a couple of just games on board.
I think it is about building that ecosystem and, you know, Game of Fly having on boarded so many users already has shown so much kind of background and, you know, shown the ability to do so.
So it's definitely a good sign for us, I think, and for Mantle's gaming ecosystem in the future to be able to have found such partners.
I have a question, maybe it's a bit on the technical side, but how does your technology, you know, enhance the gaming experience for Game of Fly, for our users, even for us, technologically on the back end?
Yeah, so I kind of put, I kind of actually choose about two specific things about this one.
The first is regarding the actual layer itself of like the technology itself.
Mantle is in Ethereum O2, meaning all our transactions are rolled up to the Ethereum kind of mainscape and are there to design to be able to, you know, put it on a chain where there's permanence, there's recognition.
People actually, when they see Ethereum, they know that these are going to be assets, whether it's NFTs or tokens, they're going to be assets that are recognized globally by, you know, people from all around the world.
And being able to really give that kind of support to, I think, Game of Fly, allowing Game of Fly's assets and all the NFTs tokens to be minted on the Ethereum network is definitely one of the major, I think, benefits of this partnership for the Game of Fly players.
They will be a lot more confident in the assets that they are obtaining, whether they're, you know, creating them through playing the game or buying them, that these value are recognized by a lot more players around the world.
And then number two is, while, you know, of course, writing onto Ethereum is something that should be expensive, but from the Mantle side, we have our own eigenlayer DA, which means while most other chains, the L2s are charging up to 30 cents or 40 cents per transaction, you can actually see on Mantle transaction fees are less than 10 cents per transaction on, and sometimes they can go even lower depending on the situation.
So I think these are probably the two major factors that we've been really considering or really excited about when trying to build this gaming ecosystem is, you know, the ability to really maintain, to bring everything onto Ethereum where everyone recognizes it, and the second is about the lower transaction fees for doing so.
On those points, you know, like, in terms of mass adoption to Web3, I feel that some of the main challenges are that it's expensive.
So getting mass adoption becomes difficult, and kind of with on Mantle, we feel that considering the value we want to bring in, it's more sustainable.
The fees are somewhat more reasonable, and as long as we're getting quality to users, quality transactions, it's something which also for our users is not exorbitant,
and it's something that can be managed, especially in the markets we are, right?
So we're, for Game & Fly, we are targeting primarily underserved markets, underserved sports.
So what we really identified about a year ago when we were really looking into this and figuring out how we can add value is looking at markets where, which have kind of been ignored on the Web3 side,
and we, with me having a sports background, sports and gaming, kind of figured out that this is where the niche is, where in terms of Web3 adoption, sports, which is the most followed activity in the world,
like about 3.5 billion people, 4 billion people almost are interested in sports.
And then gaming, on the other hand, again, with about 3.5, 4 billion user base, and being the first mover on Web3, and having actually a lot of utility.
Games in Web3, for example, if you're playing FIFA, or if you're playing any other games traditionally, you don't really own anything.
You go out, you buy upgrades, or on FIFA you buy cards, but then when the next version of FIFA, the football game comes out, that's it.
You need to buy a game, everything.
So you're actually renting.
You don't actually ever own anything.
While with Web3 gaming, you actually own.
So you're owning the assets,
the interoperability, which in our games, we are building interoperability.
You own something in one game, you can actually use it in another game.
If you're level 10 in our cricket game,
you can use that level 10 in our racing game as well.
Which, because of blockchain, is something that you can do.
And you own forever, even if these games
you own the Atheron blockchain.
So sports and gaming kind of became
And in underserved markets,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia,
we're a lot of our user bases for our games.
you know, it's not like the US,
where people have a high willingness to pay.
having lower fees really means that it's something which is sustainable for us.
we have lots of player cards.
You've got partnerships with
then we're selling their membership cards.
We're selling player card NFTs,
which actually have good value,
anywhere between $5 and $50.
that Mantle Network brings us
to the second part of your point,
that it's really something that I think
one of the things I think,
and I was hoping to actually ask you about,
in terms of the Web3 side,
has always been very close knit together.
it's very hard to separate these two.
the people really are aware of it
because of Axie Infinity,
because of CryptoKitties,
these kind of Web3 games.
the reason he thought of Ethereum
he was playing World of Warcraft
the server had a rollback
and he spent a very long time
on this very specific weapon,
which ended up getting erased
or getting taken away from him
and he felt that was extremely unfair
and he never really wanted
to see this happen again.
a lot of what's happening
that are trying to adopt,
or any normal game developer,
usually they're talking about,
creating these massive NFTs
trying to sell all these,
can be contributing gaming,
there is a lot more benefits
that can be put in there.
And developers right now,
underestimating the power
more developing countries
these underserved regions,
the value of these regions,
these things for these users
what was your motivation?
why did your team choose,
or to create your product
which is a very important
thing that you mentioned,
I'd love to talk about it.
you said missed opportunity,
my background is primarily
in things like ticketing,
When I go to watch a game,
I go to win the Super Bowl final,
the World Cup semi-final,
where something important
and there are many examples
I'm getting a collection.
I can start selling them.
But then the whole marketplace
something very interesting.
these underserved markets.
first markets, underserved
football first markets, I
may not have heard of the
Basically, anytime, you'll
profitability and able to
Do you guys have anything
other next steps that you
guys are playing that you
would like to share right
collaboration with Mantle
think it's something which
We think there's going to
the countries we are right
We're going to go then to
football-first countries as
going on this journey with
Will you be able to share a
little bit more about what
your current growth plans
I think right now you guys
active, unique daily active
Like, how are you going to
markets, so the markets we
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Saudi
UAE, we believe that even
ecosystem, it seems like there
And we believe that there are
mean, it's not like the Web3
No, it's the same people.
using, some aren't using.
We believe that, again, I'll
In Pakistan, we have maybe
So, we feel that just in that
market there's huge growth.
The same thing applies to
There is, we need to grow in
So, we're going to grow in
all these markets with, well,
Indonesia, our motorsports
In Pakistan, Bangladesh, the
Saudi UAE, also big diaspora of
We're going to start with the
We're going to launch the
football game, football, which
You know, Kishan Gronaldo is in
Saudi Arabia football is big.
So, our football game is really
to deeply penetrate the Middle
And then, with football, it can
be, there are many places to
But the next six months is
And we feel we can, we can
get to easily to 8 to 10x just
in these markets in terms of
user base in the next two to
And then we start expanding to
other markets out of Asia and
biggest apps, like, by far.
It's not even going to be
But that's the fundamental
That's the fundamental idea
example of Venezuela, right?
Why is Venezuela right now not
the biggest Web3 user base in
Everybody who earns money is
But then we say, so for me,
it seems, but maybe we call
it, there's, you know, the TVL
So the idea is to become, I
mean, I tell you, six months
ago when we were, not even six
months ago, in September, in
July, when we were at 15,000
UAW, we were saying by the end of
the year, we're going to 10x.
And it was, ah, you can't 10x.
That makes you one of the
We went from 20k UAW to right
So I think from here, 10x more
We have product market fit.
We know who the users are.
As we get new users, as we get
new, new product features, new
integrations, we keep talking to
And they tell us what to do.
They tell us what they want.
They tell us what's interesting.
So really, I think in collaboration
with our users, as we work
together with our customers, our
users, and as GZ mentioned, we,
you know, we give back as
So I think there are users that
are really helping us build
this, the biggest gap in the
world, which, as I mentioned
initially, is our fundamental
And we want to do this with you,
That's the reason we've come
with you, because I really feel
that growing bigger now is
into the infrastructure and
having a strong base is very,
I think, yeah, it is definitely
projects that we've been able to
work with so far when it comes to
And it just, you guys have a
You guys have those real users.
And I think you guys identified a
market that just makes a lot of
sense to scale the Web3 space.
you know, it's, you know, everyone
here in Web3 right now is talking
about mass adoption and like, or
feeling that projects are talking
about really mass adoption, but
that's really not true, right?
Like most of these projects, they're
getting about 50,000 to maybe like
And that's like the top projects.
And that's really nothing in the
You know, what games I've worked on,
we're getting up to like 5 million,
10 million daily active users.
And that's what, you know, actually
So, you know, seeing you guys be able
to get, you know, numbers to that
scale really gives me also a lot of
positive sentiments and forward
looking kind of like, I guess, hope
Yeah, I think, you know, you mentioned
a little while back that there were
some users asking some questions.
If you like, we can definitely also
try interacting with some of the
questions from the audience, if you
Yeah, I have a couple of questions.
But to your point, write that into the
I mean, look at PUBG and Free Fire.
Their daily active numbers are insane.
Their daily active is bigger than
You know, or YouTube has a billion
monthly active users, daily active.
So, I mean, we are really not anywhere
near mass adoption right now.
And I think everybody's figuring out
We have a hypothesis on one avenue of
mass adoption, which we are very
Regarding questions, somebody's asked
one of our groups, why cricket and not
Yeah, we started with cricket.
Well, we actually started with motor racing, which
worked in, again, Indonesia.
But really, we realized, as I said, these big, so cricket
is the Super Bowl, the highest.
I'll give you some contests on how big cricket is.
It's an ignored sport in terms of just games.
You've got NFL games, NBA games, racing games, football games.
You've got all these big, massive, huge games for sports.
But there is no real FIFA-level cricket game.
The Super Bowl, the highest ever global viewership numbers.
2016 or 2015 Super Bowl final had 154 million unique viewers.
Any, so that's the biggest Super Bowl.
Super Bowl, 32nd ad during Super Bowl final costs $5 to $7 million.
Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the world.
India-Pakistan cricket game.
Any India-Pakistan cricket game.
Usually they play in international tournaments.
But any India-Pakistan cricket game, on average, has 1 billion
So just to give you context on how big cricket is.
Just India-Pakistan-Bangladesh, which is 2 billion people.
Just under 2 billion, 1.8 billion.
They're the only sport they actually care about.
So it is this very, very big game which is completely ignored.
So if there is one game we have to go after where there is,
it's a blank canvas almost, it's cricket.
And then after that, the other one would be football.
Because that's, again, I think it's bigger than cricket globally.
But there's a lot of competition.
Yeah, so just on that, why cricket and not any other sport is out of it.
Yeah, I was pretty surprised by that.
So before working with Gamify, obviously we had to do some research
And it turns out, you know, cricket is, in terms of fans and global players
and actual cricket players, it's the second biggest sport just behind football
or soccer, depending on where you're from.
The problem is, is that cricket is a sport that isn't very popular
And I grew up in North America.
Also, it's not big in Europe, right?
It's only in the Commonwealth countries.
The Commonwealth countries were the British Commonwealth.
So that's, it's like 12 countries, 13 countries.
Yeah, but by far, in terms of actual users and fans,
it is the second biggest sport of all time, bigger than basketball,
I'm Canadian, so hockey always comes to mind.
Yeah, that's a very specific Canadian sport.
So like LeBron, I think, has 50, 60 million social media followers.
LeBron is, he's the goat.
But he's as close as you get to being the best in the world, adored, right?
Indian cricket captain has 400 million social media followers.
So it's, yeah, the number, because there's so many,
300 million, 400 million, 500 million in North America.
And there's billions in, you know, following Virat Kohli, the Indian captain.
So just, just, yes, the ARPUs are less, the spending power is less,
but the sheer volume is so high.
And that's kind of the sweet spot that we're looking for.
And with a background in sports and in football, but also cricket.
And my other co-founder who wasn't here today, Robert, Derek, sorry.
Derek's from Tencent Games.
He's done a lot of work in gaming.
So we really have a good mix of sports and gaming.
I have one more question somebody's asking regarding Mantle.
Somebody's asking that I'm new to Mantle chain.
How are the gas fees on Mantle chain?
And what are the security measures?
So, Mantle is, we are Ethereum L2.
And so our security is derived from Ethereum as well.
So, you know, our validators or nodes are very, very difficult to be hacked as,
unless, you know, Ethereum is, as we are deriving our security and everything from Ethereum.
But unlike other kind of Ethereum L2s, we do have our own DA.
It's called Eigenlayer, our own DA systems.
And this allows us to, by far, charge as low as gas fees.
We also do also basically have no margins on top of our L1 fees.
Meaning, if you guys look at, you know, the same transaction, which is on base or arbitrum or optimism,
you know, other L2s where they could cost up to $0.30 for transaction,
they are pretty stable and maintaining below about $0.10 for transaction on Mantle.
Now, with that being said, you know, it's, there is a pretty high cost for the Ethereum chain right now.
I think the transaction fees are almost like $3 or $4 on Ethereum.
So, we are, we are using an optimistic roll-up right now.
Although we may be considering switching to ZK next year,
where we're estimating gas fees to be less than a cent once we do so.
But, you know, that's still pretty far away.
So, I won't talk about that too much.
But, in terms of right now with our tech stack, we do have by far the lowest gas fees for any L2 out there.
And, you know, on one end, we do hope that to actually, we do hope to go to keep these gas fees low
to remove the friction and allow users to be able to really enjoy working with different assets
and, you know, working with on-chain elements.
But, at the same time, we do also see gas fees as a necessity for, you know, for Ethereum.
Because if Ethereum, gas fees start disappearing, that also means Ethereum is not recognized as much.
And that would also become a real big problem as well.
So, you know, gas fees is a necessity.
We'll definitely try to continuously find ways to roll up a little bit more,
to optimize our tech stack, to remove that friction even more for everyone.
But, yeah, right now we are pretty excited for, you know, what we are able to accomplish so far.
We've had a very good experience until now.
I think, yeah, this is a, I think in the industry in general, this is something which is, like I just said,
layer one is what's happening is a bit, I mean, we'll see where it goes.
But, overall, it's quite good.
One last question that I have is, will there be more partnerships like Islam by United?
Islam by United is a big cricket team we've partnered with.
And we're rolling out their memberships next month.
We've actually rolled out, you can get their player cards on our app.
So, you can buy their player cards, which you can use in-game.
So, they give you boosts in the game and they also give you chances during the World Cup,
which was happening to the World Cup in October and November.
With these, you get these player cards either by playing guess-and-win games,
you win the player cards, so you mint them or you buy them, and you make a team of 11 and you get a chance to get airdrops.
So, we did that and now we're launching the membership and this, talking before about,
I fundamentally believe that this is something where fan engagement by Web3 is going to have so much value
and actually get fans having an ability to really connect with the team and vice versa.
So, we have this one partnership, which is our pilot partnership,
and we're looking then after cricket to go also in football.
We're talking to a couple of American teams as well,
but we're collaborating with them on building the game first and when we build a game,
then let's say if we build a baseball game, then we partner with a baseball team
and in the whole game, you have the avatar of that team and the stadium is that team.
So, yeah, we're very excited and just the beginning.
So, I think, Jeezy, from my side, this is really it.
Just one last question I have for you, which somebody has posted,
that how is Mantle different from other chains?
I think with that, we can then close this.
I mean, you know, in terms of tech side, I don't want to go into too much detail.
I'm more of the head of gaming at Mantle,
so I'll definitely be focusing a little bit more on the gaming side.
Tech-wise, though, I do hear that we do have a pretty strong team.
So, if you guys have a chance, you can review our docs to see from, you know,
the technical stack what's different.
But from a gaming side, I think one of the biggest differences between Mantle
and most of the other larger L2s is that
we don't just want to go out and dedicate ourselves to poach or vampire attack,
you know, all these different Web3 gamers
and trying to poach all these projects onto our platform.
We want to actually be able to build and be part of the process
of seeing really amazing projects,
being able to upgrade their quality,
to be able to capture more users,
and to have the quality to be able to capture traditional gamers
from the traditional gaming space.
So, you know, in terms of the way that gaming ecosystems run,
whereas a lot of other chains, you know,
they're giving out grants like $100,000, $200,000 to each project
just for them to build onto their chain.
Mantle, we are actually looking to reserve a lot of our funds
to be able to support developers within the Mantle ecosystem
rather than trying to go out and poach.
And so recently we announced a program called Mantle Journey
where we're going to be deploying about $160 million U.S. dollars
worth of funds into the hands of users in the Mantle ecosystem
to interact with protocols
and then hands of developers to help them increase the quality
and the publishing capabilities of their projects and protocols.
You know, Gamefly is one of the teams
that will likely be receiving a very large portion
of their first season of Mantle Journey funds
because they are one of those projects
that are able to really, you know, utilize these funds
to be able to help improve, you know,
and gain the realized a very high ceiling of potential
for what they're trying to build.
And hopefully through this strategy like this,
we're able to really see the games on Mantle
really differentiate themselves
in terms of not just the, like,
not just because they have more users,
but because they actually have the quality
to attract real gamers and real users spending,
you know, actual, actually willing to spend money
into these games because they're enjoying it,
because they're having fun
and because of traditional means
rather than just a lot of, I guess,
that may not really be a sustainable way
to run, you know, these projects and games.
So hopefully through this strategy
and through kind of this method,
we'll see a lot of high-quality games
and provide a lot of high-quality experiences
We're very excited about Mantle Journey,
and I really think that it's about
growing the ecosystem, right?
It's like the more people come onto Web3,
even if it's other projects, other games,
we really feel that it's not a zero-sum game.
The pie is just going to get bigger
People don't play one game.
They play multiple games.
So once they're on Web3 playing games,
you start with some other game,
if it's a good quality project
you go to other projects.
So I really feel that, you know,
we're all basically working together
to build the ecosystem right now.
Mantle Journey is very exciting.
and spending some time with us
Would love to get feedback and comments,