AMA with Crypto Skyland - Party Planet

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 0:44:28





(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Hey everyone, let's just give it a bit more time until everyone is on. Thank you very much. I'll put some music until we set up everything.
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Alright, that time is 12-1. I think we could, we can start with everything if everyone's alright. Let me just do a quick my check. Lamar, are you here?
- My check, my check. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I can hear you fine. - Perfect. All right. Hello, hello, and welcome to all of our guests and listeners. Today I am your host. My name is Ricardo Dana, and I work as a program manager here at Caduceus.
We're quite closely with the community team to provide the best features and to bring onto the chain. So I just want to say that I'm delighted to be here and to be your host today and thank you all so much for joining. So now before we get started, I would like to say a special thank you to our fantastic guest, Lamar.
from crypto-skiland for attending this event. I really do appreciate your time and thank you so much for joining. Amazing. Well in case for those who are new here and just join us, allow me to give you a brief, a very short brief understanding and knowledge of what caduceus is.
So, Caduceus is a layer 1 blockchain dedicated to the metaverse development which offers up to 100,000 TPS, yes, 100,000 TPS which is quite immense when you look at other blockchains on our competitors. And on top of that we have almost nonexistent gas fees which is all
Powered by decentralized edge rendering. So it's a fantastic chain that has fantastic technologies behind to support the infrastructure. But to find out more and to go into greater depth of what caduceus is please do follow our social medias and other platforms and do join our community groups and look out for the latest news and updates.
And if you want a very comprehensive depth explanation, just go on our website and look at our white paper and you'll be able to read everything of what Cuduceus is and what it does. So today's AMA will be a metatalk with Crypto Skyland to talk about their project and the updates
our upcoming and other releases. So now then, Lamar, which is from Crypto Skyland, please if you could start off with a very short introduction about yourself and a bit more about Crypto Skyland as well for those that are new and may not know what Crypto Skyland is.
Of course, thank you so much, Ricki, thank you for the introduction. My name is Lamar, I am working on the community team at Crypto Skyland. If you haven't been in one of the spaces before, then a little brief introduction on Crypto Skyland. Crypto Skyland is a web through
of the Crypto Skyland universe as well as the main NFT land. Alongside we've also casted some high quality 3D avatars known as our Skytopium residents which are currently minting and these will be your trusty companions as you travel through the metaverse. Awesome, thank you so much, that was a great
introduction. I'm actually quite looking forward to finding out more of CryptoSkyland. I'm not really into the project but I've heard such good things about it and I'd love to know a bit more about what you guys are planning and be able to discuss a bit more if that's all right with you.
Yeah, of course, of course, you know, we've got plenty of time today, so I'm really excited to share with yourself and share with all the listeners today some really exciting news that we do have coming up in the next coming weeks. Fantastic. Yes, awesome. Well, we do have a few questions.
And I think we'd like to go and then maybe we can go a bit more off script and try to have a normal discussion what you guys are planning, what you are trying to do with everyone to really engage in a more in-depth connection if that's all right.
Sounds great. Sounds great. Awesome. Well, let's start with the question. So first off, my question is, what inspired the concept of party planet and what makes it different from other party games in the market right now?
Of course, that's a great question. So, you know, first of all, for people who are not aware, we do have a new game launching in the coming weeks called Party Planet. So Party Planet will be the first edition in crypto-Skyland. Now Party Planet is actually a series of party-style minigames.
Now we've taken inspiration from a lot of web 2 games as well as some classic movies as well, but to bring it on to the web 2 games we've taken a lot of inspiration from games such as Animal Crossing from Nintendo, you know a lot of you guys listening if you
from the same generation we are, you'll be quite familiar with the Nintendo game Animal Crossing. Now with Animal Crossing, you could build, you could learn, you could teach, however there weren't too many sort of side quests that you could do. So we decided that we wanted to bring you a sort of a new and fun way.
then a fun sort of inception of Animal Crossing. Now Party Planet will be initially for mini games and these mini games are actually your entry into Party Planet. So we'll have a free-to-play casual mode and the casual mode will be
For anyone who doesn't have a Skytopium resident NFT, you can come into the Crypto Skyland website and all you have to do is connect your wallet either on the CMP chain or the Ethereum chain and sign up with your email and it's as simple as that you can start playing in party planet whether it's versus the CPC
or versus some games, you will actually be able to start earning some in-game currency. Now, if you did want to be a bit more competitive and you wanted to re-maximise the rewards you can yield, what we would recommend is that you mint one of our Skytopium resident NFTs and these NFTs
actually grant new access tickets to our competitive mode. So the more games that you play and the more games that you win, the more tokens you're going to yield. Now as we progress throughout the year, we're going to be adding more games into our party planet ecosystem and a lot of these are going to be driven by community requests.
we're really aware that community is going to be the main driving factor of any successful Web 3 game. So yes, like I said, Party Planet has taken a lot of inspiration from classic party style Web 2 games, as we know that a lot of users, they do enjoy these style of games and in a lot
to entry, very easy to play and very fun and competitive at the same time. Amazing. I was trying to figure out why I was so familiar with CryptoSkyland and your NFTs and I was like I can feel like I know what this project is and when you mention Animal Crossing
I was on mute and that's when I picked it up and I was like oh my god. I remember playing Animal Crossing and I loved it and I'm so happy that you guys are not retraining but taking from that which was such a fantastic game back in my day when I was a bit younger and taking inspiration from that
and creating a web 3 project with those play to earn features and the NFT. And I think it's just so well done. Like this is really cool. I didn't know that actually. So quite cool. All right. Well, thank you for that explanation. That was actually great. I'm sure our listeners
were happy with that response. I do have around six more questions if that's all right with you. Of course, of course, far away. So my second question is how did you approach the testing phases of party planet and what were some of the key insights that you gained from it?
Yeah, of course. I mean, that's a great question. I think with any any good game web to all web 3 testing is going to be you know a really big factor That is going to determine whether your game is successful whether the user interface and the user experience are up to scratch as well. So we actually broke down our testing into
separate phases. So we had first of all our private phase which was where developers and core team members such as myself. We were actually testing the game with each other and versus the CPU. We were really trying to detect any bugs in the game and really trying to figure out if it was a fun game
then a game that we all wanted to stay playing for, you know, not just one game or two games, but, you know, maybe multiple hours really. And, you know, the first sort of version of any game is going to have a lot of bugs. So we tested that, we actually sorted out all the bugs that we found, and then we went back and
re-tested again in a private stage, the new updated version. So we actually went through quite a few volumes of party planning upgrades. I think we got up to about volume 6 before we went on to our next stage. And the next stage was actually rewarding our really loyal members and our OG community
members with beta testing slots. And what those beta testing slots allowed was the users who had been with us since day one or people who have actually, you know, really been giving a lot of feedback and been holding the flag high for crypto skyland to have that initial taste of what playing crypto skyland party planet would be like.
And what we allowed them to do was play with each other, play with us over the course of a week, and they actually got rewarded for detecting any bugs or giving any useful feedback that we could upgrade. So that was the second phase, and you know that was fantastic because community feedback
is going to be the number one thing that all gamefire projects need to keep their ears open to. So once we actually solved all of their community feedback issues, we uploaded another version which myself and the team have been making sure we're really looking at all the nooks and crannies of
party planet and finally it's actually going to be going live in a couple of weeks. So yeah, like I said, we had about three stages of beta testing before we could actually have the alpha ready and just because we're releasing the alpha, it doesn't mean it won't be updated. So it's going to be really easy to access through the website and there
will be always additions to Crypto Skyline. We're actually working on our next set of games. We've got our initial four games. Now we're actually testing our next set that's going to come out in the coming months as well. The community members are maybe even some of the listeners here. If you are a really active member of our community, you may be able to get early access to those
games. So we really did break it down into our developers, our team and our community and made sure all the feedback and all of the bugs were sorted before we do go live. This is great, Lamar. Thank you so much for that. And I wish I could have joined you guys into the beta testing. It sounds amazing. I would have
love to be able to have access to that. I guess next time I'll try to be next time you'll be able to. Definitely. I'll be sure to go on the community and be more active. That's for sure. You did mention, I completely agree with you about how important community feedback is and you did touch upon it on how you were able to take that
feedback. But could we go back a bit on that and go in a bit more depth on what kind of feedback you received from these playtesters during your phases of trials and how did you incorporate that feedback into the final product? Because as you've mentioned, community feedback is so important and when someone is heard,
I believe it gives them even more value and more motivation to push that project forward and ensure its success on their side. Of course, of course, I completely agree with you. So, I mean, we had our sort of basic feedback elements such as the user interface.
things to do with certain buttons that maybe needed to be updated or changed, volume, sound effects, all those sort of little bits that obviously they're small elements of the game but they make up the wider whole the whole game. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. However, we
also get some feedback on the gameplay experience as well. So unfortunately we don't live in a world where there's always going to be an even amount of players online and a lot of our games require an even amount of players. So with our football frenzy, it's a 2v2 football game.
Now, if you have three people online, maybe three friends that want to play, or maybe you have seven friends that want to play, there's always going to be that odd number out. So we thought, what is the best way to make sure that if there's an odd amount of people online, they're still going to have a great time playing. So obviously, CPU was going to be a really important thing.
and something that had to be really perfected to make sure that people would want to play even if they didn't have an even amount of friends online. So we did get some feedback with the CPU. We got some feedback basically saying that they wanted them to be a bit more interactive and different features for the CPU to be
able to incorporate into the game. So actually we're working on one of the biggest buzzwords in crypto at the moment, AI. And we're trying to incorporate AI into our CPU as well to make it actually more fun and less repetitive because in a lot of
two games, the CPU only really have a set amount of interactions that you can have with them and that's going to really limit the amount of time people want to spend on any game before they feel like I've been here and done this before. So what we've tried to do is actually make
sure that when you are playing maybe even just completely against the computer it's just as enjoyable as playing against friends. So I thought that was one of the main feedbacks that we did get and one of the biggest improvements we did make to party planet just so that if anyone wants to come in and play so low just earn by themselves that's going to be
you know, just as fun as earning with friends as well. And then of course we had other elements such as different gameplay styles, maybe integrating different characters into the game as well. So we actually will be able to integrate all of our Skytopian residents into the game and you
be able to upgrade their accessory packs as well as you do play more games. So if you log on to the game every day and if you play a game every day and win a game every day, your XP is going to increase to the point where you will start getting the wards back in the game and in the form of NFTs as well as tokens.
and these NFTs can be used in the game, popular games such as, I call it duty, GTA, Fortnite, they all have skins, being a fully customizable character is going to be so important as well, so we wanted to add an element of customization in the game as well, so there's a lot more but I think those are
two big ones that we really did make a change on in the beta testing phase. And if I've missed a part of your question, Ricardo, feel free to. I love that you guys are implementing AI features as well, especially for the CPU programs because it can't get a bit dull.
with the responses and the way you play with robotic machines. I myself as a gamer, sometimes I don't always have my friends online, some are working or I am working so when I'm available they aren't available so I always have to, I'm always the odd one left out and so what you guys are doing
them to avoid and remove that factor really entices me to want to game more alone or with other people. So it's really nice that you guys are taking into consideration all the gamers feedback as it has a lot of value and in the end it is your market consumer. So well done on that.
Thank you. Awesome. Well, to my next question, it is a bit different. You briefly touched upon some game modes before and I just want to know a bit more on them. So if you could walk us through some of the different game modes that you have in party planet and what players
can expect from each one and what they can do. Just a bit more details to give a bit more juice and sugar of what party panic can offer can be really interesting. So please, if you can share it with us some of course. Yeah. Yeah. So like I said, obviously we're going to release our initial fall.
and there will be new additions to party planet so you guys do need to make sure that you're following the Twitter in the discord as well as we always will be posting announcements but you know our initial games like I said first of all we actually started our party planet when the world cup went live and that was almost like a
sort of a part one of party planet. That was our first World Cup betting game. Now that is completely separate. However, we wanted to follow the football route as it was very popular and a lot of our audience globally are big football fans. So we've got football frenzy, a 2v2 football-placed game.
I think it will be based game sorry and basically you team up with a friend or team up with the CPU and it's whoever can score the most goals within three minutes will win essentially and the more goals you score the more games you play obviously the more XP and the more token you can actually yield. That's one of the games. We've also got mushroom madness.
So mushroom madness is going to be a game where you actually will need to match up some of the cards basically. It's almost like a memory game and you will get shown different images and the more images that you can correctly identify, obviously the more XP you're going to be able to yield.
And then on top of that as well, we have games like Candy Chaos. And Candy Chaos is a really fun game. You know, you have to run around catching the candy, the more candy that you catch, the more points you will actually make, and the more yield, broad you're going to yield, excuse me. Also, there are going to be sort of elements like bombs in there.
as well. So if you were to catch a bomb by accident, then obviously your XP is going to massively reduce as well. So we wanted to make a sort of not just in a way sort of catch candy and then gain XP. You need it to be a bit more competitive, a bit more fun, push your friends into bombs as well, make it a bit more funny
as well. And then there will be other elements of other games coming alongside, like I said as well. So you have to keep an eye on our Twitter, keep an eye on our Discord and on our website as well as they're always going to be updating and make sure you have party planet sort of ready to download as well as having your email plugged into the website and your wallet connection.
And then in the future as well, you know, we're going to be having our main metaverse, Skytopia going live. So that's going to have a whole other host of events that you can come and join in on and you'll be able to build to earn, learn to earn as well as playing to earn on party planet as well. Awesome. Thank you for that.
that. You keep mentioning a lot about the XP and how you can earn more XP. Can you just quickly sum up of what the XP does? Is there like a leaderboard? Does it provide you other things, different features? If you can give me a quick yeah, that'd be good. Of course, of course. So like any game, you know,
XP is what everyone sort of plays for. There will be daily weekly and monthly leaderboards. So, you know, it's going to be quite competitive and that will be in our competitive mode, mainly. So you'll get XP for logging in daily, very, very basic task. Everyone in this chat should be able to log into party planets
daily and earn XP that way. Then you'll be able to play one game a day. That's going to earn you XP. Playing three games a day is going to earn you XP and then the more games that you earn, you earn, you earn, you win, sorry, earn you XP as well. So that will actually be able to be transferred directly into DPM
which is the in-game currency of party planet and DPM is what you're going to be able to use to buy tickets to access our competitive mode. So like I said, you have our free-to-play casual mode but it's going to yield you far less rewards than our competitive mode and because
Because you can yield more rewards in our competitive mode, obviously we need sort of an access ticket for you to be able to just come in, not anyone can come in. So if you hold a SkyTodd PM resident, then you actually get initially a set of access tickets for our competitive mode. But if you do want to come in and you
keep playing and you keep playing and you're really dedicated to leveling up your character in crypto skyland. We will actually give you tickets to continue to yield more rewards. So the more time you spend playing competitively, essentially the longer you can play competitively and the longer you can continue to yield these rewards.
So, yes, there will be actually transferable for these competitive mode tickets. And then on top of that as well, you can trade that for our actual currency, which is flight processing unit. And flight processing unit is the main token in crypto skyland. And that will be what you'll be able to use in our main metaverse to build
to expand your land and to also upgrade your character as well. And flight processing unit will also be able to be easily transferred between any other token, whether it be a stable coin or a token from another meta versus ecosystem. So we'll get more into that sort of as we develop and later on
in the year but you know very exciting future for FPU and the tokens that you can gain from party planning. No I mean what you guys are doing is honestly phenomenal. There's just so many features that are so exciting and I'm getting a bit of formal I want to make sure that I can get my
the game as soon as possible and download party planet asap once it's available so it really sounds just so good and it's giving me a bit of back to my old time withdraws of animal crossing and other cool games and it's quite nice to be able to have this breath of fresh air of this new game
that isn't following the old traditional play to earn games that has this traditional infrastructure behind with real systems, with real features that have value to the game and provide you as well incentives from playing it. And it's just really nice to thank you for those explanations.
on that. Thank you. All right well next you touched upon the game modes. Now I want to know a bit more on what kind of the customization options are available in Party Planet and how do you allow or how do they allow players to make the game their own if that makes sense.
Yeah, of course, of course, like I said customization is a key factor in most games, you know personally I don't like to admit it, but you know, I've got an I've spent money on skins in a bunch of different games throughout my life and You know these skins in web 2 games actually didn't allow
me to get any more benefit, you know, a lot of them weren't actually sort of bi-to-win or anything like that. It was just a way of flexing in game and a lot of our community and a lot of the community in gaming, they do like to show their status through what skin they have or through what character
they've attained. So the longer that you play in party planet, obviously the more XP you can gain, like I've said in this call. Now the more XP that you can gain will actually allow you to unlock more accessories and the more accessories that you'll be able to lock will actually
mean that your character will be a higher level. So the highest level of character that we do have is our magic tutor and the magic tutor is not only going to allow you to basically yield more rewards in party planet but in our main metaverse as well it's going to allow you to help other users continue
to increase the status of their character as well so you're going to be able to teach to earn. So if you've actually spent a lot of time upgrading your character and maybe your friends completely new to party planning or new to crypto skyland, you know you're going to get rewarded for helping them level up as well and that's an element now
you don't really get in many games. It's very sort of self-driven and based on your own character, we wanted to implement basically an element of a community in the game. So like I said, community is going to be the biggest driving factor in any game. So why not make it a
point to help each other out and if you have reached your top level you know help other people reach the top level as well so the in-game customization like I said you can actually level up your character to the point of magic tutor where you're gonna be able to actually yield more rewards and help other characters but on top of that is
well you know you're going to be earning a lot of different skins which you can quickly trade in and out in party planet and change your character for different games and on top of that as well if you've minted more than one Skytopian resident you know you can use all of these Skytopian residents in game as well so a lot of people they do like
to have a collection or a set and we actually have a lot of community members who have minted nearly all of our Skytopian resident characters. Obviously it's completely random on what you do mint but these community members are actually so desiccated that they continue to mint, they continue to enter AMAs like today or giveaways
where they can mint the Skytopian residents and not only are they going to be able to yield more rewards with all of these residents, but they can actually choose which character they want to use in party planet. And that's very different from our casual mode, because in the casual mode you only get a selection of one character that you can use at the moment. We may add some
other sort of base characters that you can use. But the main thing that we want to see people is, you know, picking their favourite character, whether it be Goro, who is my favourite or Paco, you know, everyone has a different favourite character. So not only are you going to be able to switch between characters, but you can switch between what your character looks like and really make your character
to personal to yourself. Amazing. I think it's very nice that you guys have brought this element of tuturism or knowledge kind of like a master to be able to teach and then earn more from doing so. I love to be able to give my knowledge to my
friends on new games that I started, my failures or how they can jump start to get to a certain stage a lot quicker than I have. So by being able to earn more speeds in the game would just be a lot better as it could make me earn a bit more money from the future. So it's quite nice.
on that for sure and it is very very unique. I haven't seen a game whether it's Web 2 or Web 3 have that feature so it'll be interesting to see how the community reacts to that and how well that transforms the element of gaming and sharing that type of knowledge and experience in the game.
Yeah, definitely. Like I said, I mean, community is going to be a big thing in the metaverse and I've said it in many AMAs before. Without a community, you're not going to really have a metaverse. So, you know, why not actually build a great community to start with and, you know, really rise together.
So that is one of our biggest goals in the dressing room. I completely agree with you here, Lamar. Community has such a big impact and such a big element into the success, into making something enjoyable as well. So how you guys are targeting that is definitely, in my opinion, the right way.
So, on my next question, I have two more, so please do bear with me. Can you talk a bit more about any future plans for Party Planet? I know you said even though it will be launch, you'll have constant additional updates, additional features that you're bringing on, and could you also
tell me perhaps some upcoming dates or expansions that you guys are planning for party planet? Yeah of course. So like I said as party planet does continue to grow we'll add more game modes so you know we're gonna try and add at least one game mode every month or so obviously we don't
want to just continue adding game modes if they're not ready, so we will keep the community updated and we'll actually be asking for the community support to give us feedback constantly and actually be able to choose what games they would like to come up next, and if you hold a Skytopian resident you're going to get more voting power than
the average community member. So at the moment these Skytopian residents are actually free to mint, like I said in giveaways and in our sort of in game, our in Discord events as well. So they're really easy to mint and if you did want to mint on the caduceous chain is very low gas fees as well. So
I've actually been trying to do some transactions on Ethereum over the past week and I'm sure a lot of you are aware that the gas fees have been absolutely insane. I've been seeing gas fees of like $100 for a $10 transaction over the past couple of days. So if that's worrying you no problem, Caduceus is the place
to be minting your NFTs, very, very low gas fees and like Riccardo said, very, very quick transactions as well. Now with Party Planet, we actually will be going live from the 15th of May. So Monday the 15th of May, you can expect to see us all playing Party Planet and you'll actually be able to
be going against the team. So I'm going to be live streaming some games and we'll be doing giveaways throughout the week as well. So if you can beat me and if you're able to join a lobby that I happen to be and if you get quite lucky, then you know, if you do beat me in a game, you'll be rewarded and we're going to be doing some really really cool giveaways.
I won't disclose exactly what would be giving away in this AMA today, but don't worry, the closer that we get to party planet, you'll be hearing all about it. So not only will you be able to play against your friends, but you're going to be able to battle the team as well. Trust me, you're going to get rewarded for beating the team. So definitely
keep an eye on that because we will be live streaming games every single day. We're actually going to be doing a community vote to see what the best time to live stream these games are and when the most supporters can actually be online playing against each other. And like I said, as we sort of progressed through party planets,
addition to crypto skyland then yeah there'll be more games coming in every single month and like I said the community you know you really need to have a Skytopian resident ready to go because you're going to be able to have access to our competitive mode instantly rather than having to play you know a bike
of casual casual mode games and earning your XP over the course of the week. Have your Skytopium resident ready and you can actually get straight in the competitive mode from day one and start playing against myself and other members of the team to win a lot of prizes. So yes 15th of May, keep an eye on our
scored, keep an eye on our Twitter and you'll be able to see all of the updates on Party Planet. Like I said, live streams will be happening every day so that's going to be a really, really fun way to basically integrate the community into Party Planet. Awesome. Awesome. Well, our mission
To beat you I'm quite confident myself Okay, I just need to find myself a nice PC As I'm currently on my iPad and it's a very old iPad so I need to make sure I have a good one But once I do find one just don't be afraid, but I'll be coming at you and I'll be winning every day
I think it's very exciting. I'm sure everyone who's listening is quite excited to know as well that May 15 is the date that they should save to start
I'm playing. I have my own crypto resident, so I'm quite ready and set for that for sure. So excited to be able to make it to use. Cool. So we, I have one more question. And this one is quite simple.
It's directed towards you guys and CryptoScalin and what kind of audience do you think that party planning will appeal to and why I have my own personal opinion on that but obviously it's attracting me but I want to know what other plans you guys have or who do you think you'll be able to target other than people like me.
Yeah, yeah, I mean the target audience was something that we really did put a lot of thought into now with a lot of games obviously there can be quite a lot of barriers to entry dependent on the style of game it is so Unfortunately, there's a lot of
gender stereotypes when it does come to gaming. Obviously they're getting smaller and smaller as we progress in society which is great but we wanted to make sure there was no sort of age or gender barriers in party planets. So we wanted to make sure that, you know, both
men and women of all ages were able to come in and easily connect to our party planet website and make it very easy for anyone who maybe is not that familiar with crypto or blockchain gaming to come in and say, "Let me try this new
game that is going to allow me to, you know, earn tokens as I play. So, our target audience would be basically everyone that has an internet connection. Now, I say that and it's quite a broad range of people, but party
games have been very, very popular for many years. A lot of our parents actually, their first style of games that they did play were these platform games or party style games on maybe Sega Genesis and old Nintendo's and things like that.
And these new games which are like GTA or free roam games, Call of Duty, they can be quite confusing for a lot of people to play. However, you know, a game where it only requires you to use, you know, your arrow keys and maybe spacebar interbars as well. It's not too many buttons to
learn and they're quite easy to navigate as well. So, you know, while it's quite easy to navigate, the fact that you can earn and they are still fun and competitive, it allows all of our competitive gamers who, you know, they want to come in and they want to beat people to also play alongside people who are completely new to gaming.
and maybe don't have the necessary skills to be playing Call of Duty or GTA or whatever game it may be. So like I said, it's actually quite a wide range of target audience that we are aiming for and all ages as well. It's a cute game, it's very fun.
However, I know a lot of adults who do still play these sort of cute fun games, you know, I actually found my Nintendo DS about a month ago and I saw all the old games I had on it and I had to launch up Animal Crossing and I just remember how long I spent playing on it and then I ended up playing it for like a good hour and a half.
something. So, you know, the interest of all ages is still going to be there. So, you know, no matter who you are, no matter where you are in the world, there's going to be no barrier to entry. Everyone is always welcome to come in and play at a party planet and always, you know, I'm always up for a challenge as well. So if you think you can come in and beat me,
I'm always there. You are so lucky you found your Nintendo DS. I threw away mine because I was angry when I was I think 12. Actually I was 9. 9 or 10 and I wanted the new one and I was angry on my mom so I decided to throw it away.
and break it. And thinking she would buy me a new one. She never did. She taught me an important life lesson that I should take part in what I have and not be a spoiled threat. And here we are. I don't have my Nintendo DS. And I think that they cost quite a lot if I have to
buy an old one. So yeah, maybe in the future, once I make more money, I'll definitely buy a new one and launch it in the games. Well, at least the exciting part is that I'll have crypto Skyland now, which has the outs element that I used to have. So I'm excited for that for sure.
good great looks like the alarm went off I believe that's actually all the time we have for today but I just want to say thank you so much for being such a great guest on today's AMA I think you answered all of my questions
fantastically. Everything you've said is extremely exciting, extremely informative and I'm sure your community will be eager to be able to start playing on the 15th of May as I am. I'm quite grateful to have been your host today. I didn't know a lot about CryptoSky.
and it's quite new to me so all of this information that you've provided me is extremely exciting and I'm quite, quite, must say quite a fan of what you guys have built and I just want to say well done to you guys. It's an amazing game that you guys
have built and one that I'm sure will definitely do a lot of noise in the gaming communities. That's fantastic. Thank you again for having me. It's always a pleasure being on AMAs with you guys and you know I'm always happy to update any new and existing community members on CryptoSkyland and the exciting
We have building on Caduceus, which is such a fantastic chain. And guys, I've actually pinned in one of our tweets underneath in the chat section as well. So there's a short trailer here for party planets. So if you wanted to get a bit of a visualization of what I've been talking about today in a
short brief view of some of our party mini games that you're going to be playing on the 15th of May. Feel free to go in and check that out. It's going to be really, really fun and like I said, we're going to have new editions as well. So another reason why you should be following our Twitter because you're going to get updates on all of
our new games, updates, updates with our Skytopian residents as well and how to mint. It's been a pleasure to thank you so much for having me today and I really do hope to see everyone in this chat in the discord. All of our links are in our link tree and any questions that you do have,
free to always come in and you know drop me MSN. Thank you everyone for attending. If you haven't already please do remember to follow Crypto Skyland's socials and Twitter and follow their Discord as well. Press the notification bell and do make sure you don't miss out any
any information as Lamar said and make sure to join their community. You can join our community as well for the latest news and updates on Coduses and Crypto Skyland as we have a fantastic partnership agreed with each other and so don't forget to go check them out Crypto Skyland it's the next game
coming May 15th, you'll love it as I will, I'm sure. And we look forward to seeing you all on the next AMA and the next Metatalk. Have a great day everyone and thank you again Lamar for all of your knowledge and for Crypto Skyland. It's been a pleasure. Thank you guys. You take care. Bye.

FAQ on AMA with Crypto Skyland - Party Planet | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host of the podcast?
Ricardo Dana
What is Caduceus?
A layer 1 blockchain dedicated to metaverse development
How many TPS does Caduceus offer?
Up to 100,000 TPS
What is the main feature of Caduceus that sets it apart from competitors?
Almost non-existent gas fees
What is Crypto Skyland?
A web 3.0 platform dedicated to the Crypto Skyland universe and NFT land
What are Skytopium residents?
High-quality 3D avatars that will be minted and used as trusty companions while traveling through the Metaverse
What is Party Planet?
A series of party-style mini games that will be the first edition in Crypto Skyland
How can players access Party Planet without having a Skytopium resident NFT?
They can come into the Crypto Skyland website and connect their wallet and sign up with their email
What is the main driving factor of any successful web 3 game?
What inspired the concept of Party Planet?
Classic party-style web 2 games, particularly Animal Crossing from Nintendo